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S09.E18: All Apologies

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Here's the link to the video of Heather riding the bull.  NO, I'm not obsessed!    




Thanks well that clears up if Terry heard it at the time, the idiot responded and participated in the conversation. Just keeping spinning Debrows


Now off that topic I watched the clip 'Terry cuts David down' and Christin was not at the table for all the conversation he gets up at the "sardonic you might want to look that up' (and talking about smirks on rewatch heather has a huge one at this comment)  and returns just as David says 'plus I am just a dumb construction guy. Actually it might be edited I think I might have to rewatch the end of the episode.


OTT i love all the negative remarks about the Debrows on the clips comments.

  • Love 2

I agree that the Dubrow's are horrible human beings, they just have no souls at all. Wealth can disguise what's on the outside, but being assholes goes right down to the bone with them. Why is it that people took what he said in the wrong context anyway? Everyone was yelling and encouraging Heather to get on the bull. Terry even said "come on, ride it hard baby" and I don't think that David's encouragement "come on, spread the legs, get on there baby!" was intended to be sexual. Does anyone ride a mechanical bull side-saddle? A person HAS to spread their legs apart in order to sit on it properly. I think Eddie's remark was totally sexual and his remark that should have been considered extremely offensive. (in front of the kids and Terry's mother) How else can his remark "show us how you ride Terry!" be interpreted, except in a sexual way?

I can't watch her face any longer than it's necessary to get through one hour of RHoOC, If I committed a crime and the judge sentenced me to be forced to watch Heather Dubrow in any television show every day for five years, I'd beg him to give me the death penalty. The short answer, is "no".

I would have enjoyed it if David was able to make a quick comeback to that pompous, dice and slice, plastic surgeon Terry.... such as "we have a word for you also, you're nothing more than a knotted and kinked up collection of seminiferous tubules!" (take that in your plastic pipe and stick it)

Not that it's of any importance but what was Terry thinking when he chose to wear a bad-boy leather motorcycle jacket to a fancy dinner party? Did he think the Hells Angels were going to be there with their Harley's?

Maybe it was his shout out to Quiet Riot?

  • Love 5

For some reason, to me, mild-mannered Christian raising his hand and saying "I'm a construction guy, too" was the funniest thing about this episode.  I laughed so hard I think I scared the baby.


I'd be exponentially more likely to watch next season if it features a little box on the bottom of the screen with Christian doing stoner commentary. 


Oh, who am I fucking kidding?  I'll watch anyway.

  • Love 5

Just when I thought I couldn't loathe Madame puppet any more than I do, I see her respond to Vicki's drunken, sniffly warble, "Where do we go from here?" with, "We go home." Pause. "We go home," ...As if she's delivering the final line of an Ibsen play. If only it were live on-stage, so we could all simultaneously yell out, "Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." 

Ugh. Stupid.

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 11

Done! Happy Birthday!


Who needs a facial for a birthday gift!  This is fucking better!  I'm going over there NOW!  I just high fived you.


I use to have a twitter account but then I saw my 21 year old son tweet "Kill me now, my mom has a twitter account."  So I deleted it. 


ETA:  They must have deleted that tweet.  Cowards.


I did find this tweet on Miss Terry and Dancing with the Stars.  Does this fame whore ever give up? 


"How did u find out?!@christielee0001 @Mc2290 @DrPaulNassif Terry will be on #DancingWithTheStars next season as the first Real househusband”

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 3

Who needs a facial for a birthday gift!  This is fucking better!  I'm going over there NOW!  I just high fived you.


I use to have a twitter account but then I saw my 21 year old son tweet "Kill me now, my mom has a twitter account."  So I deleted it. 


ETA:  They must have deleted that tweet.  Cowards.


I did find this tweet on Miss Terry and Dancing with the Stars.  Does this fame whore ever give up? 


"How did u find out?!@christielee0001 @Mc2290 @DrPaulNassif Terry will be on #DancingWithTheStars next season as the first Real househusband”


  • Love 2

Who needs a facial for a birthday gift! This is fucking better! I'm going over there NOW! I just high fived you.

I use to have a twitter account but then I saw my 21 year old son tweet "Kill me now, my mom has a twitter account." So I deleted it.

