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S04.E02: The Art Of Construction

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Animalistic Mayhem.  I love that!  Thank you, Benjamin.


Obviously Gunnar has never heard his own voice, if he thought Jay tearing the blue tarp was the most annoying sound he ever heard.  Also, what in the HELL is wrong with Michelle's voice?  She sounds so exaggeratedly awful.  They need to STOP with her talking heads.  NOW.  And her dress was totally boring and stupid.


Chris March is a disgruntled little bitch.  There is no stealing when everybody is using the same ugly crap.  He needs to stitch up a dress of STFU and wrap it around his own ass.  I'm glad the stunning Georgina slapped him down.  He's dead to me now


Justin is amazing.  He ruled that challenge.  Fabio's outfit was just adorable. 


I'm sad to see Alexandria go home so soon.  She didn't deserve that.  And WHY the fuck is Michelle hugging all over everybody this season so far?


I'm not even going to comment on Snookie & JWow.

  • Love 9

Justin's dress was so beautiful!  I'm so happy he won.  I just wish Michelle would have gone instead of Alexandria.  I was afraid for her when I saw her working on that black monstrosity.


I don't like Kate..and I want her gone soon.  What was with that tiara when they went to get the materials.


I like Chris March.  He's always been one of my favorites but he's too tempermental.  He's also very talented and could have made something better than what he did.  I liked Dimitry's better.


Did you notice Helen yelling at people during the rush to get materials.  BTW  I really liked her dress.  I'm surprised she wasn't at the top.


What does Snooki and JWow have to do with fashion other than making a trash bag dress.  Stupid stupid judges.  Judges like that could be instrumental in getting out someone who doesn't deserve to go...or WIN (like Kate)

Edited by NYGirl
  • Love 6

I'd much rather see the Miz. And is J-Wow pregnant? She was most unattractive sitting there with her legs all splayed open. I felt sorry for the Tahari guy (who I like) having to sit next to those tacky wastes of space.


On a postive note, loved Justin's dress. So glad he won. That dress was gorgeous. Would make a great dress for the winter holidays coming up.


Michelle's was ugly & there was nothing to it. Her "color story" was blah. Sorry to see Alexandria go. She's an acquired taste, but there were others I'd rather see go before her.


As much as I love DImitri, I'm really crushing on Fabio this season.

  • Love 6

Justin got his win! That was so well deserved. I liked his personality during his season but found most of his work (until his final collection) so incredibly blah so I'm glad to see he appears to have stepped up his game for this season.


Chris was such a disappointment but I'm glad he is still around. 


Alexandria...can't stand her voice. Can't stand her attitude. She's too smug. I'm glad she's gone.

  • Love 11

Can Kate be any more a pretty precious princess with the ring of flowers in her hair? Gag.


This show has always been a poorer shabbier relative of the main show (which is now a poor relative of its earlier seasons, but that's another story.)  I only watch it because I like some of the designers and I think Isaac is a great judge. But when Jwow and Snooki showed up, I almost turned it off. All time low.

  • Love 5

I'm sorry to see Alexandria go, even though I hated what she made.  Michelle's dress looked like it could have been made by one of the kids on the PR Threads show. I can't stand her personality, and I wish she'd been the one to be eliminated. But every time I can't stand someone, they end up sticking around for a long while so I'm not too hopeful that we'll get rid of her next week. Justin has never impressed me before but I loved his dress tonight. I'm happy he won this challenge. I'm glad Chris is still around. He didn't behave well, and I'm sure he was just making excuses for not producing a very good look, but his design was still more interesting than Michelle's.

  • Love 6

I love the fact that Alyssa has gained weight all over being pregnant. Nice to see it can happen to celebs too...but damn, whoever is styling her hates her. That dress made her look huge and dumpy. Her hair is horrible. She's a beautiful woman, whatever her size. I feel for her.


I didn't watch more than 2 episodes of the teams season b/c I hated Michelle and Patricia. Wish we could have gotten rid of Michelle tonight. Her pattern was interesting, the dress boring.  Something I've noticed on both the regular PR and All-Stars is that the designers make things way too short, but not only that, they are uneven between the front and the back. You see it from the front and it looks like it could stand to be a tad longer, but then from the back you almost see the model's buns. How does this happen so consistently and why don't the designers know how to correct it? 


