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S18.E15: One on One: Part 1


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Taking the tree to "Christine's Christmas" wasn't the issue. In fact, a rental was the only thing big enough to house all of Jenelle's kids that were coming to town for the Holiday. Christine and her girls showed up later so this wasn't a Christine specific plan.

The real trigger was probably not being able to make everyone gather at She-ra Chateau. Instead they did invited him to the rental and he declined saying, "He had a home."  

Edited by Bean421
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I kinda believe Robyn when she said she didn’t know Kodisha was never in love with the OG3. Makes sense since she’s created this little world where she’s too self absorbed to notice anything happening around her. She just checks in and out when it’s convenient so she can look good but truly has no clue what is really going on in the Family. 

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 Seems like TLC production and Suki are afraid to lose Kody, he sure has them by the short hairs. Suki asked no hard questions, she soft balled the whole thing.  So disappointing.  So let them lose Kody.  He’s a narcissistic grandiose asshole and none of us viewers like him. It’s a shame that he’s treated with kid gloves.  
ETA not sure what’s wrong with me but I cheered Meri, looking dead-ass into the camera, saying her voice will be heard.  I hope she held to that as I’m sure this was all filmed over a year ago. 

Edited by Meowwww
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I watched the first hour. I found it moderately entertaining. It seemed to mainly focus on Janelle, so I assume each hour will focus mainly on one wife. 

Suki doesn't bother me. I kind of like her. I look at what she actually has to work with regarding the Brown family. She navigates it pretty well. 

It said something to me about Christine's real personality when she admitted that she told Janelle not to go home when Kody had Covid. Christine wasn't wrong in her interpretation of the situation, but her tone and attitude spoke volumes about who is the alpha in the Christine/Janelle relationship. Some of Kody's comments about Christine's personality and constant complaints during their marriage are probably true. 

I also think that both Kody and Christine hate each other, and both have done things to stick it to the other person. In some ways, they deserve each other. 

Is it obvious that I don't like any of these people?

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5 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Kody admits he was never "in love" with any woman until Robyn.  He didn't even know what it felt like and in some ways even he was sold some Kool Aid by his faith that relationships with women should not be about feelings but an arrangement that is supposedly pleasing to God. 

I'm not seeing that.  I don't think he misled them.  If we can believe prior episodes, even the wives said they more or less made the rules (am I remembering that correctly?)  I do agree he was in it for the covenant, but I think he was just blindsided by actual love.  

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Besides, the religious aspects, I also think Kody was influenced by wanting to have sex, which in most strict religious sects is forbidden outside of marriage.  (This of course is not exclusive to his religion - I see it all the time - young people being "in love" and getting married at what seems to be a way too young age when in reality what they really want to do is have sex.  Sex just isn't enough to sustain a relationship for a woman (this is a win-win situation for a man because if you aren't limited on the amount of wives you can certainly have sex with multiple women...LOL!).

A lot of bad relationships start out with people mistaking lust for love.

Edited by RoxiP
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15 hours ago, Roslyn said:

...but he was really pissed because it was her job to keep a house worthy of King Kody.

AND... I think that reasoning can also explain why Meri made sure to keep a big house worthy of Kody, because in the end she really knows him best.

Yes, after all the snarky comments tossed at Meri for having such a large and expensive rental property in Flagstaff--I believe it was mainly to appeal to Kody as "king of the castle", but in the end, even her loyalty to him and keeping a castle handy for him wouldn't persuade Kody to take her back.

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9 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

I'll add to your last statement that with Kody, it is also transactional. Kody will only give favor to those who serve his needs first and foremost. If your Kody currency runs dry then you no longer have anything to negotiate with.

...I really do hate using Kody language...

But being an Office fan, I can also picture Kody handing out his own version of "Schrute Bucks".

I agree, it’s almost “King Lear-like,” isn’t it?

i imagine that when Kody is old and infirm, the kids who received the most  favor will be the ones who give him the least attention.

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2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I'm not seeing that.  I don't think he misled them.  If we can believe prior episodes, even the wives said they more or less made the rules (am I remembering that correctly?)  I do agree he was in it for the covenant, but I think he was just blindsided by actual love.  

