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S01.E02: Little Black Dress

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2 hours ago, RedHawk said:

Other than Miranda's mother who died and the sister(s) we saw at that funeral, and didn't we learn that Carrie's father abandoned her and her mother when she was young (?), we haven't seen or heard of any family belonging to Samantha or Charlotte. It always seemed an odd story choice, but after so many seasons you just went with the lack of close family connections as part of who they were as friends. Four orphan gals in NYC...

IIRC, it’s either SJP or Darren Star who said that they deliberately did away with family presence so they can focus on the gals and the concept of “friends who are family.” I think it was Miranda who said this in one episode where she said “You are my people,” or something to that effect.

But yes, it’s still odd. Even that other show about “friends who are family” had a healthy dose of parents’ presence in their lives. I would think that Charlotte, out of the four of them, seem to be the type to come from a conventional family and stay relatively close to them. But I don’t remember even seeing her parents being there, or at least mentioned at HER wedding.

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On 12/9/2021 at 11:10 PM, Yeah No said:

As a 63 year old American and native NY-er no less, it wasn't where Brady and his girlfriend were having sex, it was the total lack of respect for his parents in their own home.  I think it's gross not to have any sense of discretion and to just grunt and bang so loudly like that.  My own parents didn't care if I had sex with my boyfriends in their house as long as they didn't know about it.  Obviously they took great care not to let me know about it when they had sex.  It took being discreet.  If Brady can't manage to control himself he can find somewhere else to have sex.  I was young once too and had to get creative with that.  If he wants to be loud don't do it when her parents are home.  Use some common sense and have some respect.  He wouldn't want to hear his own parents do that.  I remember a sitcom where this was featured - I think it was "American Housewife".  Katie cured her daughter and her boyfriend from doing that in their house by turning the tables on them and acting the same way.  LOL the kids were MORTIFIED and got the message.  Problem solved.  I am surprised that they are turning Miranda into such a wimp in the present.  

As an American without children, that's me too. I get that teens are sexual, and I don't believe in shaming that. I'm not one of those that's omg 17-year-olds are like toddlers, and 18-year-olds might as well be 30! I always found that attitude so silly. It was Brady's complete lack of respect for his parents. It's not that difficult to make love and keep it quiet. I'm actually quite different from Americans on teenagers and sex, or even being sexy. For example, I think it's strange people think 17-year-olds dressing sexy is shocking when no one cares girls a year or two older pose nude for Playboy. I do think we need to have some sort of legal age to protect kids, but it is somewhat arbitrary. I personally thought Brady could use a Charlotte for a mother right about now!

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, RedHawk said:

we haven't seen or heard of any family belonging to Samantha or Charlotte

Samantha very much slept with Charlotte’s recently separated brother Wesley, of Leslie and Wesley fame, complete with Carrie asking if they worked for Nestle. Charlotte was so pissed that she asked if Sam’s hoo-ha was in the New York City Guidebook as it was “the hottest spot in town.”  Then Wesley revealed that he and Leslie had been horribly unhappy and hadn’t slept together and ages and was so happy that he and Sam did.  Then Charlotte brought Samantha a “thank you for effing my brother” muffin basket.

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Sick of the wokeness angle already. I’m glad I’m not a “hip” nyc dweller who is supposed to know what the fuck to perfectly say to persons of color & people who are not straight but, since no one can read minds, don’t know if the person is male or female or ?  And then get ripped a new asshole for calling someone he. Etc etc.   It’s exhausting where I live & I live amongst hillbillies. 

Carries dress was nice & age appropriate this episode. In the first one she looked like an aging loon. You are almost 60, some if your fashion choices were dicey decades ago but will now make you look like a crazy old woman.  As for the wrinkles etc. don’t they say it’s either the face or the figure? 

speaking of faces, Charlotte needs to stop the fillers & plastic surgery. 
Miranda & family are grating.  Sanford is horrible. 
Not loving this so far but will watch. 

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54 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

Sick of the wokeness angle already. I’m glad I’m not a “hip” nyc dweller who is supposed to know what the fuck to perfectly say to persons of color & people who are not straight but, since no one can read minds, don’t know if the person is male or female or ?  And then get ripped a new asshole for calling someone he. Etc etc.   It’s exhausting where I live & I live amongst hillbillies. 

Speaking as a NY-er from way back, it bothers me too especially because IMO New Yorkers in general are not the people most in need of being shamed and corrected for not being woke enough.  I think maybe that was part of the point of making Miranda the target of this over Charlotte:  to show that even someone we would not see as the likely target of this can become one in the current climate, and be reduced to tripping over herself and putting her foot in her mouth.  There might be an implied dig there of that climate.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

As an American without children, that's me too. I get that teens are sexual, and I don't believe in shaming that. I'm not one of those that's omg 17-year-olds are like toddlers, and 18-year-olds might as well be 30! I always found that attitude so silly. It was Brady's complete lack of respect for his parents. It's not that difficult to make love and keep it quiet. I'm actually quite different from Americans on teenagers and sex, or even being sexy. For example, I think it's strange people think 17-year-olds dressing sexy is shocking when no one cares girls a year or two older pose nude for Playboy. I do think we need to have some sort of legal age to protect kids, but it is somewhat arbitrary. I personally thought Brady could use a Charlotte for a mother right about now!

