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S11.E05: Bend & Break

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In this Callie and Arizona centric episode, the couple takes a look into the problems that have contributed to their troubled marriage. At work, Callie immerses herself in the Veterans’ project, and Arizona struggles to impress Dr. Herman. Meanwhile, Richard leans on Bailey for advice.


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So happy Callie is no longer co dependent I think that's the biggest reason I never liked her. I loved the Addison mention glad they did not completely forget Amelia's relationship with her.  By the way was that first time Arizona has ever had a voice over and the first time she has interacted with Amelia on screen?

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I think it's a testament to what fantastic actresses Sara and Jessica are that I didn't find this storyline as painstakingly self-indulgent as I probably should have. Is it just me or were the patient parallels about ten times as anvil-y as usual?

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I wish Arizona had been the one to end things as I agree with pretty much everything she said about Callie during therapy, but I'm just glad that the relationship is seemingly over now as it has been painful to watch for too long.


Loved the Addison and Henry mention.

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I refuse to accept this breakup as real because I know Shonda won't Callie ever truly be great. I hope Callie uses her freedom wisely, as we all know that Shonda will have her renewing her subscription for the Arizona's latest issues. I do not want her dating Owen or something like that because I would vomit and it would validate the homophobic screams of mouth breathers who've been calling for Callie to get a man in her life. Also, he has more issues than Arizona. Maybe this will be good for Arizona too. She was taking L's left and right this episode. Maybe she'll get to focus on her work and not be caught distracted or flatfooted now that she's no longer in this dumpster fire of a relationship. She's a good doctor and an interesting character in that respect, so I'm hoping this works out for her. 


Also, Callie's burn about Arizona cheating made me do the "Finish her!" shout from Mortal Kombat. 

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I thought it was very much in character for Arizona to want the break (to run away from the problem) while Callie wanted to stay together and keep talking.  It was also in character for Arizona to want to say all the pretty words and make the pretty speeches, and she probably does mean them and does feel that way, but it doesn't feel good to Callie because she's heard it from her before and it always ends the same way.


I am so hoping this is the end of their marital misery.  Shonda never did quite let Cristina and Owen end until Christina actually left the hospital.


Meanwhile, Richard leans on Bailey for advice.


I guess they cut this part out?  Or did I miss Richard and Bailey?

Edited by izabella
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…Um, don’t marital separations usually take place in different living spaces? Huffily ignoring your partner and giving her the silent treatment when she’s in the same room with you hardly qualifies as a separation. These are extremely wealthy surgeons/hospital owners. Get a freaking hotel room.


I enjoy Calzona scenes, so I watched those and tuned out the other scenes. I'm sure they were just fantastic.

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I noticed that the episode description said that Callie was really getting involved in the veterans' project, but I didn't see anything about that.  Also, 'Richard leans on Bailey for advice'.  Unless I missed something, neither one of them was even in this episode. 


Anyway, I was kind of happy to see the end of Calzona.  I'm interested in seeing how their respective careers go forward (or change) because of their new-found 'freedom'.  I would have loved to see at least a glimpse of Sophia, though.


I liked the scenes of Callie and Meredith.  Funny!

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Shocked at how solid this episode managed to be.


I feel that the series was smart to recognize the necessity of something drastic to fix the Callie/Arizona relationship. I was dreading this episode when I learned it would be centered on them, and the start of the episode with that overwrought therapy session (NOTE to show: these are easy scenes to write, but they're not enjoyable to watch -- nor befitting this show's tone) had me worried, but I must admit that the team turned out a good one. 


I feel that the episode did a great job with the individual story lines for Callie and Arizona. Not so much with the medical cases, but with the interactions -- Alex and Arizona, Meredith and Callie. These are characters we care about. And those moments were effective, helping to make this episode feel less self-indulgent. It was also good to see more of Davis' character. 


I feel that Callie's catharsis was brilliant, but also, for the first time, I felt really bad for Arizona. I didn't think she got the comeuppance she deserved last season, but the statute of limitations has sort of ended (in my mind). However, I think the characters are better apart these days, and I am pleased with the development. 


