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S46 Ep. 10 "Run the Red Light"

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I’m sorry, folks, this is all my fault. For the last several years, I’ve been recording all of my shows, including Surviver, and watching them on time delay so I can FF over commercials. So, it’s thanks to me, and people like me, that we have these egregious product placements. Forgive me. (Totally worth it, though)

I agree that Survivor is not the show to sign up for if you’re allergic to coconut and fruit. Remember the days when tribes would win chickens? Yeah, well she can’t eat that either. If she was planning on rice, New Survivor doesn’t provide that anymore, except under certain conditions. I’m glad they did offer her a chance to win individual rice. I guess it looks bad to starve a contestant to death on national television.

i don’t know why somebody didn’t whisper to Tiffany to play her idol. It would have been a win win..her idol would be gone, and so would Q. Now we have to put up with his nonsense for another week. He must be a delight as a boss. People must beg to be fired. 

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4 hours ago, Skooma said:

So why should he take her.  Because she was laying a stupid guilt trip on him?  Guilt tripping someone is the lowest of the low.  I mean she acted like he had killed her kid or something.

Reminded me of some past BB loser lady who got real upset with some guy cause he did something that didn't go her way on the eve of the birthday of one of her kids. 

Ah yes, the amazing tantrum by Rockstar after Brett was one of the deciding votes to evict one of her allies "ON MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY!" Part of the hilarity was that he hadn't done anything to her specifically but to someone else, yet she flipped out.


4 hours ago, Skooma said:
7 hours ago, Brown44 said:

Few of them knew Hunter had an idol, why didn't they look for one?

Hunter told them he had an idol.  I don't know if he told everybody but everybody knew he had one before they went to tribal.

There was some chatter early in the episode where they sounded like they were unsure whether Hunter actually had an idol. Some seemed to wonder if he only claimed to have one in the hours before TC to dissuade a vote against him. I don't remember if he actually showed his idol to anyone, though. So, maybe some people considered checking for an idol, but maybe they weren't certain it even existed. Also, there probably wasn't as much time for idol-hunting with half the tribe away at the sanctuary overnight.

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6 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

i don’t know why somebody didn’t whisper to Tiffany to play her idol. It would have been a win win..her idol would be gone, and so would Q.

YES!  I don't understand why no one considered fooling Tiff into playing her idol but voting out Q.  There are other ways to flush an idol without voting the holder out.

I had to miss the whole Applebees/tantrum bruhaha but I don't care enough to go back and watch it today.

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7 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

Charlie talking about exercising his hand and forearm to strengthen his grip sent my mind to a very bad place. 

I can kind of see why, but I don't look at Charlie exercising to strengthen his grip to be any different than practicing using a flint to make fire before coming on the show.  If you watch the show long enough, you know there's a very good chance that a challenge is going to come along where you're going to have to hold on to something heavy for an extended period of time.  If Survivor wanted to take away this advantage, they'd amp up their creativity level instead of resting on their laurels with the challenges and throwing in more freaking immunity idols and crap to make things "interesting."

Regarding Hunter's idol: I said this in the live chat, but my dad's theory is that the reason no one went looking for it this week is because they may have thought he was bluffing.  So they didn't realize there was anything to look for, because playing/not playing an idol has nothing to do with whether one gets hidden again.  


The previews for next week seemed to indicate that players were scrambling to find the idol everyone knew Tiffany had and went home with.  Which makes me wonder whether there are now two in play since Hunter DID have an idol he was voted out with.  And if there are two hidden out there, things are about to get very interesting...


Edited by wallflower75
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24 minutes ago, QQQQ said:
6 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

I’m sorry, folks, this is all my fault. For the last several years, I’ve been recording all of my shows, including Surviver, and watching them on time delay so I can FF over commercials. 

That would make this week's episode about 27 seconds long bc it's mostly an Applebee's commercial. 

I probably would have replied with a gif full of a standing ovation if I had more time.  Since that isn't happening, I might have to frame your response and display it in the Hall of Fame instead.

