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S24.E04: Eviction #1

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I think it’s sort of despicable that they stretched it out without telling us upfront that it was Paloma was ejected.

And I think it’s extremely despicable they actually showed some of Paloma’s “unraveling.”

The broadcast should have started with Julie announcing that due to “personal reasons” Paloma was no longer in the house and the rest of it was about the HoH and aftermath.

Edited by TimWil
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Yay, Michael! He really leapt through the obstacles. (Ha Ha Pooch lost. Or as someone in BB Chat called him, Winnie the Pooch.)

Congrats, Taylor!!

The taller people have the advantage, although Indie and Joseph should be about equal.

I'd rather have Indie win than Joseph.

Who's left: Brittany, Monte, Terrence, Turner, Ameerah, Nicole and Kyle.

And Jasmine! I forgot about her.

Edited by Lamb18

I don't even know what this crap is I am watching. Paloma cries and can't sleep and unravels to quit. We are 4 epis in and no real boot yet. Now this dumb long HoH where Jasmine (I think) wins even though she touched ground and now she's rolling around like she broke her ankle.

And how all them were crying like Paloma died. How long have they known her? Stupid.

But why wasn't someone booted the 1st day? This is a joke season, right?

Edited by Lamima
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Just now, llongori said:

Julie does NOT look happy that Jasmine had the gall to injure herself.

Things did not go according to plan on a night where the original plan was already foiled. 

I did wonder if she touched when she slipped just before ending, before Julie realized she was hurt I wondered if she was going to say she was disqualified 

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Wow!  Paloma pretending to be Taylor's friend while stabbing her in the back.  And Taylor buys it.  Sad

Monte is just stupid.  Paloma is a snake.  I'm liking Brittney.  I'm glad she won the safety poll, should boost her confidence.  Pooch should STFU.  Lay back, see what happens.

This tearfest is such bullshit.  She really had them all wrapped around her psycho finger.  Stop bothering God, Monte.  If He exists, he does not care.

So Paloma just ended their silly twist before it happens and everybody is safe.  LOL!

A great outcome IMHO😎  Did she just flat out quit or did they pull her?  They could not have been more vague.

I hope they do some serious note comparing and realize she lied to everybody.

Oh fun!  A broken bone! So they'll keep us hanging on HoH.  sigh

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I have mixed feelings about Paloma leaving the game. I find the cavalier treatment of the health of the HG's loathsome. Besides Paloma's meltdown, anyone remember how Steve (BB17) had an impacted tooth, Ashley (BB14) had a slipped disc, Becky (BB17) had an infected toe, Nicole A (BB22) had severe diarrhea, Brittany (BB16) had an infected toe, and the show did not do much to help these medical situations?

The competition was really dangerous. I'm not surprised Jasmine rolled her ankle. Again, watch the DR give her an ice pack and tell her to have a nice life.

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2 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Aside from douche-y Monte, I can get behind the winners.  Michael knocked out Pooch, Taylor beat Alyssa (whom I do like, as well), Joseph beat Indy, Ameerah beat Brittany (whom I also like, but still . . .), and Jasmine beat Terrance (I like him, too, but . . . seriously, he's not winning these challenges).

I missed Kyle and Turner, though.  Who won there?


3 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Aside from douche-y Monte, I can get behind the winners.  Michael knocked out Pooch, Taylor beat Alyssa (whom I do like, as well), Joseph beat Indy, Ameerah beat Brittany (whom I also like, but still . . .), and Jasmine beat Terrance (I like him, too, but . . . seriously, he's not winning these challenges).

I missed Kyle and Turner, though.  Who won there?

Kyle won.

Where to even begin!

Okay let's start...I absolutely WILL judge Paloma...she is a horrible human being! The way she was gaslightening Taylor early in the episode with fake tears and the ability to switch it off at will. I called  her a sociopath yesterday and now I believe it even more.

