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S20.E08: Uncut Hems

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It's the halfway point and the designers are hitting the road to a denim explosion; in a throwback challenge, they'll create all denim looks while competing in head-to-head battles where only one designer can be safe from elimination.

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I'm glad Christian saved Rami... I loved him on his original season and wasn't ready to see him go yet. I didn't think his out fit was bad, though the high waist weaving was probably the main issue to me, but aside from that I liked it. 

Prajie's look was interesting and I liked the jumpsuit idea... I thought Anna's was terrible and she should have gone home. In white it wouldn't have been any better. 

KaraSaun's was okay- but would have just been safe to me. 

I did really loke Korto's look and what she did with the fabric to make it look different. She should have been the winner.

I would have put Laurance in the bottom... that boobs/ vagina arrow were terrible... If she hadn't pieced it together that way, I would have liked it a lot more. I didn't mind the shoulder spike at all and did like the back of the dress... but that front, oof. 

Bishme's coat was cool and I liked the top of the dress, but the skirt wasn't anything special.

Overall though, it wasn't a bad runway for all denim looks. Some of the styling choices probably also didn't help the bottom looks. 

I forgot about the head to head thing until halfway through judging... but I think that's just me not giving the show my undivided attention.

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I did like Laurence’s look but floved Bishme’s jacket.  I would have been ok with either of them winning.  Korto’s was a good look too I thought.  

Still recovering from seeing Christian and Rami get emotional lol.  <sniff>

And, Kara Saun would have lost against anyone else (except Prajje?) so I guess that winner credit from last week did do her some good after all?

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Did I totally imagine them saying there was NO Siriano Save this season?  I thought that was supposedly some big twist this time—that if they were out, they were actually out.

That was such a sweet moment between Christian and Rami.  I have seen some beautiful things from Rami and think he is so talented, but I feel like this show is not a good fit for him.  He seems very thoughtful in his designs and a one day challenge just doesn’t give you the time to be thoughtful.  I seriously thought if he wasn’t out, he might decide to leave.  He seemed so dejected to be in the bottom again . . .

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11 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

No immunity was the big twist along with more lucrative prizes for winning throughout the season. 

Aha!  Thank you for reminding me!  ‘No immunity’ morphed into ‘no save’ in my tired brain!

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3 hours ago, T Summer said:

Well, a few of you called that... Christian saving Rami!

Prajje should have gone. That was a hot mess, and it's not the first time!

Hey, can I call it or what?!  Yes, I called Rami being saved.  Out of all of the contestants he is the only one with a history with Christian.  I will say I was thrown for a loop when Prajje wasn't sent home but I feel if he was, Christian definitely would not have saved him. That save had Rami's name on it from the first day.  Let's be real! 

I think Korto should have won that one.  I covet that garment she created.  It was gorgeous!  Laurence's looked plain to me.  And please please please let Anna go home next!  Please!!!

Edited by swankie
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Until they showed her in next week’s preview I’d totally forgotten this was the second week without Nina judging. Haven’t missed her at all.

Laurence’s dress was fine except the boob part. They didn’t appear to be cut right to fit the bodice correctly and looked a little puckery. And who wants puckery boobs?

My vote was for Korto. Happy for the Rami save.

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The wonky cone boobs took away from Laurence’s dress, but it looked beautiful from the back. I was surprised to have loved Korto’s design, because I haven’t enjoyed many of her looks this season. I thought it looked very chic and I loved the double sleeve. I, too, loved Bishme’s jacket and Brittany’s outfit. Prajje was very lucky this week- his look was too much.

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Oy, I'm all verklempt.

I think I need to come back in the morning once I've gathered my thoughts to comment about the actual clothes.

Edited by Leeds
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Agree with all comments- what a shitshow judging was. Prajje should have been gone. I'm all for model inclusion, but to keep a level field how about a challenge where all models are "curvy"? This one would have been really interesting with that caveat.

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4 minutes ago, zamp33 said:

 And Brandon was totally right when he said she cut the tops off of a few pairs of jeans and sewed them together. The way Elaine and the guest judge were fawning all over it was ridiculous. And they dinged Prajje for not looking finished in the back yet you could see lots of Anna's model's body parts. 

If Anna had Kara Saun's or Rami's model, she would have been out. I'm getting whiffs of Gretchen this go-round- I stopped watching about S6 when the judging got so terrible.

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 Clearly the producers are effing with us because they know Anna should've been gone.  Giving Kara the "advantage" to choose her matchup was shady.  Kara's too sweet to tell Anna outright, "I chose you because I can beat you."  LOL. Laurence would though.  And speaking of Laurence, 

I join those who weren't crazy about her design.  She was so confident that she was going to beat Brittany but I don't know about that.  That match up was a draw to me.  

Bishme's was my favorite along with Korto's.  I didn't hate Prajje's like some of y'all.  It was so layered and intricate.  It may have looked better on a different model. 

Not mad at the Siriano save.  That was a sweet moment between Christian and Rami. 


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When I saw the cone boob dress come down the runway I thought the judges were going to make fun of it, as it looked like a mistake, you know like the ones where people inadvertently place prints in the wrong places and end up emphasizing a body part in a comical way. 

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1 hour ago, zamp33 said:

I do not like the head to head challenges because I would rather have each outfit judged on its own and have a true top and bottom. 


But in the long run it makes no difference.  Whether you agree with them or not, these particular judges would have given Laurence the win and sent Rami home, and Brittany and Bishme and Anna and would have been safe no matter how the competition was set up. 

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9 minutes ago, Leeds said:

But in the long run it makes no difference.  Whether you agree with them or not, these particular judges would have given Laurence the win and sent Rami home, and Brittany and Bishme and Anna and would have been safe no matter how the competition was set up. 

I don't necessarily agree. If Brittany was being judged against everyone, vs. just needing a winner/loser in the matchup, I think she could have been in the top. The goalposts move when they're evaluating everyone individually, as compared with a competition that specifically says, we must have one winner and one loser from each pair.

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So why didn't Anna just rinse her fabric like everyone else?  It was already white.

I think Rami's model being heavier was one reason why he ended up in the bottom.  The judges seem to have unrecognized bias against the larger models.

I keep thinking back to the fabulous denim gown that Emilio Sosa made back in his season.  You couldn't tell it was denim.  Of course, he probably had more than a day to do it.

The denim challenge during Rami and Christian's season was the infamous one that Ricky (of the trucker hats) won, right?

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