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S13.E03: Their First Rodeo

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11 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Anyone else think Jose’s step mother was channeling POSChris’ father when talking about wedding night sex?


Ha! She had had a few by then I think. I cackled.

I too want to know the wedding budgets...were they done by the Intercontinental as advertising because no weddings were occurring due to Covid? They all looked much classier than usual. Those flowers!

Audible gasps at our house at Rachel's faux pas (I hope that's what it was). I do NOT like Jose and he didn't win me over any more this week but that was brutal.

Slightly disappointed in Gil's assumptions about last names. Calm down dude, maybe discuss after decision day if you make it that far. No one deserves Myrla though. Not because she's a tease--that point of view is quite disturbing--but because she's so freaking condescending and obnoxious.

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15 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

Not because she's a tease--that point of view is quite disturbing

Trying to word this properly. 

No one has a right to be touched or expected to have sex without consent. Dressing as Myrla did for the wedding doesn’t give anyone permission to unwillingly touch her in any way.  
However,  i am indeed surprised at people who feel the need to wear lumberjack flannel pajamas on their wedding night, and refuse their new husband the traditional kiss, but feel it’s fine that the strange  man and his family and friends and the viewing audience get to see all she has in physical attributes.  

It just doesn’t seem logical to me.  I am a private person, and don’t want to participate in outlandish things like a stripper batchlorette  party either.  My wedding dress had a sweetheart satin bodice, skirt  - and a lace overlay that had a normal collar  and lace sleeves.  I try to dress so that people I don’t want to touch me also don’t get to ogle me. That would have seemed more of Myrla’s desired dress to me. 



Edited by mythoughtis
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5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm going to criticize Ryan on that one.  That was no place to try to teach someone to two-step.  When she said she didn't know how, he should have just done the eighth-grade awkward sway that everybody else does. 

I'm going to continue to be annoyed with Brett.  He wasn't trying to whirl her around like a professional, just move a little bit.  The actual twirl he did to her was no more than anyone does, even those who spend the rest of the dance swaying like 8th graders.  Although when he asked her if she wanted to twirl again and she said No - it went to a different camera shot from her face so we only heard her say it, didn't see it, then a new shot of his face rolling his eyes - I think that whole scene was edited to look that way, and possibly by an intern, because it was poorly done.

4 hours ago, Retired at last said:

I am still hopeful for Bao and Johnny. If she could just relax and have fun, she could have a very happy life. But, since being physical is not part of how she has lived, it may take her a while. Some people just weren't raised that way. I hope she is able to make that shift. I like them. 

I think she'll be fine - she let him go up for the garter, seemed to enjoy dancing with him, held hands, etc.  Maybe she'll never be a PDA girl or hugger of friends, and I can understand the pillow bolster on night one with A STRANGER, but she can come to enjoy couch snuggling and hugs and kisses at home as much as the next person.  

2 hours ago, Rightside said:

Brett's dress exposure and the tattoos?? Is this really how anyone wants to look as a bride?

Help me out here to understand!

My guess is it goes something like this: 

1.  I want my new husband to like me! 

2.  Boys like boobs!


14 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Many women can marry someone whose income is less because they understand it’s a partnership and income is to be shared, even if your lifestyle then decreases. Myrla has no intention of sharing her income with her husband or children. Gil will be expected to provide everything so that she can spend all her money on herself. 

That is why her spending matters.  

To be fair, I don't think we know that about Myrla yet.  And since we no longer get to see them have budget conversations we never may.  I have more money than Mr. P, but it's not like we split everything down the middle and then I cover his half if he can't afford it or I'm making him do something he thinks is too expensive.  If all she wants is designer brand labels she can get them for herself.  If she wants international travel she could pay for trips.  Maybe he's one of those people who never wants to leave the country - they should find out about that first!  I was always confused why Olivia and Brett never could come to any conclusions like that - my own conclusion is that they knew they'd never stay together so it never got that far.

