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S46 Ep. 4: "Don't Touch the Oven"

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"A castaway must deal with the aftermath of oversharing with other tribe members during a journey; one castaway attempts to take the game into their own hands to avoid getting their torch snuffed"


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Bhanu couldn't  lie, if his life depended  on it. Sadly in this game it does. 
Namaste  Bhanu.

I think Hunter is a terrific  player, especially  when it comes down to hoops etc., don't  vote him off yet! I want to see more of him.

I'm not fond of Kenzie, but I do like Soda.

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Bhanu! Why are you throwing shade at The Almighty? He did you a solid ;last episode sending Random home over nothing but a pinched nerve!

Seriously though his descent into madness official crossed over into the disturbing when he dropped to his knees begging Tiffany for some salvation.  With that said...Tiffany kicking a man when he was down wasn't the best look)

The whole tribe was a bunch of phonies pretending to be Kumbaya in the wake of the cancelled tribal but immediately turning all mean girl afterward.

Anyway, after all these seasons they finally got an honest to God real life Gilligan on the island...right down to a red shirt.

He'll be back though even if Jeff has to move heaven and earth to create a special themed season ala another "Second Chance" season just to get him back to the island. Bank on it.

Some truly laughable editing tonight. Did anyone in the known universe not know Yanu would win the reward challenge after showing him praying on the beach? Then there was Jeff shouting "Come on in!" when the boats were a mile away far beyond hearing range and then having him shouting to Bhanu as if he could hear him underwater. Must have been intern week in the editing bay.

The cloud in the silver lining of 90-minute episodes is you inevitably get mind numbing filler like the song contest and the diving practice which added up to much ado about nothing as Moriah didn't freeze up like that castaway last season did in one of the most embarassing and inexplicable moments on the show.

The sight of grown people holding their noses jumping had to be seen to be believed. At least Venus didn't let go mid-way down like the other woman did!

Jem was foolish staging the whole snipe hunt for the idol. All it did was draw attention to someone having it and if it she gets outed, I don't think her allies are going to appreciate being made a fool of.

Edited by North of Eden
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Well that was the first time I fast forwarded through Tribal and didn’t even watch the vote. I could not stand to hear another whiny pity party for Bhanu. You did not win my heart Bhanu, you took a spot from someone who actually wanted to play the game. He’s got to be up there as of one of the worst players in Survivor history. Seeing him flopping around on the ground like a dead fish was just embarrassing!

Oh and I noticed Soda yet again grabbing the idol out of Venus’s hands.

Edited by Cotypubby
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53 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

Well that was the first time I fast forwarded through Tribal and didn’t even watch the vote. I could not stand to hear another whiny pity party for Bhanu. You did not win my heart Bhanu, you took a spot from someone who actually wanted to play the game. He’s got to be up there as of one of the worst players in Survivor history. Seeing him flopping around on the ground like a dead fish was just embarrassing!

Oh and I noticed Soda yet again grabbing the idol out of Venus’s hands.

You didn’t miss a vote, they verbally eliminated him. In the Venus v Soda, I’m team V, and ok with Soda going next, the idol snatching every time is uncalled for. Although Moriah who sits out every 2nd challenge can go as well.

ETA: is there a reason we have a separate live chat thread for each episode? There isn’t one for other shows that are open during airing like TAR for example.

Edited by dizzyd
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Thank God Bhanu is gone. Too much focus on him since the show started. With him gone, no more pity party and no more of his "woe is me" nonsense. He got saved last week, but finally gone this week. Won't miss him at all. Now, Yanu can certainly win an immunity challenge.

Can some players on Nami stop singing like complete buffoons? No need or care to hear it. Soda can go anytime, and Venus can stay please.

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Good lord, that was painful! Thank goodness that's over so we can focus on some other people for a change.

Where was Tiffany during all those scenes with Q and Kenzie talking to Bhanu or about Bhanu? She just disappeared for a while.

Goofy Ben has pretty eyes. 

