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S18.E09: No Time to Die


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Yes, Link, go with your first instinct. Having sex with Jo is a very bad idea. But good on him for telling Amelia gaslighting doesn't mean what she thinks it means.

Helm was told, by Jo, not to leave Schmidt alone, so she left him outside in the ambulance bay?

How much time elapsed between Teddy getting out of the car with the heart and Hayes climbing out? I find it difficult to believe that car that picked up Teddy on the side of the road was still there, patiently waiting, by the time Hayes made it to the road.

Edited by LexieLily
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Of course Owen survived and will not be paralyzed.  Of course the heart transplant worked even though the organ was bruised.   Of course Amelia crushed Linc again and of course Linc couldn’t see he had false/delusional hope when he ran to the hospital to teller he was okay with them not getting married for now.   (I like him, but he could never see or accept Amelia’s point of view and that she would never want what he wanted).  Of course the Webber method failed and of course both Miranda and Richard both over react  

The biggest surprise…Dr Hayes being the only doctor with professional ethics so of course he had to quit.  

  • Love 7

Damn show made me watch Station 19.

Schmidt's the "best resident"?...man, this place needs help. Though it bugs me that it took so long for anyone to realize that he was not okay.

Hey, maybe don't argue about the order of operations in front of the patient?

Is McIrish really leaving?

"Amelia is a...decent human being I guess."

Did they send Schmidt home by himself? Why is he sitting on the ground outside alone? He's far from my favorite character but geez, I thought at least some of these people cared about him. He washed his hands for hours until they bled and they just wrapped them up and sent him on his way?

Sorry, Webber, but leaving newbies unattended in major surgeries was always a bad idea and you should know better.

  • Love 7

Schmidt is a bumbling idiot and is not fit to be a surgeon. What the show thinks is endearing is actually really really annoying. 

In season 13, Webber was against The Minnick Method which was having the residents fly solo. DO THE WRITERS NOT WATCH THEIR OWN SHOW?

STFU Amelia. 

STFU Owen.

If new era Grey's has done anything right, it's been wasting character potential. Fare thee well, Dr. Cormac Hayes.

I can't believe there is at least one more season of this 💩. I know the money is great, Ellen, but have mercy! *


*and before you say "jUsT sTOp WaTChInG!", I've been on this ride for 18 seasons. I wish I could.

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 19

I like Linc, but I don't think he was right to yell at Amelia for kissing someone else. They split up because he said he needed to get married. Was she supposed to sit around waiting in case you changed your mind? It sucks that he was hurt, but 

Linc and Jo is going to end badly. Why can't two characters just stay friends.

Is McWidow really leaving? That really sucks, I like him. 

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Damn show made me watch Station 19.

Schmidt's the "best resident"?...man, this place needs help. Though it bugs me that it took so long for anyone to realize that he was not okay.

Sorry, Webber, but leaving newbies unattended in major surgeries was always a bad idea and you should know better.

He borrowed the idea from the Harold Hill "Think Method" in "The Music Man."

Remember the good old days when Grey's would have a cliffhanger and when they resumed main characters would die?

  • Love 6

After further thought, they should have brought Schmidt up to psych to be evaluated. He scrubbed his hands raw and bleeding, completely freaked out when they pulled him away from the sink and had to carry him out of the room, and then he went almost catatonic. He shouldn't have left the hospital until someone (with the proper credentials, not a surgeon), cleared him.

Just now, LexieLily said:

I expected Teddy to keel over at some point when she refused to be checked out at the beginning of the episode and Amelia/Link never pushed the issue, like Meredith did with Hayes.

Right? They all should have been evaluated immediately, not running around the hospital.

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Once again Meredith opts for a hotel and room service over seeing her kids. I think Owen did the right thing  with the dying vet so I’m glad he’s ok. I’m guessing they couldn’t figure out who to set McIrish up with so he has to go. 

And after yelling at Peter Gallagher for jeopardizing his project and potentially wasting all that time she could have been spending with her kids.

  • Love 7
Just now, ams1001 said:

And after yelling at Peter Gallagher for jeopardizing his project and potentially wasting all that time she could have been spending with her kids.

Amelia was at the bar with Kai, Maggie and Winston were just heading off-shift, even Link was at Jo's place/his place with Scout. Who is always watching these kids?!

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Meredith's into voice overs really should end. They've become gobbley-gook medicine with little fact and just get put in there out of bad habit.

