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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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13 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Does anyone have any experience with a roomba or robotic vacuum? I do prefer to mop with vinegar and water but Cosmo has so much fur, it’s a lot!

I have had a Roomba for several years, and I find it to be very helpful.  It goes under the bed, and pushes all the cat toys out from under the couch.  It picks up dust and pet hair very well.  The one I have now has the automatic empty feature, and I'm having some connection issues with that.  But the basic, non-internet one is great.  I also bought a cheaper brand (ILife), and it works very well, too.  The fact that the Roomba goes under furniture to get the hair is really great.  I continue to be shocked at how much "stuff" it picks up!

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58 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

My apologies for veering into political territory with a previous post.

I'll edit my thoughts on the whole thing to simply say that whatever one's personal views on vaccines might be, I find it the very height of rudeness and disrespect, if one is coming to a large family gathering, where you absolutely know that the majority of the people who will be there are, in fact, very pro-vaccines/masks, etc, to make no mention of your unvaccinated status. There should be some awareness that this might be important information for THEM to know, even if you don't personally feel that it's a big deal.

I more or less assumed that they must have been vaccinated since they never gave us any warnings, never wore masks in the various places we met regardless of the signs requiring masks for the unvaccinated.

In addition, these were the two who actually had to fly in rather than driving. 

The very least they could have done, it seems, would be to let us know their status before spreading around all the hugs. 

Apparently there were a couple of people in our crowd who were aware of this, but it had taken a lot to get everyone together for my mother-in-law's interment, since some couldn't quite afford it without help, and others don't get along that well at the best of times, so no one wanted to throw a monkey-wrench into the cogs given that it was a really good time of closure and reminiscence.

I was especially livid given that my daughter and son-in-law had brought their three-year-old daughter with them, and no one gave any indication that she was getting exposed to unvaccinated family members who had flown in the previous day. How thoughtless can one be??

I'll shut up now. 

Hopefully this version meets standards.

That was truly disgusting behavior on their part. You have every right to be angry. Don’t ever feel badly about asking people if they’ve been vaccinated.

29 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

That's really horrible @Jynnan tonnix. And isn't you daughter pregnant?

My husband and I have gone back to masking up. Numbers in every state are rising and although we're all vaccinated, we don't trust all unvaccinated folks to wear masks. We've noticed more folks wearing masks this last week too. 

Some of the data is indicating that by October the pandemic will be in full swing again. It makes me tired, it makes me angry and it makes me sad.

Yep, I’m still wearing my mask in public places. People are selfish and can’t be trusted.

22 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Does anyone have any experience with a roomba or robotic vacuum? I do prefer to mop with vinegar and water but Cosmo has so much fur, it’s a lot!

Yes, I love my roomba! It works great for picking up pet hair (and my hair!).

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34 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Does anyone have any experience with a roomba or robotic vacuum? I do prefer to mop with vinegar and water but Cosmo has so much fur, it’s a lot!

I have a Roborock vacuum and I love it! Like @CalicoKitty said, I'm amazed at how much it picks up. We run it almost daily. We sometimes think of it as a pet or a wayward child. It does sometimes get stuck for no apparent reason, but you have to laugh and be patient when that happens. I love the feeling of sitting in my recliner feeling like I'm accomplishing something! And it is wonderful at getting under beds, chairs and couches so that I don't have to get on my knees! It keeps up with the cat hair. 

Mine will spray mop, but we never use that feature. Mr. BB tried it once and didn't care for it. 

Edited by BetyBee
I forgot to comment about the mop feature
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I also have a Roomba.  Her name is Penelope.  Like others have said she does a good job with the pet hair.  She does get stuck under low furniture sometimes (for examples, she will wedge herself under my recliners), so I run when I'm home so I can free her up.  😃

She isn't the model that mops, though, she just vacuums.  

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A few weeks ago I looked out to see police cars in my neighbor's driveway.  The mom and kids were standing outside.  I walked over to see if they were OK. The mom explained they had returned home to hear noises in the back part of the house. She got the kids out and called her husband at work who told her to call 911. In a little while the police officers came out laughing. The Roomba had gotten stuck under something and was causing the racket. My neighbor didn't realize her son had even turned it on and evidently he didn't think of it as the cause.  She was SO embarrassed for calling 911, but we all assured her better safe than sorry!!

