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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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I remember the grandma and how she was magically able to take a vacation after not being able to afford the tablets for school. 

The name Seashell was used by someone who lied on a previous forum I was on so I was giving her the side eye from day one merely because of memories of the prior poster.  When the grandkids came up I was oh no could it really be the same person?

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18 hours ago, SMama said:

@awaken not only how did she have the time to post as an author, but didn't she have a toddler? My daughter is nine and NOW is when I have time to post. When she was preschool age I was happy to bathe daily, make meals, run errands, and mommy and me activities done. For a SAHM I did not spend much time home. BTW most difficult thing I've ever done. Another level of empathy for the 19. Giving a child proper attention takes freaking time!  Sorry end of rant.

I'm always leery of posters who have a high post count but seem to also have seriously busy lives. I'm retired so... ;^)

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I remember believing WW until she said her baby was deaf and she got no speech therapy for the baby but got a live in physical therapist.  I posted a thoughtful professional post about speech therapy for a deaf infant and she blew me off.  I remember thinking she was either nuts or a liar; I don't deal with nuts or liars!

I remember that Seashell grandmother and thought it was odd.  

I remember GEML and always wondered how she knew so much about everything, no matter what the topic was!  She moved to Ireland and never came back to the forums?  Ireland has internet connection. Can't she post from there?  Made me wonder what exactly was up with that. 

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I fully admit to being taken in by the WW and Seashell posts...until towards the end of both their posting days when they both seemed 'off'.  Thankfully I didn't send any money to the 'grandma' but I don't blame a person for doing so...though such things have made me more and more skeptical as life goes on.  Isn't that a shame though?  If you are a decent and caring person it's natural to want to be generous and help others, but after you've been burned a couple of times...

I had an in law steal from us, not a huge amount of money but $25 here and there, and she did this to other members of the family.  It was a sad joke between myself and another family member as to what the total of cash/gift cards had gotten up to - and no shame, money would be missing from birthday cards given to children.  If she had ever come to me and said "I don't have grocery money, please help me" it would have been a no brainer to assist, but I wouldn't have given her money - I would have taken her to the grocery store and had her fill up a cart, but then only done that one or twice.  She's a master manipulator and major user, and to my shame she had rented an apartment from a nice couple my family knew - and destroyed it, skipping out owing back rent.  At one point she cried to her co-workers that she couldn't pay her bills, she didn't have money to buy clothes for her child, or laundry detergent.  People really bought into that and I don't remember how I found out about it but I did warn a couple of people I knew that worked at the same place not to be taken in.   I will be cordial to her in public at the few family events I have to attend but that's the limit.  Why my other in laws, her own siblings, give her a pass I'll never know.  

Oscar night = pizza night in this house - time to enjoy some glitter! 

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Maybe WW or GEML got a new screen name, but writing styles always give one away.  Just like when Kokapetl changed his screen name but was recognized for his snark or writing style. Maybe he wanted to try a new screen name just because he was tired of his original. He was sorely missed and we were happy for his return. 

  I always liked GEMLs posts and wondered where she went, because she left a few weeks after I joined. This community  is a lovely community and I feel like I've got people to talk to and keep me company. Mr E is wonderful, but I do need to talk to other people, too. 

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Need your advice I got an email from my kids school and they are thinking about the new school year that will start in August about going all digital no books just an IPad that the school will supply. I am on the fence because of everything will be on the IPad and they will have no real school books to read from.  What do you think?

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15 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

 This community  is a lovely community and I feel like I've got people to talk to and keep me company. Mr E is wonderful, but I do need to talk to other people, too. 

There are some really nice people on here.  I enjoy some "down time" analyzing the Duggars and joking. 

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27 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Need your advice I got an email from my kids school and they are thinking about the new school year that will start in August about going all digital no books just an IPad that the school will supply. I am on the fence because of everything will be on the IPad and they will have no real school books to read from.  What do you think?

Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. I'm guessing it won't be able to connect to anything like wifi?  Niece has this in her school and apparently it is well received. The books are just digital editions of the print versions so they are reading real books in different format.  What are your concerns? 

