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S29.E07: Million Dollar Decision

Tara Ariano
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Back in the hazy reaches of my mind beside Kel and the beef jerky they claimed to see him eating, there was another hubbub about an energy bar with a woman on an all female tribe. That was back when the "Survivors" weren't gorging themselves every ten minutes and food actually meant something. I think when nobody fessed to it being theirs they decided to throw it into the fire.

Amazon it was found at the bottom of were they kept the bags. No one knows where the bar came from. Alex Bell said on RHAP that before the game started he found an empty granola wrapper in his bag and gave it to the producers and they told him it must of fell in when we packed your  bag.

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Well, I snarked at Julie's whining last week, but now I just feel sorry for her.  (Armchair psychology alert!)


She been appended almost non-stop for three years to a guy who's the ego of the universe.  She goes on Survivor as his "loved one," but for the very FIRST loved one duel, he jumps up and volunteers for his team to take his girlfriend out.  Then when he's too huge to get under the beams, he doesn't say, "Oh, my little gazelle totally schooled me!"  He says, "I can't believe I got beat. . .by a woman."  (Way to depersonalize your SO, asshole.  Thanks!)


When they're separated and she gets to hear how people loathe Rocker, it must have been a sobering perspective, plus, long shot, but maybe it even pinged in her brain to see what that implies about the amount of respect people have for her.  Or maybe she just really doesn't have much identity or purpose left when Rocker's out of the equation.


So, anyway, for the first time in a long time where she's something other than "John Rocker's side piece," she's cold, she's no good at challenges, and no one particularly likes her.  It's kind of sad that her overwhelming impulse is to get back to Rocker-world. 


It would have been nice if she could have said, "The best way I can impact this game is to resign and mess up the play of the people who only look my direction long enough to solicit my vote" instead of "I'm lost without my boyfriend," but whatever.


P.S.  Re granola-gate, yes, I think it was clearly stated that everyone else had already eaten all of theirs and Julie was just a stone cold bitch because she socked hers away.  The people on this season are all pretty awful.  Let's call a mulligan and start over.

Edited by candall
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Julie is acting like she is the only person who has a loved one voted out when Jeremy, Alec, and Natalie all have.  And last I checked, Natalie's TWIN SISTER was voted out who even said that she's spent most of her waking moments with her.  Yet Julie is distraught that her boyfriend got voted out?  C'mon man. 


Don't like the way they all talked about her as just being a number, but that's what the game comes down to. 

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Julie is acting like she is the only person who has a loved one voted out when Jeremy, Alec, and Natalie all have.  And last I checked, Natalie's TWIN SISTER was voted out who even said that she's spent most of her waking moments with her.  Yet Julie is distraught that her boyfriend got voted out?  C'mon man. 


Mm hmm. . .exactly.  Lots of people are commenting they like the personality of the remaining twinnie better as a single.  People lose their loved ones and then they become "Singles."  Rawrr!  I feel bad for Julie because she doesn't seem to have anything going except as Rocker's +1.  Yikes. 

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I thought Julie might win it all.  She should have stuck it out.  You never know how quickly trailmixgate will be forgotten when someone else does something stupid.  Oh well.  Now I have no idea who will win.


I still think one "twinnie" is one too many.  Ugh.

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Cochran was witty?  I'll grant you well-spoken, but . . . witty?  Um . . . uh . . . er . . . okay. . . .

Were there any other Survivors snapped up by a network to write comedy after their seasons?


I hate quitters.  I wish Nadiya could go back in her place, or anyone voted off.  If everyone quit once they realized they had no chance in hell at winning, there would be no show.  


"They hate me because I take care of myself.  And because of my boobs."  Classy.


I like Jon more since he quoted Kat's best line ever:  "Who wants to date someone who doesn't even make it to the merge?!?"

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She dumped one bowl of trail mix, a cereal bowl size. I really thought from the previews that she'd come across an idol clue in one of the food containers and that was what had everyone so pissed off. To find out they were waging full scale war over trail mix was ridiculous, to me.


I thought the same thing that you did, meaning that she found either an idol or an idol clue and took it and someone saw her do it.


In regards to the jury I thought after Purple Kelly and NaOnka quit during their season anybody who quit would have their right to serve on the jury revoked.

