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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)


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Very exciting game!


I thought the FJ clue was confusing and couldn't wrap my head around what they were asking for. Did the actor win two Oscars for two movies, is that what it meant?


I agree, it was a little clunky. On two separate occasions, the actor won the Best Actor Oscar, for a movie which also won Best Picture. So Daniel Day-Lewis has three Oscars, but they are for movies that didn't win Best Picture, so he couldn't be the answer. Clear as mud?

A Taste of Honey and Savoy Truffle both TS? Damn, I feel old.

When she said today that her kids have gone to college and keep coming back (hence "retired homemaker"), I was gobsmacked. She looks like she's just out of college herself!

She's had work done.


Boy, I'll say.  I give her credit for betting it all, but there's something about her that just rubs me the wrong way.  I really don't like the "retired homemaker" thing, even with the clarification.  I was sorry Brian didn't win.

Yeah, there's something about her demeanor I don't like either. It may partly be her frozen face. And the retired homemaker thing grates.

I was screaming "son of a bitch!" at the TV. I wanted Brian to win, too.

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For FJ I said Jack Nicholson and was absolutely convinced I was right. Don't you hate when that happens.

Same here. Especially since I said it with such conviction while watching with my husband, and whoever gets FJ has gloating rights for the rest of the evening. (Good thing he didn't get the answer, either.)

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My guess was DeNiro and I was obviously wrong. LOL!!! The winner is a rather emotionless winner. I've seen her win twice and she scares the crap out of me. I think Alex was trying his darnedest to praise her win(s) and, she isn't biting. That said, that was a gutsy wager that amazingly paid off. I guess she figured he was going to try and double his wager or just under. Of course, I would never have guessed (nor he) that it would be by $1. I'm still not sure how she came to the conclusion to do it. Hopefully, tomorrow she'll be a little happier. She is the anti -Julia

Edited by ByaNose
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I had Dustin Hoffman and was quite pleased with myself. Oscars is not my best category. Initially I thought of Tom Hanks but quickly moved on since they'd just mentioned him.

While I liked Brian, I can't feel too sorry for someone who has a chance to put the game away and only wagered $700. Maybe he wasn't comfortable with the category, but I like big bets (and I cannot lie).

The current champ doesn't bother me at all. I haven't been annoyed with a contestant since that guy that sighed and groaned the entire episode.

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She is the anti -Julia

I don't find her humorless. I actually think she has a sense of humor, hence the retired homemaker moniker. Some may not find it funny, but I think that she thinks it's funny. And I go back to her Hitler story. Granted, not everyone liked it, although I thought it was funny. I think she has the kind of humor that people either get or don't get.

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Tonight was my introduction to Christine, and nothing about her comportment bothered me.  To the contrary, I thought she carried herself well (and played a good game -- what a fantastic play on that final DD, especially after Brian made such a boneheaded wager on his).


I loved the "within the sciences" category and ran it.  But I was just as iffy as the contestants with the islands category.


"Shire" was quite overvalued.  I also thought much of the best sellers category was too easy for DJ.


How did no one get Swarovski once Waterford was ruled out?


I'm pretty good with Oscar history (although I'm worse with recent years), so I knew both possible answers for FJ.  Brando came to me quickly, but Hoffman took a bit longer.  Leonardo DiCaprio seemed an odd guess (I had no idea there was some internet meme, but he never would have entered my mind).

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Yeah I got Marlon Brando right away. Dustin Hoffman was hovering in my mind, but since I got the one answer, I didn't bother putting any more thought into it. :p 


Oh, and I didn't think the clue was confusing.


I let out a big gasp when it was revealed that Brian lost. Wow.


The Wedgwood DD was ridiculous. The whole Seven Dwarfs category was also ridiculous.


I was surprised no one knew Chicago was know as the City of Big Shoulders.


BTW, when Jennifer and Christine each revealed their incorrect FJ answers, how did Alex have the facts about the actors at the ready? I can't believe that he actually knows that info. Does he have an earbud where someone backstage tells him facts as they google?

  • Love 1

I thought the FJ clue was confusing and couldn't wrap my head around what they were asking for. Did the actor win two Oscars for two movies, is that what it meant?


I knew what they were looking for with FJ, but I spent so much time trying to figure out why it was asked that I couldn't even begin thinking about the answers. It seemed like a stretch to me to make a "factoid" out of that.


How did no one get Swarovski once Waterford was ruled out?


Me on my couch: "The other crystal company! The one that starts with 'S'!"  The name did come to me in time to pronounce it along with Alex though.


