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S13.E01: The Eaglewoman Has Landed

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Rinna leaving is awesome. It has shaken it up a bit. I don’t buy she left on her own tho.

The Kyle and Mauricio stuff tho seems like 2 bad actors acting out a storyline. I buy they aren’t really together but all these scenes seems like Mauricio agreeing to let Kyle control the narrative now because he fucked around so much..this narrative makes Kyle look like some powerful lady and they agreed on this game plan. We will see tho. 

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Dorit and her Chanel lapels. For crying out loud.


The therapist having to explain to Erika, point by point, how empathy works. Jesus. 


Jax and Jaid are awesome kids, Garcelle can be really proud of them. I loved their time at the beach. I love how they can talk about difficult things, too. That was a genuine moment ❤️ I don't normally care about the HWs' kids, but Jax and Jaid are welcome on my screen anytime. (Also Dorit's kids.)

Some of you have mentioned Mauricio holding some woman's hand, what was that about? If it was in the episode, I missed it.


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I wish that they had fired Kyle, offered her dogs a contract and made Kathy an offer she couldn’t refuse.  

I’m just being open and honest.


Ha! My predictive text gave me “honest” after I typed “open and”!!!

Is this website still wonky for you guys, or is it just me and my iPhone 8?

Scrolling is torture!!!

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I wish that they had fired Kyle, offered her dogs a contract and made Kathy an offer she couldn’t refuse.  

I’m just being open and honest.


Ha! My predictive text gave me “honest” after I typed “open and”!!!

Is this website still wonky for you guys, or is just me and my iPhone 8?

Scrolling is torture!!!

I would have liked Kathy to film this season but Kyle went with the marriage storyline. I think all the years she went on about their great marriage was bullshit for the show. 

Yes I am still have a hard time. Page often reloads a couple of times before I finish scrolling or typing.

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18 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Because they are being paid to be on a Reality Show.  If they’re not being “Real”, then they aren’t doing their job. 

I agree. And I’m not on reality TV but I have lost 88 pounds over the last year and a half. I took Phentermine for first 14 months and am on Wegovy now. Obesity is a disease. I have a past medical history that puts me at tremendous risk if I stay heavy. I’m a nursing supervisor and am seen by many people during my shifts. The weight loss is noticeable and people comment. I have no problem telling people How I’ve achieved my goals. Am I being dragged behind my back? Possibly. But this is my path and I’m open about it to possibly help others.  
I do think it’s possible Erika went that route but we all know she’s a lying liar who lies. 
Kyle is definitely “off” this season, it’s clear she’s unhappy and angry at Mo. That scene of her waiting for him to get off the phone as she acted like a petulant three year old trying to get their parents attention was something else. I rewound and watched it twice. Not only to see her behavior but also to get another peek at his gorgeous office! I’ve never liked Kyle, mainly because of her treatment of her family and her relationship with Teddi! They were so full of rage on WWHL, it was almost funny. Teddi had her full puffer fish lips on display with light blonde hair and just looks bizarre & comical now. 
While I guess good for Sutton with that crazy spousal support, I found it sad how much she wants her ex to see her as a success. Her spirit was definitely squashed during that marriage.  
PK remains a foul bitch and it’s clear Dorit has had it. Can’t say I blame her at this point. 

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15 hours ago, higginsmom said:

If you are already thin and take weigh loss drugs, and then you get really skinny, and you are on a reality show people should be able to question it IMO. 🤷‍♀️

Exactly. The Ozempic craze is in full force so of course everyone going to think that they are on it and not that they are suddenly disciplined and on a health kick. 
Would I ask someone in my personal life? Most likely no. The one person I know that is on a drug like Ozempic readily admitted it as she was very obese and had poor quality of life.  She’s lost 50 pounds and is improving. 

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2 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

I have lost 88 pounds over the last year and a half. I took Phentermine for first 14 months and am on Wegovy now. Obesity is a disease. I have a past medical history that puts me at tremendous risk if I stay heavy. I’m a nursing supervisor and am seen by many people during my shifts.

