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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

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Whitney finally gets the results from her painful egg retrieval procedure. When Hunter accuses her of moving too fast with the French man, Whitney must defend herself, but a disturbing voice message leaves Whitney questioning everything.

Original air date 2021.10.12

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Ugh I just watched this on YouTube.  She's insufferable this episode.  The way she talks to her family is horrible.  I'm glad Hunter finally found his voice, it's always nice to hear a sane comment on this trainwreck.   When Twit was telling Jessica that Heather is going to be a surrogate for her shows how little she hears when other people talk to her.  Heather made it pretty clear she had a lot of concerns and didn't think she could do it, but that's not what Twit heard.    

That "vacation" looked like the trip from hell with Twit barking orders at everyone.

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My god it’s hard to believe but she’s actually getting worse.. she’s such an insufferable know-it-all asshole I could barely stand to watch this episode… I wanted to jump through the screen and run over her with a bulldozer just to make her STFU!!!! 

her family and friends should put her on blast and read her the riot act because continuing to put up with and encourage her bullshit while being talked down to and treated like dirt is NOT the answer!  🙄

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"So's your face"?  What is she, five?  (rhetorical question)

She's lying -- again; she DID invite the French man to Maine.

Is Heather missing a bottom front tooth?

I find it funny how all the producers' Greensboro scenes show people being active (walking, running, walking dogs, riding bikes) while Whitney lounges.

Edited by all4mom2
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So 5 minutes in & she's still telling people about her vagina. 

Is it me or does the "French man" sound a lot like Pepe Le Pew?  Is this for really going to show up on this trip?  Somehow I'm thinking not. 

Her behavior is just off the charts this season, it's as though she thinks that the more outrageous & obnoxious she is, she can keep this show going. 

Edited by Snarkastikate
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I missed the first half hour cause my son wouldn’t sleep… anyone want to fill me in?

I find it so obnoxious now this vacation is all for her… all her friends… what if her brother wanted to invite his friends on this “family vacation”. Oh sorry, you can’t because it’s all about this selfish cow. 

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8 minutes ago, FurBabyMama said:

I missed the first half hour cause my son wouldn’t sleep… anyone want to fill me in?

I find it so obnoxious now this vacation is all for her… all her friends… what if her brother wanted to invite his friends on this “family vacation”. Oh sorry, you can’t because it’s all about this selfish cow. 

My short term memory is shit, but my recollection is that there was a spat with Hunter because he thinks she's nuts for inviting the French dude, then there was a brief chat at the gym with Jessica about nothing, Tal & Heather stopped over for a chat about nothing, she & Babs got lip filler, & there was trip talk. That's about it I think. 

Edited by Snarkastikate
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She gets more insane each episode.  Normally I don’t care for Hunter, but he was the main voice of reason in the episode.  I know half this is made up but her literally talking like they’re practically engaged is crazy.  

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5 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

My short term memory is shit, but my recollection is that there was a spat with Hunter because he thinks she's nuts for inviting the French dude, then there was a brief chat at the gym with Jessica about nothing, Tal & Heather stopped over for a chat about nothing, she & Babs got lip filler, & there was trip talk. That's about it I think. 

That was pretty much it.

Hunter knows that appearing on this show isn't going to do anything for his acting "career," right? And what was up with that hat he was wearing? 

Edited by Elizzikra
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Ugh.  That was the WORST.  Is it just me or does Babs look a little more chunky than she used to?? Her ass is pretty big.  Of course, compared to Whitless, her ass is PETITE...  

Why does Shitley always wear that body-con stuff??  It just accentuates all the wrong things. Oh well, in the grand scheme of things, this is tiny.  What's REALLY CRAYCRAY is her complete and utter ability to magically think about her "Man Relationships"....  The woman seriously needs some psychological help. STAT!

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I also liked how Hunter called out Whitney being overly graphic in her description of her procedure and Whitney wants Babs to blame Hunter for leaving.  I don’t think I can watch this live anymore, too many parts need to be fast forwarded.

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15 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

I seem to recall some photos on her IG several months ago, maybe Spring,  taken in Maine.

