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S29.E02: Method To This Madness


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Well, that sucked.


We got treated to the John Rocker Sucks At Everything Show, and what happens? Right . . . fucker finds an idol. Never mind he lost to Julie, never mind he drew the blank sheet .  . . Jeremy just had to share his clue, and we're all going to suffer because of it. Seriously, the guy lost both times he competed, and now he has a lifeline even as his past catches up to him. Is it wrong to suppose that there were signs pointing to the idol for him to find? I thought this game was going to be Russell-proofed.


I also feel bad for Val, though lying about having idols was a dumb move. And Rocker didn't bail her out. Not that I'd think he would, but he did promise to protect her. Nice goin', buddy. And you know Jeremy is going to be thrilled to pieces that his wife is gone.


Damn, why do I feel that Probst's shorts got tighter today? Rocker is still in the game, we got tears from Natalie and Baylor, and he got to jerk a tribe around regarding the flint. Granted, Hunapu(?)/Blue Tribe fucked up losing the thing and they screwed up negotiations, but I hate seeing Probst take the higher ground on anything, because he relishes the chance to play god with the hapless peons.


Next week . . . unless Rocker gets voted off, it's going to be a slog. BTW, what would happen if Natalie or Jeremy rises to meet the "loved ones" reward challenge?

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Favorite camera shot of the episode: Right after Wes voted the second time, an idol's profile is shown and it looks like Wes!  I'm sorry Val was voted off - I liked her and wanted her to go further.  I was thinking Exile Island was starting to be interesting as a way to make alliances across teams.  However, Rocker blew his.  Jeremy certainly won't be happy.


Guess what will happen? The reward challenge winning team returns to camp and finds their missing flint right away. It just slid under a rock or some leaf, the sun hits it and it glints in the sun.  So the tribe will have two flints and no fishing gear.  Jon should not have taken the blame - how does he know it really was his fault?  He might have put a target on his back.


I did notice that one girl kept pushing up her bikini top before the challenge.  The camera man and editors noticed, too.   My second favorite camera shots are when the teams left the rafts they just jumped and dove and flipped into the water at the same time.  They looked like a bunch of kids just having fun.

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I think they were right not to barter with Jeff until after the reward challenge.  Can you imagine how the challenge would have gone if they'd told him up front?  He might have have told them he wouldn't discuss barter terms until after the challenge, and then he'd spend the entire challenge saying things like, "Well, Julie needs this win because her team lost their flint!"  and "The pressure's on Julie because her team lost their flint!"  Nah, there's never a good time to tell Jeff something like that, but at least you wait to tell him until you don't have to hear him talk about it for as long.

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I am appalled that Julie had the NERVE to go on Survivor and be a girl. I would have thought John would have taught her better than that. I mean, didn't she know not to try?

I choose to believe that the producers somehow put in that challenge with the parts John would have to duck under just to fuck with him.

I know Baylor got whacked in the mouth and that HAD to hurt but I was more concerned with Missy's (Misty's?) head. That bump looked nasty.

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but I hate seeing Probst take the higher ground on anything, because he relishes the chance to play god with the hapless peons.



Yeah, that was just cringeworthy.   I hate seeing anybody cede more power to him than he should have in the game.  His head his big enough already.



It was kinda hilarious that Rocker truly believed that Val had an extra idol.  Or did he believe it was two?   i thought he knew it was all a ruse until I saw his second vote.  I still have no idea why he was apparently angry about it.  But the guy doesn't seem very bright at all.

Edited by vb68
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Ah, Val, lieing about one idol was risky but lieing about two was dumb. They always try to 'flush the idol out' if you admit or lie that you have one.

They sure edited it to seem like there are some dumb guys on the blue team. Losing the flint. During the kill each other challenge someone was cheering for the wrong teammate (if I heard right). There's still too many people, I'm not sure who's who yet.

John is getting the most camera time.

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Well, that was generally disappointing.  Was the clue that Jeremy/ John got the same one that Val got last week?  If so, why couldn't she find the idol?  Why didn't they even show her looking for it?  


