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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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1 hour ago, tribeca said:

The pacing of this episode was weird.   Adrienne had to run out to the newspaper since she was the only one who could do the job.  No Will can do it!  Apparently he isn’t as rushed to get to work.  Justin and Adrienne go upstairs to do what married people do between close doors (by the way Justin that does not count as a gift ). Will and Sonya wait around for them to finish ?  Will still not going to work.  Adrienne had to get there!   Will has all the time in the world.

 Holly burns pancakes.  Belle sends her mom flowers for Mother’s Day .  Sami calls her mom Mother’s Day (cheapskate )and mentioned Will hasn’t called.  Brady brings a Psycho.  Eric brings a fit of anger.  
to be continued 

As I've said most of the time the promo makes the show look a lot better than the final product.

7 hours ago, boes said:

Eric is right.  

Brady is an absolute delusional putz for bringing that walking pustule over to John and Marlena's and a total asshole expecting Eric to forgive her.  

And they didn't even mention that Kristen RAPED Eric when he was a priest and tried to make it look like it was Nicole. Even if Jarlena were willing to "forgive" Kristen for Brady's sake, they should have asked her to leave before Eric got there.

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4 hours ago, plurie said:

And they didn't even mention that Kristen RAPED Eric when he was a priest and tried to make it look like it was Nicole. Even if Jarlena were willing to "forgive" Kristen for Brady's sake, they should have asked her to leave before Eric got there.

And didn't Marlena say something along the lines of Brady loving Kristen?  Seriously, he falls in love because she got knocked up while pretending to be someone else?  Someone REALLY needs to take Brady to the spay/neuter clinic ASAP.  Even if he had decided that he was going to take care of her because of the pregnancy, there was absolutely NO reason they needed to show them getting involved with each other again.  The scenes of them in bed were NOT "romantic" or "sweet" or whatever the hell the writers were going for.

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Even for Bonehead Black, bringing that woman home to visit Mom and Dad and expecting his family, especially Eric, to just … deal with it (?) seems breathtakingly cruel. And also stupid. Eric is under absolutely no obligation to forgive her for anything.

I forget: is this supposed to be one of the times that Bonehead Black and Former Father Uncle Eric are back to being brothers? Does Bonehead Black "love" Eric again? Their relationship is probably healthier when they go back to not speaking. 


Edited by Sandman
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Again, nothing official (and I'm not sure there will be anything official at this point), but it appears again that the plan will be to continue with new episodes online even if the air episodes don't occur due to the impeachment trial. If the episode does not air during your usual time on NBC, it appears you'll either need COZI as an alternate for that time, your local affiliate will hopefully air new episodes overnight, or to go through nbc.com/the NBC app to be able to watch episodes at some point. It's not clear yet when episodes will be made available online/on the app if there is a nationwide preemption. I will begrudgingly admit that this person over at DR has inside info in this regard, so I'll bring her information over here: https://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/social-media-for-the-week-of-1-20-t41698.html#p2030178

"...There was no way they were going to hold the episodes. They’ve already filmed a two week cliffhanger." The two week cliffhanger she's referring to is for the Olympics in August. Yes, they've filmed that far ahead, but more importantly, it means the show fully intends to keep the show on schedule throughout however long this trial lasts. I hope all that info is clear as mud, lmao.

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13 minutes ago, worleybird said:

Our local affiliate here in Chicago didn't even bother to run it on Cozi. They sometimes bother to run it after the re-airing of the 10pm news at 1:35am. But they'll probably run Kelly Clarkson's or Ellen's show instead.

Yes, I haven't found it easily on Cozi in MA, either. I go straight to NBC the next day.

