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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I sprang for the Pur water filter on the front of the fridge this winter, but it was a hardship giving up my spring water cooler.  I still miss that cooler.  Spring water (we had Crystal Springs) tastes so freaking awesome when it's ice cold.  I dunno, something about purified water being "dead" water.  Anyway, I'm not a big soda drinker as the carbonation tends to bother my stomach (Crohn's), but when I do, it's Canada Dry Black Cherry Wishniak soda, which is the old Frank's (Is it Franks?  Thanks!) recipe for anyone from the Philadelphia area who grew up with Frank's.  

Ya know...it's going to be that kind of week.  Washed bedding yesterday and my favorite pillow exploded, and then this morning I broke my coffee pot.  


Stitches are pulling and my ex-tooth spot is killing me.  I have fun pills, and they are fun, but can't have fun during the week as I work a split shift.  So it's just handfuls of ibuprofen during the day, then I get my fun pill in the evening.  Last night was fun - tornado warnings and touchdowns but I missed most of the fun being fuzzy around the edges.  I love modern chemistry, it's so helpful.  

  • Love 8

Actually chocolate, in the right amounts, has definite physiological benefits too, especially DARK chocolate. Just as long as we don't eat too much. I'm counting chocolate in there with beer and coffee as "relatively" health foods. :>)

The doctor I worked for always had a stash of dark chocolate in her desk drawer. She claimed it cured many things --from a bad cough to a bad day.

I've enjoyed reading the posts about drinks too. I'll add my Gatorade story to the mix. When I went to the ER a few months ago for the stomach flu, my son & I had to explain I was drinking Gatorade before I came. It happened to be the Blue flavor & it stained my lips blue (& they were very dry from being dehydrated) so everyone thought I wasn't getting enough oxygen. It was kind of funny watching the expressions on their faces before I explained everything.

  • Love 9

I had to have my thyroid out about 1.5 years ago and it's weirdly affected my tolerance of certain things. I get buzzed after one glass of wine and I can no longer tolerate caffeine, so sodas are out. I drink a ton of water every day and start the day with a mug of hot lemon water (google it, it does amazing things for the body!). If I'm feeling really wild, I'll have an IBC root beer (no caffeine) or a glass of decaf iced tea.

  • Love 2

Wow, you guys ARE boring!!! (Jk) I like lemon water too. With lots of lemon and a little sugar and mixed with half diet sprite. On Fridays I sometimes add a splash of vodka. I only have one and only on Fridays because it's darn hard to get going the next morning after ONE drink. My, my, how times change. I don't even LIKE to feel a buzz now. I've officially reached the age when I like feeling my feet on the floor.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away (y'all ain't gone belee-DIS) I won the Spit Between Your Teeth distance contest (for the girls team). It involved a whole lot of Tequila. (You know, THAT NIGHT when you learn about Tequila?)

Couldn't SAY tequila for 6 months and still have never touched it since. Makes me queasy just to think about it...

  • Love 7

Way back in the day when I lived 75 miles from work, working 12 hour days I'd start drinking Diet Coke at about 4 am. I would alternate with Mountain Dew every once in a while. I would drink my 6th can on the way home. I started having severe heart palpitation issues. My friend said cut out your caffeine but I didn't listen. I don't drink coffee but I when I was out of state I went with a friend to Starbucks on a 115 degree day and ordered a Frap. My heart beat like crazy! Severe cramping! Elevated heart rate for two days my heart beat was so loud in my ears I literally could not hear anything. I thought I was going to die on the flight home. Went to many types of doctors over a period of a few years. cardio, neurology, physiologist (thought it was panic attacks). Mentioned it again to my GP. She said maybe you have an issue with stimulants. So I cut out the soft drinks and instantly felt better! Now I know why I feel antsy with just one tablet of a decongestant or one spray of nose spray or my heart goes crazy when getting a shot at the dentist (ephedrine). So now I drink ice water or a Sprite or Mugs Root Beer. About 7 years ago I started getting red in the face and heart palpitations when I drank red wine. My cardio said "that's common in middle aged women". I said "who are you calling middle aged?!"

