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RHoNJ in the Media: Paparazzi Whore!

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1 hour ago, esco1822 said:

This picture is hilarious.  I'm not sure what exactly they think they are doing but they are certainly not playing chess. We are not fooled Gorgas! melissa-joe-gorga-jamaica-06.jpg

I'm pretty sure that even when they combine their IQs, they're not smart enough to play chess. Is there any proof yet that JoGo is actually literate?

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I don't really think Teresa has any right to get all indignant about the questions and demand privacy at this point.  If you do a tv show that airs your phone calls home from prison, you film your homecoming from prison, have released a book about your prison experience and are doing tabloid article after tabloid article about how you are readjusting to life after prison and what life is like with your husband away in prison, well, I kind of think you put those topics in play for questions.  

  • Love 13
20 hours ago, qtpye said:

She should also remember that this show is the only real source of income they have.  It seems from that non interview she still blames being on the show as the reason they got caught.

My sentiments exactly. And if that's what she meant, thank goodness for the show! At least a few victims saw some recompense. And have now seen their thieving asses in prison.

From the article:

"Everything that happened to me, being in the public eye, unfortunately made it worse for me," she added. "And I feel like if I wasn't in the public eye, who knows what would have happened. Unfortunately when I first got into this, I didn't know all of this was going to happen, and I got into it for fun, not to be scrutinized, and to be jabbed at, to be under a microscope. Like, I didn't know anybody in Hollywood or California, I mean I grew up in Jersey! So I didn't know about any of this. So I really got into it blindly and I was very naive."

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I love the "I didn't know anybody in Hollywood or California, I mean I grew up in Jersey!"  I grew up in Jersey too, and oddly enough, I know people who live in many, many different states.  I feel like that is what happens to most adults, you grow up, graduate high school, people scatter off to college, get jobs, relocate, etc.  So, now I know people who live all over.  

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On July 14, 2016 at 4:25 PM, esco1822 said:

This picture is hilarious.  I'm not sure what exactly they think they are doing but they are certainly not playing chess. We are not fooled Gorgas! melissa-joe-gorga-jamaica-06.jpg

Can't tell for sure but is white (Melissa) actually advancing their King into the fray for a checkmate? 

I'm guessing this has to be a selfie/IG moment more than anything.

Edited by NewDigs
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On 7/14/2016 at 4:25 PM, esco1822 said:

This picture is hilarious.  I'm not sure what exactly they think they are doing but they are certainly not playing chess. We are not fooled Gorgas! melissa-joe-gorga-jamaica-06.jpg

I'm sure Joe was making another one of his sex similes. "You see this king here, Melissa? Far away from his queen? That's like me when you go to work."

  • Love 7
On 7/14/2016 at 5:35 PM, ElsbethTascioni said:

I'm pretty sure that even when they combine their IQs, they're not smart enough to play chess.

I doubt they can spell 'chess'.  

As for Teresa walking out on the interview, I would love to ask her some real questions, where it was if you don't answer, you don't get paid.  Like how do you think you're so innocent when you scammed people out of millions?  How do you have such balls?  Did you ever hear the saying money can't buy you class?  Never truer with you.  You are tacky but act like you are such a lady.  Why don't you ever take responsibility for your actions?  When are you going to pay back all the money you owe people?  How can you sleep at night?  What will you do when Joe does get deported?  Why didn't you start a college fund for your precious daughters, even with all the money you stole you couldn't set up a fund for them?

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On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 0:06 PM, NewDigs said:

My sentiments exactly. And if that's what she meant, thank goodness for the show! At least a few victims saw some recompense. And have now seen their thieving asses in prison.

From the article:

"Everything that happened to me, being in the public eye, unfortunately made it worse for me," she added. "And I feel like if I wasn't in the public eye, who knows what would have happened. Unfortunately when I first got into this, I didn't know all of this was going to happen, and I got into it for fun, not to be scrutinized, and to be jabbed at, to be under a microscope. Like, I didn't know anybody in Hollywood or California, I mean I grew up in Jersey! So I didn't know about any of this. So I really got into it blindly and I was very naive."