And Jodithgrace, you have nothing to be sorry for.  I pretty much do the same.  Though I never expected a point where it might be better to fast forward from one commercial break to the next, but here we are

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I’m still fixated on Liz not eating. But she actually can eat rice. Everyone has been eating the finite amount of rice that they have. So saying she hasn’t rated in 18 days is not accurate. She hasn’t been able to eat coconut. But there have been many seasons without any extra food sources. She can’t make a fire to cook her own rice. I just…this is a big part of the game that she chose to play and she seems spectacularly unprepared. Are people housing 8 coconuts a day? (Maybe.) Her bitterness just seems ridiculous to me, and I’m someone who gets extremely hangry if I’m not fed at regular intervals. I know I need food and sleep to function and therefore, I will never go on Survivor.

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40 minutes ago, Heathrowe said:

I’m still fixated on Liz not eating. But she actually can eat rice. Everyone has been eating the finite amount of rice that they have. So saying she hasn’t rated in 18 days is not accurate

I think they've been out of rice for a while now.  That's why it was such a big deal when nobody stepped forward at the previous challenge where Jeff offered a bag of rice.  They knew they were out, and it would have made a HUGE difference for all of them.

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I will never understand people who go home with an idol in their pocket. Especially when the worst case outcome is you may look paranoid but are still there competing.

They act like idols/advantages l are a precious commodity in short supply. When in actuality more each year & everyone knows that they're put back in play once used. If I'm Hunter or Liz, I play my idol and know that I have a good chance of finding one again.

No sympathy for Liz. She knew what she was signing up for. I'm also allergic to coconut so I've mentally opted out of Survivor for 20+ years (yeah, like that's the only reason!). Is she also not able to fish/seafood?

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Tiffany not playing her idol was the dumbest not-play I've ever seen.  Jeff was hinting strongly throughout Tribal, she had just seen several examples of Q being the smoke screen for blindsides, she had heard her name come up in the "we need to flush her idol" sense a few times, she had just demonstarted what a challenge threat she was against Charlie.

It's incredible that she chose to keep it in her pocket.  I'm not sorry.  I always found the nose ring hard to look at and watching her eat with two shiny things hanging out of her nostrils really put me off the  Applebees commercial. They should sue.

"Eating burgers makes me feel connected with my daughter." is one of the weirdest things I've heard on Survivor.  Do you have to have something like that to remember her, Liz?

Q was right to pick people he wanted to work with to get to the end, but if he had wanted to pick someone based on need he should have picked Charlie.  Jeff may have no sympathy for Charlie's constant dizzy spells but I do.  A tall young man like Charlie probably needs close to 3000 calories a day compared to about 1800 for little Liz.  A few mangoes and coconut pieces would only serve to spike Charlie's blood sugar and make him hungrier. 


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10 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Well, Venus is still here 😂

And I say good!  I'm not sure of anything about this season anymore, but she's playing the game and not caving under the pressure of not being "liked" by anyone (which I don't completely understand, but whatever).  I would not hate a Venus win.  In a season where the majority of players are so full of themselves I'm surprised they can walk upright, why not Venus? 

10 hours ago, princelina said:

And still smugging when Jeff starts to read the votes, until she again realizes that she was left out of the plan! 🤣

This is true, but at least she sits there and smugs quietly unlike Kenzie, whose jaw unhinged for the entire time it took for Tiffany to stand up, bring her torch to Jeff and walk down the jungle path of shame.  I feel like those huge reactions are mostly for the jury's benefit anyway and they bug me.

I have no idea why I am rooting for Venus except that I think she was an early and convenient scapegoat, and I'm not sure what she's doing wrong in comparison with the histrionics of Bhanu, Q, Liz, etc.


2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

That would make this week's episode about 27 seconds long bc it's mostly an Applebee's commercial. 



Edited by laurakaye
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Well, someone must have been late with the meds tray at the Survivor Asylum. Liz, who was just about to be given privileges, has been removed to the secure wing. Tiffany, clearly delusional, has had to be rehoused elsewhere. Kenzie has been painting on her face with the art supplies, so those have been removed...

