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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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My username came as a result of the Free Jinger scandal when the old owner ran from the group with collected monies and a MacBook. She was threatening to sue people, so I adopted this name initially as a facebook sock to mock her. 


I'm not into astrology, but I do know that I'm a fairly typical Gemini, born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, currently sitting on the border of Oakland and a smaller town that even Muffyn over there in SF wouldn't recognize. :D

  • Love 5

Oh no Tabby, I'm so sorry.  Exception made!  I was the collector of stray cats for so long, usually feral, and I had to trap them and try to tame them and take them to a shelter where I had a special deal.  I gave them money and the cat and a promise that if it came to putting them down, they'd call and I'd come get them.  Cost me so much time, and money..  Then one cat, a scottish fold, pranced in my front door one day and decided to stay.  With 5 dogs on premises.  She was the boss.  Lasted for 20 years.  

  • Love 6

Tabby yes, I used to think I'd never get a BC because I could not bear the staring (they call it "eye").  It's used to control the flock.  But I just had to try my boot at herding, and I love cowboy hats and all, so when the opportunity arose, Ye-hah.  One must be very confident yet humble to live with dogs, both borders and aussies, who are smarter than you most of the time, know what you are thinking, and bore into you with their stare until you bend to their will.

  • Love 2

This is the first Forum I have ever participated in. Is this one typical of most?

I'm only in one other, but it's kind of a support group, so it's very "homey" and like here, people are very witty, bright, and caring. I was on TWoP (lurked 98% of the time), and the mods there (anyone miss Howard? didn't think so) could really clamp down, be controlling, and edit (and in my opinion, censor) posts. Kind of made everyone feel like we were kids back in school with unforgiving teachers.

PTV is tons more fun, but even with my limited discussion board experience, I feel it's atypically a welcoming place to virtually meet some of the coolest people out there.

Edited by Liz Tudor
  • Love 8

I'm only in one other, but it's kind of a support group, so it's very "homey" and like here, people are very witty, bright, and caring. I was on TWoP (lurked 98% of the time), and the mods there (anyone miss Howard? didn't think so) could really clamp down, be controlling, and edit (and in my opinion, censor) posts. Kind of made everyone feel like we were kids back in school with unforgiving teachers.

PTV is tons more fun, but even with my limited discussion board experience, I feel it's atypically a welcoming place to virtually meet some of the coolest people out there.


I thought Howard was a walk in the park compared to Nikita.


This place is more like the old Salon boards. There are definitely neighborhoods that are going to be more or less comfortable based on who the audience is for the show they're discussing, but the mods (at least in my experience) have been more about reminding people to play nice rather than banhammering for opinions they disagree with, which makes it a pretty safe space.

  • Love 4

I remember a while back a poster was complaining about how heavyhanded the mods were here, which made me go, "Erm... I'm assuming you weren't one of the TWOP refugees then?" LOL. 


There were some cool TWOP mods, though. I always liked Pembleton. But yeah... Howard... eesh. I'm pretty sure that Howard started out as a regular poster who would snitch on others for the slightest infraction. 

  • Love 7

Hey peeps, I'm back! It's been a long, tiring weekend with everything family mixed in. My daughter and her family have left, which ripped a huge hole in the fabric of our daily lives [we all live in very, very close proximity - she actually lived in a house between my parents and her brother]. She left her house in a complete disaster, and the whole family got involved in the cleanup effort. (I had Mama this weekend, who is steadily declining). Meanwhile, my son and wife are preggers and supposed to deliver dec 1. It's their first. And we've all so successfully fallen APART over his sister leaving, I'm having to pay extra close attention and make sure I don't forget they're having a JOYOUS occasion soon and want the streamers and confetti. I'd already committed to them to help get the nursery ready - so I ran back and forth getting drinks, cigs, food, whatever the workers at the daughters needed while tending to Mama Saturday. When I was relieved from mama's I got paint and some random things I made the curtains too) and the hubs and I spent the whole afternoon throwing confetti and streamers and painting and hanging cute curtains because: joyous. I finished that at 9:00 and went straight back to mamas for the night. In the MIDST of all this was a big order that was aaaaaaaaaaallllmost done - if I could find the time... And finished it up at 5:00am on Mama's couch.

