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Actors You Just Can't Stand

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I can't stand Harrison Ford. He behaves like a rude asshole in everything, whether he's there as an actor or it's just him. No woman would ever be allowed to cultivate the kind of "why are you bothering me" personality. Not to mention that there are a lot of people in this world who get paid significantly less money than he does and have to at least pretend to not openly hate everyone. If everyone is bothering him so much, he can go away. He's got plenty of money to go off and do whatever the Hell he wants.

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 4:35 PM, BabyVegas said:


I can't stand Harrison Ford. He behaves like a rude asshole in everything, whether he's there as an actor or it's just him. No woman would ever be allowed to cultivate the kind of "why are you bothering me" personality. Not to mention that there are a lot of people in this world who get paid significantly less money than he does and have to at least pretend to not openly hate everyone. If everyone is bothering him so much, he can go away. He's got plenty of money to go off and do whatever the Hell he wants.

I said something similar to someone a few days ago. I was saying how Han Solo was not my favorite SW character then the Ford stuff just spilled out lol.

Kenneth Branagh

Gwyneth Paltrow

James Franco

Benedict Cumberbatch

Anna Paquin

Anthony Hopkins

Nicolas Cage

I will always love Kevin Costner running through the Pentagon in those Navy whites.  And as far as Tom Cruise, I agree he was badly miscast as Jack Reacher, but I admire his work ethic and love the Mission Imposiible movies. 

16 hours ago, navelgazer said:

Kenneth Branagh

Gwyneth Paltrow

James Franco

Benedict Cumberbatch

Anna Paquin

Anthony Hopkins

Nicolas Cage

I will always love Kevin Costner running through the Pentagon in those Navy whites.  And as far as Tom Cruise, I agree he was badly miscast as Jack Reacher, but I admire his work ethic and love the Mission Imposiible movies. 

I am no fan of James Franco, Nicolas Cage or Gwyneth Paltrow either.

I did not like Anna Paquin on True Blood but I don't 100% blame her since the character became a mess.

Tom Cruise is actually good when he was cast as the Villain. A role I felt he didn't play enough. I feel that way anyway.

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How has Jennifer Aniston stayed a thing? Her one success was FRIENDS, which ended forever ago, and she's done little more than face cream commercials and the odd rom-com or indie film since...nothing really of note. I knew following Brangelina that the media would keep their eyes glued to her for a while but...now why is she considered a "star"? Is it that she has friends in high places and is therefore still treated as relevant? Is it the Brad factor?



  • Love 12

Bradley Cooper. He's just so specifically, smugly Bradley Cooper in everything that he does. He has such a weird filmography for a guy who landed three Oscar nominations in a row and I distrust actors who have clout but don't use that to make sure their female costars are no more than ten years younger than them. Honestly, I've disliked him since Alias and I resent that of all the men on that show he's the one who went on to achieve the most fame.

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Jennifer Lawrence

James Franco

Matt Damon

Ben Affleck

Tommy Lee Jones

Another to add to my list........

Johnny Depp.  Not for his lack of ability, but rather, he always looks like he is more than a little pungent and hasn't washed in years.  I know, I know....I just can't help it.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Ben Affleck's face makes me feel irrationally violent.  He has the most punchable face I've ever seen.   He could walk up to me and say "I just cured cancer!" And I would say "Oh my god that's great!" Then I would proceed to knock him the fuck out.  That bastard ruined Batman for me.  His personality is shit too.

Matt Damon can fuck off too.

  • Love 12
On 10/24/2017 at 1:58 PM, cpcathy said:

I like Franco because he's a cat person.

I hate Franco because his character and what TIIC did with it after he left the show ruined General Hospital for me.  His character was a psychotic, homicidal "artist" who had a brain tumor removed so he's not accountable for his crimes.  It's just all around gross. 

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1 hour ago, JustaPerson said:

Re: Ben Affleck 

please consider his Armaggedon commentary. It's hilarious

Affleck is one of those actors I go back and forth on.  Most of the time he does seem kind of insufferable and he's okay on screen.  He'll never, ever be considered a great actor.  But after Kevin Spacey's Inside the Actor's Studio, I rank Affleck's as being the second funniest* episode.  I kept thinking why can't we get that guy in a movie?

