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S18.E09: Battle Lines are Drawn


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Anyone notice that, despite all of their concerns about Covid, no one batted an eye at Tony blowing out the candle on the baby's cake??? 

I would add something else but there is nothing else to add. Kody is a horrible polygamist, horrible father and horrible human. He and Robyn have twisted their stories to manipulate their children. If her older children ever make it out, it will take years of therapy to undo what has been done. 

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I'm not sure Kody knows which of the kids are Christine's and which are Janelle's. He says Christine's turning his kids against him but he's most upset about his relationship with the boys. He never acknowledges any of the girls. All but one of the boys are Janelle's, not Christine's. 

I thought Christine was pretty kind about  Mykelti's relationship with Robyn even though I suspect Mykelti was a proto nanny for Robyn's 3 original kids when they first joined the family. 

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4 hours ago, monagatuna said:

Just like most of you, I continue to be surprised at how Kody outdoes himself every week with his awfulness. He called his own kids jerks! He and his wife are alienating even their favored kids and not allowing them to have a relationship with their siblings! I can't even blame Aurora and Breanna for their acting--they have been sheltered and isolated by their mom for so many years. They want to be friendly with their siblings for the most part, and they can't see that it's their own parents that are keeping them locked away in a tower. I really hope they all escape when this shitshow is over.


I actually believed Breanna was truly crying and felt sorry for her and Aurora. I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I don't think those girls are that bad. Yeah, they were a little snotty about Janelle's RV, and I don't like that, but I didn't think it was age-inappropriate snottiness and cluelessness at the time.

I mostly think their mother has been lying like a rug to manipulate them into thinking their Brown siblings reject them, when they don't. And? If Kody hasn't joined her, he has let it pass without noting that it is not true.


Just now, RedLA said:

It’s eerie.  Voice.  Mannerisms.  Fake tears.  Expressions.  Except for the eyebrows it’s hard to tell them apart.


I could not disagree more. I think those girls were being truthful. Gabriel pretty much backed up Aurora's version of the story, and I don't think Breanna was faking. I think she was legitimately embarrassed that she started crying.


3 hours ago, IvySpice said:

Right. I have seen good parents come to the end of their rope with grown children, but (1), the kids in question had severe and treatment-resistant addiction problems or personality disorders, and (2) the parents showed obvious distress every time they talked about the sad estrangement. Kody talks about his own children like they're former business partners who screwed him over. I don't see any appropriate emotion from Kody about this situation. Just rage and insistence that these relationships are a two-way street. Hello, a parent-child relationship is not symmetrical! What in the world is wrong with you? Think of how rich Kody's life could be with all these interesting young adults and their families in it. Too bad for what he's missing. The nicest thing about Christine and Janelle is their obvious joy at being around all their kids of every age.

She's acting like Kody shutting Meri out (over and over for years) is somehow Meri doing Robyn wrong. That's not how any of this works!


This. Exactly this!

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On 10/16/2023 at 8:02 AM, LotusFlower said:

Good question.  Also, can someone explain the gift exchange thing?  Meaning, how exactly is it done via Zoom?  Coordinating the exchanges?  I’m only asking because I’m trying to figure out how Robyn got involved and how it provoked the fight.  (Gwen’s explanation was confusing to me).  

I'm just assuming it was to draw the names, but I don't really know..... that is why I don't understand why the insufferable Mrs Brown even got involved.  We have done it at work and in my family.... all names go in a container or hat etc then each person draws to see who they buy for but usually kept a secret.  But because they were planning to do it via zoom - no idea if it would be the same concept.  They kind of showed a clip from several years ago doing it but in person but I didn't pay much attention.

Edited by endure
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I feel bad for all the kids. I have zero sympathy anymore for any of the original 5 Brown adults. They are all assholes. Every single one of them is working an agenda here. Except maybe Meri at this point, who has somehow become my favorite Sister Wife. 

Having an ex-anniversary celebration lunch is tacky. She's celebrating the disintegration of her children's family and the toxic family structure she helped create that ultimately fell apart,. Telling other people that divorce is awesome is immature. I have a bad feeling that if you eliminated everyone else and just did a show about Christine, all her flaws and immaturities would become painfully obvious.  

And what's up with TLC hiring more "friends" to create a pretend scene? They did this with Kody as well. I would bet money these women met Christine 10 minutes before the camera started filming. 

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I keep thinking about Christine saying something like "Kody should have just sat us down and said 'I've found the love of my life, we're soulmates, and we are going to spend the rest of our lives together' and we should have sorted out what that meant for all of us going forward." 

