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Actors You Just Can't Stand

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On 9/9/2017 at 3:28 PM, Zola said:
  1. Russell Crowe
  2. Mel Gibson
  3. Nicolas Cage
  4. Channing Tatum
  5. Will Smith
  6. Katherine Heigl
  7. Vin Diesel 
  8. Drew Barrymore.
  9. Miley Cyrus 
  10. Kevin Costner
  11. Charlie Sheen
  12. Kristen Stewart 

Some of these guys started off okay in their acting careers, but then let their egos get the better of them; while the others simply don't have any talent at all other than to kick people into thinking they could actually act!

Russell Crowe was never good. I liked him in The Quick and the Dead with Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Leonardo DiCaprio and several others, but that's only because the character wasn't that deep. He was terrible in the 30 minutes of Master and Commander that we managed to sit through. L.A Confidential didn't ask that much of him, and Gladiator just wasn't good. (To be fair, Gladiator wasn't bad, it just wasn't good, either.) A Beautiful Mind asked too much of him and he couldn't deliver, in my opinion. He did all right in 3:10 to Yuma, but that was a remake and he had material from which to draw. He did a good job in Man of Steel, but - again - that role didn't ask very much of him and he had material from which to draw.

Edited to add: I completely agree with your list, otherwise. I certainly wouldn't remove any of the names on it. I would add Meg Ryan, though. She started off really well, but then it seems like she got lazy and started playing the same character over and over again. I really enjoy her performances in Joe Versus the Volcano, though, which is one of my favorite B-movies of all time.

Edited by MrSmith
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On 9/10/2017 at 3:49 AM, Zola said:

He [Kevin Costner] was pretty decent in films like "JFK", "DWW" and "The Untouchables". But as his fame grew so too did his ego, and began getting quite uppity about his latter films, especially "Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves".

And I don't think he's done a decent film since.

I like Wyatt Earp a lot. I think Costner does a good job in that role and I like that the movie shows more of Earp's life before he and his family arrive in Tombstone. Though that doesn't mean his ego wasn't already quite out-sized by that time because it was. I know that he was originally attached to/involved with the movie Tombstone and then there were some disagreements between him and other people involved in the project. So he left and made Wyatt Earp to make the movie he wanted to make, instead. Personally, I think it worked out quite well in this case because I enjoy both movies and the actors' performances in each one - particularly Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone and Dennis Quaid as Doc Holliday in Wyatt Earp. They're both scene stealers, though Kurt Russell's acting as Wyatt Earp has more parity with Val Kilmer's than does Costner's Wyatt Earp with Dennis Quaid's Doc Holliday; I think Dennis Quaid really manages to outshine Kevin Costner.

On 9/10/2017 at 7:32 AM, starri said:

Not even Tin Cup?

Channing Tatum seems like a decent dude, but there's a reason his most successful roles have him playing dancers and/or meatheads.

Blerg. I remember watching Tin Cup with my wife ages ago. We hated that film, mostly because of Billy Bob Thornton. I can't remember much about Kevin Costner's performance in that movie. So he may have done all right.

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1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

Blerg. I remember watching Tin Cup with my wife ages ago. We hated that film, mostly because of Billy Bob Thornton. I can't remember much about Kevin Costner's performance in that movie. So he may have done all right.

You're thinking of Pushing Tin. Most famous because he hooked up with Angelina Jolie. Tin Cup was the golf movie with Rene Russo and Cheech Marin.

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2 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Yeah, I need to hang out with Liam immediately.  He and I are apparently of like minds.

No kidding. If I was an actor, and some method berk would only address me as my character's name, I would make extra sure to only ever call them by their real name. I might even use their full name all the time.

"Hey, Daniel Day Lewis, are you ready for this next take? In this movie we're making, where we're paid to act?"

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Danny Franks said:

No kidding. If I was an actor, and some method berk would only address me as my character's name, I would make extra sure to only ever call them by their real name. I might even use their full name all the time.

"Hey, Daniel Day Lewis, are you ready for this next take? In this movie we're making, where we're paid to act?"

It's hilarious that you wrote that because one of my acting fantasies has been to be in a movie with DD-L for the sole purpose of fucking with him and his method bullshit.  If I had been Paul Dano's character in There Will Be Blood, for instance, I would have hugged DD-L at every opportunity; it would have enraged him.