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I can't blame the editors for going to the Jeremy/Josh well so often with the talking heads since there are seemingly so few people playing the game this season.  It's basically those two, Missy, Natalie and the Jon/Jaclyn hive mind.  This is a downfall of the loved ones format, in that it's very easy for the one member of the couple to just do all the thinking for the other one (a la Missy for Baylor, Kelley for Dale, Josh for Reed).  You wonder if it indeed is a case of the less-into-the-game partner only coming along to support the other, who REALLY wanted to be on the show.


So in the wake of the merge, there's no clue to an individual HII hidden within the meal, so after last season's Idolpalooza, it seems like we might be dialed back to just one idol in play at any given time.  Keith seemingly hasn't mentioned his idol to anyone, including Wes, so that'd be an interesting twist he had and Wes really been on the bottom alliance.  If Jon/Jaclyn indeed stay with Jeremy, Natalie, Missy and Baylor, then Keith can still bust it out to save whichever of his alliance is being targeted....though, um, what's a nice way of saying this, someone else might need to make that leap for Keith, since he doesn't seem to be the sharpest player in the shed.


Were there any other Survivors snapped up by a network to write comedy after their seasons?

I'm not sure 'The Millers' qualifies as comedy.

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No Julie, your problem is not that everyone is jealous of you because you "take care of yourself."  What  does that even mean? You floss?  I'm sure you think your investment in implants and duck lips has bought you a prize we all envy, but most women don't consider an oversized, hate filled, bigot who threatens to punch women the ideal man.  You've show your own colors that you chose him and stayed with him for three years.  As for "playing alone," people go on this show every year with no loved one to hold their hand, and some last 39 days.  I remember your little speech in the beginning about wanting to prove that you're more than your looks, what happened there?


I think the reason that little pile of trail mix meant so much is that they all brought bits of food back, pooled it for everyone and ate it together.  If she took part in that and didn't contribute her own stuff then that's just wrong.  Not that anyone needed Reed's mean-girl remarks to get it.  Josh can do better, pretty eyes or not.


I think Jaclyn can do better, too. I hope we get to see Survivor's first broken engagement.


ETA; I stand corrected, that was Alec not Reed saying he was 'Only saying what everyone was thinking."  Sorry, Reed.

Edited by JudyObscure
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Cochran was witty?  I'll grant you well-spoken, but . . . witty?  Um . . . uh . . . er . . . okay. . . .



He was witty enough to land a job as comedy writer on The Millers!  



No Julie, your problem is not that everyone is jealous of you because you "take care of yourself."  What  does that even mean? You floss?



Good one. You cannot be jealous of someone's appearance.   Envy is the correct word.  But neither apply in Julie's case.  I like her and not surprised she quit given the fact that she was dragged into this game, knowing nothing about it.  I suspect begging by John and production was afoot, thus Jeff's soft approach.  


It would have been a good idea for the tribe to save the trail mix to be doled over the next few weeks.  This has nothing to do with anything other than a good idea! 


I like Natalie and rooting for her.  Baylor, too.  

Edited by wings707
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Boring episode. Jeremy and Josh are targeting each other. Got it.


Hoarding food is bad, well Duh


Alec is as socially clued in as his brother and stirs up shit for no good reason.


Julie is a privileged woman who thinks that it is ok to not share communal food (the granola was from the communal feast) with others. Stupid and was going to get her voted out.


I think she quit because she knew she was going to be voted out and she knew it. I think she is used to being catered to and getting her way. I think that she appeared on the show because John decided to and not because she wanted to. She made no real effort to play the game which was clear from her lack of personal relationships on the tribe.


So boring, nothing really happened and they cast another person who didn't want to be there so the big catch of the season, who was voted out ages ago, would play the game.

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While I hate it when someone quits, at the same time I wish Jeff would take this as a wake up call to STOP casting this show with people recruited to play specific roles. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people out there who'd love to play this game, but their video submissions are a waste of time. Every single person on this show is recruited to play a role. Rocker was brought in to stir the pot and cause controversy, yet he's gone in the third episode with an idol on his pocket. I want to see every day people who have years of video submissions to prove that they've been trying to get on since the first season aired. I personally know someone who had a very nice professional video made and he's still waiting after 12 years of trying.

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She clearly was getting NOTHING out of the game, monetarily she doesn't need the money, she's not getting any life experience or enjoyment out of it, and no bondings going on, so, yeah, why would she stay?  Especially when surrounded by such users?   And just based on what we've seen the last few episodes, she's had it really, really rough and Missy was THAT fake with her?  That's all they could bring themselves to do?   She's going off alone that much because she's clearly having that hard a go and no one's reaching out to her?  Yeah, she's having a hard time, clearly these people don't care about her.  I can see why she left.  So, I'm team Julie.   I'm glad she screwed over their plans.  Maybe if they'd showed her a little compassion and thought of her as a person and not just a number, this wouldn't have happened.


