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S27.E08: Week 8

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I felt bad for Charity during the breakup.  They sat down and she cried and he said…..nothing.   It was so awkward.  He wasn’t even giving her the usual “I just have stronger connections” word salad bullshit that they all say.  I think she’ll watch the show back and see what we saw, zero connection between them.  

I think Gabi said a lot when she said she wanted to plan her wedding with her sister and have families together.  It sounded like that meant she wants to stay in VT and that certainly  won’t match up with Zach wanting his 15 minutes of fame from being on this show.   I actually really like them together and think they might have had a chance if Kaity wasn’t in the picture. 

Kaity seems really put together and natural with Zach but I hope she’s gotten a lot of therapy for her abandonment issues.  Hopefully she isn’t falling for Zach just because he’s the first man that’s been decent to her. I would imagine being a traveling nurse makes it hard to meet people and even harder to sustain a relationship.  If I were Zach, I’d want to know that she’s had  a couple of short term healthy relationships between me and 7 years of toxicity. 

Edited by Katie111
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6 hours ago, EllenB said:

Kaity's kind of got major mental baggage about men. Not a good sign.

I'm a little concerned about her reliance on her mom. A guy would be considered a mama's boy if he was as dependent on mom as Kaity seems to be. It's good they aren't in the same town if her husband expects to be number 1 in her life. 

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7 hours ago, Arkay said:

P.S. I’m not certain why several people here referenced the idea that  Ariel’s family wants her to be with someone Jewish. I didn’t hear them say or even imply that, any more than Charity’s family mentioned anything about an interracial relationship. They did say they come from very different backgrounds, but I think that was inclusive of many aspects of their lives.

Thank you! Speaking as a culturally Jewish lifelong NY'er, it didn't even cross my mind that Ariel's family was concerned about his religion. Yes- Ariel referenced her Judaism, but what many don't get is that for many people who identify as Jewish, it's more about how they feel as a family than rules for life. Her parents came to America because they were persecuted for being Jewish-- a story that many, many in NYC can identify with. There was a mass exodus of Jews from the Soviet Union in the 60s and 70s. Many settled in Brooklyn. I grew up with these people and their children. Most have thrived here, and their children are very well educated and cosmopolitan. I think Ariel's family were more bothered about him not being from NY, and possibly taking her away from NY.

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9 hours ago, kazza said:

Autumn in Vermont (though I believe maple tapping is in the spring?),

I couldn't believe no one had mentioned this. YES YES YES! Maple syruping is about now, late winter/early spring. What a joke. And for her to go along with this farce when she obviously knows better makes me lose some respect for her.


11 hours ago, phlebas said:

Austin!  Take him to the bridge with all the bats!

I did that years ago when I was in Austin for a conference. Standing nearby, sort of under the bridge, wearing shoes that exposed the tops of my feet. I got stung by a zillion fire ants and basically couldn't walk for a week. Fun times.

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I'm both Jewish and have lived in Austin and was born in Brooklyn, so I have much in common with some of these women!

I do believe that Ariel's family would be more concerned with her leaving NY, as a large part of being Jewish is family, and being close to it.  I'd never have been able to move more than a car drive away from my parents without them yanking me back, lol.  My parents are gone now, and my siblings and I still get together in the same ways we did as kids, as it's ingrained.

The Austin bats consume millions of pounds of mosquitoes each year, so they are a necessary part of the ecosystem.  It's a really fun sight, to stand on Congress bridge at dusk and watch them emerge.

While Charity is a sweetheart, she just doesn't have enough personality to carry as 'ette.  

Maybe Gabi?  Although I just don't think Gabi is the kind of pretty that every guy would fight for.  It would concern me, in a Gabi-centered season, to have a lot of bro's looking for 15 minutes.  

Which leaves Ariel, and yes, I do think they'd fight over her.  We shall see....

**Note:  I know zero spoilers.  I'm only guessing, like most of you, that our gal Kaity is the one.

Edited by Starlight925
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Ariel's family (appropriately) grilled him. And IMHO he totally failed. He was asked "what do you see in Ariel that you don't have with the other women." 

And he says "her kindness." "I feel so comfortable with her."

Doesn't he say this about ALL FOUR OF THEM?????


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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

I did that years ago when I was in Austin for a conference. Standing nearby, sort of under the bridge, wearing shoes that exposed the tops of my feet. I got stung by a zillion fire ants and basically couldn't walk for a week. Fun times.

