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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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5 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

A lot of sirens outside constantly. Same or different where you live?

I have a friend closer to Detroit who lives near a hospital. He says the ambulance sirens wake him up at 6am and continue through the day, definitely more than usual. It makes him sad. 

 I'm further away from Detroit and don't live down the road from a hospital so it's quieter in my area. I do live down the block from the police and fire station though, so I'm not sure if the occasional sirens are covid-19 related or just usual sirens. There don't seem to be more of them, at least. 

  • Love 6
40 minutes ago, McManda said:

I have a friend closer to Detroit who lives near a hospital. He says the ambulance sirens wake him up at 6am and continue through the day, definitely more than usual. It makes him sad. 

 I'm further away from Detroit and don't live down the road from a hospital so it's quieter in my area. I do live down the block from the police and fire station though, so I'm not sure if the occasional sirens are covid-19 related or just usual sirens. There don't seem to be more of them, at least. 

@McManda I’m really glad you have a responsible governor now and hope you and yours stay safe. 

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Thank you for sharing @ChiCricket.  What a nice write up from his company. He sounded like a great guy & will be missed by his relatives & his work family (as well as many others.) 

ETA:  Talking about relatives & work families/co-workers reminded me of something funny that came about at my cousin's memorial service years ago.  He played guitar as a hobby & volunteered at our city's aquarium when he retired.   Both were mentioned during the service.  But it seemed from the small talk, his relatives knew he played guitar but didn't know he volunteered at the aquarium and vice versa, his aquarium friends didn't know he played guitar.  

  • Love 10

Responding to @Zella from the Sweet Friend’s thread-


I think after this is all said and done Internet is going to be considered a utility and not a luxury. Once upon a time people didn’t have electricity because they couldn’t afford it, and now it’s considered necessary for a dwelling to be inhabitable (same with indoor plumbing).

  • Love 13
Just now, Scarlett45 said:

Responding to @Zella from the Sweet Friend’s thread-


I think after this is all said and done Internet is going to be considered a utility and not a luxury. Once upon a time people didn’t have electricity because they couldn’t afford it, and now it’s considered necessary for a dwelling to be inhabitable (same with indoor plumbing).

Maybe in urban areas, but there are large portions of my rural county that simply do not have service because ISPs can't reach them. It's not even a matter of being able to afford it for some of these people. Some businesses are trying to expand service here, but that's easier said than done. Even the large internet providers around here have basically said, "Sorry--we can't help you." 

I'm fortunate to be able to have access to internet, but it's often slow, and I pay a lot for it. But I am fortunate compared to some of my neighbors because they can't get anything. 

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Just now, Zella said:

Maybe in urban areas, but there are large portions of my rural county that simply do not have service because ISPs can't reach them. It's not even a matter of being able to afford it for some of these people. Some businesses are trying to expand service here, but that's easier said than done. Even the large internet providers around here have basically said, "Sorry--we can't help you." 

Well yes but what I’m saying is that the tech will adapt to change that. Not tomorrow but I think this pandemic is going to be the catalyst to get internet service to EVERYONE. Like we get electricity and sewer systems to everyone. 

I think internet is going look very different as far as accessibility goes in 5-10yrs. 

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Just now, Scarlett45 said:

Well yes but what I’m saying is that the tech will adapt to change that. Not tomorrow but I think this pandemic is going to be the catalyst to get internet service to EVERYONE. Like we get electricity and sewer systems to everyone. 

I think internet is going look very different as far as accessibility goes in 5-10yrs. 

I really hope so! 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I just read an article about a Walmart in my state. They have be ordered to use guards and limit the amount of customers in the store because there were complaints of overcrowding.

So many folks are going about their business as usual, with no regard for their own health, or the health of others.

My father thinks it is overblown. He's the one going to the grocery store every single night, even if he doesn't need anything. He's been fine all these years not washing his hands, why start now?

