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S18.E13: The Elephant in the Room


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Any thoughts on what exactly the "elephant" is in the episode title?  It's not like there is some deep dark secret that no one is talking about.

Mykelti and Tony need to keep their traps shut and stop acting like they are ambassadors of some kind.  They are never, ever going to get this family together again so just stuff it and move on. 

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29 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

So who met whom first and what’s the timeline on these marriages?

Janelle was hanging around Kody's Dad's ranch in her time period of "staying close with Meri's family" between her divorce with Adam and her marriage with Kody. Janelle's mother was afraid that Janelle was being converted into a cult and so she traveled to the ranch with her...then became so mesmerized by the spiritual witnesses that she fell head over heels in love with Winn and became his third wife. Not long after Janelle pulled Kody away from Meri and told him she needed to be in his family 'cause that's what God told her.

A bit of googling says that Janelle and Adam married in 1988. She says in the book that he moved out after 6 months, but googling says that they divorced in 1990. Meri and Kody were married in 1990, so they most likely started talking or courting at the end of 1989. Janelle was mainstream LDS and Adam converted to mainstream for them to marry. I believe it was a temple marriage as well. Janelle married Kody in 1993. Christine married Kody in 1994 and Logan was born 2 months after that.

...just because...adding that the first 8 kids were born between May 1994(Logan) and October 1998(Garrison). Then a full 3 years before Gabe and Gwen were born, both in October 2001.



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I'm guessing next week, with the porch sobbing scene, is the last regular season show, to be followed by two or three "tell alls." Last year we had 14 regular season episodes plus 3 tell all shows. But last year's season started airing later in the fall than this year's so it may seem like it was a longer season since it extended to maybe Jan (I forget the exact start and end date). 

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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

If so I missed it too.  A comment prior to mine said the finale was next week.  So I was asking.  I have no knowledge of it being next week.  Seems early to me. 

No sorry - I said that. I think I hallucinated out of wishful thinking that in the preview for next week, they said, "Next week on the season finale of Sister Wives." I just checked, and they did not. It was a beautiful dream. 

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1 hour ago, zamp33 said:

I was wondering the same thing- none of Robyn's children were on that call - not even Ari or Sol. If Mykelti has this amazing relationship with Robyn and Kody she keeps going on and on about, I would assume Mykelti would also have some kind of connection with the children. Also with the names on the zoom call, Ari could learn the names of her siblings. 

Seems highly likely to me that Crybrows didn't think it would be "safe" for her chicken tenders to be on the call. Who knows what the OG13 might have said or done!

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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

If so I missed it too.  A comment prior to mine said the finale was next week.  So I was asking.  I have no knowledge of it being next week.  Seems early to me. 




9 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

Thank goodness we're finally getting the season finale next week. I'd be okay if it was the series finale. 

@NoWhammies, where did you hear that next week is the season finale?


Tony has no home training whatsoever! Asking his MIL at the same table as her 12-year-old kid if she's "getting to know herself?" I would want to die before asking my own mother that, never mind my MIL. Disgusting. I wish Christine had shut him down more forcefully.

Hey, Mykelti, for someone who is such a proponent of getting the family back together, you sure don't seem to extend the same courtesy for Meri.

Not sure why Mykelti kept bleating on about getting the whole family on Zoom. At least half were missing, unless they did not want to be on camera.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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4 hours ago, Canadian Girl said:

I always thought this - this entire family and all its issues exist because Kody wanted his dad and the cool guys at school/church to think he was cool. 

Yes, I really think that unfortunately Kody is emotionally damaged.  And as often happens, he passes it along to the next generation.  Doesn't look like any of the "therapy" he's had had made him realize THIS.

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3 hours ago, DanaMB said:

Wow, they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. A whole mind-numbingly boring segment on putting a car in a trailer. Wtf. 

ALMOST putting a car in a trailer.

2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Janelle's mother was afraid that Janelle was being converted into a cult and so she traveled to the ranch with her...then became so mesmerized by the spiritual witnesses that she fell head over heels in love with Winn and became his third wife.

Oh good grief  🙄

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9 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I don't understand this "I saw him and I knew in my heart that we should be together" even though already married.  Ugh, that's NOT how it works.  There are rules in place so the world isn't a shit show.  If this is how it works then I would have been married to Bobby Sherman!   


Right lol. If this is how it all worked, Keanu and I would have marched down the aisle around 1996.

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1 hour ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Tony has no home training whatsoever! Asking his MIL at the same table as her 12-year-old kid if she's "getting to know herself?" I would want to die before asking my own mother that, never mind my MIL. Disgusting. I wish Christine had shut him down more forcefully.