Oooo, that sucks.  I managed to miss the fire ants.  I was in Austin for training at Oracle, and happened to be staying at the Hyatt at the end of the Congress Avenue Bridge.  They even had a bat statue outside. When I asked the woman at the desk about it, she told me about the actual bats, so I dropped off my stuff and went and found the sunset boat tour :)

It was a little intimidating passing under that bridge, home to 1.5 million bats -- the largest urban population in the world. (NOTE: The 1.5 mil was according to the tour guide, but the web site says up to 100k. Still a lot of bats.) The tour guide tried to assure us that on average only 0.5% of bats have rabies, which sounded great but that still gave us 7500 rabid bats living under a 500-ft bridge.

When the sun set and they all took off, it was amazing to see.

But back to The Bachelor. I'm sure assembling Kaity's IKEA stuff was at least as much fun.  And she is way prettier than a rabid bat.

Edited by phlebas
mathing error
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I'm sick of these families grilling the lead and questioning their motives. The same could be said about your son or daughter who CHOSE to go on a dating show, while being very aware that there would be 25-30 other people competing for that person. They are ALL interested in the fame and opportunities so please just stop pretending it's all for love.

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The end of the season is when Zach, no all bachelors, get slammed the most. There’s no way Zach can come off sincere in four scenarios. It’s impossible.  But it’s the price they pay for their celebrity. Every ding dang one of them. 
It’s like riding a roller coaster. It starts off slow and safe and turns into some scary $@#& before it’s over. 

ETA: That said, I’m still a Zach fan. He has as much class as this show will allow. 

Edited by MissPriss
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4 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

Sleuths on Reddit took screenshots that show the rose ceremony order was actually Gabi, Ariel and then Kaity (based on the number of roses left on the table). That explains why Kaity looked unhappy/stressed as she was the last one and knew that meant Charity leaving. Guessing the producers showed it in a different order because everyone watching would have known he wasn't sending Kaity home. 

I just went back to the scene and it looked like it was filmed in the right order that the roses were given. There was one rose left on the table before he called the last one and  Gabi didn't have a rose yet . I'm sure the show gets edited a ton with the order etc but it would make more sense for the producers to ask him who he's choosing and then give him the order to give them out (as I think they do in regular rose ceremonies.)

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4 hours ago, dleighg said:

Ariel's family (appropriately) grilled him. And IMHO he totally failed. He was asked "what do you see in Ariel that you don't have with the other women." 

And he says "her kindness." "I feel so comfortable with her."

Doesn't he say this about ALL FOUR OF THEM?????


Right?? I was wondering where he was going with that. Her kindness, as opposed to the other 3 women who are huge bitches? Lol. Such a generic/cop out answer. 

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42 minutes ago, Jax7917 said:

I just went back to the scene and it looked like it was filmed in the right order that the roses were given.

I watched as well and couldn't see anything odd.

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17 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Okay, I have a baseless conspiracy theory. Maybe they keep bringing in Sean to play the confidant because Jesse wants to back out of this gig so they are grooming Sean to step in?


Or maybe Jesse is busy because he is also filming the Spring Baking Championship. Not to mention, Zach and Sean both live in Texas.   

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18 hours ago, phlebas said:

Do they let Jewish people in the mafia?  


LOL! The ghosts of Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky want to have a word with you.
I thought Ariel's brother was just too much - questioning the concept of The Bachelor and acting like Zach was insincere was silly when his sister CHOSE to take part in the show.

17 minutes ago, dleighg said:

I watched as well and couldn't see anything odd.

I thought it was odd that he didn't give Kaity the first rose as he seems to like her the best. She looked hurt that she wasn't called first.

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5 minutes ago, Melonie77 said:

I thought it was odd that he didn't give Kaity the first rose as he seems to like her the best. She looked hurt that she wasn't called first.

I think that they often mix up the order to disguise who the top choice really is.  Considering that they were already planning out their house in the hometown maybe the producers thought that if he gave her the first rose everyone would stop watching (not that we have that much sense).


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Hometown Week can be jarring, not least because the tape-delay factor makes US viewers realize that this all happened months ago based on observations of the weather in the various locales as compared to the painfully slow retreat of winter in much of the nation. We aren’t quite sure what the seasons in Estonia are like and London’s maritime climate is stubbornly consistent for good or ill depending on whom you ask. But there can be no doubt that in the unreal world of reality TV it’s autumn in Vermont, Indian Summer in NYC, False Fall/Even More Summer in Georgia and Texas.

To compound the disorientation, our clocks have just changed. In attempt to re-anchor us in Bachelor Standard Time we are subjected to yet another tight shot of Zach in the shower with the regrowth of his chest hair serving as a form of chronometer. Jesse is nowhere to be seen but Zach is compelled to give another summary of his feelings about the four remaining women even if the summary is intended to obfuscate rather than clarify.