I don't think it is going to be the COVID-19 that gets him. I think my sister is actually going to strangle him in his sleep.

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17 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

My father thinks it is overblown. He's the one going to the grocery store every single night, even if he doesn't need anything. He's been fine all these years not washing his hands, why start now?

I don't think it is going to be the COVID-19 that gets him. I think my sister is actually going to strangle him in his sleep.

You don’t know whether to laugh or cry sometimes...

  • Love 9
28 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

My father thinks it is overblown. He's the one going to the grocery store every single night, even if he doesn't need anything. He's been fine all these years not washing his hands, why start now?

My mom was in the "thinking this is overblown" crowd and went about her usual way of life until i said "remember that envelope you gave me with every detail of your funeral service planned? you aren't going to get any of that if you get Covid and die now. 

now she is staying home. 

sometimes it is just about finding the right motivation

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I was watching Andrew Cuomo's daily briefing today and the story he told about how healthy Chris now has the virus and recently had their elderly mother over to his home was so relatable. My brother just went into my elderly mother's home on Sunday. It wasn't necessary AT ALL.  She claimed they kept their distance, but he shouldn't have gone in and at the least should have been wearing a mask. He's still going to work, though not very much since his hours have been cut. But he came straight from a store. There may be a lot of siblings blaming their siblings for killing their parent(s) before this nightmare is over. 


crazy8s, I love your solution with your Mom!

  • Love 8

My house is under a flight path at one of our airports and I realized the other day that it's been a long time since I've heard a plane overhead. It hasn't been this quiet since 9/11. 

I had to leave the house today for the first time in a long time to get groceries (it's very hit or miss with the grocery shopping apps here) and Walmart was a mess. Crowds, people clumping together in aisles, etc. I'm trying to decide if I should call one of our hotlines to report the store or not, it was ridiculous. I got in and out as quickly as I could and then came home, wiped everything down with Clorox wipes, put my clothes in the washing machine, and took a shower. Probably overkill, but I figured better safe than sorry. My mom is a quilter and she and her group have been sewing masks and she's sending me one. 

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, crazy8s said:

My mom was in the "thinking this is overblown" crowd and went about her usual way of life until i said "remember that envelope you gave me with every detail of your funeral service planned? you aren't going to get any of that if you get Covid and die now. 

now she is staying home. 

sometimes it is just about finding the right motivation

The only thing that will stop him is if he is even slightly inconvenienced when going about his routine. They are doing physical distancing at the grocery store, but most people back home are being sensible and there is no line to get in. If there was a line to get in, by golly he would never go near that store again. Ever. That store is too much of a hassle. 

It's like dealing with a toddler who has car keys. My sister will find a way. It's finding something that will even so slightly bother him that he will stop doing it. 

I do lay the blame on my mom for letting him be a man-child though. 40+ years of marriage and she's realizing now she has to remind him to do simple tasks? I've watched it my entire life! *Pikachu shocked face*

  • Love 8
55 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

The only thing that will stop him is if he is even slightly inconvenienced when going about his routine. They are doing physical distancing at the grocery store, but most people back home are being sensible and there is no line to get in. If there was a line to get in, by golly he would never go near that store again. Ever. That store is too much of a hassle. 

It's like dealing with a toddler who has car keys. My sister will find a way. It's finding something that will even so slightly bother him that he will stop doing it. 

I do lay the blame on my mom for letting him be a man-child though. 40+ years of marriage and she's realizing now she has to remind him to do simple tasks? I've watched it my entire life! *Pikachu shocked face*

The elderly do not like their routine disrupted. At ALL. I know this is a combination of decreased physical agility, fewer pleasure receptors in the brain etc, but damn it’s annoying. 

My own mother, who’s highly educated and very reasonable about all this had her first bit of aggravation this weekend because she couldn’t order this particular brand of sausages for my sister via Instacart. I know all that is wrapped up in Mother’s Guilt and legit PTSD over my sister’s food tantrums of the past (although it’s been decades since she had one of those), but golly she won’t die if she doesn’t have sausages. 