Before the merge she seemed to be doing fine.  She was often seen with Jeremy and I guess before the shake up she and Missy had a relationship.  Maybe she did deem it fake, but guess what?  That's how you play the game.  You can't wait for someone to reach out to you.  You have to pull up your big girl pants and support your allies, not run off to pout on the beach by yourself.  The most troubling thing to me is her insistence that she couldn't survive any longer without John.  Is she that insecure that she needs to lean on a loved one constantly?  Or was that her excuse for not wanting to go through the humiliation of being voted out?  I don't care that she quit.  I don't care that she stole trailmix.  If she was reluctant to even be on the show, fine, go ahead and bow out.  Girl needs to assess what she wants to do with her life other than being Rocker's +1.  She's too old to be hanging on her BF like a teenager.

Edited by Haleth
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I also did laugh over Jeremy's whinging about being the first one out of the challenge. That was pretty embarrassing. Of course he had to be that guy and harp on how he gotten beaten by an old guy and a mom. 

The wind seemed to be a big factor in the game, since the people on the ends seemed to go out first. That said, Jeremy was in the middle next to eventual winner Keith, so he really did blow it.

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How did Julie end up with two merge buffs?  She had one around her torso and one as a headband.  Or am I just that unobservant and they all get two, despite the ceremony of new buffs (this time in a nice little bundle ) always seeming to imply it's one per person?


I think she was still wearing her old Hunapu buff at that time, and was probably just stretching out the new one before replacing her chest harness.


Quitters, yeah. Yuck. And agree that it's another dagger in the throat to the people who apply constantly to get on the show.


The whole episode was pretty much a big letdown.

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Not that anyone needed Reed's mean-girl remarks to get it.  Josh can do better, pretty eyes or not.



What comments did he make? I just remember Alec making a few snarky comments that made everyone uncomfortable and basically trying to stir the pot about the whole thing and Jon being outraged and looking like he was ready explode just over some trail mix, to the point that Jaclyn had to tell him to calm down when Julie was walking back to the camp. 


As for the problem of people not quitting and the show maybe focusing on casting regular people, honestly, I don't think that would necessarily guarantee people will not quit. I've read too many times from people who've played this game, how much harder it is than they could imagine. I don't think you can ever really predict a person's breaking point. Added to that, a person may think they are more than capable of doing the show because they've watched every season and love it to death, but then they get out there and the reality is a lot harsher than they expected.


Which is why once again, I just don't care enough to get outraged when people do quit. Admittedly, I know I would never go on Survivor because starvation, lack of sleep, bugs, etc. does not appeal to me at all, not even for a million dollars. So I can sort of understand the mentality that they signed up for it and should have known what they were getting into. But again, I think this is a situation that unless you're in it, you can never really know how you'll handle it, no matter how many seasons you've binge watched and preparation you've made coming onto the show.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I also love how she screwed Missy, Baylor & Jeremy.  They all deserve it.



 She didn't really change anything though. Depending on how Jon&Jaclyn vote it went from 7-5 either way to 6-5 or 7-4. If the editing and previews are not completely misleading, she may have inadvertently saved them by giving Team Josh extra time to alienate Jaclyn.


If I had been Jon, I would have been sorely tempted to tell Josh, "hey, you really want it get rid of all the singles, let's vote out Alec first." Why should J&J be the only ones to flip on someone? Cement the "final four pairs" with a little treachery from everyone.

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I agree. I think next week J&J will decide to stick with their current alliance and vote out Josh. There just seems to be too much focus on players like Missy, Baylor and Natalie to think they are going to lose to the alliance that includes Wes, Alec and Reed who have been pretty much invisible most of the season and really have any storyline going for any of them.

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I hate quitters.  I wish Nadiya could go back in her place, or anyone voted off.  If everyone quit once they realized they had no chance in hell at winning, there would be no show.  

Oh, this is the seed of a wonderful idea!! ANY time someone quits, they could bring back someone who was voted off. That could cause all sorts of delicious confusion and turmoil which would almost have to be more entertaining than this draggy, boring episode. It would mean they could still go to TC in the same episode in which somebody quit or left for medical (or any) reason. Maybe the Returned could even have immunity for that first TC.

