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S13.E10: Light As A Feather, Stiff As A Bored

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

This is an episode thread; it is not the place to discuss who will or will not return for the next season. 

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Housewives are my guilty pleasure- I’ve probably seen every episode from most of the cities. This episode was perhaps the worst ever- I fast forwarded through most of it. Every single woman is cringeworthy, and not in a fun to snark way. Absolutely terrible. 

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4 minutes ago, Crankybroad said:

Do you think Ramona maybe abuses laxatives to help avoid weight gain? Isn’t that something bulimics do? That night lead to uncontrolled bowel movements. That is really strange! I would be mortified if that were me, leaving trails of poop everywhere and then having it broadcast on television!!!

That's what I was wondering too.  Or, at least uses them to get rid of any bloating when they are filming.

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1 minute ago, TexasGal said:

That's what I was wondering too.  Or, at least uses them to get rid of any bloating when they are filming.

That could be!

 Or is it all the rich foods they eat, on trips or at events, combined with a lot of alcohol?

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5 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

Because Leah's not dropping it all over the place, like a trail of breadcrumbs 😂 

But Leah is smearing her bullshit in our faces every week.

Especially the dead grandma bullshit. 

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Leah: “I don’t think you know Sonja enough to talk about her like that.”

I am assuming she means to her face. 

Because leah was just talking the same mad shit about her to the other new housewife behind her back on camera lol. So It’s fine to call her a drunk behind her back but a new girl pointing it out to her face was just to much? Lol again Leah is so full of shit. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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17 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Yes. That's what I THINK I saw too.  Sonja drinking wine THROUGH HER MASK....  That was really weird, though!  And the other weirdness is Moaner's STILL got poop falling out her ass ON THE FLOOR ON A TRIP.

Is it just the traveling or does she do that AT HOME TOO???

It's beyond time for her to seek medical care for her condition.  Hell, I thought she had PANTS on when that last little turd appeared.  What the actual HELL???

It's just gross...but let's have another season of these geriatric ladies getting sloshed and sloppy.

1 minute ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Leah: “I don’t think you know Sonja enough to talk about her like that.”

I guess it’s ok and better for you to talk about her to the other new housewife behind her back tho right? It’s fine to call her a drunk behind her back to a new girl is fine. but a new girl pointing it out to her face was just to much? Lol again Leah is so full of shit. 

On top of that she really went over the top with her fake crying (no tears no less) over the death of Eboni's grandma...that was just plain embarassing.

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5 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Bershan to Sonja after Sonja put on the Salem costume:   How do you feel in this? 

Sonja:  Well, you know, my family is very old American family so I feel okay. 

Me:  Oh Sonja, what the fuck? 

"HER" family...she is really delusional. The Morgan family isn't her "family". She married into that "old" family and was subsequently divorced from them. She's still hanging onto them for cache and social status. It's sad...and I'm sure her ex husband and the rest of the Morgans are embarrassed of her drunken behavior on national TV. 

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31 minutes ago, Crankybroad said:

Do you think Ramona maybe abuses laxatives to help avoid weight gain? Isn’t that something bulimics do? That might lead to uncontrolled bowel movements. That is really strange! I would be mortified if that were me, leaving trails of poop everywhere and then having it broadcast on television!!!

I'm wondering why Bravo felt the need to zero in on the situation at all.  Or why Sonja felt the need to scream and make a big deal when the cameras were there.  Are the editors third grade boys?  

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16 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I'm not watching any more, but I am living for the comments on this forum.  😂

Sounds like I didn't miss a damned thing tonight.  Kind of like all of the other episodes this season.  

At least Ramona has turned this shit show into an actual shit show.  🤢

It was all yelling, drunken verbal brawling and Ramona shitting on the floor. Luckily I had my Ipad to entertain me.

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33 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Housewives are my guilty pleasure- I’ve probably seen every episode from most of the cities. This episode was perhaps the worst ever- I fast forwarded through most of it. Every single woman is cringeworthy, and not in a fun to snark way. Absolutely terrible. 

Yeah I totally agree, most of the fun of the HW shows is the snark.  But it's getting tougher to find the fun.  

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10 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

It was all yelling, drunken verbal brawling and Ramona shitting on the floor. Luckily I had my Ipad to entertain me.