I agree.  I think perhaps what we are seeing in Brady is the result of all those years that Miranda was so absorbed in her law career that she wasn't paying enough attention to being the best parent, and that plus "laissez-faire"  Steve resulted in this abomination.  I get it that teenagers can be rebellious, but there are deeper issues at work with this kid.

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18 hours ago, luna1122 said:

Carrie being so matter of fact and calm while handling the funeral arrangement seemed so out of character, but you never  know how you'll handle a crisis, really. She's numb with shock and grief. I think.

That's exactly how I'm reading it.  Having gone through it with my Dad and then one of his close friends recently I know how that is.  Denial and shock are stage one of the Kubler Ross grief cycle.  Also, I think Carrie was numbing herself to get through the funeral so as not to fall apart in honor the event.  Very understandable.  I fully expect that as time wears on we will see more emotion from her.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

So obviously they're setting Miranda up to be an alcoholic, but I wonder what causes her to drink?

I read an interview with Darren Star  Michael Patrick King and he said they are portraying how people started drinking more during the pandemic, earlier in the day, and that the traditional norms around "appropriate" drinking times went out the window during lockdowns. 

I personally dont think the drinking is THAT big of a deal. A shot of liquid courage before having to speak at the funeral of one of her chosen family's funeral? Knowing you have to try to hold it together for that person when you're heartbroken over how heartbroken they are and you know you have to do your best for them? I get it!

The bottle might have been overkill at the recital but I'm willing to bet there were a lot of flasks going around that recital. You can buy a glass of wine or cocktail at just about every concert and performance venue --big or small--anymore, and yes I know this is a kid's recital but it's not like the idea would be completely foreign. Especially to those privileged upper class NY kids whose parents have likely been dragging them to concerts and performances their whole lives. 

The glass of wine before class--well, you gotta do something to kill the time and a lot of people still havent adjusted back to, oh yeah, I can go shopping beforehand or do something else other than sit around and wait for a zoom meeting, online class, etc to start. 

Not saying it's not a "thing" they're highlighting with Miranda, I am saying I don't think they're turning her into a full-blown alcoholic. 

Remember when Sam gained weight in LA? She didnt become a food addict, she was boredom eating. Same thing with Miranda. 

And for anyone who says you cant become addicted to food in the same way you can alcohol, trust me. You can. 

Remember this is a comedy. I think they had to get the heavy stuff with Big out of the way to really get things moving. In the original show yes they occasionally had life stuff but they focused on the funny. You cant really breeze by Big's death. If they'd done that people would flip out the same way they are about how Samantha's departure is being treated.

Edited by SailorGirl
Names matter
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14 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I think perhaps what we are seeing in Brady is the result of all those years that Miranda was so absorbed in her law career that she wasn't paying enough attention to being the best parent, and that plus "laissez-faire"  Steve resulted in this abomination. 

Wasn't it in the second movie where Miranda left her demanding job to a more relaxed job situation?  After quitting that job, she ran into the school where Brady was winning a ribbon for his Science project and she exclaimed "I made it!"   I was left with the impression that she would go on to be more involved in his life.  Brady appeared to be 8-10 yrs old at that time - plenty of time to form better memories for Brady.

I hate to blame Miranda.  School pressures, social media, and a host of other things can be part of what makes Brady tick.  Some kids are just jerks too.  

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On 12/10/2021 at 12:40 AM, Lethallyfab said:

I think the actress is most memorable for her voice, not her face.  Susan Sharon is from early on (Season 2, Episode 2, “The Awful Truth,” to be exact, and, yes, I googled!) - she was in an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship with her husband, stayed with Carrie for a while to avoid said husband, gave Carrie a cashmere pashmina that Carrie returned for the money (cue the pun ‘why do you think they call it CASHmere?’), was regifted Charlotte’s yappy dog when Charlotte didn’t want said dog anymore (Elizabeth Taylor would NEVER!) and somehow that dog fixed the problems in her abusive marriage.  Absolutely nothing happened on-screen then or since to indicate why she was so icy towards Carrie or her friends in this episode - it was all just “she knows what she did!”  Okay, but the audience will

Thank you for this! Because of this, I went to rewatch this episode and it seemed like she and Carrie are good friends - not on the level of the 3 gals, but not just acquaintances either. So isn’t it rather odd when Carrie didn’t recognize her at all, and asked Miranda “am I supposed to know her?!” 

  • Love 3
25 minutes ago, litehauskeeper said:

sadly NYC is not what is was when the show aired

also don't miss Sam at all, and people drift away, or loose their connections over time 

Yep, I said that myself in another post about NY not being the "happy fun place" it was during the original series.  As to Sam, the flowers struck me as a "guilt gift" for appearances' sake, just to look appropriate.  I lost a very close friend recently.  We didn't have a falling out nor did I do anything to deserve being dumped, but she just slowly drifted away to the point of never calling and taking forever to return my calls.  So I eventually stopped calling.  Then last year out of the blue she sent me a huge, very expensive Christmas gift, one that would be hard for someone with her income to afford.  I figured it was the guilt over dumping me that prompted it.

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50 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Wasn't it in the second movie where Miranda left her demanding job to a more relaxed job situation?  After quitting that job, she ran into the school where Brady was winning a ribbon for his Science project and she exclaimed "I made it!"   I was left with the impression that she would go on to be more involved in his life.  Brady appeared to be 8-10 yrs old at that time - plenty of time to form better memories for Brady.

I hate to blame Miranda.  School pressures, social media, and a host of other things can be part of what makes Brady tick.  Some kids are just jerks too.  