Justin's dress was gorgeous. Isaac needs to shut up about boob fat. The dress was made out of plastic zip ties. If the fit isn't perfect, give him a little latitude. If it were fabric, I could see him giving the advice, but on a plastic dress? It was amazing. I felt like Isaac felt like he had to say something critical. 

  • Love 10

I love the fact that Alyssa has gained weight all over being pregnant. Nice to see it can happen to celebs too...but damn, whoever is styling her hates her. That dress made her look huge and dumpy. Her hair is horrible. She's a beautiful woman, whatever her size. I feel for her.

I would contend that her stylist always hates her, because she looked that bad in past seasons (not pregnant), too. That's why it bugs me that she hosts this show - she doesn't know what she's talking about, and she looks bad doing it! (Meow). And sorry to pile on, but I also hate her voice - it's so affected. (Double meow).

I'm just trying to say something to avoid mentioning JWow and Snooki. Really, show?

  • Love 12

I love the fact that Alyssa has gained weight all over being pregnant. Nice to see it can happen to celebs too...but damn, whoever is styling her hates her. That dress made her look huge and dumpy. Her hair is horrible. She's a beautiful woman, whatever her size. I feel for her.


 Her stylist should totally be fired.  I didn't know she was pregnant and didn't see the first episode (and only the last half of this one).   When she walked out, I thought Willy Wonka had developed a new gum with a white cranberry dessert.  

  • Love 10

I don't like Kate..and I want her gone soon. What was with that tiara when they went to get the materials.

I am utterly appaled anyone allowed her to keep, let alone bring that thing - AGAIN. She put that high class toothpick on her head in season 11 and 12 even. I think there is something wrong with her. Like, seriously wrong.

As long as she doesn't go the route of Unicorn Man from S.12 I think we're safe...I think.

I'm glad I'm not alone in finding Gunnar's voice annoying. He gives RuPaul a run for his money in projection - every time I see his lips but part an inch I think a tiny part of me shrivels up a little. He accomplishes the rare feat of speaking completely through his nostrils.

  • Love 5

I wish they would stop referring to this as the "unconventional challenge". It's an "unconventional MATERIALS challenge".

Actually, they have referred to it as such but sparingly. I don't think Heidi said or has ever called it that but I am quite sure 'materials' has been thrown in by Tim, such as when they revisited the Magic Grocery Store, and also the 'Ultimate Hard & Soft' challenge.

I wish they would BAN the use of the words 'aesthetic' and 'edgy', or any of the various incarnations. Everybody seems to love to say something's edgy when it's not. I doubt they understand what it means. Or cutting edge - Benjamin's vocab cannot extend beyond this term.

Please stop calling your style your design aesthetic, or if the camera people are trying to feed you this, throw something at them. Please. Style is just fine. Or even voice, personality, aura, presentation - just anything but aesthetic. Anything.

  • Love 3

Justin's dress reminded me a lot of the pipette dress in his final collection - an airy, ethereal feel, light color, translucence. He does have unusual ideas.  


I like Alyssa's hair down much better than in that awful updo, although even down it's not terribly appealing.  And that dress.  Oh my, that dress.  


What happened to my Chris?  Disappointed in him all round tonight.  Liked Jay's dress, most of the rest left me cold, except for Justin's.  

  • Love 4

I'm not sorry to see Alexandria go. Every time I see her, I wish she would take a shower and wash her hair, let it dry without putting something weird in it. She thinks she's great and above it all, but her dress was awful. Michelle grates on my nerves and is acting stranger each episode. I'm happy to see her ending up on the bottom the last two times. Maybe her smug attitude will change, but I doubt it.

  • Love 5

Michelle should be gone because she in the bottom both weeks so far and because I can't tolerate her, lol

Also, I am sorry but it must be Aylssa's awful taste we have been seeing for two years now. That dress tonight was just hideous on her as is the hair, she looks like a bad middle-aged lounge act. All the time. She cannot be forced to look so awful all the time, she must be in on it.

Dmitri, yikes...thought you were a goner.