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15 hours ago, boes said:

It's such bullshit that Show thinks the viewers would buy any sort of rapproachment scenes between Kristen and Marlena and John, after the decades of dangerously loony homicidal crap she's pulled on both of them and their children.  It's an even bigger load of manure that Show would think most viewers would cheer on Brady thinking it's either okay or appropriate to drag that drooling lunatic over to his folks place on Mother's Day and expect them to be okay with it.  He could have left her alone with some raw meat, an ice pick and her collection of troll dolls and she'd be just as happy.  

I do think it's funny that Show is still having Kristen call her upcoming baby "Andy or Jenny", the same names Mia Farrow's Rosemary was considering in Rosemary's Baby.  

That might be cute for a laugh, but I would think Kristen might name a child after her mother, who suffered so much at the hands of Stefano.

I don't think I've enjoyed any scenes with Marlena in the last few months as much as I enjoyed those scenes with Brady bringing Kristen over for Mother's Day. Deidre really sold Marlena's disgust perfectly. And I love what she said about considering Brady her own son, which shouldn't sound so out-of-the-blue considering she did raise him. I don't understand why the show constantly has Brady refer to Marlena as if she's some woman his father married just a few years ago. She helped him with his ABCs!

....but Brady.....dude! Do you have brain damage? Why in God's name couldn't you leave Kristen alone for 2 hours to go visit your parents and then hang out with her on Mother's Day? At this point I'm convinced Brady has some serious psychological issues and brain damage, possibly from the drugs and drinking.

Did anyone else find it really odd that everyone kept referencing what Kristen had done to John and Marlena but when Eric showed up and protested, no one once mentioned that Kristen raped him. There were plenty of opportunities to mention that Eric himself had huge reasons to hate Kristen, even putting aside what Kristen did to Nicole.

Honestly, seen these flashback episodes just reinforces what I said earlier about Ron stupidly skipping over a lot of juicy story potential just to do this flash-forward nonsense. I really like seeing Tony and Anna decides to run off and leave the company behind, but that could have easily played out over two weeks worth of episodes. The same with Sarah's mounting frustrations toward Xander, which are totally merited. He's really pushing his way into this Daddy role and it would have been nice to see her become uncomfortable with that.

And I fully agree on the Adrienne front - I've never enjoyed her more. Maybe it's a combination of me always liking Judi Evans, and now knowing what she's going through in real life, but them writing Adrienne as a likeable normal put-together woman who loves her family just makes me wish we could see more of her. All too often they had her in weird storylines that didn't really work for her. I didn't care about her and Lucas as a couple, her breast cancer storyline was completely glossed over from what I remember, her divorcing Justin over his infidelity was depressing, and her not liking Will made her seem kind of unlikeable. Why couldn't she have just been a fun mom and wife all this time? Why have we basically never seen any scenes of her spending time with Arianna, in spite of Gabi, Sonny and Will constantly having their lives in peril and being unavailable for basic parenting duties? She's a grandma to a girl she's never shared a scene with!

Summer's return was random and unneeded. I get that Ron needed some reason for Maggie to fall off the wagon, but couldn't they just have made it that Maggie found out about the baby switch and was disgusted with Victor and drank herself into a stupor, promptly blacking out over the whole baby switch thing? Amnesia is pretty common in this town so I would completely buy Maggie forgetting the reason that prompted her to drink in the first place.

I'm guessing the ending of today's episode was total misdirection.

I'm going to give a shout out to them for finally showing us the set for The Spectator! It's not much, but it's more than we've seen since they reintroduced the newspaper back into the plot.


Edited by DisneyBoy
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18 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Brady, Eric doesn't have to forgive Kristen for raping him and ruining his life(although this show likes to gloss over Kristen being a rapist)... 


1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

Did anyone else find it really odd that everyone kept referencing what Kristen had done to John and Marlena but when Eric showed up and protested, no one once mentioned that Kristen raped him. There were plenty of opportunities to mention that Eric himself had huge reasons to hate Kristen, even putting aside what Kristen did to Nicole.