All the strategizing made my head hurt.  Everyone just goes along with the splitting votes argument, and no one even considered voting for anyone other than Val or Baylor?  I wish that, especially during these early weeks when there are so many people, we had longer shows or two shows a week or something, so we could actually see more of the discussions leading in to the votes.


Why didn't John vote for Baylor instead of Val the second time?  

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Minority here, but I didn't like Val and I don't like her husband.  His entire persona thus far has been an almost hysterical "protect the wife", and now that she's gone, I think he's going to go postal.  He seems to hold a lot of aggression right below the surface. 


How on earth are Natalie & Nadiya ever going to have a healthy relationship with anybody outside their circle of 2?  Seems obsessive and unhealthy.  I know they're twins, but they aren't physically conjoined. 


I'm not really feeling any love for anybody yet.  I don't want to go through the whole season disliking everybody, and I really want somebody to root for!

Edited by leighdear
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I'm still confused as to why Josh cast a vote for Baylor last time. He said it was because it would hide the fact that he was working with her, but wouldn't it make the guys feel like Josh wasn't working with them?? I just don't get the logic there. 


Did Alan lick his lips when Reed did his little leg lift thing? 


I loved seeing Rocker's sorry ass sent to Exile Island. "I was beat by a girl". What a douche. After viewing the IC, it looks like you get beat by dudes too. 


I'm not yet rooting for one team over another, as I like people on both sides. But the IC was still very interesting to watch given all the family dynamics. Baylor totally mind fucked her mother. Maybe she really did get hurt, but I didn't see any blood or anything like that. But she sure milked that moment, standing there chin quivering, tears in her eyes. Missy wasn't in it after that, at all. 


I'm so annoyed that John Doucher has the idol and Val got sent home. 

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Rocker is a big ass and would love to see him go. He hasn't changed IMO, he doesn't think highly of women either, cause he lost to his girlfriend. I was really hoping he would go up against the gay guy in the challenge and lost. He's proving to not be much of an asset at all.

Val is an idiot though why would she say she has two idols? That's a no no early on and I know it is to discourage the other players but she played it all wrong.

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How on earth are Natalie & Nadiya ever going to have a healthy relationship with anybody outside their circle of 2?  Seems obsessive and unhealthy.  I know they're twins, but they aren't physically conjoined. 

I agree with this so much. It's one thing to be upset because your loved one is gone, it's another to cry that hard.
They need to spend some time a part for their own good.
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I have to say I'm appreciating the unpredictability of the (mostly new) characters together with their boneheaded moves.

Really Val?!?! Bluffing about not one idol but two at a point in the game when the only thought re idols is to flush them out. Either the two days away really did hurt her or she was just someone no one wanted to connect with. She kept alluding to the fact that her back was against the wall so seemed to know she was on her way home. Semed the desperation kept her from coming up with a better strategy.

And John!?!? Your petulant whining about being beaten by a kootie infected girrrrrrrllllllll seemed to really turn off a lot of folks. I confess to looking forward to the big reveal, inevitable ostracism and broadcast humiliation because schadenfreude is fun.

I thought it must be really hot out there and that the challenges must take a long time when I noticed that in the second Boobs McGee vs. the Farmer's daughter face off their hair had already dried. (Seems the editors were noticing something else).

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Well, two episodes in and I think I can confidently say I hate Josh. Twice now he has screwed up the vote by going rogue. It gives me unsettling flashbacks to this season of BIG BROTHER where one person (Derrick) was influencing everything....now we have Josh doing it here on SURVIVOR. Also his stupid Broadway analogy was giving me Frankie Grande flashbacks too.


I think Baylor's mom (Missy?) is damn lucky her tribe didn't lose because her bringing the challenge to a standstill to motherhen over Baylor instead of immediatly knocking her off while she was nursing the split lip in my book would have been ground for voting her out.


Since I never had the anti-twin bias the seems rampant I am rooting for Natalie to stay in as long as possible. I kind of like her and she is a competitor.