13 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

Slightly disappointed in Gil's assumptions about last names. Calm down dude, maybe discuss after decision day if you make it that far. No one deserves Myrla though. Not because she's a tease--that point of view is quite disturbing--but because she's so freaking condescending and obnoxious.

I'll also stick up for Gil here - she asked him how he felt and he answered.  Anyway back in the day they spent all season acting like this was a "thing" for Ashley and Anthony - please, show.  It was a stupid conflict back then and hasn't improved with time.

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16 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Meanwhile back at the ranch….

Red banners are flapping in the wind for Cheap Old Fashion Gil and Posh Myrla who will never change her last name to Cuero 

Myrla, what designer line does your lumberjack flannel lingerie honeymoon come from?

Heh. I could see her wanting to keep her last name if she was her father's only child.  Myrla has a brother. She might not win that battle! The look on Gil's face when he told her that he expected her to change her last name... 

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41 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Why does Myrla’s and Gils’ differences in money handling and income matter?  Why does her spending her own money on herself matter? 
Because a marriage is supposed to be a partnership not just two people sharing a bed.  That’s a fling. 
If she is the major income, then she is going to have to contribute more than half of the shared income to get the house and lifestyle she wants with Gil.  If he can’t pay half of an international trip, then is she going by herself? If he can’t pay half of a McMansion in Houston, are they going to live separately?  What about after kids - will one of them stay home? If it is Gil, will she share her income if it means she can’t buy her designer clothing? If she stays home, can she handle the reduction in income and therefore in designer clothes? 

Many women can marry someone whose income is less because they understand it’s a partnership and income is to be shared, even if your lifestyle then decreases. Myrla has no intention of sharing her income with her husband or children. Gil will be expected to provide everything so that she can spend all her money on herself. 

That is why her spending matters.  

I agree - if this is to be a real marriage, they need to decide jointly how their combined income will be spent. Her attitude has been "I'm going to spend my money how I want," which works when you're single but not when you're married. Maybe they each allocate a percentage of their income for bills and saving (which IMO is the most equitable thing to do when one person makes substantively more than the other) and whatever is left is theirs to do whatever with. But "I'm going on vacation. You can't afford it? Bye!" isn't going to work. I agree with whoever said that there's nothing wrong with either lifestyle, they're just different lifestyles, and it's one of many reasons I don't think this is going to work.

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I have a huge crush on Johnny. That's all. His timid "I really, really like you" in the previews...swoon. What a wholesome man. I hope Bao can ease up on her rules a little. The scene where he was happily helping her take out her hair pins was such an underrated moment of intimacy.

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3 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I have a huge crush on Johnny. That's all. His timid "I really, really like you" in the previews...swoon. What a wholesome man. I hope Bao can ease up on her rules a little. The scene where he was happily helping her take out her hair pins was such an underrated moment of intimacy.

Scoot over, I’m sitting next to you. I have snacks for us and anyone else wants to join our bench.


Edited by humbleopinion
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38 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I have a huge crush on Johnny. That's all. His timid "I really, really like you" in the previews...swoon. What a wholesome man. I hope Bao can ease up on her rules a little. The scene where he was happily helping her take out her hair pins was such an underrated moment of intimacy.

Yes.  I really like them both, granted I didn’t start watching until  after the matches were determined. So I might not know important details. 
I loved the buttons and hair pins scenes.  Because that’s actually what a normal married couple would do.  And laugh about it.  
It will take them a minute for convert from non romantic acquaintances to romantic. It was nice to see Bao admit to Johnny’s’ friends ( she did, right?) that she’d had a crush on Johnny back on college. 

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17 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Meanwhile back at the ranch….

Red banners are flapping in the wind for Cheap Old Fashion Gil and Posh Myrla who will never change her last name to Cuero 

Myrla, what designer line does your lumberjack flannel lingerie honeymoon come from?

Rachel was wearing a cute lingerie robe set…finally a classy gal.

The Chippendale bow tie….spare us….


🎶  She wears lumberjack, and she's okay!