Thank you! They must have gone before it got super crazy. I have a job site there and it’s bananas by July. Ba-na-nas. 

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43 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Does anyone know when they went to Bar Harbor?

Tal has a picture posted on June 20th at Bar Harbor.  He made it seem like it was the last day of the trip, but not sure if he posted in real time.

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2 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:


Her behavior is just off the charts this season, it's as though she thinks that the more outrageous & obnoxious she is, she can keep this show going. 

It’s worked so far.  She keeps getting renewed for some reason.  Next season she will be reading the newspaper on the toilet for an hour each week and we will all be tuning in and she will get renewed.  Because we are all waiting for something interesting to happen.  She is like a bad smell that won’t go away and you can’t figure out why.

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Gah, she’s so insufferable.  No one thinks “the Frenchman” coming on this vacation is a good idea and there’s Whitney talking about getting laid and making that creepy face where she sticks her tongue out like some kind of demon.

Also, yikes to her telling Jessica that she’s “going to get Heather checked out” to see if she can be her surrogate, when Heather clearly said she’s not sure she wants to do it in the first place.  

Edited by Cheyanne11
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3 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Is it just me or does Babs look a little more chunky than she used to?? Her ass is pretty big. 

She's been nearly immobilized by back pain for a while. That may have something to do with it.

I like this show better when there's more Todd and Towel, some Ashley, maybe 2 seconds of Heather, and a lot of Whitney's adorable pets. Despite the bizarre accusations I've seen online, I think she is actually a pretty good pet owner. The poodle is a high-strung breed AND a rescue. It probably doesn't want to be snoozled all the time like Whitney does to the cats. Anyway, those are the fun parts.

I can take or leave Buddy, who clearly doesn't want to be there, the father-daughter fitness team, and all the dead-end romances. Can we please stop with the "French man" nonsense already? He's bad at this. He's lame. I don't want him to come on the trip. I want the trip to be about Todd making fun of everyone, like all trips should be.

The medical stuff is boring, too. I don't like medical story lines on any show -- especially about boring whiny fertility shit -- and I don't spend a lot of time obsessing about whether story lines are "sCriPTeD" and "pRodUCeR SHenANigANs" because that's exhausting and kills the fun, but... even I am not willing to sit here and believe that Whitney is genuinely planning to use those eggs. Why? How? No one needs this.

I love most of the garbage TLC dumps onto my TV, but I wish they would stop forcing the mommy bullshit narrative onto every female person they cast. Women can do other things! Like start offering dance classes for big women, or start a clothing line about fat acceptance, or start a fitness business with one person or another, or start converting to Judaism, or start painting, or start learning French, or start studying to be a personal trainer... There's all kinds of things to halfheartedly dabble in!

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7 hours ago, Joan van Snark said:

Is this damn French man ever going to show up???

Why is it "French man" instead of Frenchman (like everyone else pronounces it)?  Is she so dumb that she thinks "Frenchman" is plural or something?

Bet Dadwee paid for those lip injections since Twit just horned in on what was apparently Babs' regularly scheduled Botox session.

Edited by all4mom2
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I think this episode is when the wheels finally fell off the bus. 

Whitney, IMHO, is showing the signs of a mental breakdown. Regressing (even further) to teenager tendencies (excessive use of the the word "like", the childish argument with Hunter, the exclamations about having sex), pushing away from friends (Ashley and Todd are no-shows, Buddy out), outrageous (even for her) behavior with planning (No NS Active, Maine)....it all seems very bi-polar/manic-depressive. What is most concerning is the alarm on most of her friends' and family's faces when she discusses any plans (Frenchman coming to Maine, lip fillers, No BS Active) this episode. I am aware we don't know all that goes on in Whitney's life with a 1 hr weekly TV show so I look to body language and what I'm seeing has me genuinely concerned there is a severe breakdown in-progress and everyone (except for Hunter) around Whitney being too scared to say or do anything for fear of making things worse. 