A few hours later my Mom admitted she was being ridiculously grumpy but still. 

When they are at their worst I have a Tall Toddler (my sister) and a Tall Kindergardener (my Mom) on my hands. Thank goodness she’s still going to work that gives her purpose. 

  • Love 21

What really gets to me are people who have symptoms like cough and fever and they continue to go to work, potentially exposing everyone there.  THAT has happened to several places in NC, such as a Raleigh CITY bus driver, County Dept of Human Services offices (maintenance worker), NC Dept of Revenue, an assisted living facility AND a church in Durham County, NC held an event at a hotel in Durham last week!  I'm speechless. So much ignorance. 

I've scheduled my mother to have a virtual consult with her doctor this week.  He called her in an antibiotic for an UTI, she gets them a lot, but, said that he had to see her either in person or facetime this week.  She is refusing to go to their office, so, I hope this works out fine.  I haven't done it before, so it will be a learning experience.  

  • Love 8

  My daughter sent this to our family group
 (she's a former news anchor)
 "I want to let you all know that I have been communicating with my friends in the media who have been asking to tell Flaco's story. 
   One is a very good friend who I trust. (WGN.) 
I passed the info on to Flaco's sister, but I just wanted you all to know in case there is someone else that wants to speak about it.

  I have a friend that asked me if I would try to use my connections to share our family's story because she's really upset seeing people going out and about like there's nothing to worry about. 

   She has cousins that are telling her Grandmother that it's no big deal and that people are making things up. 

  I agree with what she's noticed about people being out and about and not taking precautions. 
   As B___ mentioned last night, customers keep getting close up in L__'s face when asking for his help with something and some still try to shake his hand! 

   Also, I went to Target to pick up a prescription and I saw whole families there shopping like nothing. Not getting groceries, just wandering around the aisles shopping as usual.

    Anyway, with all that being said, I said I would ask you all, but I think it really should be up to M (Flaco's widow) to make that decision...and only so a lot more people can be warned. I just don't want to even ask her right now though...I'm so conflicted😯
  What do you all think...should I ask  her!?" «««--- said to our family, not you guys, btw.

Oh. And my husband just got this LOUD @$$ alert on his phone..he almost jumped out of his skin. (so weird his old clunky flip phone got it and my "smart" phone never did)




Edited by ChiCricket
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@ChiCricket I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your nephew. My condolences and purrs from the Mindthinkr kitties. 

@SunnyBeBe I had to get surgery. The day of I was told to fork over $4k or it wouldn’t be done. It was for cancer removal although they stated it was elective. They then gave me “We accept checks, one or multiple credits cards, cash etc” speech. I live in the state as you and I have insurance, so it must be a thing here. I have seen how the medical community in our state can be greedy and how insurance companies will look for any out so they don’t have to pay. Sad. 
Stay safe and be well everyone. We all matter. 

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

@ChiCricket I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your nephew. My condolences and purrs from the Mindthinkr kitties. 

@SunnyBeBe I had to get surgery. The day of I was told to fork over $4k or it wouldn’t be done. It was for cancer removal although they stated it was elective. They then gave me “We accept checks, one or multiple credits cards, cash etc” speech. I live in the state as you and I have insurance, so it must be a thing here. I have seen how the medical community in our state can be greedy and how insurance companies will look for any out so they don’t have to pay. Sad. 
Stay safe and be well everyone. We all matter. 

Please accept my condolences too Chicricket.  That kind of loss is profound and heartbreaking. I’m sorry you and your family have to grieve your nephew’s death, under these horrendous circumstances. It’s just too much to endure, imo.  I hope that time will bring you some relief.      I’m not clear on what you are asking in your post above about asking your nephew’s wife about permission......??

