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S7.E08: September 14, 2021


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8 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

the show has always toyed with relationships.  people used to come hoping to meet certain partners, usually people they may have met, possibly fucked, but not in a relationship with.  So A would say, "I came here hoping to get with B"  and the producers would put B on Paradise, and wait until B was coupled up with C, then bring A on to break it up and spark some drama.  This was repeated multiple times.  the producers knew who wanted to meet whom, and the date cards, as well as the order that people came on the show, was all arranged for maximum heartache and drama. 

 Then,  things backfired when one (forgettable) guy hooked up with half of the women before coming to paradise, but the producers were OK with it because it caused DRAMA.   He didn't come to paradise already in a relationship, just had history with a number of the women.  Then the producers allowed Demi who was in a relationship with a woman, to come on the show and date guys, only to then bring on her girlfriend - just so the show could have a  LESBIAN PROPOSAL!   trendsetting!  something nobody has done before!   The two girls were obviously  practically living together,, but the producers had to finagle it so it looked like they "fell in love" on the show.   Nobody believed it.  the producers wrote the storyline, the actors recited their lines, and everyone could see it was a farce. 

So now, couples who are already dating, in a relationship, hooking up, or whatever they want to call it -  try to do the same thing.   they both go on BiP,  "meet", fall in love on the beach -  get famous, followers, an engagement ring, a love story, etc.    Just like Demi did.   But with one huge difference - they didn't set it up with the producers ahead of time.   somebody pissed off the producers, who realized that having Paradise be all about people who were already dating would be BORING.  So they had a hand in punishing the offenders.  Yeah, I said it -  there's no way this wasn't all set up by producers, once they realized that some couples were trying to game the system

I agree that much of it has to do with what the producers are okay with.  The Bachelor has a long history of things happening that piss off most viewers but you have the large group that think it is wonderful, exciting, or charming, so they let it happen.  And then when the show is not okay with it because it has a backlash, then it suddenly isn't okay.  

I will say in this case though, and you alluded to it as well, that the people coming on the show are getting stupid.  They should watch the people that move forward the best from the show--they play the game, pretend, and are subtle.  They don't come on and say, hey, I came on for you!  I will waste a spot on the show and ask for more instragram follower as well.  You have to create a good persona that people want to follow--not be a jerk and make it so obvious you are a jerk.  lol

And it is funny to see Demi not quite get her way this time.  I guess she thought she had a pass for always, and that isn't how it works in the Bachelor franchise!  

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9 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m really curious what her Sunday school class is thinking!

Would anybody else be skeeved out going to the boom boom room with someone after they had gone with Demi or anyone else for that matter? Hell, I would be skeeved out setting foot in anything called the “boom boom room”. 

And my big question was, did somebody change the sheets?


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11 hours ago, JenE4 said:

After the cutting to Natasha crying during Wells’s speech, I was really waiting for him to say, “Jessenia, this is for you!”

Ivan and Kendall?!? Didn’t see that coming.

Tammy stuffing that birthday cupcake into her sad face has to be giffed! Fantastic! At least she didn’t get her birthday cake thrown into the fire.

I was waiting for Tammy to open the window and throw the cupcake out.  Though stuffing her face with it was pretty funny.

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1 hour ago, Mswldflwr said:
11 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:


Would anybody else be skeeved out going to the boom boom room with someone after they had gone with Demi or anyone else for that matter? Hell, I would be skeeved out setting foot in anything called the “boom boom room”. 


And my big question was, did somebody change the sheets?

Nick Vial said there are actually 3 (sigh I hate writing this) boom boom rooms.  So hopefully the 3 couples who have used them had a choice.   Still gross though.  And maybe I’m getting more prude like as I get older but watching Joe and Serena make out while Becca and Thomas make out literally 3 inches away on the daybed squicked me out. 

Edited by LBS
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3 hours ago, LBS said:

Nick Vial said there are actually 3 (sigh I hate writing this) boom boom rooms.  So hopefully the 3 couples who have used them had a choice.   Still gross though.  And maybe I’m getting more prude like as I get older but watching Joe and Serena make out while Becca and Thomas make out literally 3 inches away on the daybed squicked me out. 

