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S02.E08: Egg Drop

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Oh what a great episode. These characters have so much depth. Of course Melissa is going cheat on the egg drop. Of course Janine will keep her positive outlook and love her kiddoes. Of course Gregory will show why he is going to be a good teacher and administrator. And Barbara's story was the best. Love how she admitted she was wrong and still got the parent to do the right thing. Love this show.

Edited by BAForever
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I actually said, "Oh, no...." when I saw where the balloons were heading towards the end. Aw, Janine... At least this experiment wasn't nearly as traumatizing for the kids - the kid trying desperately to put his "best friend" back together after the egg drop failed broke my heart. I wanted to hug him, poor kid. 

I very much related to Janine's whole thing of not liking not getting things. I felt for her with her despair at not being able to tell her students they could do anything. But I like that she tried to find another way to get them invested in science. Hopefully she'll eventually land on a solution that doesn't involve breaking eggs :p. 

The storyline with Barbara and Tamika's mom was good, too. And Ava was the voice of reason! I'm glad they managed to come to an understanding in the end, and I appreciate Barbara apologizing as she did. I also laughed at Tamika's explanation for why she drew a flower :D. Hee! 

Also loved Gregory's facial expression when he was listening to everyone spouting off ridiculous conspiracy theories and whatnot in the break room. I know how you feel, Gregory. 

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The Cowboys line was hilarious. Gregory needs to be a science teacher he found his calling. I'll bet Ava has ordered many items from Tamika's mother. Ava probably put Tamika in Barbara's class for a reason. I thought the eighth grade teacher was a snob. Janine had a good idea about getting her class interested in science.

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I hope they keep the science teacher as a recurring character.  I like it when we get to see other teachers in the school, it keeps it more realistic. 

This was a great episode. One of my favorites so far. Maybe my favorite. I love Gregory's growth and increasing confidence. I liked it more without the Jim-Pam aspect of Janine-Gregory.

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It was fun to have a guest star from The Office on the show when there’s so many Office-comparisons.

I loved Ave being the voice of reason with Barbara and appreciated that the feud wasn’t all in Jacob’s head.

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24 minutes ago, Aileen said:

and appreciated that the feud wasn’t all in Jacob’s head.

I didn't like that part so much until the end because they did a similar thing on "Will & Grace" with Vince and his dad and it was hilarious. But the turnaround at the end on this show made it worth it. Good surprise.

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What a great episode. I loved Gregory in this episode, and how he was so much more involved than ever before. Maybe he is coming out of his shell?

Also, the cold open was amazing. I loved all the bone switching and how protective Gregory is of "his" garden despite not really liking gardening. It's his way of looking out for Barbara and Jacob.

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So I did the egg drop in school - but it was way younger than 8th grade! When everybody was talking about how the kids were too young to get it I was like “Didn’t I do this at their age?” The lesson wasn’t about physics (I took physics in high school); it was about how you cushioned the egg or made it drop gently. I swear I did this when I was in second or third grade (maybe both - it may have been an all-elementary school annual thing). It was a big deal - everybody loved it. 

Gregory losing his shit over all the conspiracy theories had me ROLLING. His reactions are so great.

Every episode, I can find a reason for Sheryl Lee Ralph to have won an Emmy. This time it was the delivery of “tata tattoo” and her expression after that situation was resolved.

Edited by Empress1
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8 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I didn't enjoy this as much as others did. I'm getting sick of the formula of Janine not listening to anyone, being smugly certain that she's right, doing something horribly cringeworthy in front of the students, and then finally listening to reason in the end.

This.  I'm getting annoyed by both Janine and Jacob this season.  Last season, they both had their quirks but were overall very down to earth, competent people.  This season, they're all quirk with very little competence.  

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Good episode.  Made me realize I am more like Janine and Barbara than I realized.

Love Gregory more and more.

Glad Barbara and the mom came to some kind of resolution.

When they were talking about the mom's mouth piercing or whatever that was, what did the mother say it said or meant? I watched that several times and couldn't get it.

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Oh I loved the Science Conspiracy theories everybody had: Stevie Wonder isn't blind, The moon landing didn't, Gluten ain't real!