This was glaring! It was like they specifically went out of their way to avoid bringing that up instead focusing on what Kristen did to Marlena and to Nicole. I would like to think that maybe they realize having someone trying to force someone else to forgive their rapist makes them look unlikeable but clearly from the rest of this episode they weren't concerned about how Brady came across.

I don't care that Marlena eventually capitulated and agreed to "try again" with Kristen, Brady bringing her there was epically insensitive. In the nauseating "happy" scenes with Kristen, he talked about wanting to take a stand and not hide his relationship. Fine, do that on another day that's not to celebrate your mother - a woman the current love of your life has tried to murder a billion times. And doing it in Marlena's own home was just icing on the disgusting cake.

Adrienne: I'll cherish this picture for the rest of my life. OMG, I think I needed to hit my head to adjust my eyesight they rolled so hard after that line. I know Carlivati and co. like throwing in "fun" and anvilicious lines like that but that was just too much.

Other than that I did enjoy the family scenes between Adrienne, Justin, Will, and Sonny. I was glad we got some happy moments between couples they decided to decimate like Will/Sonny and Nicole/Eric.


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2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

So Wilson were thinking about expanding their family with another child. Thanks alot Ron. I would have loved to have seen that storyline. 

I loved hearing that yesterday

2 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

I so hope they pick it back up down the road; it's literally the one story I want for them. 😫

I also have been thinking  it would be such a great storyline for them.  So I also hope once they're eventually re-united, they revisit them having another child.

2 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Bad timing for the show's big reveal week, lol. 

Maybe, in a way, it's good news for Ron. This way, he can't be blamed for any bad ratings during his big flashback week. 

He really is jinxed, though, isn't he.  Weren't the last pre-emptions during the initial time jump week.

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For those who live in the Indianapolis area Days is airing overnight probably around 2:35 AM I have OnDemand so this won't be an issue with me.

I don't see the point in redeeming Kristen or any bad character when all their actions are treated as an afterthought and they suffer very few consequences as a result.  I mean what's the point in being good on this show the writers don't care about writing for you anymore look at all the other good characters on this show that have no direction/storyline.

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I remember disliking Summer because she was so ridiculously needy for an allegedly grown woman in her forties, but this time, I think I loathe her as much as I do Abs and Lani.  Summer decides to show up on Mother's Day to tell her mom that she's dying because she's an out of control drunk--WTF?!  And then she was actually going to try and stop Sarah from leaving to go to the hospital?  Who does that?

And I was kind of thrown off by how loving the Abs/Will scene was--I guess all that drama with her cheating with EJ, his writing an article on her and then her being a complete bitch to him has been completely forgotten.  This is the reason it's so hard to enjoy the show because it's rich history is forgotten or just glossed over.

I did love Adrienne's "What am I a hothouse flower?" when Sarah asked f she could change a tire--too cute 🙂


Edited by kitmerlot1213
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2 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I remember disliking Summer because she was so ridiculously needy for an allegedly grown woman in her forties, but this time, I think I loathe her as much as I do Abs and Lani.  Summer decides to show up on Mother's Day to tell her mom that she's dying because she's an out of control drunk--WTF?!  And then she was actually going to try and stop Sarah from leaving to go to the hospital?  Who does that?

And I was kind of thrown off by how loving the Abs/Will scene was--I guess all that drama with her cheating on EJ, his writing an article on her and then her being a complete bitch to him has been completely forgotten.  This is the reason it's so hard to enjoy the show because it's rich history is forgotten or just glossed over.

I did love Adrienne's "What am I a hothouse flower?" when Sarah asked f she could change a tire--too cute 🙂


How did Abby cheat on EJ? They were never a couple they hooked up a few times.

Regardless its not like Will cared that Gabi drugged her while she was pregnant so I guess they're even in that regard...

I agree I don't like how this show neuters drama they don't have a budget to give us glossy production values but dialogue and using the show's history for dramatic effect doesn't cost much.