Wow, congrats!!  I bet you look amazing.  I don't diss people who have a true need for Weg/Ozem., which it sounds like you have.  My family member is a Type 1 diabetic and was the first person I had ever heard of Wegovy from, as he took it 2 years ago.

It's the celebrity craze thing that irritates me, and all the "oh no, I just diet and exercise" crap they try to throw at us, all for those 5 pesky pounds.  Which keeps us in a shortage for people like yourself who truly benefit from it.

As much as I detest Erika, she may be telling the truth about hormones.  She may be getting bio-identical hormones, including testosterone, which can bring you back 20 years in hormone ratios, giving you back that once-youthful figure.  My friend is close to 70 and she lost 30 lbs and can rock a swimsuit.  She does work out almost daily, but the hormones have given her back a youthful figure (and, her words, a 20 year-old's sex drive).

While I was pleased that Sutton finally opened up about just why her marriage failed, I don't buy her "independent woman hear me roar" garbage.  B*tch, you got $3.6 million PER YEAR from your husband who you "fought" to get away from so you could be "independent".  This play store you have is just a grown-woman sized Barbie dollhouse.

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She does say on her website that she is of Apache Chiricahua descent.  

Thanks for sharing. Many people claim Native descent when they do not have it. She many have some tribal ancestry, but she doesn't even use the correct tribal name. It's Chiricahua Apache. Their descendants are a scattered people without their own reservation and without being recognized by the federal government.

Beyond that, it's her hucksterism that rings false. Native people protect their traditions and ceremonies. They do not cobble them together and offer them for sale, nor generally publicize them. As for "medicine woman," that appears to be a self-appointed title. In a true tribal environment, that position would be studied for over many years, officially acknowledged by a tribe and held in very high regard, and and the medicine man or woman would serve the tribe's people.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Something about this season's Kyle reminds me of the Friends episode where "Fun Bobby" stops drinking and is no longer fun.

In theory, someone who has given up alcohol, and changed their eating and exercise habits should feel pretty good inside, and you'd expect their demeanor to reflect that. Instead she looks fantastic, but seems edgy and irritated and full of attitude.

It will be interesting to see her in the first party situation and see if she is fun loving, splits doing Kyle or if she keeps this edginess.


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9 minutes ago, Mar said:


This is from the Vulture.com recap:

I think Dorit is personally trolling me with her confessional looks, especially the one where she has CHA on one collar and NEL on the other one, like her earrings from a few seasons ago got tired and decided to slump down her neck to take a nap.) 

and a comment from that recap:

Dorit's CHA NEL is great but it will never top Lu wearing those earrings wrong on RHONY and it saying NEL CHA

It had gotten so bad for me that I was really ready to give up on this website after many years of using it. Someone suggested AdBlock Pro. It’s a free app and now using these boards is 100% easy. I researched the app to be sure it would be safe and it is.


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19 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I doubt she is Native American, or enrolled in a federally recognized tribe. I base this on the BS she blathers on her website. She does not state her tribal affailiation, which most tribal members do. If she is not NA, she is grossly appropriating traditional NA medicine and cynically using NA terminology for profit.

The outrage over Ozempic is that it is meant for diabetics and is in short supply because of people - often of means and privilege - who are using it off-label for shallow reasons while people who need it to survive cannot get it. Thus the lies by all of the suddenly-skinny celebrities who understand they are resented. It's similar to lying about having had cosmetic surgery. Surgery doesn't hurt other people, but claiming "it's my face creme" or "it's my new hair cut" is a lie and that bugs some people.

I dug deeply (as much as the Internet allows) into Sutton's background when she first appeared on the show. I posted about Sutton's $300K monthly alimony, child support, properties, and so on. Sutton and her former husband married young and worked together, like many couples, to build their wealth. (Same as Keyle and Mauricio have done, with Kyle as a homemaker who dabbled in acting.) Without question Sutton's former husband worked hard in his profession, and she benefited from that in the divorce. I don't recommend it, because there is danger in relying on a spouse for financial security long-term, but it appears to be working for Sutton.

Somebody needs to make a joke about money not buying style, because Sutton has horrible fashion taste. Bless her heart.