She sleeps all night, and she shops all day!

She'll spend Gil's dough, she'll Rock and Roll,

She'll buy Rodeo Drive!

On Wednesdays she'll get manis and have churros on the side!


She wears lumberjack, and she's okay!

She talks at night, and she preens all day!

She'll comb her hair, she'll stay kiss-free,

She'll keep su padre's name!

She'll wear designer clothing and laugh at you and me!


She wears lumberjack and she's okay!

She snubs at night, and she fronts all day!

She dislikes dogs, she dislikes bald,

She'll wear her best game-face,

While thinking that "tomorrow creeps in this petty pace"!



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7 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I was going to rewind to get it exactly right, but I forgot.  At one point he described himself as something like "less than 6 feet" and I about died. 

What puts me off more than anything is that every time he describes his idealized partner, he doesn't say "woman"; it's always "perfect woman."  Ugh.

It did not help to have a gigantic officiant. 

Rachel was a teeny bit taller than him, but I assume it was because she was wearing heels.  I wondered how that could have been avoided, so the couple would look "better" in the pictures, but I really don't think a producer advising her that she might want to wear flats would fill her with glee.

Is that a 5'8" with a ruler, or do we need to apply the conversion chart?  😀

Just joshing.  I agree with you, except for the "when I wear heels thing" because it shouldn't matter in any circumstance (which is why I put "better" in quotes, above).

I'm a 5'6" female and had a long-term relationship with a guy who was about an inch shorter than I was, so he was empirically short.  It didn't bother me (obviously), but it was something that I noticed, but only because that's what society dictates.  Normally I'd say, "Who cares?" but the answer would be, "A lot of people."

That said, there are lots of men who would never date a woman who's taller than them, so it does run both ways.  And even I notice it when there's a woman towering over her man; it turns out I admire it, but it distresses me that I can't not notice it.


I'm going to criticize Ryan on that one.  That was no place to try to teach someone to two-step.  When she said she didn't know how, he should have just done the eighth-grade awkward sway that everybody else does. 

There are men who can lead so well that the partner pretty much has no choice but to follow, but they are very very rare and Ryan obviously isn't one of them.  So just sway.  Although I can't get over the number of men who, knowing they're going to have to dance in front of everybody, don't even find out the traditional position, with their left hand out, so it looks more like a dance than a junior high grope.


I'm not so sure I've concluded that she doesn't get any personal professional development out of her job, but even if that's the case, so what?  I'd say she's lucky, because millions of people have jobs where the only thing they get out of it is the ability to spend a little bit of money.


True about the money.  In this day and age lots of couples have their own money and split things.  In my house we pool the money.  What’s his is mine, what’s mine is his.  In the beginning, we didn’t have enough to be frivolous.  Buying a house, a car, kids.  We couldn’t be frivolous.  No designer things for me.  Now, it’s different.  She might make more than him.  It’s only the beginning, so they will work things out hopefully.


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9 hours ago, rlc said:

To be clear, I do not like Myrla, and she and Gil are definitely an awful match but:

She has every right to spend her money as she sees fit. Gil is no way more virtuous because he is frugal/cheap. If they were to move forward in this relationship, they would need to reach a compromise on spending (but we all know that’s not going to happen).

She has every right in the world to dress however she pleases and show off her body in anyway she is comfortable without the expectation of physical intimacy. Period. I’m disgusted by how many woman on this board are calling her a tease.

Myrla didn't know what her groom would look like or be. She walked to the altar as Marilyn Monroe, but after meeting  Gil the Bald, Pitbull Owner, she went to bed as Doris Day.

(I'm as old as my allusions. That's how I roll.)




Edited by LennieBriscoe
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As usual most couples seem so relieved to end the tension of waiting to see who they married they act pleased no matter who they end up seeing. When the say the experts really did a great job it only means for the moment they are happy with their physical appearance. There have only been a couple of people (notably last season) who immediately didn't approve of who was picked for them. I would be worried to be matched up with someone who I thought was 'out of my league'. I'd worry they weren't happy. However someone a bit better looking or not quite as good looking would make me more comfortable.