I think their religion sold them the stuff about family coming first before personal needs, which they accepted, but I think they also expected Kody to be fair in attending to their personal needs, such as being loving towards each of them in a more or less equal way as in not actively preferring one over the other.  Of course that may not have been realistic but they were sold the line that these relationships were ordained by God and that with God's grace Kody would make it so.  And he was likely a big part of selling that concept on them, and THAT's what they bought into and believed.  I don't think they signed on to completely give up their own relationship needs for the family or to him so that if he actively preferred one wife over all the rest, whether it be because he was in love with her or otherwise, they would be OK with that (which is what he is expecting of them now and why he's angry with them for not accepting). 

I also think he led them on to believe that he would by God's grace grow to fall in love with all of them so that he would honor his commitment to love each of them more or less equally.  There's a whole lot of ways that the concept of being "in love" can be interpreted, and I perhaps none of these wives interpreted it the way most of us here do at first, but as human nature always tends toward a similar mean, they realized their need for that from him later on as they matured and started to question the nature of their relationships with him and how they didn't match up to what they had been sold by him early on.

Meanwhile from his point of view he was not about loving anyone but he was loving having an excuse to have several women serving him and being subservient to him that he could be the lord and master of in his own mind.  And if he felt more loving toward one or preferred one over the others, those others should not expect equal love or treatment but just accept their lot with him. And he was also loving that he could legitimize having more than one sexual partner without guilt or judgment because it was supposedly condoned by God.  He expects the wives to accept all of this now but that is not exactly what they bought into or were sold by him or their church years ago.  If they knew what he was really motivated by in the beginning I doubt they would have been on board with it.  It's only because he is being honest and open about it now that they are claiming he's "not the man they married".  But he IS the man they married only now he's just not hiding it from them (or himself) anymore or framing his relationships with them in lofty terms as princess fairy tales involving God's grace and love when in truth it's all about what suits King Kodouche's massive ego.

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1 hour ago, IvySpice said:

You're touching on something wise here. The problem isn't that he didn't have a romantic love relationship with each wife. The problem is the mismatch between expectation and reality.

Zina Young, a 19th-century polygamist wife of Brigham Young, said that women in polygamous relationships "expect too much attention from the husband and ... become sullen and morose ... a successful polygamous wife must regard her husband with indifference, and with no other feeling than that of reverence, for love we regard as a false sentiment; a feeling which should have no existence in polygamy."

The system works fine if you just view your husband as your patriarch. This is more or less what worked for Janelle. But if you want an emotionally fulfilling romantic bond, polygamy is doomed.

Absolutely, and Great Minds Think Alike, don't they?  😉  I almost wrote to that effect myself although I've written too much already, so thanks for pulling it out of my brain, LOL.  I think it was unrealistic to expect this from Kody but with the crap they were likely sold about him growing in love with God's grace it was just enough to keep them on the hook for wishing for something more special and deep from him.  

I agree that it is wise to realize that it is probably pretty unrealistic to expect one man to love and juggle several women simultaneously in any way fair to all of them.  Which is why in traditional polygamy he's not supposed to fall in love with any of them and they're not supposed to expect it.  I just refuse to believe that they were told not to expect it.  I think they were led on by him and the way he rewrites his religion to mean anything he wants it to mean even if that's to mislead some women into marrying him.  On the one hand they were told to be subservient and all that, but he was also pushing himself as some new age enlightened "benevolent patriarch" that was more egalitarian and would give them what they really wanted from him if they let him be the head of the family.  OK, that was not consistent or even possible but whatever worked to get them on the hook.  He misrepresented this to them because he wanted them to think he was what they wanted whether he really was or not.  Otherwise they may not have been so keen on him.

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Y'all, did you know that Kody almost died from the Covid?!?!  99.8 Fever almost took out Kang Kody!

If you have to say you are good man, you aren't.

It was progress for Kody to admit that Robyn is the first time he felt true love. Okay, I can get that, however, he still is unwilling to see how his feelings for Robyn caused him to abandon the OG3 and their respective children. At his base, Kody is just a triangulator and yes, Robyn did use that to her advantage. Even before Robyn he was sowing the seeds of jealousy and discontent like with the year when he got Christine a ton of xmas gifts and Meri none. 