I had forgotten about that!  I guess I put the second movie out of my mind since it was so awful.  Maybe she tried with Brady but wasn't up to the task.  I have no problem seeing Brady's parents as at least somewhat responsible for his behavior as a teenager.  It doesn't surprise me given how both of his parents are.  I never saw Miranda as having what it took to be the best parent.  Neither of them did.  I think the show was trying in its own way to make that point by showing us that scene with the crazy sex in the next room and the parents just not even reacting.

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17 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

Thank you for this! Because of this, I went to rewatch this episode and it seemed like she and Carrie are good friends - not on the level of the 3 gals, but not just acquaintances either. So isn’t it rather odd when Carrie didn’t recognize her at all, and asked Miranda “am I supposed to know her?!” 

Carrie knew who she was, recognized her immediately, she just said she didn't know she was at the funeral. And then when Susan Sharon rambled on about forgiveness, Miranda asked Carrie what that was all about and Carrie said she had no idea. But she absolutely knew who she was. 

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17 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I think the show was trying in its own way to make that point by showing us that scene with the crazy sex in the next room and the parents just not even reacting.

 I'm not watching the show (I don't have HBO), so I'm going by the posts.  I'm sure I lose context of things by not seeing it.  That's pretty bad though if Miranda and Steve didn't react to that!!  Maybe they have the "anything goes" kind of attitude, which usually doesn't work well when you're raising kids!

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There were a couple of things that this episode got right and a couple that felt like they were off the mark (or at least missed opportunities). 

Carrie's grief and how she handled things very felt honest and true to her character. The way she emotionally shut down so she could function and the kind of choices that she made in regards to the staging of Big's funeral. The fact that she focused on appearances, giving Big the kind of service that she felt he would want was right. It also showed how utterly sterile their lives were. That outside of some of the speeches, there wasn't anything in that service that  spoke to Big as a person. Nothing about his interests or relationships. It was stylish and monochromatic and empty. And Carrie appearing in her "mourning" costume  with her little fascinator hat... it lent to the feeling that the funeral was a show, which fit in with Carrie's character.

Charlotte falling apart and nearly every turn also felt very true to her character. She doesn't mean to, but it's like she feels that she needs to cry because Carrie isn't allowing herself to. She has always been the more emotionally open one (one can argue overly emotional). And Miranda was the MVP as far as supporting Carrie.

It also cemented just how limited a circle Carrie exists in. That despite being married for over 10 years that she and Big apparently had no other couples that they were friendly with. That the only people she had supporting her were Miranda, Charlotte and Stanford (though Stanford's support was more performative). As if Carrie and Big had no life outside of their penthouse. 

The moment of humor with Big's ashes being unexpectedly delivered really needed one of the tart Samanthaisms that could have had Carrie laughing despite her grief. If the gold standard of laughter and tears for a funeral was Steel Magnolias, this one feels like Big's funeral - a big, pretty and empty show pantomiming sincerity.

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On 12/9/2021 at 7:24 PM, violet and green said:

I have high hopes for Gloria's role (played by Brenda Vaccaro, who is 82 and looking fine), and will just try to enjoy those moments with Standford and a few of the other cast, like Susan Sharon, and try not to get too fixated on the hideous stylings of this season and the bad script. Plus, the endless wokefest...

That's who that was! I knew I recognized her. And dayum, she looks like she's easily 20 years younger than 82.


On 12/9/2021 at 9:13 PM, sashayshante said:

Speaking of Brady, the sex scene between him and his girlfriend was all kinds of gross. Why are we watching underage characters have sex? What was the point? They could have just had Miranda hear the banging of the headboard.

I found that super-gross. Yes, I understand that teenagers have sex but it's messy and awkward and trying-to-figure-out-how-this-works sex. Not movie star sex. I remember when Gossip Girl was on the air and I would see subway ads showing a teenage girl's "O-face." GROSS.  So inappropriate. I felt the same way about this. Just show us Miranda and Steve's reactions, that's what's important.


On 12/10/2021 at 12:10 AM, violet and green said:

Darren Starr is sadly long gone as a writer and director on this. It's Michael Patrick King, who also did the horrid movies.

I love the first movie--I genuinely cry at the New Year's montage. "You're not alone. You're not alone." That's beautiful. And that gorgeous rendering over Auld Lang Syne over it all.

The second movie isn't great--Samantha's story is especially cringe-y--but I love how they explore how awful motherhood can be.



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19 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

I really don't want them to make Miranda an alcoholic.  

There seems to be a lot of speculation regarding Miranda's storyline. Many say she'll realize she's gay because of her chemistry with Che. Others says she's going to be an alcoholic. I don't think they'll do both. In fact, I don't think they'll do either. They already blew up the biggest relationship on the show. Miranda and Steve were second biggest followed by Charlotte and Harry.  I doubt they'll do away with another core marriage on the show. Especially between two regular characters. That's too much change for the viewers.

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22 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

There seems to be a lot of speculation regarding Miranda's storyline. Many say she'll realize she's gay because of her chemistry with Che. Others says she's going to be an alcoholic. I don't think they'll do both. In fact, I don't think they'll do either. They already blew up the biggest relationship on the show. Miranda and Steve were second biggest followed by Charlotte and Harry.  I doubt they'll do away with another core marriage on the show. Especially between two regular characters. That's too much change for the viewers.