Gabi’s in Vermont and claims to be handy with a bit and brace. But surely a battery-powered drill would be more efficient if less rustic? Somehow they’ve managed to turn a maple syrup harvest into a series of adolescent double entendres. Fortunately the received wisdom of tapping maple trees is to leave the holes unplugged which means the couple can abandon the project to cavort in the woods and to taste syrup – the metaphor of treacly fakery posing as courtship is too obvious to avoid. Most (all?) genuine maple syrup is rather thin and runny compared to the thickened corn syrup-based stuff sold in supermarkets. Zach is ominously fooled by the fake item – perhaps another metaphor.

A traditional fall scene is matched by Gabi’s traditional family – mom, dad and a quartet of kids along with a cute dog in a cute sweater who is the most interesting item in the room apart from those tempting pumpkin cupcakes. Big brother Evan’s speech pattern is that of an NHL player and he has the severe underbite of someone who perhaps has taken a slapshot or two off the mush. In any event it gives him a rather Australopithecine countenance. His revealing questions are actually leading ones, to Zach’s great relief, and Zach has stock answers at the ready. What we’re hearing from both Zach and Gabi is talk of ‘really like’ and ‘potential’ and ‘future’ and ‘similarities.’ Points for honesty but what we don’t hear from either of them is that they’re really into each other. Someone turn up the furnace, please, because all are still wearing their jackets and overshirts. To be fair, though, that four-car garage is majestic. Gabi seems determined to divert The Journey™ onto the exit ramp for The Friend Zone by worrying exclusively about herself. Zach’s reaction is patented by now: he becomes agony aunt rather than paramour as he mentally scratches the tearful female off his list for not properly feeding his ego.

The videographer’s dilemma: is it possible to shoot New York City in a novel way? Or are the stock views of the statue, the pigeons, the ferry good enough? Were the sound engineers tempted just a little bit to overlay their hawk-screech sound effect over scenes in the park?

Ariel emerges from Central Perk and is walking – make that sashaying – again without a handbag. But in her hometown that might be the best way to avoid being the victim of street crime. Interesting that the street view of Washington Square in Google Maps shows the police parked underneath the arch which itself is surrounded by barriers. But today – a cloudless, sunny day which occurs once per decade in NYC – there are no such precautions in place. God bless New Yorkers, who seem to believe that visitors are unfamiliar with the city despite having every last fact about the city filling TV shows, novels, films, history books etc. throughout everyone’s collective lifetime. The origin of this tour guide instinct is a mystery but it frequently pokes through.

The park is less a green space and more a chicken run as wire fencing lines all the walkways lest any of those icky citizens enjoy the verdant expanses to which they have contributed. The public simply can't be trusted with public spaces. They might use them. The effect is to funnel visitors into narrow stretches of walkway. For those already allergic to crowds this is doubly cruel.

So far the savvy local is offering generic NYC activities including – what else? – pizza. And pastrami. Save some of that dripping grease, Zach. You may need it when dealing with Ariel’s uncompromising family. Still, give truth serum to any red-blooded bloke and he’ll confirm he’d much rather be in a deli than at MOMA – but he may draw the line at gefilte fish.

Now, at least, we’re off the tourist trail and Ariel is taking us to a speakeasy, although no password has been given. The coffee in this shop is served as part of a cocktail. A bit of Dutch courage is probably a good idea before running the Ukrainian gantlet.

A Brooklyn winery? Is this a tacit admission the video crews wouldn’t have enough room to operate in someone’s apartment? Not quite in keeping with a ‘hometown’ visit. Now we’re up to six meals ordered and left uneaten but we remember that Zach, at least, spoiled his dinner earlier. Feliks and Feliks Jr may have taxicab-sized chips on their shoulders but they’re festive enough to have a glass of champers. Ariel’s mother is inscrutable behind those dark glasses. Brother Bobby is not like Gabi’s Brother Evan although Bobby’s male pattern baldness may close that gap and soon. It’s one thing to be skeptical, quite another to be rude and those who conflate the two are even more off-putting. Cue the closed eyes and grimaces from Zach. His pat answers are falling well short of the mark and narrow-eyed sister-in-law Gabby appears to be contemplating smashing a bottle of Veuve over this redneck’s skull. In Zach’s defense, birthdays and middle names are kid stuff.

