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S01.E07: He Deserved To Die

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Another great episode. I really am enjoying this show. 


Wow, Rebecca does look good when she is cleaned up. She and Wes have good chemistry, but the sex/autopsy scenes were gross. I liked it when he was confiding in her while holding her in bed. It was sweet.


Is Rebecca telling the truth? Did Sam want to kill her? And why? Did he kill Lila because she was pregnant and wanted to tell Annalise? Or did he find out that Rebecca killed Lila so Rebecca killed him?


I loved Annalise's burgundy and black suit. It was just a little too tight for Viola. When is Annalise going to realize that Nate is done with her?


Asher hugging the trophy in class was hilarious. He cracks me up all the way around. I loved his comments about some men only getting it up for crazy and about  Conner's magic penis. 


Poor Conner. He finally decides to give up the casual sex and beg Oliver to take him back and there is a hot guy at his apartment sending him away.


Awww, I like Laurel's boyfriend. He is such a nice guy. 


Next week looks good.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 5

Rebecca is a bad actress, what's with her damn facial expressions, she just has that vacant I'm stoned look on her face. I really hope they write this character out after this season, because she's a waste. Wes and Rebecca just don't work, so mismatch together. Rebecca is an idiot, why prank call 911 knowing that 911 can trace it and arrest her for misuse of 911. Dumbass.


Sick of Wes and his disapproval and shaking his head like he's so high and mighty. These flashbacks don't paint him in a good light. 


If Michaela comes from money, I don't think she would be upset over a pre-nup. Maybe she's not as rich as she's making people believe. If she had money, she would want to protect her money as well and wouldn't get angry over signing it. She should want Aidan to possibly walk off with half her stuff if they get a divorce since she knows he slept with Connor. That alone should be enough for her to want to get one. I know I would.


Asher is just hilarious, with answering the question clutching that damn trophy in his arms and then saying he wish he was born gay. 


Connor my goodness, quit being such a slut. You don't have to sleep with everything that walks, still love him though. Connor brought it on himself on Oliver not wanting to take him back.


Laurel is just a big yawn still. Yea she's possibly leading Frank on with her behavior, having a boyfriend and not wanting Frank to forget. Ugh she's grating.


Are Michaela and Asher the only ones within the group that have some sort of morals out of the Keating 5?


Lila being pregnant by Sam. If it's time for Anni to take out the doo rag it would be now. 

  • Love 7

If Michaela comes from money, I don't think she would be upset over a pre-nup. Maybe she's not as rich as she's making people believe. If she had money, she would want to protect her money as well and wouldn't get angry over signing it. She should want Aidan to possibly walk off with half her stuff if they get a divorce since she knows he slept with Connor. That alone should be enough for her to want to get one. I know I would.


I could totally see Michaela being upset that Aiden beat her to the punch re: the pre-nup, though. It definitely seems like something she would have thought of, but she also seems like the kind of person who would be insulted by being presented with one herself.


The Wes/Rebecca sex interspersed with the autopsy was so gross. Whose idea was that? And what was its purpose?


Frank and Laurel, just...stop. Stop it now.


God, I love Asher. Clutching that trophy like a life preserver when he answered the question in class was so him.


Someone in the medical field, what are the odds of missing a six-week fetus in the first go-round of the autopsy? I thought in autopsies they removed all the organs? Wouldn't that include the uterus? And wouldn't said uterus display some sort of sign that it held a fetus? I smell contrivance. Besides, what does Lila being pregnant do, besides add another charge against the defendants and give Annalise one more reason to be mad at Sam? He's dead in two weeks anyway.

  • Love 5

I am actually leaning toward Rebecca being guilty of murdering Lila and murdering Sam to cover it up. I am not sympathetic toward her character - but I think that's what the writers are going for - creating confusion around her true intentions, hence the blank stares. I would say she slept with Wes a a manipulative tactic. On the other hand, Bonnie is also a potential suspect. Wes is still a huge mystery. His disclosures today only made me wonder more about what really makes him tic. Great episode all around though.

  • Love 7

Yeah, Lila being pregnant was definitely no big shock reveal. I guessed it as soon as Sam readily presented himself with a way to block the exhumation.


On another note, I've been seeing the furor online about people being grossed out by all the gay sex in Shonda's shows and you know what? Wes and Rebecca's sex scene grossed me out more than any gay scene ever could (It also helps that Connor's hot as hell so...).