I find that fascinating. Maybe they could have dissolved the OG3 marriages at that time and worked out shared custody of the minor kids / scheduling of holidays etc. 

Who knows. I don't think Janelle would have been ready to split. I think Christine was already well on the way to understanding she didn't have a loving marriage like her monog kids. 

They (as a group) probably wouldn't have had the emotional intelligence to make it work in any scenario but interesting to imagine if they had dealt with reality at that time instead of dragging out the pretending. 

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Interesting how we are hearing ad nauseum from Kody how Robyn is the love of his life and they are not allowed to show their love and they are soul mates, he's happy to be monogomous with her, blah, blah. Yet we never hear her say any of that. I don't believe she loves Kody like that. She's playing him and he has no clue. 

Robyn needs a roof over her head and food on her table right now (and Victoria Secret in her closet). She can see where this monogomy is going and she doesn't really want to be Kody's one and only.  Unless in private she's all over him like white on rice and doesn't want the public to see it. Again, she's playin all of them. 


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3 hours ago, Kellyee said:

I feel bad for all the kids. I have zero sympathy anymore for any of the original 5 Brown adults. They are all assholes. Every single one of them is working an agenda here.

The women all hung in there for decades, choosing Kootie over their own kids. They all got what they deserved.  The kids were collateral damage and while they support their moms on film, I do wonder what is said behind the scenes.

Christine makes me stabby with her oh-so-wise blathering about what everyone else should do.

Kootie is seriously in need of a mental health evaluation. He is certifiable in his rage and hatred.

And someone needs to deprogram Sobbyn's girls before they end up in Little House on the Prairie dresses wed to men twice their ages.  The pretend crying one (I can't tell them apart nor do I care to) is parroting all of the crap her mom is feeding her.  And Areola will be taking her pacifier to her wedding. Run, Sol, run.

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27 minutes ago, Canadian Girl said:


I keep thinking about Christine saying something like "Kody should have just sat us down and said 'I've found the love of my life, we're soulmates, and we are going to spend the rest of our lives together' and we should have sorted out what that meant for all of us going forward." 

I find that fascinating. Maybe they could have dissolved the OG3 marriages at that time and worked out shared custody of the minor kids / scheduling of holidays etc. 


In this scenario: I think Kody would have behaved a lot better during the splits because it would have been his idea.  Therefore his anger and hurt to his ego wouldn’t be on display. 

Meri would have done the same crying that she did the first several years on the show.  Christine and Janelle would have been hurt- just as they were when Kody legally divorced Meri and married Robyn, but they would  have  moved on.  Probably not as the best friends they are now.  The kids would have been fine because they only saw their dad once a week or so anyway. 
Robyn would have done the same ‘it’s not what I wanted’, where’s my porch rocking chair acting she’s doing now. 

Gwen commented that Robyn had been playing the victim for 8 years.  Which in this show’s timeline would be when Kody legally married Robyn.  The entire family knew the truth then and Kody should have manned up and admitted it. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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15 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Interesting how we are hearing ad nauseum from Kody how Robyn is the love of his life and they are not allowed to show their love and they are soul mates, he's happy to be monogomous with her, blah, blah. Yet we never hear her say any of that. don't believe she loves Kody like that. 

Agreed. I don't think Robyn loves Kody the way Kody loves Robyn. 

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12 hours ago, General Days said:


I actually believed Breanna was truly crying and felt sorry for her and Aurora. I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I don't think those girls are that bad. Yeah, they were a little snotty about Janelle's RV, and I don't like that, but I didn't think it was age-inappropriate snottiness and cluelessness at the time.

I mostly think their mother has been lying like a rug to manipulate them into thinking their Brown siblings reject them, when they don't. And? If Kody hasn't joined her, he has let it pass without noting that it is not true.



I could not disagree more. I think those girls were being truthful. Gabriel pretty much backed up Aurora's version of the story, and I don't think Breanna was faking. I think she was legitimately embarrassed that she started crying.



This. Exactly this!

People may act different with a camera filming them. They were in the trailer with cameras pointed at them and they made a joke. People here took it way too seriously. 

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1 hour ago, Canadian Girl said:

I don't think Robyn loves Kody the way Kody loves Robyn. 

I don't even know if Kody is capable of love. If he is the narc that most believe he is then, no. Kody loves Kody. That so-called "love" is self-serving and self-centered. He always makes it sound transactional too. He "loves" Robyn because she is loyal to him. Its also triangulation, e.g. she is loyal unlike the other wives. 