Ick ick ick.  In front of Truley no less.  In fairness, I read speculation somewhere that he is on the spectrum.  That wouldn't surprise me as I've known a couple of people on the spectrum who were socially clueless.  Unlike Tony they made the effort not to be such fools once they found out their diagnosis.  Several times I have felt that he doesn't get social cues.  Several people were looking very uncomfortable in that scene, but it went right over his head.  That was one time I was glad I couldn't read the subtitles because I was too lazy to get closer to the TV.  Those self-filmed scenes are torture to watch.  The sound is bad and the filming is so static.

1 hour ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Hey, Mykelti, for someone who is such a proponent of getting the family back together, you sure don't seem to extend the same courtesy for Meri.


Perhaps Mykelti should look to the beam in her own eye before messing with the mote in others'.  If she has a beef with Meri, fine, but she shouldn't be portraying herself as the great peacemaker when she has twice now disinvited Meri from something involving family. Robyn and Kody sure showed who they are on that call being convinced that everyone was going to pick some sort of fight with them.  His kids are more adult than he is and can just be there to celebrate their sister's news.  But I guess Aurora and Breanna were going to be in mortal danger if they joined the call.  Sheesh.

Speaking of Aurora, she seems really depressed.  I hope someday she can get some help. She annoys the crap out of me, but living with Robyn and Kody can't be pleasant.  And I still contend that Robyn keeps tabs on all of them to ensure that they don't interact with the OG kids without her hovering.

The sports car - where do I start?  How these two manosphere morons didn't measure the car before trying to get it into the trailer is beyond me.  I have low vision and I could tell it was too long for the trailer the guy brought.  And when Robyn said she heard the voice of God telling her to be with Kody while in that car I can't be the only one whose 12 year old brain went to some very gross places.  I got nauseous so had to stop thinking about it.

Someone on the production team is really into metaphors all of a sudden.  Last week we had the trees coming down at Meri's place and this week we had the car not fitting in the trailer as a metaphor for Kody supposedly not being able to fit his wives into plural marriage.  Then there was Janelle riding an ATV without a helmet as some symbol of freedom for her.  She was lucky it wasn't a symbol of a head injury.  One of my mother's neighbors ended up paralyzed riding one of those things.

It was interesting hearing about Christine's childhood from her brothers.  She has obviously always been a bit clueless.  One of them said that when the two wives were living in the same house it was endless arguing and misery while Christine said it was one big party.  I do wonder about her sometimes.

There was nothing new with Meri and the producers are doing her no favors here showing her saying for three weeks in a row that she married Kody for eternity, but he wants nothing to do with her, so she doesn't know what to do.  Get your poop in a group Meri and move on.

Finally, I have studied the LDS as part of a class in sects and cults in college, so I know a little about their afterlife beliefs.  Of course there is no polygamy in mainstream LDS, so I never got into the FLDS stuss.  But I do have a question and I'm trying not to be disrespectful here.  Kody gets a planet because he reached the magic number of three wives.  But, what if he only chooses to call Robyn to his planet?  Does he get to keep it or does he have to pick three of them?  And what happens to the one(s) not picked?  I think limbo would be better than eternity with Kody, but that's just me. 

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2 hours ago, J80134 said:

This rehash of rehash is a snoozer! They should call every episode "old crap you've seen and know already".

In keeping with the new (and annoying AF) theme of naming she shows using idoms, I'd suggest "been there, done that," "wash, rinse, repeat," "beating a dead horse," and "same shit, different day."

When I see a picture of Meri and Kody's wedding appear onscreen, I can't hit fast forward fast enough!  

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7 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

Whoever names the Plath episodes has a Shakespeare fixation this season.  It's bizarre.

I don't watch the show, but I love the titles this season.

I'm not quite sure about the elephant in the room.  Perhaps it's hypocrisy.  Kody has lost his mind.  What are the family members all dancing around?  

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9 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I'm not quite sure about the elephant in the room.  Perhaps it's hypocrisy.  Kody has lost his mind.  What are the family members all dancing around? 

My vote is that they're dancing around the FACT that the plural marriage is dead. They talk talk talk talk about the past and apparently also about eternity which is definitely future.

I would like to see one of those famous back porch conversations with Kody and wives where he doesn't dramatize the kidney stabbing but states affirmatively TO THEM what he has said repeatedly in his TH: that he no longer believes in the principle of polygamy, that he is legally married to the love of his life, and that the other wives are released from their covenant for now and eternity, and they all have a group hug and head their separate ways.

