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S02.E16: Holy Mother of Zion

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Meredith throws Seth a birthday party and doesn't invite the Shahs, leaving Heather and Whitney to believe something bigger is causing a rift between the two women. Jen and Sharrieff work on their marriage, while Mary questions Jennie’s overreaction to her regifted shoes. The husbands surprise the women with a Mother's Day trip to Zion, but once Jen learns Meredith hired a private investigator, she and Lisa come to blows when Lisa refuses to hold Meredith accountable.

Airdate: 01/09/2022

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I can’t believe everyone ate that cake after Seth licked it. Ick! And if the boobie cake was suppose to represent Whitney’s cleavage as an inspiration for Meredith  to fix her cleavage, then maybe the cake mounds should have been two feet apart to look like Meredith’s cleavage. 
No wonder they don’t invite Jen to stuff, all she did was scream on that bus ride. I hope Kevin, the driver, charges these harpy’s double for having his hearing in jeopardy. 

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

With that editing Lisa got into that bathing suit fast .. lol 

I think it was a bodysuit and Lisa just took off the pink joggers before going in the pool.  I guess they must have been expensive.  Apparently, Brooks Marks has the same ones in blue!  Wonder if they both got them at Meredith's boutique - do you think they both got a discount?  

I can't figure out why they all jumped in the pool.  If there is one thing I've always hated at parties held around a pool is being thrown/pushed in.  Super annoying!  But, NOT anywhere near as annoying as the one girl/woman who hasn't been thrown/pushed in that screams in laughter and yells in an attention-grabbing voice - "NOOOO.....don't you DARE throw me in!!!" while at the same time, that girl/woman is slipping off her shoes, pants, or whatever it is she doesn't want to get wet.  (Yes, I'm looking at you, Lisa!!!)  Unfortunately, every party has one of those girls!  

Probable unpopular opinion here, but I actually liked Mary's Alexander McQueen outfit (although she could have done without the excessive amount of accessories).  I finally agree with something that Mary said - she definitely should have stayed far away from the pool shenanigans while wearing it.  I'm sure it was very, very expensive.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 11

Jen will do great in prison. She already acts like a cell block boss with the demanding allegiance, screaming like a psycho over nothing, fingers in the face ready to throw down nonsense. Ugh she’d be a nightmare to hangout with. 

Seth seems 24/7 drunk. Meredith is a Zanny Princess. The pool party reeked of desperation and cringe. Meredith laughed at Whitney’s tit-cake, but you could see her crazy eyes filing it away as ammo in future arguments.


  • Love 23
1 hour ago, Chicklet said:

What is with the "dancers" in the pool. 

It’s always so weird when these housewives have people just random if dancing or striking poses as background to their parties. Feels very....not sure of the word, but elitist? At any rate, it was exceptionally awkward at this party because it was so few people and how long did she do that posing? So weird!!!

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28 minutes ago, Pi237 said:

Jen will do great in prison. She already acts like a cell block boss with the demanding allegiance, screaming like a psycho over nothing, fingers in the face ready to throw down nonsense. Ugh she’d be a nightmare to hangout with. 

Seth seems 24/7 drunk. Meredith is a Zanny Princess. The pool party reeked of desperation and cringe. Meredith laughed at Whitney’s tit-cake, but you could see her crazy eyes filing it away as ammo in future arguments.


I can't say that I woud blame Meredith.  Seth seems particularly obsessed with Whitney's cleavage/breasts.  

Considering how weird Meredith's implants look right now, almost anything would be an improvement, even Whitney's unatural, bowling ball style breasts.

It was in very poor taste to give Seth that cake.  I can't figure out if Whitney's husband was upset, annoyed or enjoying what was going on.  He always looks so red-faced and flushed, I can't figure out if it is anger, embarrassment or just his natural coloring.

  • Love 16
31 minutes ago, StillHere said:

Seth and Whitney are skeevy as fuck.

And ... what the hell were Jen and Lisa fighting about?

I'm thinking they were having the standard middle-school girl housewife argument - if you're friends with her, you can't be friends with me.  

Apparently, Jen was lashing out at Lisa for all of wrong-doings that Meredith, Lisa's "best friend of ten years", heaped on Jen, notwithstanding the fact that Jen deserved everything she got or that she brought all of it on herself.  God forbid Jen should tell Meredith all of that to her face.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 13
Just now, njbchlover said:

Apparently, Jen was lashing out at Lisa for all of wrong-doings that Meredith, Lisa's "best friend of ten years", heaped on Jen, notwithstanding the fact that Jen deserved everything she got or that she brought all of it on herself.  God forbid Jen should tell Meredith all of that to her face. 