And...she couldn't hack it! The delicious irony is that by self-evicting she saved Taylor the one she was out to destroy. And did i hear right? She was trying to get Turner to leave WITH HER....so she wouldn't look like the loser she is if she had company? I'm only sorry that Taylor cried for her. She didn't deserve your tears. Losing the villain this early though is problematic. Who will rise to take her place?

Taylor lives to shine another day! Three cheers!

ANOTHER twist BLOWS UP in Grodner's face...I absolutely love it! Guess we'll never know how that would have played out but I did correctly guess on episode 1 that America would vote to save Brittany because she is like most of the country....ordinary looking and that creates a subconscious kinship.

I was praying for a Terrance/Yasmine match up to see who would do worse but Yas did surprisingly better than I thought but oh man Julie went into full Chen-Bot short circuit mode before the commercial break as she stood their silently lost at sea as Yas writhes in pain.

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WTF did I just watch!? haha I am dying over just how much the producers plans went to shit during this episode. First with Paloma’s exit killing the Backstage twist and then the complete mess that was that comp.

Jasmine absolutely touched the ground when she slipped btw. You see the confetti get brushed aside by her foot.

I did love the final match being Monte and Nicole both looking like they were trying to throw it, and both doing such a bad job of it so the other has to slooooowly then try to fall.

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What a mess! I don’t understand why mental health evaluations and background checks are not thorough for these shows. Remember in season 2 when that 1 guy pulled a knife on another contestant as part of some foreplay? You’d think after 20 years the show would have evolved to take the matter seriously. And there have been quite a few whackadoodles in this show’s history. I haven’t watched this season till today but it was clear from the way Paloma was gaslighting Taylor with a saccharine demeanor that something wasn’t right with her. I can’t have been the only one to notice that and it’s creepy that everyone in the house was supportive of that instability. I personally would be scared shitless to be stuck in a house with someone unstable. Mental illness is a serious disease that has had serious consequences and the show sucks at treating it as such. And FU Monty for telling us not to judge and to all of them for glorifying her. I’m glad she’s gone. 

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6 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

What a mess! I don’t understand why mental health evaluations and background checks are not thorough for these shows. Remember in season 2 when that 1 guy pulled a knife on another contestant as part of some foreplay? You’d think after 20 years the show would have evolved to take the matter seriously. And there have been quite a few whackadoodles in this show’s history. I haven’t watched this season till today but it was clear from the way Paloma was gaslighting Taylor with a saccharine demeanor that something wasn’t right with her. I can’t have been the only one to notice that and it’s creepy that everyone in the house was supportive of that instability. I personally would be scared shitless to be stuck in a house with someone unstable. Mental illness is a serious disease that has had serious consequences and the show sucks at treating it as such. And FU Monty for telling us not to judge and to all of them for glorifying her. I’m glad she’s gone. 

This isn't your fault but I absolutely hate when people assume that people with mental illnesses are dangerous and need to be isolated.

People with mental illnesses usually live quite normal lives. Your neighbors, teachers, friends, family can all suffer from anxiety and depression and need meds for it but live normal lives. Mental illness is a huge swath of conditions that could be mild or severe.

Severe mental illness often does require very intensive treatment, but it's very rare for someone to be institutionalized permanently.

The show is very cavalier and often will not give hg's their prescriptions. This is where the spiraling happens.

Ok, getting off my soapbox.

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"Live TV ladies and gentlemen!!" Is all I kept hearing in my head. What a shitshow.

Nothing like having to admit that you had planned to do the 'Backstage' people dirty and possibly boot one of them that 'can't be nominated but might still go home'. It was like a real Scooby Doo moment what with them then saying basically "Since we can't send someone who didn't deserve it this week we aren't going to send ANYONE home. *pouts* Fine. *hair flip* Whatever. We would have done it too if wasn't for an inconvenient emotional breakdown... So... get your asses to the backyard! NOW kid!!"

Then someone gets hurt and Julie was clearly bent out of shape about it throwing of the Live show's timing. You could almost see the circuits frying. Then we come back and they've presumably carried Jasmine back to the stage (at least to the winners circle) where she OBVIOUSLY can't even stand up... and Julie clearly flips her a "you're okay and not going to ruin my LIVE broadcast anymore, right Jasmine?!?" out to her. This episode really shows how much they care about the HG's doesn't it?