Chemistry is subjective because I certainly didn't see any. 

After imploding Carrie and Big, taking away Miranda and Steve would be a slap in the face. Six seasons and two movies worth of character and story development out the window because of this reboot/revival/spin-off series.

If they really wanted to continue the SATC universe with And Just Like That, they should've centered it around four new women who at least one has a connection to Carrie, and Carrie could've passed the baton of sorts to the new series. SJP remains an Executive Producer of the new show, maybe every now and then we see Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda pop in as a nod to the original and maintain continuity while still preserving the characters and storylines of the original women and their happy endings with Big, Steve, Harry, and Samantha thriving in London.

No animosity and broken friendships. No deaths. No affairs or divorces. Our Fab Four are good, people can enjoy the new more diverse and "woke" series, and everyone is happy. 

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda...


Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 14
19 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

There seems to be a lot of speculation regarding Miranda's storyline. Many say she'll realize she's gay because of her chemistry with Che. Others says she's going to be an alcoholic. I don't think they'll do both. In fact, I don't think they'll do either. They already blew up the biggest relationship on the show. Miranda and Steve were second biggest followed by Charlotte and Harry.  I doubt they'll do away with another core marriage on the show. Especially between two regular characters. That's too much change for the viewers.

Could be. I don't want to see Miranda leave Steve (again) although I've never bought that she feels deep love for him. They're great friends, very supportive, likely have been good parenting partners. Seemed to me that she was always missing a full connection with him. I think I was the first poster to mention "alcoholic" and her drinking behavior may be veering toward problematic and that will be part of the storyline. A flirtatious friendship with Che or another woman or just exploring that she may have same-sex attraction she never acknowledged might be another part of her story. Either of these would have an effect on her marriage without necessarily breaking it.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5
23 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Me and you are <here>. Teenagers having sex isn't an anomaly, but do the normal thing and fuck when your parents aren't home, Brady. Even kids in 80s teen movies knew to throw parties and have sex when their parents were out of town. I'm not mad at progressive parenting, but have a little decorum. 

It would've made more sense for him to be his real age (20), home from school due to COVID, and since he no longer has privacy, he got busted having sex with Luisa at home. 

But having headboard-banging sex while his parents are in the next room? And his parents not being the least bit fazed was surprising. 

I'm not spoiled, so I guess Brady was de-aged so he'll be closer to Lily's age. I'm sure the show will hook them up later on.

Kudos to the casting for Rose. She has Evan Handler's face and Kristin's hair. 


If Brady were MY kid, I'd lock him up in his room until he's 30.  

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16 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Chemistry is subjective because I certainly didn't see any. 

After imploding Carrie and Big, taking away Miranda and Steve would be a slap in the face. Six seasons and two movies worth of character and story development out the window because of this reboot/revival/spin-off series.

If they really wanted to continue the SATC universe with And Just Like That, they should've centered it around four new women who at least one has a connection to Carrie, and Carrie could've passed the baton of sorts to the new series. SJP remains an Executive Producer of the new show, maybe every now and then we see Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda pop in as a nod to the original and maintain continuity while still preserving the characters and storylines of the original women and their happy endings with Big, Steve, Harry, and Samantha thriving in London.

No animosity and broken friendships. No deaths. No affairs or divorces. Our Fab Four are good, people can enjoy the new more diverse and "woke" series, and everyone is happy. 

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda...


This.  I would have loved to see four new women, with one "diverse" character who is a total Charlotte (ideally Asian, because, well, if she ends up following a similar path, husband #1 would have a total "Tiger Mom" type mother.  Because Bunny was definitely like that.  And yes, Tiger Moms are real).  Oh well, as you said.....

4 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

The fact that she focused on appearances, giving Big the kind of service that she felt he would want was right. It also showed how utterly sterile their lives were. And Carrie appearing in her "mourning" costume  with her little fascinator hat... it lent to the feeling that the funeral was a show, which fit in with Carrie's character.

Interesting point, because that's how Carrie's wedding came off as well. Performative rather than authentic. She originally planned a small affair, but when she was gifted a fancy dress, the ceremony had to become a spectacle to match (and then she ends up getting left at the altar anyways).

I even thought it was weird how she wrote Miranda's speech for the funeral. Miranda had known Big for twenty years. Surely she could've came up with something on her own? 

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I even thought it was weird how she wrote Miranda's speech for the funeral. Miranda had known Big for twenty years. Surely she could've came up with something on her own? 

I just viewed it as Carrie being too overwhelmed to make a speech herself, so she asked Miranda to make the speech she wanted to make. 

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3 hours ago, RedHawk said:

Could be. I don't want to see Miranda leave Steve (again) although I've never bought that she feels deep love for him. They're great friends, very supportive, likely have been good parenting partners. Seemed to me that she was always missing a full connection with him. I think I was the first poster to mention "alcoholic" and her drinking behavior may be veering toward problematic and that will be part of the storyline. A flirtatious friendship with Che or another woman or just exploring that she may have same-sex attraction she never acknowledged might be another part of her story. Either of these would have an effect on her marriage without necessarily breaking it.

Che is non-binary (but born female), so I'm not sure what one would call a relationship with them other than...queer.  Perhaps Miranda is fluid then?  I'm not even sure what terms we're supposed to be using anymore.  