Yep it was nonsensical misplaced anger. The object of her rage was not present, so she went for what she considered to be the next closest thing. Not that I have much sympathy for Lisa, because her friendship overtures were never genuine anyway - I'm still mystified as to what her real motivations for hitching her wagon to this psychotic hosebeast were.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Cheezwiz said:

Yep it was nonsensical misplaced anger. The object of her rage was not present, so she went for what she considered to be the next closest thing. Not that I have much sympathy for Lisa, because her friendship overtures were never genuine anyway - I'm still mystified as to what her real motivations for hitching her wagon to this psychotic hosebeast were.

They were probably the same motivations Meredith had for hitching her wagon to the other psychotic hosebeast.

At least Jen is fun.

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I feel like that they are trying to make the husbands a thing like they are on the NJ housewives and no it doesn’t work here. These guys are not entertaining to watch and Meredith’s husband is so annoying.

Do these ppl think Mary has control of the FBI?

Jen and Mary are both trash tho.

Seth and Meredith with their sexy time talk blech. Pls stop no one buys it.

That dancer in the pool was weird at the party and awkward.

Meredith being obsessed with Mary is gross and weird. Embarrassing. Why is she trying to explain and prop up Mary. I had to FF some of their stupid scenes.

No boo go away Brooks. You are the worst and not entertaining and the show needs to stop trying to make him happen.

Oh Seth is such a cool guy jumping in a pool. Ugh.

Jen shut up and chill the fuck out. She wouldn’t stop screaming jeez.

Edited by Marley
  • Love 13

This show needs to poop or get off the pot. You know they have a ton of footage and actual tea to spill, but we get an hour of that? Come on- there’s enough actual crap that we don’t need to watch the husbands golfing. Not that I needed to see a montage of Seth skeeving out over Whitney’s chesticles (apparently the inspiration for Meredith’s tits of doom) but why have we never seen how often they socialize? 

Everything about these people is off. It’s like they watched some 80’s movies about how to have fun, and tried to emulate it. They are the human embodiment of a dubbed kung fu movie.

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These people are pushing 50 years old and they still think that a boob cake is the thing to have at a birthday party? And they all stand around gawking and laughing.  Speaking of food did they serve anything besides oysters and cake? I may have missed it I was sleeping off and on. Confused as to why someone would have a pool party in early May when it was still chilly outside. Even if the pool was very warm wouldn't it have been miserable  once the oh so hip pool jumpers got out and were wet? Please Meredith do not expose your weird chest again. I can't look way and I cannot figure out what is going on. Her chest does not look like real flesh. 

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I can't stand Lisa, but omg Jennnnn, shut up, shut up, shut up! She's like my friend's old, yappy chihuahua that also won't shut up, and snarls and bites all the time.
 She goes all the way off if people don't immediately go into "Yes, Jen" mode like her 50 assistants do.
 I would have taken an airplane, like Meredith and Mary, to avoid listening to Jen scream and rant the entire trip. Why won't anyone stand up to that bully?

The lone dancer in the hot tub was just weird.

Seth is creepy.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Seth seems particularly obsessed with Whitney's cleavage/breasts.

So I had to ask the question of the men in my house - "What would you say if you asked a friend what he wanted for his birthday, and his response was "your wife to show cleavage at the party"? The response was "that would be a problem". 

So Seth is officially a creep. 

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People dancing on a small ledge inside a pool doesn’t sound very safe. Is this an OSHA violation in the dance industry?

The husbands are evil geniuses: Let’s send our wives away for Mother’s Day so we don’t have to spend any time with them or come up with gift ideas, and we can just golf together.

Meredith’s husband is so skeevy. Now I know why she didn’t want to live with him season 1. Who tells their friend to make sure his wife shows off their cleavage for them?!? Yikes! I thought Seth was kissing Lisa as they arrived to the party!! But I guess that’s Meredith in a fake ponytail and huge-ass glasses? Wait, now Meredith has long hair during her talking head. Am I going crazy or did she have long hair last year but has a shoulder-length bob this year, which is how I’ve finally been able to tell Meredith and Lisa apart. This isn’t even his 50th but his 49th? Isn’t this a bit over the top? Seth even talks about his mother’s “vajayjay”? What is wrong with this man. You can just introduce him as your brother!