Have we ever had a Survivor challenge puzzle nerd who was as athletically gifted as Hunter? That's different.

Moriah busted up her face so we can tell her apart from Liz. Thanks for taking one for the team, Moriah! I'll do some jumping in your honor.


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Bhanu definitely needed to go.  But he lives in America with a graduate degree and a partner so he's not completely bereft.  I liked him at first, but he's got the crazy eyes 😳. I did enjoy "Q" and his efforts to make some kind of player out of Bhanu; he's a coach who takes his calling seriously!  I also appreciated Tiffany telling him to get off his knees or she wouldn't talk to him, and I don't think her being honest with him was a bad look. Kenzie is my least favorite on the tribe, but I can't argue with what she said, and at least she knows how to play and apologized for it.  And Bhanu:  you didn't try your best.  That challenge you lost for your team?  You didn't listen to the instructions, didn't watch the other players who went before you, and didn't do the obvious when confronted with a giant wooden staircase!  That's 3 strikes even without his other screwups!

I am curious about what Jem's plan for this beware advantage is; I don't know if it's a good idea for her or not, but it's interesting to me so kudos!

I've finally figured out who Hunter reminds me of - he's a better looking version of Jeremy, Ariana's brother on Vanderpump Rules.  No offense, Hunter - you are better looking and less creepy 😊

Finally, the best line of the show for me tonight was Jeff at TC - I paraphrase, but:  "Bhanu, it sucks that you're leaving without even a vote, but I feel  intoxicated!" 😂😂😂

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*long, exasperated sigh*

Watching Bhanu rant and rave and question a higher power about why he was in such dire straits . . . if you replace “God” with “casting directors and Jeff Probst,” it becomes more logical and less icky. Why was he there, Jeffy? Did he call you “guru” in his audition and you just had to have him on? Watching him crash and burn was not fun, and I honestly believe Probst gets off on other people’s misery.

Well, at least we can pay attention to stuff like Soda continuing to snatch the idol (which I did not notice) and Hunter being as close to perfect as one can get. He’s probably played that challenge a few dozen times, and he wasn’t ashamed to toss the balls grandma-style.

Fuck it, at least we got TAR. And Bhanu probably wouldn’t have been a massive car pileup if he was cast on Big Brother. Cirie was right . . . some fans need to stay in the couch, even if Guru Jeff thinks differently.

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That is going to backfire on Jem.  You can count on it.

Bhanu, Bhanu, Bhanu ...  Your brand of drama is no good on Survivor.  You should have tried out for Big Brother.

I sure hope medical is helping Moriah's face situation.  It's like her whole upper lip area between her nose and lips is completely chapped and raw, and she's got sores on her chin.  It looks painful, and I hope it isn't some sort of tropical skin infection.

I kind of like that Q us such a coach that he can't help himself from offering help to Bhanu, even though he knows it is literally hopeless.  It is truly his calling.  I hope Q stays a decent guy, I'm tired of being disappointed by promising Survivor strong men becoming arrogant assholes once their challenge dominance has been established.

Looking at you, Hunter.

Speaking of, I thought the little sing-along bit was nice.  Apparently Hunter didn't, he looked so angry and sour at that bit of fun.  I don't understand what his deal was about that.  Should they have been building replica puzzles, or practicing swimming, or toughening their feet for the inevitable barefoot endurance challenges?

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3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

ETA: is there a reason we have a separate live chat thread for each episode? There isn’t one for other shows that are open during airing like TAR for example.

In the past we had two separate threads.  I can't remember the reason but I think it was because the live chat threads were more lively then, and people who didn't post in real time didn't like having to read back a bunch of pages (or something like that).   We can stick to one thread though if that's what people want!   

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2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Looking at you, Hunter.

Speaking of, I thought the little sing-along bit was nice.  Apparently Hunter didn't, he looked so angry and sour at that bit of fun.  I don't understand what his deal was about that.  Should they have been building replica puzzles, or practicing swimming, or toughening their feet for the inevitable barefoot endurance challenges?