The PDA this episode was super trashy and lacked any subtlety- especially with multiple couples making out hard core within inches of each other!  This reminded me of when I went to the mall years ago and paid for 10 minutes to relax on a robotic body massage recliner in front of Lens Crafters and a young couple sat in the seat next to me and proceeded to dry hump and make out 😆- I wasn't going to waste the robo-massage so I just averted my gaze and drank my fountain soda! 

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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When I watch this show, I have to remind myself it was filmed and everyone went home before the first episode aired.  

I agree with the poster upthread who said that you have to play the game.  I think that if Pieper had come with her date card and “interviewed “ a bunch of the guys before choosing Brendan, they would have been perceived differently.   Couple that with Brendan’s callous disregard for Natasha’s feelings and the gleeful discussion about followers and the producers had something special: BiP villains that Bachelor Nation could hate…much as the provide villains on the Bachelor and Bachelorette.  

 Then Chris and Alana showed up as even more incompetent villains, with Chris going to the party with Jessenia and then immediately sticking his tongue down Alana’s throat and the both of them asking the cast how to get more followers.  

I’m not sure if running Chris and Alana out of town was planned, but I think TPTB definitely had a hand in getting rid of Brendan and Pieper.   They had their villainous story line.   Them staying would be a distraction from the “love stories “ developing.  

Also, never have Pieper in your conspiracy.   She doesn’t appear to know how to lie even to save herself. 
And a final update,,,





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13 hours ago, LBS said:

I think she’s more mad that the producers didn’t cater to her like the last time around.  She’s yesterday’s news for them. I honestly think she thought she was top bananas for them and they don’t care for anything but a storyline.

I really didn’t care that much about Brendan and Pieper being together before this episode but the way he snapped at Deandra and was so arrogantly dismissive to all the women makes me happy he’s losing clout.  He seems like a jerk. 

He called the Cloutee Posse a bunch of DISGRUNTLED FEMALES. Anyone who calls women "females" is dead to me.  That includes Aaron.  Both of them nasty pieces of work the way they talk about women.  Pieper can also GTFO with her superiority complex -- she thinks she is above the show but she is famewhoring it up just like the rest of them.

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1 hour ago, Alexander Pope said:

He called the Cloutee Posse a bunch of DISGRUNTLED FEMALES. Anyone who calls women "females" is dead to me.  That includes Aaron.  Both of them nasty pieces of work the way they talk about women.  Pieper can also GTFO with her superiority complex -- she thinks she is above the show but she is famewhoring it up just like the rest of them.

I agree.  He's so angry about Tammy in a way that creeps me out. 

1 hour ago, Recyclorette said:

I like how she's supportive of the other women, but it's coming off in a weird way.  She seems like their mom, and suddenly too old to be there.

Not really of Tammy when she stole her man and then smiled as Tammy was hysterical over it?  She just seems so fake and dead behind the eyes to me.

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Just wanted to add to my villains post above…I think tptb decided to give Natasha the rose so love could triumph… they even sent her sweetheart Dr Joe.  Everyone on the beach was hoping she didn’t go into detail about what happened because, it being recent, well who wants to deal with that emotional baggage with a virtual stranger.  But not only did Natasha go into detail, but she didn’t read the room when Joe started reacting… and then it turns out he is friends with Brendan and the potential relationship went bust.   Not sure there is time to find her a replacement so the romance of Paradise can triumph over the villainous duo, though.  

As for Aaron.  Yikes.  His rant during the credits was actually scary because It shows jus5 how clueless he is.   Thomas, for all his faults, is at least self aware and i wouldn’t worry about him flying off the handle if dumped.    As for Tammy…she needs therapy.  Stat.  He’s her best friends?  She gave him so much?   That’s just sad.  