Also how all the theories totally traumatized Gregory. LOL.

Barbara was so judgy.  I loved Tamika's mother response to Barbara's assumption that she was a single mother.  Also go, Ava!

8 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I didn't enjoy this as much as others did. I'm getting sick of the formula of Janine not listening to anyone, being smugly certain that she's right, doing something horribly cringeworthy in front of the students, and then finally listening to reason in the end.

I liked the episode, but I agree about the formula except for opposite reasons.  Janine, imo, is not wrong this time.  I thought everyone around her insisting that the egg drop was too advanced and Physics etc. etc. was condescending.  When in fact she should have been encouraged in her endeavors.  An egg drop is a fun way to introduce kids to some rudimentary aspects of physics and could have been tailored to second graders.  Everyone naysaying her all the time is, imo, just as annoying as her positivity. 

When my kids were in k-12, the whole district made a big deal out of the egg drop sponsored by the Physics department of the local colleges and universities.  Every Spring sometime in early May the annual egg drop was held in the downtown commons, they'd make a kind of outdoor science fair out of it. ALL the classes k-12 and the college Physics majors participated.  For the younger kids half the fun was them constructing the things that would keep the eggs from splatting.  They got as much a kick out of seeing the eggs splat as they did when clapping when one didn't.  The older kids took it much more seriously and they took it as a challenge to make elaborate and outrageous cages.  it was always fun for them to see how advanced and really technical the college students did and it was gratifying for the younger kids to see even some of those went splat.

I did like the end scene with her 'Egg Lift' and the kids shouting 'Science!'  (I mentally added 'Bitch!' on the end as an homage to Jesse from Breaking Bad).

RIP Ralph and Ralph, jr.

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9 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I didn't enjoy this as much as others did. I'm getting sick of the formula of Janine not listening to anyone, being smugly certain that she's right, doing something horribly cringeworthy in front of the students, and then finally listening to reason in the end.

I agree. I was thinking that during the first half or so, and then the good outweighed the formula for me. I think this is the most Gregory's ever talked and I'm here for it!

It also occurred to me that the janitor was going to have to clean up Janine's class's mess. I wish we had gotten a reaction from him.

Edited by JeanJean
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12 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

ALL the classes k-12 and the college Physics majors participated.  For the younger kids half the fun was them constructing the things that would keep the eggs from splatting.

I knew I wasn’t crazy, LOL!

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9 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I didn't enjoy this as much as others did. I'm getting sick of the formula of Janine not listening to anyone, being smugly certain that she's right, doing something horribly cringeworthy in front of the students, and then finally listening to reason in the end.

I liked the episode, but I get what you're saying about Janine.  Frankly, I think she's the weak link on this show.  Oh well, at least she's wearing better-looking clothes. 

It's nice that Gregory is dating Amber, but I hope she had a good reason for cancelling their date and she's not blowing him off.  

I liked the science teacher and I hope we see him again.  It would be interesting to see why he can't stand Jacob.  I'd also like to see brief appearances of the other teachers again, perhaps another teachers meeting.   

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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

So I did the egg drop in school - but it was way younger than 8th grade! When everybody was talking about how the kids were too young to get it I was like “Didn’t I do this at their age?” The lesson wasn’t about physics (I took physics in high school); it was about how you cushioned the egg or made it drop gently. I swear I did this when I was in second or third grade (maybe both - it may have been an all-elementary school annual thing). It was a big deal - everybody loved it. 

As a scientist I was hurt that the science teacher kept saying that science wasn't fun!  And as a long-time informal science educator, I have definitely done the egg drop activity with students as young as pre-school AND taught them some of the basic concepts involved (gravity, force, opposite reactions, shock absorption). We may not have explicitly said all those terms, but they were able to design things with the end goal of protecting the eggs. So that whole thing rubbed me the wrong way, although I was laughing the entire episode. 

1 hour ago, cinsays said:

When they were talking about the mom's mouth piercing or whatever that was, what did the mother say it said or meant? I watched that several times and couldn't get it.