If Kody is so in love with Robyn, why is he still leaving the door open to Janelle. The way he was eyeing her new apartment, I think he just likes to have some place to run to besides a closet. 

I am resigned to the fact that TLC just wants lackluster tell nothings. They pretty much suck for every franchise on that channel.  No matter the journalist, noted or otherwise, it is just gonna suck because they want it too. However, I was still was livid at Robyn not being called to the carpet saying she would have gone if invited. We saw her actively discourage Meri inviting them to her house for xmas eve - sounds scary; is it safe? She completely derailed the gift exchange. Sure she may speak Kody but she doesn't know a single word in "Sister wife" dialect.  

This reunion did one thing and that was make me wonder if Janelle was a reliable narrator or is she just trying to be diplomatic. She has left more than once so I do wonder if that was in fact the worst argument they ever had. Plus, the way she told the "Covid almost killing Kody" story (LOL!) she made it seem different then the way Christine told it. Maybe she is just downplaying things and not throwing Christine under the bus (and I love that Christine can't find a f%ck to give) but I did notice it. 

Christine has been a bit overreaching with Janelle over her marriage with Kody, but I was thrilled when Christine told her in no uncertain terms not to cut short her vacay and run back to Kody.  First, he never did that shit for her when she and her boys were ill and second, wasn't one of the tenders (Aurora) fine. Why couldn't she run the errands or better yet why can't Kody and his preferred wife get shit delivered like everyone else in the USA. Lastly, the only thing she could do was leave shit on the porch and go home. 

I was at first a bit titillated by Meri's "I will be heard statement," however, she is gonna have to show and prove. 

I too was shocked at the sight of Meri's ears. As a Succession fan, I immediately thought of Tom saying to his wife: "Your earlobes and thick are chewy, like barnacle meat!" LOL!

Edited by islandgal140
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15 hours ago, Meowwww said:

ETA not sure what’s wrong with me but I cheered Meri, looking dead-ass into the camera, saying her voice will be heard.  I hope she held to that as I’m sure this was all filmed over a year ago. 

I did, too, and I felt like I was in league with a serial killer or something.  "Oh, my voice will be heard...it will be heard.."  <chills>

I've been ruminating about Kotex's pride in his musculature and his smug belief that that's what draws the ladies to him, especially Janelle.  Now I'm all for being proud of your body, and Kotex seems to have worked hard to achieve the squat little muscle-man look he's after, and good for him.  But he doesn't mention the appeal of a toned, fit female body.  None of his wives (barring maybe Christine, and only since she left him) seems to me to have a great body, and we've never seen them trying to work out and get fit (I don't count Janelle's various efforts to monetize getting in shape) afaik.  Maybe he doesn't want his wives to have sexy bodies because then other men might try to snake them away?  It's been my observation that one of the first things to happen when a woman leaves an unhappy relationship is that she loses weight and takes better care of herself--maybe part of recovering from depression?

Why doesn't it work both ways for Kotex?  Why doesn't he insist that his wives work out and get six-packs?  I guess by his logic, none of them, not even Crybrows, is hot enough for him.  If Merry suddenly became Mrs. America, would he find her worthy of the Kotex beef injection?

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On 11/27/2023 at 1:41 PM, Quickbeam said:

The one fact that keeps surfacing in my mind. Kody got into the sack with Christine and Janelle enough to make 12 children. GMAFB. So he wasn’t even fond of them? Really? That’s just beyond my ability to reconcile. Triangulation! 🤣

People have sex for all sorts of reasons- often it has nothing to do with love or affection. You can be interested in partnered sex with people you are not specifically attracted to for a variety of reasons, the social conquest, the desire for biological children, boredom…….

I do think Kody was “hot for” Janelle in a sexual sense for MANY years. They may have never been “in love” but they enjoyed each other’s company and it was sizzling. He treated Christine like crap and made her doubt her ability to KISS for goodness sakes. He’s an asshole. I think he was fond of her though. Before Robyn came along, Meri had his emotional energy, Janelle likely had his sexual and Christine got the left overs, but I don’t believe he didn’t “like” her at all. That’s a lie. 

23 hours ago, IvySpice said:

The system works fine if you just view your husband as your patriarch. This is more or less what worked for Janelle. But if you want an emotionally fulfilling romantic bond, polygamy is doomed.