I find Wes and Rebecca revolting. Rebecca's an asshole to people for shits and giggles and Wes is pathetic and dangerously stupid. Wes allowing Rebecca to belittle him while continuously running after her makes him look like a loser. Sorry. I hope Rebecca's written out sooner rather than later. 


Wes and Rebecca just don't work


Edited by LaJefaza
  • Love 14
Someone in the medical field, what are the odds of missing a six-week fetus in the first go-round of the autopsy? I thought in autopsies they removed all the organs? Wouldn't that include the uterus? And wouldn't said uterus display some sort of sign that it held a fetus? I smell contrivance.


I'm not in the field, but I would think it's pretty hard to miss too.  I knew they were going to say she was pregnant though.  They can probably increase the charges because of that, right? If Sam knew about the pregnancy and killed Lila to cover it up, he's pretty dumb though, as the evidence of the pregnancy is still there.  This is why I think Sam is a red herring and not the killer.  I have no idea why he gets killed though.


I really hope real life lawyers are not as corrupt as TV lawyers.  Letting Rebecca make a false statement to the press after getting a gag order was pretty shady.

Edited by KaveDweller
Rebecca is a bad actress, what's with her damn facial expressions, she just has that vacant I'm stoned look on her face. I really hope they write this character out after this season, because she's a waste. Wes and Rebecca just don't work, so mismatch together. Rebecca is an idiot, why prank call 911 knowing that 911 can trace it and arrest her for misuse of 911. Dumbass.



I feel like this pretty much sums up all my feelings on tonight's episode. I am genuinely interested in what kind of feedback the writers/creators are getting about this character and that pairing because honestly, they are really what is killing this show for me. I just simply do not care about Rebecca on any level and Wes around her just brings him down to her level of suckage where I want them both to just tumble down the flight of stairs at their apartment building. They have no chemistry, I still don't buy or get their interest in each other, they're both boring...it's just one giant waste.


Like I can't stand Laurel and Frank either but those two don't take up as much screentime so it's much easier for me to ignore. I hope to god all of this is some big misdirect and Rebecca was playing them all and her ass gets carted off to jail never to be seen again. I just think this character needs to go. I really do...or they need to seriously rewrite her and totally get rid of that whole boring ass pointless romance with Wes. 


Wes is still a huge mystery. His disclosures today only made me wonder more about what really makes him tic.



Honestly, when I was listening to him babbling on after he and Rebecca had sex, I came to the conclusion that he actually sounded like a complete nutcase and I became almost convinced that the theory other posters have thrown at, that he's a fraud and there's more to him, may very well be true. That or he's just a psycho. But the way he so casually mentioned his mother killing herself, almost in the same damn chipper, casual voice he mentioned mint chocolate ice cream being his favorite just frankly made him sound like a sociopath. 


At this point, I don't really care about either Rebecca or Wes and instead just want to understand how Laurel, Michaela and Connor got themselves mixed up in that mess and how they'll get out of it because those three I like well enough. Frankly they can sell Wes and Rebecca down the river for all I care. 


Speaking of Connor, man that boy has intimacy issues. That said, anyone else get the feeling that the guy in Oliver's apartment was just a friend? I mean they clearly set it up to look like it was more so Connor would get that impression but something about the way the guy knew who Connor was and how fiercely protective he sounded in telling Connor to leave Oliver alone, just made me think he's likely just a best friend Oliver told about what happened. 


As I noted, Frank and Laurel, don't care, but as long as it continues to only take up a few minutes, I can just ignore it. I completely figured when Bonnie showed up about the autopsy that it was either sperm found in Lila's body or she was pregnant. I definitely agree with others that it's stretching suspension of disbelief to think that a medical examiner would have missed something that obvious in an autopsy.


In my experience of watching true crime shows, the only thing medical examiners tend to miss, is evidence of poison if someone poisons another person to make their death look like a heart attack or something. That's why investigators tend to also request toxicology reports. I just don't see how a medical examiner could miss a fetus in a body.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Rebecca is a monster person made of needles, mud, Fairuza Balk's character from The Craft, and a dub of a dub of a dub of a Sex Pistols album. She's such a cliche of wounded outsider punky unpleasantness. Everything from her is so typical.

I guess we now know why Wes is captain save-a-ho. I think the show knows that Wes and Rebecca don't work because why else would you intercut their sex scene with a graphic autopsy.

A six week pregnancy is such a huge miss that it calls into question the rest of the autopsy findings.

Frank and Laurel are gross too.

I almost feel bad for Connor. He should have figured out that he needed to beg Oliver to take him back. Now Oliver has a super hot boyfriend.

