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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

This morning I went for a short walk. It was nice and cool with the sun out and no wildfire smoke. Felt like Fall to me. It is suppose to be in the low 80's and 70's for the next few weeks. Cannot wait for Fall to finally get here.

ugh, me neither. I’m going back to school and am looking forward to cardigans and big fluffy sweaters and tights and boots and big fluffy socks and studying in coffee shops with big, big mugs of hot chocolate!

....and school. that too. 

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I cannot wear sweaters and boots. Turtleneck sweaters make me feel like someone has their hands around my neck. Anything close to my neck area, vocal cord, or where my thyroid use to be at makes the areas hurt for some reason. Sometimes zippering my coat all the way to the top makes the pain kick in. It is so weird.

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11 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I cannot wear sweaters and boots. Turtleneck sweaters make me feel like someone has their hands around my neck. Anything close to my neck area, vocal cord, or where my thyroid use to be at makes the areas hurt for some reason. Sometimes zippering my coat all the way to the top makes the pain kick in. It is so weird.

I also can't wear anything near or around my neck because when I was born the cord was wrapped around my throat four times. Also on another subject I was reading an interview with Hailey Baldwin about her engagement to Justin Bieber and she said she's looking forward to her new season of life.

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1 hour ago, Rabbittron said:

Also on another subject I was reading an interview with Hailey Baldwin about her engagement to Justin Bieber and she said she's looking forward to her new season of life.

Now those two need prayers! (Sorry to be irrelevant)

I looked at the thermometer today and did a double take. 103* I initially thought I was seeing wrong. Combined with the humidity (and an outdoor party to attend tonight) I just wanted to make the house cold and slip into my bed with the cats. Sigh. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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I LOVE sweater weather but nothing around my neck, thank you.  I’m a big fan of v-necks or a gentle scoop. And cardigans. Even crew necks choke me. I’m very claustrophobic about anything near my head and neck. You could not pay me to wear a turtleneck 

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Fellow heat hater living here in Southern California (since toddlerhood) where it was almost always cool with infrequent heatwaves that usually only lasted 2 to 3 days. But now they are much more frequent, and last many more days. We have even had 95 degree days In January. Plus, it was almost never humid, and now it often is. Ugh. I would rather be cold any day. 

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6 hours ago, Nysha said:

I would have the same reaction. I do not tolerate heat well. I hate being cold, but at least I can pile on clothes and quilts. I can't take off enough clothes to cool down and you can only stay in the shower for so long before somebody wants to use the bathroom.

Haha! I do cold just fine...that was actually one of the few nice things about Mr. Jyn being away these last couple of winters. The winter of'16-'17, I more or less slept all winter with the windows open and no heat turned on upstairs. This past winter, when we had stretches of weather  waaay below freezing, I didn't open the windows all that much, but still only turned the heat on upstairs a handful of times. I looooove sleeping in frigid temps with a pile of blankets!

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I love ???!  Gimme HEAT!  Gimme some dirt and a garden to play in.  Grass to cut, limbs to drag away. Flowers!!  I love heat and sweat and hot weather.  I am in my element when everyone else is complaining.  I’ve been caught red-handed working outside wearing my husbands boxers and a tank.  I don’t love humidity, but it’s all part of the package in my world.  And as we know, I’ve been DOWN with my stupid leg all summer and I feel like I missed the whole season!!  

Edited by Happyfatchick
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9 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

Unusual names

Duff is the son of Lara Spencer 


twins named martrez and martrell 

Wait there is no a/c in Germany? Not even in hotels? 

I've not been to the UK, but I've been to England, France, and Italy in midsummer.  Restaurants, stores, hotels, etc do have air conditioning; but it is not like US air conditioning, it is a lot less effective.  Weirdly enough, there are also far fewer ceiling fans, too.  It is pretty darned hot, even in many supposedly air conditioned buildings in Europe in my experience. Also, a lot of the buildings are hundreds of years old with high ceilings and tiny windows and the air often doesn't circulate too well.