ETA: They must have deleted that tweet. Cowards.

I did find this tweet on Miss Terry and Dancing with the Stars. Does this fame whore ever give up?

"How did u find out?!@christielee0001 @Mc2290 @DrPaulNassif Terry will be on #DancingWithTheStars next season as the first Real househusband”

The bastards! Well, at least I got a retweet :)

Seriously, dancing w the stars? Ultimate famewhore.

  • Love 4

From Heather's Blog:



I call bullshit on the, "we didn't think it was bad wished we had never heard about it in the first place." Yes, they would not have seen it prior to the filming of Vicki's party. But, why did Heather reference it in her blog post when deflecting her behavior about turning up the bull while Tamra was riding it? If by the time they had seen it, they didn't think it was all that bad, why even bring it up? 


Here is what Heather wrote in her blog right after the Hoedown episode aired:


So, if by the time they actually saw the footage they realized it was no big deal and regret that they even brought it up during Vicki's party, why would she bring it up all these months later as something that was So awful, and again, no mention of Eddie?


Also, why did Terry say at Vicki's party that he wasn't angry at David about the "Take the Beadors down" argument, he was angry about what David said at the hoedown? According to their current spin, they weren't even aware that it had been said when the filming of Lizzie's party took place.


It's bad enough that they condescending morons, without them insulting our intelligence on top of everything else. Did Heather forget that she already slammed David about this before? Did Terry forget that he wasn't even aware of what David had said prior to the filming of Lizzie's party and therefore could not possibly have been angry about that when arguing with David?

I hate them so much. I feel so justified in never liking her.

She also said in the 18 years she has been with Terry she has never seen him so upset.  She is a back-pedaling lying liar who lies.

  • Love 7


The thing about Lizzie is that all her individual features are pretty by themselves. She has beautiful, beautiful big almond shaped eyes, amazing high prominent cheekbones and lips people pay for but all those strong features on one face are just too damn much. I bet she photographs well but in person just looks odd and overdone. It is like Sophie Loren and Peggy Bundy had a baby.  

Smashing description of Lizzie!  

  • Love 1


She also said in the 18 years she has been with Terry she has never seen him so upset.  She is a back-pedaling lying liar who lies.

 I don't envy the Dubrows for having a mansion or a cook or all the other high falutin crap they put out there but THIS, if THIS is the most upsetting event in the last 18 years of their lives? That I envy.

  • Love 12

From Heather's Blog:

I call bullshit on the, "we didn't think it was bad wished we had never heard about it in the first place." Yes, they would not have seen it prior to the filming of Vicki's party. But, why did Heather reference it in her blog post when deflecting her behavior about turning up the bull while Tamra was riding it? If by the time they had seen it, they didn't think it was all that bad, why even bring it up?

The thing the disgusts me the most (and I don't use that hyperbolically) is that Heather implies the comments were inappropriate because she was another man's wife. As if it is her status as another man's "property" that makes it wrong to shout obscenities and sexual commands at a person. I do think David and Eddie were wrong for shouting those things. There are jokes and then there are jokes that go too far. I think "spread your legs" goes too far (others may disagree) and I would be pissed if someone yelled that at me. However I would be pissed because they are sexually aggressive and dominant commands (joking or not) made to ME, telling ME how to behave and implying that if am there for non-consensual sexual entertainment. I would not be pissed because my husband has "dibs" on commenting on what's between my legs. Hell, I would be even more pissed if it was my husband who shouted those things. My entitlement to respect does not come from the mistaken belief that because I am in a relationship I am another man's domain and should be treated as such. It comes from the fact that I am an individual autonomous human.

I really thought Heather was savvier than that. Just gross.