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1 hour ago, Rabbittron said:

Need your advice I got an email from my kids school and they are thinking about the new school year that will start in August about going all digital no books just an IPad that the school will supply. I am on the fence because of everything will be on the IPad and they will have no real school books to read from.  What do you think?

My son's back pack is so huge with just his binders that I think having everything on an easily transportable iPad is a fabulous idea. (Sort of like how easy it to carry around a series of books on a Kindle rather than all the books--one small lightweight device vs 5 books.) It's also easy to access other support material like a dictionary and follow citations etc. Son's math textbook is online and he does his math homework that way (on paper though). There is also Google Classroom that our school is slowly adopting, allowing kids to work together on documents--very helpful when they're sick and a good way to learn how to work in the modern world. It also makes it easy for parents to see what the kids are doing, too. Technology can certainly be used to improve education. I do worry about those kids that can't afford it, so it's a good to hear that the school is providing. 

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51 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. I'm guessing it won't be able to connect to anything like wifi?  Niece has this in her school and apparently it is well received. The books are just digital editions of the print versions so they are reading real books in different format.  What are your concerns? 

Knowing my boys they will goof off.

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I have a friend who is a teacher whose school did that.  The teens will hack the ipads and go online and play games during class unless the teacher keeps a really close eye on things.  The friend teaches AP classes and says the average scores from her school have dropped a full point since going ipad.  So that's the downside.  Their work was also on the cloud and one mom accidentally wiped six months of notes and school work for him so plan for back ups if that's the way they go.

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3 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Need your advice I got an email from my kids school and they are thinking about the new school year that will start in August about going all digital no books just an IPad that the school will supply. I am on the fence because of everything will be on the IPad and they will have no real school books to read from.  What do you think?

I think it sounds like a good idea. I live in a very desired school district and often wonder why so many kids are hauling rolling book bags as large as they are back and forth to school. It really concerns me when I see a backpack so big and full that it looks like its going to topple the kid. Since the area is affluent I'm surprised they haven't gone to something like this since we have an involved parent population. An e-book reader sounds great and they're probably cheaper than text books but expensive I-Pads I heard about elsewhere is crazy. Most teachers have small library areas in their classrooms and the school campuses usually have a school library too so books won't disappear.

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I homeschool my kids.

Books on a device spell disaster in my family.  They all have figured out how to goof off with the device. 

Two of my kids don't like to read on electronics; they prefer a real book. They claim the electronic font bothers their eyes. 

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2 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Knowing my boys they will goof off.

Hopefully the iPads will have parental/school controls on them. Although, as Absolom said, the most tech savy kids will try to hack around them. But, kids can goof off with regular books in front of them, if they are determined. The teachers will need to monitor carefully either way. (Former teacher here. ?)

Edited by Love2dance
Smiley change and spelling. Sheesh.
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2 hours ago, Marigold said:

I homeschool my kids.

Books on a device spell disaster in my family.  They all have figured out how to goof off with the device. 

Two of my kids don't like to read on electronics; they prefer a real book. They claim the electronic font bothers their eyes. 

I don't know about kids, but college students as a whole prefer paper books.  People read ebooks differently than real ones, and it's more difficult to annotate ebooks.

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11 minutes ago, Fosca said:

I don't know about kids, but college students as a whole prefer paper books.  People read ebooks differently than real ones, and it's more difficult to annotate ebooks.

I just came here to say the same thing. When I was in grad school several years back, I bought one of my texts as an e-book and absolutely hated it. I like having a paper book where I can flip the pages back and forth, make notes in the margins, highlight quickly etc. However when it comes to pleasure reading, I prefer books on my tablet. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I just came here to say the same thing. When I was in grad school several years back, I bought one of my texts as an e-book and absolutely hated it. I like having a paper book where I can flip the pages back and forth, make notes in the margins, highlight quickly etc. However when it comes to pleasure reading, I prefer books on my tablet. 

My teens are taking classes at the local CC. They wanted only texts so they could highlight, flip around and use stickies. 

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On 2/26/2017 at 1:03 PM, Almost 3000 said:

I'm always leery of posters who have a high post count but seem to also have seriously busy lives. I'm retired so... ;^)

I don't post here often, more the other pages, but I read it pretty often and there have been posters a time or two that I have given the side eye to.  I think they are full of it but you never know.  I am always suspicious when someone ONLY posts to small talk.  But it could be that I have grown more suspicious as I have gotten older.  