Easy solution, if you doesn't want to be scrutinized (I seriously doubt she used that word), jabbed at, put under a microscope, get off the show and live a private life within your means. Easy Peasy!

  • Love 5

I get that Siggy is an overbearing mom, but this Instagram post about Josh was more like a girl with a crush than anything else ("infatuation on the highest level" complete with 7 kissing emojis). And she really should watch RHOC for tips on what happens when you show up to your kid's dorm room/campus apartment unannounced. (Michael's face when Vicki showed up at U. Colorado with a case of beer, yelping "whoo HOO!" still remains one of my favorite moments from that franchise.)

Edited by archer1267
3 hours ago, Pickles said:

Daily Mail has an article about the reunion. Theresa blames Jaclyn and Caroline Manzo for her imprisonment (and Joe's too). Sorry, I don't know how to link articles. 

I didn't see that one, but there's this: 


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On ‎10‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 8:52 AM, ginger90 said:

It's declarations like this that show Theresa's stupidity and failure to accept responsibility for what she and Joe did. Deep down they will never take responsibility . I just hope she and Joe pay through the nose settling debt and are denied credit for the rest of their life. If Bravo wants to be the monetary source of restitution so be it.

  • Love 7

So, one of Siggy's custom closets is larger than my first apartment. I get it, I know that humungous closets are a hallmark of HWs. But for someone who walks around talking in self-help platitudes, I've got to wonder if she needs 35 dresses from the same designer ($700 a pop) and over 200 pairs of shoes (including $10,000 worth of YSL). I remember Dina telling Lexy not to buy stuff out of boredom and wonder if Siggy's trying to fill some void in her life. Or maybe I'm overanalyzing. I know she referenced her husband's bankruptcy and I thought usually people are more frugal afterwards, but Sigster seems to be fond of spending like there's no tomorrow. I can't help but think that matchmaking doesn't pay that well.

The big story out there is that Dina confirms Jacqueline hit Carolyn in the face.  I believe this came out at the Season 1 Reunion.  Don't get the newsworthiness of the headline.  The re-revelation came from the Heather McDonald Juicy Scoop podcast .  I thought I would give it a listen-long podcast 1:23 minutes with a part 2 to follow.

Heather McDonald had Dina on her Juicy Scoop podcast.  It will be in two parts the second being Tuesday.  Heather got into every detail of Dina's life from conception, through her first marriage divorce, second wedding and then onto RHNJ.  Dina is very candid and kind of has a I don't give a rip attitude.  Although she claims to have not wanted a big wedding, or to do the My Big Fat Wedding thing for TLC, she was the person they used as the center for RHONJ, of course it wasn't pitched as a RH show, until after contracts were signed.  Initially, they were offered zero in the way of compensation. 

The original cast was Dina, Jacqueline, Teresa as a side kick stage mom, Delores (yes the Delores we now see), some woman name Paige (who was a southern belle and whose husband was transferred to Florida) and Pam a woman claims is richer than all the RH of BH.  Delores and Pam pulled out.  According to Dina she and Jac had always heard of this over the top patron of the Chateau but had never met her.  Anyway Dina and Jac were wondering if she would be interesting and Jac jumped the gun and approached Danielle about wanting to be on TV.  Jac also thought of Caroline-which surprised Dina because she was such a stay at home mom type (a direct contradiction from Dina saying she moved in with Caroline her divorce to help her out when she started her real estate business) but I digress.  Dina is very clear the characters initially were all suppose to revolve around her and she was the sum and they were the planets.  Then Danielle and Caroline were added and it was less DIna-centeric.  Apparently Dina envisioned this show being all about these married ladies and one divorcee (originally Delores) and their lives of girls night out, a a stage mom and hanging out in salons. 

Now the show has been cast and Chris Laurita at Dina's request hires an attorney to get the cast paid.  Dina said he was successful and they received $20,000.00, she thinks (actually it was $40,000.00).  So the parties, except Danielle split the attorneys fees.  Danielle would not pay her share (about $500.00) because she felt like Dina was taking food out of her children's mouth.  Obviously since they were originally being paid nothing it was a stupid premise put forth by Danielle and the start of the Dina dislike of Danielle.