As for Robyn, she loves being the favorite and having nice things. She had the ultimate come up. From trailer park to million dollar home and drowning in Precious Moment figurines and long-legged pants. 

Frankly, I am sticking around just to see if those two will suffer any financial repercussions without the income of the OG3.

I found it interesting that Gabe said Aurora is usually in the Science building at school. Curious as to what her major is. Anyone know?

2 hours ago, Shelbie said:

I think Kody has immense trouble accepting that any member of his family chooses to believe any other version of reality than what he has decreed. He thinks he is entitled to all the empathy and sympathy.

That most of children have chosen to support Christine and Janelle rather than him has enraged him. He expected his children to revile the women who raised them and turn to him as the “leader” of the family. I think he thought all of his children would remain as his adoring subjects while he ruled.  Even in average families children grow up, make their own decisions and don’t turn to their parents for everything.
He is delusional.

Nothing short of a complete and total shunning of Christine would have satisfied Kody. 

He knew in his heart of hearts that Christine would win any popularity contest when he called her the "Pied Piper" that all the kids (not to mention the public) would take her side and follow her wherever she goes.  This is why it always makes my heart sing whenever one of the kids say that they are having the holidays wherever Christine is. I think Garrison said it again this episode. 

What Kody will and can never understand is that Christine is loved and respected because of her consistent actions and loving presence throughout the entirety of those kids lives.  

1 hour ago, suzeecat said:

Does anyone know/remember the last time we saw Dayton (other than in flashbacks)?  He seems to have escaped unscathed. 

We saw Dayton in the Thanksgiving and Christmas footage. Most notably referring to the motorized bikes as hillbilly scooters or something like that. 

Edited by islandgal140
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1 hour ago, Canadian Girl said:

Agreed. I don't think Robyn loves Kody the way Kody loves Robyn. 

Kody has been deceived or deceived himself.  Robyn saw show money and ready made family when she looked at Kody.  That it didn't quite work out as she planned, she gained at least 90% of what she wanted.  That her manipulations were seen through by 90% of the family and most of the TV audience she didn't expect.  Now she's left with dealing with the fallout and she doesn't like it one bit.  She needed quite a bit more foresight with her manipulative ways. 

Normal people don't think of their spouse as a "customer."  The transactional relationship flows both ways with those two.

Edited by Absolom
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49 minutes ago, Sedona said:

People may act different with a camera filming them. They were in the trailer with cameras pointed at them and they made a joke. People here took it way too seriously. 

I don't think so.  They've been brought up to be snotty and paranoid.  That part may not be their fault, but at least regarding the rest of the family they've been trained to be disdainful and expecting slights where none are intended.

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6 minutes ago, Absolom said:

That part may not be their fault, but at least regarding the rest of the family they've been trained to be disdainful and expecting slights where none are intended.

I will never forget how Robyn framed the separate Thanksgivings in season 16. She manipulated her own children into thinking their siblings didn't want to be with them. What an awful thing to do to all the kids, including her own.

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I've had enough of her. Why doesn't she go back to her new life with her new man that she worships and be done with this family. Oh, yeah. She needs the paycheck so she'll keep showing up and beating this dead horse till cancellation day. 

She’s certainly earned it, imo.  I’m so happy for her.

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7 hours ago, Kellyee said:

And what's up with TLC hiring more "friends" to create a pretend scene? They did this with Kody as well. I would bet money these women met Christine 10 minutes before the camera started filming. 


Kellyee, I missed the above part of your earlier post, when I was posting about that ex-anniversary luncheon. It was all so strange. Even if we accept Christine's explanation of how she became "friends" with those ladies, she met them about five minutes before she moved back to Utah.


On 10/16/2023 at 11:02 AM, LotusFlower said:

Good question.  Also, can someone explain the gift exchange thing?  Meaning, how exactly is it done via Zoom?  Coordinating the exchanges?  I’m only asking because I’m trying to figure out how Robyn got involved and how it provoked the fight.  (Gwen’s explanation was confusing to me).  


13 hours ago, endure said:

I'm just assuming it was to draw the names, but I don't really know..... that is why I don't understand why the insufferable Mrs Brown even got involved.  We have done it at work and in my family.... all names go in a container or hat etc then each person draws to see who they buy for but usually kept a secret.  But because they were planning to do it via zoom - no idea is t would be the same concept.  They kind of showed a clip from several years ago doing it but in person but I didn't pay much attention.


Once upon a time, drawing the names for the sibling gift exchange was a family event in itself, and the Browns used to make a big deal of it.