She was saying that engraving on the piece was great quality. 

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I've done egg drops with multiage science clubs. We do it outside. Doing it in the gym even for 8th graders seems likely to be messy. Even if kids understand science, it doesn't mean they're good engineers! Sometimes the little ones beat the older ones :). We also did egg bobsleds during the winter Olympics (make your container that holds an egg driverso it rolls down the track and hits a arop at the end, see if the egg survives. The best model for that one was a kid who put the egg inside a piece of pool noodle so it was suspended in the middle and then put that in a hamster ball. The driver may have been dizzy, but it made it.  I think she was 8. 

Melissa's plan actually makes sense for younger kids for an indoor drop-hard boil the egg, and check for cracks to see if it survived. Less mess, but you can still see if it works. 

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15 hours ago, Annber03 said:

 I also laughed at Tamika's explanation for why she drew a flower :D. Hee! 

What was it? I couldn't understand what she said, rewound, re-watched, and still didn't get it. All I could understand was something about a man.

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You need to understand flowers so you know if a man bought you cheap ones or not.


I liked it better when Janine was a competent teacher, somewhat of a mentor for Gregory, but still a little quirky. They have flipped it too far where now he's a mentor for her and she's a basket case. 


I honest to God thought the science teacher was flirting with Jacob, until the end when he told the camera crew he hates him.

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Ava? Schooling Barbara? Now I have seen everything. And unlike Janine, I think Barbara will actually take it to heart and learn from the experience. Never judge a book by its cover, Miss Barbara! 

I 100% thought that Jacob was overreacting because he seems to want to be best friends with everyone. When the science teacher confirmed that he has always hated Jacob, I screamed. Jacob is sweet and has a good heart but if I had to work with him, I'd probably stuff him in a locker. He's...a lot. 

It is an indicator of how stressed I've been this week that Ralph and Ralph Jr.'s demise made me feel genuinely sad for that kid! I just wanted to scoop him up and hug him! 

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42 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

What was it? I couldn't understand what she said, rewound, re-watched, and still didn't get it. All I could understand was something about a man.

that's what i asked... guess nobody wants to say?

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2 hours ago, dmmetler said:

I've done egg drops with multiage science clubs. We do it outside.

We did ours outside too. People would stop and watch and cheer if the egg stayed intact and “awwww” if it broke. We loved it. I think that and Physics Day at Great Adventure were my two favorite science activities.

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43 minutes ago, cinsays said:

that's what i asked... guess nobody wants to say?

@Jillybean question about Tamika:

1 hour ago, possibilities said:

You need to understand flowers so you know if a man bought you cheap ones or not.

regarding the question about the Mom's piercing:

2 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

She was saying that engraving on the piece was great quality. 

The mom only spoke about the quality of the engraving.  But when Barbara moved in closer to look at the lip ring, there must have been something objectionable engraved on the piercing because Barbara's face was scandalized.  I headwank it was an engraving of a penis or something.  LOL.

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2 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

The mom only spoke about the quality of the engraving.  But when Barbara moved in closer to look at the lip ring, there must have been something objectionable engraved on the piercing because Barbara's face was scandalized.  I headwank it was an engraving of a penis or something.  LOL.

That was precisely where my dirty mind went! 🤣

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4 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I liked the episode, but I agree about the formula except for opposite reasons.  Janine, imo, is not wrong this time.  I thought everyone around her insisting that the egg drop was too advanced and Physics etc. etc. was condescending.  When in fact she should have been encouraged in her endeavors.  An egg drop is a fun way to introduce kids to some rudimentary aspects of physics and could have been tailored to second graders.  Everyone naysaying her all the time is, imo, just as annoying as her positivity. 

What I get from Janine is that she always wants to compete, and not learn from others, which is why she gets blown off a lot.  She could barely make it up the ladder for the egg drop, and she fell down and busted her ass when stupidly standing on the desk trying to high five Gregory.  

It's one thing to be enthusiastic, but it's another thing to be just outright annoying.

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14 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I didn't enjoy this as much as others did. I'm getting sick of the formula of Janine not listening to anyone, being smugly certain that she's right, doing something horribly cringeworthy in front of the students, and then finally listening to reason in the end.

