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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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@lookeyloo I think your son passed on the same day as my mom.

Had a bad day yesterday just cried a lot. Going to the cemetery does nothing for me plus it takes 2 hours each way. I do go but she is not there she is in my heart still alive. It is really difficult to accept that someone is GONE forever. 3 years gone already and it still HURTS so bad. 

Maybe I will go for a walk on the beach. The weather is like it’s September.



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Lookey,  there are no words.  It is a beautiful and terrible thing to escort a loved one from this world to the threshold of the next.  I hope you and your family all take some peace, comfort and pride in how you came together to hold Sweet Son in your arms and hearts as he made the transition,

Last night, I watched a speech on TV.  The man giving it was talking about the family and friends of those who had died in this horrible pandemic.  He spoke of this hymn which was a favorite of his son, who he had watched die from cancer a few years ago.  It is a popular Catholic hymn, you hear it a lot at funerals.  We used it for my nephew, both my parents, my sister and my aunt and I think it is quite beautiful.  The lyrics are from Psalm 91, and, like a lot of the Bible, they are poetic and moving.


Edited by doodlebug
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14 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Sweet son died late yesterday afternoon. On Wednesday I was sitting next to him And he asked his brother by name to put socks on him. Brother and family had tickets to come from PNW on Thursday night to get here Friday morning. I quickly got them On phone and sweet son asked when they were coming. So other son switched all their tickets and they literally got on the next flight out and got here late Wednesday. We all got in bed with sweet son and he was able To talk to all of them and asked for a kiss. We didn’t know if he would wake up. Next morning he was disappointed he was still alive but the family came Over early and we all spent the day with him. Again later in the day he woke up and said goodbye to all of us again. And woke  again Friday morning. Other son told Him he would take care of me which daughter in law thought important. We all had been telling him we would be okay and to go when he needed to. He said he didn’t mind dying but didn’t want to be gone. He felt Worse and worse but not exactly in pain. Hospice helped his husband with the Morphine. At one point we could see a change and called the hospice nurse who told us the end was near and gave meds instructions. We were all with him holding him And telling him it was okay and we love him. It really was peaceful. We stayed there with him until The hospice nurse came to confirm. Then funeral Home. If it weren’t so awful it would be beautiful because it was peaceful and he was surrounded by all his favorite people telling stories about him. Son in law is a saint. He took the best loving care of sweet son.  We are broken hearted beyond belief. It is a Particular cruelty to help a child die no matter how old. 
Thank you all for the kind words and support. It is greatly appreciated. I haven’t kept up recently but will need the distraction soon. 

I am so very sorry. No mother should have to bury their child. He was lucky to have a wonderful mother like you. Please gentle with yourself. 

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Day 21 of my 21 day workout challenge. I did it. I’m rather proud of myself.


I was a sedentary person before the pandemic but at least I took public transit and walked around stores. Now I just stay home (although I do get a lot of stair use as we have a lot of stairs between the units and the basement). Need to change. 

So I’m going to think about what I want to do for my next challenge- I am going to workout tomorrow and probably get back into lifting. 

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Well shit. 2020 is not done yet. Just felt the shake, rattle and roll of an earthquake.

And Alex Trebek passed away this morning. So many tears this weekend, some happy, some sad,

Lookeyloo, I’m so sorry. I hope you can find some peace knowing that your son is no longer suffering and that you got to have a beautiful goodbye,