  • Love 14

The thing the disgusts me the most (and I don't use that hyperbolically) is that Heather implies the comments were inappropriate because she was another man's wife. As if it is her status as another man's "property" that makes it wrong to shout obscenities and sexual commands at a person. I do think David and Eddie were wrong for shouting those things. There are jokes and then there are jokes that go too far. I think "spread your legs" goes too far (others may disagree) and I would be pissed if someone yelled that at me. However I would be pissed because they are sexually aggressive and dominant commands (joking or not) made to ME, telling ME how to behave and implying that if am there for non-consensual sexual entertainment. I would not be pissed because my husband has "dibs" on commenting on what's between my legs. Hell, I would be even more pissed if it was my husband who shouted those things. My entitlement to respect does not come from the mistaken belief that because I am in a relationship I am another man's domain and should be treated as such. It comes from the fact that I am an individual autonomous human.

I really thought Heather was savvier than that. Just gross.

100% yes.

I'm always on my phone when I read PTV and there's no like option. I may have to get on a pc so I can high five your post.

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Heather got the benefit of a great edit her first two years, and she has been a favorite among viewers. Amazing, in my opinion, after bowgate. But, in any event she is not used to this backlash and it is clearly killing her.



In order for Heather to become a favorite again she will have to stop kissing Tamra's ass, start being nice to Shannon and David and tell Miss Terry to get out of her face and go film more Botched episodes.  Ain't gonna happen. 

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My assumption about the Dubrows vs. the Beadors is that at some time during filming, Heather and Terry found out about David's domestic abuse issue.  When I first heard about this, which was at the beginning of the season, I always wondered how the other HW's would feel about this guy once they knew.  I could be way off base here, but since they seem to run in the same circles, and the Beador's have been in the community a long time, I would find it strange if they didn't learn about this info a long time before it hit the media. Maybe that had nothing to do with the way that Heather and Terry treated David in particular (Shannon mentions in her blog that David walked up to kiss Heather at the party, but that Heather pulled away from him), but it might have everything to do with it. Others can talk about Terry being a dick or an elitist, but I have never seen him act like this with anyone before - not even close. If he was elitist, I would find it strange that he had never seemed to have issues with folks on the show who are beneath them socially and/or economically. Gretchen/Slade, Brooks, Eddie/Tamra, all of these folks probably have little if any money at the end of the day, but I never saw him treat them poorly in any manner because of this. The first person I have really seen him have an issue with is another millionaire, so I think there is more going on here than meets the eye. He seems to seriously dislike him. Since I am not a big one on the whole "he/she is jealous deal" as an explanation 99% of the time, it seems like there is more going on here. Hearing David say these things about Heather riding the bull, on top of possibly learning about his domestic abuse issue, might make him more likely to sneer and become insufferable.  And no matter what else I might say, I do think he was insufferable. JMO of course. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 2

My assumption about the Dubrows vs. the Beadors is that at some time during filming, Heather and Terry found out about David's domestic abuse issue. When I first heard about this, which was at the beginning of the season, I always wondered how the other HW's would feel about this guy once they knew. I could be way off base here, but since they seem to run in the same circles, and the Beador's have been in the community a long time, I would find it strange if they didn't learn about this info a long time before it hit the media. Maybe that had nothing to do with the way that Heather and Terry treated David in particular (Shannon mentions in her blog that David walked up to kiss Heather at the party, but that Heather pulled away from him), but it might have everything to do with it. Others can talk about Terry being a dick or an elitist, but I have never seen him act like this with anyone before - not even close. If he was elitist, I would find it strange that he had never seemed to have issues with folks on the show who are beneath them socially and/or economically. Gretchen/Slade, Brooks, Eddie/Tamra, all of these folks probably have little if any money at the end of the day, but I never saw him treat them poorly in any manner because of this. The first person I have really seen him have an issue with is another millionaire, so I think there is more going on here than meets the eye. Hearing David say these things about Heather riding the bull, on top of possibly learning about his domestic abuse issue, might make him more likely to sneer and become insufferable. And no matter what else I might say, I do think he was insufferable. JMO of course.

If we were talking about someone else, I may agree. But, not this guy. I think that he's ok with Tamra/Eddie, Gretchen/Slade precisely because they are beneath him. It's like the bitchy girl who hangs out with girls who aren't pretty. It makes her look better in comparison.

No matter what, these people will never run with the Dubrows' inner circle of friends. They're the court jesters. They entertain them but they'll never be at the Douchebrows' level. These morons make them feel like they're on top. The Beadors are competition on this show.