I feel that my only complaint is this: the direction was ostentatious -- flashy clips, cuts back to therapy, etc. This show has done more of this as the years have progressed. But, the truth is, less is more. I don't want the action to be interrupted so the director can remind us of his/her "personal touch." They make these gimmicky episodes harder to swallow. Fortunately, this one was strong enough to stand on its own. It didn't need that. 

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Thank you, therapist lady, for telling them "no sex, with anyone else or each other". If she hadn't said that, I would have been worried about Arizona looking up Leah again. I liked the Callie/Mer drinking friendship. The vagina song was funny. I did think it was interesting that Callie eventually thrived professionally (on her own) while Arizona collapsed professionally.

I don't think they are over yet.

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I was too busy being distracted by Gypsy (man I need a Gilmore Girls' rewatch), to really focus. (No i'm kidding, but I was happy to see Gypsy. But sad that there was no Gypsy). 


I have to say, I am in Love with Geena Davis. It's like everything I like about Addision without the sex/baby drama, just bad ass doctor-ing, and I like that she told Arizona off. 

I was over Arizona a long time ago (pretty much when she told Callie everything she owned was in the box to left - at the airport) and everytime that Callie and she had a fight, I always remember Callie's statement that how she was feeling wasn't a temper tantrum, or anything, that Arizona always hurts her in the end, and I personally think it's true. I'm glad that Callie realised that she could be a fun, happy person who lives Arizona, without Arizona and I really, really want it to stick. 


I also hope Meredith and Callie can be people. They were awesome. 

Glad to know April's alive. 

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I am surprised, but I am as relieved as Callie.

I don't care if they get back together or break up for good, I am just glad that this story is done as far as children/Africa/Mark/Car crash/plane crash/ leg/cheating/Leah is done too!

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I can't even make it through this episode. I'm almost halfway through and its so painful to watch. This separation makes no sense. They're supposed to live together and not speak? That's the most dysfunctional thing ever. Doesn't sound like a good thing for their daughter to be around either. If they're going to take turns taking care of her and just glare at each other the rest of the time, why not have a real separation in different apartments for awhile? It's not like they can't afford it. Is this in home separation a serious thing that marriage counselors would ever actually suggest? Especially for a couple that can afford separate spaces?

I forget, does Arizona have legal parental rights to Sofia?

Edited by LeGrandElephant
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I was too busy being distracted by Gypsy (man I need a Gilmore Girls' rewatch), to really focus. (No i'm kidding, but I was happy to see Gypsy. But sad that there was no Gypsy).


Thank you! I was only listening to the dialogue for most of the episode - thanks, Ebola-in-NYC news! sincerely, a New Yorker - but the familiar voice was driving me crazy. I always love seeing GG alums on random shows.


I have to say, I am in Love with Geena Davis. It's like everything I like about Addision without the sex/baby drama, just bad ass doctor-ing, and I like that she told Arizona off.


Echoing the Geena Davis love and also the Addison similarity. Sigh...I miss Addison. Geena Davis has either had some work done or is overusing the Botox - I noticed her speaking style wasn't very clear. Maybe it was just the face mask? I wish we she were in more scenes.

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I really liked this episode, and I didn't expect to like it that much. Meredith was hilarious comic relief -- especially her mocking of Derek. "Have you cured death yet, Meredith? If I was in D.C., I would've cured death by now" was priceless. Ellen Pompeo doesn't get much of a chance to be a comedienne, and she has a great, dry delivery.


How many times did they mention that Callie is bisexual and also likes men? Not much of an anvil at all...nah...

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I took Callie saying she is bisexual in a validating way. Too often bisexuals are dismissed and I liked that Shonda reminded the audience that Callie is into both women and men. I just don't want Callie to get involved with a man.

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I'm actually glad for Callie; I didn't like her and Arizona together, particularly after Arizona cheated on Callie. Some couples can't get past that (I'm not sure I could).


I do hope they each find someone good, who makes them happy, who both supports and challenges them at the same time.


Got a bit of a vibe between Arizona and Geena Davis' character in the on-call room... But I think that was just regular tension, not romantic tension.


