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S27.E03: Week 3


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7 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

I forgot that she had a kid and he was already iffy on it! Yes, I think you nailed the real reason for sending her home.

Yeah I guess that point made it easier for him to decide.


24 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

She started on the stairs but figured Rachel had already done that. She does know how to pose and put on a show. Narcissists aren’t able to recognize their flaws. 


LOL I wonder how many of the girls are narcissistic. I sense narc traits in Brianna, Greer, and Brooklyn as well as Christina. I don't think Zach is a narc though - he's quite refreshing for a change! 

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I agree with everyone who is saying alcohol has played a factor in Christina’s behavior. She’s a hot mess and her biggest mistake was her reaction when Zach confronted her. He clearly has NO patience for any kind of drama - had she maturely and calmly explained her side of things he may have kept her on. Maybe she has a drinking problem - or maybe she’s not used to drinking so much since she is a mom and she couldn’t handle the all day in the sun constant flow of libations. I’m sure she’s had a lot of entitlement and privilege in her life too so she’s not used to being challenged or told no. 

Edited by GracieK
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1 minute ago, GracieK said:

 I’m sure she’s had a lot of entitlement and privilege on her life too so she’s not used to being challenged or told no. 

Yes I think that's a problem for many that come on this show. It must be even harder for some to share the lead than others.

Christina was given a lot of attention in the bach world - first date/met his family, so I think several issues led to her downfall.
I wonder if Zach had to fight the producers to send her home. I would imagine they wanted her around a lot longer. She's their bit of 'fame' this season and I think she's the prettiest one there.

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Zach is my favorite Bachelor in a long, long time. Absolutely no tolerance for drama and nonsense and is kind but direct about sending people home. He doesn't waste anyone's time and I love it. He's so much more mature than some of the 30-something leads they've had. 

It cracks me up that these girls keep going to him for "validation" and then he basically says "you know what, you're right, I'm just not feeling it." Definitely not what Bailey and Briana were looking for 😂

The museum date was actually very cool and he and Kaity seem like a good match. It seems like everyone in the house really likes her (Gabi basically said she's worried because Kaity is so cool) and that's the kind of girl I can see him choosing. 

Christina wasn't even really mean, just drunk and annoying. He just didn't like her enough to deal with it, which I respect. She has Bachelor in Paradise written all over her. 

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Tonight the schedule permitted a (mostly) live viewing of the program bolstered by Dutch courage – literally and figuratively in this case with a bit of Ketel One Citron. The good news: homework will be done well head of any (self-imposed) deadline. The bad news: watching the show without benefit of a downloaded copy means the playback speed can’t be bumped up to 1.5x or even 2.0x to get us through some of the tiresome bits.

Those who volunteer for The Bachelor franchise agree to sacrifice dignity & privacy for publicity with a view to a strange new form of fame and – all together now – a chance to find love. This means Zach can’t even shower without cameras present.

Zach consults with Sean a second time and confirms that he’s ‘vibing’ with many of the 17 women. Given the volume of soul-kissing so far Zach’s optimism is either well-founded or wildly misplaced.

Jesse is in a questionable shade of peach shirt and dishing out the pregnant pauses along with the date card which most of the room treat as radioactive. Have we talked yet about how bad the date card puns are? And why do they read the ‘Zach’ signature? Would it be from anyone else?

A Night At The Museum involves toting camping lanterns for reasons unknown since all the displays are still illuminated. Kaity gilds the lily and declares it ‘literally the coolest place on earth’ and has Zach eating out of her hand under the watchful eye of a triceratops skeleton. The darkened museum has them whispering until they launch into slumber party mode. The flimsy cots ensure that no propagation of the species will occur in the natural history museum.

Meanwhile at the mansion, group date invitations are treated with all the enthusiasm of draft cards in 1968. Kaity’s late non-arrival has tongues wagging but probably not as much as they will in the morning when she returns. And so they do, especially when they spot the elephant PJs and….a rose.

The football group date has become a Bachelor staple because it offers ‘violence punctuated by committee meetings’ (to use George Will’s famous description) and because there’s always at least one Bachelorette that treats it like the Super Bowl and gets a bit too physical thus exacerbating the already-tribal separation of the teams. The Chargers alumni (Gates & Merriman) are proper legends of the game and, we assume, won’t be drawn into girly gossip a la Hilary Duff.