Edited by Liddy52
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11 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

I also have a Roomba.  Her name is Penelope.  Like others have said she does a good job with the pet hair.  She does get stuck under low furniture sometimes (for examples, she will wedge herself under my recliners), so I run when I'm home so I can free her up.  😃

She isn't the model that mops, though, she just vacuums.  

How do Roombas do in rooms with a whole lot of table/chair legs to negotiate? I've been tempted to get one forever, but we do have quite a lot of furniture. The dining room has a table which is generally set up to seat six, but expands, so we have four more chairs against the walls, plus a buffet and tall hutch and a couple of display shelves. The living room has two loveseats, two armchairs, three side tables and a coffee table. Then there's a kitchen table with four chairs, plus a baker's rack in the eat in room off the kitchen. And Mr Jyn's library...I just don't know that a Roomba could puzzle all that out.

However, I do hate vacuuming with a passion, and we do have three small, but very furry long-haired critters leaving their contributions to the decor everywhere.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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Just now, Jynnan tonnix said:

How do Roombas do in rooms with a whole lot of table/chair legs to negotiate? I've been tempted to get one forever, but we do have quite a lot of furniture. The dining room has a table which is generally set up to seat six, but expands, so we have four more chairs against the walls, plus a buffet and tall hutch and a couple of display shelves. The living room has two loveseats, two armchairs, three side tables and a coffee table. Then there's a kitchen table with four chairs, plus a baker's rack in the eat in room off the kitchen. And Mr Jyn's library...I just don't know that a Roomba could puzzle all that out.

Since I only use her when I'm home, I do move things around a little bit as she cycles through.  So, I'll move the coffee table so she can get that area because it's too low for her.  And I'll move the dining chairs around because she can't fit between them when they're in place.  It's not a big deal, really.  My model is smart enough and delicate enough not to crash into stuff.  At most she'll kind of "tap" the furniture, clean alongside it, then move on.

My biggest deal is making sure there are no low-hanging cords because Penelope will get caught up in those, poor girl.  

I have hard floors on my first floor, and carpet on the second.  She does well on both, except for a shag rug that she really can't negotiate.

She also doesn't tumble down stairs, which is awesome.  She has a sensor that tells her when she's about to run out of floor real estate and she turns around.

And when she's done she goes back to her base to charge back up.

The only downside is I cheaped out a little and didn't get the model that maps out and repeats routes.  Mine just wanders around looking for work LOL.  Sometimes she misses areas because something keeps calling her back to a certain room.  To combat that I'll pick her up and put her in the area I want her to concentrate on.



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My Roomba does very will around chair legs and other furniture.  I do have to be sure to keep computer cords up out of the way, but it does do a good job around the dining table and chairs.  I have mostly hard floor, but it does a good job on carpet and area rugs, also.  It just keeps going.  My big cat thinks it is a big toy and just sits there while it comes toward her.  The smaller cat doesn't seem to mind it, either.  When I was unpacking during my move, I had a framed picture standing against the wall.  Rumba bumped the picture, and it went flat across the top.  The Roomba traveled all over the house with the picture on top of it.  My cats haven't tried to ride it, however.

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On 7/23/2021 at 8:42 AM, Rootbeer said:

Anyone excited about the Olympics? 

Meeeee! 🙋  I've watched them since I was a small child (so about 65 years🤤) and it's must see tv for me.

On 7/23/2021 at 8:42 AM, Rootbeer said:

 The first part of the ceremony was some weird interpretive dance stuff like they always do, but was most notable for mentioning those who died in the pandemic as well as commemorating the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich in '72.

They also commemorated this:

   (Reuters) - Tokyo 2020 President Seiko Hashimoto highlighted the power of sport on Thursday as she expressed condolences on the anniversary of a deadly earthquake and tsunami, saying it provided hope for survivors and in facing the coronavirus. 

(The 10th anniversary of this just passed in March.)

   On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck off northeast Japan, triggering a tsunami that devastated the region and caused a meltdown at a nuclear plant in Fukushima. About 20,000 people were killed.

