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S19.E09: Week 7: Halloween

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The only judge who criticized anything about Bethany's performance was Len which is why she got the 9 from him. Neither Bruno, Carrie Ann or Julianne pin pointed anything she did wrong so their scores were consistent.


This is true, and YMMV, but I'm sure if the judges would focus on nitpicking Bethany as much as they (usually) nitpick Alfonso, then they could've pinpointed weak instances in her technical performance. The choreography was interesting, I will give Derek that, but I'm not sure that Bethany's contribution to it deserved 10s. 


On another note, I wish they'd let Sasha be a pro again. He always seems so damn likable. And I miss Tony. PS, anyone else notice Mark laughing at CAI's score for their paso? The stink face that followed was wonderful. Regardless, I love Mark's ideas this season, I think Sadie is absolutely adorable and a fresh breath of air compared to Janel and Bethany, and I hope they make it to the finals. 

Edited by Stitsch
  • Love 3

This show makes me so MAD sometimes!  Didn't CAI say she liked Team Creep better, then give them a lower score?


Why did it take to week 7 to give those who were due their poor scores?  Michael should've been getting 5s all along.  And as much as I like Tommy, better dancers have left before their time.


THANK YOU Len!  Who needs other dancers, and/or the foreplay of a "scene" before dancing their set?


Why do we have 4 judges now, when there's not enough time to get their critiques?

  • Love 9

Is it just me, or is the camera staging getting worse each episode? It seems every week they'll have at least one shot where you can't see the couple dance because the audience is in the way. Tonight there was an entire camera boom in a shot. And I couldn't see more than a glimpse of Sadie's swirling skirt during the big zombie dance off because she was completely out of the shot. Granted, I don't have a wide screen TV, so others might have been able to see her if it's broadcast in wide screen with the sides cut off for the old fashioned TVs, but it still seemed like poor camera work.

  • Love 8

I am not a fan of all of these "theme" nights, especially since it usually means more smoke and I can't see anything, and terrible camera work because they're trying to get around all the props and extra dancers and not step on anything because no one can see anything due to the damn smoke.


Alfonso really is a gem, he is getting marred and banged up but not once has he been shown to throw a "diva" tantrum, he has gotten a touch frustrated at times and I think that's due to him being a perfectionist, he just seems that way to me, but he's been so respectful and sweet with Whitney. If anything he's very protective of her and I think that's just adorable. And congrats to he and his wife on baby number two, his third, on the way.


I wasn't a fan of the song for their Rhumba though, the girl had a very average voice to me and it seemed like something Taylor Swift would write if she were trying to channel the movie "Twilight" or something, but Whitney really showed true skill managing to still come up with a real Rhumba and Alfonso followed her every step. It wasn't perfect I do agree but still the fact they overcame that song alone I would have given them 10s.


The rest just blurred together for me because I hated the song choices for the most part, and the terrible singing, and, to quote Len, there was so much mucking about from most of the couples.


Lea and Artem did well I thought, but it wasn't exciting for me. I haven't really seen him give her anything that she can truly sparkle and shine doing yet and I think that is hurting them. He's not making her stand out and she's good enough, at least in this bunch, to do so imo.


They're really using Keo a lot in the pro bumpers and not that I mind but I need more he and Karina dancing together in sole couple work, those two are smokin' hot.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

Is it just me, or is the camera staging getting worse each episode? It seems every week they'll have at least one shot where you can't see the couple dance because the audience is in the way. Tonight there was an entire camera boom in a shot. And I couldn't see more than a glimpse of Sadie's swirling skirt during the big zombie dance off because she was completely out of the shot. Granted, I don't have a wide screen TV, so others might have been able to see her if it's broadcast in wide screen with the sides cut off for the old fashioned TVs, but it still seemed like poor camera work.

The camera work has been horrible since last season.

  • Love 6

Michael was in sync. The spot where they were running off stage wasn't a missed twirl but a missed shot by the director. The next couple was already into their dance when they were finally shown.

I have to disagree. You can see Emma outstretch her arm to the floor and get into position for the twirl, and when Michael just blows it, she kind of clumsily scrambles off to the side. I think they were even laughing about it.

  • Love 6

While I'm not a huge Sadie fan (or Mark fan), I thought the idea for his Paso was really pretty interesting. I thought Sadie was a little tentive and actually agreed with CAI, but I thought it had potential, maybe performed by someone that didn't seem so eternally happy and gleeful.


Interesting that Len's only been back a week but even he's stick of all the themeing and extra dancers.

  • Love 3

Shut up, Mark! *sigh* I actually have not been too annoyed by Mark for at least a season now, but this season he's annoying the heck out of me with his constant complaints about the judges' scoring. One of my biggest pet peeves on this show is when a dancer gets correctly called out for not doing the dance they were assigned and then coming up with some pretentious half-assed explanation that they're doing it for the fans. And 7 times out of ten the person who uses that excuse is Mark. Sometimes Derek uses it and I think Maks has before, but more often it's Mark. Look, douche you can do a proper dance and entertain the audience. I mean I've never really watched much competitive dance beyond this show, but I can imagine people can actually do the dance they're assigned and still make it enjoyable to watch as long as they're not being lazy.


