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S12.E06: The First Thanksgiving

Tara Ariano

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It’s always so intense when someone goes home for a delicious dish that was merely the least good.


I love food, football, and (mostly) spending time with my family as much as the next person, but the glorification of the colonists via this whole "first Thanksgiving" idea is quite frustrating to me in general, let alone on TV.  So I wasn’t enthused about this challenge, but I would have loved to consume the meal.  Yum!


I was worried about Melissa for the “I miss my loved one” segment, and then Stacy got one, too.  Between “girl” and “bitch” I thought I might be done with Stacy, but “I want to go churn some fucking butter” brought me back a bit.  I don’t disagree with the decision, but I wound up sad to see her go – although I’d have felt the same about any of the three.  Just looking at those three dishes, I’d have most wanted hers, but obviously that’s just a first step.


Go ahead, Katie!  She’s in good shape to have won that QF; I’d have been with Katsuji.  I also love that she did a wonderfully bizarre dish in the EC.


As a side note, as one who doesn’t wear makeup for several reasons, I enjoy seeing Katie and Melissa’s natural faces.  No slam against the female competitors who do wear makeup, mind you, just a random little bit of solidarity.


No Aaron, no Richard, an appearance from Tiffani, two challenges full of food I mostly wanted to reach through the TV and eat -- I'm sold.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 8

I kind of hate it when someone has to go home when everyone does a really good job. It's less painful to watch when someone/s really mess up.


Also, stupid thing that bugs me, but wild blueberries in MA tend to be the tiny ones (exclusively, maybe).  They're so much better than the giant things you can get normally commercially.  It's not like the meal was inauthentic because the blueberries were the wrong size, but I wish they could have found some actual native ones.

  • Love 7

It’s always so intense when someone goes home for a delicious dish that was merely the least good.

I love food, football, and (mostly) spending time with my family as much as the next person, but the glorification of the colonists via the first Thanksgiving is quite frustrating to me. So I wasn’t enthused about this challenge, but I would have loved to consume the meal. Yum!

I was worried about Melissa for the “I miss my loved one” segment, and then Stacy got one, too. Between “girl” and “bitch” I thought I might be done with Stacy, but “I want to go churn some fucking butter” brought me back a bit. I don’t disagree with the decision, but I wound up sad to see her go – although I’d have felt the same about any of the three. Just looking at those three dishes, I’d have most wanted hers, but obviously that’s just a first step.

Go ahead, Katie! She’s in good shape to have won that QF; I’d have been with Katsuji. I also love that she did a wonderfully bizarre dish in the EC.

As a side note, as one who doesn’t wear makeup for several reasons, I enjoy seeing Katie and Melissa’s natural faces. No slam against the female competitors who do wear makeup, mind you, just a random little bit of solidarity.

No Aaron, no Richard, a brief appearance from Tiffani, two challenges full of food I mostly wanted to reach through the TV and eat -- I'm sold.

No kidding about the colonists. The smart remarks I can think of here would get me banned.

Kudos to Katsuji for calling them "immigrants," though.

  • Love 4

I was worried for Melissa too with her talking about her girlfriend and all that. I was like oh no, she's going home but then Stacy and Doug had their flashbacks and I got worried for Doug but they liked his dish, as usual (YAY!!) so glad he was in the top 3. Didn't like that Katsuji won, because he irritates me for the most part but he does have his moments of being humorous. 


Gregory did take a big risk with the goose but I think the judges thought he's been on the top and is an excellent chef so he really doesn't need to be eliminated right now.


Katie is still hit and miss for me, I don't dislike her but I'm not rooting for her either.

I was all "Don't focus on Doug!" edit, but I'm glad they liked his rabbit and he was in the top group.


I thought is was a good concept for an episode.


No comment on Tiffani. 


And Mei girl, lady said the cranberry bog harvest was in two feet of water. If you drown in that you have a problem.

Edited by rustyspigot
  • Love 2

Never been a fan of Katsuji due to him always (the way I remember his dishes) creating something that sounds like I'd find it in a Mexican restaurant (I get annoyed when cheftestants always stay in their wheelhouses), talking a lot and very fast, and mainly because I can't understand a word he says. I'm glad they are Closed Captioning him, otherwise, I'd have no idea what he's jabbering on about all the time.