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I sort of feel sorry for Julie because she went into this without really knowing anything about the show and as John's tag-along.  I think she could have been a good player if her heart was in the game.  I was actually liking Missy more this episode because she's into playing the game, even more so than Baylor (imo).  I thought Missy was Baylor's tag-along but it might be more the other way around.  I still am rooting for Natalie. 

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What Josh said (an episode or 2 ago) was that they were waiting until they got married to have sex. I thought that was an odd thing for a gay couple (but then I don't know any IRL)


Why is this odd?  Gay couples can be people of faith and choose to wait until marriage just as much as straight couples.  


As for Julie.  I am kind of on her side.  We have seen people be incredibly reckless with food this season and so I might do the same thing if I was her.  I would take it and then ration it out.  Of course, I'd probably tell people that is what I was doing though.  I'd take my share and tell people I am not eating it, but hiding it away.  If someone told me they didn't like it....I'd tell them the story of eating their rice like hogs and tell them to shove it.  


Her quitting?  Boo.  Did she think this was going to be a vacation?  Of course we know she only went because Rocker basically made her, so it's peace out time for her.  Bu-bye.  

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Alec is as socially clued in as his brother and stirs up shit for no good reason.

Exactly.  And he & Drew showed they are both guys that seem DESPERATE for "credit".  Alec kept saying "You were thinking it, but I SAID it" regarding taking the trail mix from Julie's bag.   Just as Drew kept nattering about the lost flint "I'm the only one with the balls to ask for another one".  

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So these idiots ate ALL of the "Feast" leftovers in the few hours between leaving the picnic area and rifling through Julie's bag?  They have all been moaning about lack of food (for a measly 21 days) and when presented with a big buffet, they don't save anything for "later"?  Julie should have told them she had the food, but either told them to ration it since it was the only food these human vacuums hadn't inhaled OR shared it all but held back a small personal store. 


Times have changed since the original days of Survivor. I'm tempted to equate this Tribe's need/expectation for immediate gratification with a generational trend happening now.  There's sense of entitlement, self-importance & a lack of "work to earn" mentality.  Over all there's an expectation that they are just there to look good and lay around until it's time to gather production provided food/shelter vs. using skills to SURVIVE 39 days.


I heard Josh's reasoning to "Power Couple" J & J and I'm confused.  He said (paraphrasing) that in the end who will the jury give the million to - a couple of successful Broadway stars or a fireman with 2 kids.  1) doesn't that clue in J & J that Josh's Final 3 = Josh, Reed & Jeremy?  Josh basically gave it away that he doesn't see J &J in the final picture.  2) Josh & Reed are successful stars?

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Reed's pretty successful. He's been working steadily as a dancer all of his adult life.  Three Broadway shows, TV (Smash), videos, workshops, Broadway Bares, toured Europe and Russia with Myelene Farmer,  modeling (cover of Time).  He is always working.  Josh, on the other hand, is far from being a "Broadway star."  Josh's biggest job was as a standby in an Off-Broadway show last year.  He's never worked a day on Broadway.  


I think it's going to be Jeremy or Josh to go before the end.  They're both not going to make it. 

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I realized what is missing this season - humor.  The closest we have come to a funny talking head was Keith admitting he forgot Wes's birthday, and it wasn't really funny.  In the past, there were one or two players that would make humorous comments or give a funny reaction, but not this time. These people are rather boring.  I don't want to liven things up with another Hantz, but a little levity would be nice.  I am starting to miss Greg and his coconut phone.


And I feel like I missed an episode in which Josh performed a Heimlich maneuver or dove into a raging sea or whatever he did that has him and Baylor both believing he saved her life.


In a season where being voted out is the worst thing you could ever see happen to a loved one, it probably doesn't take much to save someone's life.  


Exactly.  And he & Drew showed they are both guys that seem DESPERATE for "credit".  Alec kept saying "You were thinking it, but I SAID it" regarding taking the trail mix from Julie's bag.   Just as Drew kept nattering about the lost flint "I'm the only one with the balls to ask for another one".  


Just imagine when they were children and their parents had company over  ---


Drew: Mr. Jones, my daddy says you are the worst boss he ever had and you are so cheap that you have been carrying the same $4 in your wallet since 1974.   No one else was brave enough to tell, except me.  I am brave enough. I am even brave enough to tell you that you ate more than your share of the roast beef at dinner too.