I'm glad somebody mentioned this. This version of Janine works my nerves. I get that the character is supposed to be hopeful and earnest but this is where she borders on reckless. I just want them to dial back on her insecurity a little.

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5 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Oh I loved the Science Conspiracy theories everybody had: Stevie Wonder isn't blind, The moon landing didn't, Gluten ain't real!

Also how all the theories totally traumatized Gregory. LOL.

Barbara was so judgy.  I loved Tamika's mother response to Barbara's assumption that she was a single mother.  Also go, Ava!

I liked the episode, but I agree about the formula except for opposite reasons.  Janine, imo, is not wrong this time.  I thought everyone around her insisting that the egg drop was too advanced and Physics etc. etc. was condescending.  When in fact she should have been encouraged in her endeavors.  An egg drop is a fun way to introduce kids to some rudimentary aspects of physics and could have been tailored to second graders.  Everyone naysaying her all the time is, imo, just as annoying as her positivity. 

When my kids were in k-12, the whole district made a big deal out of the egg drop sponsored by the Physics department of the local colleges and universities.  Every Spring sometime in early May the annual egg drop was held in the downtown commons, they'd make a kind of outdoor science fair out of it. ALL the classes k-12 and the college Physics majors participated.  For the younger kids half the fun was them constructing the things that would keep the eggs from splatting.  They got as much a kick out of seeing the eggs splat as they did when clapping when one didn't.  The older kids took it much more seriously and they took it as a challenge to make elaborate and outrageous cages.  it was always fun for them to see how advanced and really technical the college students did and it was gratifying for the younger kids to see even some of those went splat.

I did like the end scene with her 'Egg Lift' and the kids shouting 'Science!'  (I mentally added 'Bitch!' on the end as an homage to Jesse from Breaking Bad).

RIP Ralph and Ralph, jr.

I agree with you. I thought it was great that Janine wanted her kids to be interested in science even though it was her weakest subject. I'm so glad her students are listening to her this year the lack of respect annoyed me last season.

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16 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I didn't enjoy this as much as others did. I'm getting sick of the formula of Janine not listening to anyone, being smugly certain that she's right, doing something horribly cringeworthy in front of the students, and then finally listening to reason in the end.

This.  This is why I stopped watching The Goldbergs, every week was the same episode:  Bev is crazy and does something completely cringeworthy and humiliates one or more family members,  they get mad and tell her off,  she pulls the self pity card and cries that they don't appreciate how much she loves them,  they feel guilty and realize how lucky they are to have her.  Lather, rinse, repeat. Blech.

I will be so disappointed if Abbott Elementary doesn't wake up and realize they've already fallen into this type of pattern.  This is such a great show concept and talented cast, please find some new direction to go in!

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I really did like this episode.  But the theme of Janine wanting her 2nd graders to succeed at something out of their depth just because “they believe they can do anything they set their minds to” was stupid.  I get the overall sentiment; give kids confidence, boost their esteem, challenge them.  But just because an 8 year old “sets his mind” to be an Indy 500 driver, doesn’t mean it will happen…while he is 8 years old. 

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I guess I am judgmental 🤷🏼‍♀️but I am not sure why a large tattoo of "bitch" and wearing clothes emblazoned with slut, whore, bitch and similar words generally viewed as negative towards women is empowering. I realize there is a movement to take back these words but the reality is that most people will "judge" someone wearing clothing like this as at best extremely tacky rather than as being a strong together person.

I wouldn't view the clothing as being a statement of a proud local business that empowered the wearers at all. 

There is something between Ann Taylor knee length blue suits and wearing clothing with slogans that most people view as less than positive. 

Edited by amarante
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19 hours ago, Aileen said:

I loved Ave being the voice of reason with Barbara and appreciated that the feud wasn’t all in Jacob’s head.

19 hours ago, JeanJean said:

I didn't like that part so much until the end because they did a similar thing on "Will & Grace" with Vince and his dad and it was hilarious. But the turnaround at the end on this show made it worth it. Good surprise.