I mean I love a good 'let's laugh at someone's suffering' montage as much as the next guy and this one was SO classy... *rolls eyes*

2 hours ago, TimWil said:

The broadcast should have started with Julie announcing that due to “personal reasons” Paloma was no longer in the house and the rest of it was about the HoH and aftermath.

But I have to agree with this. There was no need to poke fun at someone's breakdown for the entertainment of your audience. I guess they couldn't resist...

Edited by Wandering Snark
J not Y... noted.
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1 hour ago, jsm1125 said:

Where was this world famous concern about mental health when practically the entire house went out of their way to shun and gaslight Taylor?

Yup.  Some people are "worth" their consideration, while they deem others unworthy.

I think the show should very seriously consider these "twists".  They drove Palmona insane.  Maybe it's not the twist's fault per se but it did not help.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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40 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

Jasmine absolutely touched the ground when she slipped btw. You see the confetti get brushed aside by her foot.

I counted 3 people who touched the ground.  Taylor, Jasmine, and another woman.  Julie did not care about any of them.

38 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

What a mess! I don’t understand why mental health evaluations and background checks are not thorough for these shows. Remember in season 2 when that 1 guy pulled a knife on another contestant as part of some foreplay? You’d think after 20 years the show would have evolved to take the matter seriously. And there have been quite a few whackadoodles in this show’s history. I haven’t watched this season till today but it was clear from the way Paloma was gaslighting Taylor with a saccharine demeanor that something wasn’t right with her. I can’t have been the only one to notice that and it’s creepy that everyone in the house was supportive of that instability. I personally would be scared shitless to be stuck in a house with someone unstable. Mental illness is a serious disease that has had serious consequences and the show sucks at treating it as such. And FU Monty for telling us not to judge and to all of them for glorifying her. I’m glad she’s gone. 

Well said.

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34 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

This isn't your fault but I absolutely hate when people assume that people with mental illnesses are dangerous and need to be isolated.

People with mental illnesses usually live quite normal lives. Your neighbors, teachers, friends, family can all suffer from anxiety and depression and need meds for it but live normal lives. Mental illness is a huge swath of conditions that could be mild or severe.

Severe mental illness often does require very intensive treatment, but it's very rare for someone to be institutionalized permanently.

The show is very cavalier and often will not give hg's their prescriptions. This is where the spiraling happens.

Ok, getting off my soapbox.

I think most people know this and most people have experienced mental health issues.  But Paloma's mental issues were manifesting outward and affecting other people.  Taylor was a victim of her gaslighting for instance.  And these people were trapped with her.  I've seen enough of these instances on CBS reality shows to know that they are extremely reckless with people's lives to get ratings.  It's a serious issue and like others have pointed out, there's been no evolution in 20 years of such programming.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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54 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I noticed this, too.

Me three; the confetti on the mat moving from Jasmine’s foot brush was obvious, especially on playback.

I did feel bad for Jasmine, though.  The playing surface was apparently multiple square padded mats with a tarp/covering thrown over them.  When Jasmine hopped off the platform, her foot hit the extreme corner tip of one of the mats where four mat corners intersected - and the tip collapsed and sent the toe of her shoe sliding into the resulting gap between mats.  Must’ve felt to Jasmine like a hole in the floor just opened up while she was stepping on it.

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22 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Must’ve felt to Jasmine like a hole in the floor just opened up while she was stepping on it.

Yikes... I hadn't noticed that was the issue, I thought she just rolled it when she landed.

35 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Julie really didn't handle the Jasmine ankle well at all. 

Exactly... how about a little compassion?? She clearly sounded miffed that her live broadcast had to take a timeout to carry someone off the 'playfield'. I was also not crazy about it being all contestants that finally rushed over there. Shouldn't there be SOMEONE out there that is consulting on these comps safety-wise? It really was not a good look.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I'm sorry for Paloma, and hope she gets help...but the HGs realize this isn't some Squid Game style ending, right? That was so dramatic, with all of them bawling. What a weird cast.