And here the other housewives were accusing Coco of shitting on their floors when a random turd would appear 😂

(I just knew these comments would be far superior to anything on this show)

Edited by Persnickety1
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All I have to add is Sonia saw Bershan's possible dethroning of drunken clown mess of herself AND I BEEN telling you Sonja will cut a bitch that plays with how she puts food in her mouth. LITERALLY. She was like another Trick coming for my food? Oh Hell no. Its over for Bershan, Sonja ain't getting oysters no way else than this show. 

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19 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

I'm wondering why Bravo felt the need to zero in on the situation at all.  Or why Sonja felt the need to scream and make a big deal when the cameras were there.  Are the editors third grade boys?  

I would rather do completely without this storyline.  There are things I don't need nor want to know.

I would rather have Eboni lecture me for an hour than know even 1% about Ramona's bowel movements seriously.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I have visions of Sonja peering into the windows of the Morgan mansion on Christmas Eve watching the Morgans unwrap presents. Then she tells everyone that she spent Christmas with her family, you know the Morgan family. She wants people to believe that she is still a valued member of the Morgan family when in reality they are probably like Sonja who?  But all joking aside she is a sad case.  She needs to get help not just for her alcohol problem but living a fantasy world that doesn't exist in reality for her anymore  

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How do you poop yourself without realizing it? Wouldn’t a persons undies stop it from being on the floor? Also not sure what makeup that would be. Unless she dropped an applicator with dark brown something on it. Not sure why Sonja found it so hilarious.

Bershan and Sonja were ridiculous. When I saw the To Be Continued I’m thinking WHY? Why continue it. They should put across the screen, We Will Spare You From These Two Idiots and just pick up with a new show next week.

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I suspect Ramona got so drunk she either shit on the floor without realizing or was sliding around or only had half an ass cheek on the toilet while shitting.  It probably was there all night.  Now as to why she never noticed it and cleaned it up, I've got nothing.   Other options is she did that in the morning while hungover.  If you've shit on the floor once, wouldn't you check for it?  😳

Okay, so Bershan did an impersonation of Sonja that was

kermit GIF

So Sonja, when defending herself stands up and this happens


muppets kermit GIF

So while Bershan was ridiculous to call her out the way she did and when she did, her impression was only missing the shake your ass in people's faces part of Sonja on a roll. 

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6 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Do we *really* think that was poo on Ramonas bathrom floor…. really? That’s like my ancient Labrador dog whose poo just falls out of him now. We can’t really believe Ramona has poo on the floor that she doesn’t notice? NO!!!?? Tell me how that can be true 😳

In her defense, I have dropped pieces of my bronzer onto the floor and to the naked eye, it would look suspicious...  Are we sure it is poop?

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25 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I have visions of Sonja peering into the windows of the Morgan mansion on Christmas Eve watching the Morgans unwrap presents. Then she tells everyone that she spent Christmas with her family, you know the Morgan family. She wants people to believe that she is still a valued member of the Morgan family when in reality they are probably like Sonja who?  But all joking aside she is a sad case.  She needs to get help not just for her alcohol problem but living a fantasy world that doesn't exist in reality for her anymore  

Her poor daughter must be mortified.

22 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

How do you poop yourself without realizing it? Wouldn’t a persons undies stop it from being on the floor? Also not sure what makeup that would be. Unless she dropped an applicator with dark brown something on it. Not sure why Sonja found it so hilarious.

Bershan and Sonja were ridiculous. When I saw the To Be Continued I’m thinking WHY? Why continue it. They should put across the screen, We Will Spare You From These Two Idiots and just pick up with a new show next week.

Now THAT would be funny.

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For the outfits at the historic site, Luann and Ramona were the first to nope out.  Bershan made a comment to Eboni that included "don't want to dress like the oppressor". Until her TH, Eboni stayed fairly quiet about it (housewives miracle!).  Bershan seemed to be trying to get Eboni to go into preacher, teacher, pontificator mode.  Bershan also made a comment directly to Eboni after Leah said she was glad she wasn't born in the 1600s saying we are too on a way that seemed to want to push toward a discussion of race. 

The housewives shows overall (at least the ones I watch) have over the years turned into drink, fight, either make up or drag it on for a whole damn season, rinse, repeat.  It is not entertaining. 

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2 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

This show is so far from what it used to be. Last night's episode was horrible, I kept zoning in and out and it was just not entertaining at all. They really need to get rid of Leah (and perhaps even Eboni). I just don't even know what to say about Sonja anymore. She used to be fun to watch and it's just sad to see she now is just a drunk, delusional mess (she probably always was, but it's all we see of her now). I agree with some of the other posters, keep Lu and Ramona and get new people or bring back women from previous seasons. 