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29 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Just wanted to add to my villains post above…I think tptb decided to give Natasha the rose so love could triumph… they even sent her sweetheart Dr Joe.  Everyone on the beach was hoping she didn’t go into detail about what happened because, it being recent, well who wants to deal with that emotional baggage with a virtual stranger.  But not only did Natasha go into detail, but she didn’t read the room when Joe started reacting… and then it turns out he is friends with Brendan and the potential relationship went bust.   Not sure there is time to find her a replacement so the romance of Paradise can triumph over the villainous duo, though.  

As for Aaron.  Yikes.  His rant during the credits was actually scary because It shows jus5 how clueless he is.   Thomas, for all his faults, is at least self aware and i wouldn’t worry about him flying off the handle if dumped.    As for Tammy…she needs therapy.  Stat.  He’s her best friends?  She gave him so much?   That’s just sad.  

I actually think Natasha did okay with it as it would have come up eventually and she didn't say a lot.  I think there wasn't much else she could do at this point, but I know what you mean.  

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18 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't follow anyone on any social media so I don't care about Instagram followers.  However, I'm team Brendan/Piper because these people can just fuck off, and that includes Natasha.   

And fuck you, Joe.

Agreed - #TeamBrendanPieper.

17 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Tia's kinda trailer park trashy.  I don't need to hear about her vagina dance and ovulation.


16 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I think James needs therapy.  Superficially he seems like a catch but it's like he has absolutely no confidence in himself.  Is he even interested in any of these women?

Maybe he was hoping to meet Colton on the beach.

I can not find the words to express how happy I am that Demi is gone.

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Just now, alexa said:

I actually think Natasha did okay with it as it would have come up eventually and she didn't say a lot.  I think there wasn't much else she could do at this point, but I know what you mean.  

It was definitely a tough situation and she did the best she could with it--it was going to come out one way or another!

Was anyone else turned off by how much concern, bordering on pity, everyone was expressing for Natasha while she was on her date?  She can handle herself! she will survive if things don't work out!


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14 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

Agreed - #TeamBrendanPieper.


Maybe he was hoping to meet Colton on the beach.

I can not find the words to express how happy I am that Demi is gone.

Im still irked by Tia when she discouraged Becca to drop Colton on her season. Yes, hes gay lol but at that moment of time noone knew and I just found her ridiculously annoying. however demi is the WORST, not even hate watching worst just a miserable, bigoted, hypocritical person UGH!!!

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33 minutes ago, alexa said:

I actually think Natasha did okay with it as it would have come up eventually and she didn't say a lot.

Exactly. Joe asked her if she had formed a connection with anyone else. If she hadn't mentioned the Brendan situation, she would have been guilty of the same thing that she accused Brendan of. At least she's not a hypocrite. If Joe chooses to prioritize his friendship with Brendan over a romantic connection in Paradise, that's on him.

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21 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Exactly. Joe asked her if she had formed a connection with anyone else. If she hadn't mentioned the Brendan situation, she would have been guilty of the same thing that she accused Brendan of. At least she's not a hypocrite. If Joe chooses to prioritize his friendship with Brendan over a romantic connection in Paradise, that's on him.

Yeah, she was in a no win situation.  I hope she hands someone her rose and then leaves.    Time in Paradise is fleeting and they will be getting to the Fantasy Suite dates in a couple of episodes so maybe one more rose ceremony?  Best she goes with dignity.  

I can imagine her at home doing the same Instagram followers count we are watching and laughing and laughing.   

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1 hour ago, Alexander Pope said:

Was anyone else turned off by how much concern, bordering on pity, everyone was expressing for Natasha while she was on her date?  She can handle herself! she will survive if things don't work out!

YES! When she confronted Brendan, she wasn't weepy, pleading, hysterical.  She called him out on lying to her, told him what she thought of him.  She was a strong, assertive woman.  So she goes on a date with a new guy, and everyone on the beach is acting like she's some broken, pathetic, fragile girl.  She's on a DATE!  What the hell did they think was going to happen - was he going to break her heart on a first date?   

