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S04.E04: Like Father, Like Daughter

Tara Ariano

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Tonight, Shonda introduced her viewers to the Effiel Tower position.

RIP Jake. Meh. Should have stayed on the island, buddy.

I like to believe Harrison is still alive.

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I know it was a serious discussion, but I cracked up when Grant went, "You little...!" while jumping out of his seat during the post-party discussion with his daughter. Made me think of Homer choking Bart on The Simpsons.

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I laughed at Jake thinking he was going to pull one over on Papa Pope. I'm hoping Papa comes out on top because he's pretty much running rings around everybody else. 


To me, he's becoming a Villain Sue.  He needs his comeuppance and he needs it very soon. 

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I thought this was the strongest episode this season. I don't see how Jake and Papa Pope both exist. One has to die, right? He cant throw him in the hole this time since Mama Pope has that occupied.

I liked the scene with Nellie and her daughter. So over Fitz and his mooning over Olivia but their scene was great. His calling out Mellie was mean but it probably needed to be said. Smelly Mellie was pretty funny and I saw it trending on twitter.

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Fritz and Olivia still have chemistry. Too bad they rarely ever interact.


Too bad Jake won't die. He is too stupid to live.


I don't care about Mellie, don't care much about her daughter either. 


Those parents were bottom feeders. Selling that tape was risky as hell with Karen being a minor.

Edited by SimoneS
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I gotta admit I LOVED Olivia going off at the extorting parents. That was great.



Ugh, not me. I began watching at that exact moment, so who knows, maybe the parents are every bit as bad as Olivia made them out to be, but sorry Liv, they are not the worst people in the world, not even close. Perhaps if Olivia Pope and everyone she knows suddenly ceased to exist, then maybe. 


Seriously, they should not ever attempt to have Olivia take the moral high ground, because it just doesn't work, I only wish that after Liv made her impassioned (and mostly bullshit) speech, the parents replied "Yeah, we don't care. Either pay us, or we drag the asshole First Family through the mud. Now please make that check out to cash."

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I thought this was the strongest episode this season. I don't see how Jake and Papa Pope both exist. One has to die, right? He cant throw him in the hole this time since Mama Pope has that occupied.

I liked the scene with Nellie and her daughter. So over Fitz and his mooning over Olivia but their scene was great. His calling out Mellie was mean but it probably needed to be said. Smelly Mellie was pretty funny and I saw it trending on twitter.



Fitz was a bastard, but Smelly Mellie was funny as hell! LOL!!!

I laughed at Jake thinking he was going to pull one over on Papa Pope. I'm hoping Papa comes out on top because he's pretty much running rings around everybody else. 



I don't even take Jake serious anymore.

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Oh, I don't think she was taking the moral high ground; I saw it more as, "Extortion? You think you can blackmail someone? You are mere amateurs--I'll show you REAL blackmail." :-)

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I wish I could get over Fitz/Olivia. But scenes like they had in the Oval just pulls me back in. Those scenes were hot as hell.

Oh, I don't think she was taking the moral high ground; I saw it more as, "Extortion? You think you can blackmail someone? You are mere amateurs--I'll show you REAL blackmail." :-)


Liv was on top of her game in those scenes.

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I was wondering if I'd missed some sort of rapid aging with Karen, because no one was mentioning that she was underage in the tape until Olivia reminded those parents they could be charged as sex offenders over it.

I am just tired of Liv's love triangle and all things B613.

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Oh, I don't think she was taking the moral high ground; I saw it more as, "Extortion? You think you can blackmail someone? You are mere amateurs--I'll show you REAL blackmail." :-)


Cosign.  Bad asses that commit treason don't cower to the whims of amateur blackmailers.  She should have thrown their asses to the wolves anyway by faking a sex tape.


Fitz is such an asshole.  His child died and his other child is running amok and his wife is in shambles, yet he can put all of that aside for sex with Olivia.  I hate him.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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Things are not looking good for Tom that is for sure. 


Fitz in the middle of his mess of an unwanted life reaching out for Olivia, the woman that he loves, was actually the only believable compelling moment of that whole episode. The day that Fitz's penis stopped being a homing pigeon for Olivia, this show will be just about done. Fitz and Olivia's chemistry and forbidden love are the only reason that I have not given up on this tripe.

Edited by SimoneS
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So before she became Smellie Mellie, wasn't her husband, the asshole, sleeping with her? Feh, Fitz.

And I gotta say, with a lover like that, a murderous boy toy like Jake and an evil incarnate Daddy she can't see through, Olivia is working my last nerve with any holier-than-thou shit. You're surrounded by psychos, Liv. Apparently, it's likely contagious.