7 hours ago, possibilities said:

I honest to God thought the science teacher was flirting with Jacob, until the end when he told the camera crew he hates him.

I completely agree, and thought that Gregory would say so, too.

8 hours ago, dmmetler said:

I've done egg drops with multiage science clubs. We do it outside. Doing it in the gym even for 8th graders seems likely to be messy.

Did none of the 8th graders' eggs break?  That seems unlikely, and would have made it easier for the 2nd graders to accept their eggs breaking. I doubt that any of the younger kids' eggs would have survived, but Janine seemed to purposely drop them egg-side first.  If the project has a side where the egg is not protected, maybe try dropping it the other way around?

9 hours ago, DearEvette said:

Barbara was so judgy.  I loved Tamika's mother response to Barbara's assumption that she was a single mother.

She was wearing her wedding ring on her middle finger, (and it wasn't a conventional band), which contributed to Barbara's confusion about her marital status.

1 hour ago, mansonlamps said:

when Ava pointed out the kid was happy, healthy doing well in school, etc so what was the problem,

I think the problem was that she was exposing the other kids in the class, whose parents might not know they were being exposed, to these words, as evidenced by the girl who came in and asked what "slut" meant.

I do wonder what a public school can legally do to bar a particular parent who wears clothing with a true obscenity on it from entering the school.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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I also wonder if parents can enter public schools anymore to pick up their children, what with the heightened scrutiny around bad people doing bad things inside schools.  I would guess that in real-life Philly, the kids who don't take buses are dropped off at the door and brought inside by staff, and then brought out to the parents at the end of the day.  If parents really needed to enter the school for a particular reason, they would probably need to get a pass at a security desk after being cleared.

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1 hour ago, amarante said:

I guess I am judgmental 🤷🏼‍♀️but I am not sure why a large tattoo of "bitch" and wearing clothes emblazoned with slut, whore, bitch and similar words generally viewed as negative towards women is empowering. I realize there is a movement to take back these words but the reality is that most people will "judge" someone wearing clothing like this as at best extremely tacky rather than as being a strong together person.

I wouldn't view the clothing as being a statement of a proud local business that empowered the wearers at all. 

There is something between Ann Taylor knee length blue suits and wearing clothing with slogans that most people view as less than positive. 

Believe me, I'm in agreement, I hated it, but got where Ava was coming from as a school administrator... the woman's child was fine (happy,  healthy, good student, etc.) Who is Ava or Barbara to interfere or judge their personal choices if the child wasn't negatively affected? 

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1 hour ago, mansonlamps said:

Believe me, I'm in agreement, I hated it, but got where Ava was coming from as a school administrator... the woman's child was fine (happy,  healthy, good student, etc.) Who is Ava or Barbara to interfere or judge their personal choices if the child wasn't negatively affected? 

I honestly think that besides being personally very disturbed by the words, she didn't want the rest of the class exposed to them.  Tameka's mom not displaying them in school won't shield her from them at home, anyway.

In fact, schools with student dress codes like Abbott don't allow any words on the clothing to avoid situations like this.

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12 hours ago, mansonlamps said:

Believe me, I'm in agreement, I hated it, but got where Ava was coming from as a school administrator... the woman's child was fine (happy,  healthy, good student, etc.) Who is Ava or Barbara to interfere or judge their personal choices if the child wasn't negatively affected? 

My comment was more in terms of the show somehow portraying the woman as a brave strong woman and that her wearing the clothing was somehow commendable.

However the reality is that I think most people would think she was trashy even if they didn't express it. 

I get that the *moral* was that this woman who looked trashy was actually not a stereotypical trashy neglectful mother. But then I ask why are you deliberately portraying yourself in a manner that most people would make less than positive assumptions about.

I mean is it a hill to die on in terms of feeling that people shouldn't think that someone who is wearing clothing with slut, whore, C-unt etc. I am far from supporting the idea that everyone needs to dress in a boring corporate Young Republican approved manner - dress as individually as you want - but then people are going to rightfully make assumptions about you.