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I thought it was bad when Netflix signed a multi-project contract with Adam Sandler a couple years ago.

I logged in tonight and got this headline:

"Netflix Acquires Seth Rogen - Netflix is all-in on a major Hollywood talent."   And there's Rogen's big fat furry face, doing that constipated Seth Rogen look behind his glasses. 

I guess Netflix is the new where-they-go-to-die place for aging man-children.

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On 30/03/2018 at 7:05 AM, millennium said:

I thought it was bad when Netflix signed a multi-project contract with Adam Sandler a couple years ago.

I logged in tonight and got this headline:

"Netflix Acquires Seth Rogen - Netflix is all-in on a major Hollywood talent."   And there's Rogen's big fat furry face, doing that constipated Seth Rogen look behind his glasses. 

I guess Netflix is the new where-they-go-to-die place for aging man-children.

Throw Adam DeVine into that bracket too. He's had two Netflix movies come out in the last month or so, and they both look terrible. 

I don't think I've ever seen someone who was so clearly destined to play the asshole villain in teen movies get cast as the protagonist so often. He's about as unlikable a screen presence as I've seen in a long time.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Throw Adam DeVine into that bracket too. He's had two Netflix movies come out in the last month or so, and they both look terrible. 

I don't think I've ever seen someone who was so clearly destined to play the asshole villain in teen movies get cast as the protagonist so often. He's about as unlikable a screen presence as I've seen in a long time.

What an apt description of him. I wish someone would just turn to him and let him know that he's basically Grey Damon or Eric Roberts. He's always going to come across as slimy and unpleasant. He should lean into that make a career out of that.

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On 3/8/2018 at 5:03 PM, topanga said:

Anal worms. Uhhhh, I don’t want to know the story behind that one. 

Kristen Bell has said how much of a people-pleaser she is (and tries not to be), so it makes sense that she might come across as trying too hard. 

But I just can’t share your hate. KB is a friend in my head. She had me at Veronica Mars. She had me at Veronica Mars. 

I remember when they were trying to fit her into the Reese Witherspoon romantic comedy mold and man, did it not suit her at all. I'm glad she got away from that and back to the sarcastic brittle cynic with a secret heart of gold mold that works for her.

Anyway, I love Ryan Gosling (he had me at Murder by Numbers), but this covert hate video on him was pretty hilarious:

Some actors annoy me so much that I won't watch movies where they are (one of) the main character(s). Zooey Deschanel is one of them. 500 Days of Summer sounds on paper like a movie I could like, but I never bothered to watch it because of her. Luckily that's one of the few movies that I'd like on paper. She's mostly in movies that I wouldn't watch anyway. Or only in smaller roles like Almost Famous which I did watch.

There's also Jim Carrey. First time I saw him was in a promo for The Mask. At that time I figured it was just that character but then I saw him in promos for other movies and realized that I just don't like him or maybe he's just one of those actors that always play characters that I can't stand. I've only watched one movie with him. That was Kick-Ass 2 and I only watched it because I liked the first Kick-Ass movie.

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Speaking of Kick Ass, I can't stand Chloe Grace Moretz. I can't even explain why, because she's not a bad actress and she doesn't have a bitchy diva rep, but something about her repulses me. Like I fully get why I hate Bella Thorne (she seems like a charmless wench with three pounds of make-up), but I can't really explain why I hate Chloe. I just do.

Rebel Wilson apparently has a romantic comedy parody coming out, which I would normally be all over, but I also find Rebel incredibly unfunny and overrated.

Jonah Hill has this 90's coming of age story coming out which actually looks good. I can't stand him but I have to admit his directorial debut actually looks good.

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3 hours ago, Blergh said:

Not exactly but I do have to wonder what he was thinking chosing to play a role which attempted to glamorize statutory rape re Call Me By Your Name. If nothing else, he should ask Sue Lyons how much she'd live to regret Lolita!

No, it wasn't statutory rape.  The 7-year age difference between Elio and Oliver may bother you, but it wasn't statutory rape since the age of consent in Italy – the setting for the film – is 14.

And Chalamet got an Oscar nomination out of the deal; I'm sure he has and will have no regrets.  The idea that he would or that somehow Elio is somehow the same as Lolita is laughable.

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Well, the character was a US American. Hence, his parents COULD have prosecuted the adult person under US laws.