  • Love 7

If we were talking about someone else, I may agree. But, not this guy. I think that he's ok with Tamra/Eddie, Gretchen/Slade precisely because they are beneath him. It's like the bitchy girl who hangs out with girls who aren't pretty. It makes her look better in comparison.

No matter what, these people will never run with the Dubrows' inner circle of friends. They're the court jesters. They entertain them but they'll never be at the Douchebrows' level. These morons make them feel like they're on top. The Beadors are competition on this show.


Triple agree.  Terry calling Coco a bitch, Terry and his famewhore-ness, Terry and his sarcasm at Heather, Miss Terry has plenty of buns in the shitty personality/ dramz-cooking oven.  His behavior toward David was not new but rather totally consistent with his previous displays of assy personality.  And plus, Miss Terry does not avoid talking about the worst, nor does Heather F Pants, especially if they think it will make them look good.  They would have said it if they had something else in mind.  For sure.  Look at Heather F Pants gossiping to Eddie about Tamra wanting a baby.  Neither of these two keep their damned mouths shut if they think it will get them camera time.  So they would have said it if they had other, worser (yep) things in mind about David.  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 2

Triple agree.  Terry calling Coco a bitch, Terry and his famewhore-ness, Terry and his sarcasm at Heather, Miss Terry has plenty of buns in the shitty personality/ dramz-cooking oven.  His behavior toward David was not new but rather totally consistent with his previous displays of assy personality.  And plus, Miss Terry does not avoid talking about the worst, nor does Heather F Pants, especially if they think it will make them look good.  They would have said it if they had something else in mind.  For sure.  Look at Heather F Pants gossiping to Eddie about Tamra wanting a baby.  Neither of these two keep their damned mouths shut if they think it will get them camera time.  So they would have said it if they had other, worser (yep) things in mind about David.

If Terry was my husband and had called our kid anything like that, I would have stepped in and let him know that ain't gonna happen again!

  • Love 4

Huh? Learning about David's plea deal might have inspired the Dubrows' display? Mileage varies, but I think not. Firstly, Heather and Terry are going to blanch about an expunged, 10-year-old misdemeanor, but they're totally copacetic paling around with a woman whose encouragement of sexual battery against a castmate is rebroadcast nationally at least once a year? Wait, that's a double standard, so maybe it is consistent for the Dubrows, after all. Regardless, Ryan and Tamra's assault of Gretchen is on readily available streaming and DVD. Additionally, Terry is someone who invested the energy to posting links on Twitter during a feud with Sarah Winchester, a girl who racked up all of 15 minutes of screen time over an entire season. He's clearly not shy about deploying opposition knowledge against people when it suits his purposes. Thirdly, I'll agree that I've never seen Terry speak to a man like he did to David . . . because he himself is usually going after women. In addition to calling his two-year-old a "bitch," he felt comfortable enough with aggression toward women to shout down the dinner table at Shannon during the Rovsek dinner. He is presently doing media rounds maligning her as "crazy" after even Heather gave up that ghost; psychiatric buzzwords are kind of irresponsible coming from a medical professional, imo. After introducing himself to Alexis by talking cattily about her when she was less than ten feet away, he continued to target her behind her back- like it was his job as opposed to his wife's- to the extent that she was like, "yo, I did not sign up to fight with a dude." Obviously, I don't know the details of the Beador dv incident, but preceding incidents, coupled with the fact that Terry waited until there was a full table of people separating himself from David before he launched into his tirade and made his remarks about Jim Bellino finally "growing a pair of balls" well before Jim was anywhere in his physical proximity, make me know which one I'd put my money on as displaying a natural potential to bully women . . .

. . . As for whether or not Terry is an elitist because he interacts with the likes of the Barneys and the Rossi-Smileys- I think a very apt analogy is Brandi Glanville's "but I can't be racist; I fuck black guys!" defense. Just because one has relationships with individuals hailing from a certain demographic does not mean one doesn't harbor prejudice toward that demographic. Brandi made a racist remark with her assertions about blacks and swimming; for me, though, she (and Yolanda and Carlton) convinced me she/they were racist, full stop, with the rationalizations, deflections, and attempts to lecture Joyce about how *she* needed to demonstrate some empathy for Brandi. I think Terry made a classist/elitist comment to David- it was, if nothing else, based on a pejorative stereotype about an entire category of people. And he didn't apologize, but offered up some patronizing and condescending nonsense about being a construction worker, too.