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What really gets to me are people who have symptoms like cough and fever and they continue to go to work, potentially exposing everyone there.  THAT has happened to several places in NC, such as a Raleigh CITY bus driver, County Dept of Human Services offices (maintenance worker), NC Dept of Revenue, an assisted living facility AND a church in Durham County, NC held an event at a hotel in Durham last week!  I'm speechless. So much ignorance. 

I've scheduled my mother to have a virtual consult with her doctor this week.  He called her in an antibiotic for an UTI, she gets them a lot, but, said that he had to see her either in person or facetime this week.  She is refusing to go to their office, so, I hope this works out fine.  I haven't done it before, so it will be a learning experience.  

The hardest part is for many, quarantining and self isolating is a luxury. As someone said to me last week, this pandemic really highlights our poorly our system sets people up to fail without a living wage.

There are people who are truly being selfish. You don't need to go to church. If there is a God, he's fine with it. You don't need to go browse the stores or order everything you can off Amazon because you are bored. Yet there are people who are barely living paycheck to paycheck. The way we treat our working class is shameful. We tell them to get a real job but don't offer them another way out.

There are so many people who can't afford to go without work and/or lose their health insurance.

And no one will learn any lessons after this. Universal healthcare will be still a pipe dream and the idea of a living wage for all will be scoffed at. I hope I'm wrong but we seem to be going back into "not muh taxpayer dollars" territory worldwide. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m not clear on what you are asking in your post above about asking your nephew’s wife about permission......??

She wanted to know if my nephew's wife (Flaco's widow) would be ok with people in the family talking with the news media (on camera) about him. She didn't want to cause her any more pain, but also felt that it could help inform people that it's something to take seriously.

Ps..we are worried about our own daughter, who also works at the airport, and was told was not allowed to wear a mask on the clock, nor was given any hand sanitizer (and can't find any to buy.)   She just happened to have these last couple of weeks off for her kid's spring break, but she has to go back SOON. 😟

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

She wanted to know if my nephew's wife (Flaco's widow) would be ok with people in the family talking with the news media (on camera) about him. She didn't want to cause her any more pain, but also felt that it could help inform people that it's something to take seriously.

Ps..we are worried about our own daughter, who also works at the airport, and was told was not allowed to wear a mask on the clock, nor was given any hand sanitizer (and can't find any to buy.)   She just happened to have these last couple of weeks off for her kid's spring break, but she has to go back SOON. 😟

I rather be unemployed than get sick/die. Just my 2 cents.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, kaleidoscope said:

ChiCricket, the phone alarm came through to most of Illinois, from what I'm hearing. 

I got it too. Freaked me out! It was a call for health care volunteers to fight COVID-19, in case anyone is wondering! 

All this talk about the choices people are making is really hitting home for people everywhere. This is all so painful. My family members don't agree on levels of safety. We're working through it. What some people think is safe feels just the opposite to others. The guidelines are clear, but people seem to interpret them differently. 

Edited by BetyBee
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2 hours ago, PikaScrewChu said:

The hardest part is for many, quarantining and self isolating is a luxury. As someone said to me last week, this pandemic really highlights our poorly our system sets people up to fail without a living wage.

There are people who are truly being selfish. You don't need to go to church. If there is a God, he's fine with it. You don't need to go browse the stores or order everything you can off Amazon because you are bored. Yet there are people who are barely living paycheck to paycheck. The way we treat our working class is shameful. We tell them to get a real job but don't offer them another way out.

There are so many people who can't afford to go without work and/or lose their health insurance.

And no one will learn any lessons after this. Universal healthcare will be still a pipe dream and the idea of a living wage for all will be scoffed at. I hope I'm wrong but we seem to be going back into "not muh taxpayer dollars" territory worldwide. 