Alec: Mrs. Jones, you have a really big nose and you stick it into other people's business. We were all thinking it, but I am the one who said it.

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I heard Josh's reasoning to "Power Couple" J & J and I'm confused.  He said (paraphrasing) that in the end who will the jury give the million to - a couple of successful Broadway stars or a fireman with 2 kids.  1) doesn't that clue in J & J that Josh's Final 3 = Josh, Reed & Jeremy?  Josh basically gave it away that he doesn't see J &J in the final picture.  2) Josh & Reed are successful stars?




What he was saying was that if Jon went with Jeremy, Jeremy would win--the firefighter with the two kids.  But if Jon went with Josh and Reed, Jon would win because he would get the votes over Josh or Reed.

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I'm glad Julie saw through Missy's attempt to have her save their alliance in tribal council.  However, I would have been begging Julie to stay....Forever.  Who better to drag to the finals?  Every alliance should have a disposable accompany them to the end.  Maybe that's why Team Josh still has Alec.

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I heard Josh's reasoning to "Power Couple" J & J and I'm confused.  He said (paraphrasing) that in the end who will the jury give the million to - a couple of successful Broadway stars or a fireman with 2 kids.  1) doesn't that clue in J & J that Josh's Final 3 = Josh, Reed & Jeremy?  Josh basically gave it away that he doesn't see J &J in the final picture.  2) Josh & Reed are successful stars?



Actually I believe what he was saying is that Jon and Jacqueline had a better shot sticking with him and Reed rather than Jeremy because they could beat him and Reed easier at the end than Jeremy. His point about him and Reed being successful Broadway stars that no one would vote for is that it would make Jon and Jacqueline's case stronger versus if they go up against Jeremy who is a fireman with two kids and could argue for needing the money more than Jon and Jacqueline, a young couple with no kids and major responsibilities. 


That said, I thought that was a weak argument on Josh's part and that what he really should have focused on was Jeremy's voting with the women to get rid of Drew which should have shown Jon who Jeremy's true alliance was with. Meanwhile, he and Reed (again I hope they just didn't show it but he was talking to people, because Reed really should have been doing this part) should have stressed that  Reed on the other hand proved he was solid with the guys' alliance and that he too was as blindsided by the Drew vote as Jon was. And saying that would make a strong case to Jon that he and Jacqueline would be at the bottom of that alliance if he stuck with Jeremy.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Honestly, as with some of the reactions about the extra rice last week, I will share the unpopular opinion that I don't care that much about people quitting and never have. And frankly I'm a little uncomfortable by some of the comments wanting there to be something that makes it so people absolutely cannot quit. I'm sorry but this isn't jail. It's a reality show that these people voluntarily signed up for and by that token they should have just as much right to leave if they so choose.


I completely agree. I have never given a single fuck when someone quits. It's not that big of a deal, guys! It's just a game! And quite frankly I love that Julie stated that some of her reasoning in quitting was to fuck Missy (et al.) over because that is hilariously and perfectly petty.


I can't blame the editors for going to the Jeremy/Josh well so often with the talking heads since there are seemingly so few people playing the game this season. 


How can we even know that when TPTB will only allow us to hear from Josh and Jeremy (with some appearances from Jon and Missy)? There are instances in which we found out after the game that someone was actually doing work and yet it was never shown because the editors would rather pick some douchey man to narrate the entire season and make everyone believe they're the only person playing. 


I truly hate almost everyone left, but that makes it kinda fun really. I will relish almost every person's boot!


ETA: I kinda don't begrudge Keith's shitty attitude because damn if I wouldn't go straight-up nuts if I have to spend even a minute with most of these people. And now he won an IC that was made pointless. I'd be pissed! I think they should allow Keith to be immune at the next TC. They can still have an IC and just have two people with immunity.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Really disappointed in the casting this year. I'm already having a hard time staying interested, which sucks because I consider the show to be on a good run the last few years. Just not many people playing the game and no personalities. Jon and Jaclyn just bore me to tears. I don't see any redeeming qualities here, and it will only be more insufferable once the inevitable happens and we get the usual post-merge 3-4 episode stretch of Pagonging.


I think the better move for Jon and Jaclyn would be going with Jeremy. I don't see how they get to the end with the other side - the five of Josh/Reed, Wes/Keith and Alec seem pretty locked together. They'd definitely be on the bottom there. Split up some of the couples from the other side then use a single as the 3rd al a Tyson and Gervase with Monica.