The inmates are so attached to the little bracelets they make with beads in art therapy, they are asking if they may wear them when they leave!

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Zero sympathy for Liz, not only because she knew what she was signing up for, but because that ridiculous display of hers was more theater than real despair. If she were truly more desperate for food than everyone else, she would have stepped forward at the IC the instant Jeff brought out the rice and then tried to talk 3 other people into stepping forward. But even after he brought out the Mason jar and said one person could have it by stepping out -- and they have never done something like that before, that was clearly meant for her -- she STILL dithered about it, until I think it finally clicked with her that if she didn't take it, then people would know her constant whining was a play for sympathy. She didn't throw that tantrum about the Sacred Bourbon Burger of Mother and Child because she needed some kind of food in her system; she did it because she didn't get the treat she wanted and, for some reason, thinks she deserves, and also because she doesn't like Q and just wanted to scream at him.

I was also disappointed in Ben for siding with her and shit-talking Q in confessional. I get that he's happy to be in with any group at all, but if my choices were side with Liz and and Venus or go out in the jungle and talk to a bat, I'd take the bat.

Regarding Q ... damned if I'm not pulling for him! Charlie is still my first choice to win the game (he's aware of what's happening at all times, he's kind, he's a no drama guy), but if Charlie can't win, then I want Q to win. As far as I'm concerned, Tiffany is the only one who has a legitimate beef with him because he targeted her and outed her idol. Kenzie can't take any high ground because she went after Tiffany only two days after Q did. Really, the only thing he's done wrong is cause unnecessary chaos, but it never changed any outcomes or votes; the only thing he did was put himself on the outs because he's unpredictable. If he gets to F3 with Charlie, Maria, or Kenzie, then he loses, but if he gets there with any combo of Venus, Liz, or Ben, I think he can win. He only needs five votes, and the only people I'm certain would never vote for him to win are Tiff, Venus, and Liz. Everyone else, I think, could be up for grabs.

Edited by fishcakes
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35 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Regarding Q ... damned if I'm not pulling for him! Charlie is still my first choice to win the game (he's aware of what's happening at all times, he's kind, he's a no drama guy), but if Charlie can't win, then I want Q to win. As far as I'm concerned, Tiffany is the only one who has a legitimate beef with him because he targeted her and outed her idol. Kenzie can't take any high ground because she went after Tiffany only two days after Q did. Really, the only thing he's done wrong is cause unnecessary chaos, but it never changed any outcomes or votes; the only thing he did was put himself on the outs because he's unpredictable. If he gets to F3 with Charlie, Maria, or Kenzie, then he loses, but if he gets there with any combo of Venus, Liz, or Ben, I think he can win. He only needs five votes, and the only people I'm certain would never vote for him to win are Tiff, Venus, and Liz. Everyone else, I think, could be up for grabs.

Agreed.  Charlie's been my favorite from the first, but I can't hate Q. I've enjoyed his unpredictable behavior, plus,  I have to admit it,  every time he smiles I'm ready to forgive almost anything.

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So, when I was watching last night, I initially had sympathy for Liz. Regardless of the question on if she should be on Survivor or not, the show still cast her, so Liz's food allergies is not her fault. If production felt like it would negatively affect their game, similarly to how they won't cast people who are on certain medications, they should have done the same with Liz. But the point is that they still cast her. This isn't a Jackson Fox situation where he lied about medication; Liz obviously was upfront with her allergies before the show.

And having so many allergies is something I can sympathize with Liz for. She can't help it that she has allergies, and it likely makes her real life a lot more difficult. Being on the island and having so few options I can imagine is difficult and being hungry can lead to angry outbursts; that's why the term "hangry" exists. Liz was probably feeling that 10x over.

That being said, above all of that, taking it FULLY out on Q and then obsessing over it for the rest of the episode is what made me lose sympathy for her. It is still a game. It's one thing to have her meltdown and then come back to reality and realize that she's being irrational. It's another to keep blaming Q and admitting her apology to him was fake. It crosses a line from an emotional reaction from not eating to pure entitlement. 