It appears like at least two couples are doomed to failure. I don't get the rationale of matching a frugal man with a woman who enjoys the finer things of life. If I were a woman who was asked if I was high maintenance I would say no but I'm certainly not low maintenance. Whether she is high maintenance for him depends on whether she expects him to support it.

She's a beautiful woman and has lovely breasts. I don't think it was appropriate for a wedding. If you do wear such a dress you shouldn't be insulted if people ogle...you should be insulted if they don't. Its the reason you wear a revealing dress.



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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Why does Myrla’s and Gils’ differences in money handling and income matter?  Why does her spending her own money on herself matter? 
Because a marriage is supposed to be a partnership not just two people sharing a bed.  That’s a fling. 
If she is the major income, then she is going to have to contribute more than half of the shared income to get the house and lifestyle she wants with Gil.  If he can’t pay half of an international trip, then is she going by herself? If he can’t pay half of a McMansion in Houston, are they going to live separately?  What about after kids - will one of them stay home? If it is Gil, will she share her income if it means she can’t buy her designer clothing? If she stays home, can she handle the reduction in income and therefore in designer clothes? 

Many women can marry someone whose income is less because they understand it’s a partnership and income is to be shared, even if your lifestyle then decreases. Myrla has no intention of sharing her income with her husband or children. Gil will be expected to provide everything so that she can spend all her money on herself. 

That is why her spending matters.  

This was a perfect summation.  It says what marriage is about.  If she decides to be a SAHM, the bills will all fall on him.  What then?  She will buy sneakers for the kids before designer shoes for herself.  In some states, Firemen don’t make that much.  They depend on overtime.  We would have loved to travel to Europe, but three college tuitions came first.  In some houses, that’s the way it goes, and we both worked.  Mylah is thinking of now, not the future.



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Brett and Ryan

Not a good feeling. I like Brett but these two are hewn from different cloth.

Bao  and Johnny

Cute couple. She may have a hard time getting accustomed to someone who is free with his feelings. Some Japanese believe in showing little emotion of affection.

Michaela and Zack

Handsome couple also. Both have power dreams and expectations. I hope they do good.

Rachel and Jose

Seem like a good match. Not sure they have the same goals or intentions.

Myrla and Gil

Only the power of love can save this union.





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9 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Myrla hasn't once said she wants Gil or any man to front her lifestyle. Which is leaving me confused by some responses to her.

The issue here is that Gil doesn't value those things so he won't be as interested in living extravagant. Whether it's with her money or his. 

She just wants to continue spending her money as she seems fit. If they can afford it, more power to her. Its only a problem if she's spending more than she has.

I didn't even notice José height. The concern with men's height is such a odd thing to me. It's something he can't control. I wouldn't mock him for it. Also, most women that want a tall man aren't even tall. I get the whole, when I wear heels thing, but it's such an issue nowadays. I'm 5'8 and you would think I was Danny Devito out here. It's like 6'0 or nothing for a lot of women. Just seems a little extra to me.


I don't understand it either! 


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22 hours ago, kristen111 said:

What the hell, Gil didn’t get a kiss?  At his own reception?  No bueno.  She’s going to be a handful.  Up hill all the way.

It always amazes me that there’s a guy or girl every season that refuses to kiss the person at the altar or the first few days ( who says they are attracted to the other person ) yet will full on get married to a stranger . Makes no sense . Looking at you , Myrla . 
Also , she looks like a mix of Mariah Carey and Sofia vergara. Certainly has the Mariah divaness too . 

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3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Trying to word this properly. 

No one has a right to be touched or expected to have sex without consent. Dressing as Myrla did for the wedding doesn’t give anyone permission to unwillingly touch her in any way.  
However,  i am indeed surprised at people who feel the need to wear lumberjack flannel pajamas on their wedding night, and refuse their new husband the traditional kiss, but feel it’s fine that the strange  man and his family and friends and the viewing audience get to see all she has in physical attributes.  