My objection was the cast's "confusion" over her name.  I don't know her background, but I do know that Eagle Woman is a Native American name and it's rude and bigoted to openly mock the "unusual" (to some) names of another culture.  It's not acceptable.

If she's a fake, a phony, a cultural appropriator is another matter entirely.  But even if she is all of those things, it's still wrong to mock Native American names. 

Is this debatable? Surely you didn't mean, she's a fake and phony cultural appropriator, so therefore it's fine to mock Native American names, right?

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:36 AM, Jel said:

I thought that was a pretty interesting season premiere. 

Th Kyle situation has my spidey senses tingling. Is it manufactured bs, designed for a two to three season storyline? Possibly. Or, is Kyle having a mid life crisis? Also possible. Or is Kyle in love with someone else, who is not Mauricio. Also possible in my mind. But, my goodness, after years and years of the cringey "lovebean" talk, and their perfect marriage and what an ahhhmaaazing husband Mauricio is, to now, within a few months, go to this? Side eye.

Erika doesn't know what empathy is or how to feel it. Jeepers, what a shock. 

I felt so bad for Garcelle for having to hear her son say she wasn't there for him. How much that must have hurt, and to hear it the first time with cameras rolling? Yikes.

And finally, I'm not much for woo, but the "confusion" over Eagle Woman's name really pissed me off. Yes, that's her name. I don't know her story, or if she's Native American, but I'm assuming she is. I'm not American, but Canadian, and in Canada, there are Indigenous people who have names that, especially when translated into English, sound very different to the Western ear, (where we tend to name babies after Saints, or family members or jewelry stores etc.).  I get the eye rolling about the "spiritual healing", I understand that the lady's name was foreign sounding (ironically), but the carrying on about it was rude and insensitive and bigoted. Imagine if they made fun of any other culture's names. Unacceptable.  

One comment Kyle made was how she stopped doing what her mother raised her to do.  Marry a wealthy man, be a wife and mother who is always available and (in my opinion) be very old fashioned in the wife arena.  Now that the kids are basically grown, she is tired of dealing with his dirty underpants.  I am beginning to wonder if the Mo/Kyle we have been seeing the last 500 years is the fake one.


This is for show, he will transfer what they own to her, divorce and their $ is untouchable by these lawsuits against him?  If this is even how it works.


Since she is going 'late in life lesbian', is SHE the one that Brandi claimed to have had sex with?  When Denise was saying what Brandi had told her about the cast.

I clearly have too much time on my hands.

I too was pissed at the disrespect shown to Eaglewoman.

21 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I doubt she is Native American, or enrolled in a federally recognized tribe. I base this on the BS she blathers on her website. She does not state her tribal affailiation, which most tribal members do. If she is not NA, she is grossly appropriating traditional NA medicine and cynically using NA terminology for profit.

The outrage over Ozempic is that it is meant for diabetics and is in short supply because of people - often of means and privilege - who are using it off-label for shallow reasons while people who need it to survive cannot get it. Thus the lies by all of the suddenly-skinny celebrities who understand they are resented. It's similar to lying about having had cosmetic surgery. Surgery doesn't hurt other people, but claiming "it's my face creme" or "it's my new hair cut" is a lie and that bugs some people.

I dug deeply (as much as the Internet allows) into Sutton's background when she first appeared on the show. I posted about Sutton's $300K monthly alimony, child support, properties, and so on. Sutton and her former husband married young and worked together, like many couples, to build their wealth. (Same as Keyle and Mauricio have done, with Kyle as a homemaker who dabbled in acting.) Without question Sutton's former husband worked hard in his profession, and she benefited from that in the divorce. I don't recommend it, because there is danger in relying on a spouse for financial security long-term, but it appears to be working for Sutton.

Somebody needs to make a joke about money not buying style, because Sutton has horrible fashion taste. Bless her heart.



Edited by Natalie68
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36 minutes ago, TipseyGirl said:

I'm sorry, but were Mauricio's teeth always that big?? Because...damn! He looked like he was struggling to close his lips around them.

Ericka Jane is such an asshole. And inquiring how one attains empathy is solid proof. What a dick she is.