Edited by Cutty
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I think the better move for Jon and Jaclyn would be going with Jeremy. I don't see how they get to the end with the other side - the five of Josh/Reed, Wes/Keith and Alec seem pretty locked together. They'd definitely be on the bottom there. Split up some of the couples from the other side then use a single as the 3rd al a Tyson and Gervase with Monica.



I actually think they have a better shot going with Josh and company. I may be falling for and/or misreading the edit but I have never gotten the impression that Josh is very tight with anyone and I can very easily see him getting rid of Wes, Keith and Alec if it serves his purpose. On the flipside, I think Natalie, Jeremy and Missy are an extremely tight threesome and Jeremy and Natalie are the real alliance. That three will not break and so if Jon and Jacqueline go with them, as soon as they get rid of Josh, Alec, Reed, Wes and Ketih, they'll gun for Jon and Jacqueline.


At which point, Jeremy and Natalie will turn on Missy and Baylor which by the way, I suspect that is the other reason Jeremy wanted Julie around. Julie was supposed to be that third when it got down to the two pairs of Jeremy/Natalie vs. Missy/Baylor with the plan I assume to be Julie, Jeremy and Natalie as final 3. And so just like the last Blood vs. Water, the players without loved ones, would get rid of the couples. Which funny enough is exactly what Jon said he was worried about when he tried to gun for Julie. If he really is worried about the singles getting rid of the couples, then it makes no sense for him to align with Jeremy and company in my opinion. But then I haven't gotten the sense Jon is particularly brilliant.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I think they're most likely screwed either way. They're gonna be at the bottom of both alliances. I think Josh does come off as someone more willing to stab his own alliance mates in the back though, plus Alec and Wes (and Reed too probably, but who knows since he barely speaks) both seem pretty dumb, so I think it'd be easier to get further in that group than the Jeremy/Natalie/Missy/Baylor group.


ETA: But at the same time, as much as I hate Jeremy and Missy, I think Josh and Alec would drive me into a rage, so I could see why Jacklyn might want to go with the other group just for sanity. But then again Missy is insufferable and Jeremy is pretty close to insufferable. Hell, I'd probably just pull a Julie and quite if I was there!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Every time someone quits, I want to throw a pelican coated rock at Osten's head. Hard. 


I'm trying to think if this was more 'Janu-esque' in the quitting nature (ie: Janu realised that she was going to consistently and utterly be treated like crap, the only thing she was for Koror was a number, she had her spiritual experience being alone on the island and starting fire, and so she's like 'bounce'). Or if this is like every other single quitter, who quit because they couldn't hack it. I'm sorry your boyfriend wasn't there - big deal. Nadyia doesn't have her twin who she hasn't been apart from since like 10? to me that trumps your boyfriend. What. ever.  Stop Casting People who Don't Want to Play. (i can't say no recruits ever, because Yul and Earl, two of my favourite winners, were recruited). 


Seriously, Julie isn't Kathy who was  suffering severe withdrawls and was threatening to hurt herself (Micronesia) - who deserved to be treated with kids gloves. Or that girl on Penner's third season who was suffering from the flu, but it wasn't bad enough to to be evacuated so she had to quit to leave the game. Jeff needs to be putting these people on blast. Hard - as well as have some serious consequences. Restructure the contract that if you quit, you get less than what the 1st person who gets voted off as. (like. if it's 10,000 dollars, give them 3 000 or something). 


with that being said -I didn't get the whole "trailmix gate." I get that it could be seen as hoarding and what not, but the actual - "oh look it's here, let me save it for later'? i don't have a problem with that, unless they all decided they were going to take it and share it for later, and Julie took more than that? To me it was like she just took the leftovers, or didn't eat her portion? But this was very much Kel and the beef jerky - with actual jerky in this case. (and i will never understand how people have the audacity to be mad that people are 'stealing food' - but they know this by going through other people's property which is also wrong). 


This season is dull, but i can't put my finger on why . 


(also: Keith got royally screwed. he earned that immunity fair and square and now what?)

Edited by Daisy
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No Julie, your problem is not that everyone is jealous of you because you "take care of yourself."  What  does that even mean? You floss?  I'm sure you think your investment in implants and duck lips has bought you a prize we all envy, but most women don't consider an oversized, hate filled, bigot who threatens to punch women the ideal man.  You've show your own colors that you chose him and stayed with him for three years.  As for "playing alone," people go on this show every year with no loved one to hold their hand, and some last 39 days.  I remember your little speech in the beginning about wanting to prove that you're more than your looks, what happened there?