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15 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Sweet son died late yesterday afternoon. On Wednesday I was sitting next to him And he asked his brother by name to put socks on him. Brother and family had tickets to come from PNW on Thursday night to get here Friday morning. I quickly got them On phone and sweet son asked when they were coming. So other son switched all their tickets and they literally got on the next flight out and got here late Wednesday. We all got in bed with sweet son and he was able To talk to all of them and asked for a kiss. We didn’t know if he would wake up. Next morning he was disappointed he was still alive but the family came Over early and we all spent the day with him. Again later in the day he woke up and said goodbye to all of us again. And woke  again Friday morning. Other son told Him he would take care of me which daughter in law thought important. We all had been telling him we would be okay and to go when he needed to. He said he didn’t mind dying but didn’t want to be gone. He felt Worse and worse but not exactly in pain. Hospice helped his husband with the Morphine. At one point we could see a change and called the hospice nurse who told us the end was near and gave meds instructions. We were all with him holding him And telling him it was okay and we love him. It really was peaceful. We stayed there with him until The hospice nurse came to confirm. Then funeral Home. If it weren’t so awful it would be beautiful because it was peaceful and he was surrounded by all his favorite people telling stories about him. Son in law is a saint. He took the best loving care of sweet son.  We are broken hearted beyond belief. It is a Particular cruelty to help a child die no matter how old. 
Thank you all for the kind words and support. It is greatly appreciated. I haven’t kept up recently but will need the distraction soon. 

I am so, so sorry for the loss of your sweet son, @lookeyloo. My heart is breaking for you and your family, and you are all in my prayers.

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Lookeyloo, please accept my condolences.  My heart goes out to you. I’m so glad it was a peaceful time, yet I know the pain must be unbearable. Thank you for sharing what happened. Take care of yourself and I will look forward to seeing your posts, when you are able.

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2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

@lookeyloo, I am so sorry. You and you family are in my thoughts. 

@GeeGolly, did you feel the earthquake? I was in the car when it happened and didn’t notice anything. Neighbors said they could feel it.

Yes I did. I was sitting in a chair. Not very jarring and over in a few seconds, but noticeable enough to know it wasn't normal. Reached out to a couple of friends and within minutes, knew it was an earthquake.

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Hmmm....what did I do with my Sunday?

So I'm kinda sorta exploring having plants, but smaller ones that the cats aren't interested in and won't eat, ones that require very little care and that I can put up so the three little foolish beasts don't get ideas.  I got one succulent from Aldi that seems to like me and is growing, I just transferred him to a new pot a week or so ago, he's maybe six months old.  The next one I got was at Aldi as well, I was in what they call the Aisle of Shame when I saw succulents again, but they were dipped in glow in the dark paint.  To me that's awful, like dyeing chicks pink for Easter.  I don't know what karma/good intentions/stupidity got ahold of me, but I bought him, repotted as well, and today I spent a couple of hours on and off getting the paint off of the leaves because plants need to do that whole photosynthesis thang.  He may live or not live, but I thought he deserved a fighting chance - what I didn't get off will hopefully just come off as he gets bigger.

You can say it. I'm odd.  I know it.    

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@lookeyloo, the others here have said it better than I can, but I'm so sorry for your loss although it is good that you were all together in love and support for your sweet son's passing. It's so *ss-backwards for a parent to survive a child, that I don't have the words. Sending you some virtual hugs.

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19 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

I know we don’t talk about the Dugs on this thread, but did one of them get engaged?  I’m experiencing engagement ring avalanche in ads. (And of course by mentioning it, I have almost certainly made it worse). 

There's an engagement in the near future, but nothing of late.

@lookeyloo, I am so sorry. I'm glad sweet son's passing was peaceful and he was surrounded with love. Sending hugs.

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People, you do NOT want me planning your camping trip. My bad luck struck again on Saturday. Early that morning I decided to camp for that night in a state park that's less than a two hour drive from home, a park I'd never visited but wanted to. I checked the weather report which was fine, and was able to reserve a spot although the campground was almost booked up completely. I sketched out a plan for some sightseeing in that area, packed my stuff, and was looking forward to the trip.