And beyond the fact that Sadie's dance was barely a paso, I think Len or maybe it was Carrie Ann was right that the whole scared woman persona didn't work with this dance. There were so many times during the dance that I thought Sadie looked shaky and confused, and I wasn't sure if that was the "character" or Sadie.



Of course, because she was perfect. (/sarcasm). That's not exactly a great litmus test for the judge's scores. Often they say only positive things, and then give an 8 or 9.


I agree with this. Often the judges give no indication that there was anything wrong with the dance but still bust out 8 or 9 paddles. I knew Alfonso was getting nines because of the comments, and I actually don't think he was underscored. Though maybe that's just because I've never loved a rumba on this show. It might be technically great, but I never connect with that dance. I did LMAO when Whitney hit Alfonso in the crotch and asked him if he needed a snack and winced at the camera. She's really cute.


I did think Bethany was overscored. There was no way that was a perfect dance and I'm tired of Derek covering up his dances with props and lots of spectacle and distractions. I wish they would nitpick Bethany,a dn point out the areas she needs work, and she does need work, as much as they nitpick Alfonso and Lea.


I loved Len's tirade about all the messing about and overuse of the troupe and people not doing their assigned dances. It's ridiculous and I'm about as fed up with it as him.


I don't know if four judges just isn't working, but they definitely need to find a way to make adjustments. Earlier in the season, I don't remember the judges getting cut off quite as often, but now almost every dance one of the judges can't comment. Which doesn't make sense to me with fewer and fewer dancers. And you can tell none of them are particularly happy about it, when they have to give short comments while displaying the paddle. They either need to give a time limit for each judge, and have Tom getting more merciless when Bruno or Carrie Ann start in with their antics or repeating themselves over and over. Or they could just cut down on the interviews with Erin, which are always my least favorite part of the show.


Of course Derek's team wins again. I don't think the judges are even trying anymore to hide their bias.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 6

How how HOW was Michael safe after his performance last week and his performance this week? How was he not in immediate jeopardy? Say what you will about Tommy, at least he makes it through his dance and seems like he stays relatively with the beat and the moves that he's supposed to do. Michael... how much younger is he than Tommy, yet he has less energy and less rhythm and barely does any of the moves while Tommy can jump better and do actual quickstep moves? I don't care how many NASCAR fans are voting. Come ON! At this point it's just wrong for him to still be there. He knows it, the judges sure know it and finally said it, quite brutally. They shouldn't have had to say it to him because he shouldn't still be on the show at this point. That he still is shows how flawed and ridiculous the voting process is. It drives me nuts that he's still in this competition.


I kept thinking about the group dance and that it really could have been better if Jonathan were there in place of Michael. I know Michael was elated to get 9's but I'm sorry to say... it wasn't due to his moves.

  • Love 9

I thought Team Creepy had brilliant source-specific moves for their dance, mixed with their concept which really suited the crowd doing the Time Warp in the movie.  The Ringmasters were clearly Riffraff and his sister, Magenta, which makes sense.  Antonio shoulda been in gold shorts doing that strong man act and Cheryl shoulda dressed like Janet, but then you'd have to cast them all.  I really really loved the choreo of this group dance - it was too bad that Tommy got weak doing it, because everything else about it was awesome.  It certainly did NOT deserve lower scores than the other team


Mark's paso was chock full of paso content to my totally uneducated eyes - I thought it was great and I am a total non-fan of Mark's.  Sadie could have danced it better, but the choreo was really good.


Bethany looked even more horrible in that hairstyle than in last week's  What the what - she's a beautiful girl?  I think that Derek's dance might have been one of those that looks messy on tv and great in the ballroom.  It didn't do a thing for me; I thought it was a hot mess.

  • Love 2

I've actually just given up on this season. In my opinion with the exception of Alfonso and maybe Lea its been a clusterfuck of extra dances and props. My god Derek has used props since the first dance to hide the horrible blandness of Bethany. She is boring to watch and anyone who takes a close look at it will recognize that he is using everything in the damn studio to distract for his weak dancing partner. I completely said I'm done tonight when there was little to no paso in her doble and she gets perfect scores the show has turned into a sham. Which is so unfair to all the other celebrities who are working just as hard if not harder yet come out each week and get underscored. I like Derek he is a genius with his choreography but they have yet to dance a whole routine without a prop added to it. week 1 - bedroom,  week 2  - the bass , week 3 well that was all about Derek, I can't even remember the others that just how much of an impression she has NOT made upon me. Seem they are hell bent on making sure she makes it to the finals at the cost of someone who is actually dancing and performing better than her. So that's that for me. I have never been more disappointed in the unfairness of a show as I have with this season of Dancing With The Stars!

