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S13.E06: Rock the Wedding

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Awww.....  I feel bad for Kini - always a bridesmaid.  And I also feel bad for Shar!  I really wanted her to stay, she's from my hometown on top of it.  


I don't look good in yellow, but I did like Shar and Sandhya's yellow color.  I can't argue with the execution issues, but I liked the color.

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Well, that was some serious ugly on the runway. I was expecting something really fantastic from a challenge like this one. I wish they'd worked alone and had two days to complete their outfits.

Fade finally gets feedback, and of course it's because his team is in the bottom. I shouldn't be surprised, considering how non-sensical much of the judging has been this season. In any case, I'd love to have his dress, even with the asymmetrical hemline (a detail I usually dislike).


I like Char a lot, but that dress was a mess. Still, I would rather have seen Sandhya go this week.

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Sorry, we didn't mean to jump the gun, mod.

I'm sad to see Char go because I like her but she has not really done much I've liked, so, oh well. Was it just me or was it kinda crappy for Tim to say, if we were further along, I would save you in a heartbeat? Just don't say anything, Tim.

Kini should have won; Sean should have said Kini executed his blouse. I'm starting to not like Sean after last week's carwash dress and tonight's win.

How in the frakking hell does Alexander keep winning fan favourite? I mean, I know, he looks like a Peanuts character, but I'd only go along with that if he was being trailed around by a cloud of dirt.

Still hate Korina as a person, at least from the standpoint of how the show has edited her. Although Sandhya (for what's it worth) said Korina has been mean to everyone, so maybe it's not just editing. She made me root for Amanda tonight, FFS!!

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Korina and Amanda should have been on the bottom. Korina's sailor suit was terrible and Amanda's dress said nothing wedding to me. I actually didn't mind any of the other outfits too much, taking in consideration that they represent a different type of wedding. I don't like bright yellow, but Sandyha's dress could be in a wedding somewhere. I also didn't mind the red outfits too much and thought they should have been safe.


Loved Kini and Sean's outfits. Kini is just an outstanding designer and he should have won for making the top. And sorry, I know people love Dita but I just can't deal with tattooed Betty Page women-you don't live in the 50's. The other guest judge was boring and I couldn't understand much of what she said.

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I LOVED Fade's dress and wasn't all that impressed with Sean's look--I mean it was gorgeous, but it's girl's night out on a Thursday, NOT a wedding reception outfit. Kini's was beautifully made...so he's second. Again. WTF?

I think what Korina is calling "phony" is really this vibe Amanda constantly puts out that she's there for the long haul, she knows everything because she's been there before, and she's just pretending to think she could ever go home because this one is in the bag. The fact that Korina called her on it is pretty rich, all things considered.

That yellow is still causing my temples to throb.

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I don't care for Amanda, but what Korina and Char said to her about her winning taking a win away from someone else was bullshit.  They are in a competition!  Do those two really think Amanda shouldn't try to win because they don't like her?  Gah.  Hopefully Korina goes next week. 


Fade is a kind, talented, and innovative person.  I wish the judges would give him some love.  Emily's dress was awful.  Or maybe it was just brought low by the death veil?  She's talented but seems stuck in another era or something.  I'd like to see her make it to the end, though.


Kini and Sean were my favorites, especially Kini's look.  I don't understand why they gave the win to Sean, except I do since Nina liked Sean's pants better than Kini's dress and what Nina likes ends up the winner.


That burlesque dancer looked shellacked.  She couldn't move her face except for a tiny bit of her mouth.  Scary.

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Wow.... Heidi gets over-ruled, again! When guest judge cited it was a WEDDING contest (not reception) I actually thought Nina and Zac would go with Kini. However, since this is a competition, Kini should have made it know -- loud and clear-- that he constructed THREE of the pieces of their looks. Once again,  the wrong designer won... IMHO. Sorry to see Shar go home.  This season is pitiful!Lpu0Tw5.jpg

Edited by Day2Day
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The judges have their nerve exclaiming, "What were they doing with all their time?" All their time? All their fucking time??!! Only two people finished good garments on time, and they were Kini and Fade. Hell's friggin' bells, even the WINNER couldn't finish his on time! As someone else said elsewhere today, sometimes there aren't enough r's in grrrrrr.