What a disappointment that no one was hurt much less died. Tree month cliff-hanger with zero consequences.

"We'll know a lot more after a scan." My TV medical education says that you need to wait till the swelling goes down.

The only MAID that Owen has done is in Washington State where it is legal. McIrish can't be held as an accessory for MAIDs that Owen hasn't done yet.

Schmidt is "best resident" and Meredith's "favourite resident". Do these people have no sense of competence?

45 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

After further thought, they should have brought Schmidt up to psych to be evaluated. He scrubbed his hands raw and bleeding, completely freaked out when they pulled him away from the sink and had to carry him out of the room, and then he went almost catatonic. He shouldn't have left the hospital until someone (with the proper credentials, not a surgeon), cleared him.

This show believes that there is no one better than a surgeon. But after that freak-out, he should be on a psychiatric hold. I know there they have psychiatrists because around the 40:00 mark there was a PA call for Dr. Rynock in psych. (Why does this hospital still have a PA system? I can't remember the last time I heard a PA in  a hospital. Nowadays they have buzzers.)

1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

But good on him for telling Amelia gaslighting doesn't mean what she thinks it means.

Gaslighting is trying to convince someone to doubt their own reality. Linc kept telling Amelia that if she didn't marry him, what they had felt for each other didn't count.

Amelia kisses Kai so Linc retaliates by having sex with Jo.  Way to be judgey about moving on fast, Linc.

52 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

Remember the good old days when Grey's would have a cliffhanger and when they resumed main characters would die?


  • Love 3

I am beginning to believe the reddit theory that Meredith’s hookup guy whose name I don’t know is just a figment of her imagination. Once again he appears right when Meredith wants him and no one is around to see him.

And yet another actor whose character is a love interest for Meredith leaves the show. Hookup guy, take note.

Edited by Good Queen Jane
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I’m not surprised Hayes is leaving. He never really fit in. There was always an awkwardness there. The writing was ok the wall when they essentially had his romance with Mer take place and end off screen during the hiatus. The only person I liked him with was Jo.

Speaking of Jo as one of the few characters I like who isn’t cloaked in misery it’s so annoying to see her stuck in this storyline. I think the actors have good chemistry but she’s clearly a rebound and he’ll be back to Amelia as soon as she clicks her fingers. 

Amelia bothers me - she called all the shots throughout her relationship with Linc. It’s annoying he has to play the bad guy. I had previously liked this couple but they’ve torpedoed them so I’ve no interest in the inevitable realisation of love and passionate reunion.

Show I beg of you… just end. 

Edited by Avabelle
  • Love 5

The handling of Hayes has been weird. Cristina sent him to Meredith, but they never really did anything with them, just a relationship that happened between seasons. I guess the COVID season might have changed their plans? They seemed to be setting him up for Jo but changed course and threw Jo and Linc together for an Ill-advised rebound. Hayes never seemed to fully fit in, but they barely tried either. 

I knew Owen wouldn't die. Bummer 

Linc and Amelia were working. Fans liked them and also liked the Linc/Jo platonic friendship, so of course the show had to screw that up. 


  • Love 13
9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

After further thought, they should have brought Schmidt up to psych to be evaluated. He scrubbed his hands raw and bleeding, completely freaked out when they pulled him away from the sink and had to carry him out of the room, and then he went almost catatonic. He shouldn't have left the hospital until someone (with the proper credentials, not a surgeon), cleared him.

Right? They all should have been evaluated immediately, not running around the hospital.

Schmidt has had a mental break down, but just like in good old Grey's capacity it's: "Oh he'll be fine." I mean come on! The man not only had a major hit, but he is a wreck and given his track record. Everyone is: "Well help him, but not me... too busy." I mean if he tries to commit suicide and everyone is: "how did we let this happen." That is very bad writing. 

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Amelia was at the bar with Kai, Maggie and Winston were just heading off-shift, even Link was at Jo's place/his place with Scout. Who is always watching these kids?!

And what about Owen's kids? He's got a major injury, Teddy's with him, his sister and his mother is dealing with his nephew's surgery, who's watching his kids?

  • Love 8

So this is the episode that they give us after 3 months of waiting?  Ugh.

Amelia and Link need to work and stop being jerks to each other.  Him sleeping with Jo is a HORRIBLE idea and I can't stand it.  Kai is fine, but boring.  They have no personality, and I can't see Amelia being the one to bring it out in them.  The character is fine, just not as a love interest for Amelia.  (What about Kai and Helm?)