Please do not pair up Callie and Owen, show. PLEASE. I know they both want kids, but that's not enough to make a relationship work. I can't picture Callie as a stay-at-home mom, either. She enjoys her work too much.


(Apologies to those I offended with my post two weeks ago. Turns out I had a severe sinus infection, and my judgement was quite impaired. I will be more careful in the future, I promise. :-)

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I don't understand how Callie only just realised that she's trapped in the marriage, when she did all that 'dancing in her underwear' shit last season when she and Arizona were separated for a prolonged period, and actually living apart.  


How many times did they mention that Callie is bisexual and also likes men? Not much of an anvil at all...nah...


I loved the way Callie felt she had to explain what bisexual is to the therapist "I'm bisexual.  I'm attracted to both men and women..."  Oh right, thanks for that, Callie.


I think the episode did a decent job of showing the relationship to be fundamentally toxic, and I hope they're split for good.  It was getting pretty boring.  It was a completely ridiculous concept, though, for a therapist to suggest that it was in any way healthy or beneficial for two parents to live in the same house and not actually be able to talk to one another.  I bet Sofia is traumatised!

Edited by pointybird
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Callie mentioned she was bisexual a lot, which made me think she's going to be with a guy next. I presume Owen.


When does Meredith parent her child when she's drinking until 3am? Yet she wants Derek to leave town? Then who would parent the kids?


No Bailey was the best part and no Meredith's new sister! 

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I have never really liked Arizona, though I think it might be the way the actress plays her more than the way she's written - not sure.  I've almost always been on Callie's side in their marital disputes, but tonight I could sympathize with Arizona's side of the story during the too-long marriage counseling montage.  I cannot imagine any counselor advising a couple to live together in the same house for any length of time and not talk to each other at all, especially when they have a child in the house.  I hope that was terrible writing and not something marriage counselors regularly advise these days.  Whatever.  I am glad they've broken up.  That couple has been painful to watch for quite awhile now.


I'm almost positive Callie and Owen are getting together.  Sigh.


Love Geena Davis, always have, but cannot stand her character whose name I haven't even bothered to learn.  Blech.

Edited by RealityCreator
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I forget, does Arizona have legal parental rights to Sofia?


She told Callie she wanted them and Callie told her they would do it, but that's the last we heard about it, IIRC.  I would assume she does by now unless the show decides it works better for the story for her to not have them.


I can't take the Calzona episodes seriously anymore since the writers have proven time and again that they will blatantly rewrite history to make it fit whatever direction they want the story to go.  I guess we were all supposed to just forget that Callie actually did give Arizona a choice with the pregnancy.  She was pretty clear about it, she and Mark were having a baby and if that was too much for Arizona then she understood that.   Honestly, I'm just glad they're over.  That relationship has been toxic for a long time.

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I can't take the Calzona episodes seriously anymore since the writers have proven time and again that they will blatantly rewrite history to make it fit whatever direction they want the story to go.  I guess we were all supposed to just forget that Callie actually did give Arizona a choice with the pregnancy.  She was pretty clear about it, she and Mark were having a baby and if that was too much for Arizona then she understood that.   Honestly, I'm just glad they're over.  That relationship has been toxic for a long time.

I watched the episode recently and she gave Arizona  a night to process it. At the time Arizona wanted more time to process the information and Callie gave her an ultimatum you either accept the pregnancy now or we are over. If Callie hooks up with Owen I will loose all respect for her because she is set up to get hurt/cheated on. Owen hasn't stayed faithful to anyone. 

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So Callie whines, bullies, and interrupts throughout the whole 30+ days of therapy, finishing Arizona's sentences and putting words in her mouth, per usual, and SHE is the one who feels suffocated and longs to be free?  Whatever, show.  I know that I am supposed to feel sorry for poor, cheated on Callie, but I don't.  She cries to and gets support from Mer, Derek and Owen, and is kicking ass in her job.  Meanwhile, Arizona walks around like a kicked puppy.  The only time she looked happy was when she was making Jell-o with April, at least until Callie came in and gave her shit for it.