  • Love 15

Well, may I say with Miss Terry's uxoriousness, I'm sure Heather prompts everything he says? How the "you're a penis!" outburst went over once those two got home, I'm sure I'll never know.

In regard to Heather saying she was offended by what David yelled because she is a married woman, maybe when she heard about it, she thought it was meant as a serious come-on. Obviously she's taken, so I could see how that would be offensive.

However, I don't buy that she really took his comments seriously or that she didn't hear him firsthand. I also think the actual command is offensive. It clearly wasn't an actual attempt to be sexually involved with Heather.

  • Love 2

Just watched my favorite program, The Soup, and Madame and Miss Terry were featured for the idiotic 'penis' remark. And Joel McHale called them, "The DuBROWS" as in EYEbrows! Heeeeee! That's how famous you two nitwits are!


Also noticed again in the clip that Madame was sitting there looking mortified because I think even SHE had the presence of mind to realize that Miss Terry looked like a mental patient barking and squealing about something that was completely irrelevant since David beat them to the punch for their big "scene" with his apology. Hahaha!

  • Love 8

The "little bitch" comment Terry made about Coco didn't bother me as much as it did some, but then I called my young children all sorts of names when they were out of earshot. At the time of this comment, there were more folks who were angry at David for making the "you supposedly produce boys if you are happy and girls if you are unhappy" comment while his daughter was standing right there. That didn't bother me either, because it didn't seem mean spirited in any manner. If he, or Terry would have been splayed out at home on the couch spewing vulgarities at their children while demanding a beer and Cheetos, I would have looked at both differently. As it was we saw David interacting lovingly with his children right before this, and Terry playing with Coco to such a degree that he didn't want to stop to attend the party. Either way, if Terry is a dick for his comment, David is equally so.

I have always thought these shows were a sociology experiment and that Andy would let us in on this at the end of the day. One of the things that interests me most is that whatever happens at the beginning or middle of the season is wiped clean in favor of whatever happens at the end of the season. At the beginning there was a great deal of conversation about David's domestic abuse issue. Many folks were convinced they would never be able to give him the benefit of the doubt because this was a reality - not something that we were speculating about. Additionally he must have been unfaithful at some point, otherwise why would Shannon behave in such a manner? She was also a crazy woman - berating him about chips and Salsa before dinner and not taking water to bed. Now things are different after just 5 or so episodes. Shannon seems to be giving him a chance, and he is acting nice in public (well, to be fair he always has). They are behaving appropriately and Terry is acting like a total asshole, so suddenly anything that has gone before is largely forgotten. It is easy to dust off a comment that Terry made about Coco being a bitch because it fits well with all that we saw later on. The fact that David said something equally offensive on the same episode is meaningless because of the fact that he was a gentlemen at the end.

  • Love 7

The difference to me is that Shannon has at least been able to apologize for her behavior. She's been able to admit being wrong in her blogs and interviews. She seems to have made an effort to change and grow. She's apologized throughout the season to Heather for things she didn't even do. Unlike someone like Heather who will never admit wrongdoing of any kind. She will instead blame editing and threaten to leave the show.


Anyone who's being filmed for hundreds of hours will have their bad moments. It's how you react to them that makes a difference to me. 

  • Love 9

Shannon's filler is so distracting. It makes her look bloated. We in medicine have a term for this: it's called Fat Face. Shannon is attractive IMO, but her post-HW hair, face, and teeth are all a bit over the top.