*Yes, ahead of Robin Williams.  Williams was having one his I'm trying too hard days.  It took two hours and I still don't think he ever gave a real answer to any of the questions.  Still love and miss him though; he was an amazing actor.

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On 10/24/2017 at 4:58 PM, cpcathy said:

Affleck is on the "hate" list for me now. I used to hate Damon, then liked him, now not sure. Might swing back to hate.

Heh.  I was kinda neutral on Affleck but he's swung toward dislike now just because he's no Batman.  I can't stand Christian Bale for the same reason and have even refused to watch any of the Dark Knight's. But I caught Bale in this movie Out of the Furnace (insomnia one night and it was on Showtime) and surprisingly, I didn't hate him.  Maybe the pendulum is swinging.

Funny thing about Damon.  I used to HATE him with the white hot fire of a thousand suns.  I think it was a direct result of how well he portrayed that asshole in School Ties.  I don't know when he won me over (maybe Good Will Hunting?) but I kind of love him now.  

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I've got a good one: Daniel Day-Fucking-Lewis. Oh god, how I loathe him. Watching him act drives me up a wall.

Firstly, the way he treats his fellow actors (specifically those who portray his characters' antagonists) when the cameras are not rolling is appalling (I mean, as one example, Paul Dano, whom I also despise, was the third or fourth actor cast in those roles in There Will Be Blood because DD-L was so horrible to the previously cast actors that they quit); be a fucking human being and treat people with kindness, dick.

Secondly, I hate his method actor approach to every role. Method acting is bullshit, but the extreme nature DD-L takes it to is beyond the pale. Everything he does – every vocal inflection, every look, every gesture, eeeeeverything – is so incredibly calculated and planned that it completely robs his performances of any sort of life, magic, or spontaneity because nothing is really happening in the moment. For example, I'll compare his absolutely stultifying performance as Lincoln to Tommy Lee Jones's kinetic performance as Thaddeus Stevens: the former's performance was so boring to me because DD-L wasn't actually responding in the moment and was instead following the predetermined script in his head while the latter's performance was so terrific because he was responding to what was thrown at him in the moment, thereby giving his performance life (yes, I was a pretentious Theatre major). He has three Oscars because he has created this myth around himself that he's the most committed actor to his craft in the whole universe because he lives in character during the entirety of a film shoot (and often for a time leading up to the shoot), which everyone buys into, causing them to project a quality onto his onscreen work that isn't there. Honestly, his greatest accomplishment is his near-universal gaslighting of everyone. If he weren't so wildly overpraised, I wouldn't hate him so much; however, he is, so I do. I felt incredible validation some years ago when one of my acting teachers out here in LA (a man who's been in the business in one way or another for over forty years) basically said, in response to DD-L's name being brought up by someone, "Ugh, that fucking guy – he's a shitty actor and a fraud." I'll never forget that moment.

Thirdly, he was physically abusive to one of his exes. Girl, bye.

  • Love 22
7 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I've got a good one: Daniel Day-Fucking-Lewis. Oh god, how I loathe him. Watching him act drives me up a wall.

Firstly, the way he treats his fellow actors (specifically those who portray his characters' antagonists) when the cameras are not rolling is appalling (I mean, as one example, Paul Dano, whom I also despise, was the third or fourth actor cast in those roles in There Will Be Blood because DD-L was so horrible to the previously cast actors that they quit); be a fucking human being and treat people with kindness, dick.