Wow, you guys ARE boring!!! (Jk) I like lemon water too. With lots of lemon and a little sugar and mixed with half diet sprite. On Fridays I sometimes add a splash of vodka. I only have one and only on Fridays because it's darn hard to get going the next morning after ONE drink. My, my, how times change. I don't even LIKE to feel a buzz now. I've officially reached the age when I like feeling my feet on the floor.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away (y'all ain't gone belee-DIS) I won the Spit Between Your Teeth distance contest (for the girls team). It involved a whole lot of Tequila. (You know, THAT NIGHT when you learn about Tequila?)

Couldn't SAY tequila for 6 months and still have never touched it since. Makes me queasy just to think about it...

I had a bad "reaction" to tequila too lol. I call it ToKillYou. It's been about 25 years since I've had it.
  • Love 3

CherryMalotte, sure hope your week improves and that meanwhile, the fun pills keep working at night.

I'm a 2-3 cup coffee girl in the morning with real cream and sweet & low (I know, I know, I've TRIED to drink it black), lots and lots of iced water or maybe iced tea the rest of the day. If we go out at night, I love a frosty marguerite. I can nurse it by adding more ice all night long! Oh, Happyfatchick and Readalot, I sure know what you mean about the tequila, though. We went to a "happy hour" once and it was 2 for 1 drinks. We had to leave very soon and I foolishly drank them both down at once. (No driving). I had awful vertigo and was soooo sick. Never again.

Edited by Love2dance
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I am also a 2 cup of coffee gal, every morning.  I am going to have to try brown sugar with m creamer.  That sounds so good!

I used to drink a lot of soda.  I now have just one every other day.  I try to drink a lot of water though peach ice tea is my weakness.  Starbucks has an orange tea that is really good hot or cold.

You guys are all so virtuous! LOL


I put away the better part of a bottle of wine most evenings (I'd say I finish the whole thing, but I don't actually lick the cork)


During the day I drink either plain or sparkling water with a splash of lime juice and/or cranberry juice. Or unsweetened iced tea.


If there's no wine, I'll do gin & tonic, though that's not, strictly speaking, where my username comes from. That's a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference :)

  • Love 6

Well, to be fair, Jynnan Tonnix, you gave it all away before you said it. I may admit on here I have a splash sometimes, but I don't call myself Blue Goose!!! :) I also have a glass of Moscato every now and again (so rarely, in fact, I had to look up how to spell it...). But yummy! It's like fizzy koolaide!

ETA: ummm, is anybody else embarrassed when they go to the thread list on this forum and see their name for 3 out of 5 current thread topics? I talk too much!!!

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 4

Haha...true enough, Happyfatchick, but, as said, the actual username is less a reference to my libation of choice than it is to one of my favorite quotes from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series of books. Here's the passage in full:

It is a curious fact, and one to which no one knows quite how much importance to attach, that something like 85% of all known worlds in the Galaxy, be they primitive or highly advanced, have invented a drink called jynnan tonnyx, or gee-N’N-T’N-ix, or jinond-o-nicks, or any one of a thousand or more variations on the same phonetic theme. The drinks themselves are not the same, and vary between the Sivolvian “chinanto/mnigs” which is ordinary water served at slightly above room temperature, and the Gagrakackan “tzjin-anthony-ks” which kills cows at a hundred paces; and in fact the one common factor between all of them, beyond the fact that the names sound the same, is that they were all invented and named before the worlds concerned made contact with any other worlds.

What can be made of this fact? It exists in total isolation. As far as any theory of structural linguistics is concerned it is right off the graph, and yet it persists. Old structural linguists get very angry when young structural linguists go on about it. Young structural linguists get deeply excited about it and stay up late at night convinced that they are very close to something of profound importance, and end up becoming old structural linguists before their time, getting very angry with the young ones. Structural linguistics is a bitterly divided and unhappy discipline, and a large number of its practitioners spend too many nights drowning their problems in Ouisghian Zodahs.


Douglas Adams - Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 4

Well, to be fair, Jynnan Tonnix, you gave it all away before you said it. I may admit on here I have a splash sometimes, but I don't call myself Blue Goose!!! :) I also have a glass of Moscato every now and again (so rarely, in fact, I had to look up how to spell it...). But yummy! It's like fizzy koolaide!