Nick is also boring.  We're losing McIrish for McSnoozefest?  Granted, Hayes wasn't my favorite either, but he grew on me.  I still just find Nick sleazy.  And yes, Meredith talks about missing time with her kids but then goes to a hotel instead of home?  Another reason why Nick is a terrible influence on her.

Of course Owen lived.  But we still have to sacrifice Hayes for him?  Ugh.  I also thought that Teddy was going to collapse and not be okay, but she really didn't get injured in the crash, so it makes sense that she's fine.  

Schmidt... well, everyone else has already summed that up too.  I felt bad for him, but he did get too arrogant and brought it on himself.  I guess Helm didn't really leave him, because Nico was there?  But Nico walked up later, so yeah... they left him.  Great friends.


Just now, Good Queen Jane said:

And what about Owen's kids? He's got a major injury, Teddy's with him, his sister and his mother is dealing with his nephew's surgery, who's watching his kids?

The hospital's daycare?  Good question.

  • Love 4

It's been so long since the last episode, I don't really remember the story about the guy that Schmidt killed, other than he killed him.  

But what riled me was Bailey.  It wasn't that long ago she was scrubbing herself raw because she had a bad outcome, but when she sees Schmidt doing it, she just yells at him and walks away?  Bitch, take notice!  

And then he's sitting in the gutter in the ambulance bay?  What happened to take him home and don't leave him???  Schmidt's an idiot, but even an idiot deserves better than he got from these people, his supposed friends and colleagues.  

  • Love 15
21 minutes ago, bunnyface said:

IBut what riled me was Bailey.  It wasn't that long ago she was scrubbing herself raw because she had a bad outcome, but when she sees Schmidt doing it, she just yells at him and walks away?  Bitch, take notice!  

Bailey was unknowingly speading a bacteria she was unaware of carrying. And the hospital had received a batch of defective gloves which allowed the contamination. 

Schmidt took unsupervised action during a surgery that he knew he wasn't supposed to do. And his arrogance cost a life.

I see these as different circumstances

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, anna0852 said:

Bailey was unknowingly speading a bacteria she was unaware of carrying. And the hospital had received a batch of defective gloves which allowed the contamination. 

Schmidt took unsupervised action during a surgery that he knew he wasn't supposed to do. And his arrogance cost a life.

I see these as different circumstances

With the same compulsive result.  He was taking action that she herself took.  I think she should have recognized it.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The only MAID that Owen has done is in Washington State where it is legal. McIrish can't be held as an accessory for MAIDs that Owen hasn't done yet.

Legal or not, Owen didn't follow protocol for the patient he helped.  No medical records, no documented psych evaluation, and the drugs were obtained in a sketchy manner.  The death certificate won't include MAID as a contributing cause of death, so as the attending physician he knowingly falsified records.  He did all of this so the vet could help his family through his death benefits, which are probably nullified in the event of suicide; I'm not sure where insurance companies or the government stand regarding payouts after MAID, but my impression is that the vet wanted to keep it quiet to save his family not only the pain but the red tape.  So now that McIrish knows all of this, it makes him complicit.  Owen's logic (oh, it's legal in WA, so no problem that you know about the guy who's already gone) is not terribly sound.


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Owen's lying there on his death bed and when Teddy walks in all she says is "I thought you were gone." Great bedside manner there, Doctor. She must be wonderful with patients. 


I expected Teddy to keel over at some point when she refused to be checked out at the beginning of the episode and Amelia/Link never pushed the issue, like Meredith did with Hayes.

If only. Speaking of Hayes, the bruise on his forehead seemed to come and go from scene to scene. Also, if McBaldy is actually leaving, good riddance. Never liked him or the actor. 


Schmidt is a bumbling idiot and is not fit to be a surgeon. What the show thinks is endearing is actually really really annoying. 

If I live to be a thousand I will never understand this show's attachment to Schmidt. Worst character ever (almost). He just killed a patient and went crazy afterwards. Fire him.

Is Kai supposed to be interesting just because the character is non-binary? Because Kai has as much personality as a stale piece of toast.

I want to say breaking up Amelia and Linc is the dumbest thing the show has ever done but the show has done so many dumb things I've lost count.