He has never been able to close his mouth. It makes him look rodent-like, imo, and led to a bunch of "mouth breather" comments about him in earlier seasons. It does look like he got the blindingly white oversized veneers that are, inexplicably, so popular, so that makes closing his mouth even less likely. My teeth feel dry just looking at him.

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2 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

Something about this season's Kyle reminds me of the Friends episode where "Fun Bobby" stops drinking and is no longer fun.

In theory, someone who has given up alcohol, and changed their eating and exercise habits should feel pretty good inside, and you'd expect their demeanor to reflect that. Instead she looks fantastic, but seems edgy and irritated and full of attitude.

It will be interesting to see her in the first party situation and see if she is fun loving, splits doing Kyle or if she keeps this edginess.


I was wondering the same thing as you.  

On one hand, it is a good thing for Kyle that she has given up alcohol, and, physically looks amazing and is very fit.  But, as you said, she doesn't seem to be reaping the mental benefits from her workouts that others do.  

I'm also curious to see how she will behave during their first alcohol-heavy party or girl's trip.  I don't think she'll still be doing the splits or spinning her pony tail, but I hope that she won't be critical of the others who decide to have a few drinks and have some fun.

If sober Kyle is just going to be angry and irritated all the time, this is going to be another dreadful season.  I'm not saying that she should start drinking again, but hopefully, she'll lighten up a little and learn to have alcohol-free fun.

What I don't want to see is a season of Kyle being all "Angry Spice", as she called Brandi way back when.

Edited by njbchlover
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On 10/26/2023 at 11:36 AM, Jel said:

And finally, I'm not much for woo, but the "confusion" over Eagle Woman's name really pissed me off. Yes, that's her name. I don't know her story, or if she's Native American, but I'm assuming she is. I'm not American, but Canadian, and in Canada, there are Indigenous people who have names that, especially when translated into English, sound very different to the Western ear, (where we tend to name babies after Saints, or family members or jewelry stores etc.).  I get the eye rolling about the "spiritual healing", I understand that the lady's name was foreign sounding (ironically), but the carrying on about it was rude and insensitive and bigoted. Imagine if they made fun of any other culture's names. Unacceptable.  


23 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I doubt she is Native American, or enrolled in a federally recognized tribe. I base this on the BS she blathers on her website. She does not state her tribal affailiation, which most tribal members do. If she is not NA, she is grossly appropriating traditional NA medicine and cynically using NA terminology for profit.


17 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

She does say on her website that she is of Apache Chiricahua descent.  


Yeah, that spiritual healer really made me uncomfortable. Not because I had the urge to make fun of her name, but because she seemed like she was appropriating different NA ideas into standard New Age healing that costs a ton to cater to rich people. "descent" seems like it could be doing a lot of work there. Not seeing anything on her site that connects her with any actual Indigenous people or issues.

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After rewatching last season’s reunion, there is a big difference in Kyle’s face that is not attributable to her weight loss.. She’s about to be 55 and there is no softening at her jawline, etc. She’s had some work done for sure.  Plus, I now better understand Kathy’s anger with Kyle.  Kyle should have told Rinna that if Rinna had no proof to present of the many  outlandish claims she was making regarding the Aspen event, she stands with her sister.  But Kyle was too chicken shit to confront Rinna and rock the boat.  All the “But it’s only hurting me!”  No, Kyle, it hurt your sister’s reputation far more than your cowardly, little feelings.

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40 minutes ago, Pattycake2 said:

After rewatching last season’s reunion, there is a big difference in Kyle’s face that is not attributable to her weight loss.. She’s about to be 55 and there is no softening at her jawline, etc. She’s had some work done for sure.  Plus, I now better understand Kathy’s anger with Kyle.  Kyle should have told Rinna that if Rinna had no proof to present of the many  outlandish claims she was making regarding the Aspen event, she stands with her sister.  But Kyle was too chicken shit to confront Rinna and rock the boat.  All the “But it’s only hurting me!”  No, Kyle, it hurt your sister’s reputation far more than your cowardly, little feelings.

Yes, Kyle is very passive aggressive towards her sister. Lots of “Yeah it was bad, but *I* didn’t say it!” No, but you sat there and mhmmed and laughed along. I’m beyond sick of her. No doubt there’s a complicated family dynamic there with plenty of dysfunction, but the fact that she still feels like a little kid when sshe’s talking to Kathy is on 50 plus year old Kyle. 

