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S06.E13: The Day of the Wedding

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11 minutes ago, Giuseppe said:

Ha, thanks. I've never seen The Princess Bride, even though by all rights it should be part of my childhood movie nostalgia collection (my friends give me grief for never having watched it), so that flew right over my head. 

My husband's best friend has 4 kids, and the family just love love loves that movie.  They must have watched it over and over as the kids were growing up, because every one of those kids' weddings, there was a "Mawiage" toast at some point.

After the third kid's wedding, we finally watched the movie...and didn't really get the cult following.  Maybe you had to watch it when younger or something for it to stick.

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31 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Can you remind me with specifics?

S1 episode 13, the Big 3’s 10th birthday, they want their own birthday parties.  Kevin chooses a Princess Bride birthday party, and I believe Sophie and the rest of Kates friends leave Kates to go to Kevin’s.

Later, at age 18, Kevin sees a sign for The Princess Bride at a theater in New York, and takes it as a “sign” to propose to Sophie because it’s their favorite movie.

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13 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Guy who lies to women to get what he wants and generally mistreats them. Player type.

If you’re dating casually and sleeping around but you’re honest and up front about it (e.g. telling women early on that you’re seeing other people and that you don’t want anything serious and respecting their wishes if they say they don’t want to see you because they DO want something serious), you’re not a fuckboy. If you’re dating casually and sleeping around and telling each woman they’re the only one you’re seeing or promising to commit to them knowing full well you’re not going to, you’re a fuckboy.

I don’t get the sense that Kevin lies to or mistreats the women he dates casually. (I also agree that I think Cassidy was separated when they hooked up and sleeping with someone who is separated isn’t having an affair.) I think the only one we’ve seen him mistreat was the woman he slept with at the reunion, as I mentioned, and he was deep in his addiction - and now that I think about it, I think he wrote her a letter apologizing when he got sober. she ended up sending him his dad’s necklace back.

Maybe fuckboy wasn't the right terminology, but seems like he is rather impulsive with women.  

I'm not interested in Kevin's revolving door of women simply because he can't find the magic of his father and his mom's relationship that it seems all of the Pearsons have glamorized. 

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22 hours ago, mansonlamps said:

Sorry, but if Sophie cheats with Kevin, she is the one that broke up her own marriage,  Kevin wasn't the one who had taken vows.  It isn't a shining moment for him,  but it drives me crazy when the unmarried party is supposed to take the blame. 

Sorry, but if Kevin cheats with Sophie knowing she is married, he is in an adulterous relationship.  And I'm not sure why that drives you crazy -- the unmarried person that doesn't respect a marriage is as big a shit heel as the person who is married and has an affair.  So they should take some blame because clearly, the unmarried person can say "no."

I feel like if Kevin was Philip Mean Jerk that people would rightfully call him out for being impulsive with women but because Kevin is this handsome character looking for love that if sleeps with Sophie, the ex-wife he cheated on, he's not to be blamed! 


Edited by Boo Boo
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Apparently the weird voice is from a character in the Disney movie "The Princess Bride."  I've never seen the movie so that's all I know.

I guess it is coming or came to Disney Plus, but it is most definitely NOT a Disney movie. Rob Reiner made it for Castle Rock and it was released by Universal......


Urging all who have never seen the Princess Bride to watch it immediately. People who have seen it watch it over and over again, it's that good. And many great lines from it besides "mawwiage." ("Have fun storming the castle!" and "Never start a land war in Russia" being two of them.)

and I can not agree with anything more than this. It is truly a spectacular movie, that can be enjoyed on many different levels by people of many different ages. Saw it in the theater and then again with my kids and other people's kids and my grown up kids and we love it every time. To think that people on this board haven't seen the movie is, in one word,.........INCONCEIVABLE.....

And, while appropriate to the situation....sorta.....he is quoting some of the weirdest parts of the movie-not surprised he didn't get laughs, since it isn't funny!