They need to be broken up, but am SO not looking forward to a season of Callie's "I Will Survive" You Go Girl rebirth.  While Arizona quietly fades away to nothing.  I wouldn't be surprised if Capshaw is leaving at the end of the season.


These gimmick episodes are not working for me.  They are fine as contained episodes, but they are not making for a very coherent season so far.  Clearly a lot is ending up on the cutting room floor or else is being re-written by Shonda.  Twice the summaries have included things that don't happen.


Oh well, Alex and Jo stood next to each other without speaking, I guess that we are supposed to infer that she isn't jealous anymore and that Meredith used Alex for what he was worth and moved on to cheeseburgers and tequila with Callie. 

Edited by Deanie87
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These gimmick episodes are not working for me.  They are fine as contained episodes, but they are not making for a very coherent season so far. 

Perfectly stated and I agree!  Adding to that --- too many characters crammed into one show makes for too many random episodes.  They need to cut this cast down big time instead of constantly adding to it.  I feel nothing and have no connection to 80% of these characters and have no desire to get to know them better (Amelia...)  Let's get back to basics and focus on the people that got us here in the first.  yeah right, that ship has long since sailed.

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Callie really did annoy me this episode. I felt like this was the first time since the 200th episode  we were able to some of Arizona perspective. I really wish we were able to see a scene with Arizona/April with Arizona telling April her feelings on the subject.

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I am glad that Callie was the one to finally put an end to Calzona. Arizona cheated on Callie & blamed Callie for her amputation. She has been horrible to Callie since the plane crash! Bring on Cowen!

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So Callie whines, bullies, and interrupts throughout the whole 30+ days of therapy, finishing Arizona's sentences and putting words in her mouth, per usual, and SHE is the one who feels suffocated and longs to be free?

Given that this episode was almost entirely Callie and Arizona, I would have expected the resolution to make narrative sense. Arizona gets her ass kicked at work and decides she wants to be with Callie??? Callie goes drinking with whiny Meredith and decides she wants to be single???? The ending felt slapped on.


And the counselor's advice was so obviously absurd, it was clearly just created to mimic Meredith's situation with Derek.



When does Meredith parent her child when she's drinking until 3am?

Meredith has clearly gotten over her goal to be a better mother than Ellis. And I find it hard to believe that Derek wants to have anything to do with her at all.

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I was never the biggest Calzona or Arizona fan but they grew on me. But ever since the crash Arizona has been driving me nuts! First of all she got on the plane because Alex accepted a fantastic opportunity at Hopkins and then blamed him when he was trying he help her. Now i understand that the experience was traumatic and losing a leg is not easy but she was terrible to Callie for amputating her leg to save her life. This despite the fact Mark and Lexie actually died from said crash (both far superior characters). She cheated on Callie with two people (one was a bland pathetic inturn). Now she's turning around and blaming Callie for the fact she left Seattle Grace. Was Callie supposed to sit around and wait and mope. Callie is way too awesome for that!

Also Arizona needs to stop telling Alex that his awesomeness is directly a result because she thinks shes awesome. I'm not denying her capabilities but it was Addison who showed Alex the Paeds department but Alex is awesome in his own right!

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Well, glad that's over. Both the Callie-Arizona relationship and that episode. Too much of both of them. Never liked Arizona, even before she became a cheating cheater liar. However, why don't we see how both of them do without a partner for a while? Please, show, don't hook up Callie with Owen, at least not right now.

I liked the scenes with Meredith and Callie - reminds me of the good old days of early seasons. No new sister - Yay! No insufferable Bailey - Yay! But too little Derek, Alex, Richard and Meredith.

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I am glad to see Callie and Arizona separate, and I'm glad it's Callie that pulled the plug.  With both George and Arizona, she's always been too desperate to keep the relationship together.  That said, if Callie does not share custody with Arizona I will be pissed and hate her character irrecoverably.  Arizona may not have wanted Sophia, but there's no question she loves her.  I'm not against Callie and Owen.  

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I was actually terribly afraid they were setting up some kind of "Callie becomes a drunk" story line when she grabbed the bottle of wine and drank from the bottle, then went out for shots with Meredith.  Please god no!