Go Doug!

  • Love 2

I would pay real money to see Tiffani beat up Richard!! She's not your bitch, bitch!!!


I'm glad Stacy is gone. She didn't annoy me as much this week as in weeks past, but she clearly wasn't going to win and I kind of felt bad for her as she was feeling she was letting down the whole of Boston since she's a local.


Thank the food gods, Doug and Gregory were both safe. Those two and Mei (Mai? May?? Who can tell these days; everyone tries to spell their name weirdly) are my favourites, but I'm starting to feel some cooking passion from Katie as well. I'm hoping they will be the final four; and I don't really care who comes back from Last Chance Kitchen, as long as it's not Baseball Cap DoucheBarge.

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 3

Katsuji seemed more pleasant this episode now that Aaron is gone. I'm glad everyone cooked well given it was a very challenging situation. It reminded me of the camping challenge from Texas (I think). I also thought of season 5 and wondered if everyone would be safe. I wonder if Stacy went home more for plating on the ground than for her actual food. But she wasn't the only one plating on the ground.

Edited by Lamb18

Not defending anyone, but I don't think Mac mentioned an accent.  And last week I had to rewind three times to understand Katsuji when he was talking about having a panic attack.  It is simply that he talks extremely fast and runs his words together.  I actually like him and don't find it as annoying as others here do.  But I do find it very hard to understand him and find myself rewinding a lot. 


Edited because the post I was replying to has been deleted and so my post looks a little silly.  Just thought it required a little explanation.


Also, so glad Gregory didn't go home!  

Edited by JenMcSnark
  • Love 1


Go ahead, Katie!  She’s in good shape to have won that QF; I’d have been with Katsuji.  I also love that she did a wonderfully bizarre dish in the EC.


I like the snot-edit for Doug: he's all pissy about her soup and then she wins the QF -- somebody in the editing room likes her. (My husband calls Katie "Gummer" because her looks and personality remind him of one of the Gummer girls -- aka Meryl Streep's kids -- cracks me up thinking of her as the lost Gummer.)  And I have no idea what part of Canada Gail grew up in but in Montreal, Thanksgiving is a huge food & family holiday -- not just a bowl of pumpkin soup and "maybe a turkey" (WTF? Did she spend her childhood in a Dickensian orphanage?) I live stateside now, and Americans travel more on the holiday, and that black Friday thing has crept into the day (people lining up on T-giving night) but in both countries the holiday is centered on family and feasting. (Somebody invite Gail to their house next October -- poor thing -- and bring on the butter tarts!)



coming right after Mac described Katsuji's food as all something that Mac could "find in a Mexican restaurant", which I had inferred, again from "never been a fan", to be a criticism.


Mac wrote this (which you didn't include in your post) about the "Mexican restaurant":  "(I get annoyed when cheftestants always stay in their wheelhouses)" which clearly indicates that Mac's issue with the food is not that it is Mexican, but that the cheftestant in question is repeatedly cooking the same, familiar-to-them cuisine.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 7

I kind of hate it when someone has to go home when everyone does a really good job. It's less painful to watch when someone/s really mess up.


Also, stupid thing that bugs me, but wild blueberries in MA tend to be the tiny ones (exclusively, maybe).  They're so much better than the giant things you can get normally commercially.  It's not like the meal was inauthentic because the blueberries were the wrong size, but I wish they could have found some actual native ones.


We had wild blueberries all over our land in MA but I never saw them in stores or stands for purchase.  Their timing had something to do with this, too.  Blueberries are a summer fruit and cranberries are harvested in October.  Things must have been taped out of sequence.  


I had a pearl clutching moment, when the Wamanoag woman said they used lobster as bait.  I would have loved Katuji's dish and given him the win just based on the description alone.  Interesting chef, that one.  He has a wide swing.  


Mei was a favorite.  Trout sauce over cabbage? I guess you had to be there.


Good episode.    