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I have lived in the Houston  area all my life and I HATE our summers . I am truly  comfortable  between  75 and 80°, our winter ,  fall and spring  or not that  bad because  I can always  put something  on to warm  up but for some reason  they arrest you if you go outside  nude . 

Edited by crazycatlady58
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I used to love the heat and hate the cold, my mother used to hate heat and love the cold. Our medical problems switch that for both of us. Suddenly she's the one turning the heat up and piling on blankets while I'm turning on the AC and usually down to wearing shorts and tank tops even when its 20 or 30 degrees outside with windows wide open and a fan going. I don't know why but heat somehow make my medical problems so much worse. I  can't wait for summer to be over. 

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I HATE the heat. Yeah, yeah, I grew up in TN and live in the Atlanta area now, but I still HATE the heat.  I have a Facebook friend who lives in Maine and he's always asking me "shouldn't you be used to the heat?"  Nope, Part of it is that I was born with a heart condition so my heart has always beat a little faster than other people, so that keeps me warmer.  And now that I'm peri-menopausal that is making it worse.  I would love to move somewhere cooler, but not sure where that would be now because places that used to be cooler, are having heat waves now, and they don't have air conditioners like the south does.   I'm ready for November.  I may still have the a/c running, but at least it won't be as hot outside. 

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2 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

I HATE the heat. Yeah, yeah, I grew up in TN and live in the Atlanta area now, but I still HATE the heat.  I have a Facebook friend who lives in Maine and he's always asking me "shouldn't you be used to the heat?"  Nope, Part of it is that I was born with a heart condition so my heart has always beat a little faster than other people, so that keeps me warmer.  And now that I'm peri-menopausal that is making it worse.  I would love to move somewhere cooler, but not sure where that would be now because places that used to be cooler, are having heat waves now, and they don't have air conditioners like the south does.   I'm ready for November.  I may still have the a/c running, but at least it won't be as hot outside. 

My family has asks my dad that question every winter. He's always the first one to be cold, pulling on sweatshirts, and piling on blankets. The first to complain how cold it is. He's from Minnesota! Our winters are nothing compared to Minnesota winters. It seems like he'd be the last one to be cold not the first. But nope he's the first. While my mom was always the last. Always still hot or saying its not that cold no matter how cold it was. You'd think he was from here and my mother was the one born in Minnesota. 

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Love the cold weather!  Looking forward to warm clothes and cool nights!  


I'm on week #3 of ripping my entire house apart.  It was not a good year for me...lots of issues and problems (nothing medical).  My house looks like we were ransacked and the robbers left because it was too messy!  We have painted and switched rooms around.  Moved toys, school books and clothes.  Now I'm up to the dinning room and kitchen.  Lots of garbage and give aways!    IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!!   I still have a lot more to go.  Starting to get a little nervous that I can't finish it all.  

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1 hour ago, Marigold said:

I still have a lot more to go.  Starting to get a little nervous that I can't finish it all.  

Just keep at it. Remember the tortoise won the race because he was slow and steady. Think of how wonderful that you will feel when all is completed. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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6 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Just keep at it. Remember the tortoise won the race because he was slow and steady. Think of how wonderful that you feel when all is completed. 

I keep telling myself that!

Don't look ahead...don't self hate on how it got so messy...JUST KEEP GOING! 

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*small voice* We really didn't have a summer around here this year. Even our real summer, September and October, isn't panning out so far, although the long-range forecast has us "heating up" to the upper 70's this weekend. No a/c here; fans go on when it hits 85 or so (which it hasn't all summer). It's been cooler inland as well, so it's not just the immediate Bay Area that's been affected. 

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1 hour ago, latetotheparty said:

That is the hardest thing, to not give in to the self-hate. I mean, shouldn’t I be better than this at my age?

That's it!

I self hate all the time. How did X get like this?  Why did I let X happen?  Why didn't I X better?

I'm usually so gentle with other people and so very harsh on myself. 