Yes- I think plural marriage can work, but if you want your marriage to be based on romantic love or deep emotional intimacy, it’s not happening.  It’s doomed to be unsuccessful. 



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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

Y'all, did you know that Kody almost died from the Covid?!?!  99.8 Fever almost took out Kang Kody!

If you have to say you are good man, you aren't.

It was progress for Kody to admit that Robyn is the first time he felt true love. Okay, I can get that, however, he still is unwilling to see how his feelings for Robyn caused him to abandon the OG3 and their respective children. At his base, Kody is just a triangulator and yes, Robyn did use that to her advantage. Even before Robyn he was sowing the seeds of jealousy and discontent like with the year when he got Christine a ton of xmas gifts and Meri none. 

Re: Covid, I know I was cracking up about that!  

Re: How his feelings caused him to abandon the other OG wives, I don't even think he would deny that.  I think he owns that fully.  But he thinks there's nothing wrong with that because after all, he's the patriarch of the family, and therefore can do whatever he wants in his marriages.  He's rewritten the script once again to suit himself.  Now he is saying the wives should have known that this is what they should expect in plural marriage and if they don't, it's their fault and problem, not his.   It's been my contention that the wives were mislead by him originally to expect that something like this would never happen and that he would never abandon them for anyone, but continue his best to sincerely try to love and pay attention to them all in a more equal fashion.  Of course, he can never be wrong or responsible for anything so even if he has to rewrite history or the rules to make himself right, he will stop at nothing to do it even if it means blaming everyone else in the family.

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

People have sex for all sorts of reasons- often it has nothing to do with love or affection. You can be interested in partnered sex with people you are not specifically attracted to for a variety of reasons, the social conquest, the desire for biological children, boredom…….

I do think Kody was “hot for” Janelle in a sexual sense for MANY years. They may have never been “in love” but they enjoyed her company and it was sizzling. He treated Christine like crap and made her doubt her ability to KISS for goodness sakes. He’s an asshole. I think he was fond of her though. Before Robyn came along, Meri had his emotional energy, Janelle likely had his sexual and Christine got the left overs, but I don’t believe he didn’t “like” her at all. That’s a lie. 

Yeah, your first paragraph is so true, I think about that myself.  I find his relationship with Janelle fascinating.  For years I thought there was no sexual attraction between them, but I misread that.  It was actually no intimate emotional connection or romantic love on either end but tons of arms-length friendship and super hot chemistry, LOL.  Which can feel hot and like an affair to the both of them, LOL.  Who knew?  LOL.  Now he's crying that he felt like a "piece of meat".  Bullshit, I'm sure he LOVED that!  Where Janelle is concerned there's a lot going on under the surface she doesn't wear on her sleeve, and I'm sure that turned him on no end.  She's cool and saint-like on the surface but obviously a little more free in the bedroom, LOL.  That and the fact that she was pretty much the "anti-Christine" in that she never acted needy of his love and affection.  He could pretty much have his way with her without any emotional guilt or pressure.  

Edited by Yeah No
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I definitely saw signs of physical attraction/chemistry/flirting between Janelle and Kody on the show even as late as the Vegas move. I wonder if she had left (for good) first if he would've reacted the way he did to Christine's leaving. Probably not because he wouldn't have taken it seriously since she's left and come back before.  Maybe that's why he's in denial that this is "it" and is talking about potentially reconciling with Janelle even now--that's their pattern and he's waiting for her to want/need him in whatever way she does again. I expect he always mistook Janelle's general complacency with him for submission but she was actually doing whatever suited her and maybe he's aware of that now. But I think witnessing Christine's newfound freedom and joy and his unwillingness to reconcile with the boys or pay attention to Savannah  has opened her eyes and she's fully done with him now. Hopefully anyway.

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:


Why doesn't it work both ways for Kotex?  Why doesn't he insist that his wives work out and get six-packs?  I guess by his logic, none of them, not even Crybrows, is hot enough for him.  If Merry suddenly became Mrs. America, would he find her worthy of the Kotex beef injection?

Someone way back many pages, or even threads suggested that Kody might be embarrassed to be seen as a man attracted to larger women. It was ok when he was living the dream, making babies but he’s now aware that the whole world may see that side of him. 