<sings> Gregory's got a crush! Gregory's got a crush!</sing> Not that a blame him one bit. Doug IS a fuzzy cutie! And he cooks good food too. Be still my heart! I thought for sure he was going home though thanks to that edit at the beginning. And while I want some of the other chefs to win a few rounds too, I didn't want Gregory to fuck up so bad he went home. Whew! That was close.


Can't say I'm sorry to see Stacy go, but she's been circling the drain forever. She does have a cutie boyfriend though. Congratulations to Katsuji for the solo win. Despite him gradually getting better, and finally stepping outside his comfort zone, I still can't root for him. His occasionally "funny" moments usually come off way more awkward than humorous.


Everyone's food looked delicious, and I'm glad they couldn't get too pretentious with it. However, I'm not that fond of a gimmicky set-up during an elimination challenge, and that includes having the judges and guests eat with traditional utensils. I don't care how much Tom says cooks are going back to the basics. At least they got a big gimmick out of the way relatively early, and not at a later stage of the game. Also glad that Doug wasn't dinged too badly for cutting up the rabbit into smaller pieces so people wouldn't have to use their fingers, even if that's the way they do it.



I would pay real money to see Tiffani beat up Richard!! She's not your bitch, bitch!!!


HA! Where can I sign up for this pay per view? (And I like him, so don't hold that against me too much.)

  • Love 1

This may be a terribly unpopular opinion, but I was a bit perturbed Gregory didn't get the boot.  Now, I like Gregory; he seems like he has great potential and is a pleasant person to be around.  He's no Aaron, and I certainly wish him the best.  But "if you're only as good as your last dish" and his protein (which was his dish) was hard to eat and insufficiently cooked, he should have been out just like the chef with the vanilla chop a few weeks back.  If the judges had eliminated Melissa for NOT cooking a protein and basically taking a dodge on that (though, I could argue that side dishes are necessary and not all dishes need to have meats/fishes), I might have been okay.  But they boot Stacy for making something that Tom deemed the best she's ever done, on an "undefined" earthy note, perhaps because she plated on the dirt, like several others did.  She had a well made protein and a good (but ostensibly "weird/earthy") garnish.  IMHO, Greg should have had to PYKAG, which would have been shitty for him, because we all know Stacy and Melissa aren't going to be top 4, but it would have at least been true to the professed judgment standards.


Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 3

I kind of hate it when someone has to go home when everyone does a really good job. It's less painful to watch when someone/s really mess up.


Also, stupid thing that bugs me, but wild blueberries in MA tend to be the tiny ones (exclusively, maybe).  They're so much better than the giant things you can get normally commercially.  It's not like the meal was inauthentic because the blueberries were the wrong size, but I wish they could have found some actual native ones.


Yeah, I do too, but the only comfort I get is that Stacy was probably not going to win it, and she got to go home on a challenge where she did a great job instead of on one where she did a shit job and felt like she let Boston down.  My heart broke for her when she described how much pressure she felt to properly represent her city and how it was keeping her up at night.  I think she did Boston proud, she went home on a dish that everyone liked.



<sings> Gregory's got a crush! Gregory's got a crush!</sing> Not that a blame him one bit. Doug IS a fuzzy cutie! And he cooks good food too. Be still my heart! I thought for sure he was going home though thanks to that edit at the beginning. And while I want some of the other chefs to win a few rounds too, I didn't want Gregory to fuck up so bad he went home. Whew! That was close.


He is adorable.  But I think they both are.  Man, can you imagine a house full of chefs making breakfast.....hot dog!  I wonder if the crew tries to get in on that food....I know I would.



This may be a terribly unpopular opinion, but I was a bit perturbed Gregory didn't get the boot.  Now, I like Gregory; he seems like he has great potential and is a pleasant person to be around.  He's no Aaron, and I certainly wish him the best.  But "if you're only as good as your last dish" and his protein (which was his dish) was hard to eat and insufficiently cooked, he should have been out just like the chef with the vanilla chop a few weeks back.  If the judges had eliminated Melissa for NOT cooking a protein and basically taking a dodge on that (though, I could argue that side dishes are necessary and not all dishes need to have meats/fishes), I might have been okay.  But they boot Stacy for making something that Tom deemed the best she's ever done, on an "undefined" earthy note, perhaps because she plated on the dirt, like several others did.  She had a well made protein and a good (but ostensibly "weird/earthy") garnish.  IMHO, Greg should have had to PYKAG, which would have been shitty for him, because we all know Stacy and Melissa aren't going to be top 4, but it would have at least been true to the professed judgment standards.