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2 minutes ago, Rorysmom said:

Both Pieper and Brendan (especially Brendan) were so nasty and derogatory in the way they spoke about and to Natasha. Brendan really said with his chest both to the group and to Natasha's face, "Who else was she going to date? *What* were her other options?" 

That was foul. 

That's actually why I'm angry at Brendan.  Yeah, the other crap he and Pieper pulled was gross, but the things he's said about Natasha after the fact have just been mean.  I know he's trying to justify his actions of leading her on, but nobody's buying that Natasha is some homely girl who has no prospects.  She's a beautiful, smart, strong woman. 

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36 minutes ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

That's actually why I'm angry at Brendan.  Yeah, the other crap he and Pieper pulled was gross, but the things he's said about Natasha after the fact have just been mean.  I know he's trying to justify his actions of leading her on, but nobody's buying that Natasha is some homely girl who has no prospects.  She's a beautiful, smart, strong woman. 

Yes, and she is having the last laugh.  He lost over 100,000 followers while she gained over 380,000.    Hopefully she can find some ways of striking while the iron is hot and monetizing.

1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

With Pieper’s masters degree in marketing, she should be hitting 100 thou in no time!

Considering she had 77,000 followers…US Magazine printed a story that she was dating Brendon and she gained 10,000 followers which she has now lost…I’d say she isn’t as social media savvy as she thinks she is.  

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1 hour ago, Rorysmom said:

Both Pieper and Brendan (especially Brendan) were so nasty and derogatory in the way they spoke about and to Natasha. Brendan really said with his chest both to the group and to Natasha's face, "Who else was she going to date? *What* were her other options?" 

That was foul. 


40 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Considering she had 77,000 followers…US Magazine printed a story that she was dating Brendon and she gained 10,000 followers which she has now lost…I’d say she isn’t as social media savvy as she thinks she is.  

77 is still way too much for me.  I need the count to go down, down down

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

That's actually why I'm angry at Brendan.  Yeah, the other crap he and Pieper pulled was gross, but the things he's said about Natasha after the fact have just been mean.  I know he's trying to justify his actions of leading her on, but nobody's buying that Natasha is some homely girl who has no prospects.  She's a beautiful, smart, strong woman. 

It’s a really disturbing look.  Let’s face it, even if it is a game he ignores the fact that there are always people who get sent home at a rose ceremony.  She carried him through her rose ceremony.  If she hadn’t bought what he was selling she had other people around.  Maybe his turtlenecks are so appealing that she would have picked him even if he was honest.  But I wouldn’t bet the next rose ceremony on it.

The only way what he said could be accurate is if she was so repulsive that men would rather go home than accept a rose from her.

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I don't know if Pieper is playing or just plain dumb. She couldn't even bother to feign guilt or regret. She looked bored through the entire conversation with Joe and his gang, and equally uninterested when Brendan made his announcement. Then she was dense enough to talk about "making more money" WHILE mic'd up after the confrontation with the gang. What college is her Master's in marketing from, because I would definitely stay far away from that school.

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She's so weird isn't she?  She reacts to things in a very strange way.  In this completely detached, whatever way, Yeah I did it, I do what I want, who cares, yeah it's a Tuesday, yeah I'm just trying to gain followers, yeah I just want to live off Instagram and make money doing it, yeah we used Natasha for personal gain and discarded her like a piece of trash, yeah Brendan is an asshole and a sociopath, yeah he's screaming at the women here, yeah so what, whatever man, cool dude, okay we're leaving now bye,

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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3 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

With Pieper’s masters degree in marketing, she should be hitting 100 thou in no time!


1 hour ago, thejuicer said:

I don't know if Pieper is playing or just plain dumb. She couldn't even bother to feign guilt or regret. She looked bored through the entire conversation with Joe and his gang, and equally uninterested when Brendan made his announcement. Then she was dense enough to talk about "making more money" WHILE mic'd up after the confrontation with the gang. What college is her Master's in marketing from, because I would definitely stay far away from that school.