Secondly, I hate his method actor approach to every role. Method acting is bullshit, but the extreme nature DD-L takes it to is beyond the pale. Everything he does – every vocal inflection, every look, every gesture, eeeeeverything – is so incredibly calculated and planned that it completely robs his performances of any sort of life, magic, or spontaneity because nothing is really happening in the moment. For example, I'll compare his absolutely stultifying performance as Lincoln to Tommy Lee Jones's kinetic performance as Thaddeus Stevens: the former's performance was so boring to me because DD-L wasn't actually responding in the moment and was instead following the predetermined script in his head while the latter's performance was so terrific because he was responding to what was thrown at him in the moment, thereby giving his performance life (yes, I was a pretentious Theatre major). He has three Oscars because he has created this myth around himself that he's the most committed actor to his craft in the whole universe because he lives in character during the entirety of a film shoot (and often for a time leading up to the shoot), which everyone buys into, causing them to project a quality onto his onscreen work that isn't there. Honestly, his greatest accomplishment is his near-universal gaslighting of everyone. If he weren't so wildly overpraised, I wouldn't hate him so much; however, he is, so I do. I felt incredible validation some years ago when one of my acting teachers out here in LA (a man who's been in the business in one way or another for over forty years) basically said, in response to DD-L's name being brought up by someone, "Ugh, that fucking guy – he's a shitty actor and a fraud." I'll never forget that moment.

Thirdly, he was physically abusive to one of his exes. Girl, bye.

I cannot convey how much I loathe watching Daniel Day Lewis but your post does a pretty damn good job. 

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On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 2:47 AM, DisneyBoy said:

How has Jennifer Aniston stayed a thing? Her one success was FRIENDS, which ended forever ago, and she's done little more than face cream commercials and the odd rom-com or indie film since...nothing really of note. I knew following Brangelina that the media would keep their eyes glued to her for a while but...now why is she considered a "star"? Is it that she has friends in high places and is therefore still treated as relevant? Is it the Brad factor?



I think its because of Brad and what happened. I hope she set him and Angelina a gift basket because what happened gave her Sympathy and good will with many people for the rest of her days.

9 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I've got a good one: Daniel Day-Fucking-Lewis. Oh god, how I loathe him. Watching him act drives me up a wall.

Thank you! I am not and I have never been a theater major, pretentious or not so I always thought I'm missing something essential that I could not UNDERSTAND what the hell his acting was supposed to do!

I watch and I can see him ACT or rather WORK on his acting. And as far as I'm concerned, that's not how it should go. At least not on the screen. He has charisma, I give him that, so I do pay attention to him, not like someone like Harrison Ford, where my eyes glaze over and I get distracted every time he appears on my screen. But it's like I'm watching some performance on HOW to act properly. 

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

For me, I haven't forgiven him for his Project Greenlight comments. I hold a grudge.

Plus every detail involving him and this Harvey Weinstein scandal makes Matt look worse and worse. Matt's not nearly the scumbag Weinstein is, but Damon had no problem working and hanging with Weinstein even after Damon learned about what Weinstein did to Gwyneth Paltrow.

  • Love 7
On 10/28/2017 at 4:03 PM, NUguy514 said:

I've got a good one: Daniel Day-Fucking-Lewis. Oh god, how I loathe him. Watching him act drives me up a wall.

Firstly, the way he treats his fellow actors (specifically those who portray his characters' antagonists) when the cameras are not rolling is appalling (I mean, as one example, Paul Dano, whom I also despise, was the third or fourth actor cast in those roles in There Will Be Blood because DD-L was so horrible to the previously cast actors that they quit); be a fucking human being and treat people with kindness, dick.

Secondly, I hate his method actor approach to every role. Method acting is bullshit, but the extreme nature DD-L takes it to is beyond the pale. Everything he does – every vocal inflection, every look, every gesture, eeeeeverything – is so incredibly calculated and planned that it completely robs his performances of any sort of life, magic, or spontaneity because nothing is really happening in the moment. For example, I'll compare his absolutely stultifying performance as Lincoln to Tommy Lee Jones's kinetic performance as Thaddeus Stevens: the former's performance was so boring to me because DD-L wasn't actually responding in the moment and was instead following the predetermined script in his head while the latter's performance was so terrific because he was responding to what was thrown at him in the moment, thereby giving his performance life (yes, I was a pretentious Theatre major). He has three Oscars because he has created this myth around himself that he's the most committed actor to his craft in the whole universe because he lives in character during the entirety of a film shoot (and often for a time leading up to the shoot), which everyone buys into, causing them to project a quality onto his onscreen work that isn't there. Honestly, his greatest accomplishment is his near-universal gaslighting of everyone. If he weren't so wildly overpraised, I wouldn't hate him so much; however, he is, so I do. I felt incredible validation some years ago when one of my acting teachers out here in LA (a man who's been in the business in one way or another for over forty years) basically said, in response to DD-L's name being brought up by someone, "Ugh, that fucking guy – he's a shitty actor and a fraud." I'll never forget that moment.