Edited by Natalie68
was not clear!
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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

 I am always suspicious when someone ONLY posts to one forum.  But it could be that I have grown more suspicious as I have gotten older.  

does this mean posts just on, say, 19 kids and counting....or does it mean posts only in small talk etc?  i wouldn't know how to check my post count and i don't often go to other sections of fptv. ......

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Just now, zoomama said:

does this mean posts just on, say, 19 kids and counting....or does it mean posts only in small talk etc?  i wouldn't know how to check my post count and i don't often go to other sections of fptv. ......

Just in small talk.  It seems odd to me to only participate in the personal stuff but not about the show.  But again, perhaps I have gotten more suspicious as I have gotten older.  

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On 2/25/2017 at 6:39 PM, awaken said:

Wow wow wow.  I don't post much in this thread, but I, too, am a longtime reader/sometime poster.  Remember GEML and her posts so well!  And always wondered why they abruptly stopped.  She was "actually" local to me at one time, and I wondered how she was such an expert on so many topics- the geographical area, politics, appalachia, religions, midwifery, etc.  I also wonder how someone who was an "actual" author had THAT much time to devote to online forums!  

Completely missed the wanderwoman thing, to my great regret.  Sounds like a lot of fun :)

From quite a while ago now, but I just had to add that GEML single-handedly drove me away from reading the 19KAC forums. I don't remember if the mute button was available when she was posting, but I remember really wishing I could skip her posts. I have lurked on the small talk forum for years but infrequently, so I think the progression of WW's story was even more insane-looking to me because I'd check in every month or so, and her story would be another 20% more dramatic each time. 

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I only post here, not on the show threads.  I don't post often, but I'm real, have no preemie babies or wandering husbands, just an overweight cat and sometimes free time!  Sorry, I can't watch that show any more!  Simpering morons! 

I came upon this thread towards the end of WanderWoman's last saga.  Felt bad for her, but when I saw a Gofundme was set up I felt no urge at all to contribute!  Then to find out it was all a scam!  But, folks were nice to me and took the time to PM me with all the details so now I check in to see how folks are doing, and occasionally drop my two cents in.....

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57 minutes ago, kathe5133 said:

I only post here, not on the show threads.  I don't post often, but I'm real, have no preemie babies or wandering husbands, just an overweight cat and sometimes free time!  Sorry, I can't watch that show any more!  Simpering morons! 

yeah i used to have this morbid curiosity about the show but its just sad now. I still read all the forums but i can't bring myself to comment. it's just...too sad.

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20 minutes ago, allonsyalice said:

yeah i used to have this morbid curiosity about the show but its just sad now. I still read all the forums but i can't bring myself to comment. it's just...too sad.

I haven't watched the Duggars on TV in at least 5 years now, but I still check up on their lives via PTV at least weekly. I'm always holding out a little hope that someone within their family will break free, speak out, or otherwise shake up the status quo. 

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When the whole WW thing went down here I was telling my adult kids about it. After teasing me a bit and laughing that "I had just discovered the internet", they, like some of you, talked about how there usually is a second person, or a sock puppet account. I don't think GEML had anything to do with WW. I think she was asked to stay on topic and felt insulted by the request and left around the same time that WW was found out. I do wonder though if WW is still on here with a second account or if she had a partner who still posts here.

What surprised me most about this forum and my first experiences communicating with strangers on the internet were two things; the kindness and then realizing so many of us are similar in age. I don't think I expected to be posting with a bunch of angry youngins, I guess I really didn't know what to expect, but I agree that the majority of posters are very kind in this thread as well as when snarking on the Duggars.

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7 hours ago, RainbowBrite said:

From quite a while ago now, but I just had to add that GEML single-handedly drove me away from reading the 19KAC forums. I don't remember if the mute button was available when she was posting, but I remember really wishing I could skip her posts.

She was really annoying.  I'm glad she's gone.

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Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand GEML's superior attititude. We have so many other former fundies (and I don't think GEML was as she presented) who post in a far more pleasing way, making me feel like I learned something, not that I was talked down to. 