Ugh. Yes, Julie you're pretty. And you seem to take advantage of all that cosmetic medicine had to offer to hold on to your "pretty". But not everything that happens to you is related to your looks. When people get to know you, they see other aspects of who you are. They can like or dislike you for reasons that have little to do with your looks. And remember that "taking care of yourself" isn't about staying pretty. Taking care of yourself means paying attention to your values, having good relationships with others, having respect for yourself, challenging yourself intellectually, and being healthy.

Women who are pretty are not as much at a disadvantage because of how others see them. What really becomes a handicap is when their self concept is all about being pretty, and they put all their efforts into that one aspect. (See Janice Dickinson)

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Why is that odd?  A gay couple makes decisions about their relationship in the same way straight couples do, based on their beliefs and what they want from the relationship, etc.  Some couples wait until marriage to have sex, some don't, regardless of sexual orientation.  Not all gay men are sex-crazed maniacs who screw everything in sight, and being gay is about more than just sex.  Is it unusual for a gay couple to wait until marriage to have sex?  Yes, in part because until very recently, marriage was not a possibility.  Also, it's unusual for a straight couple to wait until marriage to have sex.  

Hey, thanks for saving me the typing!

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(also: Keith got royally screwed. he earned that immunity fair and square and now what?)

I was really surprised they didn't show HIS reaction when Jeff said there would be no tribal council. What kind of bullshit is that? If they were still in teams and Julie's team was set to go, I could understand it. But as individuals? What difference does it make that one person quit? They still should have had to go vote someone else out.


And someone needs to put together a highlight reel of Probst's prior reactions to people quitting the show. In my recollection, he always showed disdain for quitting even when people were in really bad shape mentally. Nothing like the way he treated her. 

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I forgot to also mention and someone pointed it out earlier about when Julie decided to quit and Probst comes over and has a mini tribal council with her. It's so unnecessary and irritating. Just let the girl quit but Probst always has to be nosy and dramatic.

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And someone needs to put together a highlight reel of Probst's prior reactions to people quitting the show. In my recollection, he always showed disdain for quitting even when people were in really bad shape mentally. Nothing like the way he treated her. 


Yea really. And again, I don't give a shit if people quit, but Probst usually tries to shame people into believing they're monsters who belong in Hell when they quit, and yet Julie got none of that. If Probst's crush on Rocker wasn't obvious before ...

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I hated Missy less in this episode.  At least she was playing the game and playing strategically, rather than emotionally and convincing Baylor to do the same.


Jon is really annoying.  He makes so many loud, unfunny comments, that he thinks are funny, can't seem to choose a side, and rambles on about them being a "power couple".  Being a "power couple" or "deciding vote" after a merge doesn't mean you are anything special.  It means that, so far, you haven't played the game well enough to form any solid alliances. 


Josh is also very annoying.  He seems to be very condescending ("successful Broadway guys") and have a sense of entitlement.  I also agree him saying he "saved Baylor's life" was ridiculous.  Jeremy is somewhat similar to him, but he at least seems to mainly confine his obnoxious comments to the confessionals. 


As for the trail mix scandal, I wish they had further explored Julie's claim that everyone else had scarfed down their leftovers from the feast, while she put her's aside.  If that was true, it would put the "hoarding" in an entirely different light.  I don't like quitters, but I can understand why she did it.  She was never going to win and hanging around a suffering a week or so more to be somebody's "number" wasn't really in her interest. 


I don't really like anyone very much this season.  At this point, I am probably rooting for Keith, Wes and to my great surprise, Natalie, who I hated on TAR. 


I sincerely hope this is the last "Blood vs. Water" as I think the gimmick stinks.  I barely watched the last B v W as it was incredibly boring. This season is a bit more interesting, but none of the castaways are very likable. 

Edited by Bryce Lynch
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Ugh, I hate quitters. Not because I think these people are sentenced to jail when they come on Survivor and thus unable to exercise any sort of free will. I hate them because they ruin the entertainment I derive from watching this show. Quitters just don't make for good tv. This season is looking to rank at the very bottom. No one to root for. Boring game plays and players. Quitter. Even the scandals are ridiculous. #trailmixscandal is just too clean when it comes to survivor.

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