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Oh wow...I wonder if the judges had known that Kini had made the blouse if they'd made him the winner.  I wish he had anyway.  I think I've seen something similar prior, but as the judges said it was impeccable.  I do so enjoy that he put a glittery lining in the flounces, it was a little detail but yet would catch the eye.  


I do understand why Sandhya is safe, probably because of her prior wins.  And that dress of Char's was a hot hot mess.  That was a mess of rags I wouldn't even put out for the damn Amvets.  Oh man...Alexander really did have that whickety whack going, didn't he?  Less is sometimes more honey.


Oh Korina, the sooner you get off my screen the happier I will be.  She's really deluded.  Must have gone to that Special Snowflake School that Helen from last season attended.  Once again it's all 'I want to do what I want to do' and really the challenge be damned and she said herself that she didn't want to go out of her box.  Well dumbass that's why you won't win Project Runway.  She would have to pretty much save puppies and kittens from a burning building to change my perception of her.  I can smell the editing monkeys a mile away but she did have to give them the raw material to work with.


Oh Fade!  Please be my new best friend!    

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Sorry, we didn't mean to jump the gun, mod.

I'm sad to see Char go because I like her but she has not really done much I've liked, so, oh well. Was it just me or was it kinda crappy for Tim to say, if we were further along, I would save you in a heartbeat? Just don't say anything, Tim.

Kini should have won; Sean should have said Kini executed his blouse. I'm starting to not like Sean after last week's carwash dress and tonight's win.

How in the frakking hell does Alexander keep winning fan favourite? I mean, I know, he looks like a Peanuts character, but I'd only go along with that if he was being trailed around by a cloud of dirt.

Still hate Korina as a person, at least from the standpoint of how the show has edited her. Although Sandhya (for what's it worth) said Korina has been mean to everyone, so maybe it's not just editing. She made me root for Amanda tonight, FFS!!


I like Char too. I think that Sandhya should have gone home because the braiding on the top made her design look marginally worse than Char's. Not that I liked Char's dress, but personality-wise, she offends me the least. Char agreed with Korina about Amanda. I know that it was from Char's standpoint that Amanda won too many times, but Char was present when Korina called Amanda a "phony." I don't think many of the designers like Korina, but I don't get that many of them like Amanda very much either. For Char to diss someone makes me think that maybe something's not right with the person in question.


I think what Korina is calling "phony" is really this vibe Amanda constantly puts out that she's there for the long haul, she knows everything because she's been there before, and she's just pretending to think she could ever go home because this one is in the bag. The fact that Korina called her on it is pretty rich, all things considered.



This is what I think too. I wish Korina had been sent home last week. She's like pox on the entire competition. I don't care for Amanda and yet, I kind of, sort of (not really) felt sorry for her.


I agree that Tim should have kept his mouth shut. Why even tell Char you would have saved her had they been further in the season? That's stupid.


Poor Kini. I really thought he'd pull off the win this time. The third time's supposed to be the charm, right? After all, he completed 3/4 of the look. This means Sean won based on what Kini made for him.


Do Alexander's three fans sit on ten devices a piece to vote him as the fan favorite each week?  What the hell.

Edited by Surrealist
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Korina and Char both behaved like a couple of schoolyard bullies.  I was sickened by Korina's smiling as a visibly upset Amanda left the workroom after Char mocked her to her face.  Not cool and extremely cruel.  And then Korina's bad-mouthing how Amanda cut the pants when Ms. Thang was still working on the jacket.  What a freakin' cow!


Kini should have had the win--the man's had three brilliant looks in the past three competitions.  I also liked Fade's dress with the cool painted on patttern--nice :)


Dita didn't seem especially bright--she seemed to be struggling for words and I hope she's never asked back as a judge.

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As much as I felt Sandhya's previous looks didn't deserve the praise (or the wins) that they got, I felt her dress tonight was a tad better than Char's, although they both sucked. And it's not like this was Char's only bad design either. I think that Sean should have mentioned that Kini made the shirt, BUT since he didn't, Kini should have spoken up when asked who should win from their pair. He should have said "I made my entire look, plus the shirt for the reception look." That would have turned the tables. Sean should be ashamed. Overall, I thought most of the looks were appalling. I really like Fade. The only negative thing they could find to say about his look tonight was that it didn't look like the same woman would wear his look and Emily's. I don't know anyone who would wear Emily's so.....  Anyway, it was kind of weird that they would say that the other 3 pairs were bad, but then have Amanda and Korina be safe. I'm really thinking about not wasting my time watching anymore. It just seems that everything they do is to stir up controversy. I wish the show would get back to being about the designs.