First off, let me say that I love your name.  I love 30 Rock and remember that episode.  Second, my thinking was that they judged the dishes on their own merits.  No one had a gross dish, the three bottom were really just the least favorites, not the worst, which I think makes it more difficult than having three shitty dishes, one of which was cooked by a great contestant.  I also think Gregory was given extra points for taking on the challenge of the goose, which everyone seemed to recognize was him more "aiming for the fences."  Now if it had turned out to be straight up gross, I don't think it matters that the chef was aiming for the fences, but in the case where there are three good dishes in the bottom it may make a difference because you took on a challenge and overall produced a good, but not great dish.  I personally thought it was going to be Melissa going home because of the whole lack of a protein thing.  I think the issue with Stacy's was it was tasty, but at some points it tasted bad/gross. I don't think Gregory's tasted bad per se, I just think the protein was cooked wrong.  The case of the vanilla chop was just different because that dish was just gross, I think it was undercooked and the vanilla was not tasty.  It wasn't a good dish that just happened to not be perfect so it was in the bottom, it was a bad dish overall.


But, I can see your point about having to live and die by your last dish.  I do like for there to be some leeway and consideration given to past performance when all other things are equal, but I understand when people say it should all be based on the last dish.

  • Love 1

Pilgrims had access to ancho chilies?


Ha, that was my comment, too! Pretty sure there weren't any ancho chilies at the first Thanksgiving.


I don't see how they were glorifying the Pilgrims. I liked how they focused on both the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags, which is reflective of the efforts that Plimoth Plantation to educate on the life of both the colonists and the native population. 


And I have no idea what part of Canada Gail grew up in but in Montreal, Thanksgiving is a huge food & family holiday -- not just a bowl of pumpkin soup and "maybe a turkey"



film noire, I found Gail's comments interesting because it is my understanding that Thanksgiving is a tradition that was brought to Canada by Boston's Loyalists, who left during the Revolutionary War, and settled in places like Nova Scotia.  Not that I necessarily expect them to know that history, but it seemed like a lost opportunity to discuss.


We had wild blueberries all over our land in MA but I never saw them in stores or stands for purchase.  Their timing had something to do with this, too.  Blueberries are a summer fruit and cranberries are harvested in October.  Things must have been taped out of sequence.



I doubt this.  I suspect this was filmed over the summer, and they somehow set up a cranberry harvesting out of season.  Given how green it looked and how the chefs were all complaining of the heat, it seems like this was done over the summer.  But they were also dependent on what Plimoth Plantation had available and they may not grow wild blueberries. (Though I too recall picking wild blueberries as a kid on Cape Cod, and yes, they were always the smaller variety).

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
  • Love 1

This may be a terribly unpopular opinion, but I was a bit perturbed Gregory didn't get the boot.  Now, I like Gregory; he seems like he has great potential and is a pleasant person to be around.  He's no Aaron, and I certainly wish him the best.  But "if you're only as good as your last dish" and his protein (which was his dish) was hard to eat and insufficiently cooked, he should have been out just like the chef with the vanilla chop a few weeks back.  If the judges had eliminated Melissa for NOT cooking a protein and basically taking a dodge on that (though, I could argue that side dishes are necessary and not all dishes need to have meats/fishes), I might have been okay.  But they boot Stacy for making something that Tom deemed the best she's ever done, on an "undefined" earthy note, perhaps because she plated on the dirt, like several others did.  She had a well made protein and a good (but ostensibly "weird/earthy") garnish.  IMHO, Greg should have had to PYKAG, which would have been shitty for him, because we all know Stacy and Melissa aren't going to be top 4, but it would have at least been true to the professed judgment standards.


After reading your post I went back a looked again.  Usually improperly cooked protein sends you home and this was a question in my mind, too. 