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17 minutes ago, taragel said:

I definitely saw signs of physical attraction/chemistry/flirting between Janelle and Kody on the show even as late as the Vegas move.

This is interesting. I do remember earlier this season, Kody said to Janelle months after the fight when they met for the 1st time after xmas in that restaurant, that they had a renaissance in LV.   I took to mean their sexual intimacy was rekindled and they were getting it on regular.  He, in fact, the adults in that family have really interesting ways of saying they got it in. I tend to think her and Robyn were the only wives getting the regular nookie w/Christine getting it more sporadically and Meri none at all.  

I tend to think some of his attraction to the wives might have came down to their sexual experience. Both Robyn and Janelle were married before and not to be crass, but knew their way around the D and to Kody those two were probably more 'down to clown' less shy and just knew what they wanted and how to please a man (wink, wink) and in Janelle's case, quite pragmatic. On the other hand, both Meri and Christine were virgins. Christine has said that Kody was the only man that she ever kissed. I think part of his turn off re: Christine was that she was super young, a bit juvenile and her love language might have been more on the Disney princess spectrum or at the very least wanted to be pitched woo and romanced. Now I just thought of him calling a woman who raised all those kids, cooked for an army of kids, home schooled them and worked at night while pregnant princess, might have had another dimension to it. 

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14 hours ago, Yeah No said:

SHE (Janelle) was the one making HIM feel rejected in some ways, while in his other relationships the roles were reversed and the wives were the ones feeling like they weren't getting a part of him they wanted.  And narcissist Kody HAS to be the one in control of the relationship at all times.  If anyone is going to do any kind of rejecting or distancing, it's going to be him.  In his relationship with Janelle, HE's the one feeling used and not appreciated while in his other relationships the roles were reversed.  He clearly wanted more from Janelle, probably only to serve his huge, massive baby-man ego, and if he ever got it from her he would have likely done the same thing to her as he did to the others - make her feel like the "one down" in the relationship, and would start distancing from her. 

I think I need to seek professional help because I'm so fixated on Kotex and his body, but I'm encouraged by seeing somebody else doing deep thinking on this topic, too.

I think you're right about his insecurity about Janelle's affection/lust for him, and I agree that it has a lot to do with his narcissism and needing to be in control.  He *is* feeling used, somehow, by Janelle, and his need to be the victim in all this really stands out (to me) in his relationship with Janelle.

He says that she lusts for sex with him because of his pecs and six-pack, and I think a tiny little fear wriggles into his brain that he is being *used* for sex, not because of his great body but because he is her husband and she has a right to expect sex with him.  Since he apparently is not willing to concede that *he* wants to have sex with anyone but Crybrows, If he were to have sex it would have to be because Janelle just can't keep her hands off him.

News for Kotex:  my husband does not have a six-pack; he is 76 years old with a paunch.  But he goes to the gym three times a week and comes home to show me his massive biceps, which I dutifully squeeze and squee over.  If my husband did not have biceps (such as they are), I would have precisely the amount of sexual desire for him as when he does have biceps.  Making a big deal over a man's body is one way women perform foreplay--it gets men hot if they think you can't resist their manly physiques.  Janelle *is* (or maybe *was*) using you, Kotex, to get what she wants in the sack.  She probably is happy that you are fit, but believe me, if you were not fit, she would probably still tell you what a hot bod you have and how much she wants to jump your bones.

This kind of explains for me why the wives' bodies are not seen by Kotex in the same way he *believes* they see his body.  The big failure, in my experience, by men in sex is insufficient foreplay focused on the woman.  His fixation on how hot he is is almost masturbation.

There.  I said it.  I do need professional help.

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3 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

This is interesting. I do remember earlier this season, Kody said to Janelle months after the fight when they met for the 1st time after xmas in that restaurant, that they had a renaissance in LV.   I took to mean their sexual intimacy was rekindled and they were getting it on regular.  He, in fact, the adults in that family have really interesting ways of saying they got it in. I tend to think her and Robyn were the only wives getting the regular nookie w/Christine getting it more sporadically and Meri none at all.  