  • Love 2

At this point, I don't really care about either Rebecca or Wes and instead just want to understand how Laurel, Michaela and Connor got themselves mixed up in that mess and how they'll get out of it because those three I like well enough. Frankly they can sell Wes and Rebecca down the river for all I care. 



I'm wondering how Connor, Michaela, and Laurel got sucked into it as well. I'm thinking wrong place, wrong time for them, and how Asher lost the trophy since Rebecca used it on Sam. Asher had a kung fu death grip on it tonight so Anni might have stripped him of it for doing something dumb or one of the other 4 impressed Anni. I'm thinking Wes probably forced them to help Rebecca by talking their ear off, blackmail, or something. 


As long as Connor & Michaela don't go down too hard I don't care. Hell I hope one or both of them snitch on Rebecca which given how distraught Michaela is about it and seems like she's the one that cares most about her future so far she might squeal first. Laurel don't give a damn what happens to her, Wes can go rot somewhere, and Rebecca can exit stage left.

  • Love 1

If I didn't already think Wes was a fraud, I definitely would after to tonight's episode. As another poster pointed out, he used the same tone when saying his mother killed herself as he did when naming his favorite ice cream flavor.

And I dont know why but I keep expect in to hear Wes speaking with Enoch's natural accent. I can't let go of this happening and being the big 'a-ha' moment.

Overall, great episode. The nine week break between the fall and spring 'seasons' is going to be rough.

  • Love 3

Since the judge said the second autopsy was going to be done by a coroner of her choosing, it leads me to believe their was something shady with the first one. How else would they have missed a 6-week old fetus? 


I also really like Asher. I know he's playing a stereotypical character, but it was pretty funny watching him answer Annalise's questions while hugging the trophy.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
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Since the judge said the second autopsy was going to be done by a coroner of her choosing, it leads me to believe their was something shady with the first one. How else would they have missed a 6-week old fetus?

I also really like Asher. I know he's playing a stereotypical character, but it was pretty funny watching him answer Annalise's questions while hugging the trophy.

That's what I was thinking too. Maybe someone paid off or blackmailed the ME to not mention the pregnancy in the initial autopsy.
  • Love 3

Oh god, how I hope Rebecca is the murderer. Then she will be off of this show and we will be relieved of the awful Wes/Rebecca romance. Did the show really go with the fighting-leads-to-sex cliche? Sigh.


I will also continue to harp on the awfulness and huh?? of Frank and Laurel. This show sucks at romance. 


Right now, I really only care about Asher, Connor, and Michaela. As others have mentioned, I don't understand how Connor and Michaela would go along with covering up Sam's murder if Rebecca was the one to kill him.

  • Love 1


If I didn't already think Wes was a fraud, I definitely would after to tonight's episode. As another poster pointed out, he used the same tone when saying his mother killed herself as he did when naming his favorite ice cream flavor.

If the ultimate triple lutz pretzel twist to this whole thing was Wes and Rebecca as a pair of co-dependent nutjobs pulling a long con on the rest of the crew, only to escape at the end of the season never to be seen again... I'd get that. I really really would. Farethewell, glad to know you, now lets get back to what is shaping up to be a really entertaining piece of pulpy candy goodness.


And that's just it, Wes and Rebecca ain't cutting it. Their energy- Rebecca's especially- really doesn't flow with everything else on screen. If the show can get me invested in someone as snivelling as Connor, as haughty as Michaela, and as douchey as Asher- each of whom have at least some depth worth exploring- then at this point it's not just the writing.


Laurel has a good, sweet, hot, kind, loving boyfriend in Kan. But I don't give a shit.


As sole resident of Flaurelvania- those two can get it.  I'm liking Frank more and more because there's some winning sincerity and vulnerability underneath the jerk surface. They work for me in a way sweet, nice, blah Kan and Laurel doesn't.


The scene at the end with Bonnie and the Keatings hinted at how much more this show can be. There was such a great, weird dynamic between the three of them. She's obviously privy to so much of what is going on. I almost wonder... wild theory- but if Annalise and Sam had difficulties conceiving, maybe Bonnie was their would-be surrogate? It would explain the kind of maybe-sexual-but-not intimacy they all share with one another.

Edited by Dean Learner
  • Love 7

I think Rebecca is badly miscast; the character might work better with a different actress. I did like her in the scene where she revealed Laurel and Michaela's secrets and tells them to back off Wes. That was the first time I saw any kind of charisma or charm from her.