Ain't gonna happen, I know. But instead, Kody expects the wives to leave but is upset if they do. They don't know where they stand with the eternity part. He tells US how much he hates Christine and it's all her fault when it was HIS fault for not owning up to his change of heart and position. Because he is a moron.

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I was surprised to hear in this epi that Mykelti has no relationship with Meri, and that is why she was not on the zoom call. Did we know that, and I just forgot? Any reason for their non relationship? Other than my feeling that Meri is of no use to Mykelti. 

As has been pointed out, I love Kody's new story that he doesn't have a relationship with most of his kids because they won't accept Robyn. Even without Robyn, I doubt he would have a relationship with most as he didn't become a narcissist when Robyn entered the pic. He has always been one, and he has never had any use for a kid after they got his number. I remember a scene a year or two ago with Kody out at the property with Sol, who was giving Kody the side eye even then. Smart kid, that Sol.

It bugs me that Christine continually refers to herself and Janelle as sister wives. That is giving Kody a part in their relationship. Just drop the wife part and call yourself sisters. It is really what your relationship is, don't give Kody any license in your relationship any longer. Not to mention, Christine is no longer a wife and Janelle only is because she thinks God cares. He doesn't care, Janelle. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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9 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

Methinks TLC may be fixin' to carve it up and serve as "The Janelle and Christine Family: Sister Wives for Life" with a side of Meri. Or some other sort of variation on the current theme.

oMG I hope there is no variation,  I’m so done with all of them at this point.  If I want any glimpse in the future I will Google or Instagram them.

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5 hours ago, endure said:

oMG I hope there is no variation,  I’m so done with all of them at this point.  If I want any glimpse in the future I will Google or Instagram them.

Ditto. I have absolutely no interest in Christine's search for truuuuulooooov.  I don't want to hear her baby voice giggling about kissing.  I don't want to see Janelle on upmpteen cruises for Plexus and moaning about not having "an estate".  I don't want to see Meri perptually moaning that she just "doesn't know what to do". These have no interest for me whatsoever.  I can just watch a divorced neighbor to see that kind of crap.

Every hour of this is repetitive and boring. If I see that picture of Meri and Kootie at their wedding one more time I will smash the TV. 

And I'm sure Flagstaff is a perfectly nice place but this isn't a travelogue.  Stop with the filler shots of the traffic and the scenery.


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11 hours ago, Absolom said:

I'm not quite sure about the elephant in the room. 

My vote is FT's comment about Christine learning her body.  

8 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I doubt he would have a relationship with most as he didn't become a narcissist when Robyn entered the pic.

Are there any other armchair psychiatrists here?  I posted earlier that I believe Kody is emotionally damaged from childhood.  So my question is, is it typical that that type of damage leads to narcissism?  

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11 hours ago, altopower said:

My vote is that they're dancing around the FACT that the plural marriage is dead. They talk talk talk talk about the past and apparently also about eternity which is definitely future.

I would like to see one of those famous back porch conversations with Kody and wives where he doesn't dramatize the kidney stabbing but states affirmatively TO THEM what he has said repeatedly in his TH: that he no longer believes in the principle of polygamy, that he is legally married to the love of his life, and that the other wives are released from their covenant for now and eternity, and they all have a group hug and head their separate ways.

Ain't gonna happen, I know. But instead, Kody expects the wives to leave but is upset if they do. They don't know where they stand with the eternity part. He tells US how much he hates Christine and it's all her fault when it was HIS fault for not owning up to his change of heart and position. Because he is a moron.

I think Kody is hugely concerned about their livelihood and how he is going to support his family,  he knows the gig is up.

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On 11/12/2023 at 11:10 PM, VioletNevermind said:

Wow.  Spending a Sunday night watching some jackass try to cram his vehicle into another vehicle

What, you weren't riveted by that conversation?  "It's not going to fit."  "I think it will.  I measured side to side."  "But did you measure east to west?"  "No, but I think it will fit if I just gun it up the ramp."  "You're going to blow it out the other end."  "But I did measure diagonally."  "So this should work."  "It's getting dark."  "But do we think this is going to work?"  "It probably won't work."  "But it might."  "OK."

Best scene of the entire episode.  /s


23 hours ago, MsMalin said:

For a minute there last night I thought I was watching The Walking Dead. I'm talking about Robyns daughters. I have never seen 2 more miserable young women in my life.

No kidding, the misery comes off of both of them in palpable waves.  Brianna looked like she was trying not to cry (or fake cry) when Aurora was telling us what a family champ their mother is, but I suspect part of their misery is the dissonance between what Robyn tells them, and that some of their siblings seem very willing to make amends with them.  They have to wonder about who is telling the truth.  Excellent parenting as always, Robyn.

