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S01.E05: Journey Into Mystery

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Lightning McQueen driving the Pizza Planet truck.

Alligator Loki does a handectomy on President Loki.

What did variant Mjolnir do to end up in the Void?

And folks...

...we have a Throg.


Edited by tkc
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Did I wake up early to watch this just because I was so pumped from last week?  Yes, yes I did.  And good choice me!  What a fun, funny, exciting and charming episode.

Our Loki looking so disgusted when the Loki brawl broke out was hilarious.  Gator Loki was hilarious. And Richard E. Grant brought so much gravitas to that very funny costume that it was really a joy to behold.

Because I have somehow found myself in love with this Mobius character, I was briefly wondering as I was watching about the circumstances of Mobius’s survival.  Earlier in the episode, the other Lokis said Alioth gobbled up all the branched timelines pretty much right away, and it’s pretty much just the Lokis, the cockroach-like survivors, that endure here in the void.  But there was Mobius conveniently riding to the rescue with no explanation as to how he avoided the smoke monster, lived and found Sylvie and transport so quickly.  But I think it was just a convenience of a penultimate episode where we are running out of time, and not anything story-meaningful.  Kid Loki did allude to the fact that non-Lokis (cannibalistic marauders) survive here too, so Mobius could have just gotten lucky.

Speaking of getting lucky, I honestly could do without this odd foray into the Loki/  Sylvie romance.  I mean, I get the story purpose (or think I do).  It just weirds me out, though.  However, I did see a comment elsewhere that Mobius got more action with Loki (the hug) than Sylvie did with Loki in this episode, so that gives me a little hope that Sylvie and Loki will continue to keep it platonic.

But regardless, still really, really liked the episode.  I am just buying what they are selling with these high-concept Marvel shows (this and Wandavision).

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From a MCU point of view I hope that's not the last we see of Kid Loki. I've been enjoying the appearance of characters linked to Young Avengers since the first Ant-Man and I was hoping this meant Kid Loki was planned to be in the team up (assuming YA is something on the cards), so it was a bit disheartening to see him walk off into the distance. Maybe next week's episode will reveal he was returned to some new timeline.

I must confess I am not a fan of omnious clouds in any form of media. I just don't find them threatening. I just see a thunderstorm that exists as  plot point.

I knew Renslayer was playing Sylvie, she was too keen to help out and get to the bottom of the mystery to be trusted. Although I didn't expect Miss Minutes to be involved in the sneakery like she was. Maybe Miss Minutes is the big bad.

I will assume that people really versed in Loki's comic history would recognise more of the Lokis in the Loki Battle. Me? I had no idea. Just like I imagine all those buildings and vehicles lying around were major Easter Eggs. All I recognised was a structure with the word Thanos on it.

I had no idea those little creatures weren't peacocks until they re-appeared again.

Looking forward to the final episode and how it ties into Phrase 4's over reaching arc.

I did let out a chuckle at seeing Tiny Thor in a cage jumping for his hammer. (I did see that right?)


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You know, I said above that I wondered how Mobius survived the void (when other people like those sailors got gobbled up and presumably deaded), but I had also forgotten to figure in how the TVA is staffed by variants, including Mobius.

In this episode, they implied that both the reset branched timelines AND the pruned variants all end up in the same place (the Void).  But we have the hints that some variants are mind-wiped and put to work as agents.  Yet we haven’t seen how that process works (i.e., do they get mind wiped after getting gobbled up by the smoke monster, or is pruning not the process that leads to TVA agent training?).  When Renslayer pruned Mobius, did she think that this time was different in sending him to his death instead of just another reset?

Totally unrelated, but when that one guy said, “She self-pruned,” in a dumbstruck fashion after Sylvie turned the stick on herself, I laughed.  What a funny expression.

Edited by Peace 47
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2 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

I did let out a chuckle at seeing Tiny Thor in a cage jumping for his hammer. (I did see that right?)

So did I!!!

I died at all the Lokis all betraying and killing each other with an exasperated Loki watching on. “This is a nightmare!” Now you know what everyone else put up with for all these years, huh, Loki? LOL. His reaction to Gator Loki’s existence was priceless as well.

Richard E. Grant was great as Old Loki. Wow, so he faked his death at Thanos and lived in isolation all these years, only to get pruned because he missed Thor? Awww. Him building the Asgard replica to distract the monster was touching, so congratulations Old Loki, you’ve won the most poignant Loki death in the MCU.