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1 hour ago, galaxychaser said:

I hate summer. With no a/c I don’t know how I survived. Can’t wait for winter.

I hope we are not hit with another long and cold winter like we had in mid December to the end of March. I remember having snow and cold in April. At least we got a new furnace and water heater, and they both did not go out when it was below zero with a foot of snow outside. July and most of August was hot and bad enough along with the wildfire smoke. It has been so nice to be able to go outside without gasping for air due to the heat and smoke.

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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

May I change the subject?  When I was a little girl back in the way back days, when I visited my grandparents, I played on a Singer treadle.  It didn't have thread and I played on paper.  My aunt used it to make us halloween costumes, doll clothes, regular clothes and clothes for herself.  She promised it to me when she passed.  She passed a few years ago.  My cousin, her son, and his wife, brought it from the northeast to where we live (metro Atlanta) a couple weeks ago.  It has been under a cover for about 35 years.  It was very dirty, although it lived inside a house all those years.  I spent a considerable amount of time cleaning and oiling it, and today the new belt came and I put it on, and the thing still sews like a charm!!! One of my hobbies is quilting, and for a while I tinkered with vintage machines (I have about 15 of them) and I am so happy to have this particular machine!  It makes me smile just to look at it.  Of course I'm going to sew something on it, probably piece a quilt top.

Weather here is just the way I like it, warm and sunny.  My peeps in Baton Rouge, where we moved from, are sweating out the impending storm.  One of the reasons we moved.  Too old for that.

I’m so happy for you that you have that favorite piece of your childhood. My daughter is a Coon Ass (born in New Orleans) and I hope for everyone in the storms way to be safe. 

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I’m going to whine, skip on ahead if you aren’t up for it.  (I wouldn’t be if I were you).

i got up earlier than my husband this morning, scooted out to the garden and picked my peas.  When I planted them, I didn’t see in my crystal ball that I wasn’t going to be able to pick them and nobody else GAS.  What would be a 20 minute job on my feet turned out to be 1 1/2 hrs on the scooter.  I was so proud.  Had my day all planned.  I was going to get a shower (also an ordeal), rest and shell my peas.  But 

I was in the middle of a job when surgery happened, and I made a mistake with the colors.  My fault entirely, I own it.  I’d spent 2 nights picking it out of 20 seats and thought I’d butt scoot down there and put the correct color in (real quick like, don’t you know).  My husband left to go help with some wedding stuff and the boxer (upstairs) starts whining to go out.  Sigh.

i butt scoot up the stairs, [side note: when I’m working downstairs and don’t plan to be long, I don’t ask anyone to bring the knee scooter down.  I use my rolling office chair like a knee scooter instead].  I struggle to get on the real scooter and go to let her out.  In the process, I realize my hummers are acting funny.  There is a little feed, I can see it, but they are squawking and acting like they’re pissed off.  I decide to fill up the feeders while I’m up.  Scoot back inside, scoot back outside with feeder water.  Open the feeder, and can smell it - the feed has soured.  I put the feeders in a bucket, scoot my way back inside and clean them both.  Struggle/scoot back out with my bucket, fill them up and rehang them.  Sit down where I normally sit and wait for my birds.  No birds.  What the heck?  And realize I left the bucket sitting there, and they don’t know what it is.  Back on the scooter, move the bucket, and PRESTO! Birds.  

Back on the scooter and to basement steps.  Butt scoot down and the only dog now in the house is saying “it’s hungry in here”.   I roll my chair over and mix their food (they eat in the kitchen downstairs).  In the middle of this process, I realize I now have to pee.  I roll my office chair into the bathroom saying “oh no,oh no,oh no” and tinkle on myself before I make it.  Clean THAT up.  Roll out to the drier and get new pants, then roll clear to the other side of the house to let the other dogs in to eat.  Feed them and roll (FINALLY!) back to my work spot and finish the job I left off from over an hour before.  GUH!!!!  I’m exhausted and “technically”, I’m not even WORKING this week!!!