If I remember correctly, didn't he say in the first episode that he'd been a camp counselor in the past, and the thing he always hated camp songs? Anyway, love watching him at the challenges!

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Thank god that's over. I almost lost the will to live during that episode. I have never before been so bored with a season of Survivor. It doesn't help that I've just finished watching the last season of Australian Survivor, where people were playing hard straight out of the gate and there was an engaging and interesting cast.

There was one funny moment when Bhanu was crying and he peeked through his fingers to see if the camera was getting it!

I don't think him leaving will change much. This is a bad season. Will keep watching, I suppose. Very tempted to quit during this episode.

One thing that really irritated me: Has no-one on Vanu ever heard of sashimi? Oh, no, we can't use those fish...


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5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

In the past we had two separate threads.  I can't remember the reason but I think it was because the live chat threads were more lively then, and people who didn't post in real time didn't like having to read back a bunch of pages (or something like that).   We can stick to one thread though if that's what people want!   

I like the separate threads.  I usually don't post until the next day and reading through a very long thread (with a lot of people saying the same thing) is difficult to read and reply to.

Watching last night was very painful.  I don't know what happened to Bhanu mentally but he just lost it.  On his knees begging to not go home was a really bad visual.

As for his tribe, I'd love to see them lose the next three but I'm sure we'll get a merge or swap before then.

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Add me to the long list of people who are glad that Bhanu is gone.  Now maybe we'll get a chance to meet some of the other players.  

I will say though, at one point, I was seriously wondering if Bhanu's total lack of self awareness and gameplay was an act?  How could ANYONE, much less a Survivor superfan, not know that you shouldn't spill the tea to other teams, and especially then to come back and admit it all to your own teammates (who you were already on the outs with)?!?!  When Q was giving him the lesson on how to respond to questions at tribal, I was thinking, "Nobody can be this dumb".  And the constant meltdowns and catch phrases ("I'm playing for a million hearts")  GAHHHH!!!  I wonder what his partner thinks as he watches this all back.  What a total tool!

Did I mention that I'm glad he's gone?

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Bhanu will go through life telling people he was just too honest for Survivor, but a million brains saw that his whole game was a lie.  So meek and subservient while Q was patiently coaching him, then complaining about people telling him what to do,  begging Kenzie for favors then viciously talking about her behind her back, loudly praying to God all day long, then ranting at him for not getting to win Survivor.  True believers don't do that, they're afraid to.  So glad he's gone.

Will Venus starve to death?  Usually it's the skinny young men I worry about, but this time it's her.  And what's with the fish rewards?  My fitness pal just told me my big 6oz filet of salmon is 140 calories.  It's like they're being put on Atkins. Their metabolisms have now gone from idling on rice to fourth gear and they will be twice as hungry.

Then there's poor Moriah  whose  short Achilles tendons were never meant to jump.  I found out in ballet class that your jump comes from being able to make a spring out of bending your knees with your heels on the ground,(demi plie'.) She can't do that. 

Maria had the same problem trying to get the ring over the pole.  She was starting too high.  She needed to bend her knees and start lower to get that spring behind it.  Q should have been there for both of them.

I love Hunter, he's great at everything, but so was Xander a few seasons back and we know how that went.

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I was holding out some level of hope that Bhanu might either a) be faking being as pathetic as he apparently is or b) might have an Emily-from-last-season renaissance and go from one of the most annoying castaways IMO to one I was rooting for and might hope to see in a second appearance. But nope. He was who we thought he was. (h/t Denny Green).

Or is he? Could this all been an act? If so, seems unlikely to achieve any goal for Bhanu. His 15 minutes of fame are up. I tend to doubt that he will be able to parlay this into another Survivor or reality show appearance. I could see production wanting to spice this up or entice applications, maybe. I know I would be terrible on Survivor -- can't really swim, old, fat, not used to roughing it, I have sleep apnea and so I would drive tribemates insane with snoring and be sleep-deprived in addition to starving. But my ass would do better than Bhanu did. So I could see a bunch of people at home deciding to apply on that ground.