It just doesn’t seem logical to me.  I am a private person, and don’t want to participate in outlandish things like a stripper batchlorette  party either.  My wedding dress had a sweetheart satin bodice, skirt  - and a lace overlay that had a normal collar  and lace sleeves.  I try to dress so that people I don’t want to touch me also don’t get to ogle me. That would have seemed more of Myrla’s desired dress to me. 



I am exactly the same way.  Besides, it’s only Day one.  There are many things to work out.  I don’t get the “no kissing” thing tho.  A quick kiss would have been very appropriate to end a beautiful day and create a memory.





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40 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:


Bao  and Johnny

Cute couple. She may have a hard time getting accustomed to someone who is free with his feelings. Some Japanese believe in showing little emotion of affection.

Bao and Johnny are both of Vietnamese descent, not Japanese.

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6 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I liked Brett so much until this episode.  The moment that changed my perspective was during the wedding ceremony's 'Brett's family wants you to know' portion when she made gestures to Ryan for him to listen (she pointed to him and then to her ear to 'listen').  I made the mistake of thinking she was an elementary school teacher because of that gesture (rather than the high school teacher she is).  Then, to top it off, during the reception she not only talked with her mouth full, but she chewed with an open mouth

Ughhhh…I could not help but notice that both Brett’s and Ryan’s table manners left a bit to be desired. Just after Brett exhibited the lousy table manners you noted above, Ryan stuck his fingers in his mouth and pulled something out that I assume he simply did not want to swallow and then presumably put the partially chewed morsel back on his plate. Yuck yuck yuck. Yuck yuck yuck. That ranks waaaay up there on my faux pas list. Jeez…if he absolutely just had to do that, at least he could have turned his head away, covered his mouth with his napkin and discreetly put the inedible item into the napkin (without using his hands/fingers…yuck!) and folded it into the napkin and tucked it away (without looking at it!). 

I think the producers love to show clips of stuff like this. They say so much without anyone saying a single word. 

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22 minutes ago, Spectator said:

Ughhhh…I could not help but notice that both Brett’s and Ryan’s table manners left a bit to be desired. Just after Brett exhibited the lousy table manners you noted above, Ryan stuck his fingers in his mouth and pulled something out that I assume he simply did not want to swallow and then presumably put the partially chewed morsel back on his plate. Yuck yuck yuck. Yuck yuck yuck. That ranks waaaay up there on my faux pas list. Jeez…if he absolutely just had to do that, at least he could have turned his head away, covered his mouth with his napkin and discreetly put the inedible item into the napkin (without using his hands/fingers…yuck!) and folded it into the napkin and tucked it away (without looking at it!). 

I think the producers love to show clips of stuff like this. They say so much without anyone saying a single word. 

I finally realized this about Production.  Everything happens on purpose, and here we all are arguing with each other.















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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Myrla didn't know what her groom would look like or be. She walked to the altar as Marilyn Monroe, but after meeting  Gil the Bald, Pitbull Owner, she went to bed as Doris Day.

(I'm as old as my allusions. That's how I roll.)




Get the popcorn ready.  Wait until she meets the Pitt Bull.  I’ll need a chocolate shake with that.

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3 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I have a huge crush on Johnny. That's all. His timid "I really, really like you" in the previews...swoon. What a wholesome man. I hope Bao can ease up on her rules a little. The scene where he was happily helping her take out her hair pins was such an underrated moment of intimacy.

I still remember vividly my husband taking out my 100 hair pins in the bed.  That was the day when brides wore hair up in all big curls.  Now, I make him softly scratch my head until his hand gets numb, lol.

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4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I try to dress so that people I don’t want to touch me also don’t get to ogle me.

That's a good way of explaining it.

4 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Heh. I could see her wanting to keep her last name if she was her father's only child.  Myrla has a brother. She might not win that battle! The look on Gil's face when he told her that he expected her to change her last name... 