PS when they commemorated the covid victims, I teared up, thinking of my nephew who died early in the pandemic of it. (I'm convinced that happening so early made our entire family go get vaccinated as soon as we could.)

On 7/23/2021 at 8:42 AM, Rootbeer said:

Anyway, still looking forward to the gymnastics, track and field and the rest of it.  I'm a sucker for it.

I'm a 🍭 for most of it too. 

  I'm especially enjoying watching them have surfing and skateboarding for the first time ever (but why oh WHY aren't the skateboarders wearing helmets?!🤤)

  I love swimming, diving, track and field, softball (mainly because my granddaughter started playing that this year.) I like it all, except maybe fencing and weightlifting...these two just leave me cold.😁

PS I'm going to continue to share when I feel like it, because my mother taught me that "what other people think of you is none of your business."

The fact is I feel comfortable sharing on here because I know anyone can block me if they so choose, and I don't have any real-life friends except my family, which I know they're not my *friends* ... but still are to me. And sometimes I want to vent  or brag without them knowing I'm doing it.  ¯\_(ツ)_/

  I am capable of making real life friends (btdt)  but tbh they're too much work to maintain. (If that makes me a rotten person...oh well...I'm just being honest....I'm lazy that way, I guess.)

Also, yes, I've been bamboozled a couple of times by people on here (and felt a fool), so I also totally get being very skepical.

(sorry for the book)🤣

Edited by ChiCricket
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On 7/25/2021 at 6:41 PM, ChiCricket said:

I'm especially enjoying watching them have surfing and skateboarding for the first time ever (but why oh WHY aren't the skateboarders wearing helmets?!🤤

Just found this:

Helmets are required for athletes under the age of 18 in street competition. If athletes under the age of 18 choose not to wear a helmet, they will be disqualified.

I'm an old, so I wish everyone had to wear them,if only to encourage kids watching to wear one.  (watching the women's skateboarding rn.)

I need to see if there's a forum for the olympics, obviously.😁

Found it! Here if there is anyone else interested:



Edited by ChiCricket
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22 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

When I posted on Facebook that I got the vaccine, my ex said I hope you die from it.

I thought it ended amicably I guess not. 

Deleted the post and blocked him. 

Your ex can go hang out with my ex, who asked me to “get together” before vaccines were available. We now live hundreds of miles apart and I wanted no part of getting on a plane and ignoring our respective states’ travel advisories, particularly because I was in a bubble with my medically vulnerable parents. When I told him I wasn’t comfortable with unvaccinated travel during a pandemic, he said some really vicious things. I blocked him. I’m kind of mad at myself for not blocking him at the time of the breakup, but better late than never.

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35 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

I would love to have a robot vacuum, but my cats leave toys everywhere (especially under the furniture) and I worry that Ernest (I have named my imaginary robot vacuum) would choke on all of them. 

Actually, only the toys with extra-long tails or are extra squishy get stuck in the Roomba.  Mine actually pushes all the "lost toys" out from under the couch and the bed.  Every now and then a toy will get "eaten" and I have to rescue the robot.  But really, not very often.  If they toys are big enough, they just get pushed around, and then you can find them again.  I am always surprised to find out how many cat toys ended up under the couch.

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15 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

That's really horrible @Jynnan tonnix. And isn't you daughter pregnant?

My husband and I have gone back to masking up. Numbers in every state are rising and although we're all vaccinated, we don't trust all unvaccinated folks to wear masks. We've noticed more folks wearing masks this last week too. 

Some of the data is indicating that by October the pandemic will be in full swing again. It makes me tired, it makes me angry and it makes me sad.

Yes, my daughter is pregnant (and vaccinated). 

We were just informed yesterday that someone else who was at the gathering found out that he had been exposed to Covid the day before. He is vaccinated, though, and both parties were masked up during the encounter. He'll get tested, though, and let us know the results.

Mr Jyn took that opportunity to ask the group in general exactly who had or had not been vaccinated. The two we suspected had not been. One of them said his doctor would not let him have the vaccine yet, as he has been undergoing various treatments for shingles he had last year which left him with nerve damage. I'm still not convinced that having a medical excuse necessarily means he would otherwise get the shot, though, because otherwise one would think he'd have come clean about it at the start, and worn a mask when interacting with the rest of the group. 