I tend to think some of his attraction to the wives might have came down to their sexual experience. Both Robyn and Janelle were married before and not to be crass, but knew their way around the D and to Kody those two were probably more 'down to clown' less shy and just knew what they wanted and how to please a man (wink, wink) and in Janelle's case, quite pragmatic. On the other hand, both Meri and Christine were virgins. Christine has said that Kody was the only man that she ever kissed. I think part of his turn off re: Christine was that she was super young, a bit juvenile and her love language might have been more on the Disney princess spectrum or at the very least wanted to be pitched woo and romanced. Now I just thought of him calling a woman who raised all those kids, cooked for an army of kids, home schooled them and worked at night while pregnant princess, might have had another dimension to it. 

I've thought the same thing, too.  Another thing that's crossed my mind is that Kootie naturally would think he was a better catch than the two losers that Janelle and Crybrows divorced.  He wasn't "winning" by marrying two inexperienced virginal women.  

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I don't know, y'all, I think both  Kootie Pectacular and Janelle are trolling us.  I recall the early years when Janelle appeared to be almost comatose on the show.  Now, it does seem that sometime during the Vegas years something happened between the Ramen-noodle headed one and Janelle. A resparking of sorts if you will.  But I would put money on it that that Kootie saved up most of his "humanity" for Robyn during that time.

As far as current times are concerned, I think Kootie's ardor is cyclic when it comes to Janelle.  Basically, it's when he needs her money.  It probably came in bloom when Janelle gave her inheritance to help buy the LeHigh house, then there was some talk that she cashed in her 401K to help the family in - now wait for it - Los Vegas where the respark supposedly occurred, and now, on the show she's leaving and her Kootie pops up (pun intended) yet again.  🤔

You be a hoe, Kootie!  🤑🤑🤑

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
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I don't know, y'all, I think both  Kootie Pectacular and Janelle are trolling us.  I recall the early years when Janelle appeared to be almost comatose on the show.  Now, it does seem that sometime during the Vegas years something happened between the Ramen-noodle headed one and Janelle. A resparking of sorts if you will.  But I would put money on it that that Kootie saved up most of his "humanity" for Robyn during that time.

I think Kody and Janelle had a real friendship at some point. I think Kody was in love with Meri when they first married, but that soured long before the show started. I don't think Kody ever liked Christine at all. 






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1 hour ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I don't know, y'all, I think both  Kootie Pectacular and Janelle are trolling us.  I recall the early years when Janelle appeared to be almost comatose on the show.  Now, it does seem that sometime during the Vegas years something happened between the Ramen-noodle headed one and Janelle. A resparking of sorts if you will.  But I would put money on it that that Kootie saved up most of his "humanity" for Robyn during that time.

As far as current times are concerned, I think Kootie's ardor is cyclic when it comes to Janelle.  Basically, it's when he needs her money.  It probably came in bloom when Janelle gave her inheritance to help buy the LeHigh house, then there was some talk that she cashed in her 401K to help the family in - now wait for it - Los Vegas where the respark supposedly occurred, and now, on the show she's leaving and her Kootie pops up (pun intended) yet again.  🤔

You be a hoe, Kootie!  🤑🤑🤑

How dare you not dive into his humanity !!!!🤣🤣.  Where does he get this stuff from ???

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17 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

People have sex for all sorts of reasons- often it has nothing to do with love or affection.

As a woman, I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be for a man to perform without a sexual attraction.  For me, it would be gag inducing but really, to honor the "covenant" I would only need to lay there.  Any men here who want to chime in?  

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On 11/26/2023 at 11:08 PM, mythoughtis said:

He seriously thought Janelle should come  home from vacation to go to the store for him when Aurora was downstairs snd  tested negative and was going to classes. 

Sure, but the really distressing part is that Janelle was going to do it!!! I know that Janelle has a different story from Christine about what the 'ask' really was. I can't help but think that there was likely some combination of the two versions, with Kody having discussed multiple things he wanted her to do, and Janelle focusing on the one that makes her look less bad. I just don't find it plausible that Christine's version has no basis in reality.

On 11/26/2023 at 11:37 PM, CSunshine76 said:

Kody is so full of himself it infuriates me. He’s seething because Janelle and Christine are friends, and thinks it’s only to get back at him. 