He definitely expects her to change her name, but I don't think there's any way she's going to lose that battle.  What's he going to do, drag her to the social security office?

Honestly, I'm surprised when women these days DO change their names.  I'm old and in all these years it never occurred to me to change mine if I got married. 

3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

It was nice to see Bao admit to Johnny’s’ friends ( she did, right?) that she’d had a crush on Johnny back on college. 

Yes she did.

1 hour ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

If I were a woman who was asked if I was high maintenance I would say no but I'm certainly not low maintenance. Whether she is high maintenance for him depends on whether she expects him to support it.

Maybe I'm weird, but I don't think of the level of maintenance in association with how much it costs.  Like someone could insist on spending an hour doing her hair and putting on makeup and false eyelashes every time she leaves the house, and to me she's high maintenance whether she uses cheap makeup and lashes or expensive makeup and lashes. 

And I can see someone who might spend tons on designer clothes but wears them like regular clothes--just throws them on when going out.  I would consider that low maintenance.

52 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Bao and Johnny are both of Vietnamese descent, not Japanese.

And Johnny's father was speaking Mandarin (Chinese). 

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5 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

What kind of a house does Jose live in that he’s so proud of?!!

From the pre-wedding clips, when they showed Jose's white dry erase Budget board, it showed "City of Pearland", which was probably taxes or a water assessment.  So he probably lives in Pearland, a very nice middle class suburb of Houston.  There's not a bad home there.

When he asked Rachel where she lived/worked, and she said that she lives in Galleria and works in Rosenberg, his face fell, and he asked her how much longer is left on her lease.  Both of those are pretty far from Pearland, especially in Houston traffic.

1 hour ago, Spectator said:

Ryan stuck his fingers in his mouth and pulled something out that I assume he simply did not want to swallow.

I thought it looked like it was an olive pit, or a bone or something truly inedible.  I'm giving him a pass on that....for now.

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Change her name?  Not on this shitshow with its track record of failed marriages. No fast answer to that question, sport. Heh, they’re so doomed for so many reasons. But call me, Gill. Let’s just say retirement means I don’t need—buy—the designer shoes, bags and outfits anymore.🤣🤣😉

Edited by buttersister
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On 8/4/2021 at 5:27 PM, humbleopinion said:

There is not enough booze at Costco to make me kiss any part of that fugly face….gag me….

He was doing all kinds of weird stuff with his mouth during the ceremony calling even more attention to it--it really was unappealing!!

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5 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I have a huge crush on Johnny. That's all. His timid "I really, really like you" in the previews...swoon. What a wholesome man. I hope Bao can ease up on her rules a little. The scene where he was happily helping her take out her hair pins was such an underrated moment of intimacy.

Yes he's so cute.  But I also loved Bao admitting to his friends that she always had a crush on Johnny.  Contrast that with Brett bellering "Am I his type?"  ( the odds of being pleased with the answer to that question are slim) and basically "What else do I need to be warned about?"  When you imagine the friends repeating those conversations to the grooms Bao comes off as lovely, and Brett not so much.  I wonder if she's been untouched for 2 years because she self-sabotages like that with others.

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22 minutes ago, princelina said:

Yes he's so cute.  But I also loved Bao admitting to his friends that she always had a crush on Johnny.  Contrast that with Brett bellering "Am I his type?"  ( the odds of being pleased with the answer to that question are slim) and basically "What else do I need to be warned about?"  When you imagine the friends repeating those conversations to the grooms Bao comes off as lovely, and Brett not so much.  I wonder if she's been untouched for 2 years because she self-sabotages like that with others.

Everything people are noticing about Brett is true, but her vows were very moving--particularly when she said that she would care for and heal his heart, however he had been wounded. And you could see that really hit home with him as he was listening.  I think these two have connected in the ways that matter and they will get over some of this other stuff.  She is awkward and nervous--but he asked for a kind person and he got one.