  • Love 20

Could not handle Glasses being referred to as the best resident. Ughhh. I feel bad for the character--and it was a big what ??? to see him in the ambulance bay alone--but I really wish this inspires him to move onto clinic-based medicine in some other state. Please leave. 

I did notice the new resident who was acting like a stalker in previous episodes was acting normal, so maybe there is hope he'll be a real character. 

  • Love 6

Such a frustrating episode to watch. So many characters making stupid choices and doing dumb things.

So, I actually found myself LIKING Schmitt more this episode than I ever have. Granted, he had pretty much no lines and he wasn't being annoying, he was just having a clear mental breakdown. 

No, everyone ELSE is the issue for not dealing with Schmitt's clear mental break earlier and more appropriately. Richard was a goddamn cruel asshole who insists that his method is all sunshine and rainbows and he apparently holds no responsibility to what happened. Screw off, Richard.

Bailey wasn't made that much better, honestly. It took her too long to have someone go check on Schmitt and, as Chief, she should be making faster and better decisions. Schmitt was at the point of harming himself, he should have been sedated and checked out way earlier. 

And then everyone else, from Jo to Schmitt's supposed friends, who just wrapped up his hands and then...let him go wander off alone? Even though Jo told Helm and Wright to keep an eye on him, and they were nowhere to be seen after that.

Yes, I think this mistake should cost Schmitt his residency in at least the surgical field. He should never operate on another person ever again because this was a MASSIVE and PREVENTABLE mistake. He shouldn't have done what he did and he should be barred from all surgeries as punishment. He can go find another job where he's not operating on people because he clearly sucks at it. 

However, we've seen other doctors make similar mistakes, and nothing's happened to them besides maybe taking some time off or whatever. So I don't expect anything permanent to happen to Schmitt. He might take some time off, he might try to quit, but we'll see him perform surgery by the season finale and save a life.

But still, I'm very disappointed in how the doctors handled Schmitt this episode. He made a mistake, but was in very clear signs of a mental breakdown and even when Jo stepped in, he wasn't really cared for. When Robot Nico shows more concern than anyone else, there's an issue. 

Link was an ass this episode. Yes, I get that Amelia sucks and hurt him and slept with him and gave him false hope and whatnot, but Link's attitude was really, really bothering me. How was Amelia supposed to know he changed his mind about marriage? And they're still not together, so Amelia can go kiss whoever she wants to kiss. I also loathed him sleeping with Jo, as it's clearly a rebound thing for him, so Jo's gonna get hurt by Link's actions.

Kai's fine, I guess. They work alright with Amelia, but I think that this romance is not a long-term one. I don't get any vibes that Kai is sticking around long-term, so I can't say I'm fully invested in it. Plus, we know how Amelia is. The first sign of trouble and she's out of there.

Nick? Yawn. ALL this guy does is sleep with Meredith in hotel rooms. That's it. He has no other role on this show. It's boring. 

Winston wanting to put in a bruised heart because he has a gut feeling? I would assume a bruised heart would make it unviable because who knows what issues the bruised heart has, but what do I know about hearts?

Bye McWidow! I actually will kind of miss you, but the show never gave you much to work with, and then they paired your supposed love interest with McTransplant so you probably are better off on a different show. 

Yawn to Owen/Teddy. Who the hell cares about them?

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Such a frustrating episode to watch. So many characters making stupid choices and doing dumb things.

So, I actually found myself LIKING Schmitt more this episode than I ever have. Granted, he had pretty much no lines and he wasn't being annoying, he was just having a clear mental breakdown. 

No, everyone ELSE is the issue for not dealing with Schmitt's clear mental break earlier and more appropriately. Richard was a goddamn cruel asshole who insists that his method is all sunshine and rainbows and he apparently holds no responsibility to what happened. Screw off, Richard.

Winston wanting to put in a bruised heart because he has a gut feeling? I would assume a bruised heart would make it unviable because who knows what issues the bruised heart has, but what do I know about hearts?

When he said that I thought, "I'd like  my surgeon to go on more than a gut feeling." Maybe scientific/medical knowledge.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Is Kai supposed to be interesting just because the character is non-binary? Because Kai has as much personality as a stale piece of toast.


Can I say something that's sort of politically incorrect?  I'm old, but I'm extremely socially liberal.  Nevertheless, I find non-binary and trans issues and individuals difficult to understand.  This show acts as though every viewer totally gets it.  A lot of people aren't even aware of the pronoun concept yet.  If Grey's would focus more on this (without the typical exposition), this would be a stronger storyline. 