At the table Padma and guest judge mentioned a musty flavor in Stacy's dish and it wasn't pleasant, judging from their faces.  Again when they talked among  themselves, same conclusion, though still thought it was good. 

With Gregory they liked the flavor and Tom appreciated him doing a difficult dish and did comment the goose needed more cooking time only because it was slightly tough.  


At final judging in front of them they did say that the strange musty flavor might have come from her actually plating it in the dirt!  Said the clams were done well. When she was sent packing, Tom said to leave with her head held high, it was a good dish just happened to be the least favorite of them all.  He didn't say it was the best dish she had made.  


I was surprised that Melissa didn't go home, vegetarian dishes usually do not do well.  


I respect Tom and know he is adamant about judging only the food.  I have to believe this went down correctly. 


I want that blueberry stuffing recipe and it isn't on the site.  *stomps feet*

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Since we've been getting reports in both directions, I am going to make a simple statement here, and I'm hoping for everyone's cooperation:


People have been talking about how annoying they find Tom C's rapid-fire speech, so it is not just Katsuji's speech patterns at issue.


However, there is no need to bring race and/or ethnicity into the picture.


There is also no need to read between the lines of other posters' comments looking for trouble.


Violators in both directions will have their posts deleted.



I thought there was something fishy about the whole "plating in the dirt" kerfluffle and whether it had anything to do with off flavors in Stacy's dish.  It reminded me of The Mystery of the Pea Puree, they never said she served the judges dirt, but they certainly implied it.  FWIW, I've never seen smoked clams on an NE menu, or for that matter anywhere except the little dusty tins in the just off date code discount food store next to the kippers.  Weren't they all plating in the dirt to some extent?  I didn't see any brightly lit tables.  I think they needed something to hang Stacy's departure on, and she'd said how she likes a clean kitchen which is probably why she brought it up at the table, and editing did the rest.  I suspect if there were any off flavors in her dish it was more likely the result of smoking which is not an exact science.  Not too broken up because it really did look like she was about over it, but I'd hate if the editing did anything that hurt her reputation.  This game is not for everyone.

  • Love 4

Filming began in mid-May and continued through June, according to The Boston Globe.


Ha ha ha!  They found cranberries to buy (who knows where) to simulate that.  They didn't film that segment later and insert it because the trees were green.  

I thought there was something fishy about the whole "plating in the dirt" kerfluffle and whether it had anything to do with off flavors in Stacy's dish.  It reminded me of The Mystery of the Pea Puree, they never said she served the judges dirt, but they certainly implied it.  FWIW, I've never seen smoked clams on an NE menu, or for that matter anywhere except the little dusty tins in the just off date code discount food store next to the kippers.  Weren't they all plating in the dirt to some extent?  I didn't see any brightly lit tables.  I think they needed something to hang Stacy's departure on, and she'd said how she likes a clean kitchen which is probably why she brought it up at the table, and editing did the rest.  I suspect if there were any off flavors in her dish it was more likely the result of smoking which is not an exact science.  Not too broken up because it really did look like she was about over it, but I'd hate if the editing did anything that hurt her reputation.  This game is not for everyone.


I think they were joking about the dirt.  Had dirt really been in there it would have been gritty and probably have no taste.  The smoking was the culprit, I agree.  Never heard of smoking clams either beyond those tins.    

  • Love 1

"Thank the food goods, Doug and Gregory were both safe. Those two and Mei (Mai? May?? Who can tell these days; everyone tries to spell their name weirdly) are my favourites,"


In this case, it is not a weird spelling. It is the way her name would be transliterated from Chinese (or Japanese, for that matter) to English.


I really liked this episode. True, I could have done without the cranberry bog challenge; as someone upthread said, it was not a test of cooking skills. Otherwise, though, i thought the challenges were well thought out, and I was happy that everyone did a good job. I would have picked Melissa to go home based on their comments, but Stacy would have been eliminated soon, anyway, so just as well now as opposed to an episode or two later.


Enjoyed seeing Tiffani Faison. In Season 1, she didn't seem as short as she does now. Padma was just towering over her.