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That devastating monologue by Fitz at Mellie, "ratty bathrobe, baby thinks the nanny is mommy, daughter made a sex tape, you are eating everything not nailed down, drunk by 11:00 AM, Smelly Mellie, while *I* am running the country, etc." -- made me wonder if she would crumble.  But no, she gave me my favorite moment:  "Sex tape, huh?  So.... she takes after her daddy."  Very, very Tennessee Williams.


Seriously, Fitz are you nine years old?  "Smelly Mellie?" 

Edited by jjj
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Was Karen re-casted? Seemed like that was a different girl playing her.


I feel bad for Tom, but maybe that's a lesson to not get involved with people like this. I did love seeing the "old" Olivia. And I actually did like Fitz asserting himself for once and reading Mellie the riot act (and I'm saying that as a big Mellie fan and not so much a fan of Fitz).

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I was wondering if I'd missed some sort of rapid aging with Karen, because no one was mentioning that she was underage in the tape until Olivia reminded those parents they could be charged as sex offenders over it.

I am just tired of Liv's love triangle and all things B613.

I just can't believe Mellie let her daughter off the hook

Does this mean Tom, the Secret Service agent, is going to die. I hope note. He's cute.

I hope papa Pope takes the blame. Jake knows the truth about everything

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I LOVED Cyrus's speech to Abby. I haven't liked him that much in a very long time. Those were needed hard truths with a delivery that was actually more helpful than hurtful. And yay for someone recognizing that no one should actually want to be Olivia Pope. There was minimal Huck and Quinn which I very much appreciate. Rosen totally deserved the wakeup call Jake delivered. He played way out of his league and was following it by being an idiot.


Oh Jake. Once again, next week Olivia will be the one blowing everything up to find him. This love triangle is so screwed up. I do not get how she can make out with Fitz with those tortured, longing looks yet treat Jake like her boyfriend in pretty much every way. I really don't care if Jake has to die to but I hope Eli finally loses this game. I'm tired of watching his blow everyone else off the board each time while we pretend it's suspenseful.


Now to the main show. Since when does Karen call Olivia when she's in trouble? Last season, she seemed to barely know Olivia. It seems like a serious left turn and one I can't help but think was included because of how obviously separate from Fitz's family Olivia was last season.


I thought Olivia and Fitz were treating Karen like she was older than she was. Olivia was talking to her like she was 19 rather than the wasted, stupid 15? 16? year old kid she was. Fitz just needed to take a big step back in general. She deserved the anger and disappointment but his 'you little' lunge and making her lie to Mellie were steps too far for me. It reminded me of Mellie telling him the kids didn't want to see him because he was such a mean drunk.


So the suicide attempt Mellie mentioned was about Olivia being gone, not his dead son. If there was ever an ep to make that seem completely believable, this was it. From her bitterness, it seemed Mellie knew too. I don't know which made me roll my eyes more- that Olivia actually told Fitz she ran away alone or that he turned every conversation about his daughter into being all about getting back into her pants. You would think watching his teenage daughter's sex tape would dampen his libido for at least a day or two. Then saying everyone agreed he was a failure as a husband while he stepped right up in Olivia's personal space so she could show him he wasn't a failure as a man too was disgusting. That arm grab sure looked like it hurt.


Just to continue the 'Fitz is awful' theme, I wanted someone to hit him every time he spoke to Mellie. He completely missed the point. Mellie was flat out lied to in favor of Olivia handling a crisis with her daughter. It took her literally 30 seconds with Karen to know something was wrong yet she was supposed to be glad that Olivia had it handled, like that meant Mellie didn't have to worry about it or even know anything about it. As long as Olivia knew, it was all good. What parent wouldn't be furious about that?


Though I suppose since Mellie 'abdicated' her role as a mother since Jerry died a whole two months ago he wouldn't consider that. I couldn't believe he actually laid out blame and put more of it on her. They may have handled their grief differently but let's not pretend Karen called him either. Karen's preference was that neither of them know. He just got to find out because he was the one with the history of banging Olivia. That conversation was up there with his rant about her freezing him forcing him to have an affair with Olivia. I loved that after his whole rant about blame and how she hadn't been doing her part like he had, all she reacted to was the part about Karen having a sex tape.


I loved the Karen/Mellie scene. That felt completely consistent with what we've seen and heard before. I loved what she told her about the difference if she had been happy and turned on, keeping her knees together because she's the first daughter, and especially the complete lack of slut shaming. Given the circumstances and the conversation it was included in, I even liked her free pass. I couldn't help but think of how different the earlier scenes would have been if Karen had had her mom with her. Instead she was with two people she barely knows trying to figure it all out. I think  part of the reason this story worked for me is because even when she was being deplorable and acting out, I just felt sad for Karen.