The German word "Fachidiot" is the perfect description for her. There's no 1:1 translation into English, but essentially it means a person with high professional qualifications who is a complete idiot in all other aspects of life.

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3 hours ago, DEL901 said:

He still has over 247,000.   He needs to lose a chunk more.   As it is, any influencer clout is now gone.   It isn’t just the reduced numbers, but his rep is currently toxic. 

The main issue for both is that they're unable to post without a swarm of negative comments. Pieper's turned her comments off, Brendan has supposedly left his on, but given the lack of reaction to last night's episode, I guess he's been busy with the swiffering brush. Either way, the money train stops when the posts do, so they're in a pickle at the moment. 

If you want a real laugh, pull up their profiles (they're public, obvs, so no need to follow) and click the "tagged" button. This is where you can see where people have tagged them in hilarious memes at their expense. 


YES! When she confronted Brendan, she wasn't weepy, pleading, hysterical.  She called him out on lying to her, told him what she thought of him.  She was a strong, assertive woman.  So she goes on a date with a new guy, and everyone on the beach is acting like she's some broken, pathetic, fragile girl.  She's on a DATE!  What the hell did they think was going to happen - was he going to break her heart on a first date?  

All of these people have appeared on at least one, if not multiple, Bachelor Nation shows. They know the behind the scenes machinations and even without that knowledge, it seems clear that Joe was "encouraged," if not outright told, to choose Natasha. So even if they hit it off, it did kinda start with a pity date made possible by a pity rose created just for her. So while Natasha isn't pathetic, the setup wasn't the most flattering. 

And then it got worse when things got awkward over Joe and Brendan's friendship, thereby extending Natasha's All-Brendan Paradise experience. Honestly, once Brendan and Pieper were gone, she probably should have made a graceful exit too. She had a peak moment in last week's episode and everything since then seems to be downhill.


And maybe I’m getting more prude like as I get older but watching Joe and Serena make out while Becca and Thomas make out literally 3 inches away on the daybed squicked me out. 

Yes, that was very "8th grade makeout party" but more adult. And weirder, cause adults typically wouldn't do that. But I guess if you've gotten used to cameramen in your face, coming ever closer if you kiss, a little audience won't bother you? 

Not really sure what Becca's thinking with Thomas, but I guess she doesn't have the best track record in judgment. 

As for Serena and Joe, I kind of like them just cause I feel like they figured out the perfect way to do a free vacation without the wrong reasons mob turning their pitchforks on them. They're having fun, but she CLEARLY doesn't want a serious relationship (which is fine, she's 23) and he's kinda in limbo. They're having a nice time, if they do the charade of a ring at the end of this (which I wish they would get rid of that ridiculous element), we all know it won't take, but they'll be off TV by then so it won't matter. 

She'll come off the show with some of Grocery Store Joe's (somewhat inexplicable) shine on her in terms of followers/clout/whatever, and he'll look like the lovelorn good guy yet again. It's a win-win. 

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11 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

If you want a real laugh, pull up their profiles (they're public, obvs, so no need to follow) and click the "tagged" button. This is where you can see where people have tagged them in hilarious memes at their expense. 

Thank you!

Regarding Serena and Joe, you say Serena doesn't want anything serious.  Then why would she tell Joe she's in love with him already?  Is this all just fame chasing?

Screen Shot 2021-09-15 at 10.44.17 PM.png

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Thank you!

Regarding Serena and Joe, you say Serena doesn't want anything serious.  Then why would she tell Joe she's in love with him already?  Is this all just fame chasing?

Of course! (IMO) She's playing the game without saying it out loud. I think she's fairly savvy, if not show-savvy, then just socially savvy, and she quickly realized that Joe was her best bet for the full BIP experience. She can do the crocodile tears over Kendall, the tears of joy when he comes back and then just hang with Joe til the whole thing is over. And I think Joe is fully aware of it all. This is a guy who went home night 1, inexplicably captured the attention of Twitter and has parlayed it into a lucrative situation. She likes him, he likes her, it's pretty obvious to both of them that they're not endgame in life, but they can put on the show. 