What I meant to say with all that is this: there is most certainly a gigantic hole where my babies were physically, but...life goes on.

Re the "zodiac-light" discussion going on - I'm a Leo. Haw-haw guffaw!!!! Of COURSE I'm a Leo. I'm not even sure how much credence I give astrology - but I do believe it's all connected somehow. Do we find out what the "traits" of our zodiac offer and then (in our minds) discover how we fit the mold of our particular sign? I don't know, but I do seem to possess a whole lot of the character traits supposedly typical of a Leo.

And JoanArk, WHATINTHEWORLD!?!?!?!?! You QUIT????? I know you came home worn out every night, but I thought you were still in orientation or some such. I am SO SO sorry you were disillusioned and your dream job didn't work out. You're probably already working somewhere else, so I'm not worried so much about your job status. I'm just curious what happened? I really hate it that it wasn't what you expected. Boo!!!

MicksP, I hope you're feeling better! Can I ask what you're fighting with? It seems (to me) to be a chronic condition, and you've probably explained it before, but I missed it. If you're comfortable sharing, I'd like to know what you have. I'm sorry you have health issues on top of the other things that have been your life. You always seem so kicky and upbeat, I want you to feel as good as you sound!

  • Love 8

This is the first Forum I have ever participated in. Is this one typical of most?


No, IMO, it is most definitely NOT TYPICAL. I was turned off, even horrified by the first few forums I ventured into, years back. So much so that I didn't even bother looking at many others after that. But about 18 months ago, I stuck my toe in the water again while looking for a forum that actually examined and discussed the whole Duggar deal, rather than just hated on them etc. And this forum won, hands-down. There's an entirely different vibe here. And people who care - that never hurts either. 

  • Love 7

I've never been married, nor am I a mother. But I completely believe that one's wedding day, and the day one becomes a parent, are likely to be the most important/significant days of one's life. (I'm not sure how that works when a marriage goes bad - probably varies with the degree and type of "badness.") Even if there are other very important and significant days. I have many friends and relatives who have enduring marriages and fine kids and grandkids. (Some of those enduring marriages, BTW, are second marriages for each partner. Because nobody's perfect and stuff happens.) I love them, and admire them, and want to be like them when I grow up.


Those are certainly huge milestones, even pivotal (in the first day of the rest of your life sense), but I'm not super comfortable about the way we seem to focus on them to the exclusion of the less glamorous and much harder days that follow. The priest at our ceremony said in the sermon that if it turned out to be the best day of our lives, we'd failed at marriage. I thought there was a lot of truth in that. And the most important day with my daughter is probably the night I sat up with her in a bathtub full of cold water with the window open in January trying to break a 104° fever...



  • Love 7

"Barb" is my "mean/bad" persona. I came up with it years ago at work & Barb was blamed for all the wrongdoings, problems, bad days, etc. in our medical office. She was like the invisible friend some of us had & blamed things on when we were little. Here's a funny story about Barb. We were signing up for a pot luck lunch & Barb put on the list that she wasn't bringing anything because pot lucks were stupid. One of our sweetest doctors came up to the front office & in all seriousness asked who this Barb was (a new employee?) & added Barb was really rude to say she wasn't bringing anything to the lunch! We had a good laugh explaining who Barb was. I'm on the meek & mild side but when we had an irate patient on the phone, my coworkers would kid me to let them talk to Barb & she would straighten them out. "23" is a favorite number- my birthday is February 23 ( a Pisces) & my son's is October 23.