They did this well with Callie and Erica, I think. Erica was excited because she finally realized she's gay. Callie, though, was very confused at first. There was discussion.

I agree with you about Kai's personality. I have no idea what Amelia sees in them. 

  • Love 6

They have the show off for months then resolve if someone died (my guess is most didn't think Owen would die but still) on another show. Good going. When they get to Grey's it's Schmidt that gets much of the focus. Ugh. While I cannot stand Schmidt the characters are supposed to be his friends & colleagues. How they ignored him scrubbing his hands for hours then just passing "watch him" from one to another was awful. For a show that seems to believe it's on top of every social issue they sure couldn't bother treating a mental health break with any respect. 


Because Kai has as much personality as a stale piece of toast.



Nick? Yawn. ALL this guy does is sleep with Meredith in hotel rooms. That's it. He has no other role on this show. It's boring.


They don't even bother to try to make new characters interesting anymore. They just show up & eventually they will get around to a) have them on screen constantly until many can't stand them, b) ignore them then plop them in some story expecting fans to care or c) fade into the background because they have no idea what to do with them.  Option C seems to have taken out McWidow. Once they got Scott Speedman to sign his fate was sealed. The "hotter" guy would be paired with The Sun so he was disposable. As someone mentioned above, this story with Owen could have give both of them something different and interesting for the remainder of the season. Oh well.


And what about Owen's kids? He's got a major injury, Teddy's with him, his sister and his mother is dealing with his nephew's surgery, who's watching his kids?

I could be wrong but I remember a few mentions of them having a nanny. The show does a terrible job portraying most of these people as parents. The difference between Meredith and the others is that they go out of their way to pretend she is mother of the year or have her talk about missing her kids oh so much. Then 2 scenes later she completely ignores them. It's so stupid, something that a line of dialog here and there could take care of. I don't think anyone expects/wants to see her or any of them constantly parenting as it's a workplace show so they don't need to show it all the time. Example: in this episode Meredith could have told Nick something like "I'll meet you in an hour, just going home to see my kids and put them to bed". Done.

Since it was still Christmas in the episode I guess there's going to be a time jump of 2-3 months. Everyone will be mostly by any injury, etc. Hopefully they can make it more interesting. 

  • Love 5

I thought it was interesting that they kept the continuity of the last episode being during Christmas time, but really, it's been so long since the last episode, they could have left out the Christmas decorations and I wouldn't have noticed (and I'm big on continuity,) I wonder if they filmed this episode at the same time as the last one.

  • Love 5

I thought that Owen's mother was taking care of his kids. It gives the show not to have the actress on screen when by all rights she should have been there for both Meghan and Owen.

I quite like McIrish with Jo. Stupid decision to not go there but not as stupid as blowing up Linc and Ameila.

2 hours ago, Shellie said:

I agree with you about Kai's personality. I have no idea what Amelia sees in them. 

She respects Kai's brains, Amelia was quite impressed with Kai when they met. Other than that, I suspect maybe because they're a change from her previous type of Owen and Linc. It's a safe place for her right now and there's the energy of exploring something new.

But I completely agree about Kai having no personality or energy in the relationship. Or chemistry with Amelia.

16 hours ago, izabella said:

I think he was judgy because he was hurt.  To him, it felt really fast, especially because he was still hoping to be with her.  He has only himself to blame, though.  He's been in denial. 

Linc seems to be living in a different world in his head than the real one his body inhabits. He went through a trauma in his childhood and became fixated on a few definitions of a good life but failed to communicate them to Amelia until it was too late. It's especially a problem because the marriage thing was a deal-breaker for him.

Amelia accepted Linc saying that their relationship was over and tried to move on with her life. Linc, on the other hand, has been the one showing addict behaviour, going from insisting on marriage or nothing, to  deciding that being with Amelia is the only thing that matters, to insisting that the galley be emptied when he saw Amelia kissing Kai, to jumping into bed with Jo for revenge sex. Boy needs some serious counselling.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Good Queen Jane said:

McIrish tells Megan that her mother told him that Megan was in the chapel. 

That's another thing. Hayes was the only one out of all of them that recognized that Megan was processing her fears and feelings in an unhealthy manner. Owen and Teddy brushed him off in the car (and now Owen's trauma and recovery will take precedence for those two) and the immediate danger to Farouk is gone now that he got the transplant. Who is going to be there for Megan? 