AAAAAAND in addition, I still have 2 buckets of zipper peas to shell tonight.  They are BEAUTIFUL, my zippers!!

and at the risk of this being War and Peace, y’all, I have to tell you about my hummers.  I’ve spoiled them as bad as my dogs, and I know it.  They have ME trained to read their little language.  I have more hummingbirds than I ever have had in my life, and I have enjoyed every minute of them!!!  I have probably 20 regulars and just 2 feeders.  I tried to attach a 20 sec video of my babies but the file is too big. :(   They bring me so much happy!

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8 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

I’m going to whine, skip on ahead if you aren’t up for it.  (I wouldn’t be if I were you).

i got up earlier than my husband this morning, scooted out to the garden and picked my peas.  When I planted them, I didn’t see in my crystal ball that I wasn’t going to be able to pick them and nobody else GAS.  What would be a 20 minute job on my feet turned out to be 1 1/2 hrs on the scooter.  I was so proud.  Had my day all planned.  I was going to get a shower (also an ordeal), rest and shell my peas.  But 

I was in the middle of a job when surgery happened, and I made a mistake with the colors.  My fault entirely, I own it.  I’d spent 2 nights picking it out of 20 seats and thought I’d butt scoot down there and put the correct color in (real quick like, don’t you know).  My husband left to go help with some wedding stuff and the boxer (upstairs) starts whining to go out.  Sigh.

i butt scoot up the stairs, [side note: when I’m working downstairs and don’t plan to be long, I don’t ask anyone to bring the knee scooter down.  I use my rolling office chair like a knee scooter instead].  I struggle to get on the real scooter and go to let her out.  In the process, I realize my hummers are acting funny.  There is a little feed, I can see it, but they are squawking and acting like they’re pissed off.  I decide to fill up the feeders while I’m up.  Scoot back inside, scoot back outside with feeder water.  Open the feeder, and can smell it - the feed has soured.  I put the feeders in a bucket, scoot my way back inside and clean them both.  Struggle/scoot back out with my bucket, fill them up and rehang them.  Sit down where I normally sit and wait for my birds.  No birds.  What the heck?  And realize I left the bucket sitting there, and they don’t know what it is.  Back on the scooter, move the bucket, and PRESTO! Birds.  

Back on the scooter and to basement steps.  Butt scoot down and the only dog now in the house is saying “it’s hungry in here”.   I roll my chair over and mix their food (they eat in the kitchen downstairs).  In the middle of this process, I realize I now have to pee.  I roll my office chair into the bathroom saying “oh no,oh no,oh no” and tinkle on myself before I make it.  Clean THAT up.  Roll out to the drier and get new pants, then roll clear to the other side of the house to let the other dogs in to eat.  Feed them and roll (FINALLY!) back to my work spot and finish the job I left off from over an hour before.  GUH!!!!  I’m exhausted and “technically”, I’m not even WORKING this week!!!

AAAAAAND in addition, I still have 2 buckets of zipper peas to shell tonight.  They are BEAUTIFUL, my zippers!!

and at the risk of this being War and Peace, y’all, I have to tell you about my hummers.  I’ve spoiled them as bad as my dogs, and I know it.  They have ME trained to read their little language.  I have more hummingbirds than I ever have had in my life, and I have enjoyed every minute of them!!!  I have probably 20 regulars and just 2 feeders.  I tried to attach a 20 sec video of my babies but the file is too big. :(   They bring me so much happy!

There’s a free website called resize my picture and I bet they do short videos as well. 

I have to applaud you. Who says you cannot get a lot of exercise when down. You have been busy!! 

It sounds as though you are recovering well and that’s my prayer answered. 

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15 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

"Arwen" was the answer to a crossword clue this morning, and I was thinking----has anyone heard from our Arwen lately?

Sadly I don’t think so. She kind of told us goodbye in her last post if I read between the lines right. I hope I’m wrong and she comes back to prove it. 