I was just a lurker on TWOP & lurked here for a while before joining in. This forum is a great place to share our lives & snark on the Duggars as well. Like we have said, sometimes it's easier sharing our problems with our virtual friends than our "real" friends. (I do consider you all "real" friends but you know what I mean.)

  • Love 8

HFC I have been thinking of you! I am glad to hear you have a joyous occasion coming up and you are fully participating. We sadly had an ongoing serious medical issue with a member of our family and my aunt flat out said that she couldn't bear to go to weddings, birthdays, or celebrate Christmas while a member of our extended family was suffering... And pretty much implied we were all terrible for caring about such things. As you can imagine a few years of this just led for more suffering, and lost memories and relationships for everyone. I hope your Gkids and daughter will be home soon and you can wrap them back up in a wonderful family. maybe you could send them such a lovely description of your get togethers so they stay virtually connected to what is available for them.

  • Love 3

Tabby yes, I used to think I'd never get a BC because I could not bear the staring (they call it "eye"). It's used to control the flock. But I just had to try my boot at herding, and I love cowboy hats and all, so when the opportunity arose, Ye-hah. One must be very confident yet humble to live with dogs, both borders and aussies, who are smarter than you most of the time, know what you are thinking, and bore into you with their stare until you bend to their will.

What a fun and interesting challenge to take on! It's fun to hear some of the details. Not long ago, my husband and I were out for a drive in the farm country north of Seattle, and we passed a huge field where a guy and his Border Collie had a large flock of sheep just SWEEPING along as one. It looked amazing! I had never seen it before.

  • Love 3

I remember a while back a poster was complaining about how heavyhanded the mods were here, which made me go, "Erm... I'm assuming you weren't one of the TWOP refugees then?" LOL.

There were some cool TWOP mods, though. I always liked Pembleton. But yeah... Howard... eesh. I'm pretty sure that Howard started out as a regular poster who would snitch on others for the slightest infraction.

I used to pretty much live on the Sandra Lee boards, which were originally set up and moderated by Keckler - I liked her a lot. I am with Julia re: Howard versus Nikita; in all my years there, I only got 3 warnings, and 2 of them were ridiculous "OT" warnings from Nikita on the Project Runway boards. They never expired. Not that I'm bitter.

I really appreciate the mods here. I haven't noticed any crazy power trips, just gentle guidance.

  • Love 5

My name is one of my personas when I joined my first "social" forum. One for "Cats." (What? Don't judge me! You were once young and foolish...)  I also went by Catalyna when the chat linked to the forums used to kick people out, but left their names active. I live and work in the DC area and was born on the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio.  Right now I'm petless, but I used to have two mountain cur dogs. Loved them, as they were the smartest dogs I ever had. Could open up the refrigerator with ease, causing everyone who visited why my refrigerator was wrapped with duct tape. The female could open up her container of dog food even. I came home one day to see her opening it, and she didn't even act guilty when I asked her what she was doing.  "Opening up the food container, what do you think?" 


I am now tending to a feral cat outside my home, It's a young kit and she's getting friendly.

  • Love 6

Hey peeps, I'm back! It's been a long, tiring weekend with everything family mixed in. My daughter and her family have left, which ripped a huge hole in the fabric of our daily lives [we all live in very, very close proximity - she actually lived in a house between my parents and her brother]. She left her house in a complete disaster, and the whole family got involved in the cleanup effort. (I had Mama this weekend, who is steadily declining). Meanwhile, my son and wife are preggers and supposed to deliver dec 1. It's their first. And we've all so successfully fallen APART over his sister leaving, I'm having to pay extra close attention and make sure I don't forget they're having a JOYOUS occasion soon and want the streamers and confetti. I'd already committed to them to help get the nursery ready - so I ran back and forth getting drinks, cigs, food, whatever the workers at the daughters needed while tending to Mama Saturday. When I was relieved from mama's I got paint and some random things I made the curtains too) and the hubs and I spent the whole afternoon throwing confetti and streamers and painting and hanging cute curtains because: joyous. I finished that at 9:00 and went straight back to mamas for the night. In the MIDST of all this was a big order that was aaaaaaaaaaallllmost done - if I could find the time... And finished it up at 5:00am on Mama's couch.

