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S12.E01: Episode 1

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On 1/12/2023 at 1:47 PM, LGraves65 said:

So...Sister Veronica is a chronic liar?  And that's, like, cool with everyone?  So bizarre.

I really didn't understand what was going on with that character.  If she's always lying how can she do her job with any credibility?  I was half convinced we were going to find out she had no experience delivering babies when she stepped in for Lucille.  And everyone was just fine with her essentially conning Matthew into buying her a scooter?   

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I admit I never liked the Trixie love affair, so predictable etc. Am I the only one who thinks they don't have any chemistry? She is so into the frivolous part of the wedding and he seems disinterested. Someone mentioned in parts I haven't seen yet, that feeling will continue but she wouldn't spoil what she saw for me.

The cancer death was sad and I still remember gay couples not being able to be together because "family" was only let in hospitals. I'm glad they handles it as usual with honesty and class.

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Ironic that Mrs. Pickard's ancestors were immigrants (French silk workers) but she didn't see the connection. At least at the end she found a bit of common ground with the other new mother.

Lucille's relative and her short husband reminded me of a relative of mine in the early 1900s. She was a tall big woman who married a man who was a head shorter and weighed less than half what she did. Some people giggled behind their backs, but he adored her and she enjoyed being adored, so they were happy.

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Scenes they cut out:

Right before we see Sr. Veronica, the midwives are discussing the fact that she is a health visitor with a "specialist interest in children and families with particular regard to preventative medicine."  Nancy asks isn't that what they do anyway and Phyllis says yes, but they just call it nursing.

Right before we see the nuns at Compline, there's a scene with Phyllis and a pregnant woman of South Asian descent at the maternity clinic.  It's clearly her first baby and Phyllis is assuring her that it's not quite her time yet and that the pains she's feeling are just her body's way of getting ready for the real thing.

Shelagh is talking to Patrick about how she likes that they invited her to the gathering to meet Sr. Veronica but that she always feels awkward with sisters who knew her when she was in the religious life.  He asks her why that is and she says it's because she has no regrets and she thinks they believe she ought to.

She says her new life is right for her,and she thinks Sr. Veronica believes that her life is the right one for her.

They cut out a scene right before Nancy goes back to see the woman with terminal cancer.  Sr. Veronica is talking to Patrick and he says that he can get more information visiting a patient at home especially when it comes to issues of cleanliness and overcrowding.  

He mentions Greta Pickard and that he can smell Stardrops around her sink so he knows she's trying but that her toddlers reek of urine so he knows she's overwhelmed.  Sr. Veronica says this is exactly the kind of family a health visitor can help.

In the scene where Lucille and Phyllis are talking, Lucille tells Phyllis she's going to clean the flat and that she will be going back to work.  Then there is a montage set to The Troggs' "Love Is All Around Us" which shows Cyril and Lucille dancing in their apartment, Phyllis polishing her car and Sr. Monica Joan outside painting some chairs.  We also see Jessie and Olive looking at pictures in a photo album while Nancy looks on.  We see Shelagh with some little girls she has picked up from dancing school; she says she's going to drop off Colette at Nancy's.

After the racist speech, we see Shelagh and the Turner children at Nonnatus.  Sr. Veronica says she's making sandwiches and do they want to stay for tea?  Shelagh says no, because they have to get home to watch "The Monkees."  Sr. Veronica asks if they have pet monkeys and Shelagh says no, it's an American show about a pop group and quite wholesome.

Then Sr. Veronica sees May and says she was wondering when she would see her again.  It turns out she was in charge of the Jasmine Room which was what they called the nursery in Hong Kong.  She says something to May in Chinese but May asks her is that Chinese.  Sr Veronica says don't worry, I'll be forgetting my Chinese too.  

Shelagh thanks her for looking after May and Sr. veronica thanks her back saying that one way or another, they're both still doing the same job.