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13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yep, I said that myself in another post about NY not being the "happy fun place" it was during the original series.  As to Sam, the flowers struck me as a "guilt gift" for appearances' sake, just to look appropriate.  I lost a very close friend recently.  We didn't have a falling out nor did I do anything to deserve being dumped, but she just slowly drifted away to the point of never calling and taking forever to return my calls.  So I eventually stopped calling.  Then last year out of the blue she sent me a huge, very expensive Christmas gift, one that would be hard for someone with her income to afford.  I figured it was the guilt over dumping me that prompted it.

Honestly, I think death is a bit different.  For one, Samantha knew Big the same amount of time as Carrie.  They met him the same night (if you recall, he turned her down).  She was there through all of it.  Even if the friendship is gone, that doesn't mean that Samantha can't acknowledge how monumental the loss of a spouse would be - things like this transcend the ultimately petty bullshit.  When both of my parents died, I heard from friends I hadn't heard from in years.  Including some, where over time, things had turned sour for whatever reason.  People reached out in multiple formats - from the facebook private message, to cards, to flowers.  Hell, I even heard from my own "Mr. Big" (who I never married, I should point out, I married the most wonderful man in the world) during that time who had never even met my parents.  Those touchpoints actually do mean something.  It's comforting that even if you don't connect beyond the thank you, the person who meant so much to you in your life is acknowledged, and so is your grief.  

NY in the late 90s and early 00s was an absolute playground.  I miss that NY.  It's not the same.  Or I'm older and more cynical and aware of the world than I was back then.  Maybe it's both.  


I don't want to see Miranda leave Steve (again) 

I don't either, been there, done that.  


If they really wanted to continue the SATC universe with And Just Like That, they should've centered it around four new women who at least one has a connection to Carrie, and Carrie could've passed the baton of sorts to the new series. SJP remains an Executive Producer of the new show, maybe every now and then we see Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda pop in as a nod to the original and maintain continuity while still preserving the characters and storylines of the original women and their happy endings with Big, Steve, Harry, and Samantha thriving in London.

No animosity and broken friendships. No deaths. No affairs or divorces. Our Fab Four are good, people can enjoy the new more diverse and "woke" series, and everyone is happy. 

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda...


I feel like next-generation stuff is tough to pull off, especially with a show as iconic as SATC.  I feel like there was plenty of story to tell, we don't often get compelling tv shows about women in their 50s and I assume that we, the original audience, remain the target audience?  We are only 2 shows in, maybe they are still finding their footing.  I also hope in episode 3 we have a 6 month leap forward, because if Carrie is asking about dating in 2 episodes, I'm going to be really pissed.  

  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

NY in the late 90s and early 00s was an absolute playground.  I miss that NY.  It's not the same.  Or I'm older and more cynical and aware of the world than I was back then.  Maybe it's both.  

I’d love to blame age because me too but it’s just not the same. Gentrification, sky high rents lead many friends fleeing to other boroughs or in some cases other states. 
Also 9/11 made many re-evaluate their lives. 
Camera phones killed a lot of nightlife as well as early 2000’s gossip blogs. 

I miss the city’s energy of the mid 90’s. There are moments when I feel the remnants in the air. Oh and I’d love to have that $750 a month duplex with roof garden back.  

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7 hours ago, PRgal said:

Perhaps Miranda is fluid then? 

She already faked being a lesbian for clout at the law firm, concluding with kissing the girl and feeling nothing. Maybe Miranda could be a late-in-life queer, but we already went through the whole Sam-and-Maria plotline and, please God, do NOT make us sit through the recreation of that plotline.  

(Charlotte ALSO sorta faked lesbianism in the episode where she was adopted by the power lesbian art collectors.)

I dunno, but I think just because Cynthia Nixon is now openly queer doesn’t mean that Miranda has to be.  She and Che were completely combative in the scene before they were friendly.


  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, Lethallyfab said:

She already faked being a lesbian for clout at the law firm, concluding with kissing the girl and feeling nothing. Maybe Miranda could be a late-in-life queer, but we already went through the whole Sam-and-Maria plotline and, please God, do NOT make us sit through the recreation of that plotline.  

(Charlotte ALSO sorta faked lesbianism in the episode where she was adopted by the power lesbian art collectors.)

I dunno, but I think just because Cynthia Nixon is now openly queer doesn’t mean that Miranda has to be.  She and Che were completely combative in the scene before they were friendly.


I am all for LGBTQ+ representation, including by the main cast had the original series shown any of them having had any serious issues/doubts regarding their sexuality, but the last paragraph of the above is how I feel overall regarding Miranda. Her history on SATC basically established her as straight despite the forays above. And yes, I admit to bias in that I like her with Steve, despite the hatchet job this revival seems set on doing to him.

Good for Cynthia Nixon for living her life the way she chooses and loving who she loves, but I don't see why Miranda's life has to follow the life of the actress that plays her. Isn't that what acting is about?

With that said, if Miranda does veer from established canon, I pray it is with some other person not Che. I just am not feeling them. Maybe that will change, but right now, I'm not so sure.

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Honestly, I think death is a bit different.  For one, Samantha knew Big the same amount of time as Carrie.  They met him the same night (if you recall, he turned her down).  She was there through all of it.  Even if the friendship is gone, that doesn't mean that Samantha can't acknowledge how monumental the loss of a spouse would be - things like this transcend the ultimately petty bullshit.  When both of my parents died, I heard from friends I hadn't heard from in years.  Including some, where over time, things had turned sour for whatever reason.  People reached out in multiple formats - from the facebook private message, to cards, to flowers.  that Hell, I even heard from my own "Mr. Big" (who I never married, I should point out, I married the most wonderful man in the world) during that time who had never even met my parents.  Those touchpoints actually do mean something.  It's comforting that even if you don't connect beyond the thank you, the person who meant so much to you in your life is acknowledged, and so is your grief.  