What I meant to say with all that is this: there is most certainly a gigantic hole where my babies were physically, but...life goes on.

Re the "zodiac-light" discussion going on - I'm a Leo. Haw-haw guffaw!!!! Of COURSE I'm a Leo. I'm not even sure how much credence I give astrology - but I do believe it's all connected somehow. Do we find out what the "traits" of our zodiac offer and then (in our minds) discover how we fit the mold of our particular sign? I don't know, but I do seem to possess a whole lot of the character traits supposedly typical of a Leo.

And JoanArk, WHATINTHEWORLD!?!?!?!?! You QUIT????? I know you came home worn out every night, but I thought you were still in orientation or some such. I am SO SO sorry you were disillusioned and your dream job didn't work out. You're probably already working somewhere else, so I'm not worried so much about your job status. I'm just curious what happened? I really hate it that it wasn't what you expected. Boo!!!

MicksP, I hope you're feeling better! Can I ask what you're fighting with? It seems (to me) to be a chronic condition, and you've probably explained it before, but I missed it. If you're comfortable sharing, I'd like to know what you have. I'm sorry you have health issues on top of the other things that have been your life. You always seem so kicky and upbeat, I want you to feel as good as you sound!

You are an amazing women, glad you are back.

  • Love 2


I'm just responding from the Josh/Anna thread about Dr. Phil. He has a PhD in Psychology, so he is a psychologist, not an MD. He is appropriately addressed as Dr. I know he has been licensed I'm the past, but I'm not sure about his current licensure status. Once these guys transition to media/pop culture they usually let their licenses go to inactive status. So, since he's basically not practicing and is "entertainment" he is still the holder of a PhD, so Dr is correct, but he needn't keep his licensure current.

  • Love 3

I live in North Texas

I used my coworkers as Guinea pigs for cake recipes.   Rum cake was the favorite.   I still mail a couple of cakes to the office as a holiday treat. 


Fruitcake is now my specialty.    I am liberal with the brandy.

I'm one of the few people who love fruitcake -- homemade, of course, being the best. I started eating it when I was small. My grandmother was a great German cook & baker & would bake us a fruit cake around Thanksgiving or beginning of December. The cake was wrapped in brandy soaked cloths & placed in a tin in our cool attic til Christmas. My mother & I were the only ones who ate it. More for us she would say.

My sister-in-law, also a great cook & baker with German heritage, makes a mean rum cake & would always bring one on family vacations.

Thanks for bringing up yummy memories. Your coworkers were lucky being your guinea pigs.

  • Love 1


And JoanArk, WHATINTHEWORLD!?!?!?!?! You QUIT????? I know you came home worn out every night, but I thought you were still in orientation or some such. I am SO SO sorry you were disillusioned and your dream job didn't work out. You're probably already working somewhere else, so I'm not worried so much about your job status. I'm just curious what happened? I really hate it that it wasn't what you expected. Boo!!!

Thanks for the concern. 1:6 does not an ICU ratio make. I have a few feelers out. I'll have something soon. I've been mainlining cheesecake and pizza in the interim.

  • Love 8

I love fruitcake! My mum makes it without alcohol (nothing against it, she just doesn't like the taste) but they are still so moist and delicious. Since I'm allergic to food colouring, she even searches out candied fruit with no colouring - even cherries! - and makes me my own batch of cakes. It's so hard to make them last, I could eat a whole cake in one night if I wasn't careful. 


Funny story, one Christmas on Boxing day we were having leftovers. We were all serving up the leftover Christmas pudding with the leftover brown sugar sauce on top. I was halfway down the line and about to pour on the brown sugar sauce when my uncle made a "blech" sound and my aunt yelled "It's gravy!!" The leftover sauce was actually gravy that half the family had put on the Christmas pudding. I was glad I was spared and it became one of those stories told every Christmas. "Pass the brown sugar sauce, please." "Are you sure it's not gravy?"