In this topsy-turvy world we have active NFLers playing flag football in their all-star event and we have Bachelorettes – nurses, realtors etc. – in full pads and helmets knocking seven bells out of each other in a pickup game. Surely the wrong way round? An apparent concussion prompts the arrival of a favorite Bachelor prop: the ambulance, but fortunately it’s unneeded.

The victorious Blue Team are opting for champagne and cocktails in contrast to the ice water from opening night. When and why did ‘toast’ fall out of usage as noun and verb in favor of ‘cheers?’ Christina Mandrell is now communicating exclusively in vocal fry.

The group date evening session consists of Zach kissing Bachelorettes with the efficiency of a shopping mall Santa taking photos with toddlers. Bailey lurks in shadow, not content to wait her turn. ‘How are you feeling with it all?’ is Bachelor-speak (Zachese?) for ‘You are being annoying and needy’ and he demonstrates this with a barely-there hug. And now…back to the serial snogging with his dates. Sorry, Bails! Oops, never mind. Bailey wants validation, dammit. But the only kind of validation she’s getting here is for the parking lot. Always good for a chuckle when the other Bachelorettes feign shock and dismay when one of their rivals is eliminated.

Aly is a sport. She must be to go skydiving…in a wedding gown. And to sit in a hot tub in broad daylight. She’s worried about getting a rose? Why? PS – they’re not even bothering to prepare food on the dates now.

Ariel is the darkest of horses, keeping her bearing while chaos or mere cattiness unfolds around her and carefully choosing her moments…like this one in the hot tub. She’s self-aware enough to know the effect her bikini top is having on Zach’s field of vision.

Brianna is dishing dirt but her decision to leave means the producers are robbed of multiple potential episodes of the girls tearing strips off each other. The Pollyanna concept of a ‘safe space’ is bandied about as Zach does his chin-on-chest routine for the 800th time. The girls may not like Christina Mandrell stealing their moment but they are glad to take their moment of revenge to pile on Christina Mandrell. So much for the safe space!

Edited by Rainsong
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I like Zach but I have to nitpick.. I hate the way he kisses. It’s like he doesn’t tilt his head at all and they end up practically smashing noses while attempting to have their mouths connected but instead it looks like they’re trying to eat an ice cream cone while wearing a neck brace. Zach you have to tilt your head get the correct and comfortable angle to give and receive the French part of the kiss! 

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52 minutes ago, Rainsong said:

When and why did ‘toast’ fall out of usage as noun and verb in favor of ‘cheers?’

THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!   A couple of old* biddies and I think it started with an early "scripted reality" show, "The Hills." Perhaps we can blame Spencer Pratt.  *Way2Old to have been watching "The Hills" et al.

My little kids (born in '66 and '68) saw something on TV--even before first grade, I think, that gave the impression they should clink glasses and say, "Toast!"  They still do it occasionally.

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4 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

Christina wasn't even really mean, just drunk and annoying.

Not "really mean," but bare steps away. She's a practiced manipulator and the type that plays the victim (overplalys)--where only males go for it.  Women see right through her game.  I also see her as one of those competitors who leaves but "magically" ends up back on the show.

Her showbiz connections go back to the 1978 when her aunt, Barbara Mandrell, hit the scene and became one of the top and most successful female country vocalists and television stars in the USA.

Edited by Back Atcha
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3 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

Is this the best looking group of contestants ever? So many prospects for bachelorette. Kylee is really very pretty. 

This is a very attractive group of women -- until they open their mouths. So. Much. Vocal. Fry.  Sometimes I can't even understand what they are saying they are mumbling so much and putting on that 'Kardashian' voice that is so common among younger women lately. Ugh.

This is week three and I am so completely over Christina Mandrell. She comes off as so phony to me, and in this simply for the exposure and her career path. That is most of them, I know, but Christina comes off like more of a user than most of them.

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8 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

So. Much. Vocal. Fry.  Sometimes I can't even understand what they are saying they are mumbling so much and putting on that 'Kardashian' voice that is so common among younger women lately.

So, like, so Much like, Vocal, like Fry.  Sometimes, like, I can't even, like understand what they are, like, saying they are, like, mumbling so much, like, and, like, putting on that, like, 'Kardashian' voice that is , like, you know, so common among, like younger women, like, lately.

And not just the women...ZACH is a "LIKER" too.

Edited by Back Atcha
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50 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:


2 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

Christina wasn't even really mean, just drunk and annoying.

Not "really mean," but bare steps away. She's a practiced manipulator and the type that plays the victim


I think she could have survived except for her reaction to Charity’s rose.  That indicated a genuine indifference to the feelings of others.  Of course she was supposed to pretend to be happy for Charity—just like all the rest of them pretended.  But she couldn’t muster that simple sociability.  There was no way he could ignore that.