Ariel’s perfected her blink and slight nod reaction to any news or confrontation and she employs it with Bobby who is still kicking off about a situation he’s had to know about for months. Father Feliks is doing the sums and percentages and is unhappy with his daughter’s cut of 25%. The body language and, frankly, the heat of the Ariel goodbye is worlds removed from Gabi’s shaky display of neediness. But Zach seems to know that he is punching above his weight with the poised, worldly Ariel. An observer still untainted by spoilers of any kind would say that Ariel would make the ideal runner-up – someone who would be upset but quickly recover to soldier on (to the great relief of her relations) thus making Zach’s choice internally easy but externally dramatic. He’s a bit of a coward and this appeals to him greatly. And she seems to be a prime candidate for the next Bachelorette although she might get bored rapidly with constant talk of ‘vulnerability.’ It’s hard to see her cavorting with tattooed lunkheads as Wells serves up tequila shots in Paradise but the tattooed lunkheads would have zero complaints – except, perhaps, when she uses words of two syllables or more.

There have been lots of rooms and lots of balconies but has Charity given our first railing shot of the season? She’s not all that keen to risk breaking a nail on the rusty barrier. Someone give Zach a legal pad to keep track of all the names, please. The magic makeup fairies manage to erase the tears and their tracks in successive shots of Charity.

Zach is compartmentalizing. And Charity’s family are protecting. Could it be they’ve protected a 26 year old attractive professional a bit too much hence her availability? Or possibly not protected her enough from cads and bounders that have left her in a fragile state? Now Charity & Co. are attempting to fill the Chattahoochee with all the crying.

The producers have managed to locate the last music club in North America where line dancing is still practiced. But the music is too loud for recording dialogue properly so the crews move them to…an alley. How romantic (?).

There’s chemistry as in compounds and then there is the bonding of two atoms of the same element as seen with Zach & Kaity in their mutual hometown. Smitten Zach is tipping his hand so egregiously he might have to forfeit part of his salary if ratings dip due to the lack of suspense.

She takes Zach grocery shopping in a boutique version of Whole Foods. Exactly how long does she plan to have him stay? Long enough to do some contractor work, apparently. It seems uncommon, maybe even a bit of a cheat, for a contestant to have the Bachelor all to herself at home. The video crew double as chaperones otherwise the KZ Konnection might be reinforced in the bedchamber.

Mom sounds more Alberta than Austin (bio check – aha they’re Canadian). Kaity’s on-camera segments feature a now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t manicure. Zach is, unsurprisingly, being more declarative and assertive about Kaity and Seeing A Future With Her™. Kaity claims a relationship of ‘aboot seven years of pure toxicity.’ Would it be impertinent to ask if extricating oneself from such an entanglement might have been suggested and/or considered after year six? Even year five or four? To hell with maple syrup – Kaity is nailing her maple leaf flag to the mast by declaring her rather obvious feelings.

Bachelor Emeritus Sean claims he was in Zach’s exact same position which may be more true than he’s letting on, since Sean & Catherine were entwined like two Picasso figures throughout his season, similar to Zach’s obvious affinity for Kaity.

From hometown to hosedown, as in the wet-look driveway of the mansion. Also the usual outpouring of Charity. Correction: from Charity. Ariel laps the fashion field with her neck-wrap all-black number. As of this writing a box has been shipped to the Bachelor Mansion in Agoura Hills CA. It contains a safety razor and a simple note: USE THIS.

Three roses look very lonely indeed where thirty were once stacked. We should probably take a moment to thank our stars that a producer planted provocateur hasn’t been shepherded through to the later stages. Charity receives none of her namesake although she is worthy of sympathy at least. Zach is shedding most of the tears this time and looks like he’ll be shedding more by violating his oath of celibacy on a secluded island.

Edited by Rainsong
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I loved that Zach preferred "pancake syrup" to any of the maple syrups.  I'm sure it's just what is familiar to him.  Well, from back before the family switched to mustard on pancakes.

And...how can a person reach Gabi's age without ever even tasting yellow mustard?  Or ranch dressing?  I can see not liking it, but never even tasting it?

2 minutes ago, Melonie77 said:

I thought Ariel's brother was just too much - questioning the concept of The Bachelor and acting like Zach was insincere was silly when his sister CHOSE to take part in the show.

I took an immediate dislike to him when Ariel said he offered to "beat up" her former boyfriends, and apparently was serious.  People need to stop doing shit like that.

6 hours ago, dleighg said:

I did that years ago when I was in Austin for a conference. Standing nearby, sort of under the bridge, wearing shoes that exposed the tops of my feet. I got stung by a zillion fire ants and basically couldn't walk for a week. Fun times.

While the grass down there is nice, it positions you under the bats.  I don't think that's water raining down on you as they emerge from their slumber.

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14 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But speaking of travel nursing, Kaity seems very confident and at ease with people, and I wonder if travel nursing contributes to that--getting a brand new job in a brand new place every three months is bound to affect how you interact with people. 