But again I truly have no idea why anyone thinks that wearing a hoodie with SLUT emblazoned on it or having a large tattoo on your chest stating BITCH is somehow something positive. 

There are lots of local shops which are either owned by POC or stock artisan merchandise created by POC and none of them are essentially cheap leisure wear with vulgar slogans. They are individual creations reflecting the artists' talent as well as some of their true culture and heritage.

11 hours ago, amarante said:
Edited by amarante
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42 minutes ago, mansonlamps said:

Believe me, I'm in agreement, I hated it, but got where Ava was coming from as a school administrator... the woman's child was fine (happy,  healthy, good student, etc.) Who is Ava or Barbara to interfere or judge their personal choices if the child wasn't negatively affected? 

I liked that Ava asked if the child was unsafe. Whatever her issues we've been shown that she cares about Abbott's students.

God help anyone who hurts a child on Abbott's watch. That's a Very Special Episode waiting to happen.

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3 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

If the project has a side where the egg is not protected, maybe try dropping it the other way around?

Physics. From a height, especially a fairly high height like that one, they would flip to heavy side down anyway.

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On 11/16/2022 at 10:56 PM, Boofish said:

The girl with the bitch tattoo 

Melissa - love that book the movie was meh

Have to watch my recordings twice to catch all the jokes.

This was GOLD.

Also, in that same scene that was blink if you miss it

AVA: Y’know, we grew up with that all around us. Li’l Kim, Foxy Brown, Eve.

BARBARA: Well, I grew up with Adam and Eve!

Edited by JakeyJokes
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When I think of the “bitch” tattoo, I’m reminded of the Meredith Brooks’ song, “Bitch.” Yes, it is inflammatory, but I appreciate that the greater point that women are more than how men have defined that word. Both women are using that word and explaining why they are a “bitch.” They have expectations, limits, and boundaries. I respect it.

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This episode made me laugh out loud more than once. It's been a rough couple of days so a little comedy was needed. 

I liked the theme that aspiration is not all it takes for achievement. All the shirts and pillows with 'Dream' and 'Follow your heart' gloss over the fact the those things are just the seeds that only grow with dedication and hard work. And Gregory's' touch my hand with your positivity' example made me laugh.

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3 hours ago, amarante said:

My comment was more in terms of the show somehow portraying the woman as a brave strong woman and that her wearing the clothing was somehow commendable.

However the reality is that I think most people would think she was trashy even if they didn't express it.

I agree. But being a small business owner/independent manufacturer of sustainable, high quality merchandise is commendable. And to Barbara, being a married mother with a cheerful, productive child is also commendable. It’s just what part of the package will you decide to focus on?

I would love to shop for the blue dress Ava was wearing but I can’t find it on any Shop the Show websites. Has anyone rlse looked for and found it? I found Janine’s green floral already. I would like to pretend to buy both.

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9 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

She was wearing her wedding ring on her middle finger,

She also had a "wedding band" tattoo on the wedding ring finger, which I think was supposed to be the actual "wedding ring"  

9 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

I think the problem was that she was exposing the other kids in the class,

This.  It's great that her kid is a smart, well adjusted kid who isn't fazed by mom's tattoos but that doesn't mean no one else is.  I don't beleive for one minute that there wasn't at least on kid in that class or in the hallway, who saw that tattoo that wouldn't immediately start saying and repeating the word, especially if they were gettng a reaction from it.   I did get a hearty laugh though when Barbara pointed it out so she raised the zipper on the sweater, only to have it say slut.  

11 hours ago, mansonlamps said:

Raising hand to say Ava schooled me as well

 Ava usually annoys me but that was a good talk with Barbara.  

On 11/16/2022 at 11:56 PM, Boofish said:

The girl with the bitch tattoo 

Melissa - love that book the movie was meh

HIlarious line.  Took a few seconds for it to sink, then was laughing so hard, ahd to rewind to catch anything that I missed. 

15 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

You need to understand flowers so you know if a man bought you cheap ones or not.

Thank you!  Didn't catch it and was watching with my 14 yrs old so wasn't sure if it was safe to rewiind and relisten!!

Edited by perkie1968
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