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42 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I checked, Arwen last posted here on February 27, it's now been 6 months.  Everyone knows what I do for a living, so I don't think I need to say much more except that I hope God has been good to her.  And fuck cancer, especially ovarian cancer.

Please PM me. I don’t know what you do for a living and in return I’ll give you a nugget about myself (although you can in look in my history and get a pretty good idea of who I am)   

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Please PM me. I don’t know what you do for a living and in return I’ll give you a nugget about myself (although you can in look in my history and get a pretty good idea of who I am)   

No need for PM in this thread. I’m a gynecologist.

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1 hour ago, jcbrown said:

Sad to think about why we may not have heard from Arwen for six months. Can someone please remind me of the terms of churchoney’s departure?

Churchoney said she was taking a break, no major health issues that she’s shared with us.  She did  tell us that she was raised in a manner similar to the Duggars  in a very strict fundamentalist family.  I think maybe she found this place brought back too many bad memories at times.

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Ah, @doodlebug

Since there’s no real need for anonymity here, I have this little bump...

I’ve heard docs complain about that at parties or social gatherings of any kind -people will practically drop their drawers and start describing health problems.  Oddly enough, NO ONE ever corners me in a social situation and thinks I have exactly what they need!

we love our Doodle!

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7 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I agree f cancer. 

Sadly I think Arwen passed away.  

Oh how I hope that you are wrong.

It’s made me think about what happens when I go. I’m leaving my daughter instructions on who to contact (and where).

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25 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I agree f cancer. 

Sadly I think Arwen passed away.  

I think that is not unlikely.  Based on her chemotherapy, it seems like she had an epithelial tumor, the most common kind.  Most women are in Stage III before it is ever found because the early stages usually aren't very symptomatic.  A woman with a Stage III ovarian cancer has a 35% survival rate at 5 years.  That is SURVIVAL, not cure.  Many of those alive at 5 years still have cancer and will eventually die from it. 

Fuck ovarian cancer.

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On 9/3/2018 at 9:24 AM, Marigold said:

Love the cold weather!  Looking forward to warm clothes and cool nights!  


I'm on week #3 of ripping my entire house apart.  It was not a good year for me...lots of issues and problems (nothing medical).  My house looks like we were ransacked and the robbers left because it was too messy!  We have painted and switched rooms around.  Moved toys, school books and clothes.  Now I'm up to the dinning room and kitchen.  Lots of garbage and give aways!    IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!!   I still have a lot more to go.  Starting to get a little nervous that I can't finish it all.  

FUN!  I love doing this kind of stuff.  I saved this stuff for my winter break but I did it a little earlier last year so by winter break, I had no projects (after about 10 years of this!).  It ended up being good because I was in a voluntary evac zone during the entire break.  But I am wondering now that I have gotten rid of it all, gone through it all, what the heck am I gonna do??  I guess sleep and watch tv.  HA!

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On 8/30/2018 at 11:53 PM, magpye29 said:

@Happyfatchick, I hope your surgery went well.

I encountered a lot of weird names when I worked in Georgia schools.  Chandelier, Precious, Princess, Lord, Saquesha. LaQuananisha, a boy whose middle name was A'Millionaire, multiples of Nevaeh, Heaven, and Destiny, Shoiee (pronounced Showy), Chastity (who chose to pronounce her name as Chasity because otherwise it had the word "titty" in it, which embarrased her), twins named Lawrence and Larry, amd more that I can't even remember off the top of my head.  The best one, though, was a girl named Marsha.  I pronounced it the way you would expect, and she huffed indignantly and snapped, "It's Mar-SHAY!"  Last year, here in Massachusetts, one of my third graders was named Junior.  That was his given name, not a suffix.  Mostly now it's a matter of unfortunate spelling, like the kid named Joesph, pronounced Joseph, or another called Cashous.  There are a few oddly old-fashioned names, too:  Norman, Wilfred, Elmer.

I've always been fascinated with names.  My name isn't common, but it's relatively "normal," except for the spelling.