I'm reminded of Will once telling Whitney, right before he let her go as a client, that she doesn't have the willpower to resist temptation in the moment so she needs to plan ahead. Much of her actions this episode do not appear to be proactive solutions to known problems. For example, Heather clearly on the fence about becoming a surrogate, Whitney acknowledging the problems with mixing of friendship and business (Ashley/app), but then coming to the bizarre conclusion that it will all work out without making any changes to the plan based on prior discussions and lessons-learned. Same with No BS active: acknowledging the difficult timeline, Jessica stating that they lose a week because of the trip to Maine (which, was Jessica even invited to that?), and then not calling off the Maine trip to set up a long-term and possibly lucrative business, but instead take a vacation (from what?!?!)! 

On the way to the airport, with Hunter riding shotgun with Whitney driving, I am reminded of similar scenes with Buddy in the front. Whitney goes over her bizarre plans and Buddy languidly agrees with said plan. Hunter (when did he become the voice of reason?), rather than state "no, you have nothing to worry about" says "yep, you're right - this could all go to shit". Whitney keeps looking at him for reassurance and all she keeps getting is "nope, you're right, you're fucked".

Whitney has always been a narcissist but this episode slammed home for me that she is still reeling from the fallout of COVID, Chase, business failures, Buddy leaving and whatever else that isn't shown. I sincerely hope she is in therapy and getting some desperately needed help before she has a psychotic break because that girl is ON THE EDGE and her friends, family and business associates are clearly concerned.  

Edited by KatieBear
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How did she get lip injections without the initial swelling and soreness?  I did it one time and thought I was going to jump off the chair it hurt so much! I did a small amount too (no Duck lips) but the first day they were sore and red and I kept a cold compress on them. 

And her going through egg retrieval without being knocked out was just stupid.  But she wore it as a badge of Honor.  

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I know it is a reality show, but I didn't like the way Whitney and her brother were talking (and gesturing) about the hot dog in front of her parents.  Even if they didn't know what the gesture meant. 

Also, why am I always shocked when I see her dressed?  Someone posted a picture of her going to some even with Tal or Todd and she was in a floor length dress.  I sat there staring at the picture for the longest time.  Bewildered by it. 

Edited by Shauna
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1 hour ago, KatieBear said:

the childish argument with Hunter

And she kept saying it was Le Blur's idea to go to Maine, which...it was not.  She was like "that's my week going to Maine for a family vacation, which, I mean, you can come" and it went from there.  

Also, I'm still chuckling at her scenarios of what could go wrong, which included "I could not be into him."  

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How did she get lip injections without the initial swelling and soreness?  I did it one time and thought I was going to jump off the chair it hurt so much! I did a small amount too (no Duck lips) but the first day they were sore and red and I kept a cold compress on them. 

No idea! I had the same experience, particularly the swelling. I used a compress all day too. I didn't end up with Duck Lips but they do swell in the short term. I think they played with the timeline a little...

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20 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

And she kept saying it was Le Blur's idea to go to Maine, which...it was not.  She was like "that's my week going to Maine for a family vacation, which, I mean, you can come" and it went from there.  

Also, I'm still chuckling at her scenarios of what could go wrong, which included "I could not be into him."  

Now there's a puzzler.... what exactly could a guy do that would make her not be into him? 

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34 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

And she kept saying it was Le Blur's idea to go to Maine, which...it was not.  She was like "that's my week going to Maine for a family vacation, which, I mean, you can come" and it went from there.  

Right? I wish they would just call it a cast trip because that’s what it was, Le Blur blurring and all.

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So, I know Whit has dabbled in acting in the past, but did anyone think her crying in the airport (after the French Blur bugged out) seemed genuine? Is she really nuts? I worked with a couple of women who fixated on random impossible guys and acted out their versions of 'twu wuv' (one of them fell for the lay pastor at her church-who was married w/five kids-and stole his family photo, cut out the wife's face and put in her own!) and Whit kind of reminds me of them. Immature, not attractive to men, obnoxious personality, lives in her head. 

When I first started watching 2 years ago, I thought Babs looked too old to have been Whit's mother, but apparently, she was 38, interesting. Maybe that's what happened: Babs never thought she'd have kids and over-indulged the miracle first baby? The weird way Whit acts with her parents- insulting them, making sex 'jokes', making faces and annoying noises-reminds me of a brat who's used to getting attention any and all ways.