Yes, Meredith wants to be an amazing surgeon, and a great mother.  So she pursues this by hitting the bar again.  I have to say, though, I did love her questioning whether Cristina was the love of her life.  Callie asking about her interest in the vagina was irrelevant to me.  I think Cristina probably IS the love of her life, not with a latent lesbian vibe, but in an emotional connection way.  Meredith and Derek's marriage is, to me, over, and it happened the minute he decided to stay put.

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However, why don't we see how both of them do without a partner for a while?

Amen, sister. My sentiments exactly. Not everyone is paired up and it's stupid to look for the only available man and make up some reason that she'd find him attractive. Keep Callie single and let us enjoy her considering both men and women while at the bar with Meredith or one of the single doctors.


I want to see a Dance Party featuring Meredith and Callie. We know they have it in them.


I'm boggled by the Meredith-Derek "problems". But it's always fun having Meredith interact with the other single doctors.


The thing I'm afraid of is that sparks might fly between Derek and Callie. They have a lot in common: that project they're working on, they've lived together already, and they've both kissed Meredith.....

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I was too busy being distracted by Gypsy (man I need a Gilmore Girls' rewatch), to really focus. (No i'm kidding, but I was happy to see Gypsy. But sad that there was no Gypsy). 


I have to say, I am in Love with Geena Davis. It's like everything I like about Addision without the sex/baby drama, just bad ass doctor-ing, and I like that she told Arizona off. 

I was over Arizona a long time ago (pretty much when she told Callie everything she owned was in the box to left - at the airport) and everytime that Callie and she had a fight, I always remember Callie's statement that how she was feeling wasn't a temper tantrum, or anything, that Arizona always hurts her in the end, and I personally think it's true. I'm glad that Callie realised that she could be a fun, happy person who lives Arizona, without Arizona and I really, really want it to stick. 


I also hope Meredith and Callie can be people. They were awesome. 

Glad to know April's alive. 

Totally agree with you!!! I hope this break up lasts forever. I have missed fun, crazy, intense Callie. She seemed to lose all of her personality when she was stuck with Arizona. I like Meredith and Callie as friends. That is something Grey's was always so good at, and with Cristina and Mark gone, the strong friendships have suffered.

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I have to say, though, I did love her questioning whether Cristina was the love of her life.  Callie asking about her interest in the vagina was irrelevant to me.  I think Cristina probably IS the love of her life, not with a latent lesbian vibe, but in an emotional connection way.


I agree. To me Mer and Cris is the emotional center of Grey's Anatomy. It is the real love story of the show (and arguably the most functional). I miss Cristina and their connection even more than I thought I would. I like Meredith and Callie, I do, but it's not the same.


Is Geena Davis's (character, not actress) bitchiness supposed to be a ham-fisted way of saying she's attracted to Arizona?


An episode with no Bailey (!), no Puzzle Whisperer (!!), no Jo, no Stephanie, no Webber, no Jackson and no Kepner... this was perfection.

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Long ago in S5 I thought Arizona was a breath of fresh air, both how she related to Bailey and Callie, smart, dedicated professional and compassionate. S6 wasn't great for them but it was Elysium compared to what came next.


In the TMI version of things I thought it was interesting that Callie specifically had a whole scene talking about vaginas and lack of  straight girl interest. Because MerCris was "truvelove" but not at all lesbian scenario set up. Neither of them ever showed the slightest sexual interest in each other *despite* their strange and sometimes way over the line bond. However, Callie has actual experience being attracted to someone and not liking their vagina and still realising that they are bisexual; see the Hahn debacle where Callie was attracted to  Hahn as a person and hated going down on her as "like gynie rotation".

Edited by Featherhat
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I don't care if they get back together or break up for good, I am just glad that this story is done as far as children/Africa/Mark/Car crash/plane crash/ leg/cheating/Leah is done too!

Same. If they do end up back together at some point at least there will be new problems the next time they break up. All of the above have been going on for years.