Robyn learned the kids were planning the Christmas 2021 sibling gift exchange in a group text (that's the Christmas which was featured in season 18, the current season of the show, and is the one they talked about in this episode, S18E09, as well as in S18E02). 

Robyn wanted to be included in the group text to plan the exchange, because her little ones don't have cell phones yet. Supposedly, all of the parents (including Meri) were then added to the group text OR (I think this is what really happened ->) Robyn texted everyone -- all the wives, Kody, and all the kids.

That all the parents were on the text makes some of Christine's comments in this episode a little suspect. She already talked about the group text in S18E02, so I don't know why she was asking the what happened, in this week's episode.

At any rate, Robyn wanted them to do the drawing of the names over a Zoom, because, as Gwendlyn said this this episode, "Ariella is forgetting who [the OG13 kids) are." In S18E02 (I think), someone on the show said that Hunter replied, "One Zoom isn't going to fix that."

Some of the older kids rejected the Zoom idea. In this episode, Gwen said some of the objections were that it didn't have a personal feel." They have previously said they started the conversation late that year (over the Thanksgiving weekend), and it's difficult to coordinate all of their schedules and get everyone on a Zoom at the same time. They wanted to make sure they had time to shop and ship the gifts.

This week, Gwen said Robyn then brought up "past trauma." I don't even know what that has to do with getting everyone together on a frigging Zoom call. In a talking head, Robyn said they had trouble blending the families, and I'm sure they did, but I don't know what that has to do with doing the exchange over Zoom.

Anyhow, when the text devolved far enough, Robyn swanned off. She then texted Logan and Mykelti and told them to tell the OG13 that her kids would not be participating in the gift exchange.


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6 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Also - Meri, Just Jenn and Just Jenn's Husband's comedy routine can take a few seats.  Not sure what we were supposed to get from Jenn showcasing the gap between her husband's shirt and his pants while he stretched up to remove a cabinet.  And what's with Meri asking JJH if he was "jealous" that his wife had a plyg friend?  Who is he supposed to be jealous of?  Meri?  Why?  Certainly not Kody.  I didn't understand a single portion of any of their segments.

Meri and Jenns interactions remind me of my daughters 13th birthday sleepover party. Giggling and more giggling about things only they knew...and more giggling.

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I agree, laurakaye.

5 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

And honestly, only Robyn Brown could equate a Zoom call with "past trauma" in an attempt to guilt the OG kids to do - what, exactly?  What was her end game?  It was a simple gift exchange.  I have read the posts and watched the episode and I don't get why Robyn would insert herself into a tradition that has been going on for 20 years and manage to ruin it completely, claiming "trauma."  Trauma for what - that she didn't want Gabe or Garrison to draw Ariabelliobla's name because she was afraid they'd ship her a pair of scissors to snip her binkies?

Right? In a very minimal way, I can understand Robyn wanting to be included in the texts planning the sibling gift exchange, because she has two little kids. It is rational to want to know the plan first hand, rather than rely on word of mouth from her other kids. But that's it.

I will never understand why she tried to take control of how the siblings do the sibling exchange away from the siblings. More of them are adults than not at this point (and were at that point). It was not Robyn's place. It wasn't the place of any of the parents. Let the kids have their own relationships.

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58 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I absolutely LOVE how Gwen is 100% onto Robyn's shenanigans.  It is SO validating that it's not just us on the snark boards that can see right through Robyn's dry tears while she proclaims her victimhood.

If Ari is forgetting who her siblings are?  Make her remove her pacifier and show her pictures of her siblings and have her repeat their names.  Or, and this is a reach - have Ari's stupid dad make amends with his adult kids so that maybe Ari can actually see them in person.  Better yet, ask Robyn to stop lying because I doubt this 7 year old child has really forgotten the names of her siblings.

And honestly, only Robyn Brown could equate a Zoom call with "past trauma" in an attempt to guilt the OG kids to do - what, exactly?  What was her end game?  It was a simple gift exchange.  I have read the posts and watched the episode and I don't get why Robyn would insert herself into a tradition that has been going on for 20 years and manage to ruin it completely, claiming "trauma."  Trauma for what - that she didn't want Gabe or Garrison to draw Ariabelliobla's name because she was afraid they'd ship her a pair of scissors to snip her binkies?

Robyn is had psychopathic levels of anxiety and the need to control everyone and everything around her. The gift exchange etc was not about exchanging gifts. It was about Robyn not being in control and therefore destroying the entire situation. 
As for Ariwhatever not knowing all 13 of the OG siblings names. She’s 7. Even if she had parents who were sane, what are the odds that many of the siblings who are almost old enough to be her parent would be living across the country anyway and she would mix up names. Especially when half of them look just alike. 