Sorry, but I dislike films that glorify adults taking advantage of underage folks of all genders and gender preferences and all the awards in the world don't make up for a performer one day realizing that what was pitched to them as 'art' ultimately proved to be something that they wished they'd never had any part of. Time will tell re Mr. Chalamet (yes, even though the performer himself was a legal adult playing a minor).

  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, Blergh said:


Well, the character was a US American. Hence, his parents COULD have prosecuted the adult person under US laws.


Sorry, but I dislike films that glorify adults taking advantage of underage folks of all genders and gender preferences and all the awards in the world don't make up for a performer one day realizing that what was pitched to them as 'art' ultimately proved to be something that they wished they'd never had any part of. Time will tell re Mr. Chalamet (yes, even though the performer himself was a legal adult playing a minor).

His mother wasn't American.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Blergh said:


Well, the character was a US American. Hence, his parents COULD have prosecuted the adult person under US laws.


Sorry, but I dislike films that glorify adults taking advantage of underage folks of all genders and gender preferences and all the awards in the world don't make up for a performer one day realizing that what was pitched to them as 'art' ultimately proved to be something that they wished they'd never had any part of. Time will tell re Mr. Chalamet (yes, even though the performer himself was a legal adult playing a minor).

No, his American father actually can't because Elio was over 15 and not a prostitute.  When in other countries, legal adults, according to US law, may engage in consensual sex with anyone who is at least 16 (or older if the age of consent in said other country is over 16, which is not the case in Italy) or in transactional sex with prostitutes or sex workers who are at least 18; that's the law, and nothing Elio and Oliver did broke that law.  It's very clear that you are squicked out by this relationship, an opinion to which anyone is obviously entitled (I'm not the biggest fan of the film either, but for different reasons), but it was not criminal in any way.  Full stop.  Because of that, there is no reason Chalamet would ever look back on this role with shame, and I find the idea that he would pretty laughable.

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4 minutes ago, starri said:

Her ex-boyfriend Mac Miller died of an overdose in September, and she appeared to be near breaking down on Twitter a few days ago.  To the point that she canceled her appearance on SNL and was replaced by KanYe.

That’s sad. 

And I know I’m old—I’m in my 40s!—but are celebrities expected to express all of their emotions on social media? No dis to Ariana, but couldn’t she have tweeted, “This really sucks, guys,” and kept it moving?

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I don't really follow her, or anything, but I think she's been emotionally open on Twitter for a long time.  After the bombing at her concert, she put out a simple "I am so, so sorry" that just about broke my heart.

Proving that there is still some smoldering ember of decency in humanity, she got thousands of replies telling her it wasn't her fault.

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Rebel Wilson has been doing a bang-up job of reinforcing why I don't like her.

I think my favorite one though is that she had the gall to bitch about how younger women are discriminated against in Hollywood while pretending to be about 7 years younger than she was. I guess she thought it would make her sound younger if she bitched about being fake young?

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 10/11/2018 at 8:49 PM, methodwriter85 said:

Rebel Wilson has been doing a bang-up job of reinforcing why I don't like her.

I think my favorite one though is that she had the gall to bitch about how younger women are discriminated against in Hollywood while pretending to be about 7 years younger than she was. I guess she thought it would make her sound younger if she bitched about being fake young?

Is it really that surprising that she'd pretend to be younger because she knew she'd be discriminated against otherwise? Chloe Bennett changed her surname because she faced discrimination due to her Asian surname. Same with Oscar Isaac changing his surname early on in his career for a similar reason. I don't think it takes anything away from their point; instead it just reinforces it.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

No, no, she said specifically that younger women weren't taken as seriously as older women were. As in she was bashing Hollywood for not taking her seriously because she was younger, but was simultaneously pretending to be younger.

I have a feeling she just makes up excuses/lies when people don't like her. "I have to lie and say I'm young because people don't respect me as an older actress!" People still don't respect her "people don't respect me because I"m a young actress and young actresses get no respect!" Whatever, maybe people just don't like you you obnoxious liar. 

Or maybe it's her self proclaimed ignorance of pop culture and she thinks the "me too" movement is just about young actresses not being taken seriously. It wouldn't surprise me. She comes across as incredibly ignorant of anything that doesn't revolve around her. 

Edited by Mabinogia
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I hate Rebel Wilson too, and I cringe every time she's on "The Graham Norton Show." She's an awful guest, barely articulate, but for some reason, Graham must like her, because he keeps asking her back. 