Babs can do what she wants, obviously, but still dyeing her hair dark brown, botox and lip fillers at 75? Come on. She reminds me of the women on the Plexaderm commercials, who look only marginally less hideous 'after' (and I say this as a 72 year-old). 

That olive jumpsuit was abominable, but at least she has a tank under it.

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25 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Now there's a puzzler.... what exactly could a guy do that would make her not be into him? 

This question gave me a headache. I cannot think of a single thing a man could do that would repel Whitney. For a minute I thought, "Maybe if he hated her cats?" but then I immediately had the image of Whitney unloading Henchi & Co. on Babs and Glenn while explaining how Her Man has very bad allergies and Babs has always wanted Whitney's cats, anyway.

Edited by Ketzel
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2 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

This question gave me a headache. I cannot think of a single thing a man could do that would repel Whitney. For a minute I thought, "Maybe if he hated her cats?" but then I immediately had the image of Whitney unloading Henchi & Co. on Babs and Glenn while explaining how Her Man has very bad allergies and Babs has always wanted Whitney's cats, anyway.

You have her down pat!!!!   

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5 minutes ago, Kid said:

You have her down pat!!!!   

It's not hard. All you have to do is think of absolutely the most self-centered and immature thing a person could do under the circumstances, then double it. :)

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9 minutes ago, Ketzel said:
34 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Now there's a puzzler.... what exactly could a guy do that would make her not be into him? 

This question gave me a headache. I cannot think of a single thing a man could do that would repel Whitney.

Be dead?  And even that might be negotiable.

The way Whit treats and talks about her parents is appalling.

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44 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

So, I know Whit has dabbled in acting in the past, but did anyone think her crying in the airport (after the French Blur bugged out) seemed genuine? Is she really nuts? I worked with a couple of women who fixated on random impossible guys and acted out their versions of 'twu wuv' (one of them fell for the lay pastor at her church-who was married w/five kids-and stole his family photo, cut out the wife's face and put in her own!) and Whit kind of reminds me of them. Immature, not attractive to men, obnoxious personality, lives in her head. 

When I first started watching 2 years ago, I thought Babs looked too old to have been Whit's mother, but apparently, she was 38, interesting. Maybe that's what happened: Babs never thought she'd have kids and over-indulged the miracle first baby? The weird way Whit acts with her parents- insulting them, making sex 'jokes', making faces and annoying noises-reminds me of a brat who's used to getting attention any and all ways.

Babs can do what she wants, obviously, but still dyeing her hair dark brown, botox and lip fillers at 75? Come on. She reminds me of the women on the Plexaderm commercials, who look only marginally less hideous 'after' (and I say this as a 72 year-old). 

That olive jumpsuit was abominable, but at least she has a tank under it.

Could you send her info over to TLC?

I want this woman to have her own show.  

48 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Right? I wish they would just call it a cast trip because that’s what it was, Le Blur blurring and all.

Can you imagine if he *does* show up and we have to sit through episodes with a huge blur bobbing and weaving in all of his scenes?

I hope he doesn't show up just for that reason.  What a PITA viewing those episodes would be.  

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3 hours ago, KatieBear said:

Whitney has always been a narcissist but this episode slammed home for me that she is still reeling from the fallout of COVID, Chase, business failures, Buddy leaving and whatever else that isn't shown. I sincerely hope she is in therapy and getting some desperately needed help before she has a psychotic break because that girl is ON THE EDGE and her friends, family and business associates are clearly concerned.  

She mentioned her therapist very quickly during dinner at the girls retreat.  She was talking and said "My therapist says I...... " I forget the rest because that sort of caught me off guard.  So I think she is in therapy which is good, hopefully she will follow the therapists advice.

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Whitney's mentioned her therapist before. She provides body positivity therapy, and she thinks Whitney is a wonderful example and a real warrior.


I agree that this episode seemed to display a new level of Whitney dysfunction. If she seriously believes she is in a relationship with LeBlur, substantial enough to be planning marriage and IVF with him, even though she's never even been in the same room with him, there is something seriously wrong with her judgment.