Kid Loki: “I killed Thor.” Loki and me: “Whoa.” Does that mean the snake trick referenced in Ragnarok actually worked that time?

When Sylvie pruned herself, I KNEW she was going to meet up with Mobius. Thank God! He had me worried last week.

Mobius and Loki hugged!!!!!!!!!

Boo, no credits scene. Well, we’re getting one in next week’s finale, I’m sure. Man, I can’t believe it’s almost done. It’s been such a fun ride. I’m hesitant to say it’s my favorite Marvel show after I got burned so bad with FATWS. Please stick the landing!

Edited by Spartan Girl
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3 hours ago, GreyBunny said:

Renslayer is still a scumbag.

She really is. Outside of what "our" Loki has been through here, most of this is happening because she started a war with a nine year old. Hunter B-15 (I was so glad to see she's still alive, btw) told her that she won't be able to find whoever is behind the TVA before Sylvie does because she doesn't need it, she just wants it. I don't think Ravonna knows everything, though I kind of did last week, but she does know that Loki and Sylvie aren't entirely gone, just stuck in the Void. She's probably counting on either Alioth to eat them, or for the general disagreeable nature of Lokis to keep them from getting back, because an entire room full of them clearly leads to chaos. "What did you expect?" Heh.

"I don't really have friends. I don't...have anyone."

"I've betrayed everyone who ever loved me."

I may have gotten misty-eyed. I've never entirely taken to Loki, who in the past spent most of his time doing lousy things and then blaming everyone else for his problems, but Tom Hiddleston is doing an excellent job here of showing that he does regret the path his life took. Even if it's only through connecting with Sylvie and Mobius, who are arguably not innately heroic either.

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Welcome to the Void...

I'm really enjoying this Loki series.

The scene with all the Lokis sitting around and sharing stories was good. I also liked how Loki gave his big speech and they all laughed at him. (Quite a different outcome from Peter Quill's big speech to the other Guardians of the Galaxy in his first movie.) 

So there was even a civil war between Lokis, with multiple betrayals. I liked how Loki was just watching all the other Lokis fight, feeling exasperated. And how he managed to escape with Classic Loki, Kid Loki and Alligator Loki. 

I can't believe that Sylvie self-pruned. I'm glad Mobius is still alive. I liked that he and Sylvie teamed up in the Void.

Loki's reunion with Sylvie and Mobius was rather touching (without physically touching). I guess Mobius gets along with all Lokis. Loki and Sylvie were awkwardly endearing together, sharing a blanket and sharing confessions. 

Clever Sylvie managed to get a TemPad after all. So Mobius used the TemPad to get back to the TVA. I liked how Loki suddenly hugged Mobius, and Mobius told Sylvie that she was his favorite.

A lot of self-sacrificing on the part of two Lokis to distract Alioth. Poor Classic Loki: "Glorious Purpose!" And Loki and Sylvie went forward into the unknown.

Aargh - why did this episode have to end there? What is that place?

I'm still suspicious of Miss Minutes.

FYI: Marvel.com's "Episode 5 Event Report" has been published:

3 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

I did let out a chuckle at seeing Tiny Thor in a cage jumping for his hammer. (I did see that right?)

(Super Duper)

Edited by tv echo
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The Time Keepers are transforming the end of time into Utopia. How very Doctor Who of them. This whole show is feeling very DW on a massive budget which is understandable in some ways given it’s a time travel show with an English accented lead.

Tom Hiddleston was good in the meeting scenes with all the Lokis, I thought he brough the right amount of exasperation, desperation, wit and “fuck this is just another weird thing to deal with” . I did like his classic Team Speech that all the Lokis laughed at, even though it was pretty predictable because Marvel has metaed that a few times before.

Kid Loki killed Thor! Thanos helicopter? “Did you leave your Glorious Purpose there?” Love you, Boastful Loki and you’re attempts to brag that you killed all the Avengers and gain all six Infinity Stones. I mean betraying his friends as well, but that’s extremely standard Loki for you.

 I also liked Richard E Grant Loki. His stunt on the ship seems like the kind of thing that were would have expected “our” Loki to pull off, except he didn’t just that one time.

Although if there’s one Sacred Timeline in this dimension and all these Lokis are variants, why are they so different looking? Wouldn’t they be from different dimensions or the multiverse (as in separate universes with their own timelines) instead?