I should have also mentioned that the guilt gift came after close to a year after my father's death, a year that was the most horrible one of my life for that reason and because of the pandemic.  I called her to tell her he died and she did call me back for that, and expressed her condolences but that was it.  Then I didn't hear from her for months and I gave up trying to get her to call me back.  So the guilt gift came months after my father's death. 

Also, because the pandemic was new when my father passed I was not able to have any memorial service for him at that time due to the lockdowns and the recommendations that no one come to NYC or have gatherings.  Everyone was scared to death of that.  I couldn't even see anyone until May of this year and just for a brief gathering outdoors at a restaurant.  And although I heard from a lot of people on Facebook I didn't get the torrent of response I might have if we weren't having a global crisis. 

My father was 92 when he passed and he had outlived most of his friends and all of his relatives.  He was my last relative left - we had second cousins we didn't really know and wouldn't have invited anyway.  And any that were left were mostly not online.  So that and the pandemic made it even more horrible for me that my close friend had deserted me when I needed her the most.  She knew my father very well, in fact.  So it was even worse.  Fortunately I have my husband and a bestie from way back down in NYC who is true blue and more like my sister than my friend and she thank goodness would never desert me.  Never has in 48 years!  And I have other friends.

I'm assuming that Carrie didn't personally reach out to Samantha when Big died and that Samantha found out some other way, hence Sam not feeling obligated to return any phone call.  Unless I missed something.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 7

Well, then maybe it was guilt flowers.  Or maybe it was Samantha being Samantha, who at her core was the most "ride or die" of them all (okay, maybe Miranda was too) until this most recent plot-driven, not character-driven, explanation.  Unless KC comes back to the show and they do a plot line for her - and it better not be her groveling - then we'll never know.  

I am sorry for your loss.  I lost my mom about 5 years ago.  My father about 6 months before the pandemic started.  It is just an awful stage in life.  


I miss the city’s energy of the mid 90’s. There are moments when I feel the remnants in the air. 

Could you imagine Samantha's reaction to the meat-packing district today?  Or neighboring Chelsea?  


Good for Cynthia Nixon for living her life the way she chooses and loving who she loves, but I don't see why Miranda's life has to follow the life of the actress that plays her. Isn't that what acting is about?

Agreed.  Not to mention, if they go that route, I feel like it plays into that old misogynistic idea that two women, one of whom is a lesbian, couldn't POSSIBLY just be friends.  Wink Wink, Nod, Nod.  Show - if you are reading this - do not go there.  Women can enjoy each others company, with affection and warmth and love and support regardless of sexual orientation.  

  • Love 13
43 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

I am sorry for your loss.  I lost my mom about 5 years ago.  My father about 6 months before the pandemic started.  It is just an awful stage in life. 

Thank you.  The fact that he died of Covid made it all the worse.  He was fine one day and a few days later dead.  And I couldn't see him in the hospital either.  They barely could find someone to hold a phone to his ear ONCE to let me tell him we loved him.  They were in crisis with 700 people a DAY dying in NY.  We had to have him cremated, no real choice there.  And it took a month before a funeral home in PA would do it because there was such a backlog.  The funeral home in NY had to have his body shipped up there and back.  Fortunately free, thanks to the government.  But still horrible.

47 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Agreed.  Not to mention, if they go that route, I feel like it plays into that old misogynistic idea that two women, one of whom is a lesbian, couldn't POSSIBLY just be friends.  Wink Wink, Nod, Nod.  Show - if you are reading this - do not go there.  Women can enjoy each others company, with affection and warmth and love and support regardless of sexual orientation.  

Given that the previous season went in a similar direction already with Anthony and Stanford (because why should there be two gay men in a show that don't end up together?) I fear it's only a matter of time before it does it with Miranda.  I don't know why but I feel like the whole Miranda drinking thing and lame portrayal of Steve plus her losing her mojo with her professor is leading us in the direction of a big realization and life change.  

  • Love 3

People keep mentioning that Steve's being written a hatchet job or they're making him lame so we'll cheer for Miranda to dump him...is this just cuz he's lost his hearing? I do think they're making ALL the characters seem older than they are, which is super annoying, but how else is Steve coming off as character-destroying? He's seemed sweet and kind and a little goofy, like Steve always did, to me, just...deafer. 

Edited by luna1122
  • Love 10

This show! BIG was still alive when Carrie found him and she did nothing. She didn’t call 911, didn’t get his pills, $20 says there was an AED in the building……in other words BIG didn’t have to die and the whole thing seems contrived. And I really hope Carrie doesn’t end up reconnecting with an ex (Aiden). I think I’m out. 

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Well, then maybe it was guilt flowers.  Or maybe it was Samantha being Samantha, who at her core was the most "ride or die" of them all (okay, maybe Miranda was too) until this most recent plot-driven, not character-driven, explanation.  Unless KC comes back to the show and they do a plot line for her - and it better not be her groveling - then we'll never know.  

I am sorry for your loss.  I lost my mom about 5 years ago.  My father about 6 months before the pandemic started.  It is just an awful stage in life.  