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3 hours ago, waving feather said:

Christina is not a bad person but she behaves like a toddler and that's a red flag if you are seeking for an adult life partner. I hope she is seeking therapy because she seems to have some coping issues.

I wonder if being a Mandrell is part of what created her sense of entitlement?  I’m sure there have been people sucking up to her all her life because of her family and now she can’t handle that she might to get what she wants.  

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1 minute ago, DEL901 said:

I wonder if being a Mandrell is part of what created her sense of entitlement?  I’m sure there have been people sucking up to her all her life because of her family and now she can’t handle that she might to get what she wants.  

Maybe, but it might be simpler -- she seemed drunk pretty much the entire episode.

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6 hours ago, call me ishmael said:

I think she could have survived except for her reaction to Charity’s rose.  That indicated a genuine indifference to the feelings of others.  Of course she was supposed to pretend to be happy for Charity—just like all the rest of them pretended.  But she couldn’t muster that simple sociability.  There was no way he could ignore that.

She didn't need to pretend to be happy, just either congratulate her or be quiet.  Her "I'm confused" probably meant, "I thought I was his favorite," which is narcissistic on its own. But the timing made it, "I'm confused as to what he sees in YOU when he could have ME." Which is belittling, mean, and likely tinged with racism. 

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So far I am just loving this season (of course, it is only episode 3 and my opinion could rapidly change).  My deep satisfaction comes from various contestants thinking they can manipulate Zach with moves from "The Bachelor Handbook" which outlines successful strategies for getting attention and/or a rose.  What they have failed to notice is that there is a new edition of the Handbook, and in that new edition, edited by Zach, it informs that the typical moves of asking for specific validation, trying to create drama/sympathy by declaring that others are picking on you, and becoming a 'victim' in order to deflect any questions about behavior/intention are no longer going to extend one's stay in the mansion.  I have so enjoyed watching various reactions when Zach is not buying what they are selling.  Bailey didn't seem to be able to understand why Zach wasn't immediately validating her (and instead sent her on her way).  Brianna tried one more time to build drama and when he pulled back and acknowledged that nothing was going on, she left (most likely so that she can declare it was her choice rather than being embarrassed by being eliminated) while still trying to create drama.  And, Christina went to 'victim' mode thinking her (fake) crying would manipulate Zach into giving her another week.

Well done Zach, well done!

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3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Her "I'm confused" probably meant, "I thought I was his favorite," which is narcissistic on its own. But the timing made it, "I'm confused as to what he sees in YOU when he could have ME." Which is belittling, mean, and likely tinged with racism. 

Before Brianna left, she said that she and Charity "don't feel safe" around Christina, so I was wondering about racism as well. I don't want to accuse someone of racism without proof, but that could be the reason why TPTB let Zack eliminate Christina right away and not made him keep her around for more drama.

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38 minutes ago, scarlettudor said:

Can't find where anyone commented on Christina's twisted mouth every time another girl was called down for a rose.  So I will.

Thank you!! I did notice that! the word I came up with to describe it is "simpering"!

I did give a point to Christina for not feigning upset over Bailey's departure.  The obligatory mourning ritual every time someone leaves is a bit much.  But of course she should have kept that to herself.

Edited by Alexander Pope
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Zach doesn't seem boring to me at all.  Perhaps being a normal good guy is now considered boring on this show.  I really wasn't planning to watch (for the first time since Trista), but so far this season reminds me of the early days of this franchise.  I did give up on Matt's season out of boredom and expected I might end up doing the same now, but no.  

Did anyone notice "single dads" were specifically mentioned in the promotion for the next Bachelorette?  I thought that was weird and it made me wonder if they were already planning to give Christina, sans alcohol, the role.  

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42 minutes ago, Recyclorette said:


Did anyone notice "single dads" were specifically mentioned in the promotion for the next Bachelorette?  I thought that was weird and it made me wonder if they were already planning to give Christina, sans alcohol, the role.  

I noticed that as well and had the same thought as you, but I sincerely hope not.