Edited by Alexander Pope
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11 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

It really is stupid.  I have 3 young adult single daughters ranging from 5'8" to 5'10".  My tallest is more than happy to date men her height or an inch shorter, but all over social media you see girls that are 5' tall saying that their man needs to be 6' or taller.  Why??  Leave the taller ones for the statuesque women.  Why is 6' some magic number when the average American male is 5'9"?   

IMO they're probably wanting someone at least 6' so they can run up to them, launch themselves and wrap around the guy like they do on shows like the Bachelorette/Bachelor. 🙄

Although, I'm 5'9-5'10" so that has never been a thought in my mind. I'd knock a guy across the room.

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On 8/4/2021 at 8:50 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

The officiant at Brett and Ryan’s wedding looked like he should have been a member of Monty Python.

Lord, I kept expecting him to say mawaige like inn Princess Bride.

17 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Anyhow, as I was saying, Myrla is very self centered.  No kiss at anytime?  Is she the next Virgin Mary?  Not with that enticing dress she isn’t.  Kisses on the cheek. Insulting.  Did she even ask Gil about his job?  Did she compliment him on saving lives?  Everything is about her it looks like.  Those pajamas didn’t look her type.

Brett .. I loved her emerald ring, bracelet and emerald shoes.  The flowers also complimented her hair.  I think he is pleased with her.  I love this show, especially after last season.  There was more, but my post went into space.

Brett had beautiful eyes…and I think I was the only one looking at her eyes.

9 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I have a huge crush on Johnny. That's all. His timid "I really, really like you" in the previews...swoon. What a wholesome man. I hope Bao can ease up on her rules a little. The scene where he was happily helping her take out her hair pins was such an underrated moment of intimacy.

I appreciated that he was so honest. I hate guys who complain about clingy women and the refuse to date anything else because that “clingyness” feeds their ego.

The fact that he was able to articulate his needs puts him head and shoulders above a lot of other men.

That being said, I do not come from an openly affectionate family so I understand that they both need to be patient with the other’s comfort levels when it comes to touch.

I feel like Myrla brought two sets of night clothes depending on how she feels about her new husband. The lumberjack signaled no way.

In all fairness, Gil is not what she wanted and this marriage is doomed.


Edited by qtpye
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5 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I tuned in to Unfiltered for a few minutes and Ryan was sitting there in shorts and I thought he could have cleaned up better to be on tv.  He looked like he just came in from mowing the lawn. 

I hated how he was dressed!

A funny exchange from Unfiltered:

Jamie asked Ryan what he noticed first about Brett. !

He said, "Her red hair..(pause)..and her breasts were all out."

Jamie: "Oh, you're more conservative. You like her more covered up?"

Ryan: "Nah, they can be out all they want."

The dress worked!

4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Can someone explain Jose's beard?  Do men who don't have a beard all around their entire lip line like he does shave parts of it off, or do they not have hair that grows there? 

I think that's why his beard looks weird. Most men have small bald patches under their lips and it makes it appear more natural. Jose's beard grow right up to his lips.

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11 hours ago, buttersister said:

Change her name?  Not on this shitshow with its track record of failed marriages. No fast answer to that question, sport. Heh, they’re so doomed for so many reasons. But call me, Gill. Let’s just say retirement means I don’t need—buy—the designer shoes, bags and outfits anymore.🤣🤣😉

Eh .. I have those designer bags with the heavy metal in my closet that everyone had to have.  Waste.  Now I’m at Vera Bradley crossovers that are very light and hold just enough that you need.  Now all the Kelly bags are the rage.  I’m over it all, being old.

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On 8/4/2021 at 8:26 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I think Ryan just has that one expression or lack of. 
Jose’s mom is just relieved he’s getting married so she can put those rumors to rest 

I kid you not, but the matchmaking episode, I wasn't paying that much attention but Jose comes on my screen and I thought:  "MAFS is finally pairing a gay couple together."

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6 hours ago, qtpye said:

feel like Myrla brought two sets of night clothes depending on how she feels about her new husband. The lumberjack signaled no way.