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Just now, Scarlett45 said:

If Robyn wanted to know what was going on with the gift exchange on behalf of her little kids, it would make more sense to ask her ADULT kids that live in the house with the little ones, not be all in the grill of the sibling event. But Robyn would rather her children be excluded so she can keep them emotionally isolated and in line with her opinions, rather than maybe forming one of their own. 

This right here. If she keeps them segregated and isolated, they can’t put two and two together and realize Robyn and Kody are not being truthful about anything. They’re causing the division.

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1 hour ago, Kid said:

During that discussion of the table, Gabe looked so hurt and I felt so sorry from him. I speak from experience when I say, at some point, you just have to move on with your life and not keep going back to the well as there is nothing there for you. And that is what Garrison was saying and where Garrison is.  But, poor Gabe still hurts. Asshat should feel privileged to have a son like him. But, asshat is a POS.

Gabe has every right to be hurt. He might get to the same place as Garrison at the same rate, but being his older brother of course Garrison doesn’t want him hurting, especially over Kody who’s not worth it. However I agree that’s for Garrison to decide if and when he’s ready. 

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Robyn needs a roof over her head and food on her table right now (and Victoria Secret in her closet). She can see where this monogomy is going and she doesn't really want to be Kody's one and only.  Unless in private she's all over him like white on rice and doesn't want the public to see it. Again, she's playin all of them. 


I kind of think she is playing US...or trying to, anyway.  She is known to make statements in her talking heads that make her appear the victim, instead of the instigator.  I think she is pleased that she "won."  She's been receiving all of Kody's affection and resources for years, and wanted to continue to gloat over the other wives while sharing their pot of money.  But, I truly don't believe her when she cries over losing the family.

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I saw someone say (here? another board? I don't remember) that they felt like Aurora used the show to send a message to the OG13 kids, with her comments about how Gabe has been nothing but kind.

I hadn't looked at it that way, but I think they have a point. And really Garrison, Gabe, and Gwen did the same thing to Robyn's kids. Garrison said he misses Dayton and wants his siblings back. Gabe was really sweet about Aurora, and Gwen was, too.

Too bad they film so far out from when the show airs. I'd love it if the adult kids got together without their parents' presence or knowledge (although I don't know how much freedom Aurora and Breanna have, but being at school should help a little).


1 hour ago, waterytart said:

I felt like Gwen was trying to not to cry when she said she'd be lying if she said it didn't hurt that their dad preferred the other family.

Also, can we all agree to never use the words pencil and wet together in a sentence again? Pretty please?


I completely agree with both of these statements!

I definitely think Gwen was trying not to cry, that's why she almost got a little cutesy when she said, "But it still hurts."

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Ok, gauntlets thrown in this episode. Robyn doubles down on martyrdom. Again and again. I felt bad for Janelle at the Christine friend party; it seemed uncomfortable.

i feel badly for the tail end of the original 13 kids. They are really not getting the experience that the older kids had. Savannah seems pretty introverted. 

Robyn’s older daughters sound like textbook Stockholm Syndrome. They really seem programmed with the Company Mission of “why doesn’t anyone love us?”. I don’t like them much from the show but I can’t imagine what they’ve been indoctrinated with. 

I think the adult kids need to move on from the Kody issues.

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12 hours ago, Kellyee said:

I feel bad for all the kids. I have zero sympathy anymore for any of the original 5 Brown adults. They are all assholes. Every single one of them is working an agenda here. Except maybe Meri at this point, who has somehow become my favorite Sister Wife. 

Having an ex-anniversary celebration lunch is tacky. She's celebrating the disintegration of her children's family and the toxic family structure she helped create that ultimately fell apart,. Telling other people that divorce is awesome is immature. I have a bad feeling that if you eliminated everyone else and just did a show about Christine, all her flaws and immaturities would become painfully obvious.  

And what's up with TLC hiring more "friends" to create a pretend scene? They did this with Kody as well. I would bet money these women met Christine 10 minutes before the camera started filming. 

And these "friends" had no idea about Meri or Sobbyn or that they lived in Flagstaff?  That was weird and uncomfortable.   When Christine said divorce is awesome and you should defintiely do it  was something I would expect immature Mykelti to say.   And while divorce can be a good thing (and is for the OG 3) it was a childish way to say it.    She sounded like an asshole.    

However, Ramen and Sobbyn are still the absolute worst.    

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