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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)


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"Who is Aung San Suu Kyi?" seemed really hard.


The show moves fast so we didn't have time to do more than shrug about it and say "Wha??" before the next question was up, but neither Mrs. Totale nor I had the slightest clue about what that question and answer was supposed to be.  I forget the question now (something about "just friends"?) but they might as well have been speaking Ukraine for all I knew.

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Thanks for the company in being clueless on that one, Totale and sugarbaker design. It's not in the archive yet, but I think it was in the "not what it seems" category and had something like "don't worry, sweetie, we're just friends" and mentioned Burma and possibly its National League for Democracy.


What is in the archive is Alex's description of OUT, -LET, which shows that he didn't quite explain it all:
"Each response will be two words; one word will have "L-E-T" at the end of it."

If Alex could have stopped his editorializing during the Homer category we might have been able to see that last clue. I wanted to see if I could go 5/5.

Mad cow disease as a DD was ridiculously easy. I mean, bovine was in the clue.

No one knew Nancy Reagan? How weird.

So "Aladdin" on Broadway is based on the movie? I think I want to see it, I saw a video of the Genie doing a tribute to Robin Williams during a show after Robin died and the Genie is AMAZING.

I got East India for FJ but stuck Trading Company on the end even though I knew that wasn't right.

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Ugh, no more John, please!

And of course today Alex needs a full name: Donatella Versace, because unlike Hall, Versace is such a common name.

I think that is my pet peeve on this show. They should be consistent and require first and last names whenever the answer is a name, in my opinion.

If Alex could have stopped his editorializing during the Homer category we might have been able to see that last clue. I wanted to see if I could go 5/5.

Mad cow disease as a DD was ridiculously easy. I mean, bovine was in the clue.

No one knew Nancy Reagan? How weird.

Yes, Yes, and Yes.


The worst is that Alex can't stop himself from explaining stuff instead of just moving on.

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So "Aladdin" on Broadway is based on the movie? I think I want to see it, I saw a video of the Genie doing a tribute to Robin Williams during a show after Robin died and the Genie is AMAZING.

I believe that actor won a Tony for his performance.


I'm glad Amanda won. She was impressive.


I thought it was pretty funny when John answered "What a maroon?" but that's exactly what came to my mind.


Oh, and the "Who is Aung San Suu Kyi" clue confused me too. I just deleted that ep from my DVR so I can't check it out again. 

It was a pretty good game, though Patricia's "let's try x for $Y" was driving me bonkers. And not to be shallow, but Amanda's dress was beautiful, to the point I found it almost distracting. I really wanted to get a look at it without the podium in the way.

So, yes, she was smart and fast and good on the buzzer, but that dress!

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Oh come on -- that Jeopardy round DD describing Shakespeare plays was ridiculously easy.  With the clue containing the words 'stabby' and 'March' -- there's only one answer.


Heck, I thought the clue for Titus Andronicus in the same category was tougher.


Despite finding all 3 Daily Doubles, Amanda is defeated (coming in 3rd) which I thought was surprising.

I missed yesterday's show, so I'll take people's word for it that Amanda was impressive. She didn't impress today; I could not believe she thought Forrest Gump was a lawyer with AIDS!


I didn't think FJ was that difficult. Byron wasn't a bad guess, but as a Greek, I know that he died in the Greek War for Independence and so Italy isn't the most logical burial place for him. 

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As soon as they were triple stumped on Rooster Cogburn I noted how young they all were! There was a guy a few years ago that had an Amanda showing: huge first day, followed by a flame-out the second, and it is all about lucking into the right (or wrong) categories if you don't have a breadth of knowledge. I guessed Byron for FJ, but Keats had crossed my mind. I was annoyed that it took them so many tries to come up with a bend in a river, and then they gave middle guy "curve".

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I missed yesterday's show, so I'll take people's word for it that Amanda was impressive. She didn't impress today; I could not believe she thought Forrest Gump was a lawyer with AIDS!

I thought it was the world's worst guess too, although if I want to be generous, I will say it's possible she read the clue too fast and only zeroed in on "Tom Hanks" and "AIDS." At least there was a character with AIDS in Forrest Gump.

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You know, that's a badly written clue.  Its still the second song heard in the show in 2015.  It should have been "Iowa Stubborn" was the second song heard in this 1957 show.   Here's more useless trivia - its actually the first sung number - the first song is spoken.


No such thing as useless trivia on a Jeopardy thread! You gotta know the territory, after all.


Is it well known that Florida is so even?  I guessed Louisiana, thinking it was as low all over as at the Gulf of Mexico.


I'm from Louisiana, and it is pretty flat all over, so I knew we were in the running, but I think our highest point gets past the 500 foot mark. Florida does have a reputation for being flat. I remember a news item from a few years ago about a wildfire there being especially hard to put out because of the flatness.


I thought Friday's FJ question was pretty hard. I didn't know Keats had any connection Italy. The "young" thing maybe should've clued me in, though. He is known for having died early.

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I don't think they should have given him curve.

Neither do I, but I thought "crook" was even worse and couldn't believe they gave it to him.


Re FJ, I first thought Byron, briefly thought of Oscar Wilde although I think he's considered a playwright more than a poet, plus buried in Paris, not Rome, then went with Keats but with a question mark.


To be honest, I couldn't remember Rooster Cogburn's name either and I'm plenty old enough to remember the John Wayne movie; plus I've watched it.

Edited by Trey

Nicholas was pretty impressive considering that Leah found all 3 DDs in the game.


I had no clue on FJ -- one company sold books and the other sold chamberpots, but nothing in that clue pointed me to auction houses because I also guessed Harrod's as half the answer.