17 hours ago, Canadian Girl said:

I always thought this - this entire family and all its issues exist because Kody wanted his dad and the cool guys at school/church to think he was cool. 

1000% this - to prove what a manly man he was.  

Also, Christine's half-brother Levi reminded me very much of Paedon in both looks and speech.  Paedon must take strongly after Christine's dad.

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23 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

What, you weren't riveted by that conversation?  "It's not going to fit."  "I think it will.  I measured side to side."  "But did you measure east to west?"  "No, but I think it will fit if I just gun it up the ramp."  "You're going to blow it out the other end."  "But I did measure diagonally."  "So this should work."  "It's getting dark."  "But do we think this is going to work?"  "It probably won't work."  "But it might."  "OK."

Best scene of the entire episode.  /s

Three Stooges minus 1 stooge, but I think even they would be embarrassed by this mess.



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I felt bad for Robyn's daughters. Their couch talks seem like hostage videos, and you just know Robyn and Kody are standing behind the camera.  I hope that in the time between when these scenes were shot and today the siblings who missed them will reach out at school or elsewhere and embrace them and they can have relationships behind Robyn and Kody's back. 

On 11/13/2023 at 9:32 AM, suzeecat said:

I get annoyed just a bit at Jennelle whining about being left with "nothing".  Girl is all over Insta showing all her trips/cruises etc.  She is what, top 5 earners with Plexxus????  Gurrl, stop with that cry-cry. 

 Of all the wives, she's the one who's literally out hundreds of thousands of dollars (well, not sure how much her retirement was, but she also turned over a house to the family back in Utah pre-show, too, did she not?). Robyn came in with debt that they paid off and is living in a mansion, while Janelle's left with nothing except her name on a lot that will probably be foreclosed on.  She needs to stay bitter and get her money!


Edited by kassa
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On 11/13/2023 at 1:27 AM, Joan of Argh said:

I seriously can’t stand Mykelti, she’s a dumbass moron who’s helping Robyn to continue to diss Christine… ugh!

Kidney and Crybrows will dump Mykelti’s stupid ass in a new York minute as soon as she’s no longer of any use.

and what’s up with AROARa?               
she talks like a robot and not a very smart one at that!… her little speech had Crybrows hands all over it!… it was so obvious 🙄

'Kidney & Crybrows' - so funny!  Of course they will turn on Mykelti in a heartbeat.  And Aurora  drank way too much of her mothers Koolaid, she is drunk from it and it wouldn't even surprise me if she were to become the next Mrs Brown, she just doesn't appear too be going anywhere.... and is just too devoted. This is such a train wreck we're watching and Kody is insane in his delusional narcissistic thinking.

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29 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I believe the cause of narcissistic personality disorder is unknown.


Mayo clinic says this (in a nutshell)

It's not known what causes narcissistic personality disorder. The cause is likely complex. Narcissistic personality disorder may be linked to:

Environment — parent-child relationships with either too much adoration or too much criticism that don't match the child's actual experiences and achievements.

Genetics — inherited characteristics, such as certain personality traits.

Neurobiology — the connection between the brain and behavior and thinking.

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20 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Janelle was hanging around Kody's Dad's ranch in her time period of "staying close with Meri's family" between her divorce with Adam and her marriage with Kody. Janelle's mother was afraid that Janelle was being converted into a cult and so she traveled to the ranch with her...then became so mesmerized by the spiritual witnesses that she fell head over heels in love with Winn and became his third wife. Not long after Janelle pulled Kody away from Meri and told him she needed to be in his family 'cause that's what God told her.

A bit of googling says that Janelle and Adam married in 1988. She says in the book that he moved out after 6 months, but googling says that they divorced in 1990. Meri and Kody were married in 1990, so they most likely started talking or courting at the end of 1989. Janelle was mainstream LDS and Adam converted to mainstream for them to marry. I believe it was a temple marriage as well. Janelle married Kody in 1993. Christine married Kody in 1994 and Logan was born 2 months after that.

...just because...adding that the first 8 kids were born between May 1994(Logan) and October 1998(Garrison). Then a full 3 years before Gabe and Gwen were born, both in October 2001.



I read somewhere that not only Christine and Meri, but also Janelle, had one or more miscarriages. This may account for the 3 year gap.

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20 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

No sorry - I said that. I think I hallucinated out of wishful thinking that in the preview for next week, they said, "Next week on the season finale of Sister Wives." I just checked, and they did not. It was a beautiful dream. 

We both hallucinated the same thing then, because I definitely heard it, too  lol  I think maybe it wasn't at the end of the episode. Possibly during an earlier commercial break?