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2 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I remember disliking Summer because she was so ridiculously needy for an allegedly grown woman in her forties, but this time, I think I loathe her as much as I do Abs and Lani.  Summer decides to show up on Mother's Day to tell her mom that she's dying because she's an out of control drunk--WTF?!  And then she was actually going to try and stop Sarah from leaving to go to the hospital?  Who does that?


Yes oh golly gosh, our prayers have been answered and we get to set eyes on Summer one last time.😉  What a thrill.

Cirrhosis of the liver, huh?  Well, I guess we always knew she wouldn't die of brain cancer.

Edited by boes
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I've missed Anna.

Will, that was really a stupid thing to do - to use your phone and drive. Hands-free or no phone or park on the road to make your call. Nice that you and Sonny want to add to your family. But both of you need actual jobs to afford a kid.

That wasn't the original Summer, right? Her mother is not to blame for her drinking. She is. So Maggie's long last daughter who never contacts her shows up out of nowhere and rants at her mother and blames her for all her life woes and tells her she is dying? She is an adult.

Did like that Adrienne could change a tire. I cannot.

Abigail seems to have a love/hate relationship with her hairbrush or comb. I also don't wear stiletto heels in my home. Mainly socks or bare feet. Shoes only if I am going out. Chad, you couldn't care less about Tony.

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Summer is very needy.  She was having a very good hair day.   Abigail has awesome arms.  Gabi and Sony were so cute together.  She was so happy to hear about a possible sibling for Ari.  
then a special report came on  and I  finished cleaning the dishes.   

Edited by tribeca
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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

I've missed Anna.

Will, that was really a stupid thing to do - to use your phone and drive. Hands-free or no phone or park on the road to make your call. Nice that you and Sonny want to add to your family. But both of you need actual jobs to afford a kid.

That wasn't the original Summer, right? Her mother is not to blame for her drinking. She is. So Maggie's long last daughter who never contacts her shows up out of nowhere and rants at her mother and blames her for all her life woes and tells her she is dying? She is an adult.

Did like that Adrienne could change a tire. I cannot.

Abigail seems to have a love/hate relationship with her hairbrush or comb. I also don't wear stiletto heels in my home. Mainly socks or bare feet. Shoes only if I am going out. Chad, you couldn't care less about Tony.

Its the same actress the difference is her hair color is back to being a brunette. Notice how she was styled just like Chloe or was it just me? I wonder if there was a reason behind it.

2 hours ago, tribeca said:

Wills mom is Sami Brady.  His grandma is Kate. Gabi schemes probably don’t phase him. 
the show was interrupted here.  Is there a reason Will keeps procrastinating the call to his mom. 

While that's a valid point that was never brought up in fact it was just treated as an afterthought and well Chandler's inappropriate smirking doesn't help matters either.

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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

That wasn't the original Summer, right? Her mother is not to blame for her drinking. She is. So Maggie's long last daughter who never contacts her shows up out of nowhere and rants at her mother and blames her for all her life woes and tells her she is dying? She is an adult.


It was the original Summer, Marie Wilson.  She reprised the role.  But she sure looked different, with her hair a different color, shorter and curly.

But she did manage to be just as annoying the second time around.

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6 hours ago, boes said:

It was the original Summer, Marie Wilson.  She reprised the role.  But she sure looked different, with her hair a different color, shorter and curly.

If y'all remember Marie Wilson had previously been on the show as Aiden's dead wife's friend. Or maybe it was his dead wife in flashbacks.  Can't quite remember, but it was that storyline.

I believe then she had the darker hair.   When TPTB (or maybe TIIC) asked her to come back as Summer, I think she bleached her hair so she'd look different. 

She definitely was playing Summer differently yesterday. The first time around she seemed more sweet, albeit pathetic.  Of course she's dying now, but there was way more bitterness yesterday.