So, by the time I got down there later in the morning? The weather service had issued a high wind warning for the area for the overnight hours into Sunday morning. Oy. I'd been delayed leaving home in the morning (phone calls etc.) but once I got to that city I enjoyed again visiting in a museum I'd been to a few years ago. By the time I got to my campsite at dusk, the wind was strong enough to discourage being outdoors. I was pretty much hanging out in the back of the minivan for the evening, streaming stuff on my phone and reading. I was able to get some sleep but the wind really picked up around midnight and blew like crazy for the next several hours. It was roaring, and occasionally gusting with enough strength to jostle the minvan. I was never afraid of it being blown over but it was far from restful and I didn't sleep well to say the least. 

Finally when I got up and dressed after dawn, I decided that I'd brave the winds and at least drive into town (not far) for some coffee. The wind was so strong that I had to fight to open a door against it, and to hold onto a door that I was opening in the direction it was blowing. Whether it was a car door or a door at the campground bathroom building. The dumpster lids there had been conveniently blown open by the winds and fortunately it was a HUGE, deep, and almost empty dumpster so my smallish bag of trash was safely deposited in it and didn't blow back out. 

Dang. I really liked what I saw of that park, no wonder it's so popular. I'm sorry the conditions didn't allow me either to sit outdoors and enjoy the early evening, or to explore, enjoy, and photograph the landscape in the morning light. I'm going back. Despite my record. This is four or five times I've planned a camping trip lately, and all but one of those times the weather has been bad. Twice, so bad I cancelled altogether. Once I came home a day early. The problems have been smoky air from distant wildfires, a 106F heat wave, a deep-freeze early October snowstorm, and now strong "travel is discouraged" howling winds. 

I did like the park, and though I'm still figuring out what to put in the minivan for camping/travel and how to organize it, I'm fine with spending the night in it. It wasn't the camping trip that was wrong, it was that it was too windy to enjoy and explore the park. Maybe next time . . . 

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14 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Yes I did. I was sitting in a chair. Not very jarring and over in a few seconds, but noticeable enough to know it wasn't normal. Reached out to a couple of friends and within minutes, knew it was an earthquake.

I felt it here in CT. I was upstairs, actually sitting on the toilet (TMI?) when it hit. It was just barely detectable - more a feeling of waves passing by in the air than any shaking, per se, but just weird enough that I thought it might have been an earthquake. We went through a big earthquake (8.2) when we were stationed in Guam back in 1992, with frequent aftershocks for weeks afterward, so it was a sort of mostly forgotten but still somewhat familiar sensation. 

Mr, Jyn and my mom were downstairs, but neither felt anything. My daughter didn't feel anything either, but my son-in-law heard an odd sound that he asked my daughter about around that time, so not sure whether that was it or not.

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19 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

People, you do NOT want me planning your camping trip. My bad luck struck again on Saturday. Early that morning I decided to camp for that night in a state park that's less than a two hour drive from home, a park I'd never visited but wanted to. I checked the weather report which was fine, and was able to reserve a spot although the campground was almost booked up completely. I sketched out a plan for some sightseeing in that area, packed my stuff, and was looking forward to the trip.

So, by the time I got down there later in the morning? The weather service had issued a high wind warning for the area for the overnight hours into Sunday morning. Oy. I'd been delayed leaving home in the morning (phone calls etc.) but once I got to that city I enjoyed again visiting in a museum I'd been to a few years ago. By the time I got to my campsite at dusk, the wind was strong enough to discourage being outdoors. I was pretty much hanging out in the back of the minivan for the evening, streaming stuff on my phone and reading. I was able to get some sleep but the wind really picked up around midnight and blew like crazy for the next several hours. It was roaring, and occasionally gusting with enough strength to jostle the minvan. I was never afraid of it being blown over but it was far from restful and I didn't sleep well to say the least. 

Finally when I got up and dressed after dawn, I decided that I'd brave the winds and at least drive into town (not far) for some coffee. The wind was so strong that I had to fight to open a door against it, and to hold onto a door that I was opening in the direction it was blowing. Whether it was a car door or a door at the campground bathroom building. The dumpster lids there had been conveniently blown open by the winds and fortunately it was a HUGE, deep, and almost empty dumpster so my smallish bag of trash was safely deposited in it and didn't blow back out. 