It's now two seasons in a row where one tribe is noticeably weaker than the other two. They simply are going to have to realign the tribes next episode, won't they?

17 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I didn't care for Jem's fake beware advantage hunt.  I feel it's mean and manipulative for no reason, just like the 'fake idol' given to Jess on the other tribe.

I think creating the fake idol to Jess was pure Mean Girls-ery. They could have sweet-talked her into thinking that the vote was Bhanu, for instance, and stopped her from using the shot in the dark that way. And even if she played it, that's like a 17 percent chance it succeeds. Not enough justification to go to those elaborate lengths. They just wanted to pat themselves on the back for being so clever as to outwit someone who would believe that at this stage of the game he would give up a bonifide idol to save someone he wasn't particularly close to.  

We will see where Jem goes with trying to create the suspicion that the idol is still out there. But there are a couple possible directions. She could throw suspicion on a particular tribemate that that person has the idol and thus needs to be blindsided. She could reveal to someone she wants to get closer to that in fact she has the beware advantage and laid out this trap (a strategy that could in fact backfire). 

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10 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Well that was the first time I fast forwarded through Tribal and didn’t even watch the vote.

Same. This season is so dreadfully boring. 

3 hours ago, violet and green said:

I don't think him leaving will change much. This is a bad season. Will keep watching, I suppose. Very tempted to quit during this episode.

I agree. I think this season is just dead in the water. I have never been more bored watching. There is literally no one to really root for for me. I'm not anywhere near as enamored with Hunter as everyone else seems to be. Same for Maria, who I borderline (maybe irrationally) hate. I want Venus to make it but that seems impossible and honestly I don't really care that much if she does. Terrible cast.

1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

As for the others (who we may finally get to know a bit better now that Bhanu is finally gone...), I didn't care for Jem's fake beware advantage hunt.  I feel it's mean and manipulative for no reason, just like the 'fake idol' given to Jess on the other tribe.

I didn't like it either. It didn't feel as soley mean girly as Q/Tiffany/Kenzie's fake idol stunt but it still just didn't make Jem look too good to me. 

43 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

We will see where Jem goes with trying to create the suspicion that the idol is still out there. But there are a couple possible directions. She could throw suspicion on a particular tribemate that that person has the idol and thus needs to be blindsided. 

She already did that. She told Maria that she thinks Tim has it since he was the one digging for it the most. Now if I were the other tribe members, I would wonder why Jem barely seemed to care about it but these people don't seem that observant lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think Survivor has jumped the shark.



n the past we had two separate threads.  I can't remember the reason but I think it was because the live chat threads were more lively then, and people who didn't post in real time didn't like having to read back a bunch of pages (or something like that).   We can stick to one thread though if that's what people want!

I like having the the separate threads (for what that's worth).

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Dear lord. Bhanu removed my will to live last night. 

I remain amazed, however, that people get all offended that tribe mates who know they're at the bottom of the pile spill the beans to other tribes. Like, duh. 

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Had to laugh at the two Van Halen shoutouts within 5 minutes of each other (David Lee Roth/Jump and Jeff saying "diver down" during the competition). If TPTB insist on players like Bhanu, I demand more Easter egg 80s references sprinkled throughout episodes to keep me entertained.

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2 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

Had to laugh at the two Van Halen shoutouts within 5 minutes of each other (David Lee Roth/Jump and Jeff saying "diver down" during the competition). If TPTB insist on players like Bhanu, I demand more Easter egg 80s references sprinkled throughout episodes to keep me entertained.

It made me sad that Survivor would not spring for the rights to play a snippet from "Jump." Not a huge Van Halen fan but that song makes me happy because it makes me think of the 84 Cubs. Not that I'm a particular Cubs fan either but still...

55 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She already did that. She told Maria that she thinks Tim has it since he was the one digging for it the most. Now if I were the other tribe members, I would wonder why Jem barely seemed to care about it but these people don't seem that observant lol.