Could you imagine Samantha's reaction to the meat-packing district today?  Or neighboring Chelsea?  

Agreed.  Not to mention, if they go that route, I feel like it plays into that old misogynistic idea that two women, one of whom is a lesbian, couldn't POSSIBLY just be friends.  Wink Wink, Nod, Nod.  Show - if you are reading this - do not go there.  Women can enjoy each others company, with affection and warmth and love and support regardless of sexual orientation.  

I thought they were going to go there because that's how romantic relationships between men and women often start on shows too, sometimes real life. I do personally agree with you, but how do you feel about men and women being good friends like that? Some people say of course grown men and women can be good friends, and some say absolutely not, someone will always feel something beyond friendship. 


@Yeah No I'm so sorry honey, I can't imagine. My heart goes out to you.

  • Love 3

If Big wouldn't drive a rental, what did he do on a vacation to which he flew? Buy a new car? Hire a driver? Take public transportation? Stay in an all-inclusive resort?

Ironic that his coffin will now likely be used as a rental. Or sold at a discount as "like new".

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
  • Love 2
11 hours ago, luna1122 said:

People keep mentioning that Steve's being written a hatchet job or they're making him lame so we'll cheer for Miranda to dump him...is this just cuz he's lost his hearing? I do think they're making ALL the characters seem older than they are, which is super annoying, but how else is Steve coming off as character-destroying? He's seemed sweet and kind and a little goofy, like Steve always did, to me, just...deafer. 

OMG acting like 55 year old women have never heard of Instagram or know what a podcast is?  Horrible and pathetic🙄  Honestly it would still be bad if they were 65.  Who wrote this crap?

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, mansonlamps said:

OMG acting like 55 year old women have never heard of Instagram or know what a podcast is?  Horrible and pathetic🙄  Honestly it would still be bad if they were 65.  Who wrote this crap?

There’s a meme going around where little kids write what they think it’s like to be 40. It’s hilarious…those kids probably wrote the episode.




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On 12/9/2021 at 6:33 PM, Lebanna said:

I am glad that it was pointed out that Big was so often a prick at his own funeral. He was an interesting character and often likable. But…

I liked most of the funeral but the eulogy, read by Miranda, was terrible. For a second I thought it was supposed to be a ‘someone stop her, she’s drunk’ moment, but then I realized that it was intended to be beautiful and emotional. I can only assume that we’re supposed to think that Carrie was never was much of a writer.

Loved the support of the friends for each other, the realism about just taking a bit of medicine to get through the pain, and Charlotte’s terrifying plan to donate the secondhand funeral lox.


On 12/9/2021 at 7:02 PM, Lethallyfab said:

The Miranda Hobbs that I know would literally gargle broken glass before unironically describing herself as a “mama bear.”  But they’re already saddling her with a drinking problem (hopefully she still has A.A.’s number from when that hot cop gave it to her after she got totally smashed because every other girl in the room wanted him and she thought she didn’t measure up) and a serious case of white guilt verbal diarrhea, so we’ll see how much the character implodes this season.

Also, you can not name your son Brady Brady (or, fine, Brady Hobbs-Brady or Brady Brady Hobbs) and expect him to grow up to be well-adjusted.  Nothing he’s doing is outside the realm of normal teenage rebellion but I can see how the constant sexing could be annoying.  And wasn’t Miranda the one trying to score pot AND talked the cop out of Carrie getting a ticket for pot in the post-it episode where they get high to deal with the Berger breakup?

I feel bad because Willie Garson is a treasure and now Stanford’s being written as a total dick and a huge diva I don’t know if they will have the ability to redeem the character due to his death.  Also, I HATE that the writers completely expect us to forget that Stanford and Anthony were enemies before husbands.  Maybe they’re just reverting to old patterns.  I think both characters would have been served better by being with other people.  But, you know, they’re both gay, so, they HAD to end up together.

I liked virtually all of the outfits - even Carrie’s cuckoo hat! - Bitsy’s collar was the perfect amount of too much - at the funeral EXCEPT Charlotte’s -  too much peak-a-boob lace, she would NEVER.  That said, given how they’re writing everyone else out, I would have liked to see Nathan Lane again.  

I thought it was on-brand that Big had no actual friends at the funeral, just his brother and employee.  It was definitely a through-line in the original series that Big didn’t have many and/or friends.

The flowers were a lovely gesture, but I genuinely would rather have them either not mention Sam at all or have her be actually dead.  The writers and crew are seriously delusional if they can lure Kim back in after everything that happened.


On 12/10/2021 at 4:03 PM, BrindaWalsh said:

Add me to the list.  No way.  And there's no way my parents would have been okay with it either.  EVER.  I get that living in the city means they can't be in the backseat of a car on a deserted dead end street like all of us in the suburbs used to do, but come on.  When you are 17, IF you are going to have sex in your house while your parents are home, you're doing it super quietly because even if Miranda and Steve are trying to be all progressive and understanding, I don't believe for a second that both 17 year olds would be all in like that.  At least one of them, it not both, would have been absolutely mortified at such a concept.  They are SEVENTEEN.  Not 27.  And honestly, have a little respect for your parents, they don't want to hear you have sex any more than you want to hear YOU have sex.  At 17 OR 27.   