Edited by SSAHotchner
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I do understand what some of us have said about Amanda acting above her raising in some cases, but IF Korina, out of the blue, just told her she thought she was phony, then said she didn't want to talk about it, then when Amanda asked what am I doing that's bothering you and Korina said I don't want to talk about it because now we're on a team.... I mean, come ON.

Obviously, there are Bunim Murray editing monkeys flinging poo everywhere, but even so, I have to blame Korina for giving into it so heavily. I DID feel sorry for Amanda, in a way, because you could tell it was genuinely bothering her.

Also, Fade seems to like her, so it makes me more amenable to her. I'm not team Amanda, but I guess I'm team Anyone BUT Korina.

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Forgot to add that at this particular moment, I couldn't pick Alexander out of a line-up because I forget about him the second he's off my screen and sometimes even before. Yet HE'S fan favorite? I smell shenanigans....

At least we weren't treated to a sample of Ms. Von Teese performing her "burlesque" act at the nearest Red Robin. I will also begrudgingly give her some points for calling it what it is and not just calling herself a "performance artist," because whenever anyone uses that term I automatically think, "So basically a professional asshole."

Edited by Oldernowiser
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I did not like Dita Von Teese.  All of her judging was about her and what she would wear.  The challenge was not to design for her, so she needed to step out of her own self importance and think about what another woman would like.  I did like the other guest judge.  She might not like or want to wear all of the designs, but she could get past that and see some of the positives.  I agreed with Heidi about almost everything.  Thought Kini should have won.  Loved Fade's fabric.  I was disappointed w/ Sam and Alexander because I loved the oxblood red, and the dresses could have been gorgeous, but they went overboard with the appliques.  I really liked Sandhya today (not her design, but her straight forward, honest attitude).

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What bull.  Kini should have won!  Sean's outfit was something you see all the time.  You could buy separates like that off the rack.  WTF


Damn you show for making me feel sorry for Amanda...ugh..I don't like her..But you know I LOVED her dress.  It was put together so nice.


Both yellows should have gone.  It was a horrendous color.  What's it going to take for Kini to win?


I also liked the burgundy dresses...so sue me show.

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There are no words (but I'll try). I'm glad to see Kini get upset and say he was robbed because he was. I blame Sean. He's dead to me for not owning up to the fact that Kini made the blouse. Sure he said Kini should win but he said because he's come so close so many times (a backhanded compliment if there ever was one) when what he should have said was that Kini made the white top. Sean you are dead to me. I hope you go down (under?).

I felt so sorry for Char. That stupid Sandahi insisting on that horrible yellow should have been sent home (for the fourth time IMO). I understand that Char wasn't the best designer and it was only a matter of time but I actually LIKED her.

I was glad they seemed to reconsider Fade's dress upon closer examination.

When Alexander talks I always think he's just had his wisdom teeth out. It's so mumbly. He must have a computer robo call center to win fan favorite. His designs are juvenile to me.

Korina and Amanda deserve each other. I don't care if they tried to give Amanda the victim edit she is fake and annoying. Korina is in love with herself. She is the epitome of a mean girl. Ha, I wouldn't be surprised if Amanda purposely made the pants too small and her convent excuse is she didn't know Korina's model...yeah, sure. Amanda, please don't infect Fade with your victim virus.

Kini, apparently nice guys finish second so buck up and win the whole damn thing.

Edited by stafford
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Seeing how quickly Kini churns out well-constructed, attractive outfits, I really want Tim to use his save to bring back Shan from UTG.


Kini and Shan could wipe the floor with everyone. Both men would finish their stunning outfits in less than two hours, finish sewing everyone else's, and follow that up by cleaning the entire floor of the studio.