  • Love 5

speaking of mucking about...I might not mind having four judges if they were more consistent in providing constructive critiques and less of falling off their chairs and endless nonsense...and it's silly that Tom has to hurry out on the floor to herd dance partners over to the judges' table for their "critiques"--though it's understandable to want to stay out on the floor to soak up the audience love a few extra moments

  • Love 4

Witney's response to a doubled-over Alfonso after a knee to the groin, What do you need? Do you need a snack?, had me in stitches.

Yes! Such a completely random thing to say, unless Alfonso usually snacks on ice packs.

That rose shade of Peta's first costume was so flattering on her. With that makeup, she was the prettiest consumptive ever.

  • Love 3

I don't know why the other teams don't learn more from Derek's victories. No matter how great your concept seems, in a team dance, you need cohesive choreography and cohesive costuming. Derek always wins because everyone keeps trying to do it differently, but then they look like fun amateur chaos and Derek's team looks like a pro dance team.


It didn't help that Time Warp is visually iconic while Itsy Bitsy is just a modern, creepy song. (and yes, if you're dancing to the Time Warp, you need to do the Time Warp at least once.)


Otherwise, I thought Bethany and Derek's 10s were deserved. I hate to come across as a Derek stan, but he just knows how to choreograph for this show. Bethany danced well, the concept was strong, and I can just imagine that the live drumming was even more electric live.


But my favorite was Janel/Val because her outfit was breathtaking; I love that song with a passion (I danced to it in a Halloween show before Pretty Little Liars); I loved the concept; and I thought that was both the best acting and dancing I've seen from Janel. 


By contrast, the cracks in Sadie's armor showed big time tonight. Mark choreographed and came up with what could have been a powerful paso, but Sadie wasn't up to the challenge. She's got natural stage presence, but she doesn't know how to play a character. It showed in the opening number and the group dance as well because this was the first night where she needed to project something other than cute and bubbly. She can't. Fortunately, she probably won't ever need to do that again.


Alfonso/Witney's ghost number didn't top Mario/Karina's Dark Waltz for my favorite ghost number, but it was beautiful. Alfonso is a lovely dancer. He's in a different league than anyone else, and I really hope he wins. 


Halloween night is not the right night to rail against themes. Of course they're going to go big and over the top for it.

  • Love 5

Refrigerator scare was pretty great.  Derek's reaction was from a very, very, deep place.   

Tommy sure gave it what he had.  It just isn't enough.


Lea is just too dang careful all the time.  Sadie is rightly called out in these forums for youthful timidity, but Lea should be well past the fear of failure by now.  Scores on the first dance were ridiculous.


If there was ever a dance which merited an instant dismissal from the competition, Waltrip's Jive is it.  I truly do not mind when a given dancer is incapable of a move, but we all saw him doing flecks in rehearsal.  To me, he quit.  Buh bye.  So many have suffered through injury and such.  They gave it the old college try.  This bum flat quit.


It frosts me no end how the pros avoid hold whenever the Viennese Waltz is assigned.  Val took it to new levels tonight.  Fie on him. Len knew what was up when TPTB cut him off.  The man is just collecting a paycheck.  Sad, but good for him.  Love Tom for honoring Len's dignity!


Ballas really screwed Sadie over with that choreo.  Here's hoping he'll reign it back in as he had to this point.  CAI and LG shouldn't have given her the same 7 they gave Chong.


Could that Time Warp dance been less frenetic if they tried???!!!!  The white lighting killed them.  Absolutely destroyed them.  Wow.  That routine required lightning-quick color changes with spots popping on and off.  Instead, every last mistake was exposed.  Horrible.  Oh well, Derek legitimately won another group dance.


Very sad to say a ballroom farewell to Cheryl.  I wish her every good thing.

  • Love 2

Antonio is rather bland as a dancer, but I do think he tried his best and was actually improving, whereas Tommy is going in the other direction and growing worn and tired, and Michael, who has absolutely no rhythm for dancing, has been monotonously bad since the beginning.     I don't dislike Michael.   He has tried and wanted to do well.   He just doesn't have the talent for it.   Tommy at least has rhythm and charm, and he's a performer.   So I hope it's Michael who goes next.   


Derek's dance with Bethany was dramatic and extravagant in ways that only Derek gets away with,  but I thought it was probably one of Bethany's better performances.   I guess I wouldn't have thought it over-scored if similar scores had been awarded to some of the others who worked just as hard and who performed just as well or better than Bethany.


Mark and Sadie's choreography was a creative idea, but it was too busy.   It was hard to pick out the two of them from the mess of props and other dancers.   It wasn't their finest moment.  


In truth, the "messing about" with the staging tonight was predictable, since it was a Halloween theme.  A lot of the dances were overly costumed and gaudy tonight.


Alfonso and Witney are a perfect pair for both entertainment and dancing partnership.    He's just so likable, and she has blossomed as a choreographer and personality with him.  I thought their dance was lovely.   And I do think the judges look for nits to pick with him, since he is by far the best and most accomplished dancer among the stars this season.


Derek's team dance was not as entertaining as Alfonso's, but it was put together better.    Alfonso's team was more colorful and fun, but the dancers seemed unorganized and frenetic.  