ETA: ummm, is anybody else embarrassed when they go to the thread list on this forum and see their name for 3 out of 5 current thread topics? I talk too much!!!

You do not talk to much i kept coming back today to read  posts . 

  • Love 1

So my favorite drink is Diet Coke which is bad for the bones and that is an issue for me.  I have cut back to half of my former consumption.  Some days I don' have any and some days just a sip or two.  I don't order it out anymore.  But, I like it a lot, especially with my piece of dark chocolate.


My second favorite drink is a Cosmo - I have learned to mix it just the way I like it.  I only have one on "Cosmo Friday" normally, unless we go out and the restaurant makes it the way I like it.  If not I get Pinot Grigio.  

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We spoiled our daughters, they won't drink any water bottled but Arrowhead. If in a bind they will have other brands of Sping Water. I thought both Dasani and Aquacina were both tap water? They taste like it to us.

I used to live in Lake Arrowhead and the Arrowhead trucks would pull up at the base of the mountain to fill up. Not to slam Arrowhead water but its really just San Bernardino tap water filtered a few times.

Love the water/soda conversation. I also love diet soda particularly leaded coke varieties and am not really motivated by plain water. I switched this year to pitchers in the frig of Yerba Mate (chai) iced tea that packs an energy punch and filtered water that I toss sliced lemons with a chamomile tea bag into. I sip all day. If I want bubbles I drink something like Crystal Geyser because it has a hint of flavor and no citric acid that aggravates acid reflex. Citric or ascorbic acids are in most drinks and canned foods. Be very careful because these acids are proving to be one of the causes of chronic coughs associated with acid reflex.

  • Love 1

I can't start the day without coffee, and I'm always surprised when people my age (aka, those older than dirt) don't drink coffee. I just can't wake up and get going without it. I drink it with milk (no sugar). I usually stop around noon, so as not to disrupt sleep.


I never knew that people drank soda in the morning until I saw some of my younger coworkers chugging Mountain Dew (which I guess is loaded with caffeine).


My after-five beverage of choice is Pinot Noir. Well, in truth, any red will do, but I was heavily influenced by the movie "Sideways." Unlike the main character in that movie, though, I will drink Merlot!


We had one of those Soda Stream machines, but I found it cumbersome to have to replace the canisters. We were using it for water only. I drink soda only when I'm sick.

  • Love 1

I'm a no coffee, no way, no how person. I just don't like it. I love Coke Zero but am, once again, giving it up. I hope it sticks this time. As for tequila... Ugh! It took me at least three bad experiences to finally quit the devil water & one involved kissing a waiter who then brought me free tequila. Vodka tonic is my drink of choice but I rarely drink anymore. I am a complete lightweight now & one drink pushes me toward waiter kissing territory. Staying somewhat local I drink Mountain Valley spring water. It's good water.

On an unrelated note I was with my 16 year old at a local park/trail area & some college guys were cat-calling & talking about how hot it was. I told my kid that I was going to go punch them in their stupid faces & she told me that would probably end poorly for me. Curses! Loud, ugly, dirty curses. I'm not ready for boys to think my baby is hot.

  • Love 3

I love this thread. Yeah, I'm a 2 cup a day coffee drinker too. I can get by with 1 cup, but less than that I'm a mess, headache and all.

So hard to narrow down my favorite libation, hmmm. At home, I like anything dry, white or red. But if I'm forced to choose, probably a Cabernet, although I like a red blend like 14 Hands. If I'm going out, I'll do a shot of silver Don Julio Blanco tequila and follow it up with a margarita on the rocks, salt please. Sounds like I drink a lot, but I really only have a couple drinks a week. More or less.

Jynnan Tonnix, my favorite drink for years was a gin and tonic. Years ago, every Friday after work for about 5 years my office mates and I would go to the corner bar after work for happy hour and appetizers when I lived in Seattle, and that was my drink of choice. I rode the bus, but on Fridays I took a taxi home (lived less than 5 miles from downtown, so it was cheap) if I wasn't meeting up with another group of friends later -- good times!!

  • Love 1

I like hearing about what everyone's Coke is.

What do you like to drink after 5pm?