All, I'll say is Watch it.

Edited by AriAu
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20 hours ago, Empress1 said:

My friend’s father is married to the woman he cheated on his wife/my friend’s mother with. I don’t know the whole story (all my friend told me is what I just wrote, so that’s all she wants me to know) but they’ve been married at least 20 years. No idea if either has strayed.


My GF's husband cheated on her with his secretary (can you BE any more cliche?), married her, had a couple kids with her in addition to the two he had with my GF, and they're still married.  Although not without some significant bumps in the road from what we've heard.  Meanwhile, my GF and I have been together for 17 years and lived together for 14, including moving from one state to another and both names on the mortgage for our house.

14 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

I didn’t think Mandy Moore looked prettier with it, but only because whoever had done Rebecca’s haircut obviously didn’t give it the big, fluffy Princess Di blowout. It kind of fell flat, which is probably why the kids thought it looked like a men’s haircut. Unfortunately for Rebecca, trying to make it look like Diana’s on a daily basis would probably have required a lot of messing around with plenty of mousse and a curling iron.

Never had kids and realize they crave stability, but I have a hard time believing that 6-year olds would have gotten that upset over a haircut. They did need a talkin-to about not making fun of Mom, however. And of course, Saint Jack handled Rebecca perfectly.

Her manicure guy calls my GF White Tip Girl because she always gets a French manicure.  I guess that's not as bad as Pound of Ham, huh?


1 hour ago, smartymarty said:

Urging all who have never seen the Princess Bride to watch it immediately. People who have seen it watch it over and over again, it's that good. And many great lines from it besides "mawwiage." ("Have fun storming the castle!" and "Never start a land war in Russia" being two of them.)

I had no idea where that came from until my GF explained it to me, and she has the same zealous opinion about TPB.  We've got it on our To Do list.

I got a chuckle out of the officiant "accidentally" reading Phillip's vows.

Also, I noticed that Blind Jack was a bit on the chunky side.  Not saying that to be mean, but because the topics of his genetics and what his relationship with food was going to be were discussion points after the Thanksgiving episode.  Obviously he'll outgrow it. 

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, izabella said:

I'm of the belief that Kevin didn't sleep with anyone that night, and there's nothing going on with him and Madison.   There will be a logical explanation for everything.  Wacky, no doubt, but logical.

Elijah looks at Madison the way Miguel looks at Rebecca - he adores her.  And, like Rebecca with Miguel, Madison is happier and more confident and relaxed with Elijah.  She was never comfortable in her own skin, but she seems to be now.  Elijah is giving Madison the comforting, Pound of Ham home life that she never had.  I don't think she would be tempted by Kevin at this point.  In her own way, Madison has had a growth arc over the series, and this is  a satisfying conclusion to her character.

Whatever happens with Kevin, I hope it at least feels satisfying, instead of quickly slapped together by the writers like Kate and Phillip's relationship.



Right -- she never seemed comfortable with Kevin's celebrity.  And that would be a difficult thing for a confident woman to deal with.

I think the writers always had a soft spot for the character of Madison and wanted her to finish the series as a woman who is now comfortable in her own skin.

(I do think that it's a little strange though that she seems to be like a totally different person now, but glad to see her finishing the series as a stronger person).

Edited by Boo Boo
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18 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

(I do think that it's a little strange though that she seems to be like a totally different person now, but glad to see her finishing the series as a stronger person).

I was told many years ago that in a relationship one person is the flower and the other person is the sun and water that the flower needs.  Kevin was the flower in their relationship and now Madison is the flower in her marriage to Elijah.  

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32 minutes ago, AriAu said:

I guess it is coming or came to Disney Plus, but it is most definitely NOT a Disney movie. Rob Reiner made it for Castle Rock and it was released by Universal......

and I can not agree with anything more than this. It is truly a spectacular movie, that can be enjoyed on many different levels by people of many different ages. Saw it in the theater and then again with my kids and other people's kids and my grown up kids and we love it every time. To think that people on this board haven't seen the movie is, in one word,.........INCONCEIVABLE.....