Thirdly, he was physically abusive to one of his exes. Girl, bye.

Plus, he broke up with the mother of his child (Isabelle Adjani) through a fax message.

You nailed the problem with Daniel Day Lewis, @NUguy514! He's good, but he hardly deserves getting an Oscar by default. There is no magic in his acting. All technique, no artistry. 

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On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 1:26 PM, supposebly said:

Thank you! I am not and I have never been a theater major, pretentious or not so I always thought I'm missing something essential that I could not UNDERSTAND what the hell his acting was supposed to do!

I watch and I can see him ACT or rather WORK on his acting. And as far as I'm concerned, that's not how it should go. At least not on the screen. He has charisma, I give him that, so I do pay attention to him, not like someone like Harrison Ford, where my eyes glaze over and I get distracted every time he appears on my screen. But it's like I'm watching some performance on HOW to act properly. 

I like some of his earlier performances (My Beautiful Laundrette, A Room With A View, My Left Foot) but otherwise, ugh.

The Gyllenhaals.  Both Jake and Maggie.  It's not that I can't stand them, it just that I don't understand why they get parts that I think should go to other actors.  Neither one is that attractive, and I've never seen them in anything that I would say was great acting.  The only memorable role I recall is Jake in Brokeback Mountain.  I think she won an award for Sherry Baby (I'm too lazy to look it up) but I thought her acting was just ok. 

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I'm watching a movie right now with Tom Hardy in it, and I never thought I'd say this, but I'm beginning to get annoyed with him.  Weird haircuts and acting moody and strange does not make one a good actor, and that seems to be his style.  The Revenant and Warriors are the only two movies that I've actually been able to tolerate him in.    

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I'm watching a movie right now with Tom Hardy in it, and I never thought I'd say this, but I'm beginning to get annoyed with him.  Weird haircuts and acting moody and strange does not make one a good actor, and that seems to be his style.  The Revenant and Warriors are the only two movies that I've actually been able to tolerate him in.    

You might not want to watch Mad Max Fury Road, then. He's a bit bonkers and needs a proper haircut the whole time.

On 10/23/2017 at 2:47 AM, DisneyBoy said:

How has Jennifer Aniston stayed a thing? Her one success was FRIENDS, which ended forever ago, and she's done little more than face cream commercials and the odd rom-com or indie film since...nothing really of note. I knew following Brangelina that the media would keep their eyes glued to her for a while but...now why is she considered a "star"? Is it that she has friends in high places and is therefore still treated as relevant? Is it the Brad factor?



I agree. She's a mediocre sitcom actress who managed to become an A-lister. I will say, however, that, for the most part, I thought she was good in "Meet the Millers."

I mentioned it in the Unpopular thread, but I despise Emma Stone. There's something about her that's so annoying.

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On 10/28/2017 at 4:03 AM, NUguy514 said:

I've got a good one: Daniel Day-Fucking-Lewis. Oh god, how I loathe him. Watching him act drives me up a wall.

Firstly, the way he treats his fellow actors (specifically those who portray his characters' antagonists) when the cameras are not rolling is appalling (I mean, as one example, Paul Dano, whom I also despise, was the third or fourth actor cast in those roles in There Will Be Blood because DD-L was so horrible to the previously cast actors that they quit); be a fucking human being and treat people with kindness, dick.


Not that it needs to change your opinion of his acting, but this story shows that a lot of the talk about his abusive behavior on TWBB is more fiction than fact.