I saw something on the internet yesterday (so we all *know* it must be true 😂) about Ramona being fired. That leaves Luann as the one semi-watchable cast member for me. I don’t know if I’ve outgrown this show; if the storylines are just all played out; or if I, as a grown woman with a masters degree, a teacher in a 90% minority district who personally sees the struggle our young people face, who watches reality shows for an escape, am just not in the mood for Eboni’s lectures OR Sonya’s delusions. I taught both in-person and online classes, AT THE SAME TIME, for the entirety of the 20/21 school year. I did not survive all that to watch these obnoxious women.  🤣

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LuAnn displayed the best behavior of the episode and probably most of this season. I really could like Eboni if she 1. Didn’t always feel the need to lecture or educate and  2. If she wasn’t so chummy with Leah. 

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17 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Barely watching this anymore. I had such high hopes for Bershan, how disappointing. And Sonja,  you just might have a drinking problem when you chug a glass of wine THROUGH your mask, just sayin’. 

I still like Bershan.  Don’t blame her for her outburst.  She was told to say all those things by Bravo.  Bring it up or get out.  All rehearsed.  I’ve decided after last night to go back to my reading, as I haven’t for awhile because of this crap.

Edited by Hangin Out
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Sonja and Bershan’s Argument at the restaurant was completely fake and manufactured for the cameras.

in fact, the entire evening was fake and manufactured by everyone at the table. And when did it become Acceptable to stand on top of tables in the restaurants and dance? If I were the restaurant owner or manager, they would be out the door pretty quickly.

And Sonja’s “drunk” elevator “antics” were also fake and manufactured.

This show really has nothing to offer anymore.


Edited by Mar
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1 hour ago, Feech said:

But Leah is smearing her bullshit in our faces every week.

Especially the dead grandma bullshit. 

Leah is so full of shit fake crying over the Grandma.  She was hamming it up in the Hamptons while Grandma was dying.  She should have been there or with her family.  My Cousin was on a ventilator from a stroke, and they let immediate family in to say their goodbyes, then pulled the plug.  This was during the pandemic in N.Y.

Edited by Hangin Out
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4 minutes ago, Hangin Out said:

My Cousin was on a ventilator from a stroke, and they let immediate family in to say their goodbyes, then pulled the cord.

That most definitely varied by location and facilities. Myself and many others did not have that same option, who know about Eboni’s grandmother (I believe it was stated that Leah’s grandmother was at home) 

Edited by biakbiak
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16 hours ago, ichbin said:

Ramona, quirks and all, has actually become the least offensive of them all despite the barbs and abuse thrown her way by the rest of the cast and Andy via WWHL.  

I KNOW! How is this possible???

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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

That most definitely varied by location and facilities. Myself and many others did not have that same option, who know about Eboni’s grandmother (I believe it was stated that Leah’s grandmother was at home) 

All the more reason Leah should have been there instead of the Hamptons.

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8 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Not much traffic here which implies many of us Primetimers didn’t get much out of this episode 🤷‍♀️

ps/ and I’m in a different time zone (Australia)… normally when I join in here after the episode there are pages of comments already!

I couldn’t make it through the episode. I am surprised too! I’m used to logging on and seeing 4 pages of discussion right after the show ends. 

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4 minutes ago, Hangin Out said:

Leah is a sneaky bitch.  Talking about Sonja and Ramona to Ebony the whole time like they are in High School.  

All these franchises are literally built on groups of women getting together and talking about the people who are not there and then usually someone running and telling those people what was said.

Edited by biakbiak
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1 hour ago, Hangin Out said:

I still like Bershan.  Don’t blame her for her outburst.  She was told to say all those things by Bravo.  Bring it up or get out.  All rehearsed.  I’ve decided after last night to go back to my reading, as I haven’t for awhile because of this crap.

I seem to recall years ago one of the OC housewives said they were told by the producers that if one of them didn't bring up an issue at a dinner, then they would be there all night until somebody did bring it up.  I found Tamra vile, but I think a lot of her shit stirring at outings might have been because she was the only one ballsy enough to start the requisite fireworks so they could all go home at a relatively decent hour.  

You may very well be correct in that somebody had to bring the drama, and maybe Bershan was ready to leave and set it off.  