My username comes from Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie which I highly recommend to everyone. Bonus points to anyone who knows what it stands for!

  • Love 5

Hey peeps, I'm back! It's been a long, tiring weekend with everything family mixed in. My daughter and her family have left, which ripped a huge hole in the fabric of our daily lives [we all live in very, very close proximity - ). Meanwhile, my son and wife are preggers and supposed to deliver dec 1. !

What a busy, full life you are leading Happyfatchick. I am glad you came back to catch us up. I've been thinking about you a lot. Part of me is so envious that you have so many family members living close by and are able to interact with them every day. Another part of me is glad I have the freedom from all that. Hugs to you as you wait for your daughter and family to return. So glad you have the new baby in your family to look forward to.

Edited by Love2dance
  • Love 1

I'm one of the few people who love fruitcake -- homemade, of course, being the best. I started eating it when I was small. My grandmother was a great German cook & baker & would bake us a fruit cake around Thanksgiving or beginning of December. The cake was wrapped in brandy soaked cloths & placed in a tin in our cool attic til Christmas. My mother & I were the only ones who ate it. More for us she would say.

My sister-in-law, also a great cook & baker with German heritage, makes a mean rum cake & would always bring one on family vacations.

Thanks for bringing up yummy memories. Your coworkers were lucky being your guinea pigs.

I love fruitcake (also home made.)  I made Alton Brown's 'free range' fruit cake and it was delicious.  I'm sure the recipe is available on line.  I don't like the dried citron though.  I only used nuts, raisins, currants, and cherries.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
  • Love 1

A friend has two Australian Shepherds.  The got the first from a neighbor who felt that he did not have the time to gve the dog enough attention.  They got the second from another friend who changed jobs and was going to be travelling 90%.  The funny thing is they have two children.  When the kids were very young, the dogs started herding the kids.  Even when they were toddlers, the kids were safe out in the back yard because the dogs would keep them toward the center and away from the fences.  In the kitchen, when someone is cooking, they herd the kids around or under the table.  They never nip at them, but it is really fun to watch.  Even now that the kids are 8 and 10, the dogs watch them carefully.


This particular board is different from the others on PTV because there is much more personal chatter.  I have not seen this amount of activity on the other “small talk” boards associated with other shows.  Usually small talk is for topics that come up on the threads that would send it off topic.  Here we have built an online community. 


As for PTV versus TWOP, I miss the show recaps from TWOP.  There were some excellent writers on that site – Miss Alli, Jacob and M. Giant were among my favorites.  They all brought intelligence and wit to their recaps.  While Jacob could get a bit esoteric at times, he wrote a small paragraph on BDSM relationships that really resonated with me and that I have shared with many people in that community.  Similarly, M. Giant’s words on his relationship with his son and defending the bond between adoptive parents and their children was heartfelt and beautiful.


As for the moderators, it is a difficult job.  I have moderated other boards on much more incendiary issues than TV.  There is a tone that is allowed on many other forums, including personal attacks or on-going back-and-forth between posters that stifles actual discussion.  On other boards, even as a moderator, I have been subjected to rape threats, had someone find my address and leave me hand scrawled death threats at my house and been subjected to a level of racism and misogyny that is almost incomprehensible.  I would rather have moderators that are too strong than those that bow out in these situations. 


On PTV I felt hurt when one of my posts was removed in a big sweep of one of the boards.  But I could understand how it was caught up in the middle of a mess that had started.  I personally try to not take the bait.  Which means I do report people, but only if I feel they are continually baiting people and trying to cause issues, or if someone took the bait and the board is going off the rails.  On PTV, the moderators have had to take a fairly strong hand with the Duggar boards, several of the real housewife shows and the shows related to transgender persons.  While I enjoy the anonymity of the internet, there are unfortunately many people hide behind their screen names to spew hate at others or who lose the idea of respect for other’s opinions and experiences.  I can say I live a very different life than many of the posters on this board.  However, I appreciate the opportunity to hear from people I would otherwise not get to know.  It’s the personal version of The more you know*.