Great observation. That makes a lot of sense.
I envy Kaity's lack of envy of others! She appears to have a wonderful easy going friendly personality and I think she has been genuinely supportive of the other girls despite the whole competitive nature of this show.
I remember when Gabi came back from her shopping date Kaity was happy for her, shared in Gabi's excitement and was eager to see all her gifts. The contrast in attitude that day between Kaity and the sulking and whining Greer was huge.

I also remember noticing a while back that Kaity did not seem to like when some of the girls ganged up against Anastasia which included Charity who tattled on her to Zach without giving the whole story.
Last night when the girls assembled for the rose ceremony Gabi arrived first and when Kaity joined her I noticed them squeezing hands and quietly greeting each other affectionately. When Charity joined them and stood next to Kaity, Kaity barely acknowledged her. I think there is something about Charity or 'show Charity' that is underhanded and self-centered.

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The letdown from Ariel's hometown to Charity's was epic to me.  Charity is gorgeous, classy and no doubt intelligent, but she seems very immature with all the tears.  I just can't see her pulling off a gig as bachelorette.  Her season would be formulaic and predictable, which the producers probably love, but dull as heck to watch.  I suspect from the previews though, we're either in for her or Christina Mandrell.  Did anyone see Christina in the group of women for the tell all preview?  Which one was in the dressing room who's "life was about to change"?

Also, I have to agree with a previous comment about Kaity's dependence on her mother's opinion.  It was so strange and concerning to hear all her fears and worries one moment and then, after her mom's assurance, to hear that she's definitely falling in love.  Huge red flag!

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13 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I took an immediate dislike to him when Ariel said he offered to "beat up" her former boyfriends, and apparently was serious.  People need to stop doing shit like that.

Yeah, me too, and that was before we even met him. I thought Zach handled her family well. Her brother would have been a turn-off for me. I thought he was kind of showing off for his 15 minutes of fame. Why question the concept of the show when your sister agreed to the terms?
It seems to be a pattern lately that the families have been treating the leads suspiciously. Is this a producers' ploy for more drama when everyone knows how the show works? Yet in recent years the lead is frequently given a hard time by the families because he/she is dating multiple women/men. I'm not talking about merely asking how the lead feels about their daughter/son compared to the other cast members. I'm thinking of real confrontation as we saw with Ariel's brother and Tino's Dad during the last Bachelorette.

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12 hours ago, Katie111 said:

Kaity seems really put together and natural with Zach but I hope she’s gotten a lot of therapy for her abandonment issues.  Hopefully she isn’t falling for Zach just because he’s the first man that’s been decent to her. 

I think Kaity is great, but I don't know if the Bachelor was the show for her. She seems like she really needs to address these issues. I tend to think she's more in love with love and stability than Zach, especially given how little time they've really had together.

And it is interesting how much leeway the show gave her, with the more intimate stop by her house, and playing house with Zach. Yeah, she's so obviously the F1 unless something happens. I'm so curious about next week, but yeah, I have to assume they get intimate, and Zach tells the other 2 what happens.

6 hours ago, dleighg said:

Ariel's family (appropriately) grilled him. And IMHO he totally failed. He was asked "what do you see in Ariel that you don't have with the other women." 

And he says "her kindness." "I feel so comfortable with her."

Doesn't he say this about ALL FOUR OF THEM?????


I laughed so hard at that. And also when he was asked why one of the women (Ariel?) should pick him, and he couldn't come up with an answer, lol. Bobby may have been intense, but as far as I remember, the questions weren't unreasonable. 

I think Charity is awesome, and while I am not a crier, I can empathize with those who are. Especially in the circumstances they're under filming the show. Her mom and dad were adorable, and HELLO to Charity's brother! 

I adore Ariel. I'm torn with wanting to see her stick around on TV, but also wanting her to flee from this trash franchise. She doesn't need it.

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13 minutes ago, Recyclorette said:

I suspect from the previews though, we're either in for her or Christina Mandrell.

Oh gosh, I would be so happy if it was Christina instead of Charity!

I noticed last week they showed Christina was indeed at the WTA in the previews. I recall seeing her interacting with Brianna.

But this week I could have sworn that SHE WAS NOT shown in any of the clips. I thought that was weird. And after reading your post I'm thinking could they have a surprise up their sleeves with her as the Bachelorette instead of Charity? Did the editors deliberately keep Christina out of the previews to help bolster their surprise?

I have to admit though that I fell asleep once again during this show and was groggy when I saw the previews. Did anyone else see Christina?

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I think Christina was definitely shown in the previews last night.  I hope it’s not her.  I don’t like when kids are involved in this shitshow.   For some reason I feel like it might be Greer or the bull rider (forget her name).  I feel like Greer got a lot of screen time for someone that went nowhere on the show. 

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1 hour ago, Melonie77 said:

I thought Ariel's brother was just too much - questioning the concept of The Bachelor and acting like Zach was insincere was silly when his sister CHOSE to take part in the show.