Korina and Amanda deserve each other. I don't care if they tried to give Amanda the victim edit she is fake and annoying. Korina is in love with herself. She is the epitome of a mean girl. Ha, I wouldn't be surprised if Amanda purposely made the pants too small and her convent excuse is she didn't know Korina's model...yeah, sure. Amanda, please don't infect Fade with your victim virus.


YES! I thought the same thing: sabotage.

Edited by Surrealist
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I like how this was the "unconventional wedding dress" challenge and Emily was taken to task for designing an unconventional wedding gown.  Oh, it looks like it's for a scary goth chick?  THOSE GIRLS GET MARRIED TOO, ASSHOLES.


I agree.  And the instruction not to make it "costume-y".  I wedding dress is nothing but a beautiful costume to be worn on a stage in front of an audience. 

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Fade finally gets feedback, and of course it's because his team is in the bottom.



Actually Fade and Emily were in the top. All the judges seemed to like Fade's dress, and at least Heidi and the non-Dita guest judge liked Emily's. I mean, the scores must have been pretty terrible all around for Emily to make the top when half the judges hated her look, and for Amanda and Korina to be safe, but technically Fade and Emily were in the top.


I was fine with the result. I get that people think Kini should have won because he made Sean's shirt, but as has been said in other contexts, it's Top Designer, not Top Seamstress. If Sean designed the shirt and Kini just executed it, and the judges chose that look, then I think it's valid for Sean to win. I do think Kini should have won this one because of the pieces he designed; he's been a little too conventional for me in the past challenges, but this fit the challenge and was interesting enough.


I've liked Char, but she's done nothing memorable, design-wise, and I was turned off when it appeared that she not only joined in on bashing Amanda to her face, but she's also friendly with Korina, who, as we all know, is a demon-person. Based on what we've seen of their personalities so far, I'd take Fade's approval of Amanda with more weight than Char's disapproval of her. 


And, I can't help it, I think most of her stuff is wack, but I still really like Sandyha and would love to see her show at Fashion Week.

Edited by stanleyk
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Unpopular opinion, but I'm fine with the Sean win. It was his design that won, not Kini's sewing. The pants were spectacular, and the blouse was more about the effect (and didn't look particularly well finished). Kini is an incredible tailor with enviable skills, but I don't get anything fresh from his designs. It has been three heavy, dramatic black dresses in a row. Also, we don't know that Sean wouldn't have been able to finish the blouse. Kini had been done for a very long time so decided to help rather than take his usual nap.

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Actually Fade and Emily were in the top. All the judges seemed to like Fade's dress, and at least Heidi and the non-Dita guest judge liked Emily's. I mean, the scores must have been pretty terrible all around for Emily to make the top when half the judges hated her look, and for Amanda and Korina to be safe, but technically Fade and Emily were in the top.


I was fine with the result. I get that people think Kini should have won because he made Sean's shirt, but as has been said in other contexts, it's Top Designer, not Top Seamstress. If Sean designed the shirt and Kini just executed it, and the judges chose that look, then I think it's valid for Sean to win. I do think Kini should have won this one because of the pieces he designed; he's been a little too conventional for me in the past challenges, but this fit the challenge and was interesting enough.


I've liked Char, but she's done nothing memorable, design-wise, and I was turned off when it appeared that she not only joined in on bashing Amanda to her face, but she's also friendly with Korina, who, as we all know, is a demon-person. Based on what we've seen of their personalities so far, I'd take Fade's approval of Amanda with more weight than Char's disapproval of her. 


And, I can't help it, I think most of her stuff is wack, but I still really like Sandyha and would love to see her show at Fashion Week.

I hear what you're saying about the design being Sean's, but the question is whether or not Sean could have executed that shirt. It took him a whole day to make a pair of pants. It might have turned out looking as thrown together as the stuff Char and Sandhya made.

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I, too, think Kini should have won. But I can see why he did not speak up about making the top of Sean's outfit. I don't think there is any way he could have said so without sounding like sour grapes.


And speaking of sour grapes, what the fuck Korina? This kind of childish behavior is ridiculous. How much time do the designers actually spend together filming the show? Two months? Less? Adults can't manage to get along with each other for such a short amount of time out of their lives with people they will probably never have personal contact with again? I wish they'd just focus on their designs instead of each other.


I don't like Amanda much either, but whatever Korina said (which we didn't actually hear, did we?) to Amanda wasn't necessary.