After five, I like a whiskey sour or just some good sippin' whiskey like Jack Daniels, followed by a good red wine with dinner. Or an icy cold beer with lime in the Summer, or if there's a clambake, or a picnic, or a corn-and-sausage roast going on. An Irish coffee on Christmas Eve and mulled apple cider with a wee bit of rum in the Fall and Winter. I've never turned down a nice glass of champagne either, or a staunch Bloody Mary at a Sunday morning brunch. :>)

  • Love 4

A little mashup of subjects here:



No thanks! 


As for drinks, I'm like Josh's "mother." You'll have to pry the Starbuck's out of my cold, dead hands. Friday nights is for Chardonnay. I drink maybe one diet coke/pepsi a week, if that. Otherwise, it's tons of water. Our tap water is excellent, and I'm cheap, so there's that. I tried making lemon water in my recycled Crystal Geyser liter bottles, but they got moldy after a while. Ick. I can't drink out of glasses because, well, cats. :D


RIP Doug Adams. I still have the original BBC Hitchhiker's Guide on VHS, taped from PBS c.1981 (not purchased...again, I'm cheap). 

  • Love 4
I can't start the day without coffee, and I'm always surprised when people my age (aka, those older than dirt) don't drink coffee. I just can't wake up and get going without it. I drink it with milk (no sugar). I usually stop around noon, so as not to disrupt sleep.

Ah, JB. Coffee is the ONE habit in life I wished I could take up. I love to SMELL coffee. I love it when you open the pack and the coffee beans smell SO wonderful. I love that smell. I love to smell it brewing. The house smells inviting when it smells of coffee.

But I CANNOT get that stuff past my lips. I cannot do it. I'm the only non-coffee drinker in my family. I worked a whole career in the corporate world, and had regular morning meetings at those places (I was HR, so the plant manager and all supervisors in the meeting). Here they all came bleary eyed, holding a Mug of steaming go-juice. There I sat bleary eyed with my devil-red can of Coke. The real thing, fully loaded. I was always a little embarrassed over that, too. It seemed such a grown up thing to do, bring coffee to the meeting - and when I got my first leg up in HR (certifiably green behind the ears - had that "new generalist smell" still), I SO could have used a grown up prop.
  • Love 4

My husband is the same way, Happyfatchick...he likes the smell of coffee just fine, but cannot choke down anything, even like a dessert with a hint of coffee flavor. When we go out to breakfast, I always order coffee, and he always orders hot tea...Guess which of us they try to serve those to when they come to the table.

  • Love 3

Ah. Drink of choice. Definitely a topic to clear the palate after too much surfing the innernets and thinking about realitty teevee stuff. 


Oh, sisters and brothers, I'm here to confess that yesterday I was a backslider in my Diet Coke consumption. Had some at lunch and then a can of it after work at home. (The last can I had here. Hmm..) I like the La Croix canned fizzy water with a hint of flavor; got a case at Costco. Looks like no crazy chemicals in it, and sometimes one of those will be a good substitute for a Diet Coke. 


My iced tea of choice these days is the Tazo iced passion. I get the tea bags that make a pitcher and drink it very watered down. I don't need it sweetened at all. If I make regular iced tea and have fresh lemons to add, I don't need that sweetened either. 


And, I have a fridge with a water/ice dispenser in the door and a Pur filter in it. I like that just fine. 


Man, am I ever boring. I got off the booze 28 years ago so my after-5 drinks are meh and mostly devoid of caffeine. 


I love Tazo passion tea iced - and no sweetener too! Such an unusually delicious flavor...

  • Love 2

Dang, forum went funky an I lost my post.


Tequila - HFC, I had that night with the Mexican gold myself and stayed far away for a long time.  I do enjoy top shelf margaritas (shaken) though so I will have one or two of those when at the right venue.  (Good Tequila, Gran Marnier and real lime juice.)


Rats, to whomever it was talking about having their 16-yr old ogled, mine started getting it at about the age of 12, she's 20 now and I still have all my hair and have yet to punch anyone, though I came really close one night when we were strolling around Hoboken when they were not only hitting on her - but hitting on me as well with all the licentious remarks that would accompany that!  I'm always surprised how much attention I get in places like that, I'm blond and so is most everyone else here, but in other parts of the country it's different.