And, while appropriate to the situation....sorta.....he is quoting some of the weirdest parts of the movie-not surprised he didn't get laughs, since it isn't funny!

All, I'll say is Watch it.

Thanks for the info.  I thought it was a Disney animated movie!  I can watch it on my Hulu or Amazon Prime.  I looked at all the movies released in 1987 and I've seen so many of them, I guess this one passed me by.

1 hour ago, AriAu said:

I guess it is coming or came to Disney Plus, but it is most definitely NOT a Disney movie. Rob Reiner made it for Castle Rock and it was released by Universal......

and I can not agree with anything more than this. It is truly a spectacular movie, that can be enjoyed on many different levels by people of many different ages. Saw it in the theater and then again with my kids and other people's kids and my grown up kids and we love it every time. To think that people on this board haven't seen the movie is, in one word,.........INCONCEIVABLE.....

And, while appropriate to the situation....sorta.....he is quoting some of the weirdest parts of the movie-not surprised he didn't get laughs, since it isn't funny!

All, I'll say is Watch it.

I even named this little guy Miracle Max!


  • Love 15

Apparently the weird voice is from a character in the Disney movie "The Princess Bride."  I've never seen the movie so that's all I know.


I even named this little guy Miracle Max

Does he like mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, where the mutton is extra lean...!!!!

Supposedly, Billy Crystal ad-libbed all the lines and Mandy Patinkin broke a rib holding in the laughs

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1 hour ago, Lone Wolf said:

Urging all who have never seen the Princess Bride to watch it immediately. People who have seen it watch it over and over again, it's that good. And many great lines from it besides "mawwiage." ("Have fun storming the castle!" and "Never start a land war in Russia" being two of them.)

As you wish 😊

If someone in our house just says, “Hello,” there is a strong chance someone else will finish the line through “prepare to die.”  We also like when we can say, “You keep using that word.  I do not believe it means what you think it means.”

Edited by Crs97
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7 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Can you remind me with specifics?

Look up on you tube “Kevin’s 3 sentences this is us.” It shows his princess bride party to impress Sophie and he is adorable saying he loves her to his parents.  ( one of his few times looking adorable) 


edit, here it is


Edited by debraran
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2 minutes ago, Tango64 said:

People get wierd about that movie. I finally watched it with a friend who couldn't beleive I'd never seen it. Did not laugh or enjoy it.

I've never watched it.  I know all about it. Even know most of the lines. It's one of those movies people judge people on, whether they like it or not.  I am that way with Heathers.  If you like it we could totally hang together. If you don't like it I guess I could still be kinda friends with you but if you have never heard of it I don't even know who you are.

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So many great lines from that movie, my fav movie. Peter Cook as the bishop was funny, but Miracle Max is the best. Incidentally, The Princess Bride was written by William Goldman who also wrote Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid and All the President’s Men.

Topic?  If Kevin is still a fan of the PB there is still hope he can find twu wuv. 

Edited by Haleth
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Topic?  If Kevin is still a fan of the PB there is still hope he can find twu wuv

That is why the writers/show runners did it...gotta be, right?


Look up on you tube “Kevin’s 3 sentences this is us.” It shows his princess bride party to impress Sophie and he is adorable saying he loves her to his parents.  ( one of his few times looking adorable

And that is why I think Sophie has to be the end game.



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They are dragging the Kevin thing out too long it’s making me not care.

Randall's toast sucked. Of course he had to make it somehow about himself.  I’m sure he’s the president in the future.

Miguel being that shaky  was not a good sign for him. I have a feeling he’s not long for this world. Someone else said it but when they finally show the episode with Rebecca and Miguel’s love story it will prob be the episode he dies in.

Madison and Beth hanging was dumb and lame. Of course Madison is now the best ever. She’s the showrunners wife and she will continue to be forced down our throats. I hate her bleh.