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3 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Whitney's mentioned her therapist before. She provides body positivity therapy, and she thinks Whitney is a wonderful example and a real warrior.


I agree that this episode seemed to display a new level of Whitney dysfunction. If she seriously believes she is in a relationship with LeBlur, substantial enough to be planning marriage and IVF with him, even though she's never even been in the same room with him, there is something seriously wrong with her judgment.

I more and more think that she would be a good candidate for Love AFter Lockup.  Those folks always seem to think that a prisoner they corresponded with is going to leave jail and want to immediately marry them and have children.  Of course they are also going to somehow find a way to financially support the family too while paying off restitution.   I am always amazed by the level of delusion some folks have when it comes to relationships.  The Whitney and Le Blur sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, is all kinds of delusional.  

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"Let me have something good in life! I can't have nice things!"

Umm...you have a nice house, a nice car, parents who are still alive and married, a tv show, loads of money, vacations, etc etc. None of these are considered good or nice in your life? She acts so spoiled.

She acted so immature with Hunter. I would feel the same way as him, I hate when family members take strangers on family vacations, it just makes everything awkward and uncomfortable. Instead of listening to his concerns and being reasonable, she resorts to insults and threatening him that he "better not ruin this" for her. (She'll do that on her own lol). She acts like a 12 year old.

Apparently whether Heather agrees to or not, she IS going to be the surrogate according to Whitney. I wouldn't be surprised if Whitney threatened her into agreeing, that's how she gets her way in life apparently.

I can already tell the trip will be miserable for everyone with Whitney already bossing everyone around.

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16 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Why does Shitley always wear that body-con stuff??

Because it's stretchy fabric and all that fits comfortably. She doesn't care how she looks in it. 

Her bottom lip is bigger but her upper lip is still thin. Why bother. Oh, yeah, it's for Le Blur. 

I thought Hunter was going back home. Guess he decided to stay for the extra paychecks. She tells him to leave her house because he was telling the truth about what a mess she is and Babs just lays there in the bed holding hands with her. This is why Whit is the way she is. I blame the parents. Poor Hunter must have played second fiddle to her his whole life. 


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4 hours ago, gaPeach said:

How did she get lip injections without the initial swelling and soreness?  I did it one time and thought I was going to jump off the chair it hurt so much! I did a small amount too (no Duck lips) but the first day they were sore and red and I kept a cold compress on them. 

And her going through egg retrieval without being knocked out was just stupid.  But she wore it as a badge of Honor.  

I've wondered if they really wouldn't do an egg retrieval or any other elective procedure for her under general anesthesia because of her weight. 

Is it just me, or does the Frenchman sound like Buddy doing a really, really bad fake Frenchish accent?

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10 minutes ago, sara1025 said:

She acted so immature with Hunter. I would feel the same way as him, I hate when family members take strangers on family vacations, it just makes everything awkward and uncomfortable. Instead of listening to his concerns and being reasonable, she resorts to insults and threatening him that he "better not ruin this" for her.

She also played the "you're jus' jellus" card like the immature twit she is.  

And Tal and Heather both voiced the same concerns, just not to her face--though the looks they were giving her should've clued her in.

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21 minutes ago, readheaded said:

Is it just me, or does the Frenchman sound like Buddy doing a really, really bad fake Frenchish accent?

No, this "French" guy speaks eloquently and clearly. Zero mumbling. No way Buddy could pull that off ON TOP of a fake accent.


Goodness. I hate this woman. How she "broke the news" to Heather (who is a terrible actress with her facial reactions) and Tal (who, apparently is having regular sex), being all phony coy- ugh! Gross!! Then she sticks her tongue all out and does that stupid eyebrow wiggle. Calling him "her man"- please.

I am just without speech on the khaki/olive bodysuit (overalls?)... I understand that would be comfy for traveling, but woman, have a little pride in your appearance. Just a smidge. I'm not asking for much here. (my personal peeve is people who fly in pajamas and loungewear- unless it's a 10-12 hour flight, when you may actually be sleeping, show up looking nice).

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