Sorry to see Cheryl's last dance in DWTS competition.   She has consistently been one of my favorites since Season 2 when I first started watching. 





Edited by crocosmia
  • Love 2


I loved Len's tirade about all the messing about and overuse of the troupe and people not doing their assigned dances. It's ridiculous and I'm about as fed up with it as him.


I am right there with him on that. I remember when the freestyle was the time for them to pull out all the props, extra dancers, special effects, etc. For the last few seasons it seems like it's been every dance, every week, and this season it's just gotten ridiculous. Len's right, it is very easy to lose the star and their partner when they've got five other dancers dancing around them. 


I thought Janel was way underscored this week. I loved her dance. And Team Creepy's dance was so much more fun and creative than Team Derek's dance. 

  • Love 2

Mark's paso was chock full of paso content to my totally uneducated eyes - I thought it was great and I am a total non-fan of Mark's.  Sadie could have danced it better, but the choreo was really good.


Its not that Mark and Sadie's dance lacked content, its that it wasn't danced well. Sadie's arms were stiff and (I hate to agree with Bruno but...) incomplete. She had little Spanish line in her movements. Her foot placement was tentative and the whole thing felt frantic. The problem (or brilliant idea) is that Mark created a dance were fear and weakness suited Sadie's character so I don't know if she was weak or if she was playing weak. That's bad.


To be fair to Mark, I don't think he did this to intentionally cover up Sadie's dancing. I think he was genuinely stuck and when he finally hit on an idea he just went over the top with it because he was behind and didn't have the time to fully form and think through the choreography. It happens. No one can choreograph dances 12 weeks at a time without hitting a wall at some point or getting a brain fart or getting stuck on a concept at least once. Mark got stuck here. But it certainly was Sadie's weakest dance in a very long time in large part because there was too much concept and story and not enough focus on the dancing. 


If there was ever a dance which merited an instant dismissal from the competition, Waltrip's Jive is it.  I truly do not mind when a given dancer is incapable of a move, but we all saw him doing flecks in rehearsal.  To me, he quit.  Buh bye.  So many have suffered through injury and such.  They gave it the old college try.  This bum flat quit.


Its been a very long time since I've seen a star say "I can't" quite so much and certainly not at week 7. Michael would give each step a try and if it wasn't instantly there, just stop trying. Its really upsetting seeing him continue on while other dancers who are willing to put in the effort and even do things wrong in front of the audience just to try to get them right go home while Michael gets to stay, stomp around and do little else.


I don't mind concept dances on Halloween night. That seems like the right time for everyone to go nuts, but it did bug me that Julianne called out Val/Janel for the extended opening but loved Derek/Bethany even though it took them just as long to get to actual dancing. Also, even without Len talking, I knew he hated Janel's number. It was all over his face. Can't say I blame him since they barely traveled across the floor or spent any time in hold.

  • Love 4

A few stray thoughts:


Whaddya bet Alfonso was wearing a protective cup? ;-)


Loved when Cheryl asked Tommy if he'd ever whipped someone. Most people it would seem waaaay off, but Tommy just has this air of been there, done all of it. 


Under other circumstances I'd be sorry to see Cheryl go, but I'm betting she's off to her father in Thailand just as soon as she can get there. Hope she's back from time to time anyway....

  • Love 3

So Antonio's going home right...just take all the suspense away.


eta: Little gossip, Val already got on twitter to state that he was not amused by Len's "washing windows" comment which I think most figured was in relation to Val and Janel's dance. He apparently didn't think it was very classy of Len.



Val needs to cool it with the comments regarding the judges - it makes him appear spoiled and petulant.  For all his complaining, Len was correct in the fact that Val and Janel's dance (while lovely) was lacking in actual Viennese Waltz content.  This week Janel concentrated too much on the theme/story - I don't blame her for that, I blame Val.  As the dance pro he should have steered her toward less style and more substance.  I felt too much of the dance centered around the window and Janel's wish to "kill" Val.  I am glad that the judges are calling Janel out for her unfinished movements and wobbly turns; Val needs to correct those.  It's those things (and the hideous boots) that detract from what should be Janel's lovely flowing lines and keeps me from loving her dances (I like them just fine, I just don't love them nor do I care to re-watch them).

  • Love 5

And I do think that all the drama and theatrics aside which yes, could have been distracting, she did do a very strong Paso Doble. It was a Paso Doble in terms of content, her frame was strong and she held it throughout the dance and the thing I thought she lacked for a lot of the early weeks, performance ability, she had. Much as some are quick to declare "overscored - of course because it's Derek." I feel like sometimes his celebrity's ability and dancing aren't actually fairly watched and judged. It's just "high score, well of course it's Derek so clearly overscored."



I rather liked the staging/theatrics for Bethany's piece - it certainly fit with the music and the Halloween theme.  More importantly, I don't think it distracted from the actual dance - which, to my eyes anyway, contained a heck of a lot of actual Paso Doble content.  I thought that Bethany maintained the flavor of the dance throughout, her frame was good, and that her movements were crisp/sharp.  Since her contemporary styled Rumba, I feel that Bethany is gaining more confidence and is coming out of her shell.  She started with good technique but is really growing in the performance department.  Good for her.