I wish I liked Slyvie more. I don’t hate her and kid version of her definitely didn’t deserve what happened to her but I’m finding it a little hard to care about her. And I do think she’s letting herself off some of the innocents she hurt even though she was being hunted. I did like parts of the talk with Loki in the Void, I thought that worked well as awkward and sincere. I'm glad there wasn't really too much more on the Loki/Slyvie romance but a general sense of quest partner. 

I definitely care about Mobius and B-15, I’m really glad they’re not dead. I did like that Mobius apologised to Slyvie and he’s right that when you think the ends justify the means then there’s not much you won’t do but it’s also never too late to change, albeit as long as you’re brave enough. I did like his thoughts on whether or not Aligator!Loki was really a Loki and whether or not playing a long con about it was more likely to make him an actual Loki. "Thanks for the Spark!" Aww. 

As for Renslayer, she’s the other side of the coin to Mobius. She’s ice cold but I think she is scrambling underneath. Like the person that's realised that all they believe in is a lie but is doubling down instead of accepting it. 

The Haunted Castle feel at the end was a bit of an anti climax for me but I'm looking forward to getting some answers. Richard E Grant Loki finally got to go out like "our" Loki did in IW, with a grand gesture to guaranteed to get him killed and laughing about it. 

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8 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I guess Mobius gets along with all Lokis.

I know!  /Monica Gellar voice.  Or at least all redeemed Lokis.  You could tell that Sylvie ended up liking Mobius as soon as he apologized, and then they apparently had a quality tete-a-tete in their pizza van road trip where Mobius talked enough about “our Loki” that Sylvie came away from that both knowing Mobius’s nexus theory and that Mobius really cares about our Loki (as she later told our Loki).

And then Classic Loki was deeply affected by Mobius’s words that it was never too late to change (he gives a very thoughtful look after that comment that makes me think it was Mobius who inspired him to make his sacrifice at the end).  Even murderous kid Loki seemed to like Mobius enough to care to ask what will happen to Mobius when he goes back to take on the TVA.

I don’t really get how Mobius’s plan to “burn down the TVA” is actually going to work.  Isn’t he just going to walk right back into the same situation with Renslayer that he was in in the last episode?  Walk right through the window and soon get backed into a corner by her (given that he is vastly outnumbered by all the guards loyal to the TVA)?  I guess this time, she won’t be expecting him, so maybe he can get the jump on her, maybe get to B-15 first for some backup. I just didn’t get why he didn’t stay with Sylvie and Loki, but maybe their implicit understanding was that they needed to divide and conquer.

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Loki's reaction to Kid Loki killing Thor was great. He was like, "Respect".

Now did Sylvie self-prune because she wanted to get to the man/woman/? behind the curtain or because she wanted to go to where (our)Loki was? I still can't tell if she feels the same as Loki.

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Hmmm. That was... fine? I enjoyed it, it was definitely fun to see the tiny Thor (providing I don't think about how long he might have been stuck in there) and the other Lokis. But especially for a penultimate episode, it was almost devoid of new information. It's only purpose seemed to be just moving the pieces on the board from one place to another - Mobius back to the TVA, Sylvie & Loki to the TimeKeeper's castle gates. I can't think of any new information we were given, and it was just rehashing emotional beats we've already covered, especially between Loki & Sylvie. Even the smoke monster was just a wall they had to climb to get a glimpse of the castle they need to invade. 

Old Classic Loki was glorious though, and one thing I am curious about is what exactly happens when the smoke monster eats you. Does that really end your existence or do you just get sent to another prison timeline? Because the smoke monsters purpose just seem to be to harass the inhabitants so they don't get curious about the castle in the mist. 

And now Ravonna is curious about who the TimeKeepers are? It almost felt like they replaced her with a Variant when we weren't looking. And I think Miss Minutes is just an AI like JARVIS, and maybe also operates as a spy for whoever is behind the curtain. If MM is more than that, I will be genuinely surprised. 

Edited by Wynterwolf
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WOW, things are really ramping up. AGAIN. I feel like every week I'm bracing myself for another cliffhanger.

The Lokis were all amazing. Classic Loki was definitely the MVP (he just wanted to see Asgard one last time because he misses Thor...) but Alligator Loki, Kid Loki, and President Loki were all fantastic. I was really curious when the promos of President Loki had appeared and thought he would be a bigger part of the story -- nope, just another hilarious Variant with the girliest scream ever. 

I was not disappointed by Loki's reunions with Sylvie (they shared a blanket!) and Mobius (ughhhhh that hug, my heart). I feel like this is the last we'll see of Mobius but I hope for a post-credits tag in the finale where he's off jet-skiing happily somewhere. 