This may be just me, but not getting to hear Kathy’s rant— theft! 😜

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Sutton may have some kooky outfits but I loved the polka dot dress she wore with Jennifer Tilly. I want that dress! I love seeing her and JT together; if you listen to Jeff Lewis, the episode with JT was the funniest thing I have ever heard.

8 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

 B*tch, you got $3.6 million PER YEAR from your husband who you "fought" to get away from so you could be "independent".  This play store you have is just a grown-woman sized Barbie dollhouse.

I don’t think that Sutton wanted the divorce. My understanding  is he told her on her birthday which is a horrible thing to do. I think she “fought” to make sure she didn’t get screwed in the divorce. I picture Angela Bassett’s husband in Waiting to Exhale, trying to hide assets from his wife, when I think of Sutton’s husband.

if Kyle is going to claim that Kathy is horrible to her based on what Rinna, who I wouldn’t trust if she told me the sky was blue, claimed Kathy said, it is going to get old quickly. Like, already stale.

Edited by Dixie Sugarbaker
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2 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:

After rewatching last season’s reunion, there is a big difference in Kyle’s face that is not attributable to her weight loss.. She’s about to be 55 and there is no softening at her jawline, etc. She’s had some work done for sure.  Plus, I now better understand Kathy’s anger with Kyle.  Kyle should have told Rinna that if Rinna had no proof to present of the many  outlandish claims she was making regarding the Aspen event, she stands with her sister.  But Kyle was too chicken shit to confront Rinna and rock the boat.  All the “But it’s only hurting me!”  No, Kyle, it hurt your sister’s reputation far more than your cowardly, little feelings.

Kyle was always like that with Kim too. Remember the first season when Taylor threatened to go all Oklahoma on her ass? Kyle didn't say a word to defend Kim. She sat on the couch at the reunion and picked at lint on her shirt the whole time Taylor was making "do you really  want  me to go there" threats to Kim. At the dinner where Rinna broke the wine glass and was about to lunge across the table at Kim, Kyle cried and literally ran out of the restaurant, leaving Kim to fend for herself. When Kim told Adrienne and Paul that Brandi outed the surrogacy, Kyle didn't say boo to Brandi. Kyle blamed Kim for ruining Mo's Agency party.

Which leads me to my other thought. I think that Kyle and Mo built the real estate business together. Mo had the realtor brains and Kyle had the connections. Her BIL was a Hilton  who owned a real estate company, she hooked Mo up with the job. Kyle schmoozed the rich folks, Mo got them to use him as their realtor.

Then Kyle got RHOBH. Got them all famous,  made more rich friends, Mo sold more high end real estate. When he went out on his own and started The Agency it caused huge problems between them and Kathy and  Rick Hilton. But Kyle stood by Mo.

Now those  dynamics have changed. The kids are  pretty much grown, Mo doesn't need Kyle's connections as much. He's doing well  on his own, has his own show. I think he's probably doing his own thing now without including her in the process and she's like what now? So she does the mid life crisis glam up and is still trying to figure out who she is.

I will be curious to see if she gets some therapy or something and works things out with her sisters without the blinders she normally has where their younger years and their mom are concerned.

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5 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:

Kyle should have told Rinna that if Rinna had no proof to present of the many  outlandish claims she was making regarding the Aspen event, she stands with her sister.  

I don't specifically recall Rinna lying about much over the years. And I fully believe that Kathy said everything that Rinna told Kyle. I realized Lisa is not the most likeable person for everyone, but I just don't perceive her as being a huge liar.

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I am never one to defend Erika, and I am sure she is probably using some kind of injectable. However, some of the weight loss may be attributed to her no longer taking Lexapro. I don't care what doctors and "the research" claim, that drug PACKS on the pounds. It happened to me and one can read any number of online patient reviews and the same stories come up over and over about how much weight they gained after starting that med. 


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On 10/25/2023 at 8:07 PM, SnarkAttack said:

Some thoughts.