I probably would rather than sit there all damned night waiting for someone else to do it.  

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3 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

I'm wondering why Bravo felt the need to zero in on the situation at all.  Or why Sonja felt the need to scream and make a big deal when the cameras were there.  Are the editors third grade boys?  

Perhaps die hard fans of Flavor of Love?*

*You may not get this if you are not of granny age... I believe that was the first reality poo left on the floor


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3 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Perhaps die hard fans of Flavor of Love?*

*You may not get this if you are not of granny age... I believe that was the first reality poo left on the floor


FLAVOR FLAV!!!!!! Lol The flashback of it all 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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4 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Perhaps die hard fans of Flavor of Love?*

*You may not get this if you are not of granny age... I believe that was the first reality poo left on the floor


I remember!  But even then they didn’t actually show it (I think).  


haha oh brother😅

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6 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Perhaps die hard fans of Flavor of Love?*

*You may not get this if you are not of granny age... I believe that was the first reality poo left on the floor


I'm so embarrassed I know this reference!  😳

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2 hours ago, Hangin Out said:

I still like Bershan.  Don’t blame her for her outburst.  She was told to say all those things by Bravo.  Bring it up or get out.  All rehearsed.  I’ve decided after last night to go back to my reading, as I haven’t for awhile because of this crap.

If I heard it correctly something was mentioned regarding a physical altercation.  But I can’t be sure because I was not watching or listening closely.  I also need to rewatch Leah’s crying meltdown as I was distracted at the moment and didn’t see most of it.

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15 minutes ago, JonnieUniteUs said:

If I heard it correctly something was mentioned regarding a physical altercation.  But I can’t be sure because I was not watching or listening closely.  I also need to rewatch Leah’s crying meltdown as I was distracted at the moment and didn’t see most of it.

They teased an altercation on next week's episode. Glass was broken.

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1 minute ago, emmawoodhouse said:

They teased an altercation on next week's episode. Glass was broken.

Ahh thank you.  Hopefully it’s nothing which would get anyone kicked off the show.  
Unless it’s Leah or Eboni.

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11 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

What the hell happened to our possibly chill, fun Barshan?  Where did she go?  Why was she so awful to the other women? What crawled up her butt?  

Ramona’s poop.

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3 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

I suspect Ramona got so drunk she either shit on the floor without realizing or was sliding around or only had half an ass cheek on the toilet while shitting.  It probably was there all night.  Now as to why she never noticed it and cleaned it up, I've got nothing.   Other options is she did that in the morning while hungover.  If you've shit on the floor once, wouldn't you check for it?  😳

Okay, so Bershan did an impersonation of Sonja that was

kermit GIF

So Sonja, when defending herself stands up and this happens


muppets kermit GIF

So while Bershan was ridiculous to call her out the way she did and when she did, her impression was only missing the shake your ass in people's faces part of Sonja on a roll. 


Bless you for uploading these gifs. 😂 

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I think the apple-holding women feel some sort of solidarity, by virtue of being the lead cast members, that puts them all in the same "inner circle".  So even new full-time cast members like Eboni get brought in.  But there was a definite vibe that everyone knew that Bershan was solely there because of Ramona (and that she isn't/wouldn't be a full-time apple holder), so she's not allowed to broach personal issues.  There's still a tier of longevity, and I'll be interested to see if Luann and Ramona feel that Leah might be reaching above herself in trying to solve Sonja's alcohol issues (just like last year, when Leah was kept on the outer edges of the Dorinda Interventions, and her opinions were brushed aside because she didn't have all the info and experience).  But Leah and Eboni can still speak their mind about Sonja, because they are officially part of this Group.  Bershan isn't, and so Bershan doesn't have that right.

Plus, Bershan was absolutely rude.  But I wonder if Bershan pivots to Sonja in part because she suddenly realizes that calling Luann a boring grandma for not drinking alcohol, looks really assholish, given Luann's very public saga.

But another thing that strikes me is that Sonja, the main target of Bershan's blast, opts initially to stay in Bershan's company, simply because she doesn't want to abandon Ramona.  That was an oddly sweet moment.  A bit weird, but sweet.

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I don’t care what bathroom I’m in, if I shit on the floor I’d clean it up!  This isn’t the first time she’s done this!  You can never blame this on how you were raised.  You’re just a POS (haha, see what I did there) who thinks it perfectly ok for you or your dog to shit on someone’s floor!

Edited by 12momine
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