I also put Michelle Williams into the hate category. I've never liked her in anything I've seen her in (in fact, I  always have to look up who she's played). I thought she was awful in "The Greatest Showman," a movie I otherwise loved. 

5 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

I also put Michelle Williams into the hate category. I've never liked her in anything I've seen her in (in fact, I  always have to look up who she's played). I thought she was awful in "The Greatest Showman," a movie I otherwise loved. 

I do like her, but I thought her Weekend with Marilyn movie wasn't very good. I'm baffled at why she got an Oscar nomination out of it.

I think she's like Amy Ryan, but with a prettier face. Solid supporting character actress, but not someone who should be the lead.

21 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

I do like her, but I thought her Weekend with Marilyn movie wasn't very good. I'm baffled at why she got an Oscar nomination out of it.

I think she's like Amy Ryan, but with a prettier face. Solid supporting character actress, but not someone who should be the lead.

She was amazing in Blue Valentine, and so was Ryan Gosling, who was cheated out of an Oscar nomination.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, starri said:

I've always liked Michelle Williams.

I often wonder if Katie Holmes is ever overcome by the urge to track her, and all her Oscar nominations, down and punch her in the face.

It's really interesting to wonder about, because Katie had kind of a stuck-up princess vibe during her DC days and was the ingenue groomed for stardom, while Michelle Williams took up knitting because she knew the writers didn't give a shit about her character. (I could have sworn there was a rumor one of the writers called her a fat pig.)

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I don’t like Leonardo DiCaprio. In anything. Something about him gives me a yucky kind of feeling and I find him the opposite of attractive. A coworker was asking me about a movie of his and I told her I don’t watch his movies. She was surprised and asked if I had at least seen Titanic. Color her shocked that not only have I not but I mentioned I’d rather sit outside and watch grass grow than see it.

I always find it amusing that there are certain movies a lot of people assume everyone has seen. She’s not the first person who assumed I must have Titanic. Nope. Not going to. Don’t care. I’ve watched documentaries and read books about the Titanic. I have confidence I enjoyed them all more than I would have enjoyed the faux love story death boat take on it. 

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, ramble said:

I always find it amusing that there are certain movies a lot of people assume everyone has seen. She’s not the first person who assumed I must have Titanic. Nope. Not going to. Don’t care. I’ve watched documentaries and read books about the Titanic. I have confidence I enjoyed them all more than I would have enjoyed the faux love story death boat take on it. 

I went to see it because I wanted to see the actual wreck. Which was pretty well done. I cared nothing about the love story.

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, festivus said:

I went to see it because I wanted to see the actual wreck. Which was pretty well done. I cared nothing about the love story.

Same here. The clothes are great and the sinking was well done. But I couldn't get into the love story. It was a love story we've seen a million times before and since the poor rich girl, engaged to someone else, a strict snobby parent usually the mother, meets a poor boy who is the only one who totally understands her, and their in love with in a few days. That's not always a bad thing but it doesn't always mean its good either. In this movie it wasn't that good. It bored me. Also I hated Rose jumping out of lifeboat I know its suppose to be romantic but I thought it was stupid, her seat could have gone to someone who died on the ship. Secondly, had she stayed in the lifeboat, Jack probably would have lived since he could have been on the door instead of giving it to her. Rose throwing the necklace into the ocean. So she held onto it all this time, never once sold it when she or her family could have needed it or sold it and donated the money at any point in her life to people in need of money. Like victims of the Titanic or upcoming Depression. Nope, let's just hang onto it and toss it into the ocean at the end of her life. Also, Rose moved on, married and had kids with someone else. But the boy she knew for a week was her true love? Not the man she married and had a life with? Or both?  

Edited by andromeda331
  • Useful 1
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12 hours ago, festivus said:

I went to see it because I wanted to see the actual wreck. Which was pretty well done. I cared nothing about the love story.

So did I. As a kid I was obsessed with the sinking of the Titanic. I had a book called The Big Book of Disasters and that was the only chapter I would read. I begged my mother to pre-order the VHS at the local movie rental store because it came with a documentary on how they discovered the sunken ship, which was infinitely better than the actual film.