I feel like they know that with Samantha out of the show they needed the sex component somewhere and they are trying to achieve it through the teenagers.  But...no.  Not at 17 and not in the room next door.  I found it pretty unrealistic.  Raise your hands if you've simply sat there while your 17 year old is having headboard banging, screaming at the top of your lungs sex in the room next door?  Anyone?

I get really frustrated with the "normal teenagers! teens being teens!" - we've seen where that attitude got us with "boys just being boys!" let's not repeat it in teenage-land.  Yes, teens will have sex, yes they will be obnoxious, yes they will push boundries.  But that does NOT mean that we just shrug it all off and shirk the responsibility of teaching teens what's appropriate and what's not, even when they roll their eyes at us.  Sorry Miranda and Steve, it's not Brady, it's you.  

If I were a teen, or tween, I'd want to be friends with Rose. She seems awesome.  

The 2 best parts of this episode was the envelope from Samantha - didn't see it coming at all and I bawled - and Rose jumping up and cheering for Lily (very Smith cheering on Samantha).


On 12/10/2021 at 8:09 PM, Not4Me said:

I’m kind of surprised that at the funeral we still never get any indication of any members of Carrie’s family, her background still remains a mystery. I get the focus is on the core cast members but to add a bit of realism it would’ve been nice to see a family member engaging with her if even for a minute of screen time.

It really got to me that I never knew Big's full name until this funeral. John James Preston....seems like a rich person name. The young Chris Noth montage was beautiful.

It was nice to see Carrie acting so mature and I was impressed that she did not lose her little handbag thingy. I remember Big gave her a duck bag sorta like that...and she hated it.

Why are they dressing lovely Charlotte in clothes that seem too small for her? Curvy girls can also look fabulous.  I also noticed it with the white and red dress she wore in the first episode that emphasized her stomach in the most unflattering way possible.

Speaking of lovely Charlotte...it was hard watching her cry through all that surgery...particularly her mouth.

To me, Big was a powerful important man with a funeral many people would feel obligated to attend (outside of Carrie's crew).

However, he probably had little in the way of true friends or good family relationships beyond his mother.

I have a much younger kid brother, as well. I would be crushed if he died before I did. When you are a much older sibling you often have a quasi parent bond.

Big's older brother only said that he was happy with Carrie....better than he's ever been.

It made me think he really was not fond of his sibling.



  • Love 1
On 12/10/2021 at 11:11 PM, Surrealist said:

Rose is awesome. She reminds me of my younger self.

I liked Rose and Lily.  Rose looks like a blast to be around and you would have a lot of fun hanging out with her.

I appreciated Lily's confidence when it came to her recital.  Usually, the person in question is a nervous wreck and driving everyone crazy, but Lily didn't have any issues.  She knew she'd practiced for weeks and had confidence that she would do well.  Not only did she do a great job, she was enjoying herself, too.  

  • Love 11
On 12/11/2021 at 6:30 AM, slowpoked said:

Thank you for this! Because of this, I went to rewatch this episode and it seemed like she and Carrie are good friends - not on the level of the 3 gals, but not just acquaintances either. So isn’t it rather odd when Carrie didn’t recognize her at all, and asked Miranda “am I supposed to know her?!” 

Actually, thanks to bad weather and a lack of college football this weekend, I decided to rewatch the series from the beginning.  And nope, I can't see a think Carrie did that would have created a problem.  In fact, when she gets engaged to Aidan, she runs into Sharon and the latter is very very excited to hear the news and there isn't a HINT of any problem between the two of them.  

And man, rewatching this series?  Made me remember that I found Carrie to be a needy, self-absorbed and selfish individual.  For instance, from the preview next week it looks like they run into Natasha and bash on her.  The way they did in the original series.  What the HELL was Natasha's crime?  She married Big.  She was nice to Carrie when she met her.  Never said or did a damn thing to her, yet Carrie calls her an "idiot" for using the wrong form of "there" on a thank you note.  Tell you what, frizzy-hair girl - you HAND write 400 thank you notes without making a mistake.   And then cheats with Big in Natasha's bed.  Which to me is the lowest form of behavior.  Natasha breaks a tooth and then, of course, Natasha MUST listen to Carrie's apology in public.  She was sure nicer than I would have been in that situation.  I would have ordered a sticky red drink and thrown in right in her self-entitled "I need to make an apology so you have to listen, even if you don't want to" face.  

I think I'll be going week to week and read the comments here before I invest the 30 minutes to watch the episode.  Although the eagle-eye forum posters (t/m Television Without Pity) also spot things to look for in the episode that I might miss.  

  • Love 17

And then Carrie pulled the EXACT same “you have to listen to and acknowledge my apology in public and completely accept it” move with the “yikes” face girl who dated Aiden after her.  The thing about apologies is they have to be given sincerely and freely, the recipient does *not* have to automatically accept them.

I would have fully appreciated a “19XX-2021” caption on the slideshow at Big’s funeral.  Did we ever get a canonical age on him during the series?  He was always written as older than Carrie, complete with her making old man jokes at him and him always calling her “kid,” but was he 10 years older?  15?  (IMDB says SJP and Noth are 11 years apart.)

It’s the New Yorker, so it may be behind a paywall if you’ve reached your limit, but I always thought that this “Difficult Women” article by Emily Nussbaum is fascinating — she argues that SATC is dismissed while shows like ‘The Sopranos’ were praised at the time even though Carrie was also a morally ambiguous anti-hero(ine) as well (such as the cheating on Aidan) while making a lot of astute points about the sexist nature of the shows criticisms.

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