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37 minutes ago, GreekGeek said:

Not that it needs to change your opinion of his acting, but this story shows that a lot of the talk about his abusive behavior on TWBB is more fiction than fact.

And O'Neill says:

"He reiterates that

his departure had nothing to do with Daniel Day-Lewis. “It wasn’t drinks every night with Daniel on set, but there’s a fundamental decency to the way he comports himself in those environments that gets lost in the shuffle of these rumors,” he says. “After we did our first scene, he came over, shook my hand and said—sort of in character and sort of not—‘Welcome.’ And that sets a tone where that person isn’t your enemy."

I will take the word of the people involved instead of those who weren't there, don't know, but like to spread the fire. You can't stand someone as an actor, fine. It's all very subjective anyway. But Daniel Day-Lewis as always struck me as sincere. And very, very private.

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On 11/5/2017 at 3:32 PM, Ohwell said:

The Gyllenhaals.  Both Jake and Maggie.  It's not that I can't stand them, it just that I don't understand why they get parts that I think should go to other actors.  Neither one is that attractive, and I've never seen them in anything that I would say was great acting.  The only memorable role I recall is Jake in Brokeback Mountain.  I think she won an award for Sherry Baby (I'm too lazy to look it up) but I thought her acting was just ok. 

Jake's body got insanely awesome though, and he doesn't seem to mind showing it off. (He had a crying shower of sadness in at least three movies I can think of.)

Maggie seems to have been generally discarded by Hollywood once she got too old to be the young ingenue who inspires the lead to live life. It's brutal, but honestly, in her case, I don't think it's a great loss. She was fine enough but not someone I think deserves a long career.

Maggie to me is like Chloe Sevigny. They are both 90's/2000's ingenues who both got cast as beautiful, sexy girls and I never really got it. I mean, I will always love The Last Days of Disco, but I never got the constant fawning over her looks back then.

It's kind of like the Rooney Mara thing. Am I just missing something? People seem to treat her like she's Audrey Hepburn level beautiful, and I just don't see it. Her sister Kate I find much more striking, and possessing a lot more charisma.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Chas411 said:

I think Rooney comes off like a self important asshole which makes her less appealing. Her sister seems a lot warmer and down to earth.

Yeah, I don't know how to feel about Rooney Mara.  I sense the self important vibes too but I honestly just think she might be quiet/have a toned down personality which can make one seem arrogant when she's really more shy.  Kate seems to have the better offscreen persona by Hollywood standards.  (And I agree she's more striking.). As a result, I can see where Kate keeps getting more mainstream/commercial appeal work whereas Rooney gets more indie work.  

Edited by kiddo82
On June 15, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Ohwell said:

I can't stand Diane Keaton's flustered quirkiness either.

Yeah, I disliked her for a long time, in almost everything except for the Godfather films and other earlier roles.  Then I saw an interview with her, and she seemed really nice, and I felt like a jerk for hating her acting for so long.  (In my defense, all the crying and flailing around in "Something's Gotta Give" is really, really, really intolerable.)  

I also found Kevin Spacey super over-rated and annoying for a long time.  Feeling kind of validated on my Spacey hate now ...

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

Yeah, I disliked her for a long time, in almost everything except for the Godfather films and other earlier roles.  Then I saw an interview with her, and she seemed really nice, and I felt like a jerk for hating her acting for so long.  (In my defense, all the crying and flailing around in "Something's Gotta Give" is really, really, really intolerable.)  

I also found Kevin Spacey super over-rated and annoying for a long time.  Feeling kind of validated on my Spacey hate now ...

I think the only movie of his I'll allow myself to watch now is A Bug's Life, because he plays a very standard Disney villain and you don't have to look at him.

She seems zany but cool. I saw an interview on Graham Norton where she showed up wearing like 15 necklaces and sat on the couch like she was at a friend's house causally told stories about the Godfather. 

ETA: Also she dated Keanu Reeves? When he was 40 and she was 59? Did not know that. Get it, girl.

Edited by JustaPerson
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