They cut out part of Matthew and Trixie's conversation about Fiona.  Trixie says that Fiona was her parents' only daughter and irreplaceable and that having them meet her as his future wife looks as if they think otherwise.  Matthew says that Fiona's parents have been very generous about him marrying again and that they think it's wonderful for Jonty.

Trixie says the situation is so complicated because she was there when Fiona died, she was at Jonty's christening when everything was still so raw and that she was Fiona's midwife.  Matthew says it's not complicated in his mind and Trixie says it is in hers and she gets up to leave.  He tells her to sit down, that it's not a row.  She says it is to her, but then he says you need two to tango.  

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Best part: Olive and Jessie.  I liked the Farm Girls backstory, the lodger/landlady cover-up, the prisms (even if the rainbows did paint with a heavier hand), the devotion to each other, and the ladies of Nonnatus going above and beyond.

Worst part: the racism storyline.  Just because blatant racism makes me uncomfortable, even in fiction.  (Yes, I've had some rough years in the past personally, why do you ask?)

The "suffered the most from cut scenes" story: Sister Veronica.  Closely followed by the South Asian woman - I took it that she was Greta's neighbor?

What made me cry: how Shelagh's face lit up when the little boy she helped deliver started to breathe on his own.  Laura Main's face is made of sunshine, isn't it?

Is Lucille's actress involved in another production?  And is that why we're getting her exit story?  (Heck, at least she gets one - poor Sister Winifred.)


  • Like 13
2 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

So Sister Veronica is going to get all kinds of perks for lying about a non-existing medical problem? I’d be pissed if I had to ride a bike and she’s on a scooter. 
It was so sad watching Lucille go through homesickness, not getting pregnant and prejudice. 
Is Trixie going to be a Bridezilla? Where’s Reggie? 
I miss Sister Frances. 


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10 hours ago, Badger said:

Scenes they cut out:

FFS I HATE PBS and their cuts!!! The editing of CTM is bad enough but with the cuts, it makes the show almost unwatchable.

Thanks you @Badger for filling things in, important plots points. But we get to see, Sister MJ painting chairs, Sister J sitting in paint, and Violet fussing over paint colours........ who is in charge of this????


moving on: when Trixie said  she wanted her new outfit to say something , I thought it said " look at my great push up bra", I'm glad it had a jacket for meeting the new inlaws lol!

Hopefully Trixie's rich husband will pay for Louise to take a trip to Jamaica . That would be more worth the money than the new scooter for Nurse Lazy Lungs.

Edited by Blackie
eta, clarity
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I may be losing my interest in this show…the revolving door of nuns n’ nurses is really annoying.

I do not like Sr. Veronica one bit. Hope she goes away soon.  Maybe she can ride her brand new scooter off the docks.  How will Sr. Julienne be able to tolerate blatant lies, especially if Sr. Veronica is scamming Nonantus House’s benefactor?  

Is it coincidental that in 1968, “The Flying Nun” was a a big tv show in the US, and at the same time, Poplar gets “The Lying Nun”?

 I don’t think Trixie and Matthew have any chemistry.  Do we have to have a prolonged buildup to their wedding and wait for the Christmas episode to finally end this story line? 

Poor editing by the PBS a crew yet again.  If I hadn’t read this forum, I would be lost.  It was so obvious important, exposition scenes were cut.

Maybe I will just stay away from PBS until “All Creatures Great and Small” comes back.  Watching CTM is satisfying for me as it was 6 seasons ago.

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Yeah, really dislike Sister Lazy Lungs. And she's a known liar: Mother Mildred could have given Sister Julienne a head's up. So now I don't believe anything she says. I also thought she was lying about having delivered babies. And asking the rich benefactor for a scooter on practically her first day was far more than a cute prank. She seems like the sort of nun who ends up embezzling convent funds and going to a casino.

I hope it IS addressed, because I do not like con artists, especially ones who make a habit of it! ;-)

I predicted Fred would end up a crossing guard...though I like Lollipop Man better.