Dang. I really liked what I saw of that park, no wonder it's so popular. I'm sorry the conditions didn't allow me either to sit outdoors and enjoy the early evening, or to explore, enjoy, and photograph the landscape in the morning light. I'm going back. Despite my record. This is four or five times I've planned a camping trip lately, and all but one of those times the weather has been bad. Twice, so bad I cancelled altogether. Once I came home a day early. The problems have been smoky air from distant wildfires, a 106F heat wave, a deep-freeze early October snowstorm, and now strong "travel is discouraged" howling winds. 

I did like the park, and though I'm still figuring out what to put in the minivan for camping/travel and how to organize it, I'm fine with spending the night in it. It wasn't the camping trip that was wrong, it was that it was too windy to enjoy and explore the park. Maybe next time . . . 

I think these little hiccups are good in the beginning. It helps in planning future trips and longer trips. I love that you're always able to squeeze something good into your experiences, even if Mother Nature and covid get in the way. Happy travelling!

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Does anyone know if you can actually fight off a UTI without antibiotics?  I have one.  I don't get many, but, each time, the same symptoms, urgency, frequent urination.  I don't burn, sting or feel sick...just feeling like you have to go a lot and I'm actually going, because I am drinking LOTS of water.  I'm taking Cystex, which is just something to keep you comfortable.  It doesn't heal.  Plus, I'm taking Cranberry tablets.  I may add some probiotics too.   I'm trying to avoid a trip to the doctor, but, not sure is it will heal itself, if conditions are right and I flush everything out. I try to avoid antibiotics if at all possible.   I've always gone to the doctor on the first day of symptoms, so, I'm not sure what happens if you don't.  I have so much work to do.....I'd have to go to urgent care.....IDK.  Terrible timing. 

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1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know if you can actually fight off a UTI without antibiotics?  I have one.  I don't get many, but, each time, the same symptoms, urgency, frequent urination.  I don't burn, sting or feel sick...just feeling like you have to go a lot and I'm actually going, because I am drinking LOTS of water.  I'm taking Cystex, which is just something to keep you comfortable.  It doesn't heal.  Plus, I'm taking Cranberry tablets.  I may add some probiotics too.   I'm trying to avoid a trip to the doctor, but, not sure is it will heal itself, if conditions are right and I flush everything out. I try to avoid antibiotics if at all possible.   I've always gone to the doctor on the first day of symptoms, so, I'm not sure what happens if you don't.  I have so much work to do.....I'd have to go to urgent care.....IDK.  Terrible timing. 

Cranberry juice. 


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2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know if you can actually fight off a UTI without antibiotics?  I have one.  I don't get many, but, each time, the same symptoms, urgency, frequent urination.  I don't burn, sting or feel sick...just feeling like you have to go a lot and I'm actually going, because I am drinking LOTS of water.  I'm taking Cystex, which is just something to keep you comfortable.  It doesn't heal.  Plus, I'm taking Cranberry tablets.  I may add some probiotics too.   I'm trying to avoid a trip to the doctor, but, not sure is it will heal itself, if conditions are right and I flush everything out. I try to avoid antibiotics if at all possible.   I've always gone to the doctor on the first day of symptoms, so, I'm not sure what happens if you don't.  I have so much work to do.....I'd have to go to urgent care.....IDK.  Terrible timing. 

You can try garlic caps but honestly you need to get treated. To my knowledge you cannot heal it without antibiotics. Be sure you stop the Cystexa day or two before you go to the Dr. It can affect the test results. If you do not go I think that things will just get worse. Please make the time and go to the Dr.

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Yeah, I'm taking the cranberry tablets, that also have vitamin C.  I've read they are just as good as the cranberry juice.  I have to watch my carbs, due to Type I diabetes.  I guess I'll have to go to urgent care....uhhh....