I liked Char as person too & am sorry to see her go. Didn't care for her designs, but loved her Detroit attitude. Surprised she jumped in with Korina to gang up on Amanda.


I loved the red dress Dita was wearing.


And I can see why Alexander won fan favorite again. He's kind of cute in a little brother way. And I don't recall him ever saying any shitty things about the other designers.


When Char was declared out I thought I detected a little smirk from Sandhya that she was trying to hold in. I wish she'd gone home instead. Her dress was just as bad and she picked that eyesore of a color.

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I'm kind of a fan of Dita Von Teese, but I have to admit she didn't impress me much in this context.


  I really wish each of the ceremony dress designers had been specifically asked "What about your design says 'wedding' in your opinion?" and each of the reception dress designers had been asked. "How does this design relate to a wedding celebration in your opinion?" I know this was supposed to be alternative and unconventional, but really the only outfit that had any kind of ceremonial vibe at all to me was Emily's gothic mess (although Sandhya's mess might have if she'd put any sort of headpiece on her model.)

Edited by Ketzel
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I thought everyone but Kini and Sean (and Amanda and Korina) were in the bottom. The judges didn't think Fade and his co-designer (Gawh, I don't even know her name) were for the same woman. They didn't like Fade's neckline but the judges seemed to reconsider Fade's work when they took a closer look at it.

And while I'm at it I thought Amanda's party dress was blah. It was a straight sleeveless dress (yawn) with some triangles on it. It didn't have movement (that I could tell) and didn't "evoke" party and dancing" to me. In fact none of the reception dresses or pants from any of the designers looked like they would be comfortable and fun.

Edited to add that we didn't hear Char say Amanda took away others from winning. We only heard Amanda say that Char and Korina said that. Hearsay for sure. I would have liked Amanda to repeat that story in front of Char to see what her response would have been. Char could have been joking. We don't know the context and frankly, I wouldn't put it past Amanda to embellish that story.

Edited by stafford
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Okay, I'm sorry AGAIN, but I cannot support anyone for fan favourite (Alexander) who says, "I think Samantha and I's look..."

I think I burst a vessel in my forehead.

Modified to add: gotta rewatch. If Char was piling on Amanda WITH Korina, I may have to change my opinion of her being nice.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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The editor monkeys must have been beside themselves with joy when Korina turned on Amanda and then when Char apparently jumped on her, too.


Char lost with dignity, though. No blaming anybody. No excuses. I think this challenge put her weakness in high relief--namely, that she has a pretty limited range, and finally panicked when she had to figure out how to work out of her own element. I doubt she'd have gone much further, even without the Hazard Yellow.


I said earlier there were only two good completed outfits, but I forgot about Amanda's. It, too, was finished, and I thought it was cute. Maybe not for a wedding reception, but still, cute.


Was it just me, or did it seem as if Amanda actually did seem more "normal" after being jumped on? If this situation scrapes some of the slick off her shine, then maybe it will be good for her in the long run. Not that she needs to thank Korina. Ugh.


Having Tim sit in with the judges makes him seem like a tattle-tale.





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Was it strange editing, or did I miss the part where Korina called Amanda a phony?  Anyway, who cares?  I think they're both phonies.  When Amanda was telling Fade about it, he seemed to be humoring her in a deeply sarcastic way.  I like him more and more.


Damn, I wish Kini and Char both would've spoken up tonight.  I had high hopes for my fellow Michigan girl.  Maybe her designs didn't wow me as much as I'd hoped, but I thought she was a genuinely nice person.  I think her letting Sandhya steer the ship was what sunk her.  (Bad metaphor?)  If she'd been more assertive about what color she wanted, or at least told the judges she was against that color yellow, maybe she'd still be around.  Sandhya is cunning.


I hated Alex's the most.



Edited because I keep confusing Sean and Alex!

Edited by alrightythen
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I really liked Fade's dress, as usual.  I'm sad it didn't get more love from the judges.


I think Kini should have won because he made the dress and constructed the blouse, and Tim gave Sean the idea of tuxedo pants at a cummerbund height (which aren't in any way new or unusual).  I guess if the judges thought the design of the blouse and construction of the pants was the best thing out there, then Sean deserves the win.  Otherwise, no.