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So glad to see this show again! Lucille needs to go back to Jamaica-her hubby can get a job .and so can she.

Don't like Sr. Veronica-she lies. Want Trixie to marry her love-but she's so bossy about it-my god woman-give the man a chance to breathe! Nice they gave a shout-out to the gay couple. Those poor women always hidden and shut away. Nancy wears the most unflattering costumes ever. At least we got new babies out of it.

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So how come the other nuns and nurses can't go straight to Matthew with their every want?  I wanted that scene to NOT be the closing passing actions.  I wanted Sister Julienne to hustle out there, grab the keys off the scooter and hand them back to Matthew . . . and then taking Sister Veronica into the boss' office to correct her unacceptable behaviors . . . like lying and taking over the day she walked in the door.

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2 hours ago, kwnyc said:

She seems like the sort of nun who ends up embezzling convent funds and going to a casino.

The nun in charge of my son's elementary school (first grade only for him) did exactly that for about 25 years. No one could understand why they were always in need of money and it turned out she was a gambling addict. Coulda knocked me over.

Sr Veronica's pathological lying (and smug about it, no remorse whatsoever) infuriates me. She should be disciplined, not simply frowned at and let off to continue lying to get what she wants from whomever.  Do the writers think we are going to be charmed by this character? She's awful.

  • Like 18
4 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

The nun in charge of my son's elementary school (first grade only for him) did exactly that for about 25 years. No one could understand why they were always in need of money and it turned out she was a gambling addict. Coulda knocked me over.

Sr Veronica's pathological lying (and smug about it, no remorse whatsoever) infuriates me. She should be disciplined, not simply frowned at and let off to continue lying to get what she wants from whomever.  Do the writers think we are going to be charmed by this character? She's awful.

Someone mentioned that her lying isn't mentioned again in future episodes. If true, that would be even more weird. I don't care about Sr Monica having dementia and then not so bad, I've seen fluctuations in elderly for many reasons, but lying and then "nothing". Time will tell but writing has been so good, I don't know why they thought this was needed.

I think what I always hated about Trixie's fiance was he was married and she took care of his wife and then anyone who watched long enough knew, "rich, sad, handsome" he would be Trixies fiance after a decent mourning period. He also had a child so she didn't have to have a baby right away. I like Trixie, want her character to be happy, it was just written in such a convenient way. Maybe if she met him as just an investor she argued with or something like that, but the death etc bothered me. I wonder what issues their marriage might have later?

it was heartbreaking to see Lucille's pain on many levels and the inability alone to do very much about it. Mobs can do so much harm especially with ignorance mixed in and you can feel you are so alone. She portrayed that well.


  • Like 10
9 hours ago, JustDucky said:

What made me cry: how Shelagh's face lit up when the little boy she helped deliver started to breathe on his own.  Laura Main's face is made of sunshine, isn't it?

Yes, and when Shelagh looked at her husband and he was beaming, too, it took me back to the beginning of their love story when they worked so well together (and afterward shared a cigarette!) She's always been my favorite part of the show and anytime PBS cuts anything regarding the Turners I get extra upset. 

That poor lesbian couple.  Way back when gay couples were first talking about wanting to marry, the hospital situation was always mentioned as a main reason.  Why, why why do hospitals have such a stupid rule as 'family only" in the first place? What happens to  single people with no close family?  No visitors? 

It should always be up to the patient who comes in, they could make a short guest list when the patient is admitted.  In recent years I've found I can no longer call and check on a patients condition, that's all private, too.  My friend's daughter died of Covid and I couldn't  find out for sure until the obituary was online.

  • Like 8
10 hours ago, JustDucky said:

The "suffered the most from cut scenes" story: Sister Veronica.  Closely followed by the South Asian woman - I took it that she was Greta's neighbor?

They’ve tainted the new character terribly, painting her as a self aggrandizing, manipulative liar. Was that her first delivery, sixth, or are we expected to believe her (conspicuously precise) numbers? I couldn’t see one redeeming trait that would make her likable, let alone acceptable, as either a nun or a midwife.