After that lumberjack scene, I went on line and ordered a pretty short silk wrap to wear around the bedroom.  What happened to the beautiful sets brides wore on their honeymoon and thereafter?

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Did we all hear Myrla tell the groomsmen she was conservative but stood there in a low cut nude illusion dress that allowed her "girls" to breathe?

As far as the groom commenting about red heads, it puzzles me when someone has that Kool-Aid colored red hair anyone would think it is natural then one of the bridesmaids said it was not her real color, like duh.  I think that color does look good on her it is just a bold choice I could not get away with.

I would faint if my husband had an interest in dancing and was actually good at it.  A man that can dance and teach me the two step just might be good at the horizontal cha cha, jus' sayin'.  Is my bar too low?


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14 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

As usual most couples seem so relieved to end the tension of waiting to see who they married they act pleased no matter who they end up seeing. When the say the experts really did a great job it only means for the moment they are happy with their physical appearance.

We were talking about that watching this episode.  I agree, it's the relief that the wedding is over, and at first look they are usually pleased with their new spouse.  Then reality sets in and they see all of the person they married.

I do have a taller hubby, I'm 5'4" and he's 6'2".  The only time I think about it is when I need something off a higher shelf.  Or there is a spider on the ceiling :).  He is also good out grocery shopping, and more then once he's gotten something of a high shelf for other shoppers.  

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Am I the only one that thinks Rachel meant it exactly the way it came out?  I mean, she doubled down and went "boom."  She could see his deflated and dejected look.

I think she's one of those backhanded compliment types who blurts out crappy stuff and then apologizes and pretends that's not what she meant.

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3 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

Am I the only one that thinks Rachel meant it exactly the way it came out?  I mean, she doubled down and went "boom."  She could see his deflated and dejected look.

I think she's one of those backhanded compliment types who blurts out crappy stuff and then apologizes and pretends that's not what she meant.

I agree with you.  And given how rude her "good friend" was to her in an earlier episode, she is used to this sort of thing.

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3 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

Am I the only one that thinks Rachel meant it exactly the way it came out?  I mean, she doubled down and went "boom."  She could see his deflated and dejected look.

Yeah, I didn't understand how she could say something so mean.

I noticed when they first met at the altar, he told her she was gorgeous.  A few times, actually.  It's customary to um....return the compliment?  But she said nothing.

Then later, she says to the camera that she thinks he's really cute.  I wonder if a producer warned her that her gaffe was really hurtful, and that she had a chance to make up for it, so that Jose would see it later.

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Was it Jose who is this season's "I want a queen for the empire I'm building.  Together we will be the power couple"?  I'm so over that.  Too often, they treat their "queen" terribly.  I have a niece dating a guy who started off saying "I want to treat you like the queen you are", then has gone on the treat her pretty badly.  Not abuse or anything, but she's not a priority for him. 

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On 8/4/2021 at 9:53 PM, buttersister said:

Preview was a shitshow. Yikes, Michaela, I hope those were the producers you were screaming and slamming at. Bring it on! 

Looking like Beth instability!! Say it ain't so!! Is that Hurricane Kay? WHO told her it was acceptable to act that way???? Is that another question to add to the questionnaire?? 😅😂

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16 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

Yeah, I didn't understand how she could say something so mean.

I noticed when they first met at the altar, he told her she was gorgeous.  A few times, actually.  It's customary to um....return the compliment?  But she said nothing.

Then later, she says to the camera that she thinks he's really cute.  I wonder if a producer warned her that her gaffe was really hurtful, and that she had a chance to make up for it, so that Jose would see it later.

Or she realized how it came off and decided she'd throw him a bone...not to his face, but on camera.

I could see maybe inadvertently saying something like that and then quickly saying, "I mean, you've got it all -- looks, personality..."  But she doubled down and then went "BOOM" like she was proud of herself for her words.  

Meanwhile, I think they are evenly matched looks wise.  She's attractive, but I don't think she's winning any beauty contests.  And with comments like that, she's not winning personality contests either.

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