I liked Justin's but kind of wish Jay won just because Justin...he gets so sloppy happy over himself.

Kate just ughughughughugh

Edited by Bebecat
  • Love 4

Alyssa Milano looked like a perforated marshmallow in that white dress. I get that she’s very pregnant, but that dress was wrong on a Kim Kardashian level. She looked just as bad last season, so at this point I'm assuming she has really crap taste.


Jay-I liked the shape
Fabio-my favorite, I don't know why he wasn't at least in the top


Helen-I didn’t actually like the dress, but it was really well made
Justin-I didn’t love it, but I could see he was going to win


Didn’t Like
Kate–is she going to make a wedding dress every week?
Alexandria-While I didn’t like the dress, I thought it should have been Kate for doing the same damn dress again.
Samantha-damn that top was FUGLY
Dmitry-peep show
Chris-arts & crafts

  • Love 3

I loved Justin's dress, loved it.  It was a well deserved win.  I couldn't get up enough emotion to care whether Michelle or Alexandria went home.  I don't like either one of them.  I did think that Michelle's was just a bit better than Alexandria's.  Alexandria's skirt looked like fencing tacked on to a crumpled up garbage bag, the boob area was weird, and the silhouette was strange.  Michelle's was simple and not the greatest fit, but I could see someone somewhere actually wanting to wear it.


Was it my imagination or was IM avoiding acknowledging or even looking at Snookie and JWow (sp?).  I don't even know which one is which.  Having never seen them on anything or do anything in my life and only knowing them by reputation, even I knew they would be crap judges.  

  • Love 4

I loved Justin's dress and was glad to see him win.


Kate's completely reminded me of the outrageously expensive Pnina dresses (often shown on Say Yes to the Dress), and that's not a compliment for either one of them. I've never liked Pnina's lingerie disguised as a wedding dress, but I also never realized that one could probably be made out of trash from a construction site.  Wow all the way around.


I was pretty glad Alexandria went home for that 80s costume - and I thought that was a perfect description of her look. I couldn't believe there was any disagreement over that one to be honest.

  • Love 4

I'm sorry to see her go, but I can't argue with the judges over Alexandria's dress. Nothing really stood out as worse, but then nothing really stood out, period. Except Sonjia's! That made me smile. Loved it. But I'm fine with Justin winning, it was a pretty dress.

That's not the Chris I remember! Just ignore if anyone takes inspiration from your dress and get on with it. I hope he just had an off day because I don't want to dislike him.

Alyssa's dress made me gasp too but NOT in a good way.

I though J-Wow and Snooki were fun. They had no business being there but they lightened things up.

Edited by joelene
  • Love 7

There was something just so wrong in having Elie Tahari and Snooki-JWow  sharing the guest judge role.

so so so fucking wrong.  And the two of them were just as vocal, insipid and vapid as they could possibly be.  Listening to Snooki talk about boob fat, in front of Elie Tahari....the Elie Tahari, he must have something in the works with the Weinstien's because if I were him, I would have taken one look at those two hags and peaced out.

  • Love 15

And onto other thoughts....


1. Alyssa - now I just think her stylist is punking us, because for real?  that white outfit? for real?


2. Michelle - seriously, for someone who could never be touched and wanted others to respect her personal space she keeps randomly putting her paws all over people.  Her voice grates, when is she leaving, and can she take Helen with her (ugh...Helen)


3. Justin - so happy for him!  He 2000% deserved that win, that dress was the best, and I knew that to be objectively true because Snooki didn't like it.


4. Alexandria - I think it was okay to send her home on this challenge, that dress looked messy, although I might have sent Kate home, because, come on, its another princess dress, in the exact same color.  I also would have sent Michelle home, because if you want to talk about a dress you can pick up in the store right now, thats pretty much it.  And i would love for her to have been sent home by Snooki and J-Woww.


5. Kate - Gee Zana, you want to know why you see this sort of thing all the time from its ITS BECAUSE YOU KEEP INVITING HER BACK EVERY OTHER SEASON!


6. Chris March - I think he isn't used to one day challenges and so he may be taking it out on dimitri....but seriously....bitch stole your look!