The question is whether Jem (without the Holograms) can get a payoff from doing so. If she can, then arguably it is worth it. If it causes people to realize she's "playing too hard" or lying or what not, then it probably was not. But at the very least, there's some risk-reward there that I can respect, unlike the "Hey person with no allies and no game skills, we want to fool you into playing a fake idol even though if you actually thought to play your shot in the dark AND succeeded, we'd have a perfectly acceptable backup plan in voting off Bhanu." play.

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8 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

In the past we had two separate threads.  I can't remember the reason but I think it was because the live chat threads were more lively then, and people who didn't post in real time didn't like having to read back a bunch of pages (or something like that).   We can stick to one thread though if that's what people want!   

I vote for doing away with the chat and going back to the one thread. A lot of people DVR to skip through the commercials and are not watching the show live.

Edited by North of Eden
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4 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I vote for doing away with the chat and going back to the one thread. A lot of people DVR to skip through the commercials and are not watching the show live.

Yes, I watch after the show so as to condense it without the commercials. I prefer one post-show thread.

Goodbye and good riddance to Bhanu. The actor from IMDB was acting, in my opinion. Taking on the role of the pathetic man who relies on the goodness of others to pity him. 

Didn't work and it’s his own fault that he screwed up the last challenge.

I know it’s mostly due to Maria that her team lost, but Tim also cost them a lot of time when he kept upending the float. 

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3 hours ago, cowgirlwen said:

I wonder what his partner thinks as he watches this all back.  What a total tool!

I wonder if he still HAS his partner after the two of them watch all of this back?  Yikes.  What a daily, hourly drain of a partner, co-worker, friend, family member Bhanu would be.  Unless it is all an act (I don't think it is).

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Vanu gave up the fish reward because they don't have fire. Because they don't have a flint. Is that where we are with Survivor now? If Jeffy doesn't give us our precious flint and hold our hands as we try to make fire, we just give up? Just go without fire, not even trying another method as these superfans have seen done so many times in the past?

It says a lot about where this show is now.

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I'm with everyone who's suspicious that Bhanu was putting on an act. Survivor was an audition reel for him so that he can have something on his IMDb page other than a list of fake credits of when he appeared as an extra in a crowd scene.

At the same time, a little psychiatric intervention wouldn't be the worst thing for him. When Tiff said, "I'm going to be honest with you, I'm writing your name down," I thought there was a 50-50 chance he might flip out and try to murder her on the spot.

"I take no joy in keeping your flint, but I am going to keep your flint HAHAHAHAHAHA." The worse these casts get, the more of a magnificent bastard Jeff becomes.


Edited by fishcakes
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so glad Bhanu is gone for his sake (he seemed unstable) and ours. His mood swing/personality whiplash was painful to watch. If he really is the person we saw, i cannot believe he is a superfan. He played like Survivor had some how foudn a person who has been locked away somewhere with no tv or internet for the last 25 years so he has no idea how this Surivivor thing works. 

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Between this and Amazing Race this season, I'm over people declaring themselves SuperFans!! and then acting like they've never watched the show before.

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It wasn't a good look for Jem when she was grinning and giggling a little when watching her tribemates being stung by ants while digging for a non-existent Beware advantage she planted.

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4 hours ago, mertensia said:

I remain amazed, however, that people get all offended that tribe mates who know they're at the bottom of the pile spill the beans to other tribes. Like, duh. 

I don't think they're that offended - they knew it was a possibility.  They're just tired of his nonsense and how repeatedly stupid he is.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The fact that this show thought spending an inordinate amount of time on someone like Bhanu - voted out in the fourth episode - just shows how far up their own asses they are now. I'm taking it at face value that Probst thinks Bhanu's "journey" is what the show is all about. 

(Side note - I vote for keeping a separate Live thread. They are two different animals. Live threads are for immediate reactions, show threads are for after you've gathered your thoughts and meaningful discussions.)

To be fair - there could be wackos on other tribes and we just haven't seen them since this tribe keeps losing! 😃

I vote with you for a separate live thread.