Q made the right decision for him. Taking Liz would have been a terrible idea. I'm glad he stuck to his decision. He was 100% right in not taking her.

I don't get why Liz was more trustworthy than Venus for the Tiffany blindside, though. We're clearly missing some stuff regarding Venus. Liz had an irrational outburst at Q and she still is more trusting than Venus. I know Venus has been an annoyance and nobody has trusted her, but it was very telling that we're still missing stuff on Venus if she was never an option to be brought in to the plan.

I'm glad Kenzie recognized that Q's choices for the reward was his attempt at an apology tour, just without ANY apology. He really expected to be forgiven because he brought them for a food reward. I loved her confessional about Q not deserving to be at the end because he's spitting in the face of applicants who can't get cast but Q can be trying to quit and being dragged farther.

Maria finally made some moves! Hooray! Her and Charlie are thinking logically, which is great. 

Ben's irrational hate for Q reminds me of Katurah's irrational hate for Bruce. It's weird. I get not liking someone, but their confessionals have taken up episodes to the point where it's clear that it's a personal thing.

This cast is nuts. It's fun to watch, but these players suck at the game.

Sucks for Tiffany, but she was being warned on a blindside and tried keeping her idol through one more round.


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I have no sympathy for Liz and her entitlement.  She's the one that chose to go on Survivor where she knew she was allergic to 99% of the food they eat on the island.  Just because she goes to Applebee's every week, doesn't mean she deserves to go on the reward (although it was a little shitty of Q to make it sound like he was going to pick her).

Venus seems to have disappeared the last few episodes and is hardly getting any screen time. 

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1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

The Sacred Bourbon Burger of Mother and Child

This should have been the title of the episode.

Also, if I'm starving on a beach in Fiji, I have to say the very last thing I would want to feed my starvation with would be a giant bucket full of blue alcohol.  That said, I laughed out loud when - after they gorged on appetizers - the servers brought the main course and no one looked enthused...followed by the Sacred Burger and an Oreo shake for dessert, lol.  No one could possibly eat that much food, that was insane.    


28 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I loved her confessional about Q not deserving to be at the end because he's spitting in the face of applicants who can't get cast but Q can be trying to quit and being dragged farther.

This is why I can't get on the Q to win train.  He's said he wanted to quit at two TC's that I can think of, for reasons that only Q understands.  If he does go to the end because his constant wanting to bail was reason enough for others to bring him to final 3, thinking he wouldn't get jury votes, it is kind of a slap in the face to anyone trying to get on this show.  But it also doesn't look great for the people that brought him there.  There's bringing a goat to the end, and there's bringing a guy who proclaimed in front of everyone that he didn't want to be there to the end.  Do they reward Q for wanting to quit and cause chaos as his strategy?  Or reward whoever decided to bring him along?  

I am sort of hate-watching this season but also I cannot wait to see who wins.

Edited by laurakaye
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The biggest clue for me that Tiff was likely the one going home (which I believe was before we saw Maria talking about getting Tiff out, correct me if I'm wrong) was that they made the effort to show us Tiff saying she hadn't heard anyone else's name but Q's.

It brings out the old cliche that if you don't have a seat at the table, then you're on the menu.

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4 hours ago, Haleth said:

YES!  I don't understand why no one considered fooling Tiff into playing her idol but voting out Q.  There are other ways to flush an idol without voting the holder out.

Because the whole point wasn't to flush the idol.  The point was to get rid of Tiff.  The idol was an obstacle to be overcome in the quest to get rid of Tiff because Tiff was a strong player in her own right whether she had an idol or not.

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14 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Just read article where Tiff stated that both Maria and Kenzie both wanted to give Liz their spot on the reward. Q wouldn't  allow it. What? When was that a thing? If Liz's outburst happened after that then it is more understandable. Why didn't we see that? So help me if it's because Q wins!!!!!!

Good. I’m glad he didn’t give in to her entitled whining.

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17 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Just read article where Tiff stated that both Maria and Kenzie both wanted to give Liz their spot on the reward. Q wouldn't  allow it. What? When was that a thing? If Liz's outburst happened after that then it is more understandable. Why didn't we see that? So help me if it's because Q wins!!!!!!