Lastly I don't understand bargaining for the flint....you are telling me 7 or so people can't get down on their knees and canvas the area until it was found?

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The island (sun, whatever) is not kind to Jaclyn's skin, I think.  When she was squaring off against Dale's daughter I was trying to place her:  "Baylor's mom? But no, she wasn't named Jaclyn I don't think...."  To me she looks a lot older now than her pre-island shots.  Of course, apparently I am not supposed to be looking at her face, but at her bikini-top-hoisting--except that I'm not the target market for that.


Baylor's lip was a little swollen and bloody right before the end of her matchup, but it seemed to heal quickly.

I'm glad that flint-loser Jon was safe just because I hope to hear more bon mots like "I wish I had a tail!"

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Eh. Who cares about the fishing gear? It's only good if it comes with someone talented enough to use it. Past recipients have floundered

Don't be so quick to jump the pun.

Despite being a city slicker, Josh seems to be quite the outdoors man. I'm sure he would have put the fishing gear to good use...if he weren't on the other tribe.

On the plus side, at least Reed needn't worry about Drew ever writing down his name.

  • Love 9

Maybe I missed it, but did we ever hear exactly how the Baylor-Val vote-split was supposed to play out (i.e. who was supposed to vote for each one)?


It seemed like John's plan was to get a tie, have Val play one of her (nonexistent) HIIs, thus saving Val this week, but burning one of her Idols.  


But then Val said that she and Jackie could vote against Baylor, thus sending Baylor out on a straight majority vote, and (presumably) somewhat blind-siding John.


But . . . if John told Val that he was trying to save her (which I think he did), then why wouldn't she just pitch the idea of an outright majority vote against Baylor directly to him?

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Ha Ha John Rocker got beat by a gurrl.   Julie should have sent Natalie with him.  I really can't stand her.  All that silly whining.  It's not like twinnie got sent to a death camp or something, She's at least at Ponderosa or maybe a nice hotel, but the rest of the women seemed to eat it up.


So everybody knows who Rocker is.  Good.  Sucks he found that idol.   I understand Josh's thinking, but it could easily backfire on him.  Same for Jeremy.  Sometimes you can ride the tiger, sometimes the tiger eats you.  Jeremy was really dumb sharing that clue with "Johnny Rock"  ugh.


"dude she's big"  LOL  Then Rocker loses to Mr. Fratboy.  LOL     Missy freaks out hurting her baby.  Drew really is an asshole.  I hope Alec gets to kick his "model" butt at some point.


Fun challenge, good match-ups.  Yellow team goes down again.  


Good tribal.  I love it when they get all bitchy with each other.  Good on Baylor standing up to Val.


Bye Val.  I took a big dislike to you tonight.  Looks like that phony idol story bit you in the butt,

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I was surprised that Julie picked Jeremy because I had stereotyped her after her comments in the last episode.  Figured she'd be a total airhead.  But Jeremy was really the best person to pick because he was the only one on who would truly know and understand how difficult that decision was and would be the least likely to hold it against her.


Of course, John had to go and fuck it up.  Why in the world did he even suggest Val or go along with Val being a potential vote-off?  There were so many ways to take the heat of Val without making himself a target.  I'm not putting it all on John.  Val pretty much voted herself out.  She didn't even seem to object or have any desire to scramble after she was told votes would go her way.  "Oh Jaclyn and I will just vote for Baylor and that will be that."  Ugh.  I was so disappointed in her play and her behavior after having such high hopes for her in the last episode.  Why on earth would she go after Baylor at TC after she pointed out that Baylor was with the dudes?  That was beyond stupid.  


I'm not yet digging this season.  Might take a few more episodes so I can at least get to know their names.  So far it's "blonde girl, other blonde girl, twin, John Rocker, firefighters, dude with long hair" etc.  

I am appalled that Julie had the NERVE to go on Survivor and be a girl. I would have thought John would have taught her better than that. I mean, didn't she know not to try?