7. One day challenge - I think the designers overall did a great job in a one day unconventional materials challenge, but I wish they had had another day.

  • Love 12


Sorry to see Alexandria go. She's an acquired taste, but there were others I'd rather see go before her.


That is a good way to put it. :>)  I like her too.  I hated to see her go but I did think her look was the worst. 



This show has always been a poorer shabbier relative of the main show (which is now a poor relative of its earlier seasons, but that's another story


It is disappointing to see a superior show decline so far.  Leaving Bravo triggered it but the fault lies in Heidi being distracted.  She changed networks because she wanted to film in LA where she lived.  I think her passion for it died when she had her 4th child.  Her plate was too full. 




I love the fact that Alyssa has gained weight all over being pregnant. Nice to see it can happen to celebs too...but damn, whoever is styling her hates her. That dress made her look huge and dumpy. Her hair is horrible. She's a beautiful woman, whatever her size. I feel for her.


Simple dark colors and clean lines would be better.  I bet she is horrified, too, as she watches these shows from home with that baby!  She is very pretty.


Chris' weight and health is dragging him down.   He has to sit and in his season took naps in the break room.  He is a heart attack in the making.   He has lost his umph.  I got the feeling that the judges, sensing this, went easy on him during the judging.  His look was a mess, really.  


Snookie and Jwow only serve to degrade this show.  There was no reason to have them there.  I doubt they are a viewer draw.  

  • Love 9

Interesting show...


I think Alexandria was the right one to go home - there was no design to that dress, yes, I know it is unconventional materials but all it look like was she got some tarps or garbage bags (whatever she used) cut arm holes in them and put it on the model and bunched them up at the bottom to make it look like a dress and put that fencing around it.


and Michele - again, unconventional materials, but I surprised that not one judge called her out on her chevron pattern.  If you are going to make a chevron pattern you should match up the colors???


Love Justin's  - glad he finally got a win!  I also liked Jay's a lot too.


Chris, honey, notched down the diva a little.


As for the judges, I was really surprised that Elie Tahari liked everything - did he have one criticism at all?



Forgot to add that I would have gasped too seeing Alyssa coming out on the runway in that dress and hair - WOW - yes, definitely should fire whoever her "yes" people are.

Edited by tobysmom
  • Love 2

My objection to Snookie, JWow and Tahari as guest judges was even more basic: too darn many of them. Really, show. Give us ONE, quality guest judge. That's all we need - or want.

Isaac's appearance on these shows isn't doing him any favors. And, for the record, If anything, the fit under the arm was too loose (so NO "boob fat") because, as has been pointed out above, it was constructed from unconventional materials. Perfect fit was challenging. But the overall look was lovely. He's forgiven.

It's like Isaac was looking for something to critique, came up empty, and made up something just to gripe.

  • Love 6

Ugh. I knew from spoilers that Alexandria was going, but I'm still disappointed. I related to her a lot, because she is SO Scandinavian. I honestly believe that a lot of her perceived "social awkwardness" stems from the fact that Scandinavians in general are a bit more socially reserved, and that probably doesn't mesh well with most of the over the top types that appear on reality TV. I also think her bluntness is very much a cultural thing.


As expected, I really don't think I'll be able to watch this. I do like Jay, but for the most part these people do nothing for me.

Edited by Xazeal
  • Love 11

Was sad to see Michelle, Chris and Alexandria as the final three, since they were three of the designers whose work I was most interested in seeing this season.

How similar was Justin's dress to the pipette dress? It seemed really similar.

Much to my shock, I found Snooky and J-wow oddly entertaining. They were so vocally and adamantly opinionated about all the designs --and usually in total disagreement with the regular judges. That had to bug the regular judges. I enjoyed that!

In reference to the Chris March's health comment above... I met him briefly at a party a few years ago. I was shocked to see that getting up from a chair just to walk across a room did seem to exhaust him. I 'm a huge fan of his--(the dress he made for the Hershey challenge in his season was so Stephen Sprouse, it may be my favorite design in the history of the show.) Seeing the state of his health really worried me. Take care of yourself, Chris!

  • Love 9

Justin's dress was so beautiful!  I'm so happy he won.  I just wish Michelle would have gone instead of Alexandria.  I was afraid for her when I saw her working on that black monstrosity.