I'm glad Q didn't allow it.  Never ever, EVER, E-V-E-R give into some self-entitled, whiny, self-proclaimed martyr acting up like some four year old throwing a temper tantrum.

I respect Q for standing firm against that nonsense!

Edited by Skooma
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Liz knew what she was signing up for so I have no sympathy for her.  Her tantrum was hilarious, but it got old afterwards.  Just STFU about it.  Q made the right call not rewarding her meltdown, but it's funny as  hell that Kenzie sees right through him and won't be bought off.

For a long time, I've been telling people I'm allergic to stuff I know I don't like (most veggies, mayo, lamb).

I got so sick of people yammering "What's wrong with you?  Why don't you like "X"?  It's really good.  You have to try some.  Come on just try it.  It's great stuff".  On and on and on and on.

This way they just go "Awwwww" and drop it.

However, I will try most anything I've never had.  Were I on Survivor (hahaha! never happen.  I do my camping in hotels) I could choke down most anything (except cucumbers, melons - they really do hurt me).

I'll root for Charlie to win.  Kenzie has grown on me.  A Venus win would be hilarious.  The rest, meh.

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I'm glad Q didn't let Maria or Kenzie give Liz the reward. He earned it; he gets to pick who he wants. If they want to give it up and he has to pick again, that's one thing, but they shouldn't get to choose for him.

Also, it seems that even before the challenge, Liz was trying to guilt people into taking her on the reward and said in a TH that she didn't want to win it, she wanted someone to give it to her. So this tells me again that it wasn't about the food so much as it was about her wanting to feel like she's in charge. Crazy that she thinks Q should give her anything after she's been so obviously against him.

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Why all the Applebees hate? I mean, I get it's not haute cuisine, and the product placement here wasn't exactly subtle, but I've enjoyed a meal or two there. It's no different than Chiles or Olive Garden or any other chain and I'm not some snob who turns their nose up at chains just because they're chains. (I get that Liz hatred is probably a factor here too.)

13 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I guess now with all of Nami gone she's even more of an afterthought.

Venus is also Nami so they're not all gone. Two Yanu left, two Nami, three Siga.

12 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I understand that, but shouldn’t the casting people get the majority of the blame?

They cast Liz for the same reason they cast all the other kooks. They think they'll be "good TV." The idea of casting someone who can't eat most of what's available must have been irresistible. They must have been in ecstasy when she had her breakdown this episode, it was just what they were hoping for.

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5 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

But then, out of nowhere, Ben (who I previously had liked) ripped Q apart during a confessional because Q dared to not take Liz on the reward.  What?  Just because someone cries and has a hissy fit, someone should feel bad for them and take them on a reward? 

But yet he didn't volunteer to sit out of either challenge to ensure they all got  rice (which she could eat).   Not faulting him for doing so.   He wanted to protect his spot in the game and play for immunity.   But he shouldn't criticize Q for protecting his spot in the game either.   


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6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

They cast Liz for the same reason they cast all the other kooks. They think they'll be "good TV."

Yes. She's just so ridiculously egotistical. "Every man wants to get with Liz." "I'm going to go home and have a hot girl summer." In a way, she reminds me of Coach, but at least his delusions were entertaining.

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8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Why all the Applebees hate? I mean, I get it's not haute cuisine, and the product placement here wasn't exactly subtle, but I've enjoyed a meal or two there. It's no different than Chiles or Olive Garden or any other chain and I'm not some snob who turns their nose up at chains just because they're chains. (I get that Liz hatred is probably a factor here too.)

Venus is also Nami so they're not all gone. Two Yanu left, two Nami, three Siga.

I guess I should have clarified that the Nami threats are gone.  Despite what Venus/Liz think of their gameplay and standing no one is taking them seriously.  If Maria didn’t need a 5th number Liz would have been left out of another vote.

