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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Miss Maisie, as everyone is calling her, had a pretty good day. Being in that private room, on top if the enclosed obsolete, seems to be keeping her calm. She only had two bradycardic episodes all day and both were easily remedied. They had put the breathing tube in with her sticky lung issue, but she was breathing against it earlier today, so they turned it down to a supportive, rather than sustaining, level. If she is doing well tomorrow, they'll go back to cpap Saturday. I took a few ideas from you guys and used them. I put pictures up of dh and I, and the grandparents. My husband couldn't resist an opportunity to put a picture of Arya Stark, from Game of Thrones, on the floor of her warmer, since...yes, he voted for Maisie because the actresses' name is Maisie, too. Weirdo. There's a male NICU nurse who is bromancing my husband and says "Maisie needs a direwolf beanie baby!" So, if anyone knows where we can buy a stuffed direwolf...

I'm ok. I just want to hold her. Milk is starting to come in and they're talking about adding a bit to her ng tube very soon. I didn't realise nursing wouldn't be an option for at least two weeks. I actually have a lot of sympathy for Michelle and Jim Bob. Josie was way smaller than Maisie. And, at the same time, I can't fathom some of the risks they took and how easily they said they wanted #20 after going through this. It's just so hard to imagine doing this again and I only have one!

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I had a terrible Duggar dream last night. Amy had written a book, and somehow I was at the launch. I was laughing about one of the chapters with someone else at my table, and Michelle called me an asshole. This snowballed into a huge thing that lead to the show being cancelled, so Michelle got the idea that she'd get a new show, if she was a single mother with all those kids. She left JB, and moved all of the kids into a one-bedroom motel room, where she was hanging out the front smoking with one of the Dance Moms, while Jordyn tried to feed everyone with leftover pizza she found in someone else's room.


It was weird and depressing.

  • Love 3

The last few days have been the worst and best days of my life. In the early morning of the 30th, the nurse called me in from the family sleep room to the NICU. I knew it had to be bad news because of the way she woke me up. When I got to the NICU, there were people everywhere around Maisie's bed/warmimg unit. Apparently, she started seizing while one of the nurses was changing her. They gave her meds to stop the seizure and started working her up. An EEG came out normal with no signs of seizure activity. The STAT MRI showed no brain bleeds. For about an hour, we had no idea what was happening and it was terrifying. Then, they the doctor did a chest CT and somehow put together that Maisie had basically choked on her own secretions. It's like when you have something go down the wrong pipe, so you choke and try to cough it out. Maisie's breathing tube had prevented her from coughing and, in fact, kept assisting her to breathe normally which sucked that fluid farther I to her lungs. Once they figured it out, they suctioned her tube and throat. It was horrible to watch and feel so helpless. After we thought the crisis was over and she settled back in, the nurses suggested we go out of the hospital to get a bite to eat and decompress. While we ate, our cells started ringing and the nurse told us to get back ASAP. As we pulled into the hospital, a helicopter landed on the roof and neither of us thought much of it until we came out of the elevator and saw Maisie's isolette being moved into the elevator. She had spiked a fever and had, once again, seized and quit breathing. They transferred her to a larger, university NICU. It was only a ten minute air flight, but they said an ambulance transfer would be bad because, if they got stuck in traffic and she coded, they would have to pull over and risk losing time. So, she is now with the best NICU team in the area and she is under the care of a neonatal pulmonologist. Since that scare, she hasn't had another scare, but her lungs are infected and she's running a fever. I was suppose to get to hold her this weekend and, instead, she got worse.

This is unbelievably hard! I just want her to grow and be strong.

I have been thinking about how incredibly lucky the Duggars got with Josie. I hope we are that lucky! It's petty, I know, but I really resent the way that they attribute her survival to God's favor and considered having #20. My baby is suffering. I can see it. Although the doctors are keeping her a bit sedated, I know she must be suffering. How could Michelle watch Josie be poked and prodded and suffer and cheerfully tell people magazine that they would activity embrace another pregnancy. I just don't get it. Maybe having nineteen lessens the stakes? Maybe Michelle is truly more faithful and trusting in faith than I ever can, will, or want to be. But, I can't imagine the possibility of another pregnancy. My body clearly isn't great at gestating. Michelle's was and is passed gestating prime, but still- knowing what she knows and having seen the trials of her Josie- she would do it again? Am I missing something?