And now they tell Golden Boy's team that they are all safe, so the other team is left to dance knowing one of them is going home??  Really??  That has to mess with their minds.



How is that any different than how the show has been announcing safe/jeopardy couples since they went to a single weekly broadcast?  

I thought the Time Warp was a lot more fun. I'm annoyed that Bethany's dance was scored higher than Alfonso's after being praised for content. They harp on content than when the score the one that in my opinion had a ton of distractions higher.



The judges didn't "harp on content" - they stated at as individuals Time Warp was a lot of fun and showcased each couple well, however, (and this is a big) as a GROUP they weren't very strong and many of the pairs were out of sync/time.   The judges (and I believe it was only Carrie Ann who said so) enjoyed the PERFORMANCE aspect of Time Warp more.

  • Love 5
Lea is just too dang careful all the time.



This is one of my major issues with Lea. No matter what she's dancing, especially if it's something Latin, she comes across as very tentative and careful. Also, and I recognize that this may just be how her legs are, but I feel like her legs always seem a little shaky. I always feel like I'm sort of holding my breath when Lea dances, particularly if she's wearing something short, because I think her legs might give out on her at any time. I was really surprised she and Artem were left last for their group dance. I would have bet dollars it would have been Val and Janel. Speaking of those two, I had a good chuckle watching them attempt the Nae-Nae in that group dance. 


I completely said I'm done tonight when there was little to no paso in her doble and she gets perfect scores the show has turned into a sham.



It really is subjective but I really do not understand how there was no content in Bethany's Paso Doble. Yes there was a lot happening on the stage with the dramatic curtains and the drum guys but I truly believe Carrie Ann and Julianne were right in that it did not take away from her dancing. The sequence of her moving in front of the drum guys while Derek was behind them was all Paso content with her doing the lady's caping walk.


And she was all on her own there so one can't claim Derek was dragging her through it. Her frame was absolutely stunning, her core was tight and she kept those things throughout the entire number. The dance had chasses to the right and left, the attack, promenande, etc. It was a Paso Doble with staging that in my opinion, created dramatic effect and added to rather than taking away from the dance. 


Which is what happened with Mark and Sadie. As someone else noted above, it wasn't that Mark had no Paso Doble content in the dance, it's just that Sadie did not execute it very well at all and I feel like that was partly on Mark. I think he focused way more this week on the concept and got caught up in all his ghouls and zombie apocalypse theme that making sure Sadie mastered the technique got lost. There was nothing happening with Sadie's core to be honest and part of that might be because she's so young and gangly. But her arms and legs to be honest just seemed to be flailing around for most of the dance.


I also have to disagree about Derek's using all these props to hide Bethany. I don't consider the bedroom scene in their first dance some big prop. Bethany is famous for making youtube videos in her bedroom. So for her very first dance she was in a fake bedroom where she immediately got off the bed and started doing a jive. The whole thing took like less than a second. What exactly was the bed and fake bedroom hiding? Yes the bass was a prop but she was dancing and her rumba which Derek did get dinged for not being a rumba included words on a screen. Okay then but how many of the other pairings have been using members of the troupe in practically all or most of their dances?


Does using the troupe not get counted as a prop because someone can argue that the Pro uses them to distract from their celebrity and many of the pairings have used the troupe excessively. Derek hasn't. Until last night with the drum guys (and I'm not sure that was members of the troupe), it's always just been him and Bethany on the dance floor so you can't miss her, whatever she's doing. There's never an opportunity for her to get hidden behind a Jenna, Lindsay, etc.


Mark had the entire damn Duck Dynasty family on stage for Sadie's Samba and last night, I'm pretty sure that was the entire troupe on stage with them. Alfonso had a little boy and troupe members on stage for his Quickstep, Janel and Val had the troupe for their Jazz and Foxtrot, etc. And for the record, I have no issues with any of this. But I just think it's a bit unfair to act like Derek goes around using all these super tricks to supposedly hide Bethany's blandness when unlike many of the pairings, they've often been on the dance floor just the two of them. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 8

Alfonso's dance was amazing. Witney did a great job with what was actually a very tricky song. Ghost is amazing, but fast for a rumba. She managed to keep the dance a real rumba even though the pace was very quick.



Witney continues to impress me with how much SHE"S grown as a dancer and choreographer in the few short years since I first saw her on So You Think You Can Dance.  I always feel bad for male celebrities assigned the rumba as they are nearly always overshadowed by the female pro (nature of the danced) - I thought Witney did a remarkable job choreographing a dance that was full of content and allowed Alfonso to shine as much as she did (and she looked simply gorgeous in that dance). 

  • Love 7

I don't mind concept dances on Halloween night. That seems like the right time for everyone to go nuts, but it did bug me that Julianne called out Val/Janel for the extended opening but loved Derek/Bethany even though it took them just as long to get to actual dancing. Also, even without Len talking, I knew he hated Janel's number. It was all over his face. Can't say I blame him since they barely traveled across the floor or spent any time in hold.