Why did we have to see Kate and Philip’s vows? No one cares and they suck. Total waste of time. Them getting married has ruined the show for me I will never rewatch now. How I met your mother made me hate it too with its stupid ending. 

Jack at the wedding did not look at all like the toddler Jack we saw. Weird they did it that way. Then adult Jack is totally different.

Nice seeing Nicky there and happy but it kind of makes me hate Jack a bit for cutting him out for all those years. Him and his wife are cute tho. Good job pairing them up.

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2 hours ago, Crs97 said:

  We also like when we can say, “You keep using that word.  I do not believe it means what you think it means.”

Most useful expression ever.  Add me to the list that loves the Princess Bride.

Which is why this teasing of Who does Kevin end up with? annoys me so much, more than Randall's insensitivity to Miguel, because it feels like mocking the audience. Rebecca telling Kevin that he and Sophie will work things out (which could be they decide they're better as friends), Storybook Love played at their first wedding (which given their history I find more immature than romantic), Cassidy walking into his room (which could be because she was picking up something to do with the company), the wedding singer saying "about last night".  Meanwhile, the big clue, whether Sophie is still married, they withhold. If you want me to be invested in the puzzle, give me real clues, not a projective test

4 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

I think the writers always had a soft spot for the character of Madison and wanted her to finish the series as a woman who is now comfortable in her own skin.

And it didn't hurt that she's played by Fogelman's wife

ETA: Storybook Love seems a metaphor for the myth of the perfect love of Rebecca and St. Jack.  Which can be argued contributed to messing up both Kevin's and Kate's early relationships.

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3 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

Maybe fuckboy wasn't the right terminology, but seems like he is rather impulsive with women.  

He’s definitely impulsive with women - that’s part of what Cassidy and Randall called him out on.

3 hours ago, Lone Wolf said:

Never had kids and realize they crave stability, but I have a hard time believing that 6-year olds would have gotten that upset over a haircut. They did need a talkin-to about not making fun of Mom, however.

It seems odd to me that they’d be upset but not odd that they’d make fun. I had a coworker who colors her hair red (she’d been a redhead and her hair turned white early) and one time her stylist messed up and it was Kool-Aid red. She said her kids clowned her mercilessly (she took it in stride).

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I don't care who Kevin did or didn't sleep with.  I don't care who is in the wedding pictures or why.  I don't care why they didn't show Randall's 3 daughters.

I find myself wondering why Miguel hasn't invested in a bunch of day of the week pill holders for all the meds that he and Rebecca need.  Then Saint Randall wouldn't have been able to snoop in his business.

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When I got my chin length bob cut into a pixie a few years ago, my then 11 year old son told me I looked like an elf. I laughed & said yeah I kinda do. My daughters were maybe a year older than the Pearson kids and told me I looked beautiful (little a$$-kissers lol). The storyline might have worked better if the kids were toddlers & confused because Mommy doesn’t look like herself, but too hard to get the little actors to play along  

It’s nuts what this family falls to pieces over. 

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3 hours ago, Crs97 said:

If someone in our house just says, “Hello,” there is a strong chance someone else will finish the line through “prepare to die.” 

When I was living in the UK, I had a Spanish housemate whose name was Iñigo. For the first month or so of knowing him, I would greet him every day with "My name is Iñigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

  • LOL 14
36 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

I find myself wondering why Miguel hasn't invested in a bunch of day of the week pill holders for all the meds that he and Rebecca need.  Then Saint Randall wouldn't have been able to snoop in his business.

So many questions here! How do they keep track of all of those pills? What if Rebecca took some while he wasn't paying attention? How would they know what she took or how many? Dude, you're both getting old! I can't even remember if I took a vitamin most days! Get an organizer, stat!