Edited by AnnaBaptist

I thought there was something fishy about the whole "plating in the dirt" kerfluffle and whether it had anything to do with off flavors in Stacy's dish.  It reminded me of The Mystery of the Pea Puree, they never said she served the judges dirt, but they certainly implied it.  FWIW, I've never seen smoked clams on an NE menu, or for that matter anywhere except the little dusty tins in the just off date code discount food store next to the kippers.  Weren't they all plating in the dirt to some extent?  I didn't see any brightly lit tables.  I think they needed something to hang Stacy's departure on, and she'd said how she likes a clean kitchen which is probably why she brought it up at the table, and editing did the rest.  I suspect if there were any off flavors in her dish it was more likely the result of smoking which is not an exact science.  Not too broken up because it really did look like she was about over it, but I'd hate if the editing did anything that hurt her reputation.  This game is not for everyone.


While I haven't specifically heard of "smoked clams," it appeared to me that Stacy was cooking her claims in the way that a traditional clambake does (usually buried under the sand with a tarp over it) and clams or any kind of shellfish cooked in that manner takes on a smoky flavor.  I don't think that her involvement has hurt her reputation.  My understanding is that the Reagle Beagle has gotten more patrons and also, that Stacy has been able to change the menu at that place so that it is a little more upscale.  I don't think anyone can take from this one challenge that Stacy is somehow a sloppy cook or anything.


I wonder why they didn't schedule filming to coincide with the Fourth of July? Logistical nightmare, probably.


I think that they usually design the challenges to coincide with what time of year it is airing, not the time of year it is filming.  Which means you get a lot of weird challenges out of season.  I suspect that they got the cranberries for the faux-harvesting from the folks at Ocean Spray.

I found Gail's comments interesting because it is my understanding that Thanksgiving is a tradition that was brought to Canada by Boston's Loyalists, who left during the Revolutionary War, and settled in places like Nova Scotia.


Thanks for explaining that. I always thought Thanksgiving was strictly American and was confused about why Canada would celebrate it.

I don't think anyone can take from this one challenge that Stacy is somehow a sloppy cook or anything.


Agreed.  Unless someone is looking to hire a Chef for their wagon train, where being able to cook over a fire-pit dug into the ground and there isn't even a tailgate available for plating, I don't think Stacy will be adversely impacted from having been on Top Chef.  I wasn't too sad to see her go, although I liked her, I just think both Melissa and Gregory are better suited to the competition overall. 


I was laughing at how exhausting everyone found getting the cranberries to be.  I've no doubt that it really is an intense workout though.  I was just amusing myself with visions of the next fitness craze or addition to CrossFit.   High Intensity Bog Training.   There's just something about seeing everyone united in the "Holy crap, who knew? Must die now!"  of it all that tickled me to no end.  


I'm not the biggest fan of Katsuji, but he was the person making me laugh the most there.   

  • Love 4

I would pay real money to see Tiffani beat up Richard!! She's not your bitch, bitch!!!


I'm glad Stacy is gone. She didn't annoy me as much this week as in weeks past, but she clearly wasn't going to win and I kind of felt bad for her as she was feeling she was letting down the whole of Boston since she's a local.


Thank the food gods, Doug and Gregory were both safe. Those two and Mei (Mai? May?? Who can tell these days; everyone tries to spell their name weirdly) are my favourites, but I'm starting to feel some cooking passion from Katie as well. I'm hoping they will be the final four; and I don't really care who comes back from Last Chance Kitchen, as long as it's not Baseball Cap DoucheBarge.


PepperMonkey, I don't believe that they are doing Last Chance Kitchen this season.


When they do these split-servings, does the second team actually get additional time (and it seems like alot of time) to prepare their dishes? Or do they start prep later than the first group? Editing looked like they all started together though, and if they get additional time, that seems unfair.

Edited by tvfanatic13

Can Tiffani beat up Richard and take his spot?


Once upon a time I would've been horrified at the thought, but Tiffani is one of the few reality show contestants to look at how she behaved on tv the first time around and actually make an effort to be less of an obnoxious ass.  In fact, she's done such a good job that I now like her, and I would never have imagined that after Season 1.


I liked this week's challenges.  The chefs all pretty much put out good, and in some cases excellent, dishes and made it hard for the judges to choose who to eliminate.