ETA: by 'in medicine' I mean 'has watched Children's Hospital'

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 5

I would have enjoyed it if David was able to make a quick comeback to that pompous, dice and slice, plastic surgeon Terry.... such as "we have a word for you also, you're nothing more than a knotted and kinked up collection of seminiferous tubules!" (take that in your plastic pipe and stick it)

I would have liked for David to have a good comeback as well, but I think that either it isn't his style, or it has been beaten out of him. The reality is, all the real humiliation of David came from his wife for the first 75% of this season. She mocked what he ate (too much starch), when he ate (how dare he have chips and salsa before dinner), how he ate it (shut your mouth when it is full David) how he spoke (he might not have known whatever word Heather said, but at least he wasn't mocked for using the word broke or broken incorrectly in front of his girls). He was reminded he didn't possess good manners, and that the fun David we and everyone else saw was a different guy than the one she saw around the house. He hardly ever said a word in his defense - ever. He just let her mock and humiliate him over and over again. Perhaps if you are talked down to enough in your own home, for absolutely no reason at all by someone who loves you, you start to think you just deserve it when someone who is clearly pissed and doesn't much like you does it? Shannon goes into detail about how smart David is and the fact that he has multiple degrees in her blog in her outrage over the "construction worker" comment. Funny, she never mentioned any of that when she was trying to convince us all what a jackass he was. I would bet every single penny I have he has heard snark around the house about construction workers and their manners, behavior, foul mouths, etc., around his own home on more than one occasion. Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 2

I would have liked for David to have a good comeback as well, but I think that either it isn't his style, or it has been beaten out of him. The reality is, all the real humiliation of David came from his wife for the first 75% of this season. She mocked what he ate (too much starch), when he ate (how dare he have chips and salsa before dinner), how he ate it (shut your mouth when it is full David) how he spoke (he might not have known whatever word Heather said, but at least he wasn't mocked for using the word broke or broken incorrectly in front of his girls). He was reminded he didn't possess good manners, and that the fun David we and everyone else saw was a different guy than the one she saw around the house. He hardly ever said a word in his defense - ever. He just let her mock and humiliate him over and over again. Perhaps if you are talked down to enough in your own home, for absolutely no reason at all by someone who loves you, you start to think you just deserve it when someone who is clearly pissed and doesn't much like you does it? Shannon goes into detail about how smart David is and the fact that he has multiple degrees in her blog in her outrage over the "construction worker" comment. Funny, she never mentioned any of that when she was trying to convince us all what a jackass he was. I would bet every single penny I have he has heard snark around the house about construction workers and their manners, behavior, foul mouths, etc., around his own home on more than one occasion.


In fairness, she has copped to how shitty she was treating him, has openly admitted it, and has discussed changes she has made to her behavior.  Whereas the DuLoBrows are incapable of self-reflection, humility, or forgiveness.  

  • Love 5

In fairness, she has copped to how shitty she was treating him, has openly admitted it, and has discussed changes she has made to her behavior.  Whereas the DuLoBrows are incapable of self-reflection, humility, or forgiveness.

She absolutely gets points for that. I do think she appears to be someone who is capable of self-reflection, but I can also imagine that she didn't just start treating him like shit when they joined this show. She talked from the beginning about the fact that she didn't get enough of his time and her reaction was to basically treat him like shit. She was well aware of her behavior, which I would assume had been called out by friends and family for years, but didn't change it until a couple of million people weighed in. Better late than never and good for her. I would certainly assume that as his wife and his life-partner, she would be much more capable of self-reflection, humility, and forgiveness towards her own husband than someone they work with would. Then again, I would also expect for her to be kinder to him than would these near strangers.

  • Love 1

Everything I need to know about Heather was conveyed in her reaction to Terry saying, "...that sardonic smirk - you might have to look up sardonic" (or whatever he said) - if you watch Heather, she cannot help herself from laughing snidely at Terry's dig. She kinda/sorta tries to hide it by turning her face away, but she can barely help herself. It's a total Mean Girl laugh, delighting in Terry's cruelty. In that one moment, you can see that any pretense Heather makes about being above "the petty nonsense" is just that (pretense) - she is as much as a mudslinger as her pal Tamra.

  • Love 13

Everything I need to know about Heather was conveyed in her reaction to Terry saying, "...that sardonic smirk - you might have to look up sardonic" (or whatever he said) - if you watch Heather, she cannot help herself from laughing snidely at Terry's dig. She kinda/sorta tries to hide it by turning her face away, but she can barely help herself. It's a total Mean Girl laugh, delighting in Terry's cruelty. In that one moment, you can see that any pretense Heather makes about being above "the petty nonsense" is just that (pretense) - she is as much as a mudslinger as her pal Tamra.