I got a new piano keyboard this week (old one broken for more than 2 years now...). I post a lot because curiosity gets the better of me and I have to see what you guys are talking about. And I started a new book.

I will be more productive today. I will be more productive today. I will be more productive today. (Well, you get the general drift...)

  • Love 3

This Texan likes her margarita or beer with her Mexican food, and nice cold beer with her BBQ. Coffee in the a.m.--even if it's decaf, one diet soda throughout the day, and a lot of cold water throughout the day. Friday and Saturday I may have 1 or 2 alcoholic beverages of varying kinds if out with friends. As a matter of fact, the movie theater I go to has a bar. Sometimes a good margarita can make a crappy movie reeeaal good!

Edited by zenme
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I am not religious but oddly very guilt ridden (thanks Irish Catholic upbringing!) and I need to drink more water and cut back on the diet coke. You posters are an inspiration and make water sound so yummy. Cucumber infused water, Who knew? This is going to be a big challange since I've been drinking diet coke since it was was Tab. Remember Tab and Fresca? And who could forget the weight loss candy called Aids? In retrospect that was a very unfortunate choice of names. I'm not 102 years old but my mother has been dieting her whole life so I was privy to these delightful weight loss gems from a young age.

  • Love 4

Readalot, come sit over here by me. I can't have caffeine anymore either--I had to quit cold turkey a few years ago because my heart suddenly decided caffeine was the devil and it was not going to beat right until I cut it out. I didn't even really drink that much caffeine (maybe 2 cups of coffee in the morning and a random soda a few days a week), but I was in a super bitchy mood for a few weeks until I got used to it. Now I don't even crave it anymore. I will still have a cup of decaf coffee every once in a while (I love coffee--the smell, the taste, all of it), but I rarely have soda or iced tea anymore. Plus, I had kidney stones a few years ago, so now water is my go-to all the time. My kidneys are nothing if not well hydrated.

  • Love 1

I am not religious but oddly very guilt ridden (thanks Irish Catholic upbringing!) and I need to drink more water and cut back on the diet coke. You posters are an inspiration and make water sound so yummy. Cucumber infused water, Who knew? This is going to be a big challange since I've been drinking diet coke since it was was Tab. Remember Tab and Fresca? And who could forget the weight loss candy called Aids? In retrospect that was a very unfortunate choice of names. I'm not 102 years old but my mother has been dieting her whole life so I was privy to these delightful weight loss gems from a young age.


Oh, wow. I remember Aids. And drinking a ton of coffee trying to get the taste of grainy artificially flavored fudge out of my mouth.


I am not religious but oddly very guilt ridden (thanks Irish Catholic upbringing!) and I need to drink more water and cut back on the diet coke. You posters are an inspiration and make water sound so yummy. Cucumber infused water, Who knew? This is going to be a big challange since I've been drinking diet coke since it was was Tab. Remember Tab and Fresca? And who could forget the weight loss candy called Aids? In retrospect that was a very unfortunate choice of names. I'm not 102 years old but my mother has been dieting her whole life so I was privy to these delightful weight loss gems from a young age.

Tab And Fresca Soda I drank them both .  Every once in a while in New York you can find Fresca.  Aids diet candy  used to think you eat the entire box and still lose weight. .  Silly me. To drink more water i put mint leaves or  a small piece of fresh ginger or watermelon

Edited by amitville

So we are still talking about drinks? Well, if I must have a stiff drink (which is rare) I prefer a double shot of Grand Marnier. Straight. Not on the rocks.

Then I sit back and lipread everyone in the room and try not to join random conversations taking place in the restaurant.

Just spit my water out thank for good laugh jellybeans

  • Love 3
Good morning everyone!  I had my 2 cups of coffee this morning and forgot about trying brown sugar in it.  I am just way too sleeping to be doing thinking that early.


Tried this out of desperation once and YUMMY.  I take Stevia but will gladly do brown sugar!

I can lipread almost anyone. In public places, I have to shut it out and do. But when my wandering eyes get bored....the things I hear!!! OMG!


ooo! I'd love to have you next to me at one of those work schmoozer events! I could only imagine all the b.s.!

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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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