Dina moved on to the book.  She claims on of the Laurita nieces brought the book to their attention.  She talks of taking the book to the Chateau and Caroline taking it pretty much everywhere, wouldn't leave it alone, everywhere.  Dina objected.  The three family members met with the producers over their concern-producers told them it was okay.

The night of the flip the table dinner, Dina wanted Caroline to say, it wasn't Dina who was showing the book, it was someone else but not for Caroline to admit to it.  Her reasons were it would make it look like she was taking a bullet for Dina.  Dina is very, very angry with Caroline for admitting she was showing the book and taking the heat off of Dina.  This made no sense to me-as for someone, anyone to say, "Dina didn't do it, someone else did," would not fly when Jac and everyone else (except Damielle) knew Caroline was the primary book sharer. 

So Dina quits after the first season.  Danielle was getting sued by her ex for having her kids on the show.  She went to Dina's ex, and said he should sue Bravo for not getting his permission and Dina for custody.   According to Dina the ex blew it off.  production was made aware of the threat and Dina did not want it brought up.  She has to do a Reunion and everyone is okay with each other-no outrage.  Which made little sense since Teresa had flipped a table on Danielle.  According to Dina about half way through the Reunion she and Danielle were left on the couches and allegedly production told the rest of the cast said no second season unless they made the Reunion a little more real/dramatic.  That is when Caroline said the,"you know what you did," to Danielle.  Dina felt like Caroline had sold out her daughter for TV.  Dina claims her daughter had to change schools because of what Caroline said to Danielle.

Dina said contractually she was forced to do part of Season 2, and she told the producer she would just sit and play chess.  She said she only filmed about three scenes and the producers really ran with them.

Earlier in the interview Dina spoke of contacting an attorney about suing a tabloid who got a story wrong.  (Heather and Dina had a very long conversation about Brandi Glanville and Joanna Krupa and the smelly crotch stuff-both said it was the worst thing you could ever say about a woman).  Near the end of the interview Dina admits to getting paid by In Touch  to tell her side of the story of why she left.  Apparently, she told her side and the tabloid ran  with a Dina in danger of losing custody angle instead.

There is a Part 2 on Tuesday.

What I took away is Dina is some kind of conflicted reality person-she wants reality as she sees it without any bumps and bruises.  I think she forgets she had very pointed comments toward Danielle throughout the seasons she was on, and then just wanted the audience to think everything was okay because she had moved on or quit.

Some take  always-Dina isn't always consistent.  She is a very hard worker but for some reason spent years and years without a car and lived with Caroline, working three jobs depending on family for rides.  At one point she discussed one of her jobs-Wednesday night as a hostess in a nice restaurant.  She mentioned it because instead of Caroline picking her up at 2 am, Caroline sent Tommy her future ex-husband.    Her dad was a hard worker and about business all the time, her mom was the creative one.  Dina kind of switches back and forth between being a hard worker to being creative.

When her parents got married her dad had $36.00 in his wallet, by the time Dina was around (Dina's mom had Dina her 11th child at 36) they were living in a mansion.  Again there may be a bit of a continuity problem because Dina said the family was actually living in Brooklyn until she was maybe 5? 

I think Dina is a little spoiled when she doesn't get her way she cuts people out.  She was the forerunner of what became the family business now she wants everyone else out because bravo wasn't buying her script.

  • Love 11

I went to Melissa's thread to post this, but it's had no action since 2014! Here's Tamara Tattles explanation of the Envy empty and fire sale from her site https://tamaratattles.com/2017/01/04/there-is-nothing-to-envy-in-new-jersey/   sounds like none of her and Joe's businesses are making money.