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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know if you can actually fight off a UTI without antibiotics?  I have one.  I don't get many, but, each time, the same symptoms, urgency, frequent urination.  I don't burn, sting or feel sick...just feeling like you have to go a lot and I'm actually going, because I am drinking LOTS of water.  I'm taking Cystex, which is just something to keep you comfortable.  It doesn't heal.  Plus, I'm taking Cranberry tablets.  I may add some probiotics too.   I'm trying to avoid a trip to the doctor, but, not sure is it will heal itself, if conditions are right and I flush everything out. I try to avoid antibiotics if at all possible.   I've always gone to the doctor on the first day of symptoms, so, I'm not sure what happens if you don't.  I have so much work to do.....I'd have to go to urgent care.....IDK.  Terrible timing. 

What you are doing might help, but sometimes you have to have an antibiotic.  The measures you are taking may give you relief until you can go to a doctor.  I take the cranberry tablets everyday and drink only water. I was having constant UTIs before I started on this regimen.  It has really helped!

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I knew that I wasn't drinking enough water lately.  Could kick myself.  I've been distracted.....am back on track now.  

I have to meet with some clients.....so, figuring out when to go to urgent care.  I have to go out of town for one, because, my in network places are not nearby......

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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23 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone know if you can actually fight off a UTI without antibiotics?  I have one.  I don't get many, but, each time, the same symptoms, urgency, frequent urination.  I don't burn, sting or feel sick...just feeling like you have to go a lot and I'm actually going, because I am drinking LOTS of water.  I'm taking Cystex, which is just something to keep you comfortable.  It doesn't heal.  Plus, I'm taking Cranberry tablets.  I may add some probiotics too.   I'm trying to avoid a trip to the doctor, but, not sure is it will heal itself, if conditions are right and I flush everything out. I try to avoid antibiotics if at all possible.   I've always gone to the doctor on the first day of symptoms, so, I'm not sure what happens if you don't.  I have so much work to do.....I'd have to go to urgent care.....IDK.  Terrible timing. 

I’ve only had one UTI and I never ever want to do that again. It was brutally painful, not least because I didn’t really understand what it was until I was peeing blood. (sorry for TMI). I am a worrier and I’d be very concerned about it becoming a kidney infection. The antibiotics worked great for me and for some things, for me, they’re worth it.

Call your doctor’s office...tell them you’re having a UTI and ask if they can phone in antibiotics. With my HMO if you’ve had one before it’s one of the things they’re doing because of Covid.

ETA: I just read that you have diabetes...honey, this is a potentially big ugly. Please get treatment!?

Edited by Oldernowiser
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Just now, Oldernowiser said:

I’ve only had one UTI and I never ever want to do that again. It was brutally painful, not least because I didn’t really understand what it was until I was peeing blood. (sorry for TMI). You may be able to eventually heal it without antibiotics depending on type, severity, and overall immune system but I am a worrier and I’d be concerned about it becoming a kidney infection. The antibiotics worked great for me and for some things, for me, they’re worth it.

Call your doctor’s office...tell them you’re having a UTI and ask if they can phone in antibiotics. With my HMO if you’ve had one before it’s one of the things they’re doing because of Covid.


I agree with just calling your doctor’s office. They should just be able to call in the prescription to your pharmacy.

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I can try to call primary, however, I had to leave my long time primary in 2020 because they were not in my insurance's network.  Even though, I had a LONG history with them....they would NEVER call me in an antibiotic.  I tried.  They insisted that I go in and see PA, get urine test, etc. and THEN prescribe me an antibiotic.  I guess I could try....

My new primary I got for 2020, I've only seen once, so, I'm not sure they would be open to that. I'll try.  

The Urgent Care, I think I may have seen twice.  Maybe, for one UTI.  Not sure.  I doubt they will call me in something.  