Leah really squandered those DD's by betting so conservatively. Did she even bet the value of the clues? I guess you could argue that she also kept the others from finding them (think Arthur Chu), but she came across as timid rather than strategic.


I had no idea about FJ either. I kept trying to think of famous British bookstores.

I liked Leah. She had a charming reaction to things at various times, and her smile was lovely. But, yeah, she was too timid betting. 


I got FJ. I think the "scarce and valuable books" led me to auction houses. I immediately came up with Sotheby's, then took a few seconds to get to Christie's. I did wonder if they were both British. Isn't there a famous auction house in NYC?

  • Love 1
But then they made it too easy by giving you the country in every clue.



Seriously, the clue was enough, you didn't need the anagram.


she was too timid betting.



My biggest pet peeve on Jeopardy!  She got at least two correct but won minimal cash.  At one point she had $5k plus and bet only $1200!  The clue was in the $2K slot, at least bet that much!  I couldn't help but think of her total before FJ had she been more of an aggressive player.  Are you here to win or what???

Edited by sugarbaker design


I thought Friday's FJ question was pretty hard. I didn't know Keats had any connection Italy. The "young" thing maybe should've clued me in, though. He is known for having died early.

I only knew that Keats had spent time in Rome because an episode of the Amazing Race referenced him having lived near the Spanish Steps; I wasn't sure whether or not he died there.  Still, while I knew that Shelley had died in Italy, I was pretty sure that he was nowhere near Rome when he died.  So Keats was my lucky guess.


Nicholas was pretty impressive considering that Leah found all 3 DDs in the game.


I had no clue on FJ -- one company sold books and the other sold chamberpots, but nothing in that clue pointed me to auction houses because I also guessed Harrod's as half the answer.

I started with trying to think of what company might sell such different things, which made me say "auction house", and since Christie's and Sotheby's are the biggest auction houses in the world, they seemed obvious to me.  But it probably helps that I went to a couple of art auctions when I was studying in London.  At a different auction house, but still, kept the idea in my little gray cells.

My biggest pet peeve on Jeopardy!  She got at least two correct but won minimal cash.  At one point she had $5k plus and bet only $1200!  The clue was in the $2K slot, at least bet that much!  I couldn't help but think of her total before FJ had she been more of an aggressive player.  Are you here to win or what???


There's nothing worse on this show than new contestants who seem to be playing for 2nd or 3rd place out of the gate instead of trying to take down the returning champ, or at the least make the show entertaining by at least making the attempt to insure that FJ isn't a runaway.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

There's nothing worse on this show than new contestants who seem to be playing for 2nd or 3rd place out of the gate instead of trying to take down the returning champ, or at the least make the show entertaining by at lest making the attempt to insure that FJ isn't a runaway.

I don't entirely disagree with you, but I seem to remember that her last DD was in a category which would've been a real stinker for me; had I been betting on that one, I probably wouldn't have wagered much either, in the vague hope that FJ would be great for me and bad for the champion.  Which in the case of last night's game, would've been the way to go for me.

Edited by proserpina65

Poor FJ strategy by the returning champ. He should have bet $0 - then the worst that would happen, if the middle guy tied him (which he did), was that they would both come back tomorrow. He had nothing to gain from trying to break the potential tie and earn more. Silly.

Ties are no longer allowed. Anyone who ties now will have a toss-up question to determine the winner.

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I was impressed with Alex's restraint. I'm sure he wanted to run over and shake Rebeca. She drove me nuts. Pay attention, Ditzy!

And, once again, they didn't clear the board. This bugs me more than it should.

The new champ certainly is timid.

Guessed Charlemagne for FJ, even though I knew I was totally wrong and off by a few centuries.

I always thought contestants had to answer with "What is" preceding their answer, but Ditzy Rebeca was allowed to say "Is it".


I thought it just had to be the form of a question, no matter how it's phrased.  Which could lead to the potential nightmare of "Who is Greenland?" or "How about Oscar Wilde?"  At which point I would theoretically rip my ears off. (And then look up the contestant who did such a thing and hunt them down and yell at them.  Hey, I'm a Scorpio, it happens.)

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 9
Ties are no longer allowed. Anyone who ties now will have a toss-up question to determine the winner.


I was not aware of this. I did a quick Google and found some speculation about it back in November, but missed the announcement that the rules had been changed.

Is it a cost-cutting thing (not having to pay out prize money twice)?


Rebecca's game was actually not bad once she got past that unfortunate DD where she forgot the category. It is perfectly within the rules to say "Is it...?" or "Who is Greenland?" But yeah, I was rooting against her too. She must teach the very young; it's generally those teachers who adopt the perpetually chirpy "cowsie-wowsie" manner.

Titanic wasn't even released in 94. I do not know WHAT she was thinking, especially since she had already flubbed the category once.

I wish I could remember the answer that the new champ gave that Alex was like "eh, we'll allow it" because at the time I said to the hubs that they two weren't interchangeable. I'm drawing a blank.

I couldn't really enjoy this game. I was too busy yelling at that ditzy contestant to pick the next clue and stop editorializing. Good grief, she was really grating my nerves.

I'm sure she's lovely and even fun in real life, but I like my Jeopardy contestants a little more serious and a lot less chatty.

I was happy she didn't win.

  • Love 2
Titanic wasn't even released in 94. I do not know WHAT she was thinking


Worse, the clue actually said 1984.


She made my head hurt. And she had the added strike of doing that thing where she has to drag out the full category name every single time she's up - so of course they run out of time.


Ties are no longer allowed. Anyone who ties now will have a toss-up question to determine the winner.


Really? I know they do tie-breakers in tournaments, but I hadn't heard they were now doing that in the regular shows. Is that new this year?

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