Really my whole take away from this ep was that Fitz is now more awful than ever, Olivia sucks, I don't even especially like Jake and I want him to beat Rowan, yay for a real Cyrus/Abby conversation, Mellie continues to be the most sympathetic character and once again the Grant kids have gotten screwed over just for being Grant kids. After a couple of eps I liked, this feels frustratingly like last season.


My first thought when Olivia asked if Fitz wanted to discuss paying the $2.5 million with Mellie was that the money would actually be coming more from her. I know Fitz inherited a lot from his father but for some reason, I always thought Mellie was the major money in the pair. I am pretty sure that impression was all in my head though.

Edited by l star
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Lord Jesus, Fitz is an idiot.

Mellie & her 2 surviving kids are the only ones I want to survive.


I was saying the same thing as I watched, and I rarely talk back to my TV. Fitz really is a dolt, and as usual, a real arsehole to his wife. I loathe this character.


That kiss between Fitz and Olivia did nothing for me, and I didn't buy that they're so in love. She looks like an addict, who was doing so much better when she was away from him.


Olivia losing her temper with those parents at the end, on the other hand, was PERFECT. God, that was good.


But no, she gave me my favorite moment:  "Sex tape, huh?  So.... she takes after her daddy."  Very, very Tennessee Williams.


I also loved this, and her scene with her daughter. I didn't mind her giving her a free pass for that: she had been basically ignored for months, by her family. I also liked her comment, "I'm your mother, so I'm having a tiny seizure inside, but..."

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Why didn't Tom just blurt out "You did, Mr. Pope"? Truthfully or not, it would have thrown the glare back on him.

Smelly Mellie. Deli Mellie. Jelly Belly Mellie. Me go now.

That's what I was hoping he'd do. All I can figure is that he didn't know for sure that Fitz was listening on the other side of the glass, and if he wasn't then it would be suicide and he'd never get another chance.

I think the show wants me to feel badly for Jake, but as much as most of these characters are moral gray areas I just can't. I can sometimes like him and Olivia together, and feel for him when she's always shitty to him (previous seasons) and he just sticks around for more, but even without going to past acts he JUST came close to killing David earlier that day. So I'm kind of eh on any sympathy.

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Knowing that his son is dead because of his penis doesn't really stop the First Moron in Charge, does it?  I'm sure he would have been over the moon if 10 guys had been in that tape with his daughter as long as Liv showed up again.  He really is a the runt of the litter, isn't he.


Of course he is going to believe Jake had his son killed since he was the one on the island with Liv.  Fitz is too stupid to think that it could be anything else.  Mellie should have let him kill himself.  For the sake of the country and all.


"Smelly Mellie" that's the best the leader of the free world can do?  Well, and physically hurt the woman he supposedly loves.  Between Olivia saying no and him grabbing her wrist so hard - he's a real man right there. 

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No.  Just no.  That girl needed a billboard of pictures and the hacking skills of Quinn to figure out who she had sex with and the only thing she gets from her mother is  "if you were a boy people would be high fiving you...' blah blah blah  'sexual empowerment' blah blah blah  ' free pass' blah blah blah. And a hug and we are supposed to melt? Because Mellie is sad?  No.  Why is Olivia the only one who is talking about an STD?  Why is Fitz the only one who asked if she was raped? 


Shit, all Vanessa Huxtable did was sneak off to a concert in New Jersey and Claire gave her a read that scared me through my tv set.


When Fitz said 'You mother no one." and "rewriting history Mellie" My ass cheered the hell out of him.  What the hell has Mellie ever done for three seasons except walk around eating bitter cake (I don't count season one where she was perfectly happy for her Fitz to have Olivia)?  I need more to like a character than her victimhood and her rages.  She annoys the ever loving crap out of me.  Her screaming at Liv while running down the hall in her stupid bathrobe had to be some of the dumbest  shit I've seen.


Meanwhile, I did love Liv.  This was season one Liv.  This was the Liv I started watching the show for,  More of this please.  I hate the over concentration of the White House stuff.  I want more OPA.  I have been enjoying Quinn very much this season.  That is an odd feeling for me.  I have not been enjoying Abby.  Her attitude towards Liv feels like it is more than just a sense of betrayal, there feels like there is an element of jealousy and competition playing out there.  I was very much loving Cyrus' read of Abby.  But I think Liv needs to send Quinn out to recruit someone.  We need OPA back at full strength.