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Not that I agree with bringing Kristen around, but didn't Eric tell her that he "forgave" her? Forgiveness in the sense that Eric doesn't want to hold onto any anger towards Kristen for his own sanity and health. 

I believe it happened in the chapel once Kristen's pregnancy was confirmed, I believe it was what prompted Kristen to tell Eric that Sarah was pregnant.

Again, certainly not a reason to bring Kristen by, but I would think the writers would of recalled that exchange and had Kristen sort of use it as a reminder to everyone that she was trying to be better. 

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Nicole destroyed the rape evidence. Which wasn’t as bad as what Kristen did, but a tremendous betrayal and Eric forgave that, which I don’t think many victims of sexual assault would. Now it’s supposed to be shocking she kept Mickey’s paternity from him to “keep him” when she did that for the same reason? giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f297fbc8b9fb07fd149f7

The timing of this episode was a little insane. Especially since last week or so barely anything happened and yesterday’s was frenzied. Of course a bunch of horrible shit happened to mothers on Mother’s Day, I’m sure Ron thought that would be “ironic” or cute. 

Its not Maggie’s fault Summer is an alcoholic or dying. It’s not like she had kids out of spite knowing she’d pass on an addictive gene. And if she’s so mad or depressed this addiction is killing her why did she encourage Maggie to drink and leave her the booze, that’s a bit evil. 

Xander seemed so scared when he heard Sarah was in labor and heard the car crash. Of course Adrienne has no cell reception to call and ambulance. 🙄 then Sarah did just enough to call Xander. The car broke down one exit from the hospital. I’m no traffic expert but usually there’s ambulances and lots of cars in the routes or vicinity of hospitals. One would have probably passed that would see a woman changing a tire with hazards on or they could lean on the horn and flash the brights on and off for someone to pull over.  Then again nowadays people are assholes when I ran out of a car and begged a man I ran up to help me or call the police when I car jacked he told me he “didn’t care what happened to me.”

I’ve wanted Sonny and Will to have another child for a long time and thought that storyline would be much more interesting than the constant interloper or illness storylines. There could be drama in choosing a surrogate or in their adoption.

I didn’t like the “Call your mom” shit with Will. He should not have to have been reminded 20x and now it’s somehow gonna be Sami’s fault, like everything is. 

  • Love 5

Summer is the worst and I'm just grateful that Ron hasn't brought her back for a 14-month storyline. It is pretty funny though that her 5 second reappearance has such massive consequences...

I guess I should be tickled that Will and Sonny want another child, but I haven't seen them do much of anything to raise Ari these last few years. Hell, I hardly feel like they're genuinely in love. It's sad to me that we have this couple on the show after years of fighting for Will to be back from the dead, but I feel so little towards them.

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It turns out I have absolutely no memory whatsoever of Summer, her storyline, or anything at all to do with her. It's entirely possible that I just fast-forwarded her previous appearance into nothingness. I also didn't recognize Marie Wilson in that curly bob, though I guess she's at least gone back to her natural hair colour. I also managed to forget, in fact, what a clunky, unsubtle actress she is, shouty and manic and kind of one-note at the same time.

Also, it appears Summer does not understand how genetics works, if she's blaming her mother for (deliberately?) passing on a predisposition to alcoholism.

Won't be sorry to see the back of you, Yelly McGee.

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In contrast to all the contrived nonsense going on around them, I thought the scenes where Sonny and Will argued about the divorce papers were full of believable emotion. I still think Sonny should have been able to fight harder, but Ron's sense of manipul-- I mean, irony clearly demands that Sonny capitulate before Will's innocence can be revealed. 

But, why would Will's memory of the event -- and thus of his responsibility for it -- be compromised? He wasn't the one drinking. Did he get a bonk on the head? 

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13 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Its the same actress the difference is her hair color is back to being a brunette. Notice how she was styled just like Chloe or was it just me? I wonder if there was a reason behind it.