Amanda and Korina being at odds seems fitting.  I like them the least of all the designers, so if they want to poke at each other, have at it.

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Must have gone to that Special Snowflake School that Helen from last season attended.

Brilliant. As I was watching that scary bitch Korina smirk at Amanda throughout the episode, she totally reminded me of Helen's deluded diatribe in the reunion show against Alexandria.  I found Korina scary - she clearly knew that she had shaken Amanda and seemed to enjoy Amanda's discomfort.



That burlesque dancer looked shellacked.  She couldn't move her face except for a tiny bit of her mouth.  Scary.


I have never understood who, and why, some people have tried to make Dita von Teese a thing. She was part of that burlesque mini-fad years ago, married Marilyn Manson, and has some lingerie line. For that, we've been treated by her inexplicable presence at various pop culture events, and now this.



What the holy hell was up with that guest judge (the blogger lady) and here putting an "-ah" on the end of every damn word?


LOL, I'm glad it wasn't just me that heard that. She was like a character. I could see Maya Rudolph or Jennifer Coolidge doing a version. That said, I did like her general positivity and thought she brought more to the party than Dita von Teese.

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Dear Char: What exactly is "in-genuine?" She finally gets some airtime and shows that she's pretty stank. Good riddance. Korina can follow her out the door, but the producers (edit: because I really meant to make that plural) will keep her well past her expiration date because DRAMA!

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Kini was robbed.  Sean is dead to me.  He didn't just take credit for Kini's work; he cut Kini off before Kini could say he made the blouse.  To me, it seemed he totally jumped in just as Kini was finishing saying he created the dress. He knew what he was doing.  Sean did not deserve the win.


Char -  I will miss.  She seemed nice. She should have gone with a yellow she liked.  They didn't need to be matchy matchy.  Unfortunately her construction was the worst.  As a person I like her better than Sandhya, but can't fault the judges for choosing her in this case.

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She's Italian.  English isn't her first language.



Here's the Wikipedia page on her.



I'm pretty good friends with Italians who've come from Italy...none of them do this.



Kini was robbed, again. No way either Sean or Korinna would have finished their ensembles without their partners. The right person went home.

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Yes, Kini, you were robbed. I'm glad that Heidi fought for him to win. Do the judges get equal votes, because I thought a majority of them them favored Kini's design?? 


I almost felt sorry for Amanda. Korina is an untalented, mean whiner.


Dita Von Teese gives me the creeps. What makes her a fashion expert? She wears those stupid burlesque outfits. She had one expression on her face, and her opinions were pretty worthless. The Italian blogger didn't add much to the judging panel either. They must be hard up for judges this year.

Edited by Kenz
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I just now got that this episode's title came from Billy Idol's White Wedding. :)


I gotta say, I liked the color of Sandhya and Char's dresses. It was bold, probably the brightest color ever used on PR. I am sad to see Char go though. I think the red lace wedding dress was worse though. Nothing about it appealed to me. 


This season is a snoozer though. There's no entertaining Christian or creative (and bitchy) Jay or a showstopper like Austin. If they're casting for personality, they are failing. I wonder if the show's attachment to Lifetime hurts it when it comes to casting. I can't imagine season 4 or earlier designers even auditioning for a show on Lifetime. Then again On the Road with Austin and Santino.

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Edited to add that we didn't hear Char say Amanda took away others from winning. We only heard Amanda say that Char and Korina said that. Hearsay for sure. I would have liked Amanda to repeat that story in front of Char to see what her response would have been. Char could have been joking. We don't know the context and frankly, I wouldn't put it past Amanda to embellish that story.

I stand corrected. We didn't hear Char say that. We saw talking heads. Come to think of it, as someone else mentioned, we didn't hear Korina called Amanda phony either. Bad editing there.

Amanda's dress bored me and fringe wasn't even involved. I still think she's a one-trick pony. Her dress from last night, those black triangles were reminiscent of a Stegosaurus' back plates. Yeah, it wasn't fringe, but I wasn't wow'ed by her attempt to be different. She'll have to try something else.

You know, if it weren't for the Maroon 5 stans, she wouldn't have been voted back. She should thank her lucky stars. Well, those and the fact she was competing against Ken and Alexander who were even less liked than she was.

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