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I told my brother that I would do everything in my power to help him and his kids, if he wanted to retire early. One is in HS and one is in college. He has plenty of time he could take. He’s in his 40’s. I worry about him working now. He’s responsible for a lot of people, but he’s proactive. He’s putting up plastic partitions, providing gloves, masks and sanitizer. I can tell he’s scared though. I know he wants to continue for his career. He’s essential, so, they won’t close, unless someone in the office becomes positive.  I can’t force him to quit though. He has so many years invested.  Plus, benefits for the kids.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Due to the health issues that I have had, I have a person come in every other week to get to the deep cleaning that’s too painful for me. I didn’t have her come in last week other than to give her a month’s salary because I don’t want her family to go hungry. They’re all really nice people. If it stays this bad, I’ll cut her another check mid-month. I feel if you can afford to, you continue to pay those who are dependent on your support. Shame on Branson and all those other mega rich people who just let their employees go with a wave and no funds. I don’t have lots of money, but I have principles. 

I did the same with my house cleaner, who comes every other week. My husband and I are fortunate to be working remotely, so as long as we get paid, we will pay her. That reminds me to send her a check for this month today. (And now I’m going to add my hairdresser to the list, thanks @Jeeves)

I have a question that I’d like to run by everyone. I was planning on buying a new grill, because we just had a patio put in our back yard (landscaper wanted to move forward with it, to keep his guys on payroll). The local business I am buying from is selling and delivering still, but I feel weird about asking anyone to deliver anything right now that’s not essential (not so much for me, but for the delivery person). At the same time, I’m sure their business is way down and they need the sales. I can certainly wait on this, but maybe I should go head with it? 

Totally low stakes question, and I definitely know that I’m in a very privileged place. I’m already feeling bad about any deliveries we are getting, and cut back to only things we truly need (mostly cat related). 

Edited by MargeGunderson
  • Love 7

MargeGunderson, it's so nice if you can continue to pay people and I bet the local business who needs sales to stay open would be thrilled to get a sale. I'm not sure if your state has shelter in home order or not, but, in NC, we do and I have read the Proclamation from the Governor several times, just to make sure I know what is considered essential and allowed by the order.  You might check that if you have any doubt. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

I did the same with my house cleaner, who comes every other week. My husband and I are fortunate to be working remotely, so as long as we get paid, we will pay her. That reminds me to send her a check for this month today. (And now I’m going to add my hairdresser to the list, thanks @Jeeves)

I have a question that I’d like to run by everyone. I was planning on buying a new grill, because we just had a patio put in our back yard (landscaper wanted to move forward with it, to keep his guys on payroll). The local business I am buying from is selling and delivering still, but I feel weird about asking anyone to deliver anything right now that’s not essential (not so much for me, but for the delivery person). At the same time, I’m sure their business is way down and they need the sales. I can certainly wait on this, but maybe I should go head with it? 

Totally low stakes question, and I definitely know that I’m in a very privileged place. I’m already feeling bad about any deliveries we are getting, and cut back to only things we truly need (mostly cat related). 

You could always arrange to pick it up.  Many of the big box stores are still open and have curbside pickup.  You can go online, order your grill, arrange a time and then pull into the lot, find the space for pickups, pop the trunk and someone will load it into the car.  Drive home, let the box sit in the car for at least 3 hours and then unload your grill.

I think there is a small case to be made that, as the weather gets warmer and we are still staying home, that a grill to let the family gather outdoors for cooking and eating is a mental health necessity.  I am counting the days until it is warm enough here to bring my grill out of the garage.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 12
22 hours ago, zoomama said:

i have a post-op appointment soon and i am thrilled to be getting out of the house. not thrilled to be going to a medical facility but it must be done. surgery happened before all hell broke loose. just to be out and about in my car will be a treat.

I know what you mean & felt the same way last week when I went to my infusion appt at my doctor's.  I don't  get out much due to my health even before the precautions took place. But my ride last week did have a different feel to it as in less traffic on the roads but more people in tbe pharmacy drive-thru.  It was a nice day when I went & I enjoyed the longer ride to the doctor & even the pharmacy stop.  Wishing you a pleasant ride and a good doctor visit.

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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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