Very strange about the curry offering neighbor. They gave us whiplash with Greta’s attitudes, first not wanting to offend with the curry dish, then going all racist rant in delivery, then back to to kind and caring when the baby was crying in the nursery! Very poorly written.

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9 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

So glad to see this show again! Lucille needs to go back to Jamaica-her hubby can get a job .and so can she.

Don't like Sr. Veronica-she lies. Want Trixie to marry her love-but she's so bossy about it-my god woman-give the man a chance to breathe! Nice they gave a shout-out to the gay couple. Those poor women always hidden and shut away. Nancy wears the most unflattering costumes ever. At least we got new babies out of it.

Unbelievably, I do think this season has given us an even bigger Nancy than before. 

11 minutes ago, Daff said:

Unbelievably, I do think this season has given us an even bigger Nancy than before. 

Sadly, I don't see anything unbelievable about it.  People who have a tendency to be overweight, also tend to get bigger over time.  Ninety percent of people who diet regain the weight plus some more pounds.  The actress probably went on a diet between seasons and we see the quite normal result.

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I am glad to see the show return, although I did forget how wretchedly unhappy most of the storylines are.   Fred becoming a lollipop man seemed to be the only light moment.

Is the actress who plays Lucille looking to move on to other things?  They do seem to be setting her exit up.

No one seems thrilled with the Sister Veronica character or her storyline. And I can't imagine Sister Julienne being happy that she tricked Matthew into buying her a scooter, thus leaving less of his money for other things the house needs more.

Having worked many years ago with a pathological liar, there is nothing cute about it. In this real-life case, it wasn't so much self-aggrandizement, but stress.  Whenever he faced anything remotely challenging, he would start with the lies.  And get caught.  And he got fired from the job where I worked with him, and probably from a bunch of other jobs as well.


People who have a tendency to be overweight, also tend to get bigger over time.  Ninety percent of people who diet regain the weight plus some more pounds

This.  And in the 60s there wasn't much available to help with weight loss except speed.  Come to think of it, there isn't much available to help now.  Just a lot more people selling their diet books and foods.

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't understand how the order keeps Sister Veronica around when they know she lies. And they aren't just little white lies, either. How does this fit in with the order's teachings?

As always, the show puts a rather glossy finish on some real-life problems. But I get that CTM is essentially a feel-good show.


Count me in as someone who doesn't get this storyline. I can only hope that maybe this will be addressed and we might find the real reason why she lies.... maybe an abusive childhood? It needs to go somewhere and not just sit as is. 

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1 hour ago, libgirl2 said:

Count me in as someone who doesn't get this storyline. I can only hope that maybe this will be addressed and we might find the real reason why she lies.... maybe an abusive childhood? It needs to go somewhere and not just sit as is. 

yes, an explanation would be nice, but if lying is her way of dealing with whatever, i still would like to see her moved on to another assignment. i can't see her being a welcome addition to nonnatus

  • Like 5
15 hours ago, JustDucky said:

Best part: Olive and Jessie.  I liked the Farm Girls backstory, the lodger/landlady cover-up, the prisms (even if the rainbows did paint with a heavier hand), the devotion to each other, and the ladies of Nonnatus going above and beyond.

Worst part: the racism storyline.  Just because blatant racism makes me uncomfortable, even in fiction.  (Yes, I've had some rough years in the past personally, why do you ask?)

The "suffered the most from cut scenes" story: Sister Veronica.  Closely followed by the South Asian woman - I took it that she was Greta's neighbor?

What made me cry: how Shelagh's face lit up when the little boy she helped deliver started to breathe on his own.  Laura Main's face is made of sunshine, isn't it?

Is Lucille's actress involved in another production?  And is that why we're getting her exit story?  (Heck, at least she gets one - poor Sister Winifred.)