I was surprised no one knew Chicago was know as the City of Big Shoulders.


Carl Sandburg would be so sad.


I like Christine. I mean, she can be a bit off-putting, but she's a fair player, and has so far made for a couple of pretty exciting games. As long as she stays away from throwing out wild guesses like Will, I'll be on her side.  And "Retired Homemaker" makes me think of the "Aspiring Student" from a year or so ago, which was also hilarious to me.


I was rooting for Brian, but he made some questionable moves, so I'm not too cut up about his loss.

Edited by Lois Sandborne
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I think what I like about Christine is her gutsy DD wagers. I know there's strategy to not wagering a lot on a DD, particularly if you're just trying to ensure your opponents don't get them, but I really hate timid wagering. Of course, I'm speaking as a viewer. If I ever do make the show, my wagering would be dictated by the category.


I know it was mentioned previously, but I don't know if it was ever confirmed. Have they really outlawed ties on Jeopardy?

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What a weird game.  They left a lot of money on the board, especially in DJ, had some baffling (to me) TSs - Sir Richard Burton, really? - and then for one contestant to bet just enough to beat the champ by one dollar if she bet all of her total and get it wrong?  A wild ride, there.


As for the FJ: for a category in which I'm usually very good (Oscars) and for which I would've bet everything, I was stumped until it was too late.  I thought of Tom Hanks but knew that Philadelphia hadn't won Best Picture, as was also the case for all of Daniel Day-Lewis' wins, so I knew he wasn't right either.  I hit on Spencer Tracy, but then wasn't sure.  Then I went through Al Pacino, who I knew only had one Oscar, which at least lead me to The Godfather and Marlon Brando, but then I couldn't remember the other film for which he'd won (On The Waterfront).  I probably should've just guessed Brando, but I'd have been out of time by then anyway.


{edited to note that, upon checking J! Archive, they didn't actually leave as many clues on the board as I thought - must've been confused due to the Amber Alert warning taking up half the screen at the beginning of DJ, blocking my view of the board and causing the sound to mute for some reason}

Edited by proserpina65
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How did no one get Swarovski once Waterford was ruled out?

I knew it but I wouldn't be sure if I could actually pronounce it correctly.


I didn't understand the FJ at all - I thought it just had to be for an actor who won best actor while the picture also won best picture.  Somehow I missed the part where it happened twice.

The Wedgwood DD was ridiculous. The whole Seven Dwarfs category was also ridiculous.

I was surprised no one knew Chicago was know as the City of Big Shoulders.



Isn't the plural of dwarf dwarves?


I never heard of The City of Big Shoulders, but after this episode aired I started reading the biography The Secret Historian and it mentions Chicago:  The City of Big Shoulders.  I was one day late!


I didn't understand the FJ at all - I thought it just had to be for an actor who won best actor while the picture also won best picture.  Somehow I missed the part where it happened twice.



With a little tweaking the clue could've been much more clear.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Re Swarovrski:

That one surprised the hell out of me.  You'd think at least one of the other contestants would've guessed it.  Though I would've gotten it wrong because I always get the placement of the 'w' and the 'v' mixed up.  But at least I knew which company.

Me too. And now I always think of the SNL skit where the porn actresses are selling it:




Isn't the plural of dwarf dwarves?


Either is acceptable.

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 5

Never heard of Wedgewood--really? It's interesting how everyone has different exposure to different stuff--like I said, I'm just about clueless on Swarovski and lots of other stuff as well!


I've read articles about Josiah Wedgewood (he was really the first manufacturer to market effectively to the rising upper middle class in Georgian England) as well as walked through a Wedgewood store or two, gazing longingly at the pieces I couldn't afford. There's even a great episode of Time Team (British archaeology program) which tried to find the foundations of Wedgewood's first factory in Burslem-on-Trent and also gave lots of great information on the man, his manufacturing process, and marketing techniques (it's on YouTube, just look for Time Team Burslem).

  • Love 2

I did get Swarovski, but also think of it mostly as tiny little crystals on brooches and stuff.


I do, too, but the piece they showed didn't much look like Waterford, so I figured it had to be Swarovski.  And then once Waterford was ruled out, I knew that was it.  (Not that there are only two crystal manufacturers in the world, but there are only so many J! is going to ask about, and it didn't look at all like Baccarat.)  Had I been a contestant, I wouldn't have rung in initially, but after Waterford was off the table, I would have figured it easy money to ring in with Swarovski.  So I was surprised neither of them did.