As for Applebee’s, I used to love them and thought they were one of the more reasonably priced chains with good deals.  But I had one bad meal too many (all at different locations) and the last two times I ate there the food didn’t sit well with me.  I ordered a burger but it sure didn’t taste like one.  So that food last night made me nauseous just looking at it.  For the record, I don’t mind chains.  When I travel I’ll usually take a chain over a local restaurant.  I know for some people they like checking out local places, but unless I know someone who’s had experience at a local place I’ll take a chain.  

26 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Crazy that she thinks Q should give her anything after she's been so obviously against him.

I thought it was funny that she stopped the waterworks as soon as Q pointed out that she voted for him at the previous TC.  While I felt kind of sorry for her, I definitely agree that Q didn’t owe her anything.  I still don’t get why she thought he blew up her game and spot.  

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13 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I understand that, but shouldn’t the casting people get the majority of the blame? 

No - she's "grown", as Tiff said about Q 😃

3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

 the show still cast her, so Liz's food allergies is not her fault. If production felt like it would negatively affect their game, similarly to how they won't cast people who are on certain medications, they should have done the same with Liz.

I think this is on Liz - she can play hungrier if that's her choice.  They have cast a deaf woman, who knew she  would be at a disadvantage when she wouldn't be able to hear all conversations.  They cast a woman who had to fling off her artificial leg in one of the challenges!  It's different than why they couldn't cast a blind person or someone in a wheelchair, who would just be literally unable to do what's needed to be on the show.  If adults who know they'll be at a disadvantage want to play, that's on them.  IMO of course 😃

37 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Yes. She's just so ridiculously egotistical. "Every man wants to get with Liz." "I'm going to go home and have a hot girl summer." In a way, she reminds me of Coach, but at least his delusions were entertaining.

Haha in retrospect, but I vaguely remember a time when I hated his guts 😂

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15 hours ago, Brown44 said:

What happened in the last 10 years of Survivor? I remembered in the earlier year's people got upset when they got voted out and it wasn't even a blindside. Now people standup grab there pole say "I love you guy's", they say "l love you" back and smile at Jeff happy to see him take out your flame, then turn around and say "bye guy's". Me, I'm throwing the middle finger and saying "f all ya'll, you too Jeff, now hurry up so I can go get me something to eat."

Hunter didn't. When he was voted out, and they threw out the, we love you, he said I find that hard to believe,  when you just voted me out. It wasn't  an f you, but he wasn't  happy.

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You all said everything that needed to be said about Liz except with all that "crying" her face appeared to be bone dry.  Gross attempt at emotional manipulation.  Q was a straight savage for not taking her and I love it.  Reminded her, "You voted for me."

And then did that heifer really say, "Someone needs to start a fire" when she got back to camp with her pity-rice?  Bitch, if you don't go choke on your dry, uncooked rice!  FOH, we don't work for you!



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1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

I'm glad Q didn't let Maria or Kenzie give Liz the reward. He earned it; he gets to pick who he wants. If they want to give it up and he has to pick again, that's one thing, but they shouldn't get to choose for him.

Also, it seems that even before the challenge, Liz was trying to guilt people into taking her on the reward and said in a TH that she didn't want to win it, she wanted someone to give it to her. So this tells me again that it wasn't about the food so much as it was about her wanting to feel like she's in charge. Crazy that she thinks Q should give her anything after she's been so obviously against him.

She's a big ole drama queen for sure.  Q didn't owe her anything.

One thing I've noticed is that no one this season is even trying to fish.  Not even Hunter.  If Liz is truly starving, there are things out there that she could try to catch.  She doesn't want to try at all, just like she couldn't make fire to cook her own rice.

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1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

Yes. She's just so ridiculously egotistical. "Every man wants to get with Liz." "I'm going to go home and have a hot girl summer." In a way, she reminds me of Coach, but at least his delusions were entertaining.

Somewhere in America, a casting department intern for Season 50 is placing calls to Coach and Liz and cackling in glee.

As gobsmacked as I was over Liz raging "I'M PISSED!!" to the heavens and then continuing to rant until her vocal cords gave out, I have to say that there have been plenty of times I have wanted to do the exact same thing so I had to give her a tiny handclap for that...but perhaps not on an international tv show while competing for a million dollars.  I mean I love Panera's apple chicken salad, but I don't think I would want to verbally murder someone over one.