Leonie Elliott was doing a play in London in early 2022, but it ended around the time filming began for this season.

  • Useful 1

I'm not familiar with the politician who was anti-immigrant, I assume that was a real thing happening in 1968? It felt a little too contemporary. And if protests really did take place in support of him I'm willing to bet those picket signs were a lot nastier than the ones they used in the show.


I hate the PBS cuts and I haven’t found a way in all the years I’ve been watching this show, to see full episodes. So annoying!

I wasn't aware until now that PBS edited the show. Why do they do that? Is it longer than an hour in the UK? I watched the first 11 seasons on Netflix, I'm assuming those episodes were not edited versions.


I got me a bottle of white wine, potato chips and french onion dip! Time for midwives!

Wow, this is about the last show on earth I'd want to watch while I was eating! 😬

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2 hours ago, Badger said:

Closely followed by the South Asian woman - I took it that she was Greta's neighbor?

We don’t really know, do we? Or, were we supposed to assume she “lost it” during labor, and later, thought about the generosity of her neighbor, and revised her attitude? Unexpected, and disturbing, either way. Apparently, the writer’s “nuance” flew over my head where this show is concerned. Were they trying to say our caring for others flies out the door whenever we, ourselves, are under duress? Overall, I think we’re all made of stiffer stuff! That whole story line ruined the ending moment in the nursery.

14 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I assume that was a real thing happening in 1968?

Yes, MP, E. Powell did deliver that “river of blood” speech in 1968. Although Phyllis said he was fired (or, out of office) very shortly after it happened in the episode, aren’t MPs elected positions? Another underdeveloped story line, leaving us wondering, for the sake of “drama” in the lives of our protagonists (as if the basic premise wasn’t enough).

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Daff said:

Yes, MP, E. Powell did deliver that “river of blood” speech in 1968. Although Phyllis said he was fired (or, out of office) very shortly after it happened in the episode, aren’t MPs elected positions? Another underdeveloped story line, leaving us wondering, for the sake of “drama” in the lives of our protagonists (as if the basic premise wasn’t enough).

He was sacked from his shadow cabinet position.  I googled him last night and he kept his seat until 1974.

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Who is doing the voice overs at the beginning now?  That doesn't sound like Vanessa Redgrave.

Why in the world didn't Sr. J snatch the keys to that scooter and toss them back to Matthew?  Is the Lying Nun going to be awarded for her dishonesty by getting the scooter instead of a bike like everyone else.  Writers really dropped the ball with this mess.

Poor Lucille and Cyril.  That horrendous anti-immigrant speech was sadly something we hear today.

Thanks @Badger for the roundup of cuts.  There a LOT!


  • Like 5
12 hours ago, Mermaid Under said:

I am glad to see the show return, although I did forget how wretchedly unhappy most of the storylines are.   Fred becoming a lollipop man seemed to be the only light moment.

Is the actress who plays Lucille looking to move on to other things?  They do seem to be setting her exit up.

No one seems thrilled with the Sister Veronica character or her storyline. And I can't imagine Sister Julienne being happy that she tricked Matthew into buying her a scooter, thus leaving less of his money for other things the house needs more.

Having worked many years ago with a pathological liar, there is nothing cute about it. In this real-life case, it wasn't so much self-aggrandizement, but stress.  Whenever he faced anything remotely challenging, he would start with the lies.  And get caught.  And he got fired from the job where I worked with him, and probably from a bunch of other jobs as well.

This.  And in the 60s there wasn't much available to help with weight loss except speed.  Come to think of it, there isn't much available to help now.  Just a lot more people selling their diet books and foods.

Don't forget Metrecal and the Ayds Diet Plan.


  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Who is doing the voice overs at the beginning now?  That doesn't sound like Vanessa Redgrave.

according to this source, it is still vanessa redgrave. but, i agree: it didn’t sound like her.

who’s the narrator in call the midwife

and this one, as well.

radio times


Edited by wonderwoman

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