The other says that he and his wife are going to be getting vaccinated now that things are getting bad again and it's clear that the epidemic is among the unvaccinated, but he hadn't gotten around to it beforehand. Which doesn't help all that much either, and I still question why it was, then, that he didn't say anything either. 

So I'm glad I know, now, but it doesn't really make me all that apt to trust them.

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16 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Does anyone have any experience with a roomba or robotic vacuum? I do prefer to mop with vinegar and water but Cosmo has so much fur, it’s a lot!

It is fabulous for keeping the fur balls under control.  There is even a version specifically meant for pet hair; but I have a regular roomba and it does a great job of keeping the floors presentable.  I have hardwood in the downstairs except for the kitchen which is ceramic tile.  I turn that sucker on before I leave for work and, when I come home, the floors are looking 90% better.  It's not perfect, but it works well enough that I don't have to do the floor myself but once a week or so.

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15 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

How do Roombas do in rooms with a whole lot of table/chair legs to negotiate? I've been tempted to get one forever, but we do have quite a lot of furniture. The dining room has a table which is generally set up to seat six, but expands, so we have four more chairs against the walls, plus a buffet and tall hutch and a couple of display shelves. The living room has two loveseats, two armchairs, three side tables and a coffee table. Then there's a kitchen table with four chairs, plus a baker's rack in the eat in room off the kitchen. And Mr Jyn's library...I just don't know that a Roomba could puzzle all that out.

However, I do hate vacuuming with a passion, and we do have three small, but very furry long-haired critters leaving their contributions to the decor everywhere.

My roomba does fine in the dining room and living room where I've got the typical amount of furniture with legs.  It runs in a straight line until it bumps into something and then it turns a bit and goes again.  It essentially bounces off the chair legs, kinda like a pinball.  It just keeps turning and going.  It looks like it is working in a random pattern, but it gets the vast majority of the floor even so.  Maybe I am just easily amused, but it can be kinda fun to watch it work.

The only issues seem to occur when it gets stuck under furniture that is just barely high enough for it to go under or when it hits a throw rug and bunches it up.  Picking up the throw rugs and shaking them separately is the answer to that.

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If there is anyone else out there like me who goes through notebooks like crazy, just wanted to let you know that Staples is having their back to school supplies sale at the moment.  Single subject spiral bound notebooks can be had in store for 25 cents (or you can order online for 50 cents each). 

Since I'm mostly using them for notes that only need to stick around for a few days I don't need all the fancy vinyl covers and stuff, so these are perfect for me. 

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14 hours ago, Panopticon said:

Your ex can go hang out with my ex, who asked me to “get together” before vaccines were available. We now live hundreds of miles apart and I wanted no part of getting on a plane and ignoring our respective states’ travel advisories, particularly because I was in a bubble with my medically vulnerable parents. When I told him I wasn’t comfortable with unvaccinated travel during a pandemic, he said some really vicious things. I blocked him. I’m kind of mad at myself for not blocking him at the time of the breakup, but better late than never.

I am sorry. 

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@ozziemom, thank you for the congrats!!

Mr. Six's office decided to hold their summer crab fest this year, so off to the city we went on Saturday evening.  With his promotion, we need to make appearances at events (boo!)  I woke up Saturday morning in more pain than usual.  I couldn't walk, and I was taking each step one at a time.  It took me 90 minutes to get ready, and my chosen highlighter shade was so bright, it could be seen from space.  If you saw a random reflection in the sky, sorry!  I ended up ordering a Long Island iced tea, and damn, that bartender pours heavy.  I also found an entire can of Old Bay in one crab.  There were way too much hand-shaking going around.  I felt like I wanted to say "Hi, I'm Mrs. Six, and I am fully vaccinated.  And you?".  Thankfully, we managed to get a table for six, and we sat with two lovely couples and basically enjoyed the evening.  Aside from now being petrified of a breakthrough infection, it wasn't a horrible evening.

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3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@ChiCricket how are you doing after losing your dog? How are you guys holding up?

   We are getting used to her being gone, but my sister wants to stop by on her way driving back home to Colorado, and she'll be bringing her adorable 1 yo Chihuahua with her. Not sure we're ready for that.