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4 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

I've never watched it.  I know all about it. Even know most of the lines. It's one of those movies people judge people on, whether they like it or not.  I am that way with Heathers.  If you like it we could totally hang together. If you don't like it I guess I could still be kinda friends with you but if you have never heard of it I don't even know who you are.

I've heard of it but I've never seen it. I was a little young for it when it came out (January 1989; I was 13) and just never got around to seeing it, I guess.

1 hour ago, meep.meep said:

I find myself wondering why Miguel hasn't invested in a bunch of day of the week pill holders for all the meds that he and Rebecca need.  Then Saint Randall wouldn't have been able to snoop in his business.

My grandparents each had a shoebox to hold all their pills when they came to visit (they went on top of the fridge where we couldn't reach them). I think they did have organizers but they brought all the bottles with them anyway. I don't take any meds but I do take vitamins...when I remember...

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2 hours ago, meep.meep said:

I don't care who Kevin did or didn't sleep with.  I don't care who is in the wedding pictures or why.  I don't care why they didn't show Randall's 3 daughters.

I find myself wondering why Miguel hasn't invested in a bunch of day of the week pill holders for all the meds that he and Rebecca need.  Then Saint Randall wouldn't have been able to snoop in his business.

Oh enough about Kevin's sexual prowess and multiple love interests. I could care less who he ends up with. I would be more interested in seeing him get dumped by all of them because he's a shallow skirt chaser. 

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I never understood the angst about who is and isn’t in wedding pictures. You take a couple with the immediate family, then with the in-laws, then with the plus ones, then with all the little kids. People can pick the version they like to hang on the wall of their own house. Easy-peasy.

Besides, photos are supposed to capture a moment in time. If someone’s date gets in the family pic that day, well, that’s what that moment in time looked like.

Kate and Phillip already had weddings anyway. Making such a big fancy deal for a second go-round seems a bit much.

And did they say they stretched out the event over 12 hours for Rebecca’s sake? What the ever-loving hell was that logic? Better to have a simple ceremony and dinner with toasts. Two hours, tops. Follow that with a reception (which is really just a dance) and Rebecca can stay as long as she’s able. Maybe I misunderstood.

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18 minutes ago, Shermie said:

I never understood the angst about who is and isn’t in wedding pictures. You take a couple with the immediate family, then with the in-laws, then with the plus ones, then with all the little kids. People can pick the version they like to hang on the wall of their own house. Easy-peasy.

Besides, photos are supposed to capture a moment in time. If someone’s date gets in the family pic that day, well, that’s what that moment in time looked like.

Kate and Phillip already had weddings anyway. Making such a big fancy deal for a second go-round seems a bit much.

And did they say they stretched out the event over 12 hours for Rebecca’s sake? What the ever-loving hell was that logic? Better to have a simple ceremony and dinner with toasts. Two hours, tops. Follow that with a reception (which is really just a dance) and Rebecca can stay as long as she’s able. Maybe I misunderstood.

They were trying to make her less tired so 12 hours would make sense. 🙄Don't make it short, draw it out so no one knows what to do with themselves, you have Beth and Madison thinking they are Nancy Drew and poor Elijah needing a joint with how many kids, and Randall thinking of extra long depressing speeches and picking on poor Miguel who can't get respite from the Pearson's and Kevin, poor Kevin has so much time, he has to spend the night talking to 3 women and still anguishing over his inability to grow up or keep his fly up for long.

I mean a nice simple second time ceremony with family in a familiar place for Rebecca where she's not out of her element was not a Pearson thing to do I guess.

Edited by debraran
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10 minutes ago, Shermie said:

I never understood the angst about who is and isn’t in wedding pictures. You take a couple with the immediate family, then with the in-laws, then with the plus ones, then with all the little kids. People can pick the version they like to hang on the wall of their own house. Easy-peasy.

Besides, photos are supposed to capture a moment in time. If someone’s date gets in the family pic that day, well, that’s what that moment in time looked like.

Kate and Phillip already had weddings anyway. Making such a big fancy deal for a second go-round seems a bit much.