As for WW, I wasn't a bit surprised when she was outed. The patterns when compared with Razing Ruth were textbook. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I don't think GEML was really a former fundie.  I think she was more like what I call fundie adjacent at some point in her life.  I think she may have grown up knowing a few fundies. 

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I've been trying to think of someone else whose posts I enjoyed, but I haven't seen posting anymore. The name finally just popped into my head. Wellfleet.

   I mean it's just odd (to me) when someone just disappears.

 I think I'm still traumatized from an email loop I used to belong to of Beanie Baby Collectors (don't judge...LOL.)  

   We  emailed each other daily, for YEARS, always including all the other members (this is why it was called a loop.) We had conventions where we met a lot of the loop in person.

   Then all of a sudden, one of the members just completely disappeared from the loop. We never knew if she just decided to abruptly quit, or if she had died or something. It still gives me an unsettled, I need closure kind of feeling. (I obviously need help, I still even remember her email address, and this was years ago) :-)

PS that loop died along with the beanie baby craze, but I'm still friends on Facebook with people from all over the country that were in "The Original Beanie Baby Loop." (Sorry, I'm very blabby today, think the gloomy days are getting to me..come ON, Spring)

Edited by ChiCricket
Wanted to blab some more
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I remember WW, Geml, and well fleet.  But hey, Jellybeans, so great to hear from you again.  Please post more often.  You are missed.  And those others who read and admit to never or rarely posting, we need you.  Posters keep the board lively.

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29 minutes ago, Micks Picks said:

I remember WW, Geml, and well fleet.  But hey, Jellybeans, so great to hear from you again.  Please post more often.  You are missed.  And those others who read and admit to never or rarely posting, we need you.  Posters keep the board lively.

I wonder what happened to Wellfleet, Fun in Fundieland, and a few others.

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3 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

I've been trying to think of someone else whose posts I enjoyed, but I haven't seen posting anymore. The name finally just popped into my head. Wellfleet.

   I mean it's just odd (to me) when someone just disappears.

 I think I'm still traumatized from an email loop I used to belong to of Beanie Baby Collectors (don't judge...LOL.)  

   We  emailed each other daily, for YEARS, always including all the other members (this is why it was called a loop.) We had conventions where we met a lot of the loop in person.

   Then all of a sudden, one of the members just completely disappeared from the loop. We never knew if she just decided to abruptly quit, or if she had died or something. It still gives me an unsettled, I need closure kind of feeling. (I obviously need help, I still even remember her email address, and this was years ago) :-)

PS that loop died along with the beanie baby craze, but I'm still friends on Facebook with people from all over the country that were in "The Original Beanie Baby Loop." (Sorry, I'm very blabby today, think the gloomy days are getting to me..come ON, Spring)

Ha, I can understand!  I had "due date clubs"  with groups of other people who were due with babies around the same time, and we emailed daily for many years!   Even met in person with people from all over the country. Long after the kids grew up.  It has all fizzled by now, 15 years later, but I can understand one small interest (like the duggars, of all things!) driving a conversation for a long period of time! 

Edited by awaken
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I post on this site sporadically, definitely not all the time.  That's just my personality.

I going to admit a slightly UO(unpopular opinion).  I kinda like trolls, they keep things interesting.  Though I would never donate money to a cause I know nothing about.  And if they get too mean I will ignore them.  Most other time they seem harmless and kind of funny.

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14 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand GEML's superior attititude. We have so many other former fundies (and I don't think GEML was as she presented) who post in a far more pleasing way, making me feel like I learned something, not that I was talked down to. 

As for WW, I wasn't a bit surprised when she was outed. The patterns when compared with Razing Ruth were textbook. 

I had never heard of Razing Ruth before this WW fiasco, and I still haven't read up on it...I know what I'm doing tonight while I sit in bed with my sleepy kids (who insist I rub their backs until they're asleep - I've created monsters)!! 

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5 minutes ago, RainbowBrite said:

I had never heard of Razing Ruth before this WW fiasco, and I still haven't read up on it...I know what I'm doing tonight while I sit in bed with my sleepy kids (who insist I rub their backs until they're asleep - I've created monsters)!! 