I really thought Duey was going to announce that he’s found his new sister wife.

I’m assuming a prior court-ordered therapy art project was bedazzling that hideous sweater Jen is wearing in her talking heads. She’s a real over-achiever and threw on every gemstone and string of beads she could possibly fit. Coach Shaw put a dog on his vision board to show that Jen is “devoted.” As a bonus, it also represents that she’s a total bitch.

Oh, god, the producers show that Seth is even creepier than I thought with an entire montage of lusting after Whitney’s boobs and saying how he wants Meredith to get the same ones—while she’s standing there next to him in every scene with extremely large boobs of her own. What am I missing here?!? Is this how she ends up with Ken pecs? She replaced her already large boobs with a Whitney Rose special and the surgery was botched (or just didn’t settle in or whatever they do)?

Meredith has a law degree?!

Jen screams about how Meredith digs up dirt on people and slanders her name—and then throws out some slanderous dirt about Meredith having had an affair. And now somehow Lisa is getting blamed for Meredith not wanting to be friends with Jen. Is Jen about to dive roll out of this moving bus?! They’re going to make this driver crash into the huge-ass hay truck.

  • LOL 16
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12 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I'm thinking they were having the standard middle-school girl housewife argument - if you're friends with her, you can't be friends with me.  

Apparently, Jen was lashing out at Lisa for all of wrong-doings that Meredith, Lisa's "best friend of ten years", heaped on Jen, notwithstanding the fact that Jen deserved everything she got or that she brought all of it on herself.  God forbid Jen should tell Meredith all of that to her face.  

I think you hit the nail on the head! Jen is pissed that Lisa distanced herself after the arrest. I think she interprets that as siding with Meredith.

And, yeah, none of this would be an issue if Jen hadn't gone after Brooks on social media, but, somehow it's all Meredith's fault and how dare Lisa side with her, or more importantly, not side with Jen. It's elementary school.


Will she have to cut those claws in prison?

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

So I had to ask the question of the men in my house - "What would you say if you asked a friend what he wanted for his birthday, and his response was "your wife to show cleavage at the party"? The response was "that would be a problem". 

So Seth is officially a creep. 

And why is he pretending that Meredith’s clearly altered bust needs to get even bigger?

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Cheezwiz said:

Seth is such a dorky icky try-hard. The number of references to Whitney's cleavage. Ugh. Meredith should've kicked him to the curb ages ago. He is a tool.

I'm not feeling any of these SLC men. Seth licking the boob cakes was beyond. Apparently, according to the playbacks  he's had a fascination with Whitney's fake titties for quite a while and being very vocal about. Whitney's hubby should have shut him down and Meredith should have kicked him to curb a long time ago. 

Jumping in the pool has been done so many times. Nofuckin' body is getting me in a pool with my hair and face all done up and my designer duds on. One of the women even went in with her shoes on! Wtf. 

Lastly, Jen has a really bad temper. I thought she was working on controlling that. That bus scene was painful to watch. Why does she keep blaming Lisa for what Meredith does? I'm no Lisa fan but that was out of line. She's batshit crazy. 

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

I think you hit the nail on the head! Jen is pissed that Lisa distanced herself after the arrest. I think she interprets that as siding with Meredith.

And, yeah, none of this would be an issue if Jen hadn't gone after Brooks on social media, but, somehow it's all Meredith's fault and how dare Lisa side with her, or more importantly, not side with Jen. It's elementary school.


Will she have to cut those claws in prison?

And, if Jen had not gone after Brooks on social media, using fake accounts or whatever the hell happened (I really didn't have any more fucks to give about this at that point or now, to care about what actually went down) - Meredith would have had no reason to hire a private investigator to track down where the tweets, posts, etc., were coming from. 

From what I do understand, Meredith said she hired a private investigator to investigate the social media posts, NOT to look into whatever shady, nefarious or illegal activities Jen {allegedly} is involved in.

Jen is jumping from "Meredith hired a private investigator on me" to "because Meredith hired a private investigator, she must be the person behind the FBI, Homeland Security, NYPD and local police converging on BeautyLab, searching my home and traumatizing my family and arresting me".  

Two completely different situations. 

I'm thinking that Meredith is reveling a little in the rumor that she may have informed some authorities about Jen's businesses, because she really doesn't like Jen, but honestly don't think she had anything to do with it.  

Edited by njbchlover
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