Oh, but can you imagine the things John would have had to say if Julie decided to enter the game as a transgender male?  


I enjoy controversial players.  I would have liked Nadiya to stay in the game because she would have made it interesting for a viewer.  I never saw her on TAR nor heard of her before this season of Survivor so maybe my opinion would be different.  She's offensive due to ignorance rather than any sort of malice or aggression.  Someone like John is just one of those really malicious people.  For me that removes him from an entertaining reality player on tv to just a hateful person.  I watch Survivor to be entertained for an hour each week.  Don't need or want truly nasty people intruding on my entertainment.

Edited by bluebonnet
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Count me among those who found the idol spaced exactly seven John Rocker-sized paces from the well to be a bit suspicious. I mean, there's sort of a height difference between some of these people...

Also, how the hell did he think Val had two idols? If she got one on Exile Island, and one in camp, and then he found one in camp... how many does he think there are, exactly? Shouldn't he still be looking for the other twenty-three?

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Quite a lot of yelling at the TV tonight from me.. The welling music and tears at every opportunity just grates on me - family visit days were always confounding to me in the past, but it seems like they're going for that every night now.  Even in recent non-BVW seasons they seem to be going for a lot of cheap emotional manipulation, with Probst digging his thumbs in every chance he gets.  Felt bad for Natalie (huge Twinnie fan) as I would anybody but the music and questions were over the top, as usual.


Baylor's display during the challenge with her mother was unbelievably bad.  Her mother might has well have just jumped off given the amount of effort she put in once they resumed.  And this during an immunity challenge. Several other people took knocks and didn't stop competing.  The later stuff at tribal suggests she isn't well liked by her tribe, yet Josh still felt compelled to hold on to their alliance.  That man has an eye for goats.


As much as I prefer to judge people by their actions rather than their words, John Rocker can't be gone fast enough.  Very little self-awareness or social grace, very little intelligence (picking himself for a ball-balancing challenge), believing Val had two idols, picking fights in the preview, just another terrible stunt-cast which ruins the integrity of the game.  Not to mention the longer he sticks around the more scenes of group hand-wringing and pearl clutching we'll be subjected to from the editors. 


I generally hate the first five or six episodes of each season and this time around is no exception.

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Also, how the hell did he think Val had two idols? If she got one on Exile Island, and one in camp, and then he found one in camp... how many does he think there are, exactly?



Exactly.  He saw the clue and knew he found it, so if he really thought Val had two other ones at this point he really is as dumb as dirt.


Even if the guy who lost the flint doesn't win the game, he can always say he gave John Rocker a bloody nose.   I would totally give him a high five for that.

Edited by vb68
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I haven't been paying a lot of attention, but it seems that Rocker's team has now voted off their two strongest girls.  How exactly does that increase their chances to win future challenges?



Count me among those who found the idol spaced exactly seven John Rocker-sized paces from the well to be a bit asuspicious. I mean, there's sort of a height difference between some of these people...

Also, how the hell did he think Val had two idols? If she got one on Exile Island, and one in camp, and then he found one in camp... how many does he think there are, exactly? Shouldn't he still be looking for the other twenty-three?


I've had a problem with a lot of the idols found the last five years or so.  It may simply be because I never like the person who finds them.  It did look ridiculous. Rocker scratching aimlessly at the dirt, then suddenly - THERE IT IS!  His actions told me there was no way he'd find it, but it was obvious the camera was only on him for that reason.


When the team bartered the fishing equipment for flint, I think the losing team should have gotten the equipment, just to make it sting  little.


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I think that challenge was pretty dangerous. Yes, they were given the padded thingies, but many started leading with their unprotected heads, which is what caused both injuries.


As for the twinnies, I like them in spite of their TAR history. But they weren't exactly "together" in this game. I presume they slept at different camps and they didn't interact. Her reaction seems a bit over the top to me. She never answered Jeff's question either, about just who she was crying for.

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I haven't been paying a lot of attention, but it seems that Rocker's team has now voted off their two strongest girls.  How exactly does that increase their chances to win future challenges?