I think all hopes of Heather having being above the petty nonsense were dashed when she offered to buy David a Thesaurus.  I think she and Terry thought they would come off as very polished and cutting edge with their repartee.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 8

100% yes.

I'm always on my phone when I read PTV and there's no like option. I may have to get on a pc so I can high five your post.

Really? I always read PTV on my phone, do you see the blue checkmark on the top right corner?

Eta : It's a blue circle white checkmark

Eta; Sorry I didn't see someone already mentioned it.

Edited by imjagain

There may be hope--if there's a check mark in the top right corner of each post, that's the Like function. So, Checkmark until your heart's content!

I didn't know about the check mark. Here's what I do if I'm using my phone:

I just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Use Full Version" and it changes the formatting from mobile version to what you'd see using a pc and then click on like/thumbs up icon.

Edited by msblossom

I didn't know about the check mark. Here's what I do if I'm using my phone:

I just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Use Full Version" and it changes the formatting from mobile version to what you'd see using a pc and then click on like/thumbs up icon.

I love that we put in this much effort to high-five each other!
  • Love 3

Other than her flying nun outfit, I actually still like Vicki this season.  She's been kind of rising above all the BS.  I felt for her when her daughter moved. Her son in law looks like he's close to stepping off the curb - there is so much anger in his eyes when he even looks at Vicki.  Same with Briana.


Tamra and her Medusa hair in the talking head need to head back to Salem's Lot with Eminem.  Her son's "health scare" was peanuts compared to the fact that he's been injected himself with drugs for years.  His iron diagnosis really isn't something as scary as say - thyroid cancer and lymphoma - like Briana was thought to have.  Tamra is trying to concoct this story in order to defend the fact that her son is a total freak.


Heather and Terry are so completely insecure that it's almost comical to watch.  David and his construction business make Terry shake in his scrubs, and he hates him for that.  Also, since when is "penis" a term that's exclusive to plastic surgeons?  I thought that was just, I don't know, a term that everyone else on the planet used? 

  • Love 2

This was by far my favourite episode. I love that Shannon and David are back on track, and I think that is driving the HiBrows nuts. To see Terry totally lose it, and Shannon and espeically David just sit back and enjoy the show was a thing of beauty. I don't know if the Beadors are returning - I almost hope they don't as as much as I like both them and their kids, I think they should stay away from the poison that is the RHW series. I also like that they are downsizing as I remember at the first of the season David saying that he would like to simplify their lives. Good on them for coming through the season closer than when they started.


Random observations:

WTF does anyone wear black eyeshadow?


Only Vicki could call a dress with a V in the front so low it surpassed her boobs, "business in the front". And I continue to be baffled by her dress choices. When she was wearing jeans and a Tshirt she actually looked quite slim (for Vicki). The white dress with the low cut front and cut out back made her look like a sausage casing with some of the sausage escaping.

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This was by far my favourite episode. I love that Shannon and David are back on track, and I think that is driving the HiBrows nuts. To see Terry totally lose it, and Shannon and espeically David just sit back and enjoy the show was a thing of beauty. I don't know if the Beadors are returning - I almost hope they don't as as much as I like both them and their kids, I think they should stay away from the poison that is the RHW series. I also like that they are downsizing as I remember at the first of the season David saying that he would like to simplify their lives. Good on them for coming through the season closer than when they started.


Random observations:

WTF does anyone wear black eyeshadow?


Only Vicki could call a dress with a V in the front so low it surpassed her boobs, "business in the front". And I continue to be baffled by her dress choices. When she was wearing jeans and a Tshirt she actually looked quite slim (for Vicki). The white dress with the low cut front and cut out back made her look like a sausage casing with some of the sausage escaping.

I don't think these women have good taste in either makeup or how they dress. But that's what gives me a kick....watching to see just how awful they will look.  

