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Midsomer Murders - General Discussion

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I'm also watching season 18 on Acorn - I'm up to episode 5.  I liked the one about the cycling best, because I am really tired about the fabulously wealthy aristocrats that seem to make up most of the story lines.  My favorite thing about the series - Sykes.  My least favorite  - a tie between the Barnaby daughter's too-cutesy name (Betty Barnaby, ugh) and the way they've turned Mrs. B. into an overused plot device who every episode comes up with the nugget of obscure info that leads to the case being solved.  It would really be nice if DS Nelson were allowed to actually develop a personality.

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S18 E5 (Saints and Sinners) SPOILERS
 I quite liked this episode, all the loose ends were tied up and the SL was logical, except for the last murder, which I thought was preposterous.  Speaking of the murders, I liked how they were all so inventive.  My favorite part:  The look of amazement on Peter Corby's face when DCI Barnaby said that he wasn't a killer.  My least favorite part:  Not enough Sykes.   One thing I've always appreciated about the series is how pretty much each character, while simply portrayed, is not a complete cliche but an actual  person.  That's my fear for Kam, that they're going to go overboard in taking  her completely realistic competitiveness and making it cartoonish.  One thing I noticed - there seemed to be a lot of non-speaking people in the background of various scenes, either working or walking.  Not sure what, if anything, that means.

S18 E6 (Harvest of Souls) SPOILERS

What a mess.  The main story line was just awful (for example:  How could Rowena attempt to sell the pub without NIall's consent or even awareness?  She stated that they needed the money for a new doctor, but for what?  Their child had already died.)  What was even the point -beside showing that desperation makes people stupid - of Jessica kidnapping Amy?  Did she really think they wouldn't be discovered?  Yeah, I know family feeling blah blah.   I have to admit that the worst part for me - to the point where I literally couldn't look at the screen- was NIall's teeth-baring grimaces while he was talking and "emoting," with those huge teeth. Sykes is a much better actor than whoever played Niall (and Rowena, and half the other people in the cast, for that matter).  Speaking of Sykes - yeah!  Finally, while I first  thought that Nelson and Kam going to the funfair was cute, I was completely turned off by her insistence that it was her shot that hit the coconut, unless she is joking and I am missing the point entirely, as so often happens.

Okay, I'm only just finding this entry, and I'm impressed to discover that the reviewer not only loves this show as much as I do (after seeing my first one, I went to the local library and proceed to watch every single episode, several episodes a day, from the beginning until John Barnaby's baby was born, which is where the library's DVD collection left off) but is also a fan of my favorite cheese -- Humboldt Fog. Say the word and I'll leave my husband for you!

Wanted to give a "shout out" to  the new sidekick DS Charlie Nelson (Gwilym Lee)  who is very model of what a middle-aged senior detective's side-kick should be -- "happy to be here" ... I hadn't realized there were new episodes on Netflix and wondered if anyone else was as taken with this "new" face .. who's already been replaced... 

Daily Mail: The mystery of the disappearing Midsomer sidekicks.

Edited by SusanSunflower
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I'm one who has just gotten the Midsomer addiction this fall.  Without Netflix or  PBS, I found that my local library has all of the series and I'm enjoying my way through them pretty much in order of production.  
Who would have thought that a library would have DVDs?  There's someone else watching because they and I are sort of working our way through...sometimes I have to wait for them to return a set.  

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On ‎02‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 4:26 PM, officetemp said:

I think both Barnaby's wife (Jean?) and Cully are annoying.  The wife seems to be an "in-crowd-wannabe" type and Cully doesn't understand how demanding and restrictive and dangerous Barnaby's occupation is.  Neither of them seem to appreciate him much.

I didn't mind Joyce most of the time, but there are some episodes where she seemed really gullible about supernatural stuff, and I found that odd for someone who is married to a police officer.  Cully, on the other hand, was a waste of oxygen, except for Scott's first episode when he jumped in the river to rescue her and thus got wet.

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They change something about the police office every single episode. Walls go up, then they come down, the desks are back to back then front to front, wood to metal, file cabinets moved, 'murder board' moved, changed, it's ridiculous! What kind of budget do these police have that they can overhaul the office every few weeks? And why doesn't a Detective Inspector rate their own office?

Also, does every episode -have- to end with Barnaby (Dudgeon) using his psychology degree to talk down someone about to off someone (or themselves)

I never heard about this show before last month, but I binged the first 13 seasons on Netflix.  I tried to keep an open mind about John Barnaby, but I just don't like him.  I only made it through 3 episodes of him before I decided to go back to the beginning and start over with the Barnaby I loved.  I don't understand why they felt the need to bring in a new Barnaby at all.  Why couldn't they just have promoted Jones to DCI and made Stephens his DS?  I would have lapped that up no problem, but trying to shove this new Barnaby down my throat is not working.  All I did was roll my eyes every time he talked about his psychology training.  And I did not appreciate them dumbing Jones down to make Barnaby seem wonderful.  Jones was always the most competent of Tom Barnaby's DSs, so that was just a slap in the face.

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I started binge-watching after Christmas and now only have the last show in season 19 to watch.  

I had read articles discussing how people complained that the show was "too white."  I guess that that was solved by putting a biracial couple into every episode in the seasons 18 and 19.  It can't be two people of color in a relationship, one of them has to be white.  Maybe by season 20 they will venture further into diversity.

One quick question.  IMBD lists two additional episodes in season 19.  There are character lists, but no plot summaries.  Those two episodes are not on netflix.  Have they aired in the UK?