I was also wondering how the heck an ME would miss a six-week pregnancy in an autopsy. Like maybe if they had said three weeks it would have been more believable? It would murky things up more too. At three weeks it would be more possible that Lila didn't know she was pregnant, etc.

I love Viola Davis more every week. It's early days but I'm really hoping the Golden Globes and Emmys like her too.

Edited by Minneapple
  • Love 3

The scene at the end with Bonnie and the Keatings hinted at how much more this show can be. There was such a great, weird dynamic between the three of them. She's obviously privy to so much of what is going on. I almost wonder... wild theory- but if Annalise and Sam had difficulties conceiving, maybe Bonnie was their would-be surrogate? It would explain the kind of maybe-sexual-but-not intimacy they all share with one another.

While I agree there may be something more to those 3 but it is scenes like this that also bug me so much.


No way Bonnie would go to Annalise and tell her that stuff knowing Sam was right there.

I thought how Wes told Rebecca about his mother's suicide was perfect by the director and far more realistic that the hysterics that we usually get on tv and in the movies..I think that most people who have processed a traumatic event in their lives cope by not breaking down every time they share it. He wanted to share it with Rebecca is the least dramatic way and I liked that. I do agree that his mother's suicide explains his need to rescue Rebecca.



If Michaela comes from money, I don't think she would be upset over a pre-nup. Maybe she's not as rich as she's making people believe. If she had money, she would want to protect her money as well and wouldn't get angry over signing it. She should want Aidan to possibly walk off with half her stuff if they get a divorce since she knows he slept with Connor. That alone should be enough for her to want to get one. I know I would.


Whether Michaela comes from money or not, she had every right to be upset, furious even. Aidan's parents sprang the prenup on her. They set up the appointment and did not even have the courtesy to tell her what it was going to be about so she could bring a lawyer to represent her interests. Clearly, they hoped to manipulate her into quickly signing without any discussion or negotiation. His parents must be real pieces of work. This alone should make her rethink that marriage.


I think that the writers have done a masterful job of fleshing out the students. I now like them all. I think that Rebecca is fine. It is not a deep role. The actress does a decent enough job with the mysterious vibe that she is supposed to give off.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 9

Rebecca saying to Wes "He deserves to die" and "I had to kill him" is all red herring talk, right?

It has to be, yes? She may have been standing there when it happened- hence the blood spray- but was witness to, not the actual killer. I took her talk to be what she would say if questioned- another false confession.

For all the talk of scratch marks this episode, there has to be some connection to the marks on the Wes's bedpost and Lila's murder. Maybe his studio was the scene of the crime.

Edited by Dean Learner
  • Love 2

To show us that Wes and Rebecca have less sex appeal than an exhumation and autospy? Those two have anti-chemistry.

I think that at least last night KF demonstrated different types of chemistry with LP, KS, and ANK, TV, and VD. But she falls utterly flat any time she is opposite AE.

So I'm hoping that Wes is indeed a sociopathic fraud and they dump him at the end of the season.



The scene at the end with Bonnie and the Keatings hinted at how much more this show can be. There was such a great, weird dynamic between the three of them. She's obviously privy to so much of what is going on. I almost wonder... wild theory- but if Annalise and Sam had difficulties conceiving, maybe Bonnie was their would-be surrogate? It would explain the kind of maybe-sexual-but-not intimacy they all share with one another.

While I agree there may be something more to those 3 but it is scenes like this that also bug me so much.

No way Bonnie would go to Annalise and tell her that stuff knowing Sam was right there.


Sometimes, I feel the Bonnie-Annelise-Sam dynamic is intriguing, and sometimes, I feel it's bad writing and really inconsistent.  In a previous episode, Annelise said to Bonnie something along the lines that Annelise knew that Bonnie was doing all these things for someone in the house, and it wasn't Annelise.  Bonnie didn't contradict that.  Then in a later episode, Bonnie said to Sam that she's doing it all for Annelise, and she would do anything for her.  Then the scene tonight was just weird.


Part of the problem may lie in the fact that I read somewhere that, to keep spoilers from coming out in interviews, the actors weren't told who killed anyone, and they may or may not know much about the content of future scripts.  So they don't necessarily know how to play a scene in a way that's consistent with future scenes.


Count me in among those who find Rebecca annoying, and Wes is starting to join that club.  

  • Love 1

I actually think Rebecca is OK and it's Wes that's the problem. Alfred Enoch seemed like a natural in the pilot, but hasn't shown much range since. His line readings are consistently weak and one-note, even though I think he has a very expressive physicality.