I do have a couple of Cipro that aren't expired, but, not sure if I should take them.  They would probably knock it out, but,......

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1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I can try to call primary, however, I had to leave my long time primary in 2020 because they were not in my insurance's network.  Even though, I had a LONG history with them....they would NEVER call me in an antibiotic.  I tried.  They insisted that I go in and see PA, get urine test, etc. and THEN prescribe me an antibiotic.  I guess I could try....

My new primary I got for 2020, I've only seen once, so, I'm not sure they would be open to that. I'll try.  

The Urgent Care, I think I may have seen twice.  Maybe, for one UTI.  Not sure.  I doubt they will call me in something.  

I do have a couple of Cipro that aren't expired, but, not sure if I should take them.  They would probably knock it out, but,......

I have heard that taking just a few of a antibiotic is not a good idea. The infection can come back with a vengeance.  Also the body builds up a tolerance to the antibiotic.  My doctors never would just phone me in an antibiotic for a UTI before Covid.  But things are different now, maybe they would do a televisit.

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11 minutes ago, Liddy52 said:

I have heard that taking just a few of a antibiotic is not a good idea. The infection can come back with a vengeance.  Also the body builds up a tolerance to the antibiotic.  My doctors never would just phone me in an antibiotic for a UTI before Covid.  But things are different now, maybe they would do a televisit.

I was told to finish my antibiotics otherwise it won’t work. 

See a doctor @SunnyBeBe for proper treatment!


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@SunnyBeBe you may want to check with your insurance company or employer  to see if they now offer online doctor's appointments.  I have Cigna through my employer and they have a network of online docs that you can see.  With Covid, doctors are more willing to write prescriptions online without making patients have to go to urgent care.  

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Normally, I get treated ASAP with antibiotics and normally, they HELP me A LOT real quick, but, I take entire dose. 

I've only had about 4 in my lifetime, so far. 

I'm calling around now. Will check insurance company too. 

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, I'm taking the cranberry tablets, that also have vitamin C.  I've read they are just as good as the cranberry juice.  I have to watch my carbs, due to Type I diabetes.  I guess I'll have to go to urgent care....uhhh....

If you've got a family doctor, call the office and tell them your symptoms.  If you've had UTI's before, they might be willing to treat without a culture; I do that with patients who I know are reliable historians.  They could also just send you to the lab for a urine culture, skipping the office visit entirely.  Particularly in these times, patients don't want to go to multiple public places for care and I agree, so stopping at the lab to leave a specimen can work.

As far as UTI's going away on their own; sure, they can.  After all, antibiotics to treat them have only been around for less than a century.  The vast majority of women will get a UTI at some point and it seems unlikely that they never got rid of it back before antibiotics.  The problem, as mentioned above is that, aside from the discomfort, a UTI can ascend to the kidneys leading to pyelonephritis, a severe infection that often requires hospitalization and can even be deadly.  Recurrent bouts of pyelo can also damage the kidneys and lead to renal failure.

As you probably already know, diabetics are particularly prone to bladder and kidney infections and are much more likely to suffer complications with them.  Please call the doctor.

ETA: The poster above who talked about topical estrogen to prevent UTI's in menopausal women is right on.  Urogynecologists are a subspecialty within OB/GYN and they are really familiar with this stuff.  They also do surgeries for incontinence, etc.  I, myself, started getting recurrent UTI's after menopause and am using estrogen cream and took a daily antibiotic for a while and it has made a huge difference.  

Edited by doodlebug
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8 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Thanks all for your input. I went to my health insurance company's website into my portal and clicked on their televist options.  I signed up for it with Teladoc,  I consulted by video with Dr. Lee in PA and it was awesome.  I'm on my way to pick up my antibiotic from the 

In the words  of Jill Dillard: " Yay!" Glad it all worked out so well for you. Hope the antibiotic gets you better quickly!

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