I like Dorit's darker hair.  Her face looks different.  Still doing Chanel advertising.

Erica is awful.  Being so thin really makes her breasts look like bolt-ons.  Hormones, right.

Love Sutton's horse!

Sounds like Kyle's had enough.  Go Kyle!

So glad Rinna is gone.

That's one of the reasons I haven't gone through with implants despite thinking about it for several years. I am a thin chick, but I'd like to be about 10 pounds thinner. I've seen women like Erika where the implants look fairly natural, then they look like obvious fakes if there is weight loss, especially with big implants. If I ever bite the bullet and go through with it, I'd go up a single cup size before I'd go up three or more. 

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On 10/27/2023 at 8:40 AM, Starlight925 said:

As much as I detest Erika, she may be telling the truth about hormones.  She may be getting bio-identical hormones, including testosterone, which can bring you back 20 years in hormone ratios, giving you back that once-youthful figure.  My friend is close to 70 and she lost 30 lbs and can rock a swimsuit.  She does work out almost daily, but the hormones have given her back a youthful figure (and, her words, a 20 year-old's sex drive).

Yes this was exactly my experience. I mentioned it upthread. It gave me back my figure and helped my libido, but not to the extent of your friend's. 

I wonder what has made Kyle so mad at Mauricio. Did she find proof that he was cheating on her? She is so angry and acted like she could barely stand to be around him. 

I also wonder why PK is going to London so much. Does he really have that much work there or is he looking for a break from Dorit and perhaps a few dalliances? It's pretty obvious their marriage is rocky now.

When Erika is on screen I can barely watch her. I cannot stand her. I'm glad Lisa Rinna is gone, but I wish they had gotten rid of Erika too. 

While I don't really like Kyle, I'm also an ACA (Adult Child of Alcoholic) and I can relate to the conflicted, painful feelings she has about her sister. Growing up in that environment creates unhealthy family dynamics. My sister and I haven't recovered from it. We barely communicate. 

I don't know if this helps but I read this forum on either my MacBook or IPad. The ads are there but don't interfere with scrolling or loading pages. 


Edited by Sweet-tea
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On 10/25/2023 at 10:29 PM, Pi237 said:

I’m not criticizing Erika’s weight. I also would never look down on anyone who used Ozempic. I’d get it if I could. I’m just sick of people lying about it. ‘Hormones, I drink a lot of water, I get lots of sleep, etc.’   A famous person being honest about weight loss would go along way toward de-stigmatizing those who need surgery or meds to make it happen. 

I was listening to BravBros and one of the guys is a personal trainer and he did say there are horomones that you can take that will in fact allow you to lose weight.  He said its not something he would do BUT she could be telling the truth.

I am on Ozempic and have been for 6 months I am THIS close to not even being pre-diabetic and yes I have lost a bit of weight but sadly because I take it "for the right reasons" I am not shedding weight like crazy and I am  actually eating MORE than I did before (I basically almost had to starve myself to keep my weight down).  When taken correctly at least for me, it slows down your absorption.  I actually ate  almost half a hamburger and was not panicking!

Some people with auto-immune disorder (Hashimotos here) have metabolism and weight gain without actually sticking the food in our mouths.  Ozempic is a godsend to people like me.  But what the people in Hollywood do is they have personal trainers where that is their life - working out to drip.  If you do not "need" Ozempic I am told it works differently that those of us who need it.

Bringing it back to Erika - my guess is she is on Ozempic of HGH or something PLUS all of the work for her tour has helped.  Plus she seems to be in a better place now.  Still not someone I would want to hang out with but...

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:01 AM, Mr. Miner said:

PK looks like he has a whole mouth full of rotten teeth. 🤷‍♂️


11 hours ago, Chalby said:

Lol, isn't that the stereotype for British men?

Didn't PK just get all new veneers last year?  Isn't that how we all found out that Dorit is super involved in the "Homeless Not Toothless" charity?  

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On 10/26/2023 at 3:42 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Those forensic investigators did their du diligence lol 

I think what she was trying to say is YES I have his money but I still go out and make my own .. she’s not just laying around eating bon bons and being a kept ex wife without a care in the world … 

Easier to make your “own” money with vanity businesses, perhaps, when you are getting $3.5mil/year from your ex.