Justin and Jay both did beautiful work this week, but Justin's was GORGEOUS.   It did, however, remind me of his pipette dress he made during his regular season.  Different shape, of course, but the same idea of plastic bits hanging down, moving and making noise when the model walked.   That's fine, though.  Both were gorgeous.  Just no more plastic dangling bits this season, ok Justin?


Michelle and Alexandra deserved to be on the bottom.  I agree that Michelle should have gone and for the same reason Kate should have gone home last week.   Michelle's dress showed no imagination.  Why didn't those lines in the chevrons match up better or in a more interesting way?  Why didn't that dress fit the model better?   It looked like a high school home ec project.   Alexandra made her model's breasts look criminally bad...BUT...it was an interesting dress that you had to look a while to see what was going on.  Michelle's you could dismiss with a shrug.


Speaking of Kate.   Gee.   Last week, she sent a poorly made wedding dress down the runway.  This week, she sent a poorly made slutty wedding dress down the runway that ripped off Madonna's early career style.  Boy, did she reach!     I agree with Alyssa.  That piece of ca-ca was straight out of Frederick's of Hollywood, the catalog about 6 months after the Like a Virgin video debuted.     Put Kate out of her frickin misery already.

Chris March is a disgruntled little bitch.  There is no stealing when everybody is using the same ugly crap.  He needs to stitch up a dress of STFU and wrap it around his own ass.  I'm glad the stunning Georgina slapped him down.  He's dead to me now


I had a thought when his model was walking down the runway.  He should have ditched the top entirely, then expanded that rope over-skirt to be the shape of a mini dress with a black form fitting top and leggings/pants underneath.   That would have been interesting, at least.

Edited by terrymct
  • Love 5

So many excuses from all of them this episode! "I don't design like this at home." Really, Helen and Alexandria? You don't? And Chris' defeatist attitude and whining were annoying.

I was appalled when Michelle mocked Zanna during her critique, over pronunciating the word "sporty." Seriously what is wrong with her? She has such a chip on her shoulder, and she won her season!

  • Love 9

Was it my imagination or was IM avoiding acknowledging or even looking at Snookie and JWow (sp?).  I don't even know which one is which.  Having never seen them on anything or do anything in my life and only knowing them by reputation, even I knew they would be crap judges.  


Not your imagination.  I saw him throw shade their way a few times.  Snookie and JWow added nothing to the show.  They generally behaved, tried to make comments, and didn't do anything overly embarrassing so it's probably a win for them.

Edited by terrymct
  • Love 4

I was appalled when Michelle mocked Zanna during her critique, over pronunciating the word "sporty." Seriously what is wrong with her? She has such a chip on her shoulder, and she won her season!


God, she's awful. She seems to think America will grow to love her this time if she wears clown makeup and hair, hops around a lot and does accents. Seriously, Tim needs to learn not to double down on his bad saves. I get it, she's lovable and misunderstood and you were right to fight to keep her on past that time when she should have gone home because you have a soft spot for self-pitying bullies. Only, really, not. 


I think she's a little bitter because she's been able to leverage her win and the chance to design for Lord&Taylor into (until recently) an Etsy store and a reliable spot in "Assholes of the Runway" retrospective articles.

  • Love 11


I love the fact that Alyssa has gained weight all over being pregnant. Nice to see it can happen to celebs too...but damn, whoever is styling her hates her. That dress made her look huge and dumpy. Her hair is horrible. She's a beautiful woman, whatever her size. I feel for her.


Simple dark colors and clean lines would be better.  I bet she is horrified, too, as she watches these shows from home with that baby!  She is very pretty.



She only had one???

  • Love 1

I just re watched Chris March's season and they did have some one day challenges. I like Chris but he doesn't seem real energetic. I loved Justin's dress and I think designers should have some similarities in their designs. I didn't like Alexandra's at all and it looked like a hazard. Throwing a piece of fence around a model doesn't make it fashion.

I wasn't too fond of Jay's, it still looked like a tarp to me. My favorites were Justin, Fabio and Gunnar.