Out of the non-Annalise characters, it's also Michaela, Asher, and Connor that I'm rooting for. I think it's less scripting than the fact they are good enough actors to make you like even unlikeable characters.

After this episode I'm actually thinking that Wes is the one who killed Sam. Think about it -- if Rebecca's confession is a red herring, then who is she trying to protect? She doesn't care enough about any of the others to make that kind of sacrifice.

  • Love 2

Somewhere near the end of the episode, I thought I heard Rebecca say something like "We know who the real killer is, so stop protecting her!" Did anyone else catch that?


I don't remember the exact details anymore, but I don't think it was in a flash forward. If it was a woman who killed Lila, that would narrow it down to Rebecca (who would have had to be talking about herself in the third person), Bonnie, and Annelise herself. Annelise and Rebecca seem to have motives, and Bonnie's a part of enough weird talk that it feels like it might be her. On the other hand, if it was in a flash forward and I just wasn't paying attention, a woman killing Sam might explain Michaela's meltdown.

Rebecca could be telling the truth about Sam wanting to kill her. She referred to Sam as "Mr. Darcy" -- so Sam knows that Rebecca knows he had some sort of sex-times going on with Lila. Also, we saw Nate enlist Rebecca in his attempt to prove Sam killed Lila.


We also found out that Nate  is no longer working for Philly PD, I think for the first time. I know he had been suspended previously, but I don't think they had described him as former. And in fact, Bonnie got the complete confession by leveraging a threat to reveal that PPD was still investigating alternate suspects, which she knew because Nate was investigating. Which raises a whole bunch of questions, like shouldn't he be looking for gainful employment instead of trying to track down dirt on Sam? Where is he getting the money to have Frank under surveillance? What does his wife think about all this? What is his motivation in doing all this snooping? One theory is that he is literally trying to put Sam behind bars so he can be with Annalise free and clear.


Re: the prenup, regardless of class, some people are going to see that as an insult. "We're preparing to spend the rest of our lives together in marital bliss...but in case this doesn't work out, here's my escape clause that I'm preparing." Add to that someone misled Michaela into thinking this was for a job interview (or Michaela wrongly jumped to that conclusion). She was sandbagged and embarrassed. And she told the rest of the Keating 5 she was getting an interview at this fancy-schmancy firm. When in reality fancy-schmancy firm was meeting with her and using its resources to get the best deal for its client, without giving her the benefit of knowing that she should have her own lawyer there to represent her interests. Also, you have to factor in that she only recently learned that her fiance had a fling with a man, and despite his insistence that he's straight very well might be gay. If I were in her place, I would definitely be insulted that with the issues he's bringing to the table and the secrecy and the underhandedness, he (or his parents) crafted a prenup. 


The contrasting of sex/death is an old trope. Didn't work here IMO.


The violation of the gag order deal was pretty blatant. IRL an attorney couldn't get away with "Oh, I knew I was gagged but my client's just a innocent 21-year-old naif who didn't know better." Annalise is under a duty to explain the gag order to her client. The judge did say she would sanction Annalise, but Rebecca would be thrown into jail for contempt most likely.

  • Love 2
We also found out that Nate  is no longer working for Philly PD, I think for the first time. I know he had been suspended previously, but I don't think they had described him as former.



They did make it clear he was fired. He said it to Annalise when he accused her of being behind his getting fired. That was when Annalise figured out how Bonnie got the confession tape. So Nate's firing came after Bonnie threatened the department for the confession tape.

Rebecca saying to Wes "He deserves to die" and "I had to kill him" is all red herring talk, right?

That's what I'm thinking. That whole scene sounded like she was rehearsing what she was going to tell the police. Maybe Wes did it if he thought Sam was going to attack Rebecca?

And yet, this whole Wes x Rebecca thing is weird. I think Wes is the one manipulating Rebecca, mainly because of that one scene with Annalise and Bonnie when they were trying to figure out how to control the whole situation. Annalise was staring at Wes and Rebecca so intensely, I thought that she might of ordered Wes to get closer to Rebecca offscreen at some point.

Oh, Asher, I love him more and more each episode. It was so adorable how he was clinging to the trophy all through class. He probably takes that thing with him everywhere.

I wonder if Det. Nate will end up helping or screwing things up.

Frank and Laurel are a no for me. Her other guy is so nice.

I liked the chemistry between Rebecca and Sam. It's not romantic tension, but more like "they want to punch each other's faces in" tension.