Because they still have all their men, and men are automatically better at challenges than women? According to Rocker, anyway.


I noticed that the other team sat out Julie in the immunity challenge, and she was the one who won the reward challenge for them.


I think that challenge was pretty dangerous. Yes, they were given the padded thingies, but many started leading with their unprotected heads, which is what caused both injuries.


They've done this challenge a bunch of times but this was the first time I saw people leading with their heads!  I actually thought John Rocker was bleeding at one point, they hit so hard.  Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised with how hard people worked this time around, getting down low / center of gravity is no easy feat, but once established can provide for some nice upsets.  Kelly impressed me big time by winning her rematch and, in turn, the challenge for her tribe.



As for the twinnies, I like them in spite of their TAR history. But they weren't exactly "together" in this game. I presume they slept at different camps and they didn't interact. Her reaction seems a bit over the top to me. She never answered Jeff's question either, about just who she was crying for.


I get that some twin siblings live more or less regular sibling lives, but other twins spend their entire lives together.  From what I know of Natalie and Nadiya, they are of the latter type. I love them especially because of their TAR history, and I felt awful for them both when Nadiya was eliminated because I knew just how bad that would be for both of them.  Having known more than one set of identical twins personally,  that bond is really, really strong.  I don't think the reaction was over the top, especially considering some of the "I haven't seen my dad/mom/son/daughter/boyfriend/wife for three weeks, let me cry about it at length for half an hour" reactions we get on this show (see every family visit episode ever).

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On the plus side, at least Reed needn't worry about Drew ever writing down his name.

This made me laugh so much I startled myself. The fact that I even can startle myself is an odd issue, but regardless, I hear future cheering: Go male person, yeah you there, that guy, win!

I always dread the challenges that teeter on the edge of injury. I also hate the speculative gleam in Peachy's eyes when family members go against one another. I comfort myself with the fact that none of Survivor's challenges have ever been as stupidly dangerous as the first one on Opposite Worlds.

The Reward challenge was nothing new. It just showed how much of a hard on Jeffy-Pop has for Rocker. It also showed just how ugly Rocker can be. So glad he got beat by his girl. It may have been "no friend" on their, but keep that up, it'll be "no girlfriend" as well. Don't forget his "use a choke hold."


So of course Rocker has to go and find the HII. *sigh* I don't know which combination of pictograms were on the idol clue that the old guy found on the well last episode, but it didn't appear to be required to find the actual HII. I generally don't like to get all conspiracy when a "villain" finds it, but at least everyone on prior seasons had to go sticking their hands in very scary places to get to it. WTF??!?!?


Jeffy also seemed to take major glee in the remaining Twinnie's tears. Even I was somewhat taken aback, and I find the Twinnies to be one the most annoying people to ever taint a CBS TV show. Jeff also got way too much of a god complex over holding the tribe in his control for the flint exchange. *eye rolll*


I also have to express my major dislike for this type of really physical combat challenge. They're not going to stop it until someone gets seriously hurt, or a serious fight breaks out. At least the Immunity Challenge gave me my favorite laugh of the entire episode:
Long haired blond dude "himbo": "Go Josh!!!"
Black haired dude: "It's Reed that's on our team." Followed by one of the longest, coldest glares ever given on this show.


Overall, I'm not too excited about anyone winning or losing yet. Just don't care. The only one I don't want to win is Rocker or the Twinnie. Those two fame whores have already had their 15 minutes.

Val was stupid to claim she had two idols. She would have been better off trying to ally with John. He said Jeremy shared the clue, and that must mean he wants John to work with Val. Val could have swayed John and brought along Baylor and Josh.

I can't stand Baylor. She's useless. Not as attractive as she thinks she is, doesn't seem bright, acts like a petulant child.

Why was it necessarily Jon's fault that the flint went missing? Because he used it last? Unless he threw it in the ocean, shouldn't it be somewhere right next to where he last used it?