   Btw, she was adamantly anti-vax, so at first I said no to the visit. But then she said "don't worry, we're covered" and I felt relieved until I told my daughters about this convo.

One of them said "wait! does she mean she's covered by the vaccine, or "she thinks she's covered by the blood of Jesus?"

(She's also kinda uber-religious like my sister)

 That thought never entered my mind , but my daughter (who is vaxed) said she's heard this from many people in her church, when she's tried to persuade them to get the vaccine too.

   So then I had to ask my sister if she meant THAT (and we had previously agreed to not ever talk religion or politics because we don't agree on either one, so it was a very uncomfortable discussion.)

But my sister said she actually *did* get the Pfizer vax a while ago (but never mentioned it to me. I've been worried to death about her this whole time, thinking she was holding steadfast on NOT getting it.)😯

   I then told this same daughter this info, and added, "but I don't know whether to trust her on this." My daughter seems shocked that I would think my sister would lie (being so religious and all)....

Ps thank you for asking, @Scarlett45 💕

Edited by ChiCricket
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3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@ChiCricket how are you doing after losing your dog? How are you guys holding up?

  Oh! forgot to mention that since Paloma is gone, my yard now has bunnies and squirrels hopping and running around like crazy.

   I like seeing them, but yesterday we saw a huge hawk snatch something up and fly away with it.🤤 That's a first in the 30 years we've lived here. (I know hawks need to eat too..I just don't want to see it happen.)

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33 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

  Oh! forgot to mention that since Paloma is gone, my yard now has bunnies and squirrels hopping and running around like crazy.

   I like seeing them, but yesterday we saw a huge hawk snatch something up and fly away with it.🤤 That's a first in the 30 years we've lived here. (I know hawks need to eat too..I just don't want to see it happen.)

We came home from a recital with our daughter and there was a hawk munching away on a squirrel in our front yard, completely unfazed that were walking into the house. I used to try to make sure the yard was clear of bunnies and squirrels because greyhounds are fast enough to catch them and it's gross. I was not always successful and squirrels are stupid and would go up on the fence and then try to race across the yard to their favorite tree with the dogs in the yard. Even so, Raz got quite a few rabbits. In our new home, there are no wild critters that I've seen in the yard. Other than big ass bugs that hit the window.

Help me please I just got back from the vets and I need to find a new one.  I have taken the POMERANIAN to this vet for 21 years and after I found out that he is retiring he introduced me to the new vet that is taking over.  Nothing about the new vet scares me except for his name  Dr. Josh Duggar. I just can't deal with that name. 

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41 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Help me please I just got back from the vets and I need to find a new one.  I have taken the POMERANIAN to this vet for 21 years and after I found out that he is retiring he introduced me to the new vet that is taking over.  Nothing about the new vet scares me except for his name  Dr. Josh Duggar. I just can't deal with that name. 

What state is this in?

I started the shots to shrink my fibroids a couple weeks ago. I've had a few side effects, but so far they have been mild. Dad has his first shot of the same medication today. I hope he has an easy time, and this stuff works at shrinking, for both of us.

This is just a hard week. My brother took his life several years ago, and this week is the anniversary of when we think he died/when we found out for sure. He had been gone a little while before his work called us to let us know he hadn't been coming in and they "thought" there might be a problem.

Turquoise, I hope you and your dad start feeling better.  I hope the shots help. I imagine this is a hard week due to your brothers death. That must be really tough.  Im sending positive thoughts.  I hope your day gets brighter.  🌞

I’m trying to get a status report on an old friend and colleague today. Yesterday I heard he suffered a major heart attack over the weekend while playing tennis.  He’s 50 something, thin, active and has never smoked or drank alcohol, so this is really shocking.  

7 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Turquoise, I hope you and your dad start feeling better.  I hope the shots help. I imagine this is a hard week due to your brothers death. That must be really tough.  Im sending positive thoughts.  I hope your day gets brighter.  🌞

I’m trying to get a status report on an old friend and colleague today. Yesterday I heard he suffered a major heart attack over the weekend while playing tennis.  He’s 50 something, thin, active and has never smoked or drank alcohol, so this is really shocking.  

Thank you @SunnyBeBe. I was initially going to like your post for your kind words to me, then I read about your friend, and a like no longer seemed appropriate. I hope he will make a full recovery.