So even though we see lots of examples of horribleness on the part of Kody and Robyn, for some reason certain ones stand out as proving what we've known all along. For me, in terms of his narcissism, this one is it. For the awfulness of him as a parent, it was that log-splitting conversation with Gabe and Garrison. And for Robyn's true colors showing through, it was the conversation where she convinced Meri that it wouldn't be safe to have everyone over for Christmas.

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18 hours ago, Mothra said:

He says that she lusts for sex with him because of his pecs and six-pack, and I think a tiny little fear wriggles into his brain that he is being *used* for sex, not because of his great body but because he is her husband and she has a right to expect sex with him.  Since he apparently is not willing to concede that *he* wants to have sex with anyone but Crybrows, If he were to have sex it would have to be because Janelle just can't keep her hands off him.

News for Kotex:  my husband does not have a six-pack; he is 76 years old with a paunch.  But he goes to the gym three times a week and comes home to show me his massive biceps, which I dutifully squeeze and squee over.  If my husband did not have biceps (such as they are), I would have precisely the amount of sexual desire for him as when he does have biceps.  Making a big deal over a man's body is one way women perform foreplay--it gets men hot if they think you can't resist their manly physiques.  Janelle *is* (or maybe *was*) using you, Kotex, to get what she wants in the sack.  She probably is happy that you are fit, but believe me, if you were not fit, she would probably still tell you what a hot bod you have and how much she wants to jump your bones.

This kind of explains for me why the wives' bodies are not seen by Kotex in the same way he *believes* they see his body.  The big failure, in my experience, by men in sex is insufficient foreplay focused on the woman.  His fixation on how hot he is is almost masturbation.

There.  I said it.  I do need professional help.

No, actually I think you're spot on, no professional help needed!  😃

You've actually explained something typical with some men.  Well, I should clarify - with insecure, vain men.  They tend to project their standards for their own appearance and tendencies in the attraction department onto women.  They think women are into perfect "buff" bodies like they expect of themselves, but women are not as focused on the visual as men are and are often even more sexually attracted to certain nonphysical things about a man.  What's interesting is that Kotex doesn't seem to have a problem with a woman that's overweight.  He himself is not as focused on a perfect body when it comes to his women so why does he project that onto Janelle as if she only wants him because he's got "pecs" or "abs"?  It's so ridiculous, but very revealing of how insecure he really is about himself.  He thinks that's all she wants from him because what else could it be, right?  He can't even fathom what she sees in him.  Neither can I, but I'm pretty sure it goes beyond his physique, LOL.

And BTW, when he exposed his body recently on an episode I think I threw up a little in my mouth.  I have never, ever found even ONE thing attractive about him physically.  Maybe that's because I find him so repulsive as a person and always have.  I could never bring myself to even sit near him much less want to touch him!  🤮  As my mother used to say, "One man's meat is another man's poison", LOL.

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6 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I don't know, y'all, I think both  Kootie Pectacular and Janelle are trolling us.  I recall the early years when Janelle appeared to be almost comatose on the show.  Now, it does seem that sometime during the Vegas years something happened between the Ramen-noodle headed one and Janelle. A resparking of sorts if you will.  But I would put money on it that that Kootie saved up most of his "humanity" for Robyn during that time.

As far as current times are concerned, I think Kootie's ardor is cyclic when it comes to Janelle.  Basically, it's when he needs her money.  It probably came in bloom when Janelle gave her inheritance to help buy the LeHigh house, then there was some talk that she cashed in her 401K to help the family in - now wait for it - Los Vegas where the respark supposedly occurred, and now, on the show she's leaving and her Kootie pops up (pun intended) yet again.  🤔

You be a hoe, Kootie!  🤑🤑🤑

Ooooh RabbitHutch you bad girl (or boy)...  Kootie a ho??!  <splllt>  I love it.  I wish someone on the show would point out that penury makes our boy hot!!

"Kootie Pectacular" and "the Ramen-headed one"--you are on a roll!

God I love this group.

I'm sure we are all such kind and caring, not to mention polite, people off this board.  But boy when we cut loose, watch out.

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5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

Sorry, didn't mean to quote Granny 58, and don't know how to remove it.