The difference to me, is that Bethany was dancing with the troupe behind her before she and Derek began the Paso Doble.  Janel and Val did a lot of posing.  I liked Janel and Val's dance - it was waltz-esque, just lacking in Viennese quality (lack of hold, lack of movement across the floor, etc.).


Can we please have a theme week where the theme is "traditional ballroom" - or better yet, "no theme - just dance"?

Edited by OakGoblinFly
  • Love 5

This is one of my major issues with Lea. No matter what she's dancing, especially if it's something Latin, she comes across as very tentative and careful. Also, and I recognize that this may just be how her legs are, but I feel like her legs always seem a little shaky. I always feel like I'm sort of holding my breath when Lea dances, particularly if she's wearing something short, because I think her legs might give out on her at any time. I was really surprised she and Artem were left last for their group dance. I would have bet dollars it would have been Val and Janel. Speaking of those two, I had a good chuckle watching them attempt the Nae-Nae in that group dance. 



I think the song helped dictate the order of the solo dances  -  The solos started as the rap sections came up, so (to me) it made sense that you would have Bethany and Janel dance to those sections.  Michael was buried in the middle (rightly so) leaving Lea to dance last.

Edited by OakGoblinFly


Lea's doing a good job and I think she's having a great time but the show perhaps plays up the angst of rehearsals?

I was just thinking last night - there's a formula every season - there's a 40-ish woman who puts too much pressure on herself and starts with the water works and the anxiety routine (think Jennifer Gray). 

Val is starting to channel Maksim a little bit more every week. 


Alfonso hitting the guy with the mask in the face was the funniest thing I saw all night.  And what else are you going to tell somebody you just smacked in the crotch? Want a snack? lol

  • Love 1


I loved Len's tirade about all the messing about and overuse of the troupe and people not doing their assigned dances. It's ridiculous and I'm about as fed up with it as him.

I actually yelled out "Len, you old annoyed coot!  I missed you and your common sense!"  While I did laugh at Bruno finally taking a tumble to his flailing about, it was Len's "WTF is he doing look?"  Had me rolling.  But he has a point: there is too much posing, props, tricks in the dances and not enough of the dance they are assigned.  And that gets annoying very fast. 

  • Love 6

I thought that was the best dance Bethany has done even if she did get overshadowed some by the production of it. She even showed some personality. Julianne suggesting they use Derek's dance on their tour just pointed out how much I'd like to see it with a dancer with more presence than Bethany. I didn't mind the scores being 95% about Derek and the production because it was Halloween night and should have been a really fun night.


And, then the rest of the scores happened. I don't think Michael is the best dancer by any means. I don't think he deserves to stay another week, but he's so earnest about learning to dance and wants to be there. Why do the judges have to try so hard to humiliate him?


I thought both Sadie and Janel were underscored and judged kind of harshly (or maybe it was Mark and Val who were judged so harshly). It's a theme week, so of course there's going to be a theme and production in the dance. I'm not sure why the judges have such specific critiques for them and Alfonso but then don't have any constructive criticism for Bethany. I don't have any dance experience but there were a couple moments in Bethany's dance that didn't look right to me. Point them out, too. I actually really like when the judges give constructive criticism but can't understand why they don't do it for everyone.


I thought the choreography and ideas from Mark, Val, and Derek were great. I liked all three. I thought both Val's and Mark's were incredibly entertaining. I'd watch them both again. I'd like to see what Mark would come up with for a big pro number where he's allowed to just go crazy.


I really like Alfonso. He and Witney are so fun and funny together and still manage to dance beautifully. I laughed through his entire intro package. I hope he wins. Since Bethany, Sadie, and Janel all still seem interchangeable, I'm thinking it's possible Alfonso can pull out the win.


Oh, and Lea danced. I can't remember what they did.

  • Love 1


I don't think that Michael is the best dancer by any means. I don't think he deserves to stay another week, but he's so earnest about learning to dance and wants to be there. Why do the judges have to try so hard to humiliate him?


  Re the last question, "Because he sucks" is my answer. If Michael was really serious about learning the Jive then he wouldn't have all but quit during his performance of it. Antonio wasn't the best dancer by any means either, but he was still better than Michael this week and didn't deserve to be eliminated before him anymore than Jonathan did last week. 



Oh, and Lea danced. I can't remember what they did.


An Argentine Tango which IMO was one of her best dances since the Jive from Week 2. Lea's a great dancer-she just needs to stop doubting it and start trusting herself and Artem more. If they do that, I think they could make the Top 5, at least. If they help eliminate Michael in the process, that's even better. 


  Congrats to Alfonso, both on getting this far and becoming a dad again. Given all that he and Witney have been through, it's a wonder he can still move, much less dance. 

  • Love 2

...One of my biggest pet peeves on this show is when a dancer gets correctly called out for not doing the dance they were assigned and then coming up with some pretentious half-assed explanation that they're doing it for the fans. And 7 times out of ten the person who uses that excuse is Mark. Sometimes Derek uses it and I think Maks has before, but more often it's Mark. Look, douche you can do a proper dance and entertain the audience....