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Its hard for me to quite tell if Christina really was being mean, if she couldn't read a room, or some combination of both, but I should have known she would be gone. She burned too bright too fast last week, and regardless of whether or not Christina really was trying to rub her win in the girls faces or if she was just being obtuse without maliciousness, it seems like Zach could smell drama on her and wanted to nip that in the bud. Christina really played it poorly when Zach confronted her, he hates drama and her drunkenly sobbing and panicking just seemed to confirm that she's going to be a drama magnet. If she had been mature and explained her side of the story, she might have gotten to stay. You also have to wonder if Zach has been looking for a reason to get rid of Christina ever since he found out she had a kid, which obviously freaked him out, which is pretty masterful game playing on his part. 

Zach reminds me a bit of Matt so far, just a version of Matt that knows how to play the game. Matt was also very straightforward, had no interest in drama, and generally was a nice down to earth kind of guy, but he was too new to the franchise to know how to be a bachelor. He was easy pray to some of the means girls manipulations, came off as nervous on camera and unsure about how the show was supposed to work, which ended up really affecting the season in my opinion. Zach knows how to play to the camera and how to keep a season going. I like him a lot so far, I appreciate his straightforwardness and he really does seem like a fun guy to hang out with. Zach really does come off as quite mature, more mature than bachelors/ettes who are several years older than him. Am I a right reasons this season? 

The museum was a fun date, and while I hate heights I can see why the helicopter date would be fun. The football date was as stupid as all of the shows football dates, I really do not get the point of these "prove your love by playing some random sport" group dates. 

Even if the show was trying to give Christina the villain edit, she's got nothing on villains from the last few seasons, who have less subtlety in their villainy than your average comic book supervillain. I think it says a lot about this season and its cast that the editors really have to work to find a villain, everyone just seems too normal as of now.  

Breanna left after spreading gasoline all over Christina then walking away dramatically after flicking a cigarettes' at her as everything explodes behind her. What a way to leave the show on her own terms when she realized she wasn't going to win, while taking her rival down with her. 

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15 hours ago, GracieK said:

I like Zach but I have to nitpick.. I hate the way he kisses. It’s like he doesn’t tilt his head at all and they end up practically smashing noses while attempting to have their mouths connected but instead it looks like they’re trying to eat an ice cream cone while wearing a neck brace. Zach you have to tilt your head get the correct and comfortable angle to give and receive the French part of the kiss! 

I think Zach kisses that way because he doesn't want to be swapping too much spit with all these women, so I commend him for the nose smashing kissing.  When he finds the right one, I suspect his kissing will be different.    

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Apparently I should know who the Mandrell sisters are but I just don’t . I guess it’s because I’m not much into country but are/ were they really that big ? 

Christina was a very low- level villain . I think Kelsey ? Poe was up there as one of the biggest that I can remember . Christina wasn’t even bad , but I guess this seasons girls are semi normal so they had to make a mountain out of a mole hill because they’re short on drama . Anyway , usually the villain on the bachelor is no longer a villain in paradise . Even Shanae came off normal in paradise . 

Why every season do the contestants have to scream the bachelor/ettes name on top of their lungs while standing on a balcony? It’s so over the top corny . 

I think I missed it . Why is one of the girls in a cast ? 

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When Christina (Mandrell!!) was in her final talk with Zach she dropped her head pretty much in his lap and cried piteously, 'Please help me!' over and over. And Zach, he of no drama, simply turned his head away and up with a look that said everything. He was so not buying her manipulative 'save the princess' act. It was refreshing.

Now if he would just stop putting his hands on the women's knees and thighs when he sits with them.  That bugs me more than the make out kissing sessions.

I think the girl with the sling was injured in the football game or maybe at the pool. The show didn't really show us what happened. At least I don't recall it happening.

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Seeing some red flags with Katie saying she's never had a romantic moment. Take yourself on a hot date, girl! Hasn't she heard she can buy her own flowers etc...

Christina saying has been doing Crossfit since she was 12. Of course she has. I don't think she said anything that bad but these women seem really young and like they all play really nice. Zack wants a gentle woman. She didn't fit in.

Loving the L.A. landmarks - Natural History Museum, Clifton's, Bradbury Building

Edited by Soobs
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On 2/6/2023 at 10:33 PM, Melonie77 said:

Yes I think that's a problem for many that come on this show. It must be even harder for some to share the lead than others.

Christina was given a lot of attention in the bach world - first date/met his family, so I think several issues led to her downfall.
I wonder if Zach had to fight the producers to send her home. I would imagine they wanted her around a lot longer. She's their bit of 'fame' this season and I think she's the prettiest one there.

I can’t remember too many names but Christina is basic.  Pretty enough but not a stand out.  There are some classical beauties, more subtle,  but I can’t remember names.  I think Brooklyn with makeup and dressed up is a magnet for men.  