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7 minutes ago, Turquoise said:

Thank you @SunnyBeBe. I was initially going to like your post for your kind words to me, then I read about your friend, and a like no longer seemed appropriate. I hope he will make a full recovery.

I understand.  Thanks.  I’ll update later, hopefully with good news.  Let us know how you’re doing.  

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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

Well, that gives you a few months to find another vet clinic if the name still freaks you out. 🙂

It also gives him a couple of months to get his license to practice.  Even if he just graduated, the state would have a license listing for him, if he had one. Maybe he won't pass the exam and that will be that.

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51 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Poor guy, even if I lived in Colorado, I wouldn't want to be known as Josh Duggar. I'd nickname myself Jay or use my middle name.

Reminds me of the basketball player from Duke, Jason Williams.  When he went to the NBA he asked to be called Jay Williams to avoid confusion with two other players of the same sounding name (one named Jason and one named Jayson).  Supposedly he was especially concerned with differentiating himself from Jayson who was involved with a shooting death shortly before the draft in which Jay entered the NBA.

If poor proto-vet has been heads down trying to complete a degree in the middle of a pandemic, he may not even realize that his name has some serious bad connotations for some people.

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9 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

My mom. She died. 

I’m so sorry to bring up sad memories.  I can’t image going through that, though I know most of us will live to bury our parents.  I sure dread it.  😔

I can’t get any additional news about my friend.  Just that he was in a medically induced coma, but was supposed to be brought out today………just praying and waiting.  I’ve lost so many friends lately…..heart breaking,   

15 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know of anyone who was placed in medically induced  coma after a heart attack?  

I don't know if it's quite the same situation, but my cousin's wife went into cardiac arrest while on a jog. I don't know the name of the procedure, but they basically put her in a hypothermic state for a couple days to lessen the chances of organ damage. She had to undergo heart surgery later for a previously undiagnosed valve problem, but that was 10ish years ago and she's doing very well.
Is that what is going on with your friend?

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Just now, Turquoise said:

I don't know if it's quite the same situation, but my cousin's wife went into cardiac arrest while on a jog. I don't know the name of the procedure, but they basically put her in a hypothermic state for a couple days to lessen the chances of organ damage. She had to undergo heart surgery later for a previously undiagnosed valve problem, but that was 10ish years ago and she's doing very well.
Is that what is going on with your friend?

I’m not sure, but yay for your friend.  That’s great news.  

I have no details except those I’ve posted.  I’m not sure what caused it.  He was playing tennis.  He’s fit, active, no risks factors….so I’m shocked.  He’s in his 50’s.  Hopefully, I’ll find out something soon.  I’ve read the coma also helps keep pressure off the brain.  

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56 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know of anyone who was placed in medically induced  coma after a heart attack?  

Our pastor was placed in one following a heart "event" ( his wife insisted that we call it an event). He was also put on a ventilator.  I was with the family a good bit in the first few days and I heard the ICU nurse explain to the daughter that the coma was to let his body heal from the trauma because he had actually "died" twice and had to be resuscitated twice. He made a full recovery except for some short term memory problems.  He had some marvelous medical care and and lot of prayers in his behalf. I pray that your friend has equally good medical care and results. Our pastor was about 60 when his event happened and it started on the golf course.  He did have a history of A-fib prior to the event. He had a combination pacemaker and defibrillator implanted prior to leaving the hospital.  This may be more information than you wanted! 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know of anyone who was placed in medically induced  coma after a heart attack?  

My uncle, but it was very brief (less than 24 hours, but I'm thinking it was closer to 12).  He had multiple stents placed after, but he did end up needing a quad bypass.  Since having the bypass, he's had relatively good health.  He would take an extensive vacation with his wife every year and maintained his own business.  

Your friend will be in my thoughts.

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Thank you all for your input.  I’m keeping an open mind and hope my friend has a good outcome.  My dad had a quadruple bypass at age 64 at Duke. He’s 84 now and doing fine after that and 4 stents.  He was never in a coma though.  I have two co-workers who suffered cardiac arrest and were shocked back to life several times! Both are considered miraculous recoveries.  I  don’t  think they were placed in comas though.  Both are back at work and seem fine.😳😍

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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