One thing bugged, though.  Despite what Katsuji apparently thinks, the Pilgrims weren't the first European settlers in North America, not by a long shot.  Heck, they weren't even the first English settlers here.

  • Love 2

This may not be the appropriate place for it, but I'm somewhat disconcerted by the amount of comments endorsing violence towards Richard. That would certainly not fly if it was to Padma or Gail (or Tom), and in general, I don't think that's a very appropriate thing to joke about.


Getting back on topic, this was a really nice episode. I enjoy challenges that stretch the chefs, but don't hamper them in a way that makes good food impossible, and this episode fit that to a tee. I still think Gregory is the heavy favourite. The only times he's been on the bottom were for a plating mishap and for a super-risky decision when he didn't have the tools (literally) to pull it off.

  • Love 2

They are.  They mentioned that LCK will begin in December.  I am not sure why they are doing a staggered start for Last Chance Kitchen this time around but they are definitely doing it.

I could see that if they wanted viewers to get to know the chefs better and really be invested in them so that more people will watch last chance kitchen and care.  And the dishes might be better once they get rid of the cannon fodder.  But I've never watched so maybe the dishes on LCK are always good.

  • Love 2

Canadian Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October. So I imagine the seasonal food is somewhat different.

Having attended a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner (in the US but thrown by a Canadian friend), I can say that, for my friend's gathering at least, the menu was exactly the same.  Not a huge difference in seasonal food between October and November, for the most part.

  • Love 1

Having attended a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner (in the US but thrown by a Canadian friend), I can say that, for my friend's gathering at least, the menu was exactly the same.  Not a huge difference in seasonal food between October and November, for the most part.

Yes, I agree that the seasonal food between October and November isn't different if you look at from what is "traditional." Certainly, in New England, the seasonal ingredients in October and November - apples, cranberries, root vegetables like carrots and parsnips, butternut squash - don't vary significantly between the two months.  I would imagine though that there is variation across the different provinces, just like there is a variation across the different regions of the US.

I just can't believe that someone, somehow, convinced Padma to actually put that giant wooden spoon in her mouth.


I'm assuming that between dishes, some intrepid crew member swiped the little knife from which she usually scrapes her teeny tiny little morsels. I'd love to have heard the ensuing conversation. "Fine then. I'll take ONE BITE from the giant wooden spoon. You get one take, and you can put one half-second glimpse in the final edit. But then I want my knife back!"


Gail, on the other hand... well... just... oh how I love The Luscious Gail Simmons™.

Edited by Uncle Benzene
  • Love 1

Thank you, Jeff Drake:

"Padma tells us about cranberries and how they pair with a variety of foods and can be used in all kinds of dishes, from entrees to desserts. She says this to a room full of chefs. To a room full of human beings from earth."

Thank you for brightening my Thursday. I swear, if I didn't get to read your Top Chef recaps on woeful days such as this...

  • Love 4

The cranberry bog challenge would be pretty tough.  Those rubber overalls are heavy and if you are bending over to collect cranberries water does get into them, weighing you down even more.  Also those bogs are muddy on the bottom so with every step you are "unsticking" yourself from the mud.  Add that to racing 9 other contestants it would be physically demanding.

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This may not be the appropriate place for it, but I'm somewhat disconcerted by the amount of comments endorsing violence towards Richard. That would certainly not fly if it was to Padma or Gail (or Tom), and in general, I don't think that's a very appropriate thing to joke about.


Here on Planet Internet  hyperbole is used as a means of expressing distaste.  I very much doubt anyone wants physical harm to come to Richard, just as I trust that when someone uses the acronym DIAF, they do not, in fact, wish anyone to perish in a conflagration.  They just find someone supremely irritating. 


I don't actually want to see Tiffani Faison kick Richard's butt up and down the stairs, twice through the courtyard and once 'round the block, then take his lunch money and mock his clothes:  by that I mean, I prefer Tiffani to Richard. 


As for whether or not it is appropriate to joke about such things that's practically a folk-song-singalong complete with rope sandals and peace signs compared to just about everywhere else on Planet Internet.

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