When does Meredith parent her child when she's drinking until 3am? Yet she wants Derek to leave town? Then who would parent the kids?

Amy or she'd leave them in the 24 hour daycare.

And the counselor's advice was so obviously absurd, it was clearly just created to mimic Meredith's situation with Derek.

I totally agree. I can't see any counselor ever advising a couple to remain in the house and not even speak.  What a stressful environment for poor (although never seen) Sofia. Meredith is someone who has gone through therapy herself.You'd think having done that and Callie talking about couples therapy that she'd think it would be something for she and Derek. Instead she does shots and tells Callie its like she and Derek but healthy. That'll solve your problems.


They need to be broken up, but am SO not looking forward to a season of Callie's "I Will Survive" You Go Girl rebirth.

I think she'll probably just move onto Owen or someone then they can through Amy into the mix for the season 11 triangle.

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Is Geena Davis's (character, not actress) bitchiness supposed to be a ham-fisted way of saying she's attracted to Arizona?



An episode with no Bailey (!), no Puzzle Whisperer (!!), no Jo, no Stephanie, no Webber, no Jackson and no Kepner... this was perfection.

I don't think so. I see genuine irritation that Arizona is distracted and unprepared for surgery that has absolutely no margin for error. This fellowship is extremely prestigious and Herman is absolutely right to expect Arizona to be giving her absolute all. No hanging around the NICU and undercutting Alex, not allowing her personal life to get in the way at work, not being late for rounds. She basically back in residency again and need to act like it. Time in the skills lab, time with the charts, prepared to 100%.

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I liked Callie and Arizona as separate characters much better than I did after they got together. Separately, they interacted with other doctors and had personalities. But for the past few years, their characters have been all about their relationship angst. I know that happens in real life too, but that doesn't mean I want to watch it.


Arizona was a good doctor and a good mentor to Alex. Callie was a good doctor and a great BFF for Mark. But as a couple Arizona and Callie have become the relationship of neverending drama and fighting. I do not believe that cliche about how all relationships require a lot of hard work and compromise. When you find the right person, it isn't work and you don't have to constantly compromise. When your relationship is all about hard work and compromise and fighting about the same crap over and over, you should look for someone else. Relationships are supposed to make you happy, not miserable. Yes, shit happens and you have to deal with it but the situation they have been in is not just about shit happening. It's about the two of them being unhappy and blaming the other person. Throw in some cheating/lack of trust and it's just a recipe for unhappiness. Even if Shonda thinks these two are an endgame couple, I am happy for the respite no matter how short it may be.


I do agree that the bi anvils were dropping like crazy. I totally support Callie asserting her bisexuality because it does seem to be something that Arizona is insecure about and has an issue with. I just don't want Callie to immediately start dating Owen or anyone else. She needs to just focus on kicking ass at work, connecting with her friends, and being happy without the complication of dating someone yet.




An episode with no Bailey (!), no Puzzle Whisperer (!!), no Jo, no Stephanie, no Webber, no Jackson and no Kepner... this was perfection.

Stephanie, Jackson, Jo, and Kepner were all in this episode but very briefly. Stephanie was forced to act as go-between for Arizona and Callie when Arizona wanted to spend some extra time practicing in the skills lab. I don't like Stephanie but I felt bad that she had to be the messenger and get stuck in the middle of their drama and get yelled at by Callie for delivering Arizona's request to switch her Sophia night. Jackson was with Owen and Callie when they were discussing using a large portion of Callie's grant to fix someone's face. Kepner was at Callie and Arizona's apartment making ambrosia salad and womb models for Arizona to use for fetal surgery practice. Jo was in the NICU when Arizona came to check on the esophagus/intestine baby patient. Arizona asked how he was doing and wanted to look at his chart and Jo said she didn't think she should share that information, just as Alex entered the room. These were all very brief appearances but they were still in the episode (unlike Bailey, the Puzzle Whisperer, and Webber). Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I know people are sick of Bailey and so am I to an extent. I think it's interesting they have pretty much dropped her friendship with Callie/Arizona. I think the only scene she has had with either of them the last two seasons was when she was helping Arizona with her back up leg.

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