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Christine: *breathy pick me voice* whyyyyyy are we talkingk about my dating life at Ysybyl's farewell dinner whyyyyyyy

Also Christine: Oh gosh you guys are so embarrassing but let's keep this topic going because we have nothing else to discuss for camera time and also I am lovingk the single life

FT's hair had a meeting with Witchiepoo.

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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Can anybody here name one single financial decision that Janelle has made that was not utterly foolish?

I'm not in Janelle's shoes. But someone in a committed plural family lifestyle could easily make a lot of choices that I never would, about pooling money and funding something for another part of the family because that's what you do. She's not in a smart place now and finally understands that her choices and trust in The Family left her with far less than she contributed. I don't see those choices as spineless or foolish as much as too trusting in Family rather than holding back some for herself. She wanted it to work and did her part.

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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


Can anybody here name one single financial decision that Janelle has made that was not utterly foolish?

- Forking over her inheritance to buy that house in Utah for everyone (not to mention plowing all her salary into supporting someone who contributed nothing *cough* Robyn *cough* so she could have her own house)

- Cashing in her retirement, which probably went to pay off Robyn's Victoria's Secret bill and create her pathetic vanity business

-Agreeing to buy that shitty land in Flagstaff thinking they were actually going to spend millions building houses on it ...  

- Giving Kody and Robyn most of the proceeds from the sale of her Las Vegas house to put toward buying Robin a house in Flagstaff

- Not buying her own house in Flagstaff, instead renting two (?) different houses and paying as much in rent as a mortgage would have cost, missing out on building equity

- Buying that ridiculous camper ... storing that ridiculous camper ... refusing to part with that ridiculous camper

- Not to mention a ton of stupid little things like bothering to pay thousands of dollars to buy earn a certificate saying she is a "Life Coach" ... every penny of that was WAAAASTED! 

- I have no proof, but I would be absolutely stunned if she has made Kody fork over any money to support Savannah ... she is just too much of a doormat to force the issue imo.  

I know Kody and Robyn are selfish scam artists who have played her for a fool, but at some point Janelle is also at fault for the fact that she has nothing.   I'm waiting for her to finally grow a brain and a spine and DO SOMETHING about it! 

I agree 100%. Especially about purchasing the RV, that's a huge expensive mistake!!

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1 hour ago, altopower said:

I'm not in Janelle's shoes. But someone in a committed plural family lifestyle could easily make a lot of choices that I never would, about pooling money and funding something for another part of the family because that's what you do. She's not in a smart place now and finally understands that her choices and trust in The Family left her with far less than she contributed. I don't see those choices as spineless or foolish as much as too trusting in Family rather than holding back some for herself. She wanted it to work and did her part.

Janelle may have started out as simply an overly-trusting plural family cash cow, I agree.   And yes, she seems to finally see how many mistakes she made.  Finally!  I just wish her insight had come from an intelligent realization of where she went wrong and not from the hurt resuting from being ignored by Kody.    But I guess ten months of being ghosted will do that to even the most stubborn person unless your name is Meri Brown.

Sadly, I fear Janelle might still be Kody's stooge if he had only thrown her a crumb somewhere in those ten months.   I wonder, if he had made the slightest effort to set up even one counseling session, would she still be lusting after his pecs and abs?  lol   Would I say she was actually dickmatized and that explains her  behavior?  Possibly.  She seemed willing to languish and wither on the vine much the same way Meri did.  I'm just glad she finally recognized Kody was done with her, too, and she didn't waste years like Meri. 

Maybe now that she has nothing to lose, she will find the guts to drag Kody to court and get back some of her money that he and his soul mate spent on ugly shirts and baubles.   Before they blow what's left on perms, facelifts and injectibles! 


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On 11/13/2023 at 8:57 AM, mythoughtis said:

Janelle has decided her earthly marriage is done.  She just can’t figure out whether she wants to( or can) break the eternal connection that she believes in.

But if she has decided she doesn't want to spend her remaining 30 or 40 years with him in this life, why would she want to spend eternity with him?  He has steadily spiraled downward in every way over the past twelve years. Can't imagine how awful he'll be after a few thousand years in the hereafter.  

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8 hours ago, kassa said:

felt bad for Robyn's daughters. Their couch talks seem like hostage videos, and you just know Robyn and Kody are standing behind the camera. 

Or Robyn's crouched behind the couch with her hands up their backs, being the puppeteer that she is.  Those two Robynettes are so glum!  What are they, 18 and 20? If they're so burdened by life now, how will they endure adulthood, with all the normal ups and downs of living?  

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