Jake can die.  As much as I am over Papa Pope, I loathe Jake so much that I am rooting for Papa Pope out of sheer orneryness.  Just like the writing for Mellie, I can see the strings SR is attempting to pull for Jake.  It could have been effective if Scott Foley could even remotely pull off the menacing big bad.  He can't.  Or if there was any chemistry between him and Liv.  There isn't.  I hate that my poor Tom has been caught up in all this. Die Jake.

Edited by DearEvette
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No.  Just no.  That girl needed a billboard of pictures and the hacking skills of Quinn to figure out who she had sex with and the only thing she gets from her mother is  "if you were a boy people would be high fiving you...' blah blah blah  'sexual empowerment' blah blah blah  ' free pass' blah blah blah. And a hug and we are supposed to melt? Because Mellie is sad?  No.  Why is Olivia the only one who is talking about an STD?  Why is Fitz the only one who asked if she was raped? 


Shit, all Vanessa Huxtable did was sneak off to a concert in New Jersey and Claire gave her a read that scared me through my tv set.


When Fitz said 'You mother no one." and "rewriting history Mellie" My ass cheered the hell out of him.  What the hell has Mellie ever done for three seasons except walk around eating bitter cake (I don't count season one where she was perfectly happy for her Fitz to have Olivia)?  I need more to like a character than her victimhood and her rages.  She annoys the ever loving crap out of me.  Her screaming at Liv while running down the hall in her stupid bathrobe had to be some of the dumbest  shit I've seen.



Watching this show, I try to ignore ridiculous and revisionist Mellie, but this! I was struck that even rewritten Mellie is a bad mother.

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Why didn't Tom just blurt out "You did, Mr. Pope"?  Truthfully or not, it would have thrown the glare back on him. 


If Tom had tried to say that Rowan gave the order, Rowan would have effectively deflected and discredited him. "I gave the order? How could I give any orders? I was removed from Command at that time." 


Also, Tom knows how B613 works. Even if he successfully implicated Rowan, Rowan would have made sure to make everything and everyone Tom loves die a horrible, slow, painful death. So it's better for Tom to go along with Rowan's plan and pin things on someone else.


I wonder, though, if pinning it on Jake is smart. Rowan previously told Fitz that Marie had Jerry killed. For it to actually have been Jake seems like a big blunder for Super Spymaster to have made, especially when rando Inspector General dude was able to uncover it with not much work.


Presumably Fitz's anger that Olivia had been screwing Jake for two months in whatever island hideaway will blind him to the notion that Jake has no known motive for wanting Jerry dead.

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Oh, I don't think she was taking the moral high ground; I saw it more as, "Extortion? You think you can blackmail someone? You are mere amateurs--I'll show you REAL blackmail." :-)

Yep. I loved "y'all don't know who you're fucking with" Liv. There was a beat before she went off, when the parents wanted to make it an even $3M, where she gave them a look like "The fuck did you say?" and then started kicking ass and taking names. I loved it.

I commented on social media that Karen was taking after her father (I didn't know what the ep was called) so I was delighted to hear Mellie call that out.

[whispers] I ... totally already knew what the Eiffel Tower position is.

Edited by Empress1
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Knowing that his son is dead because of his penis doesn't really stop the First Moron in Charge, does it?  I'm sure he would have been over the moon if 10 guys had been in that tape with his daughter as long as Liv showed up again.  He really is a the runt of the litter, isn't he.


Of course he is going to believe Jake had his son killed since he was the one on the island with Liv.  Fitz is too stupid to think that it could be anything else.  Mellie should have let him kill himself.  For the sake of the country and all.


"Smelly Mellie" that's the best the leader of the free world can do?  Well, and physically hurt the woman he supposedly loves.  Between Olivia saying no and him grabbing her wrist so hard - he's a real man right there. 


I have not watched in two seasons and Fitz is still a moron.  Whats sadder is that all of these dolts believed in this fool so much that they willingly committed treason to put his pathetic ass in the Oval Office.  All Fitz has is stump speeches and a magical penis.



Fitz in the middle of his mess of an unwanted life reaching out for Olivia


Fitz can be with Olivia.  He lacks the fortitude to make a big boy decision and move forward.  Mellie's ambition wanted Fitz to be President, but he chose that goal and he should not blame her or his kids that he kinda wanted to be President too.  Everyone is to blame for his bad life choices which really allow him to live a really good life.  He has first world problems and he is too foolish and arrogant and petulant to realize he has it better than most people in the world.  Eight years is not a long time in the scheme of things and he can be with Olivia after his Presidency is over.  If he wants her now, then he can resign and be with her.  Or, he can divorce his wife and be with Olivia.  The problem, as I said earlier, is Fitz wants to wallow and blame everyone for the sad privileged life that he pursued.