Maisie will likely come out the other side of this with few long term issues. Today, she looks better and we should see a turn around today from the antibiotics and other supportive measures. I just feel like I'm helpless.

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Thank you for being there. She has had a blessedly quite day and her temp is almost back to normal. Her breathing is improving with the assistance of this new doctor. He's really great about explaining this and keeping us involved. When he heard we hadn't held her, yet, he told the nurse that he thought Maisie might want a change of this lamb skin stuff that they line the bed with...it WAS sort of dirty. So, he stood next to us and help me lift her very gently while the nurses changed her bedding. It was heaven. DH has already called dibs on the next round. What strikes me is that I thought the last NICU was amazing and everyone was kind and helpful - this hospital is even more so and i don't say that to take away from the first. I think there are just more resources here. This unit has 1-to-1 nursing and they create a team so that Maisie will rotate through the same four nurses for her entire stay. They also have an occupational therapist who ONLY works with preemies. He came in and introduced himself and started writing things on her whiteboard. I kind of thought she was too young and too sick to do much and I've been obsessing about her calorie burning. This wonderful man looked at her chart and showed me that she had gained an oz. With all that is going on, she gained an oz. He said that meant she could use "a little exercise" and told me the things that some of you have been saying about talking to her and participating in her care, even if it's just touching her hand through the portals. I probably won't get a chance to update tomorrow but that's because we have family coming to see her. Thank you all.

  • Love 14

Wanderwoman, this is all great news! My mom had such similar experiences- we were at Pennsylvania Hospital & they also had a team of nurses work with me for my entire stay. My mom used to "scooch" my forehead and rub upwards between my eyes & forehead with her thumb. They also did leg exercises & things with me in my isolette.

I'm curious- did your husband ever get Maisie a stuffed direwolf?

I'm sure you'll all keep improving!

Wanderwoman, this is all great news! My mom had such similar experiences- we were at Pennsylvania Hospital & they also had a team of nurses work with me for my entire stay. My mom used to "scooch" my forehead and rub upwards between my eyes & forehead with her thumb. They also did leg exercises & things with me in my isolette.

I'm curious- did your husband ever get Maisie a stuffed direwolf?

I'm sure you'll all keep improving!

Yes! He ordered one. :) He has also renamed her isolette "The Iron Throne".

Maisie had a great night! They said her blood work suggested her infection is gone and they'll confirm with an xray today. They also hooked me up with a great pump and want to start mixing more of my milk with her feedings via NG. The breathing tube should come out tomorrow since its only supporting.

  • Love 9

That's great! My mom was excited when "she" could feed me her milk instead of what I got from the NG tube. My mom actually slept with my teddy bear for a few nights before putting it in my isolette so it smelled like her (sort of what they tell you to do with young puppies leaving their moms). I'm not sure it helped me but she liked thinking that her scent was comforting. She figured I might have been used to it in the womb!

Hope Maisie keeps improving!

  • Love 2

Puppies were mentioned.  My true loves.  The last one I brought home was a 6 wk old min australian shepherd who was to live with me and 2 border collies.  From the moment he got out of the car he was ready to play and the house and yard his own.  He constantly bit the border collies' tails and they never corrected him.  It's like he already knew the house and yard and where to find everything.  No puppy blues for him.  Never lonely for his mom and siblings.  We've had to move a couple of times, and he's spent months with a relative when I was unable to care for him, and absolutely no problem.  Two relatives have dogs who hate other dogs, and they love him.  Go figure.

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I used a snuggle puppy for my puppy, a miniature goldendoodle & had the breeder give it to the mom to play with before I picked him. Then I slept with it so it had my scent on it. Not sure it helped him but he did sleep with it for a long time. He's 1 1/2 now & is pretty much glued to me.

Sorry to the mods if this is off topic. I'll go back to talking about the Duggars now. Speaking of puppies, didn't they used to have dogs?

Edited by jb0495
  • Love 1

I've got nothing here except it reminded me that my mom was told (when I was a preemie in  England  in 1959) that drinking Guinness Stout would make her milk more robust and nutritious. Which she dutifully tried to do despite having always hated beer. I don't know whether it helped or not, but I seemed to thrive. Though neither of us can quite stomach beer to this day.