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1 hour ago, violet and green said:

So, that was basically 7 hours of Vanu (not an engaging or interesting or endearing tribe), heavily featuring Bhanu, to start the season off. On what planet is this good TV?

And it was the second season in a row to feature two contestants who never should have been there in the first place:  Bhanu and Jalinsky this season, and the gal who quit and the guy who couldn't climb a ladder last season.

Maybe you take a break and get people who can actually compete.  And edit the episodes to 60 minutes!  When you have to add orchestration to a camp sing along, maybe think of cutting it?

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2 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

Between this and Amazing Race this season, I'm over people declaring themselves SuperFans!! and then acting like they've never watched the show before.

I don't have much of a problem with that.  It's common we see people who are such fans of either show claim they know what to do and think that the show will be easy for them, but then get on and realize that it's harder than it looks, and the inevitable shock at that causes them to fuck up left and right.

I think that that's what happened with Bhanu and, to a lesser extent, Jess this season, and on TAR, more than likely to cousins Kishori & Karishma and siblings Maya & Rohan.

5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm not anywhere near as enamored with Hunter as everyone else seems to be.

Nor am I.  Good on him for preparing ahead of time, but he's the same challenge beast we see every season.  Why's everyone acting like that's something new?

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6 hours ago, meep.meep said:

And it was the second season in a row to feature two contestants who never should have been there in the first place:  Bhanu and Jalinsky this season, and the gal who quit and the guy who couldn't climb a ladder last season.

I'd say that last season had three who never should've been there: Hannah (the woman who quit), Brandon (the aforementioned guy who couldn't climb a ladder), and Sean (crying quitter who missed his husband).

7 hours ago, fishcakes said:

As bad as this season is, we need to remember the real victim: Jess, who was stuck for a time at Ponderosa with only Jelinsky and Bhanu.

There's a chance that Randen was there to mitigate some of that.

Edited by Rodney
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If Bhanu wasn't gone after this ep, I seriously would've stopped watching.

I honestly think Hunter has made a mistake showing how much of a challenge monster he is; I think he should've sandbagged a bit.  YMMV.  But yeah...he's gone once the merge happens; too much of a "threat" I presume, in the eyes of the weaker players.

Curious to see if Jem's wild goose chase comes back to bite her.  I wonder if at some point she's wondering "uhhh, maybe I shouldn't have done that.  No real upside."

Edited by Duke Silver
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14 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

If Bhanu wasn't gone after this ep, I seriously would've stopped watching.

I honestly think Hunter has made a mistake showing how much of a challenge monster he is; I think he should've sandbagged a bit.  YMMV.  But yeah...he's gone once the merge happens; too much of a "threat" I presume, in the eyes of the weaker players.

Curious to see if Jem's wild goose chase comes back to bite her.  I wonder if at some point she's wondering "uhhh, maybe I shouldn't have done that.  No real upside."

I wonder if Hunter is overdoing showing his competency because he's bored. They haven't had any TC tension, they have supplies and food, plus the grade school kumbiya singalongs would drive any normal adult nuts.

4 minutes ago, Lady Lucy said:



9 months later and still delusional. I couldn't finish reading because I was so disgusted.

I stopped reading when he referred to himself in the third person. What a fucking tool. 

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

The fact that this show thought spending an inordinate amount of time on someone like Bhanu - voted out in the fourth episode - just shows how far up their own asses they are now. I'm taking it at face value that Probst thinks Bhanu's "journey" is what the show is all about. 

They've drunk their own Kool-Aid if they've convinced themselves this is what we want out of Survivor. "Characters" like Bhanu who have a "story" to tell. This is why all the challenges are lame iterations of the same thing over and over again, they don't care about those anymore, they think we just want to spend time with "characters" like Bhanu. That's what they think makes "good TV."


One more vote for keeping separate threads. I don't know why the Amazing Race ones got consolidated, but: not a fan. Sometimes I enjoy live reactions, sometimes I just want the post-game analysis and don't want to dig through 158 posts to find where it begins in #159.

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