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I liked watching it again and seeing stuff I missed last night,  Tiff's awesome performance in the challenge, Venus starting to give Liz a hug and then jerking back in fear when Liz resumed her flailing.  

I forgot Liz saying later, "Q screwed me over,"  as if he had promised her something and then reneged.  He did no such thing.

Worst was during the immunity challenge when Tiff was praised and Liz mutters, "She got to eat."  Right.  Nothing makes one able to endure pain better than a huge snifter of booze and some quesadillas.  I'll bet Tiff was throwing up blue all night.

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17 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I wish Kenzie had clued Tiffany in and hadn’t been pushing so hard for her to go.  She definitely seemed to be having second thoughts and I’m not sure why she thought it was a good move in the first place.  

Had Kenzie told Tiff about the plan to vote her out, she would have achieved her goal of getting the idol out, and she and Tiff would still be an alliance.  If I'm one of the others, I now know Kenzie can't be trusted if she was willing to throw out her ride-or-die with 8 players still in the game.  That's the kind of move you pull at 5 or 6.  No way would I trust anything Kenzie says or does from now on.

I haven't liked Maria or Venus since the beginning and nothing they have done since has altered that opinion.

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21 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

Had Kenzie told Tiff about the plan to vote her out, she would have achieved her goal of getting the idol out, and she and Tiff would still be an alliance.  If I'm one of the others, I now know Kenzie can't be trusted if she was willing to throw out her ride-or-die with 8 players still in the game.  That's the kind of move you pull at 5 or 6.  No way would I trust anything Kenzie says or does from now on.

I haven't liked Maria or Venus since the beginning and nothing they have done since has altered that opinion.

It's not like they clued Kenzie in on the plan to get rid of Tiff. She talked about it but she backed out and assumed that plan was off the table for now. Kenzie could have secretly told Tiffany to play her idol just in case because she's "heard chatter" about voting Tiff out. Kenzie would have still voted for Q as she did here so Kenzie would have had some cover with others because her behavior and vote didn't have to change.

It would have been a resume builder for Tiffany for successfully using her idol.

In that scenario, I think someone would have told Tiffany afterwards that Kenzie also discussed voting her out.

  • Like 4
8 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Oh, and for all of the multi-millions that she told us she has, go buy an Applebee's franchise after the show if it means so much to you!

 You know, people with multimillions don't generally go to Applebees's if they live anywhere that has better restaurants.  I lived my whole life until recently in LA and LA county and never even saw an Applebees and it wasn't on my radar. Kind of like Dairy Queen - no interest whatsoever even if I knew where one was. Then I moved to a rural area out of state and honestly it's the usual place folks go. Fortunately ours is okay. I got dragged to one other in another town and it was vile. So there's definitely quality differences between franchises. Anyway, if Liz has that kind of money and lives anywhere that isn't rural I cast doubt on the whole Applebees story anyway.

Her tantrum was astonishing, and her lingering fury and vengefulness manic. She cannot be voted out soon enough for me.

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I have zero sympathy for Liz.  I know it's happened before, but I don't think I've seen someone cry this much about not getting chosen for the reward.  I don't recall anyone screaming in anger about not getting picked.  I don't recall anyone trying to guilt trip someone this much into picking them.  I've seen begging, but not guilt tripping.  And I definitely don't recall someone getting this much airtime about it.  We had to hear about it SO MANY TIMES.

I can't believe the sense ot entitlement she had.  Just because she can't eat anything (it was her choice to go on the show knowing she wouldn't be able to eat much), just because she has a special dinner there every week with her daughter, just because it's the "EXACT BURGER" that she orders... OH WELL.

If she wanted to win the reward, then she should have tried harder to win it.  As it was, she was dead last in getting to the beanbag.  For a minute with the swell in the music I really thought she was going to win with her first toss that went on and off.