3 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

Sure, but the really distressing part is that Janelle was going to do it!!! I know that Janelle has a different story from Christine about what the 'ask' really was. I can't help but think that there was likely some combination of the two versions, with Kody having discussed multiple things he wanted her to do, and Janelle focusing on the one that makes her look less bad. I just don't find it plausible that Christine's version has no basis in reality.

So even though we see lots of examples of horribleness on the part of Kody and Robyn, for some reason certain ones stand out as proving what we've known all along. For me, in terms of his narcissism, this one is it. For the awfulness of him as a parent, it was that log-splitting conversation with Gabe and Garrison. And for Robyn's true colors showing through, it was the conversation where she convinced Meri that it wouldn't be safe to have everyone over for Christmas.

Well, no matter whose story is closer to the truth, Kotex and Crybrows have never hesitated to hire help--I reference nanny here--so in a real pinch, wouldn't they pay to have the drugstore deliver whatever it was they needed?  Drugstores around here offer free delivery, although I'm sure there's a tip involved.  If what Kotex needed from Janelle went beyond emergency supplies--which I am sure could be obtained through spending $20 or so--why the hell should he interrupt her vacation to come take care of him?  Gee, it's too bad he couldn't call one of his strapping sons to help him out.

Edited by Mothra
I'm just a dumbass sometimes
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6 hours ago, Granny58 said:

As a woman, I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be for a man to perform without a sexual attraction. 

Centuries of gay men have fathered children with their wives. Assuming Kody likes girls, as I think he does, it has to be easier for a straight/bi guy with an unappealing woman than for a gay guy with any woman.

Kody was pretty young when he married Christine. My stereotype is that a guy in his early 20s can make it work in practically any situation -- especially if he's not invested in showing his partner a good time.

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1 hour ago, surfgirl said:

Yeah, I'm not willing to believe that Kotex and Janelle had hot ass sex (not hot Ass sex, hot-ass sex). Maybe what they think is hot is not what us normal folks think is hot. I just find that difficult to believe, frankly.

I hear you.  It makes one wonder, doesn't it?  Although forgive the TMI, but I've known what would look like positively plain ordinary sex to be very hot with my husband.  No wonder we're still married after 43 years.  Sometimes the chemistry is just off the charts between two people.  You never know, the two of them may be like that with each other.  

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7 hours ago, Granny58 said:

As a woman, I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be for a man to perform without a sexual attraction.

I apologize in advance for the shock value but rapists are not interested in sexual attraction, only power. 

I'm not calling Kootie a rapist but power is certainly his raison d'etre.  He has verbalized in the past that he found Christine repulsive so I doubt there was any attraction there at all.

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43 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I hear you.  It makes one wonder, doesn't it?  Although forgive the TMI, but I've known what would look like positively plain ordinary sex to be very hot with my husband.  No wonder we're still married after 43 years.  Sometimes the chemistry is just off the charts between two people.  You never know, the two of them may be like that with each other.  

May I appropriate your user name here and just "Say No"!?! ;)

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

I hear you.  It makes one wonder, doesn't it?  Although forgive the TMI, but I've known what would look like positively plain ordinary sex to be very hot with my husband.  No wonder we're still married after 43 years.  Sometimes the chemistry is just off the charts between two people.  You never know, the two of them may be like that with each other.  

I never really gave it much thought but I think Janelle has a crazy side to her and could be wild in bed.  It is the silent ones that can shock ya!  It may not be true, but I am going with Tiger Janelle!  I also think Kody is a horrible lover. I have seen him dance!

Edited by Natalie68
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4 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

I apologize in advance for the shock value but rapists are not interested in sexual attraction, only power. 

I'm not calling Kootie a rapist but power is certainly his raison d'etre.  He has verbalized in the past that he found Christine repulsive so I doubt there was any attraction there at all.

That was my thought, too.  Sex isn't always about sex.

5 hours ago, IvySpice said:


Kody was pretty young when he married Christine. My stereotype is that a guy in his early 20s can make it work in practically any situation -- especially if he's not invested in showing his partner a good time.

And one thing I think we can agree on is that if Kotex's partner has a good time, it's purely incidental to any effort he's putting into it.

That's too bitchy.  I'm sure that in Kotex's mind, his pectacular physique is all the women need to experience multiple orgasms.

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