  • Love 5

I'm glad Jay's dress turned out well because I've decided he's the designer I'm going to crush on this season, and I'd like him to stick around. That nail necklace was amazing, I thought!


Chris clearly froze when he saw that Dimitri had scrapped his original plan and was doing the same kind of thing with the bungee cords. And doing it better. Well, at least for the bodice. The way Dimitri was wrapping it around the mannequin was so much more interesting than what Chris was doing. Although on the runway, Dimitri's was clearly unfinished and needed more time. The peek of ass cheek was not good. :-) However, Chris' bodice was like a 1975 halter top and ugly, to boot. And then that "skirt"… oh my. But what I really want to know is how he was allowed to have leggings under that frame? Those clearly weren't made with any unconventional material. (Agreed on the Unconventional MATERIALS Challenge name, btw) I didn't think they were allowed to do that. Were there behind the scenes producer shenanigans so he didn't send a naked model down the runway?


Speaking of naked, how in the hell did Samantha's look not end up in the bottom? I honestly thought she was going home for that. The cords still looked like hands grabbing the model's boobs. So ugly! It was much worse than what Alexandria made. Or Michelle. I figured Michelle got a pass because the textile she made did look nice (I liked the colors), even if the dress itself was not that great. Clearly she spent so much time making the fabric she didn't have enough time to make a better dress out of it. I felt the same way about Fabio's. I loved the textures and colors he made by weaving the string (I really wish they'd shown exactly what he was doing to achieve that, because I have no idea), but not the mini skirt and crop top he made out of it. 


Sad that it takes Snookie AND J-Wow to make up one guest judge, but both of them were pretty much useless anyway. And I was distracted by their new faces...

  • Love 3

I've never cared for Alexandria, but I really wanted her to outlast Helen of Cry.


So we didn't see what actually happened with Chris and Dmitry, but I don't really believe Chris would LIE about something like that; I mean, what purpose would it serve? Also watching them in the workroom, damn, Dmitry's was almost just like Chris' on top. I kind of liked the cage skirt with Chris' design. Dmitry should have been in the bottom for the peep show.


So MIchelle and Kate in the bottom TWO WEEKS in a row? One of them should have gone instead of Alexandria. I didn't get why they kept saying Michelle's was cool. I thought it looked like duct tape also and was just an A-line. Where was the femininity? Also, whiskey tango foxtrot, what the HELL is up with her attack hugging at the end of the show? She, who does not like to be touched? Is she on crack? Or is she trying to show her new warm side? We're not buying it.


Justin definitely has a gift with unconventional materials. I loved his dress, and once again, loved that it makes noise. In the finale of his season, the only look of his that I liked was the pipette dress. He needs to work with weird stuff all the time. Also, did Benjamin "copy" him as well? Specificially as to the zip tie fringe on the top of Ben's look. We saw Justin going there from the start, when they were gathering materials, but it almost seemed like Benjamin saw his zip tie "fringe" and decided to augment his with same.

Of course, we don't know, because they cut out so much of the drama, which is fine with me, but sometimes leaves me wondering what happened that we didn't see. THIS is the show I would like to see for an hour and a half; they need to cut original recipe PR back to one hour. Those designers are amateur dramatists; leave that to the professionals on All Stars.

  • Love 7

I'm sorry to see Alexandria leave.  Too bad Elie Tahari's and JWow's voice of reason didn't overrule the other judges.  I thought Kate's look was on the bottom.  Her dress this week was a shortened version of last week's dress, even having the same bustline.  I'm wondering what's going on with Michelle, too, what with copying Zanna's accent. Does she think that's funny? I feel like she's trying to portray a more loving and fun Michelle instead of just being herself.  I'd rather have a non-faking grumpy Michelle than a phony fun and loving Michelle.  Chris, get over it.  The materials were limited.  So what if Dmitry decides to go with bungee cords.  Just go ahead with your vision and make the best bungee cord dress you can!  Although I though Dmitry should have been on the bottom with the bottom exposure of his dress. 


Justin definitely deserved that win.  His dress was way ahead of the others.  Fabio's grew on me.  One thing about this unconventional materials challenge - there wasn't much variety of materials, so they colors tended to be the same.

  • Love 6

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