On top of that, I'm so glad that Q reminded her that she voted for him.  She hated him the night before to the point where she stubbornly refused to change her vote to anyone but Q.  Then the next day she's begging this person that she hates so much to take her?  Mmmhmmm.

I'd also like to send out a big SCREW YOU to Jeffy for bending the rules to give Liz her own personal bottle of rice.  What?!  I don't think we have seen that before.  We have certainly seen contestants step out of challenges for food before (Jenna and Heidi stripping for peanut butter, and Tyson and Gervase eating chicken wings and gleefully flaunting them and throwing the bones over their shoulders comes to mind).  But last week it was all or nothing.  4 people sit out or no rice.  This week was the same.  4 people sit out or no rice.  Oh but Liz had a nervous breakdown so let's give her her own rice.

Don't understand that at all... the whole point was that it needed to be a group decision, and yet, they bend the rules to give Liz her own rice.  Why didn't Q or whoever else was willing to step out last week get their own bottles of rice last week?

Is there a psychiatrist at the camp?  People have medical issues, Jeffy calls out the medical team.  I think Liz should have been forced to undergo a psych eval back at camp.  She seemed like she had a mental breakdown.  I think that's the only reason why they gave her her own bottle of rice at the IC.

15 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I understand that, but shouldn’t the casting people get the majority of the blame? Maybe Liz applied and left out the allergies, and the production didn’t press her about it. Between Liz, Q,  Bhanu, Jelinsky, the three people who went out with idols, and whatever other irritants that I’m not considering, I would think people would get fired. They’ll probably get promotions because Probst gets hard by the insanity these wild cards bring.

I don't agree.  There's absolutely no way she would be allowed to leave out her allergies.  If she purposely omitted her allergies and then there was ever a situation where something happened to her because she was provided with food and had a health issue with it, there could be legal liability on production.  Just the same as with any food allergy or other medical condition.

I think she told them about it, they told her about the food situation. She may have expected them to make accomodations.  It is evident that no accomodations were made, and I'm sure they told her that.  Having done that, she still wanted to go on the show.

Her not eating is a situation of her own making.  Also, I cannot remember, but can she eat fish?  If she can eat fish, why isn't she shown fishing every day?  Or why can't she ask someone to fish for her?

She also could have tried harder to convince others to step out to get rice last time.  And yet we saw even this time, she refused to step out.  She should have been the first one to step out and try to convince others to do so.

9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Until this episode I was fairly neutral on Liz.  Sure, I was tired of her 'countdown' clock of how long it had been since she had eaten (it's been 72 hours...) and I laughed at her wanting to take credit for everything that happened in the game (2 weeks ago I thought Soda should go), but this episode led me to really, really, really dislike her.  Her sense of entitlement is off the charts.  Along with her expectation that everyone should help her at every turn of the game.  So what that you and your daughter go to Applebee's?  Oh, and thinking people owed you a 'piece of home'?  So what?  But, what really displayed her sense of entitlement was when after getting her personal rice she stated that someone would have to start a fire for her so she could cook her rice.  You want to eat?  Start your own fire!

"I'm gonna need someone to make a fire for me."  How about, "can someone please help me make a fire or show me how to do it".   So much entitlement.


3 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Just read article where Tiff stated that both Maria and Kenzie both wanted to give Liz their spot on the reward. Q wouldn't  allow it. What? When was that a thing? If Liz's outburst happened after that then it is more understandable. Why didn't we see that? So help me if it's because Q wins!!!!!!

Q won the reward.  He gets to choose people to take with him.  If the person he chose declines the reward, then he should get to pick the replacement.  Maria and Kenzie had no right to pass on their spot to Liz.  Q didn't want Liz with him at the reward, and that's his right.

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3 hours ago, Skooma said:

I'm glad Q didn't allow it.  Never ever, EVER, E-V-E-R give into some self-entitled, whiny, self-proclaimed martyr acting up like some four year old throwing a temper tantrum.

I respect Q for standing firm against that nonsense!

Why be glad?  That shouldn't have been his choice.  If they wanted to give up their spot, then it should've been their choice, not his.

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