I still have no idea who the big bad is going to be revealed to be, but it's going to be a nail-biting seven days until we find out...

Edited by Valerie
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I'm impressed Richard E. Grant kind of managed to make that costume work.

Plot-wise, this show really does feel wide open, which is quite unusual in an MCU product.

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I know OG Loki falling in love with Sylvie Lokie is bad.

But something worse happened in this episode.  

Lokigator, not only tore off President Loki's hand, he also swallowed it.

Is there a phrase for self cannibalism?

All hail the King!



Edited by Macbeth
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I could see Mobius releasing B-15 to help him get a private word with Ravonna, but who else would he get? And it feels more like they are setting up a private confrontation between him and Ravonna, especially if she looking for information (aka backstory we'll need going forward on the TimeKeepers and how the TVA was formed, which should tie into Mobius' backstory as well). 

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2 minutes ago, Wynterwolf said:

I could see Mobius releasing B-15 to help him get a private word with Ravonna, but who else would he get?

The last time we saw her, Hunter C-20 was still alive and talking, if a little shell-shocked. Ravonna told Mobius in the last episode that she was nonverbal when she died, but at least one of those things wasn't true. Given Renslayer's general assholism, C-20's probably on ice in a cell similar to B-15's until she figures out what to do with her.

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Whelp, I think we're already getting our next future Disney+ spin-off soon: Alligator Loki.  Because, of course, there is a Loki variant that is an alligator.  Everything about that was golden: from Loki/Tom Hiddelston's reaction to the introduction, to the rest of the Lokis just acting like it was the most normal thing ever, all the way to the random reaction shots from him/the alligator during pivotal moments.  Just gold.  Pure gold.  Maybe he can somehow team up with Goose the Flerkin (then again, only reason Alligator Loki got pruned was because he ate a neighbors cat...)

So, it looks like when someone gets pruned, they don't just simply die, but get sent to some kind of planet/dimension where a mist monster known as Aloith eats everyone.  They don't make it easy, do they?  But, hey, at least this allows for some Lokis to slip by, including our Loki, a Kid Loki (who killed Thor in his timeline.  Damn!), President Loki who is the exact worse, a hammer wielding Loki who ends up betraying everyone, and many, many more.  But the highlight?  Definitely Classic Loki played by Richard E. Grant, who is so awesome that he can even pull off the silly, classic outfit.  And I love how spending time with so many Lokis actually annoyed Loki at the end.  I think he was starting to finally realize why so many others out there don't care for him...

Didn't predict Sylvie pruning herself (and taking a teleporting device with her) in order to try and find who is behind the TVA, since she figured that they were likely in the same place as the other pruned variants.  And, of course, having faith that Loki was still alive.  But she found Mobius first!  Not too surprised he was still around since I didn't see them getting rid of Owen Wilson that quickly, but I'm glad he and his pizza car were there to help save the day!

Looks like Ravonna is still going against them, although it does seem like she is curious about who is behind the TVA as well.  I'm also starting to suspect something is up with Miss Minutes since they just brought her back into the fold.

Credit where credit is due, the show and Tom Hiddelston have really done a good job at making me believe that Loki is realizing that he has allowed his selfish impulses and ego to dictate the way he has done things in his life, and is wanting to truly change that.  He is even finding actual friends now!

Sophia Di Martino is proving to be another great casting choice.  Really hope this isn't the last we'll see her or Sylvie in the MCU.

Have I mentioned before that this episode featured a literal alligator as Loki?!

Looks like the set-up for the finale will be Loki and Sylvie finally (?) confronting the ones behind it all, while Mobius makes his play to "burn down" the TVA.  Hopefully that latter part will involve an assist from a still defiant Hunter B-15, but I also hope Mobius has a few more tricks up his sleeve.  Either way, can't wait!

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To be honest, most of the fun of this episode was in the background stuff. I got a really good laugh out of the Thanos-copter. Though I am still trying to figure out what was written on the destroyed alternative Avengers Tower (maybe a hint to Oscorb?), it was just fun paying attention to the details. 

And naturally Lokis would betray each other. But it made perfectly sense that the future one didn't, since he had some kind of redemption arc already. 

Kid Loki was fun. Very omnious that he killed Thor, but it kind of made sense that the youngest and the ones which came after "our" Loki were the ones least like to betray others. 