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29 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Easier to make your “own” money with vanity businesses, perhaps, when you are getting $3.5mil/year from your ex.

I don’t see a problem with it .. I don’t think knowing how much she gets a month suddenly vilenesses her … and at the end of the day these shows are built on wealth especially this one .. would it be harder to run a business without it yes she even said so herself but she still does it 

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41 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I don’t see a problem with it .. I don’t think knowing how much she gets a month suddenly vilenesses her … and at the end of the day these shows are built on wealth especially this one .. would it be harder to run a business without it yes she even said so herself but she still does it 

It's not the spousal support payments, it's Sutton declaring she is modeling "financial freedom"  while her ex-husband pays for it.  Financial freedom is not relying on your ex husband's checks.  


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12 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

It's not the spousal support payments, it's Sutton declaring she is modeling "financial freedom"  while her ex-husband pays for it.  Financial freedom is not relying on your ex husband's checks.  



Good for her for getting the $3.6 million a year.   But  don't be all "I am Woman hear me roar",  I did it all on my own.

Of course, the producers played with her, filming her while she was a talking about how she wants to model financial freedom for her children, mommy did it all alone, while they found that news article and highlighted her $300K a year support while she talked.  Ha.

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I think instead of “spiritual healing” they should have done an exorcism to purge any taint of Rinna from that group.

Erika being regretful? We’ll see. She’s a performer.

PK is a dick. The Eaglewoman may well be bogus, but you don’t embarrass your wife like that. That union over the past few years has struck me as being weaker than Mo’s and Kyle’s supposedly is.

EDITS — Tom “unsupportive”? Really? Erika would not have a “career” if it weren’t for what he embezzled. CYA much?

Edited by RoseAllDay
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4 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

It's not the spousal support payments, it's Sutton declaring she is modeling "financial freedom"  while her ex-husband pays for it.  Financial freedom is not relying on your ex husband's checks.  


I took it as her showing that she's working because she doesn't like to feel like she's only relying on his checks. When she was married, he gave her an allowance. The spousal support is kind of similar, but that's why she's generating her own money too. Even if yes, of course, most of her wealth comes from him, either in the form of checks or from investments she gets from investing those checks, she's saying don't just rely on someone else writing you the check. Do something for yourself that would still be there if that went away.

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I think of financial freedom as simply living life the way you want and not having to worry about money. Being in service to a great paying job you still work at and love and want to continue working at. Inherited, good investments, or saved wealth. Or as a retired from the working scene person who won the lottery or something. Unless they are a lottery winner who stupidly spends and loses it all in a short period of time and cuts their “lifetime of no $$ worries” short. 

It also could be a ton of money, or just enough for someone to live their life out with the necessities and a little extra padding taken care of, for those who crave a simpler existence. It is in the eye of the beholder and what would be enough for them.

To me, Financial freedom is someone who can do what they want and not be held back by any worry that the money they have will run out for the lifestyle they wish to live. 

Now working with what Sutton has to work with, she could easily live a very extravagant lifestyle, and have enough to invest and grow it to give her kids one heck of a head start to their own financial freedom lifestyle of choice. Plus be able to put time into a hobby, or thing she loves and hopes to make a profit while sharing her hobby, personal likes, with others that may share that interest.

No matter how small the demand for such same subject interests may be out there in the rest of the world. There are always a few out there who have the same tastes, interests, or hobby and possibly very little places to go, to be able to acquire information or products for it. 

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The amount of spousal support Sutton gets is astronomical to us working class folks, but I agree that a woman’s contribution to the household is always very undervalued. On the average, the wife raises this kids (which entails 24/7 diligence) She manages the entire household. She does everything so that the husband only has to work his job. When he comes home, he’s done. Mom is Never off the clock. She can’t come and go from the home without working out all the logistics of everyone else’s needs (including the pets). If they divorce, she damn well deserves to be compensated for years of constant sacrifice.

However, for the rich, its harder to empathize when you know they probably hired staff to do all the chores we plebes are saddled with.  And if my you’re using that support to maintain your rich lifestyle, you’re not financially independent. 