If he found himself with Olivia finally, it would not work out.  There is no drama, no secret sex in the White House closet and no mean Mellie to hurt anymore. 

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Those parents were bottom feeders. Selling that tape was risky as hell with Karen being a minor.


I know Liv had them sign a disclosure--did she let them have the check also or did they go away with nothing?  I enjoyed seeing Quinn using her skills learned in MI6 (name?).  By the way, if Huck has skills to kill everyone's cell phone and everything else he ever did in IT, when the agency disbanded he's working at Geek Squad??  He could have run the NSA.


*off to Google "Eiffel Tower position"

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So Rowan managed to frame Jake for the death of the President's son.  I think Jake is down but not out.  I think he's going to find a way to get Rowan back.  And you know Jake will.  Rowan and Jake are going to try to kill each other for the rest of the season.  I kinda root for Jake, but then I remembered the shitty things he's also done and then I don't feel all that sorry for him.  My mom says that these two guys are absolutely horrible people.  She's right.  I have to say, I am rooting for Jake because I think he's cute and he genuinely likes Olivia.


I love Olivia yelling and threatening the parents of one of the President's daughter's sex tape star!  By the time Olivia was finished, those parents looked they'd been sucker punched!  By the way, did Olivia still give them the check?


I love the President's put down of First Lady Mellie.  Yeah, she has been neglectful of herself and her family, not to mention her hygiene and Fitz has the right to think that she wouldn't know how to handle this problem with the daughter.  But boy, do I love Mellie's comeback!  The scene where Mellie goes sees her daughter and she doesn't yell at her but comfort her was very sweet.  I think the old Mellie will soon come back.


Badass Quinn is very sexy.


Does Cyrus know what kind of potential problems he will be getting into if people found out he's dating a prostitute?  But judging from that satisfied look on his face when he was in bed with that good looking gigolo, he doesn't seem to care.  I think this might be Cyrus' downfall.



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I don't think the parents walked away with anything.

Word re: Huck. Also, I know the partygoers were wasted, but it was odd to me that they paid no attention to Liv and Quinn, who were like 15-20 years older than the rest of the people there.

Edited by Empress1
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*off to Google "Eiffel Tower position"


Me too. Also. Ick. 


And I totally missed the part that the newly re-elected President of the United States suicide attempt.... was because Olivia left him. 

God Bless America because that is just sad. 

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Pile of Ugh.


"I just saw the worst sex tape I've ever seen" - that rant was so terrible.  Tipped too far toward cheese and melodrama, with the helicopter and everything.


How about we kill Liv, Jake AND Rowan?  That's sounding good to me right now, and I used to love Papa Pope.


Tom killed Jerry.  I just got that. Oh man.


Also, I expected we'd see Penny again.  What happened there?

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How sad and pathetic is it that Fitz is delusional and self-pitying enough to think that throwing money at problems and sweeping them under the rug is what his father would do instead of his own SOP?

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I am just tired of Liv's love triangle and all things B613.


Joe Morton's weekly bloviating, scenery chewing speeches are tiresome. He needs to go. I'm done with Papa Pope eating the entire show every week.




I LOVED Cyrus's speech to Abby. I haven't liked him that much in a very long time. Those were needed hard truths with a delivery that was actually more helpful than hurtful. And yay for someone recognizing that no one should actually want to be Olivia Pope.


Thank you, Cyrus. Abby is second to Papa Pope in the "most annoying character on my screen, and the character I say STFU to the most every week. "


And for all Fitz' childish name calling to his wife in the Come to Jesus scene between the two of them, it was really Mellie who had the final "dropping the mic" line. When she told him that their daughter's sex tape was "just like her daddy," and walked away, all Fitz' lines prior to that were forgotten. Not to mention amateur playground bullshit.  Fitz is dumber than dirt. The fact that he had the NERVE to demand to know Liv's personal life, while his wife and daughter are hanging on by a thread, proves that he is a piece of shit and the second worse person in the world (Papa Scenery Chewer being #1).


It they kill Jake, I'm out. Sex HAS to be better with him than the weak tool in the White House. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I gotta admit I LOVED Olivia going off at the extorting parents. That was great.


I Will Destroy You Olivia is my favorite Olivia.

I liked Liv kicking ass and taking names, but I am so tired of the endless dialogue where the various characters, including Liv herself, go on and on about how Olivia is the biggest badass to ever badass. Show, don't tell. And they do show. They just don't need to tell so much!


I also hate that she is always referred to as "Olivia Pope." Ugh, this show is so OTT.

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