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

That's another thing. Hayes was the only one out of all of them that recognized that Megan was processing her fears and feelings in an unhealthy manner. Owen and Teddy brushed him off in the car (and now Owen's trauma and recovery will take precedence for those two) and the immediate danger to Farouk is gone now that he got the transplant. Who is going to be there for Megan? 

I thought they were setting up Hayes to be with Megan, maybe not romantically (though I got some vibes), but at least in terms of close friendship. That's a good question of who will be there to support her now, through Farouk's recovery, as Owen likely has a long road ahead of him. Was that maybe meant as foreshadowing re: Megan?

Also, I was thinking throughout the first part of this episode: "I'm finally warming up to Hayes." Of course, then he announces he's leaving!

I was very disappointed to see that Owen had survived. Maybe his injuries will keep him from being able to work for a long time?

Agreed with the others on how they shouldn't have left Schmitt alone. That was self-injury--they could have put him on a psych hold. Or at the very least, only released him to, say, Nico or someone else who promised to stay with him. I did feel for him--I don't hate him like most people here, though do feel he's pretty incompetent.

And I don't even know what to say about Jo and Linc--I think Jo is just going to get hurt. Amelia will have a bit of a fling with Kai, then realize she does want to be with Linc, then he'll eventually go back to being with her. Or maybe Jo and Linc stay together, then Amelia is the one hurt?

And Meredith and...wow, I can't even pull the character's name--Scott Speedman (who will always be Ben to me!), just zzzzzz.

Will Owen's secret go away, or will it come back to haunt him in some way? Seems too neatly wrapped up with Hayes just leaving.

Also, I guess they'll need to bring in more surgeons with Hayes leaving and Hunt needing to recover?

  • Love 4

I do not feel badly for Schmidt at all. As @Lady Calypso said, that patient's death was totally preventable. I also do not understand why this show keeps telling me he's the best resident. WTF?  No, he's not! That being said, his friends and colleagues are pure trash. He needed to be sent to the psychiatric department, not bandaged up and left to roam the fucking parking lot. 

Owen, I'm sad to see you're still with us.

I love how doctors just up and quit on this show. No notice, nothing. I'm not sorry to see Hayes go, but at least his exit wasn't some sort of cataclysmic event. 

I was so excited to have Scott Speedman join the show, and they are doing NOTHING with him. Give him a fucking personality.

Watching Link and Amelia interact is painful now. Thanks, show, for ruining the one couple that I liked and worked well together. 


Edited by PepSinger
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, PepSinger said:

I do not feel badly for Schmidt at all. As @Lady Calypso said, that patient's death was totally preventable. I also do not understand why this show keeps telling me he's the best resident. WTF?  No, he's not! That being said, his friends and colleagues are pure trash. He needed to be sent to the psychiatric department, not bandaged up and left to roam the fucking parking lot. 

That seems to be a pattern for these doctors, doesn't it? Schmidt, they treated DeLuca horribly during his bipolar (and he unfortunately died after running after that redheaded sex trafficker so there wasn't ever any conclusion or follow-up to him being right), Koracik when he tested positive for Covid and was sent home. No one checked on him except Teddy and that was only because Helm, a freaking intern, told her/shamed her into doing so. 

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

That seems to be a pattern for these doctors, doesn't it? Schmidt, they treated DeLuca horribly during his bipolar (and he unfortunately died after running after that redheaded sex trafficker so there wasn't ever any conclusion or follow-up to him being right), Koracik when he tested positive for Covid and was sent home. No one checked on him except Teddy and that was only because Helm, a freaking intern, told her/shamed her into doing so. 

Yes! It’s just so fucking BIZARRE. Are we sure they’re doctors??

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24 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

Yes! It’s just so fucking BIZARRE. Are we sure they’re doctors??

What's even more bizarre is that it seems to be dependent on whether or not they like you. Even before the Teddy/Owen/Tom mess that everyone blamed Tom for and absolved Teddy they didn't much care for Tom, DeLuca wasn't one of the Chosen Ones even when he did date Meredith, and Schmidt is Schmidt. But everyone at Grey-Sloan will go out of their way to help 'one of their own' when they are injured in an accident/get run over by a bus/get attacked by a patient/etc, and that happens every Thursday.

Edited by LexieLily
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