After Nathalie and the other girls seemed to decide that fire was more important, the longhaired douche "model" scoffed and looked pissed. I don't like that guy, hope he is gone soon.

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I don't understand why the villains always end up finding the HII makes me think producers have their hands dipped in it a little. Then again the other cast mates are stupid to not try and look for it themselves without a clue, they just lie on the beach and plot and talk. Villains know they have to look or else they're out but others just try to play the social game hoping it gets them far.

Jeremy was bothering me when he once again said that he needed someone to protect his wife. He acts like Val is so helpless and can't fend for herself, although she's proven she's not that smart but nevertheless.

I can't stand Baylor. She's useless. Not as attractive as she thinks she is, doesn't seem bright, acts like a petulant child.



Not so useless considering how masterfully she played her mom in that challenge in my opinion. Oh I'm sure her lip really was split but that whole "I'm okay, let's play" all while I look at you with Bambi, blubbering eyes was total manipulation and man did it work. Missy all but threw that game away and all I could think at that point was she better pray her tribe wins because she might be in trouble.  And honestly, in the tribal council argument, I thought Val is the one who came off as unpleasant. So Baylor flipped on something she said she would do...uh yeah, it's Survivor.


I didn't mind Val calling her out to further put the heat on her but her approach was so aggressive and angry that all I could think then was that even if she made it through the vote, I'd be shocked if she made it far because she doesn't seem to have great people skills at all. I noticed that first with her demeanor after she lost her round in the challenge. Jacqueline tried to comfort her and she was just standing there angry and pissy. I get that she's a police officer and is probably tough in her every day life but that kind of aggressive approach on Survivor is not a good look.


This made me laugh so much I startled myself. The fact that I even can startle myself is an odd issue, but regardless, I hear future cheering: Go male person, yeah you there, that guy, win!



That cracked me up as well. I think what really got me was his "shrug, whatever" after John pointed out that Reed was the one on their tribe. Sort of a "whatever...who gives a crap, come on guy on our team whatever your name is." Jeremy's description of Drew at the start of the episode was spot on. Felt bad for Jon being grouped in that since he seems okay if maybe a little odd but Drew, yeah total tool with zero self-awareness.


I actually thought John Rocker was bleeding at one point, they hit so hard.



He was bleeding but just shrugged it off when Jeff asked him about it. 


Exactly.  He saw the clue and knew he found it, so if he really thought Val had two other ones at this point he really is as dumb as dirt.



All I could think when these people were discussing Val's supposed two idols was that they needed a Spencer on that tribe. Spencer would have realized right quick that didn't make any sense based on all his Survivor knowledge. Although I like to think Josh figured something wasn't right and was the one who suggested the 4-4 split rather than the 3 votes they were planning. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Jeremy was bothering me when he once again said that he needed someone to protect his wife. He acts like Val is so helpless and can't fend for herself, although she's proven she's not that smart but nevertheless.

I felt like this episode illustrated that Val definitely needing someone to fend for her because she can't do it, at least not in this game.  Now it seems like every decision she made was ridiculously stupid.  


-She misses out on a potential alliance by not sharing the idol clue with Keith.  They could have made a deal that she tries to hook up with Wes and Keith hooks up with Jeremy.  Having an in with Wes would have given her an in with the other dudes and even Baylor, putting her in the majority.  It's hard to say if it could have been helpful to Jeremy, though Keith and Jer may have bonded over the firefighting thing anyway.  Still hiding the clue from keith wasn't all that smart.

-She says she has two idols.  Granted, those idiots believed her.  However, she should have shut up about idols and left them guessing about whether or not she had an idol.  Talking about her idols merely just made them all want to flush them out whereas if she never mentioned it, they'd probably not be worrying about it at this point.

-She does nothing to get the votes off her and just agrees right away with the split vote thing.

-She's an asshole to the other person who is on the docket to be receiving votes even while pointing out that this other person has proven an ally to the majority alliance.  By all means, point out that Baylor has gone back on her word, but don't prove yourself an asshole while doing it.  


It's almost like she voted herself out. 

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