I agree with this completely, only I've always noticed it most with Derek. I remember him having specific conversations with Lil Kim and Shawn Johnson about how they can please Len with proper content or they can please the fans with entertainment, and I'm throwing things at the TV yelling the so-called "greatest choreographer of our time" should be able to do both. He accepts the ding in judges' scores without complaint, though, so maybe that's why Mark stands out more to you.

  • Love 6

While this certainly isn't one of my favorite seasons, I'm enjoying it a lot more than the "let's get Maks his mirrorball" of last season. I miss the show how it used to be during seasons 8 and 10, my two favorite seasons.


I like Tommy and Michael's okay but it's time for them both to go. Antonio shouldn't have gone before either of them and Randy certainly shouldn't have either. I'm also more than ready to say goodbye to Janel. Her and Val are right up there in with Meryl and Maks in please disappear from my TV screen forever territory.


If there isn't time for all 4 judges to speak then why have 4 judges? Either time it so the judges each have a chance, even if they have to limit what they say, or get rid of the 4th judge and just bring someone in to sub when Len isn't there.


Maybe it was having to put up with Leah and her obnoxious attention hogging last week but I thought Erin did a great job this week. I thought she'd be a hot mess between trying to do too much with the World Series and reacting to some of the really hateful crap she was getting about Leah's appearance but I thought this was her best show this season. I've grown to like her a lot in this role but just wish she'd stop trying so hard. When she's trying to be funny she often falls flat. When she's not trying is when she's best. The one thing I'd say she needs to work on is connecting better with the cast. At times she just seems to have a total lack of connection with anyone but Michael Waltrip (her co-worker at FOX) and Val (for obvious reasons).


I'd be really surprised if Alfonso doesn't win this season (as he should). I also expect Sadie to be in the finals. I'm not sure if the third spot will go to Lea or Bethany. At this point I'm going to say Bethany because I think Lea's starting to lose the audience and Artem doesn't have the fan base that Derek has to help push them through.

  • Love 2
I thought both Sadie and Janel were underscored and judged kind of harshly (or maybe it was Mark and Val who were judged so harshly). It's a theme week, so of course there's going to be a theme and production in the dance. I'm not sure why the judges have such specific critiques for them and Alfonso but then don't have any constructive criticism for Bethany. I don't have any dance experience but there were a couple moments in Bethany's dance that didn't look right to me. Point them out, too. I actually really like when the judges give constructive criticism but can't understand why they don't do it for everyone.


Yes!  I thought the same thing. Bethany completely missed some steps and of course that wasn't mentioned.  Why? That's the plan. I'm one who thinks that the entire show, minus the actual eliminations, is scripted, down to the judges comments, scores, who gets the extra dancers and special effects, who "wins" the group dance, who gets promoted on abc.  I was just watching GMA and had to change the channel because they were pimping Bethany and Derek, without even mentioning who got eliminated.  Sadly, it's all part of the plan. 


I loved Alfonso's dance.  I've enjoyed Tommy this season but wish he had gone last night. I'm enjoying him so much more than Michael, but the guy seems like he's run out of steam and would like to exit. 

  • Love 1

Not only was Michael off the beat, just walking (not in time) through sections of it, but he actually told Erin "I was going too fast because I was so excited!" This guy doesn't even know he was too slow! It is truly awful that he stays on week after week when dancers with better potential--and better performances--are sent home. He should be embarrassed to still be there, as Len (I think) told him, but he doesn't seem to be embarrassed at all.


Glad to come here and find some who share my feelings that Bethanny/Derek are overscored while Sadie/Mark and Alfonso/Witney keep getting underscored. I could see those as the final three (with Bethanny, who's done surprisingly well, finishing in third, maybe second, place). But the way they judges seem propping constantly for Derek, it looks like they want Bethanny (Derek) to get the win.


After learning last week that the couples don't get to choose their music, I now feel how some of the fix is in, generally. But one thing I didn't mind this week was what I felt was an effort to sabotage Michael with "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"--impossibly fast, esp for a guy with no sense of rhythm--but I won't be surprised if his NASCAR fans get him into the finale. If bad dancing and low scores from the judges can't get rid of him, what can?

  • Love 4


To be fair to Mark, I don't think he did this to intentionally cover up Sadie's dancing. I think he was genuinely stuck and when he finally hit on an idea he just went over the top with it because he was behind and didn't have the time to fully form and think through the choreography. It happens. No one can choreograph dances 12 weeks at a time without hitting a wall at some point or getting a brain fart or getting stuck on a concept at least once.


Especially when he's got thirteen thousand Duck Dynasty cameras pointed at him. That really seemed to distract him, and added pressure where he usually doesn't feel it. Sadie's so used to it, being on her family's show, but Mark isn't. I felt bad for him.


Re the last question, "Because he sucks" is my answer. If Michael was really serious about learning the Jive then he wouldn't have all but quit during his performance of it. Antonio wasn't the best dancer by any means either, but he was still better than Michael this week and didn't deserve to be eliminated before him anymore than Jonathan did last week.