And did they say they stretched out the event over 12 hours for Rebecca’s sake? What the ever-loving hell was that logic? Better to have a simple ceremony and dinner with toasts. Two hours, tops. Follow that with a reception (which is really just a dance) and Rebecca can stay as long as she’s able. Maybe I misunderstood.

Don't forget that this was a mini-destination wedding for the Los Angeles residents to boot, so they hauled Rebecca up to what's supposed to be Santa Ynez, which is an almost three-hour drive.

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13 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Season 4 Episode 5 is titled "Storybook Love."  In that episode we see Rebecca learn how to play the song Storybook Love the ending track to The Princess Bride as a wedding present to Kevin and Sophie because it's their favorite movie.

If Kevin is doing a scene from his and Sophie's favorite movie, that sounds to me like a hint that they are going to end up together

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11 hours ago, AriAu said:

Does he like mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, where the mutton is extra lean…!!!!

No, but coincidentally my initials are MLT, so my husband likes to rib me about that every time we watch the movie!

11 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

I've never watched it.  I know all about it. Even know most of the lines. It's one of those movies people judge people on, whether they like it or not.  I am that way with Heathers.  If you like it we could totally hang together. If you don't like it I guess I could still be kinda friends with you but if you have never heard of it I don't even know who you are.

I LOVE Heathers!

ETA: Getting back on topic: I wanted to smack Randall when he was prying into Miguel’s health. Completely understand the impulse to look at Rebecca’s medications to see what’s going on with her, but he should not have looked at any of Miguel’s, and at the very least he should have kept his big mouth shut and minded his own business.

Edited by CarpeFelis
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On 4/21/2022 at 10:50 AM, smartymarty said:

Randall is the Out of Town Sibling. This is the person who hasn't seen the parent in months, so they are shocked! at the change in their condition. They then try to get the people caring for the parent to change the treatment. My brother was long that person, but now mom has moved near him, so I try hard not to be that person.

Regarding correcting her, my sisters-in-law did this constantly with my mother-in-law, despite my DH and I telling them they were making things worse for mom. They said they didn't like to lie to her (mom taught them well). But it also came across as trying to fix her, like if we make a photo book naming everyone in the family, she'll remember who everyone is. Doesn't work like that. They just couldn't accept it.

So I'm going to defend Randall on this point. I don't think he was trying to change the care Rebecca was getting but better understand it because he's an overthinker and he has to know all aspects of all things at all times. I actually thought it was mean-spirited and exclusionary for Miguel, Kate, and Kevin to know about this decline and no one thought to tell Randall about it in advance. Of all the things we know about Randall Pearson one of them is that he loves Rebecca Pearson very much so I can't imagine him ignoring a call or text related to her care.


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32 minutes ago, BluBarbi98 said:

So I'm going to defend Randall on this point. I don't think he was trying to change the care Rebecca was getting but better understand it because he's an overthinker and he has to know all aspects of all things at all times. I actually thought it was mean-spirited and exclusionary for Miguel, Kate, and Kevin to know about this decline and no one thought to tell Randall about it in advance. Of all the things we know about Randall Pearson one of them is that he loves Rebecca Pearson very much so I can't imagine him ignoring a call or text related to her care.


I see your point.  The impression I got was that this sudden decline was new, like really new when they realized Rebecca sees Kevin as Jack.  Perhaps no one had time to concentrate on filling Randall in on the latest because they were all in wedding prep and travel mode, especially Kate, the Princess Bride who married Prince Phillip MeanJerk.  Also Miguel understandably has his hands full caring for his wife so maybe Randall should be the one who checks up on what's going on if he's interested in being in the know.  No doubt Randall isn't on the Non-Pearson Text Group.

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Here are my thoughts about this episode:

Kate: I loved the dress and she looked great but I'm glad we didn't have too much focus on her because I'm still hurt over how she and the Pearson brothers broke down Toby. 