Exactly!  It's not like Ariel is some poor little innocent girl who doesn't know what she's doing.

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23 hours ago, Katie111 said:

I think Christina was definitely shown in the previews last night.  I hope it’s not her.  I don’t like when kids are involved in this shitshow.   For some reason I feel like it might be Greer or the bull rider (forget her name).  I feel like Greer got a lot of screen time for someone that went nowhere on the show. 

To be honest I don't think it would be either Greer or Brooklyn.
Didn't Greer get outed for some type of racist SM posts?
For someone who got the first impression rose she got little attention during most of the season. Zach wouldn't have known about the SM posts while taping the season, but the editors did know when putting the show together so maybe they chose not to feature her much.
I don't know why Z seemed to be less interested in her as the season went on.
They did give Greer more attention in the last couple of episodes most likely due to the drama she created over not getting a one-on-one. 

I thought Brooklyn the rodeo rider came off as too caustic in her talking heads. She made a lot of snarky comments about many of the other girls throughout the season and she was too aggressive when she went after Kat and Christina like it was her duty to call out anyone she felt was breaking the rules. 

Edited by Melonie77
Edited for clarity
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32 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

And it is interesting how much leeway the show gave her, with the more intimate stop by her house, and playing house with Zach. Yeah, she's so obviously the F1 unless something happens. I'm so curious about next week, but yeah, I have to assume they get intimate, and Zach tells the other 2 what happens.

She also got that very special overnight museum date!
I have to watch those previews again.
I like the idea of only having sex with the one you know you want. 

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2 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

I just went back to the scene and it looked like it was filmed in the right order that the roses were given. There was one rose left on the table before he called the last one and  Gabi didn't have a rose yet . I'm sure the show gets edited a ton with the order etc but it would make more sense for the producers to ask him who he's choosing and then give him the order to give them out (as I think they do in regular rose ceremonies.)

Good to know, thanks for watching it back! The editing on this show makes my head spin but the Bachelor subreddit is also very big on conspiracy theories haha 

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I definitely suspect that Kaity is the one he has fallen for, he was absolutely glowing when she said that she was falling hard for him and the two of them just feel very natural together. 

The hometowns were all actually pretty fun except for the obligatory integrations. They all seemed like actually fun things to do in those towns and people seemed to be mostly having a good time. Charity's family especially seem lovely, her mom seems a lot like her and her brother actually handled his interrogation with grace. Unlike Ariel's brother, who looked like he was about to start cracking his knuckles while shining a spotlight into Zach's face, it felt like a an actual chat. He was quite charming and very easy on the eyes, can he be the next Bachelor? 

Gabby's family seems nice and she is such a sweet girl, but she's possibly too wholesome to go all the way. The show enjoys wholesome, but only with some messiness added in for flavor and Gabby just seems like a perky normal women who likes maple a lot. 

Charity seems really nice but she and Zach just lack sparks. I think he likes her a lot but its not there, I think even she knows that. She was upset when she was sent home, but not all that devastated. 

Nice that Ariel didn't take Zach to the typical tourist spots in NYC but to some actually cool local places, that deli made me hungry just watching on the screen! Her brother needs to really think about his relationship with his sister though, threatening to beat up guys who dated her sounds like a major reaction to a break up, and he sounded ridiculous trying to seem intimidating. Oh, he doesn't know her birthday? You really got him there! Her dad was really cool though, he also had a lot of questions but he just talked to him like a normal person and got way more out of him. Its especially ridiculous for him to be like this over Ariel, one of the most self confident people we've ever had on this show. 

Zach was really flailing with some of the interrogations, he needed to at least think about some basic things to say beforehand so he didn't end up just saying word salad about how every woman is special because of their "kindness" and he "sees a future with her."

All of these overprotective dads/brothers need a reminder that their daughter/sister willingly signed up for this show, knowing exactly what it was going to be like, so there is no reason to be so pissed about the bachelor/ette dating multiple people. Its stupid, but its how the show works. 

 Kaity is really nice, but I do worry about her trust issues getting in the way of her future relationships. She's clearly got massive abandonment issues and daddy issues with two different daddies, and that could be an issue moving forward if she isn't ready to unpack things. She's turning into one of those people on the show who seems great but I more hope they get therapy than a rose. Even though I would bet pretty hard on the final rose going to Kaity.

Ariel seems like the most obvious Bachelorette choice, she has the most personality and charisma of any of them, but she might be too cool to be the person looking for love, she seems like she's too well adjusted to have a real sob story narrative like the show likes to do now. I don't buy at all that she needs a dating show to find love if this doesn't work out or that he'll be devastated unbelievably by Zach dumping her. 