According to the link above, Melissa only owned 20% of Envy, it's her partner, Jackie's, business. Melissa in real reality is not getting paid much more than a 'spokesperson'. However, I find it a bit confusing that if this is the case, why has Melissa got the power to order the Size 2 as opposed to larger sizes we see her and Jackie arguing over. It mentions Melissa's buying in the article. So it says Melissa is not much more than a spokesperson and it also says she is faking all of her hard working scenes on the show, yet she has the power to affect what the store purchases? That's the part I find confusing. I don't doubt that the store was never really much to do with Melissa. They'd be nuts to sink a ton of money into a bricks and mortar store with no prior experience in the business. Maybe Joe's 'work' on the store actually bought Melissa her job with Jackie in the first place?

I'd bet cash money there won't be another 'Envy' next season. Regardless of what Melissa is tweeting. And it's now making much more sense to expect Kim D as an actual housewife next season. If there is one. God knows, it needs to be recast.

Edited by queenjen
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All adding up to Envy going down the tube. It will be interesting to see if it's still a going concern next season, if there is a next season and if given this, Melissa is even ON the next season. Certainly it makes no sense at all to be publicly feuding with business people in your community (Kim D and Posche), and this goes to what Jackie Beard is saying about Melissa's lack of experience and unwillingness to learn. She'll learn, but maybe only after her and Joe are further in the hole. Maybe she could bring Teresa on as a partner now, Bravo would LOVE that. Might be her way out....

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I can't help but get the feeling that the Gorgas are, somehow, making a living off of working the system from failed business ventures.  They seem to be living very well for people who can't seem to hold jobs (mobile document shredding anyone?).  Oh, that's right...I almost forgot that Joe brings home the "cake".

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On January 7, 2017 at 10:51 PM, AnitaKnight said:

I can't help but get the feeling that the Gorgas are, somehow, making a living off of working the system from failed business ventures.  They seem to be living very well for people who can't seem to hold jobs (mobile document shredding anyone?).  Oh, that's right...I almost forgot that Joe brings home the "cake".

This is entirely possible, I'm guessing if you take out enough business loans, you can live semi-comfortably off the leftovers. There's only so long that's going to last. The Gorgas are definitely going to be going down the same path as the Guidices, they've just been hiding it better. They'd better hope Melissa doesn't lose her spot as a full time HW, because they've clearly been living off her salary for a while, or at the very least paid off a good chunk of their mortgage and debts with it. In fact, Melissa should probably be sending Jackie a muffin basket for giving her a storyline for the 8th season!

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On 11/19/2016 at 8:47 AM, zoeysmom said:

I think Dina is a little spoiled when she doesn't get her way she cuts people out.  She was the forerunner of what became the family business now she wants everyone else out because bravo wasn't buying her script.

I think you are right.  I kind of like Dina and think she is one of the prettier NJ Howives, but she is very spoiled.

To be honest, I think Caro (who I can not stand now) did support her for a while (she was living with Caro during her Big Fat Wedding special).  I think Caro also arranged the marriage with her brother in law, Tommy, which gave Dina a come up in the finance department.  I think Tommy married her because there were supposedly many unsavory rumors going around about him and he needed the image of a wife.

I have heard (not sure if it is true) Dina and Tommy did not have much of a real relationship and it was not due to him "working" all the time.

However, Dina retconned that her and Tommy were best friends and people had no idea why they were divorcing (giant side eye on that one).

I think Dina really thought she would be the break out star of the show and instead it really had not been great for her.  She has a failed HGTV show and not much else to show for it.

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Well, it appears Jacqueline might be out. Kathy too.


So it looks like next season will be Teresa, Melissa, Dolores, Siggy, and Danielle as full time HWs. While I can't say I will miss Jacqueline, I will miss Kathy, and Rosie too, by extension.

Edited by AndySmith
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“Unfortunately, I will not be returning,” Laurita tells ET. “I think the feeling [from the network] is that I no longer have an authentic connection with two of the season’s cast members.”

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17 minutes ago, ginger90 said:



“Unfortunately, I will not be returning,” Laurita tells ET. “I think the feeling [from the network] is that I no longer have an authentic connection with two of the season’s cast members.”

She had to tell us or herself? ;-(

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