4 hours ago, ShelleySue said:

One quick question.  IMBD lists two additional episodes in season 19.  There are character lists, but no plot summaries.  Those two episodes are not on netflix.

Those last 2 episodes just became available on Netflix US; I'm watching now! Here are their descriptions:

S19 ep 5: DCI Barnaby and DS Winter crash a Jane Austen-themed fantasy camp after a participant is found murdered on the grounds.

S19 ep 6: An up-and-coming classical musician is murdered after winning an award. Barnaby and Winter must narrow down a symphony's worth of suspects.

So, I watched season 19 and I realized, I don't like Winters. I know, I know, the sidekicks are rarely fleshed out and overall not too exciting but he is just the worst  of the bunch for me.

I also went back and started with the original Barnaby and I also realized that I like him better. Which is odd because at the beginning I thought he brought something new to it. Now, it seems that either, the writing has become rather repetitive, or the new one is simply rather one-note. However, I like the new one's wife better. Original Mrs Barnaby was just....odd.

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I have watched the first 4 episodes of season 19.  They definitely did better recasting Sykes' replacement than Nelson's.  The new pup Paddy is adorable.  But I don't care for Winter.  I am trying to warm up to him but it isn't working.  

I enjoyed seeing Ben back in episode 3.  That probably made it even more obvious to me that Winter isn't fitting in.  I am sure some fans enjoy the new guy.  I have warmed up to all the replacements during the years.  But this time it is a no go for me.  I don't care that much for Cam either.

On 11/10/2014 at 10:36 PM, limecoke said:

Creepiest for me was the episode where children committed the murders.  Can't remember the name of the episode but it was weird.  

I know this was posted quite awhile back, but I'm just reading now. I think I know which episode you are talking about. Someone had posted after you thinking it was the 3 siblings as adults who killed people, but I don't think you meant that one. Were you thinking of the one where it showed them as actual little kids playing around in the forest and near water, along with the "dorky" kid? And while showing off, the one kid held the dorky kid under water and it seemed like he killed him. So they threw him down a well? I think that's what happened. That one really creeped me out. I didn't like it. It left a really bad taste with me. I think that was Midsomer Murders. I could be confusing it since I watch all of these PBS mysteries. 

I'm definitely not on the new eps yet. I've bee watching on the PBS/WETA channels in the DC area. I could rent DVDs from the library, but I like having all of these shows that air occasionally to have things to watch throughout the year. I feel like if I watch them all quickly on DVD, I won't have things to watch when my other shows are off. I guess I might have to eventually if it seems like I won't get to see all of the episodes considering how many seasons this show has had.

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I don't like the last two medical examiner ladies - the blonde or Cam. Or Winter. It seemed really forced to have them be good pals with the Barnabys and the sidekick. Whatevs. The last guy, Nelson, was starting to grow on me by the end of season 18. Did the actor get another TV show?

I do like the current Mrs. Barnaby, don't care about the baby or the new dog. Was sad that the Sykes character got killed off. Woof!

Oh dear - I'm watching ep 2 of season 19 and just realized Richard Bucket from Keeping Up Appearances is on it! "Richard!"

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I watch it Monday nights on one of Atlanta's PBS stations.  We were clipping right along, through season 12 and then they reverted back to Troy's leaving, season 7. Finished showing that season and then skipped ahead to season 10 with Jones already merrily sidekicking his way through Midsomer.  I don't *think* I'm confused.  I just need to bite the bullet and subscribe to Acorn, so I can watch the whole thing, start to up-to-date.

I read the books and was gobsmacked at how bigoted & ignorant Troy was. They did a much better job of defining his character for TV. In the books, it also seemed to be a running gag that Joyce was a horrible cook, which they acknowledged the first season of the TV show, but then seemed to drop it.

Really, considering how much I like this show, the books were dreadful. I'm thankful someone saw through the dreck to see the jewel underneath and then made the TV show. Jeez, you'd be halfway through the book before the first murder occurred! Graham spent so much time defining the "nutters" and their situations before the story actually began.

Now that I've got Acorn and am skipping around the seasons, I've seen at least one episode of each "sidekick" and really prefer Ben. If you watch his first show and the last few, you can see how his character's grown into the role of detective. I found it quite satisfying and thought his transfer to become a DI more than logical.  The other guys were just there as foils for either Barnaby and to knock down doors.  While Ben did more than his fair share of knocking down doors & running after the bad guys, we saw him grow. I appreciated that.

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I recently saw that episode and thought it was excellent. Usually, you know who we're supposed to suspect as a red herring, so you have to try to ignore that to be as quick as Barnaby. This one...we knew the kid in the opening sequence was named Annabel.  Later, they mentioned twice that "Annabel Cross" cancelled her assignment to be a judge in the contest, making Johnstone her replacement.  I kept thinking perhaps this Cross woman was the child Annabel & was going to show up later as a perp.  Hahahaha. Boy, was *I* fooled.

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 3:46 PM, enoughcats said:

`Binge watching is a wonderful thing.  

You have something to look forward to in Season 19, Part 1, the episode called "Last Man Out".  To fully appreciate it, binge watch episodes in order.


OK, it's a good episode any time you watch it, but in order, it gives an additional smile. 

Thanks. Will do. 

I am about to begin season 18 and I know Sykes passes away, but, do we actually see anything or just hear about it?  I am assuming (hoping) it is an illness.  I don't think I could handle actually seeing something happen to him or seeing him after it happens.  I am still recovering from losing my 16 year old boy and think that would just be too much.

I know the actual dog retired and he is fine, but still.


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