Its really an interesting story because so many people followed it in real time so it may lose something when you research it. RR's Quiverfull story was in a series posted at "No Longer Quivering" and the site owner verified that RR was real and her that her story was true. RR was discussed there and on "Free Jinger" and RR also posted there and on the Duggar forum at "Television Without Pity" and to some degree was granted a sort of status as a Quiverfull abuse survivor. It was riveting and then the story started to spin out of control and a couple of people discovered through research that she was a I guess you'd say a catfish. The story of her fall from grace was fascinating as it played out on "Free Jinger" and "TWoP".

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There was once a great blog called The Truth About Ruth that chronicled everything, down to individual donations. IIRC, she netted around 12 grand in her Ruth persona. Before that, she posed as an insider who knew a relative of J&K +8. I didn't watch that show, so I missed that particular ruse. I wonder what crowd she's catfishing for cash these days? The woman (forget her name) loves the attention, and I'm sure she's still out there scamming someone.

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I'm just glad I got my money back after contributing to WW!  It's funny the things you remember. We were on a long car ride and I told Mr Readalot all about WW.  After all the hums and auhums and after I finished my story, he said "you know you all are being played". I told him "no, I really think its true!"  This was right before she asked for $. HA!  When I told him it was all a scam he barely batted an eyelash lol. Never again! 

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

There was once a great blog called The Truth About Ruth that chronicled everything, down to individual donations. IIRC, she netted around 12 grand in her Ruth persona. Before that, she posed as an insider who knew a relative of J&K +8. I didn't watch that show, so I missed that particular ruse. I wonder what crowd she's catfishing for cash these days? The woman (forget her name) loves the attention, and I'm sure she's still out there scamming someone.

I think t\The Truth about Ruth website just tried to kill my phone!! I did find some threads on FreeJinger that I'll be reading tonight.

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19 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand GEML's superior attititude. We have so many other former fundies (and I don't think GEML was as she presented) who post in a far more pleasing way, making me feel like I learned something, not that I was talked down to. 

As for WW, I wasn't a bit surprised when she was outed. The patterns when compared with Razing Ruth were textbook. 

Isn't it nice to have your horrible feelings validated? Lol!

And yeah, once you've been around the internet enough, you get that scam feeling pretty quick. I'd rather be skeptical and proven wrong than the other way around. I'm on the younger side of this forum (based on comments regarding people and their kids' general ages), and I was in junior high (or so) when the internet and chat rooms were popular, and it was rare to be a female on generally male dominated gaming forums, so I got so used to the fake stories that would play out, sometimes over a longer term, others over a few hours of fun high school level drama that you were just excited to not involve you. And there were always those superior people who knew everything, and because digital cameras were rare, it was hard to prove anything. There was one guy who waxed poetic about all his girlfriends and his money and such, then he showed up at a meet up and photos were posted... people were mean but he got raked through the coals for all his lies. At least he had the gonads to show up though.

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31 minutes ago, RainbowBrite said:

I think t\The Truth about Ruth website just tried to kill my phone!! I did find some threads on FreeJinger that I'll be reading tonight.

I'm pretty sure that the site manager took down most everything a couple of years ago. That said, there's plenty in FJ's archives to keep you busy. :D

Edited by Sew Sumi
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On 2/27/2017 at 9:51 AM, lookeyloo said:

Doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. I'm guessing it won't be able to connect to anything like wifi?  Niece has this in her school and apparently it is well received. The books are just digital editions of the print versions so they are reading real books in different format.  What are your concerns? 

I'm just worried about eye problems ahead for kids on computers all day. I know mine have gotten worse. But, reading books in different formats may help students.  Otherwise, no dog in this fight.


On the news site, the most fertile woman has died. A Palestinian, she gave birth to 69 children and was only 40. 

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What?! Wow, did it once and it was enough, but we wanted to adopt anyway.

How? Fake news?

Would it be improper to ask if she died during or shortly after childbirth?

Edited by SMama
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I don't know where to put this EXCITING news, so here it goes, the Duggar's book, Love Multiplies, is now available at Dollar Tree!!! I bet Jiil R. will be jumping for joy when she finds a copy. I haven't been to Dollar Tree this week but someone posted about finding the book on my DT Facebook page. Happy hunting.

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