Hahaha, Daniel gets nothing, and Taylor is safe. But Brittany still blew up her game with sloppy play, for nothing. 

Jasmine, Joseph, Indy are non-entities so far.

Julie sucks. It was nice of the other HGs to check on Jasmine while Julie silently fumed.

ETA. Go Michael and Taylor! I'm glad they both advanced.

Edited by CrazyDog
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RIP Paloma. Your time on Earth with us was short but... wait, you mean she didn't die? Could've fooled me.

The lack of applause and cheering for Taylor's name getting pulled versus every single other person in the house was appalling. Has no one ever heard of a poker face?

Hopefully BB learned from Arbor Day and Jasmine won't be allowed to tootle around the house on a squeaky scooter. I swear, I'm never going to be free of that damned sound effect.

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

The Backstage Comp was obviously going to be, like, at least a third of the episode, so while it WAS gross how they handled it, I get it. 

Now that you mention it... I bet the Backstage Comp was meant to use that layout and they on the fly made it into a HoH comp instead... not really intending to have to show people doing that layout over and over again and still not have an HoH winner.

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6 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

When the producers broke the news to the houseguests of Paloma's exit, they realized that she wasn't actually dead, right?  The way they were all sobbing and "praying over her" made it seem like Paloma had just been buried in the backyard.  I know they were worried about her mental health, but after that crying jag, I'm kind of concerned for all of THEIR mental health.

If she is buried in the backyard, it's going to make Otev interesting in a few weeks.

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Also, I've been thinking about Paloma. It's quite possible that she really doesn't have any underlying mental issues. It could have been just the lack of sleep that ruffled her edges. It can make you act/react oddly. However, the not being able to sleep (if it's because you are feeling restless) is a classic symptom of mania. So it's kind of a chicken/egg thing to really say what triggered what... did she start getting manic and that kept her from sleeping and it snowballed or did the lack of sleep bring on those manic-like symptoms?

Hopefully either way she'll be able to find help if she needs it. The circumstances could lead her to just write it off as stress of the BB House and the lack of sleep though. Should that happen (and she does have underlying issues) she may just be setting herself up to have an even worse reaction the next time she is triggered. The more times you get burnt by that flame, the uglier they can get and easily lead to hospitalization.

I sat that as I ducked and dodged my own symptoms (while kinda tearing down everything around me over and over again) for years until things completely exploded down the line. It was a super whirlwind of chaos for many a year before I (and others) figured out what was really to blame. I don't wish for anyone to take that road, but sometimes you need to hit a dead end pretty hard before a resolution.

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Reason #4,378 why I could never be on BB : I also could never sleep in that house. I need as near complete darkness as possible, quiet, and cool. I live in an apartment whose windows face a parking lot with a streetlight, so I never get all three at once. 

This show is a mess, I don't really like anybody, so I guess I'll root for Michael and Taylor. 

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It would be interesting to know if they would have run out of time following the original plan for the comps had Paloma not left the house. The timing of it seemed very poorly planned.


When the producers broke the news to the houseguests of Paloma's exit, they realized that she wasn't actually dead, right?  The way they were all sobbing and "praying over her" made it seem like Paloma had just been buried in the backyard.  I know they were worried about her mental health, but after that crying jag, I'm kind of concerned for all of THEIR mental health.

I thought that was hilarious. So is your post.


What a mess! I don’t understand why mental health evaluations and background checks are not thorough for these shows. (...) You’d think after 20 years the show would have evolved to take the matter seriously. And there have been quite a few whackadoodles in this show’s history.

The thing is . . . I think the show deliberately looks for people like this. People who are sort of right on the edge because they think they'll cause a lot of drama in the house, and that's exactly what they want. Year after year, season after season, we get the inevitable posters asking "how did so-and-so pass the psych evaluation?" Like they actually believe there's such a thing on this show. If there is one, clearly it's designed to weed out the sane people. 

Anyone else think Brittany looks like Beanie Feldstein?


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