Edited by Bastet
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I don't have much interest in these things, so although I've heard of Wedgwood I wouldn't know it from Tupperware by sight, and I'd never heard of the crystal maker.


The guy who was ahead should have gone for the tie.  It might have stung to accept the split championship but he would have played the next day and judging from past performance there's a good chance he would have beaten the great stoneface (sorry, not Virginia O'Brien) in the rematch.

I couldn't drag Wedgwood from my brain.  I stammered "that thing ahhhh I know this ahhh" a lot trying to pull it from memory. 


I went with Tom Hanks thinking that Philadelphia won for best picture.  A: wasn't even nominated.  B: would have been up against Schindler's List.  Oops. 


I like Christine's gameplay because she understands strategy enough to know how to play to win.  She maximized her odds at winning with the 0 bet, and I appreciate that she realized that.  It'll be really interesting to see how the tie-breaker system impacts betting, and whether the "go for the tie and hope to win the tie-breaker" strategy becomes the norm or the "always go for the win" strategy prevails.

I know it was mentioned previously, but I don't know if it was ever confirmed. Have they really outlawed ties on Jeopardy?

It's as confirmed as it's going to get until it happens on the show.


The guy who was ahead should have gone for the tie.  It might have stung to accept the split championship but he would have played the next day and judging from past performance there's a good chance he would have beaten the great stoneface (sorry, not Virginia O'Brien) in the rematch.

He bet to win because if they had tied there would have been a tie-breaker question (new-ish rule that hasn't had to be enforced yet), and apparently he wanted to avoid that.


It'll be really interesting to see how the tie-breaker system impacts betting, and whether the "go for the tie and hope to win the tie-breaker" strategy becomes the norm or the "always go for the win" strategy prevails.

So far it seems people are betting to win. I think betting to tie would make sense if you were not at all confident in the FJ category, because I assume the tie-breaker question would be from a different category (as it has been in the past). If I had twice the score of the 2nd place contestant heading into FJ and the category was "The Bible," a very weak area for me, I would bet $0 and hope to win the tie-breaker.


Swarovski also makes binoculars.

That $1000 clue for the 'Yes, Virginia' category where they showed two states that formerly bordered Virginia before West Virginia was formed .... was a Teen tournament clue at best, and certainly not a $1000 clue.  If they hadn't provided the picture, I would have said it was a $600 clue at best for the adult version.


Lot of wrong answers in the Jeopardy round, producing really low totals going into the DJ round, though they made a decent recovery by the end of DJ.


What the hell ?   Why did Alex push for Richard Leakey's first name today, and ended up scoring Christine incorrectly when pushed for more information but didn't require the same thing for Unser yesterday ?  If it's because Louis and Mary had more than one son, which they did, but there were three Unser brothers.


And Christine's luck plays out, ending in 3rd with $1.  Congrats to new champ Marissa, but I think she won't last long.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Heh. "Jennifer Biel." Brain farts are funny.

Jennifer Beals was Flashdance.  Jennifer Grey was Dirty Dancing.


What the hell ?   Why did Alex push for Richard Leakey's first name today, and ended up scoring Christine incorrectly when pushed for more information but didn't require the same thing for Unser yesterday ?  If it's because Louis and Mary had more than one son, which they did, but there were three Unser brothers.

And we said the exact same thing!  Way to be consistent, show.

Edited by The Wild Sow

Carnegie Hall a TS?

I hate to admit it, but I've never heard of the FJ answer.

Funny how the "it was before your time" younguns avoided the 1980s Cinema category like the plague.

The Great Stoneface (thanks Totale) didn't get a chance to bet big on a DD today.

I hate when the contestants avoid a category I know I'll probably be able to run. It happens a lot with sports categories. I was surprised they avoided the movie category. Christine has to be older than I am, so it certainly wasn't before her time! I don't know about the other two.

I always root for contestants from Philly, so I was happy with the winner. I've never heard of that poem, though. She missed Linus Pauling, which I thought was really easy. So I guess we're even.

Edited by teebax

Does anyone remember the question from yesterday about margaritas? I could have sworn they asked for the name of the concoction and the guy said Margaritaville and Alex ruled it correct. I think I got FJ. I picked Jack Nicholson but we had a News Bulletin here that came on so I dIdn't get to hear all the names.

I'm glad Christine is gone. She was creepy and that story about Hitler's birthday...jeeze. Save it for smaller group. Actually for me I say don't tell it at all.

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