  • Love 9

Apropos of absolutely nothing, I am curious as to how everyone picked their screen name.  Mine is easy.  We have always had Labrador retrievers as pets.  They are the perfect dog for our type of family, although there are dozens of wonderful breeds there and also many perfect Heinz dogs (57 varieties).  Each of our girls (they have all been females) has had her own personality and we have loved them all.  Just curious, as I said!

I've used phoenix as user names for quite some time....I started using it when I was first separated from my ex and I thought of the proverbial Phoenix rising from the ashes...:| the 62 is my year of birth (1962) meaning I'm old as dirt:D

  • Love 4

Thanks for the concern. 1:6 does not an ICU ratio make. I have a few feelers out. I'll have something soon. I've been mainlining cheesecake and pizza in the interim.

Say wut!? A 6:1 ratio in the ICU? Oh, hells naw....I can see that on the floor, but the ICU? That hospital must want to get sued.

I'm not a nurse, I'm a RT, and a 6:1 ratio would be gravy to us, but all we deal with is the respiratory system....

Good luck with your job hunting, I'm sure you will find a safer hospital:D

  • Love 2

A friend has two Australian Shepherds.  The got the first from a neighbor who felt that he did not have the time to gve the dog enough attention.  They got the second from another friend who changed jobs and was going to be travelling 90%.  The funny thing is they have two children.  When the kids were very young, the dogs started herding the kids.  Even when they were toddlers, the kids were safe out in the back yard because the dogs would keep them toward the center and away from the fences.  In the kitchen, when someone is cooking, they herd the kids around or under the table.  They never nip at them, but it is really fun to watch.  Even now that the kids are 8 and 10, the dogs watch them carefully.


Reminds me when I had a border collie mix and my sister was watching him for me when I was traveling. She had a guest (one of her husband's good ole boy friends) in the house. Shadow kept nipping at him when he tried to move out of the room.


"What's this d*** dog doing?" he asked.

"He's herding you."

"Nope, he's not hurtin' me a bit, I just want to know what he's doing!"


She then had to explain what border collies do. He used to herd my nephew also when he visited me and my mom.

  • Love 3

Happy day after your birthday, Joejitsu913.


I am from San Francisco and think zodiac signs are a form of mass delusion many people choose to participate in.  


I'm a Cancer, born in Massachusetts in the Summer on the Cape [Cod not Ann], now living in upstate New York, along the southern shore of Lake Ontario - definitely a Water Sign. And I think astrology is another of the many theories that mankind just hasn't been able to prove - yet. Today we all accept the fact that the world is round, that the Earth rotates around the Sun, that blood circulates throughout our bodies. And once these concepts were scoffed at too. So I'll keep an open mind until things are proven scientifically, no matter on which side of the fence the facts end up falling.

  • Love 2

Nikita gave me a warning for using non-standard punctuation.  I admit to being addicted to ellipses. I had another warning from her for something else and never posted at TWOP again because I didn't want to get banned.


I got a post deleted and a warning for saying something completely innocuous and factual about an episode of Top Chef in a way which made it possible to interpret it as suggesting that something Tom Collicchio said in an interview once didn't prove that the producers had no influence on the outcome, so it was clearly a TOS violation. I wish I was making that up. I still have the email somewhere.

  • Love 5

Nikita gave me a warning for using non-standard punctuation.  I admit to being addicted to ellipses. I had another warning from her for something else and never posted at TWOP again because I didn't want to get banned.

I posted once or twice on TWOP and got chastised for something I didn't understand so never posted again.

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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