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1 hour ago, Jax7917 said:

I think James has a good looking face but could benefit from a different hairstyle . I think he’d look good with shorter hair and no gel . 

James kind of comes off as a boarding school/prep school guy. Like when he's just in his normal world he is wearing a white shirt, blazer, and tie. He seems a little sheltered and eyes wide open. He's overall pretty sweet, at least, considering the people he's hanging out with.

Kenny is definitely the guy that expresses himself with his body. Not at all surprised he makes his connections with women in the bedroom. He's confident on his sexual abilities. 


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2 hours ago, LindaT said:

I think James is one of the best looking guys this season.  He just has to lose the douchey hair.

James is definitely a handsome hunk of a man!  I love his complexion and blue eyes- he'd look great with a short, wavy hair cut.  I don't know why he's having so much trouble finding ladies on this show- he was fun and outspoken on Katie's season.  I'm always surprised about which guys/girls are crushed on the most or cast aside on this show.  I bet he looks even hotter in person.

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On 9/14/2021 at 11:25 PM, TomGirl said:

I find Becca’s air of superiority extremely irritating.  She acts like such a Queen Bee.  Becca, you are not all that!

Her comment to Grocery Joe, when Dr. Joe came in, was so snarky, and I think she thought it was funny.

On 9/15/2021 at 8:05 PM, hilaryvm said:

“Every day the mosquitos wake up and choose violence.”  I laughed so hard and I’m not really an Aaron fan.

On 9/15/2021 at 2:30 PM, DEL901 said:

As for Aaron.  Yikes.  His rant during the credits was actually scary because It shows jus5 how clueless he is.   

Not sure what the 'rant' aspect was.  I thought he was very funny, and seemed very self-aware of how ridiculous he was being.  Earlier in the season, one of the girls said everyone said he was the funniest person on the beach, and that gave us a glimpse, since really we hadn't seen him that way at all.

On 9/14/2021 at 8:44 PM, dizzyd said:

Never thought I’d be on Team Thomas! Wow breaking up with her is worse than having covid on your birthday, haha!!! Go away Tammy! 🙄

That was so painful.  If her pleading/begging/thirstiness had been written in a script in a movie, no one would believe that a woman would really be that way, especially after the relationship only existed for a handful of days.

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16 hours ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

James is definitely a handsome hunk of a man!  I love his complexion and blue eyes- he'd look great with a short, wavy hair cut.  I don't know why he's having so much trouble finding ladies on this show- he was fun and outspoken on Katie's season.  I'm always surprised about which guys/girls are crushed on the most or cast aside on this show.  I bet he looks even hotter in person.

Given what we know now about the need for followers, maybe that plays in to why people aren't into James?  His no drama personality also means less screen time.

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On 9/15/2021 at 12:29 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

Not really of Tammy when she stole her man and then smiled as Tammy was hysterical over it?  She just seems so fake and dead behind the eyes to me.

She handled that as well as she could given the circumstances of the show.  Tammy had already encouraged Thomas to go out with others if he felt the urge.  Becca spoke to Tammy about saying she'd like to ask Thomas out before she did and Tammy encouraged her to do it.

And it's not like Tammy and Thomas had been a thing since the beginning.  Thomas had only just come on before Becca and Tammy left someone for him--was it Aaron?  Ivan?  I don't even remember they swap partners so much.

On 9/17/2021 at 11:03 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

 🙄  Everyone prefers Grocery Joe over her anyway.

Meh.  Not me.  I'm sure Becca threw away some great men during her season.  I'm not sure GSJ was one of them. I've read he was "blue lives matter"ing it up on social media around the same time Garrett was.

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On 9/16/2021 at 9:33 AM, chocolatine said:


The German word "Fachidiot" is the perfect description for her. There's no 1:1 translation into English, but essentially it means a person with high professional qualifications who is a complete idiot in all other aspects of life.

I know a couple of people like this in my real life... I'm always wondering how they manage to feed themselves. 

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