Phillip: Someone on an earlier page mentioned that he seemed to get along better with Kevin & Randall than Toby and I think it's because he doesn't seem to expect a position in the Pearson family as his own person. He's just Kate's husband, Phillip Mean Jerk. Toby's second biggest problem - after not being Jack Pearson - is that he expected to be a member of the family as his own person, not just Kate's husband. That would have meant that when Kate was wrong, the brother's would side with or defend him sometimes but we know that was never going to happen. Also, Toby had a big attention-seeking personality and I think that set Kevin on edge. Kevin doesn't get to pull out "Mawwiage!" at an event with Toby because it would be two big personalities competing with each other. Phillip is the complete opposite which is why he'll fit in fine. 

Beth: Her look was fantastic from top to bottom! I liked her and Madison together for a bit but the detective bit went on too long. To my point above about Kate's husbands I don't think Beth suffers from this as much because she's been around the Pearsons half of her life at this point and she gets their weird family dynamic and she withdraws herself from the Big 3 drama. Also, while she's chilling at these extended family events, there is no doubt about where she and her children fit in Randall's life.

Kevin Now that he's had his kids I no longer care who he's married to in the future. 

The Family Picture/The Missing Pearsons: I understand that there are multiple pictures taken at weddings but since this was the only one we saw, it was very glaring that Randall's children weren't there. Especially when you recall how close Kate and Kevin were to Tess & Annie in the earlier seasons. I agree with whoever said that they could have aged up Deja and put in 2 extras as the other daughters. And the fact that we saw Jack at the reception but Kate's children weren't in the picture was odd too. I don't know who looked at this and thought, "Yep! That looks good".

Rebecca: We've all had bad haircuts. LOL!! I am glad that she was able to perform her song and count myself among the people who never realized that the show had theme music.

Miguel: He's great and I'm glad that the family is getting along with him and respecting him but I do have a bone to pick regarding the vineyard. Randall tried to bring up the subject several times and it would have been so simple to say the first time, "Randall, I know you have questions and concerns but I really need a break and I really want to do this with you because you actually enjoy wine. Let's talk about this later." instead of having his rant at the end. I know that Randall is pushy but there's nothing about his character that makes me think he wouldn't respect that request to put it aside for the afternoon with the promise to talk about it later. 

Randall: I'm also going to defend him on correcting Rebecca. There's no way he would correct her if he knew in advance that she had deteriorated that week and that the doctors advised that the family to just go with it. I actually thought it was cruel to both him and Rebecca that he was finding out about this development in the moment AFTER he upset her. We know that Randall adores Rebecca and would never intentionally upset her so the writers could have still had this scene with everyone being uncomfortable with Rebecca mistaking Kevin for Jack without making Randall the villain in the process. Also, I think he was looking for Rebecca's medicine and while it was intrusive, I don't think he meant to invade Miguel's privacy. There is no defending that wedding speech.

The Siblings: Even though Kevin has built the compound, I don't think that Randall's branch will stick with the tree once Rebecca is gone. They'll gather for big events but I see the East Coast Clan drifting off, especially his daughters. For a while now we have not seen the daughters interact with the family at large, even when they're all together. 


Edited by BluBarbi98
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10 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

I see your point.  The impression I got was that this sudden decline was new, like really new when they realized Rebecca sees Kevin as Jack.  Perhaps no one had time to concentrate on filling Randall in on the latest because they were all in wedding prep and travel mode, especially Kate, the Princess Bride who married Prince Phillip MeanJerk.  Also Miguel understandably has his hands full caring for his wife so maybe Randall should be the one who checks up on what's going on if he's interested in being in the know.  No doubt Randall isn't on the Non-Pearson Text Group.