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48 minutes ago, Popples said:

So did I. As a kid I was obsessed with the sinking of the Titanic. I had a book called The Big Book of Disasters and that was the only chapter I would read. I begged my mother to pre-order the VHS at the local movie rental store because it came with a documentary on how they discovered the sunken ship, which was infinitely better than the actual film.

So was I. I watched so many different documentaries on the Titanic, read books and watched several different movies. 

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I cried when the ship sunk, but not for Rose and Jack. That ship was beautiful, the woodwork on that staircase alone...oh, and that car (I have a thing for antique cars, especially anything from 1910s-1930s.) and the clothes. The clothes were amazing. There was a company, still exists actually, called J Peterman, when the movie came out they did a line of Rose's dresses. I really wanted the sinking dress, I love that dress, but I couldn't get it in my size. I had to settle for the yellow nightgown with lace cover. It's beautiful and I love it, but I still want that sinking gown. 

They should have focused on the love story of the Strausses. They went down with the ship together because Mrs. Strauss wouldn't leave without her husband and he was a good man who didn't think his wealth should allow him on a lifeboat before women and children. Or hell, it should have been about one or two of the band members who went down with the ship. Like, follow them from getting the job aboard the ship, something about why they were there, what they thought of it, then the hard decision to keep playing as the ship sunk and everyone around them was in panic and chaos. Or even the crew and how they dealt with the unthinkable. Anything but the insipid love story we got which was completely boring and predictable. Kate Winslet did look AMAZING though. That period suits her. 

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7 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I cried when the ship sunk, but not for Rose and Jack. That ship was beautiful, the woodwork on that staircase alone...oh, and that car (I have a thing for antique cars, especially anything from 1910s-1930s.) and the clothes. The clothes were amazing. There was a company, still exists actually, called J Peterman, when the movie came out they did a line of Rose's dresses. I really wanted the sinking dress, I love that dress, but I couldn't get it in my size. I had to settle for the yellow nightgown with lace cover. It's beautiful and I love it, but I still want that sinking gown. 

They should have focused on the love story of the Strausses. They went down with the ship together because Mrs. Strauss wouldn't leave without her husband and he was a good man who didn't think his wealth should allow him on a lifeboat before women and children. Or hell, it should have been about one or two of the band members who went down with the ship. Like, follow them from getting the job aboard the ship, something about why they were there, what they thought of it, then the hard decision to keep playing as the ship sunk and everyone around them was in panic and chaos. Or even the crew and how they dealt with the unthinkable. Anything but the insipid love story we got which was completely boring and predictable. Kate Winslet did look AMAZING though. That period suits her. 

That would have been so much better and maybe that's the problem. I know its probably easier to make up a story and characters but Titanic already had so many great stories. Real stories. Yes, Mrs. Strauss who wouldn't leave her husband. Many other women made the same decision to remain with their husbands. The band who continued to play until they were released. To sit there and continue to play while ships are being loaded. But then one stayed and the others came back and played until their deaths. They chose to come back and die with their band member. Maybe its the same reason why the love story in Pearl Harbor bores me. Its boring and predictable. And there were so many better real stories. Like the nurse and navy man that did meet at Pearl Harbor or the two pilots who did manage to get planes in the air. The men trapped in the hauls of the battleships. Banging on the sides in hopes that someone would hear them while water kept rising. The expected B-17 squadron or group arriving from San Diego at the worse possible time and unarmed. There's so much they could have used but instead focused on a boring predictable love triangle.

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Apparently filmmakers think we need to see pretty people falling in love to care about history. I, for one, do not. I loved Dunkirk because they didn't try to wedge some love story in there. It was about the men who fought and what it was like for them and none of them had to fall for the pretty French girl who kept them sheltered while the bombing happened or any of the other war romance cliches out there. 

Actors I can't stand: Jennifer Aniston. If I see her name attached to a movie I move on. Katherine Heigl too, but she makes crap movies so that's barely an issue. lol 

  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Actors I can't stand: Jennifer Aniston. If I see her name attached to a movie I move on. Katherine Heigl too, but she makes crap movies so that's barely an issue. lol 

Say what you want about Meghan Markle, at least she was on a successful show that was still on the air the year she got married. What in God's name has Jennifer Aniston done in the last 15 years that has been interesting, relevant, or even remotely successful? The last 10 years? The last 5? Dating and wearing boring black dresses don't count as talents in my book. I will say this, though: now that she's 50, the press will have to stop speculating whether or not she's pregnant. 

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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