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Ariel's family dinner seemed stress, glad he made it out if there.  I do like her and different she is. Interesting they weren't at home but a winery restaurant. 

Charity's brother was a lot more inviting with his concerns and from a place of love.  It sounds like the last relationship she had involved her ex cheating, other woman involved somehow.  

I liked the real feeling to the Kaity date. Building Ikea and buying groceries. Lol Her family too was nice and normal meeting. 


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It always amazes me why this show, that it's whole final theme is finding that one person to marry, avoids the simple of finding someone who is equally yoked to each other. That should be addressed on night one, cut to the chase. Are you in it for the long haul???

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8 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

It always amazes me why this show, that it's whole final theme is finding that one person to marry, avoids the simple of finding someone who is equally yoked to each other. That should be addressed on night one, cut to the chase. Are you in it for the long haul???

I don’t think I’m following. I might be Here for the Right Reasons in that I genuinely am hoping to find someone to marry, but how would you know night one that this is someone I’m compatible with for the long haul? It sounds like “Married at First Sight” is the show you’re looking for. But I have to warn you, despite already being married, most of them don’t make it for the long haul. 😁

Edited by JenE4
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I think it's possible that they gave Charity the lead because of her 4th place position and the timing of it. She's pretty, but not sure what made her a standout that she would be chosen. We haven't seen much personality from her and she has odd facial expressions. But honestly it really doesn't matter who the lead is because it's the contestants that make up paradise!

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47 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

I will enjoy seeing more of her family, though, as they are gems.  

I thought that was the reason Zach was picked because of his celebrity uncle Puddy but we didn’t get to see him at all and he’s said in a non-spoiler interview he won’t be making any more appearances this season. So the only time you’ll probably see her family will be on the last night when her F2s visit them and in the ATFR audience. 

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46 minutes ago, Jax7917 said:

I think it's possible that they gave Charity the lead because of her 4th place position and the timing of it. 

I also felt that she got dragged to F4 with the plan to make her the next lead. Zach has no poker face and is not an actor like his famous uncle, so I didn’t buy any chemistry he claims to have had with Charity and she didn’t look like she was that into him either and she’s not getting any academy awards either, it looked like she knew from the time of her canceled 1/1 in London that she was picked and was being portrayed accordingly. 

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21 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I thought that was the reason Zach was picked because of his celebrity uncle Puddy but we didn’t get to see him at all and he’s said in a non-spoiler interview he won’t be making any more appearances this season. So the only time you’ll probably see her family will be on the last night when her F2s visit them and in the ATFR audience. 

Apparently he was part of an early group date, but the appearance got cut. 

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It always amazes me why this show, that it's whole final theme is finding that one person to marry, avoids the simple of finding someone who is equally yoked to each other.

The phrase "equally yoked" is almost always associated with the idea of "What makes a good Christian marriage?".  Churches will focus on the importance of marriage partners being equally yoked, that is, sharing similar (Christian) values and beliefs.

So this makes me think that you're asking "Why don't these folks ask about religious compatibility right from the start, instead of waiting until later in the show?"

I don't think that's how the show works. I mean, I guess it's possible that, during the little bit of time the lead spends with the girls/guys, the lead determines that someone has a religious or other belief not compatible with their own and boots them for that reason.

But I think the lead also gets direction from Production: "Keep Mary around for two more episodes [we're crafting her story]" or "We'd like the single mom to be in the final 4." So I think things like that also play into who stays and who goes, irrespective of the lead's own personal preferences. It satisfies the audience demands for diversity and variety. And ultimately, the lead only needs to pick one contestant to be with at the end, right?That's the one that counts.

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On 3/13/2023 at 8:42 PM, JenE4 said:

Okay, I have a baseless conspiracy theory. Maybe they keep bringing in Sean to play the confidant because Jesse wants to back out of this gig so they are grooming Sean to step in?

I’m kind of surprised Sean wasn’t chosen way back!  He seems to be Mr. Bachelor!

He and Catherine really hit the social media day after day and have so many followers. 

I will say Jesse just keeps getting better and better!

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On 3/13/2023 at 9:06 PM, hyacinth said:

I don't understand why Kaity was so adamant that her mother must like Zach or it was all over.   Did she not listen to her mother during her 7-year toxic relationship?    Sometimes Kaity seems like she's play-acting to me.   My personal theory is that she's really, really tired of being a traveling nurse.   

I think I still see him with Greer, other than the fact he didn't really like her all that much.  

Is Greer the one that took off on him?  That one makes me think no matter who he picks he’ll have a change of heart and go after her like what’s his name did seasons ago!  Was it Arie?

