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Season 38 Final Jeopardy! Contest


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3/5 - a good week for me for FJ, but not so much the regular games.

I said "Stonewall" too - I think it's an iconic enough name without "inn."  Iconic enough to be the title of a movie, anyway. Stonewall (I don't know if it was a good film, I just happen to remember the name of it. It never came to our small town.)

8 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Week 29:  4/5

In honor of Satchel Paige and Opening Day for MLB this coming week, I'll bring hot dogs, peanuts and CrackerJack. 

LOL. I was just thrilled I got a sports FJ correct. Haven't been to a game, but if I recall correctly, beer is something that goes along with it. Guess I'll bring that.

(Well, actually, I lied - have been unwillingly mashed into the seats at a minor league game, one of the most miserable nights of my life)

Edited by Clanstarling
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4/5 - thought I was on my way to a perfect week when hubris got me and I couldn't pull New Zealand out of my brain for love or money.  Made total sense when I saw the answer and I even had entertained a passing thought that the preferred name seemed similar to aboriginal names in Australia but did I come anywhere near New Zealand - absolutely not!

Couldn't remember for sure that Satchel Paige was a pitcher but he was my best guess.  Recognized the Lady MacBeth quote immediately and was about 97% sure on Josephine Baker.  I don't think I had heard about the Rockette Kick Line before but knew Stonewall Inn was the answer (added Inn just to be sure). 

I am not in a cooking mood this week so picked up some pork pies and sausage rolls from my favorite Scottish bakery and I will now offer them to the tables as a tribute to Lady MacBeth.

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2 weeks worth of scores for me.   And if you put them together I did quite well.  1/5 from last week and 4/5 from this one (if we're counting stonewall rather than the stonewall inn... if not 3/5) 

I've heard of Satchel Paige but I didn't know that he was a pitcher or that he was black so... 

Edited by bybrandy
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WEEK 30 • Apr. 4, 2022 — ONE asterisk *  
146. Current Television. Fittingly, the last name of the family at the center of this drama is from French for “king.”
147. Classic Games. Reuben Klamer, who passed away in 2021 at age 99, developed this game relatable to “literally everyone on Earth.”
148. Small Countries. French, Italian & Swiss nationals make up about half of its population of 38,000.
* 149. Inventions. Patented in 1955, it did not go over well in the high-end fashion world but the then-new aerospace industry found it very useful. *
150. 19th Century Literature. The Strand Union Workhouse, whose rules prohibited second helpings of food, inspired a setting in this 1838 novel.

Edited by PBnJay
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Week thirty: three of five, without the asterisk. I've never seen or even heard much about Succession, so that was right out. And I couldn't think of an invention intended for high fashion that ended up at NASA. My guess was Kevlar!

With so many folks bringing varieties of beans, I guess I'd better make some cast iron cornbread. But the big question is, do you want the sweet version or the not-so-sweet version?


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