I'm fascinated by names also!

Your post reminded me of this:

PS posted this before I read about Arwen ?

Edited by ChiCricket
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4 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I think that is not unlikely.  Based on her chemotherapy, it seems like she had an epithelial tumor, the most common kind.  Most women are in Stage III before it is ever found because the early stages usually aren't very symptomatic.  A woman with a Stage III ovarian cancer has a 35% survival rate at 5 years.  That is SURVIVAL, not cure.  Many of those alive at 5 years still have cancer and will eventually die from it. 

Fuck ovarian cancer.

 My sister-in-law passed away from it just a few months ago, and it was a similar scenario. She battled intensely the entire five years from her diagnosis until her passing.   

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11 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Today is a sad day for me.  My 9-year-old calico cat had to be put down. Her photo is next to my name.  It was sort of unexpected; she had been having bad digestive issues for a while, and I had a sonogram done last week.  It showed an enlarged spleen, and she was put on antibiotics and and restricted diet, but I still had liquid poop all over my house.  Just sleeping in my lap would make me have to change my clothes.  I know she was not feeling well, so, after a discussion with the vet, I had her put down.  She went easily and peacefully, but I'm still very sad.  She was  absolutely the smartest cat I have had ever had, and she loved everybody.  She was a special girl, and a lot of people will miss her.  My other cat, who is NOT smart, was crying when I came home, so I'm sure she knows the score.  I guess I will be at the shelter one day next week.

So very sorry.

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((((hugs)))) @CalicoKitty. It's so hard to lose our furbabies. I have a 17 year old who has lost a lot of weight (that she frankly needed to lose) but otherwise is fine. Still, it's just a matter of time. I have no clue how our other kitty will react; they have kind of a love-hate relationship. I've been on Mr. Sumi's case to make a run down to the SPCA, but life (mostly shuttling MIL to various doctor's appointments) has gotten in the way. I do want that 3rd kitty so Mitz I can "train" it properly  before she becomes feeble. 

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6 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I think that is not unlikely.  Based on her chemotherapy, it seems like she had an epithelial tumor, the most common kind.  Most women are in Stage III before it is ever found because the early stages usually aren't very symptomatic.  A woman with a Stage III ovarian cancer has a 35% survival rate at 5 years.  That is SURVIVAL, not cure.  Many of those alive at 5 years still have cancer and will eventually die from it. 

Fuck ovarian cancer.

That is my opinion also.  Her last scan was not good.

EDIT to ADD: She posted that her PET scan lit up her liver. That was 2/20/18.  

My mom had Stage IIIC Ovarian Cancer.  She was dx in 12/97 and died 8/01 after being on chemo the entire time.  Her last scan was like Arwen's "not good and it had spread".  

Arwen was a lot of fun and I really do miss her posts.  She was always snarky but never mean.  She called Derick a stickbug! 


@Arwen Evenstar  If you're around, please let us know!  

Edited by Marigold
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36 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Today is a sad day for me.  My 9-year-old calico cat had to be put down. Her photo is next to my name.  It was sort of unexpected; she had been having bad digestive issues for a while, and I had a sonogram done last week.  It showed an enlarged spleen, and she was put on antibiotics and and restricted diet, but I still had liquid poop all over my house.  Just sleeping in my lap would make me have to change my clothes.  I know she was not feeling well, so, after a discussion with the vet, I had her put down.  She went easily and peacefully, but I'm still very sad.  She was  absolutely the smartest cat I have had ever had, and she loved everybody.  She was a special girl, and a lot of people will miss her.  My other cat, who is NOT smart, was crying when I came home, so I'm sure she knows the score.  I guess I will be at the shelter one day next week.

So sorry to hear this sad news. About a month ago our dear grand puppy had to be put down. Sweetest dog and although peacefully at home our hearts are broken.  Of course you are sad. I hope you will take comfort in knowing you gave her a great life of love and care. And cared enough to let her go peacefully. Sending hugs. 

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