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1 hour ago, Soobs said:

Loving the L.A. landmarks - Natural History Museum, Clifton's, Bradbury Building

I know!  I love all those places. I miss the old Clifton's Cafeteria. It amazed me when I was a kid. It was the only cafeteria I ever knew until I hit high school. No contest, of course. And the Bradbury Building is so beautiful.

I wonder where they will go next.

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3 hours ago, Bluesky said:

I can’t remember too many names but Christina is basic.  Pretty enough but not a stand out.  There are some classical beauties, more subtle,  but I can’t remember names.  I think Brooklyn with makeup and dressed up is a magnet for men.  

Check out the charts I made with all the women's pics and names - it's on the first page of this thread. I make one of these every season for family and friends who watch the show and figured I'd share it here. We find having the chart near while watching makes it so much easier to follow the storyline and drama. Plus we refer to it for BiP and to guess who might get the bachelorette lead.

I've said quite a few times how this cast is the most attractive the show has ever put together - male or female. There are so many gorgeous women, even several that were sent home the first night. I agree Brooklyn is stunning but IMO she looks somewhat over-processed. I don't think Christina is basic at all. I'm sure she turns heads where ever she goes. She's shorter than most of the other girls but has a very pretty heart-shaped face.

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On 2/6/2023 at 11:15 PM, SallyAlbright said:

Zach is my favorite Bachelor in a long, long time. Absolutely no tolerance for drama and nonsense and is kind but direct about sending people home. He doesn't waste anyone's time and I love it. He's so much more mature than some of the 30-something leads they've had. 

Same. Not quite Andrew Firestone, but Zach’s up there. He’s mature, not afraid of conflict, and seems genuinely comfortable with himself. It’s still early in the season, though, so hopefully all the attention doesn’t change him.

I can’t remember all of Christina’s “offenses” - I know she blurted out that she thought she’d get the date rose and some comment about Brianna’s first night dress having roses but she seemed at worst catty and self-absorbed. Was there something else? Like a lot of you have said already, she’s a far cry from the “villains” from years past.

Overall liking this season so far. The women have normal jobs, and the attention seekers seem to have been weeded out already. 

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I think Ariel is a bit of a dark horse.  We haven't seen much of her but I think he really likes her.  She seems to have a certain bit of sophistication and confidence that I think he finds attractive.  And I don't think he minds her in a bathing suit.  


I liked the girl on the overnight date (Katie maybe?) but I think her lack of dating experience is a big red flag for him.  Dating the same guy for 7 years and never having any romantic gestures from him?  Sounds like she has no self confidence at all and it sounds like she needs to get out there and date around for awhile before she finds the "one".    And I hope she realizes that Zach did not actually set up any of that romance.  

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5 hours ago, dleighg said:

"I've never had a romantic date"

"I've never had any confidence"

"Help me Help me Help me"

"I need to feel that you value me"

"I'm so insecure"

Ladies, this is NOT a good look. Why would he be attracted to someone who doesn't think she's a good catch?

This really stood out to me too. She strikes me as an anxious attached person and it sounds like her ex was avoidant. She isn't ready for a life partner. I was surprised that he let all that pass unquestioned.

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7 hours ago, dleighg said:

"I've never had a romantic date"

"I've never had any confidence"

"Help me Help me Help me"

"I need to feel that you value me"

"I'm so insecure"

Ladies, this is NOT a good look. Why would he be attracted to someone who doesn't think she's a good catch?


2 hours ago, Soobs said:

This really stood out to me too. She strikes me as an anxious attached person and it sounds like her ex was avoidant. She isn't ready for a life partner. I was surprised that he let all that pass unquestioned.

I guess he doesn’t like the neediness unless he is attracted.  And they did seem to have a connection.  Maybe he rationalizes it as her being honest and open?

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:


I guess he doesn’t like the neediness unless he is attracted.  And they did seem to have a connection.  Maybe he rationalizes it as her being honest and open?

There is a difference between just sharing something with him and trying to manipulate him through sharing something (that seems wordy and unclear, but I hope my meaning makes sense).  

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12 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

There is a difference between just sharing something with him and trying to manipulate him through sharing something (that seems wordy and unclear

That whole conversation, while supposedly "deep" was basically both of them saying that they were "looking for their best friend." Which we already knew for goodness sake! If these people think this is deep, then there is no hope for true love. IMHO true love is when you laugh at the same inside jokes, and stuff that isn't a phrase that you spout off.

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