Ding ding ding! We have a winner comment, here! Thank you, DollEyes. 

I don't mind Antonio going home, he doesn't have rhythm either, but Michael -- no matter how earnest he may be -- didn't even try last night. And given the level of difficulty they're reaching at this stage in the game I think it was the first week where I think he really knew that he didn't belong there anymore. I felt bad for him about that, but he still should have been gone LONG AGO.



And it still irks me that we don't get to see Jonathan do some of these dances instead; he was just as earnest (if not more so) than Michael but we saw he actually had some rhythm! I've never seen Mean Girls or anything else Jonathan has done, but I liked the guy and thought he deserved a better chance than the one he got with Allison.

  • Love 4

Did anyone notice Mark's stink face at the end of the team dance when the judges were giving comments? He even tried to walk away before Len finished his last sentence and Tom had to call him back to line up for final results. He just seems snotty and petulant each week and his dances always focus too much on him or a theme/concept and never enough on his partner and working on their technical skills or showcasing them.

  • Love 1


Alfonso hitting the guy with the mask in the face was the funniest thing I saw all night.


LOL! He was the only one who really defended himself! Everyone else just kind of screamed and swore. Seeing Alfonso hit the mask right off his face was hilarious.


And I'm still laughing at Witney's marvelous "Want a snack?" Kills me. So funny.



I've enjoyed Tommy this season but wish he had gone last night. I'm enjoying him so much more than Michael, but the guy seems like he's run out of steam and would like to exit.


I think he's got more stamina than Michael. At least we see him trying, whereas Michael didn't do anything last night. Michael's kicks were half-assed at best; he would do one kick and then kind of give up and not even try to stay with the beat or the choreography. Meanwhile, Tommy may be getting tired but he gave it his all. He was actually jumping and doing the quickstep kicks inside and outside of Peta's legs. 


Did anyone notice Mark's stink face at the end of the team dance when the judges were giving comments?


I thought he looked displeased during the judges' comments for his individual dance with Sadie, too. Though it was tough to tell because he had all that ghoulish makeup on. His face was already set at scary. LOL.

  • Love 3

It's a theme week, so of course there's going to be a theme and production in the dance. 


The thing I'm curious about, is that the dancers don't just get to blow tens of thousands of dollars (guessing) on giant production numbers in a vacuum - they have to be being actively encouraged and supported in it by the show. Len's complaints seem to be producer-level, "direction the show is taking" complaints. Kind of curious if he decided to shout and grump about it on the show live, since that's his forum. I'd be curious to know if there's more behind the scenes drama on that. I know Len's been around forever - does he have any sort of producer credit or sayso in the direction it goes, or is he contracted simply to judge? 


I liked Derek & Bethany, Alfonso & Witney the best (Alfonso clearly is the leader in this season, and I'd also like to see Bethany get the constructive criticism he does.) Val/Janel I also liked, and think was pretty harsh - the 7 was a low blow. Lea has a self consciousness about her when she dances that makes me like her dances less than I want to. Sadie I think was an off week - she just didn't have the power and intensity I like to see with a Paso - that might be Mark's creative block this week left them less time to drill it in? I though it was interesting to see Derek's drill sergeant routine with Bethany - they edited it like he was frustrated with her but it seems to be his teaching style and we just haven't seen it yet. (He didn't seem any more strict than a no-nonsense trainer in that sequence.) There was an Afterbuzz somewhat recently where Anna had mentioned that Derek's dancers are usually on point because he's relentless about drilling it in. 

  • Love 1

I've never seen the movie so I'm not sure what the "time warp" is. What is a proper time warp?


Time warp explained (with diagrams!) at about 0:55



I was actually glad they took the song and did something completely non-Rocky Horror with it. It's just so iconic, I think it would be really creatively limiting, and I really like what they came up with. 

  • Love 1

Time warp explained (with diagrams!) at about 0:55



I was actually glad they took the song and did something completely non-Rocky Horror with it. It's just so iconic, I think it would be really creatively limiting, and I really like what they came up with. 



Absolutely.  The routine had a great concept - it failed in execution, especially when the entire group was dancing.

I agree with the recap/review - although I liked Derek's team dance, it didn't have at least one 'wow' factor that it usually does. I just rewatched the "What does the fox say" team dance from last year -- I just loved that one; it was fun, crazy and inventive. Likewise with the Rocky Horror piece this year -- I think I would have given the higher score to that team, if they had been a little more in sync with their team moves. I liked the concept of the circus a lot.

  • Love 1

I have to agree with Len, I hate all the muckety-muck around the dancers. I think that they should maybe designate a week or two when everyone can use props/extras/etc. and that be it. Just dance. 


Also, I liked when all of them danced to one of either two types of dances. You could really compare the dancers better. 


Derek is brilliant. He takes the mediocre and makes them shine. I do think the judges have gotten way too generous with their 10s. Bethany was good, but not perfect. 

  • Love 3
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