While that's a valid point that was never brought up in fact it was just treated as an afterthought and well Chandler's inappropriate smirking doesn't help matters either.

Yes I also thought she bore a striking resemblance to Chloe

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47 minutes ago, Sandman said:

In contrast to all the contrived nonsense going on around them, I thought the scenes where Sonny and Will argued about the divorce papers were full of believable emotion. I still think Sonny should have been able to fight harder, but Ron's sense of manipul-- I mean, irony clearly demands that Sonny capitulate before Will's innocence can be revealed. 

But, why would Will's memory of the event -- and thus of his responsibility for it -- be compromised? He wasn't the one drinking. Did he get a bonk on the head? 

It seems from today's episode that Maggie's car ended up off the road. So Will only sees his car and Adrienne's (with Adrienne and Sarah in it) in the aftermath, and because he'd been looking at his phone prior to swerving, assumes the whole thing was his fault. Xander contacted Victor in the meantime and they got Maggie (& presumably her car?) out of there. I'm going to need to see the entire town raaaaaage at Victor & Xander for everything they did that night. 🤬

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15 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Will, that was really a stupid thing to do - to use your phone and drive. Hands-free or no phone or park on the road to make your call. Nice that you and Sonny want to add to your family. But both of you need actual jobs to afford a kid.

That wasn't the original Summer, right? Her mother is not to blame for her drinking. She is. So Maggie's long last daughter who never contacts her shows up out of nowhere and rants at her mother and blames her for all her life woes and tells her she is dying? She is an adult.

Will had a job, he was working for the Spectator.

Yes, that's the original Summer.


1 hour ago, Sandman said:

In contrast to all the contrived nonsense going on around them, I thought the scenes where Sonny and Will argued about the divorce papers were full of believable emotion. I still think Sonny should have been able to fight harder, but Ron's sense of manipul-- I mean, irony clearly demands that Sonny capitulate before Will's innocence can be revealed. 

He'll probably sleep with Evan (if Evan is indeed gay) before Will is released.

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2 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

(if Evan is indeed gay)

Are we thinking he might not be?

Is Evan maybe not sure? Reconsidering his sexual identity? Just how bad at kissing is Sonny?!


Yes, that's the original Summer.

And she's a pip!

And isn't there something in the Twelve Steps about how addicts (and everyone else, too) need to take responsibility for their own behaviour, and not blame others for things that those others have no control over? Seems like Sponsorship 101 kind of stuff for Maggie, no? I'm less and less convinced Summer's trolling should be the thing that sets Maggie off (and lands Will, of all people, in the slammer). But, hey, if I'm looking for logic...

Edited by Sandman
What logic?
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Will walking away from Sonny without so much as a kiss was rather jolting.

Is that Stefan's ring Gabi wears from a chain around her neck?

I had to look up who Noah is, since he doesn't exist.

I am loving Andre's sparkly orange tie.

Is the Kiriakis mansion out in the middle of the woods somewhere?

Chad's blue and green tartan jacket is a thing.

Ugh.  I'm watching this on nbc.com, and every time they run a commercial, it interrupts over and over again.  The video clips of the show run fine, but the ads are practically impossible to get through.


2 hours ago, Sandman said:

Are we thinking he might not be?

He's shady, and we know he's up to something, so it's a possibility

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11 hours ago, buffynut said:

If y'all remember Marie Wilson had previously been on the show as Aiden's dead wife's friend. Or maybe it was his dead wife in flashbacks.  Can't quite remember, but it was that storyline.

I believe then she had the darker hair.   When TPTB (or maybe TIIC) asked her to come back as Summer, I think she bleached her hair so she'd look different. 

She definitely was playing Summer differently yesterday. The first time around she seemed more sweet, albeit pathetic.  Of course she's dying now, but there was way more bitterness yesterday.

She played Bree the friend of Aiden's late wife back then Tomsell was writing then when they brought her back as Summer it was Dena.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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