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

I’m kind of surprised Sean wasn’t chosen way back!  He seems to be Mr. Bachelor!

He and Catherine really hit the social media day after day and have so many followers. 

I will say Jesse just keeps getting better and better!

I think one of Jesse’s advantages over Sean is that he has spent years improving his camera and hosting skills with sports commentating and hosting shows such as the Spring Baking Challenge (airing now vs the Bachelor and showcasing a very charming Jesse)

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2 hours ago, dizzyd said:

I also felt that she got dragged to F4 with the plan to make her the next lead.

I agree totally. Charity is beautiful, poised, has a good education and nice family but completely lacking spark/personality. Others had personality in spades. Actually more than we’ve seen in a long time. But diversity won out. That’s the one box that the more personable girls didn’t check and that’s what TPTB wanted. 
I long for the day when skin color doesn’t matter. No one chooses their color. Why do “we” think it should be a consideration for anything? Seems inconsequential to me. For Pete’s sake, just pick the most qualified person. 
(I’m not seeking to be on this show, so I’m not concerned about my social media. You can twist this simple post any way you want it.)

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I think Aerial is out of Zacks league!

 I don’t think that’s Kaitys house. It’s an apartment they rented for the show!  No way would she be paying high rent while doing the show for what 13 weeks?

Kaity is young and pretty and I’ll bet she’s been traveling to meet a doctor husband. That’s how my traveling nurse daughter met her single, doctor and now hunting. 

Zack has set his sights quite high with the four remaining women. I’m not sure he’s quite the catch. I still see him with Greer!

Charity has a quiet loveliness to her. Maybe a B type personality. I think she will bring calm and will lift up the bachelorette show!

Just now, Jeanne222 said:

I think Aerial is out of Zacks league!

 I don’t think that’s Kaitys house. It’s an apartment they rented for the show!  No way would she be paying high rent while doing the show for what 13 weeks?

Kaity is young and pretty and I’ll bet she’s been traveling to meet a doctor husband. That’s how my traveling nurse daughter met her single, doctor and now husband. 

Zack has set his sights quite high with the four remaining women. I’m not sure he’s quite the catch. I still see him with Greer!

Charity has a quiet loveliness to her. Maybe a B type personality. I think she will bring calm and will lift up the bachelorette show!


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On 3/13/2023 at 8:34 PM, Lamb18 said:

I wonderbwhat part of town Ariel lives in. West Village is very expensive so I doubt that's where her family settled.

Her family lives in New Jersey. She moved to NYC for her job. I think she was just showing him her favorite areas?   

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Charity is beautiful, poised, has a good education and nice family but completely lacking spark/personality. Others had personality in spades. Actually more than we’ve seen in a long time. But diversity won out.

Well, I think a number of leads, male and female, black and white, have not had much charisma or personality. Picking an attractive but bland lead over someone who might be more engaging or fun to watch is not really anything new.

Meanwhile, I dared to mosey over to that other forum to see what folks were saying about the next Bachelorette. A number of folks who complained that Charity cried too much or got too emotional--and they didn't want a whole season of that--were attacked for being racist. As one poster said, and I quote: "Since when is being 'too emotional' a disqualifier for being the bachelorette? New lead requirements are always appearing for POC leads."   And then I remembered why I stopped reading that forum. (Well, after seeing that and also some antisemitic commentary re Jewish leads and Ariel's  support for Israel.)

There was also a lot of appreciation on that same forum for Charity actually being black and not "mixed race" or very light skinned. Apparently, the leads of color so far have not only been too few, now we find that they've also been too light skinned, too "biracial" to be all that impactful. Who knew?

I think TB should try to bring back Blake Killpack, who left on the first night of Rachel Lindsay's season. (His grandfather was in a hospital ICU and he left the show to be with him.)  Blake was and is one hot Asian. I would totally watch his season.

Edited by adhoc
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On 3/13/2023 at 10:46 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I really thought he’d pick Charity’s over Gabi. I guess Maple syrup is growing on him. 

I always forgot Gabi existed.  Four?  Who’s the fourth?   Has anyone picked a woman who who wasn’t so basic?  Kaity looks like she could be his sister.  

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9 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Charity looks like she's always sucking on a lemon.

Every time I see her she reminds me of someone, but I can't figure out who it is and it's driving me crazy.

It came to me that it's Eutris, a friend of Shaeeda's from 90 Day Fiance (Shaeeda the yoga lady and husband Bilal, in Kansas City).  Eutris definitely looked like she was always sucking on a lemon.  But now I'm not sure that's who I'm thinking of.

Does anyone think Charity looks like somebody famous?  (Not saying that Shaeeda is famous, but I know what she looks like even though I don't actually know her.)

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