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Whether or not Rinna lied about Kathy's rant re Kyle is immaterial, since Kathy apologized to Kyle for saying some awful things about her. So Rinna was probably telling some version of the truth about Kathy, though in her typical way, Rinna made it about herself. 

I think Kyle feels like she's lived her entire life in someone else's shadow - her mom, her sisters, Mo, etc. And the combination of lifestyle changes and changes in her relationships is forcing her to confront her feelings in ways she hadn't. Now, it also means she seems pretty miserable and brittle, and I hope she finds a way to be happier. 

I also don't think that this is an act on her part. She does seem so brittle, and that felt pretty authentic to me.

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2 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Whether or not Rinna lied about Kathy's rant re Kyle is immaterial, since Kathy apologized to Kyle for saying some awful things about her. So Rinna was probably telling some version of the truth about Kathy, though in her typical way, Rinna made it about herself. 

I think Kyle feels like she's lived her entire life in someone else's shadow - her mom, her sisters, Mo, etc. And the combination of lifestyle changes and changes in her relationships is forcing her to confront her feelings in ways she hadn't. Now, it also means she seems pretty miserable and brittle, and I hope she finds a way to be happier. 

I also don't think that this is an act on her part. She does seem so brittle, and that felt pretty authentic to me.

And I think that is all fine except her expectations that all the other castmates should drop Kathy as a friend.  I don't know but maybe Sutton and Garcelle are truly friends or friendly with Kathy.  I mean Kathy invites them to parties and they do lunches so I don't find that social climbing.  I find that to be real life.

The problem with Kyle is like many people she expects HER friends to fight HER battles but when it is the other way she walks away and says not my business.

She is mad Sutton did not hug her when she was crying yet on national tv she sits there and allows the gnat to insinuate Sutton is an alcoholic.  Well now why did you not stop that Kyle. 

While I see and understand Kyle is now saying enough is enough these women know that in the blink of an eye she could be back with her husband and BFF with her sister and they will be the ones paying the price.  So GOODBYLE KYLE - you do you.

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6 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:


I hope you weren't one of the ones going after Erika for cursing at Jax.  Your public comments are no better.  Children should be off limits.  




If she is gonna put her kid on a reality show and he is old enough to know what it means to say something on camera (which he is), then they are not off-limits. God knows people have gone after Rinna’s obnoxious kids. Pretty sure Delilah was about 16 with the “chub chub” comment.

Plus the situations are totally different. Erika was a total bitch to him. He didn’t do anything to deserve that so people were right to call her out. In this instance, he dragged his mom on camera. Whether it was deserved or not, I don’t know. But either she comes across poorly or he does. 

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1 hour ago, Slakkie said:

And I think that is all fine except her expectations that all the other castmates should drop Kathy as a friend.  I don't know but maybe Sutton and Garcelle are truly friends or friendly with Kathy.  I mean Kathy invites them to parties and they do lunches so I don't find that social climbing.  I find that to be real life.

The problem with Kyle is like many people she expects HER friends to fight HER battles but when it is the other way she walks away and says not my business.

She is mad Sutton did not hug her when she was crying yet on national tv she sits there and allows the gnat to insinuate Sutton is an alcoholic.  Well now why did you not stop that Kyle. 

While I see and understand Kyle is now saying enough is enough these women know that in the blink of an eye she could be back with her husband and BFF with her sister and they will be the ones paying the price.  So GOODBYLE KYLE - you do you.

If Kathy is nicer to both Sutton and Garcelle than Kyle is, OF COURSE Sutton and Garcelle would remain friends with Kathy. Kyle expects too much. It reminds me of when she wanted to be friends with Lisa Vanderpump but would never take up for her. Friendship is a two-way street. If you don't care for Garcelle or Sutton, that's fine. But don't expect this crazy loyalty. I think it was season 1 when even Kim said she was leery about taking up for Kyle because Kyle would get into it with people, then become friends with them, and then Kim would be left hanging. That's not fair. Kyle's relationships with her siblings are complicated, and and it's the others who make it worse (Rinna and Erika). Not Garcelle or Sutton for remaining friends with her sister.

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