  • Love 1
Sorry to the mods if this is off topic. I'll go back to talking about the Duggars now. Speaking of puppies, didn't they used to have dogs?
FYI, this thread is meant for stuff not related to the Duggars. Per the pinned post: 


The Small Talk topic is for:

Off-topic chatter
Having virtual tea with forum buddies


Sometimes they come up, and that's fine, but it's not necessary.

I used a snuggle puppy for my puppy, a miniature goldendoodle & had the breeder give it to the mom to play with before I picked him. Then I slept with it so it had my scent on it. Not sure it helped him but he did sleep with it for a long time. He's 1 1/2 now & is pretty much glued to me.

Sorry to the mods if this is off topic. I'll go back to talking about the Duggars now. Speaking of puppies, didn't they used to have dogs?

I don't know about dogs, but we adopted a 4 wk old kitten last Julne from the shelter brought in by one of the Duggar kids. Too bad he can't talk...

  • Love 1

Has anybody heard/commented on this: "The wife of Josh Duggar, the oldest child of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, took to Twitter on Monday to retweet a pro-life post from The Radiation Foundation's Twitter page, which used Black History Month to promote an anti-abortion message."

Yes in the Josh and Anna thread. Go there to comment.

I'm sorry to have not updated you all. It's been insanity and so many ups-and-downs. Maisie has gained 8oz since the last update. This was amazing news. No one expected that she would put on weight that fast. They thought perhaps her kidneys weren't working or something, but ruled that out quickly so we're really not sure how or why she's gaining so well. The breathing tube is out and she's on cpap, but they're thinking of putting her on cannula soon. She is on the lowest cpap setting, which is fantastic, but not quite ready for room air. We did kangaroo care today and it was wonderful. I couldn't stop crying happy tears. She was good for about a half hour and then she started trying to root around so they're going to try non-nutritive suckling tomorrow. I'm not sure how that will work since I let down anytime I'm around her. I have to get some sleep. Thank you for the concern.

  • Love 16

I've got nothing here except it reminded me that my mom was told (when I was a preemie in  England  in 1959) that drinking Guinness Stout would make her milk more robust and nutritious. Which she dutifully tried to do despite having always hated beer. I don't know whether it helped or not, but I seemed to thrive. Though neither of us can quite stomach beer to this day.

I love this story. My husband is a big Guinness fan & I have used it many recipes.

I've been hit with a stomach bug this week & couldn't wait to get back on line to see how Miss Maisie is doing.

Happy Valentines! Miss Maisie had a two-steps-forewarned-one-step-back day. She was put on nasal cannula O2 on the 11th. Her percentage of pure oxygen was at 90. The goal is to get her down to room air percentage (21 percent). Today she weaned down to 70 percent. That's good progress. She has been holding her stats very well. That means her lungs are doing amazing. Her heart kept having little odd beats and they may have to go in and close off a common defect in a few weeks. Her backstop was with muscle tone. They think she had a very minor brain bleed and an MRI concurred. So, she's weak on her left side. OT is ready to assist with that. But, the real "I couldn't wait to share moment"? SHE OPENED BOTHS EYES and saw me today. She smiled...or looked happy, and sort of made a gurgle noise that was adorable. She's become vocal now that CPAP was d/c. We've been taking turns with kangaroo care and were going back to the step up NICU tomorrow. I'll get pics when I can.

  • Love 16

Happy Valentines! Miss Maisie had a two-steps-forewarned-one-step-back day. She was put on nasal cannula O2 on the 11th. Her percentage of pure oxygen was at 90. The goal is to get her down to room air percentage (21 percent). Today she weaned down to 70 percent. That's good progress. She has been holding her stats very well. That means her lungs are doing amazing. Her heart kept having little odd beats and they may have to go in and close off a common defect in a few weeks. Her backstop was with muscle tone. They think she had a very minor brain bleed and an MRI concurred. So, she's weak on her left side. OT is ready to assist with that. But, the real "I couldn't wait to share moment"? SHE OPENED BOTHS EYES and saw me today. She smiled...or looked happy, and sort of made a gurgle noise that was adorable. She's become vocal now that CPAP was d/c. We've been taking turns with kangaroo care and were going back to the step up NICU tomorrow. I'll get pics when I can.

. Awwww I hope each day there continues to be improvement! Thank you for the updates. More prayers her way.
  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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