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So Miss Terry was incensed by a remark David made three months ago, but never went to David to talk about it? David apologized for said remark the first time he saw Miss Terry after finding out how upset Miss Terry was, but that was not good enough for the Dubrows? Miss Terry didn't believe the apology and proceeded to belittle David for his line of work and apparent lack of vocabulary. Apparently there was a change of plans, the Dubrows and Tamra decided Vicki's party was the time to try to take down the Beadors. No wonder Tamra and Heather are such good friends, they're both horrid people. When Tamra was BSing Brooks she couldn't have looked more like a weasel if she tried (no offense to weasels). Tamra and the Dubrows really make me sick, but I love the Beadors a bit more. Loved Christian saying he zoned out five minutes ago.


Anybody else notice when Terry was asking the status of someone's relationship in the car on the way to Vicki's, he said "relaship" (like relay-ship). I've heard someone else say it like this before, not sure if it was on RHOC, but is this a new word I'm not aware of? I would think Miss Terry would have proper enunciation, being in the medical profession and all. Maybe when Heather is buying David a Thesaurus she can pick one up for Miss Terry too.


Loved Lizzie's "I've apologized for things that I'm not even sorry for". And honestly, have these women left any black eyeliner for anyone else?


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Congrats to the Beadors for winning the night. Can you imagine watching the DuBrows' watching this episode? I think it so obvious that the Dubrows' are extremely competitive people. It was fine in seasons past because they had the biggest house, the most money and thought they had the most refinement. And then enter the Beadors' with their big house and money. We had to hear over and over about the new mansion...with the motorcourt. Who really cared? Except the Dubrows'. So, the goal was to take them down anyway they could. And they really thought they were going to succeed. I'm sure Terry practiced his Penis speech for hours, inbetween watching episodes of 'Botched'. The confrontation didn't turn out the way he planned but he spent so much time on his speech to have his 'moment', he gave it anyway and looked like a fool. It reminded me a little of the Aviva leg throwing. And add to that the construction comment. That's the real Terry coming out. It's not pretty.

I did feel a bit for Vick when Briana left. She doesn't have relatives close by. She's single. MIchael won't tell her where he lives. It's tough. I just can't with Tamra and her tears over her kids.

Really though. If you're going to play the elitist give me a good reason why, instead I find irony in every word they say. David, who has a job and a skill that provides him not only with wealth, but with self-sufficiency. David builds places for people to live in and does honest work in my eye, Terry's work relies on destruction of esteem, sickened Societal values... Oh wow big boy, you know how to make fake breasts, and use the word "penis" like a dagger, which I find an intriguing choice of insult.

Does he hate his own, or did he just fall for a penis once upon a time and it broke his heart? Good gosh God Complex, both of them.

I wanted to like Heather, I saw her as refined and sweet when she first appeared, but initially I mistook her intellect for depth of character. For depth of anything. It's clear that their favorite color is green, they only see money and envy. What miserable fools.

Hehe. Someone mentioned that "the dark shadow" wasn't good for Tamra. But I think it suits her. I bet when she closes her eyes they still look opened, like two ugly black little beady holes. Tamra is the sort that reminds you that as you age, some people still play those teasing childhood games like it's all they know, they just twist them into something more taunting and awful.

Edited by Souvlaki
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On 8/21/2014 at 9:39 AM, islandgal140 said:

The thing about Lizzie is that all her individual features are pretty by themselves. She has beautiful, beautiful big almond shaped eyes, amazing high prominent cheekbones and lips people pay for but all those strong features on one face are just too damn much. I bet she photographs well but in person just looks odd and overdone. It is like Sophie Loren and Peggy Bundy had a baby.  I don't think she can help her face. In the few photos they showed from her pageant days, she doesn't look much different now compared to then. I think she could soften up her face by toning down those eyebrows a bit and going easy on the makeup by not contouring and picking one feature (eyes or lips but not both) to highlight. I will say that I think she has very pretty hair. Love the color especially and it looks so healthy and shiny. 

Most people consider Sophia Loren one of the most beautiful women ever, and she also has big eyes, prominent cheekbones, and large mouth like Lizzie's. I can understand that type of look isn't everyone's preference, but I definitely think Lizzie is a knockout like Sophia. I like that her beauty is unique. I wouldn't confuse he with any other Housewife in the franchise. 

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