I'm hoping next week will finally be a Wes-centric. But knowing my luck, we'll get Frank/Bonnie/etc. centrics first.

My theory is that Wes killed Lila AND Sam. That's why he's so convinced Rebecca's innocent and so intent on protecting her. And it has something to do with why he was late to start the semester. I don't know what his motive was, but it's at the point where none of the three official suspects are going to be a satisfying resolution to the Lila murder (too obvious at this point), and Wes's obsession with Rebecca needs more explanation than "do gooder/attracted to her." And really, all season, Wes has been pulling everybody's strings. he's orchestrated Annalise's involvement and been a few steps ahead of her, this puppy somehow manages to manipulate the master manipulator of the show. No one knows anything about him and they manage to all dislike him even though he's "the puppy" no one can actually pin anything on. And we saw him lie about the coin flip-- he's not the innocent he pretends to be, he's very calculating at all times.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 6

I think Rebecca saying she killed Sam was total Red Herring and'll end up being her practicing confessing to the police? Right after she says it, Wes asks her what she's doing and she responds by saying, "Let me help you!" Her reaction to Lila's mother calling her a killer and the moment she had alone in the hallway after she left Wes' makes me think that she's just a prickly person with trust issues and no a sociopath. 


I'm echoing the Asher love. He is hilarious 

  • Love 2

I am puzzled at the "how could they miss a 6 week old fetus" comments.  It was a 6 week old fetus, not 6 month old fetus.  I looked it up, a 6 week old fetus is a quarter of an inch long and the size of a lentil.  Lyla and quarterback had a virginity pact, as far as everyone knew, she was exclusive with him.  It's not inconceivable to me that a medical examiner wouldn't look in her uterus when the injuries were on the head and neck.


Also, didn't Rebecca pretty much admit to killing Sam?  Didn't she say she hit him on the head with the trophy?  If so, why all the hype about "just one episode left before we find out who killed Sam".  Unless she didn't really do it.  She sure seemed scared and acted like she had though.  The blood was all over her face and her clothes.  Not Wes, not anyone else.  The other 3 are downstairs while Wes takes her up and cleans her off.  I'm confused as to why she just didn't quickly take a shower and rinse off.  So we could be treated to a scene of Wes tenderly cleaning her?  Yuck.


I truly don't care about Wes.  AT ALL.  I don't care about Rebecca.  I don't care about Laurel.  The only people I find interesting are Annalise, Michaela and Connor.  Not enough Michaela lately, it's been a while before she has had any amount of focus.  Also, we need to see more of Sam.  I'd like to know him better before we see exactly how and why he was killed.


I do find it interesting that without fail, Connor has one or two sex scenes every week.  And that it's tempered by one or two other people sex scenes.

I do find it interesting that without fail, Connor has one or two sex scenes every week.


Connor has had a sex scene in four out of seven episodes, a lot but not actually every week.  Part of his character is he is sexual though so it fits, right now one of his main plotlines is dealing with the repercussions of his wanton sexual behavior, 

Edited by Atony

I am puzzled at the "how could they miss a 6 week old fetus" comments.  It was a 6 week old fetus, not 6 month old fetus.  I looked it up, a 6 week old fetus is a quarter of an inch long and the size of a lentil.  Lyla and quarterback had a virginity pact, as far as everyone knew, she was exclusive with him.  It's not inconceivable to me that a medical examiner wouldn't look in her uterus when the injuries were on the head and neck.


But wouldn't a pregnancy show up in blood tests? Presumably they'd do a number of blood tests to rule out drugs, etc. Plus they'd presumably be examining her whole body to rule out sexual assault and other injuries...they wouldn't just look at her from the shoulders up and think "Done, time for happy hour". Even if the cause of death is completely obvious (like a gunshot to the head) they would still make sure they didn't miss any other identifying markers or injuries. 

  • Love 3
Plus they'd presumably be examining her whole body to rule out sexual assault and other injuries...they wouldn't just look at her from the shoulders up and think "Done, time for happy hour". Even if the cause of death is completely obvious (like a gunshot to the head) they would still make sure they didn't miss any other identifying markers or injuries.



This exactly. As far as I know even when someone's death is "obvious" like you say, unless the family objects to an autopsy and full medical examination, they still test for a whole bunch of things because it can all be used as evidence to find out who killed them. I'm sure they check for vaginal injuries, traces of sperm, etc. and they likely open the body up. I just don't see how then an examiner could miss something as obvious as fetus. 

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