I see your point too but I'm not quite sure if you're saying Randall is in the group text or he's not. A few months ago my grandmother had a mild stroke (she's doing much better) and after she was stabilized the first thing that happened was a group text to the entire family alerting everyone because we're spread out over several states at this point. Before that though, my mother and aunts (the children who live in the same state) called my uncles who live in 2 other states. I just can't imagine siblings not reaching out to another sibling with something major like this and her mistaking Kevin for Jack is a big thing. I get that things happen quickly but in the 3 days (I think that's what Kevin said) that this started happening I can't believe that neither Kevin nor Kate thought to update Randall. I'll give you Miguel caring for Rebecca because he seemed very stressed but I also think it's unfair to penalize Randall for living on the other side of the country by withholding news. I doubt that he's the relative NOT asking about her health so for something major like this to happen in the the few days he doesn't ask and the other siblings not thinking to share it with him proactively just strikes me as really odd and a writing choice to make Randall seem like a jerk. 

Kate is so self-involved on a normal day, let alone on a wedding day, and Kevin is focused on his twins and who he will fall in love with, so Miguel would be the logical person to clue Randall in but like I said, he must be overwhelmed and exhausted.  I'm sure he didn't mean any harm or exclusion.  Miguel's pretty old too.

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13 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

I do not think that Randall is on the text group list of Beth, Miguel and Nicky, and now Edie I suppose.  

Definitely not! If I were ever invited to a Pearson event I'd say hi to the Big 3 and make a beeline to this group because they actually seem like the fun Pearsons. And even though Nicky is a blood relative, I can totally imagine him being like, "Can you believe this?" in the same tone that Beth told Deja the family always has drama when they were at Thanksgiving. 

9 minutes ago, CrystalBlue said:

Kate is so self-involved on a normal day, let alone on a wedding day, and Kevin is focused on his twins and who he will fall in love with, so Miguel would be the logical person to clue Randall in but like I said, he must be overwhelmed and exhausted.  I'm sure he didn't mean any harm or exclusion.  Miguel's pretty old too.

This I can see! That fits all of their characters. I hope Miguel doesn't die before Rebecca. That's a real thing that happens to caretakers who neglect their own health. 

Edited by BluBarbi98
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1 hour ago, CrystalBlue said:

I do not think that Randall is on the text group list of Beth, Miguel and Nicky, and now Edie I suppose.  

Beth and Miguel seem like two of the more inclusive Pearsons (in-law) and Beth, in particular, might have stayed in some type of contact with Toby over the years, even if it wasn't in the group text. Do we think Phillip Mean Jerk got added?

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On 4/19/2022 at 11:59 PM, ByaNose said:

Didn’t Kevin already have a stand alone episode? Do we really need another one? There are only 5 episodes left and I want to see everyone.

Also, Randall is a wet blanket and so annoying. Madison and Beth definitely need a show after this ends. They had great chemistry and were hysterical. Of course, it’s because they were playing the characters but I’m not sure if it would work otherwise. One can dream though. 

I think Beth at least was probably just overjoyed to not be around Randall. I would be! 

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5 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Beth and Miguel seem like two of the more inclusive Pearsons (in-law) and Beth, in particular, might have stayed in some type of contact with Toby over the years, even if it wasn't in the group text. Do we think Phillip Mean Jerk got added?

I don’t know. I think Phillip drank the Kool-Aid so I think he’s just on the general family chat with everyone for now.

ETA: I agree that Beth keeps in touch with Toby. She’s probably the only one who can see that he got a raw deal although I think if Rebecca was lucid she would have counseled Kate.


Edited by BluBarbi98
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7 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

^ Check, check, check, check, check, check, never underestimate Randall's ability to bulldoze over what someone else has to say, check, check.

Yep.  I don't doubt that Kate, Kevin, and Miguel have kept Randall in the loop about Rebecca, but informing Randall is not the same as Randall understanding.   Randall believes he knows best and he does not trust his siblings or Miguel.  He went straight to the prescription bottles to verify what Rebecca is taking. I was pleased to see Miguel call him out on it.  I would be pissed to see Randall going behind my back to make sure I'm giving him all the info.  

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