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4 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Credit where credit is due, the show and Tom Hiddelston have really done a good job at making me believe that Loki is realizing that he has allowed his selfish impulses and ego to dictate the way he has done things in his life, and is wanting to truly change that.  He is even finding actual friends now!

And it's been what, a couple of days from his perspective since New York?  Who says that meaningful personal growth is a long process? 

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So Disney, I am really going to need an Alligator Loki plush toy ASAP to sit next to my Baby Yoda, he is clearly a superstar. I love how everyone was just rolling with this alligator Loki and his cute little horns, I really need to know his story. "He's green isn't he?" This was a really fun episode, they really ran with the whole "multiverse of Loki's" concept for both humor and pathos. It reminded me a lot of Into the Spiderverse actually, with all of the weird localized variants of the same character, including an animal version. 

Awww Classic Loki managed to actually escape Thanos and live for presumably thousands of years only to realize how much he missed Thor and was only caught when he left to try and find him. Richard E. Grant did an impressive job at giving this very dignified and heartfelt performance while wearing the stupidest costume of any Loki we have seen yet. This feels like a Loki who really has realized the error of his ways, that years alone has made him realize what all he gave up for his "glorious purpose", that Loki's are all doomed to make the same stupid selfish mistakes over and over again to their own self destruction, that tried to make up for his mistakes but gave up when he was caught by the TVA before he could ever find his brother again. Then he met this new younger Loki, one that had apparently a very similar life as this Loki, all the way up to Thanos, one that still has some fight in him, and was inspired to make one last stand, that his real glorious purpose was to finally show that a Loki can put others before themselves. He already learned the lessons that this Loki is finally figuring out, and he got to finally be a new kind of Loki. Him creating that illusionary Asgard and then laughing in the face of the giant cloud was certainly an epic way to go, complete with a booming orchestral score of Ride of the Valkyries in the background. 

The music in general this week was noticeably excellent. There was the aforementioned very appropriate use of Ride of the Valkyries in Classic Loki's final stand, the return of that quirky science fiction style music, that epic and sort of creepy mysterious background score, you can tell the show is really putting effort into its score, which I love seeing. The MCU has often used popular music to excellent effect, but I have often found their scores to be a bit generic, so this is great to see. 

All of the Loki's were a blast, especially all of them constantly turning on each other, to our Loki's annoyance. Its like he's thinking "Is this really what dealing with me is like? No wonder so many people want to punch me." I hope that some of them come back, especially Kid Loki (in time for Young Avengers?!) who I really want to know more about. Did he actually kill his Thor, or was it more like Thor was collateral damage in some scheme or was killed in a prank gone wrong? Maybe Loki turned himself into too dangerous of a snake when he was messing with him as kids? It also led to as many hilarious lines as you might expect a room full of Loki's. "Did you leave your glorious purpose behind?" The Loki's constantly stabbing each other in the back was both hilarious, like Alligator Loki eating President Loki's hand in the middle of the fights chaos, and also rather sad, raising the question if these patterns really are inevitable for any Loki, even ones that realize how much betraying everyone they meet just leaves them alone and miserable. 

I was pretty sure that Mobius would be fine, but I still breathed a sigh of relief when he showed up in his pizza delivery car to save Sylvie. I love how he immediately hits it off with any Loki he meets, he and Sylvie even ended up bonding enough on their road trip that she can confidently tell Loki that he cares about him. Awww (again!) Loki gave Mobius a hug and called him his friend! My feels, they have returned again! I think that it is finally hitting Loki how badly he has screwed up his life by pushing away every person who loved him, so that and meeting Sylvie and Mobius, who are also both rather morally grey the way he is becoming, and do both actually care about him, has made him want to actually make the effort with people. Loki's regret over betraying everyone who ever cared about him seems to be a real turning point, and its pretty impressive that its happening so quickly, with "prime" Loki it took two more movies to finally sink in. I also thought his reaction to Classic Loki talking about how much he missed his Thor was quite poignant, he looked like he very much understood. Especially if he thinks that Thor died along with him when their ship was destroyed by Thanos, but no matter what, he's only now realized that he did love his family and they loved him, and he threw it all away. 

A whole tons of easter eggs and references in this one, down to the title of the episode, which was also the name of the comic where Loki and the Asgardians are first introduced into the comic world. I saw the Thanos copter, frog Thor (!) a broken Avengers tower, the Red Skulls plane, and even a Polybius, the mythical 80s arcade game that supposedly served some sinister purpose before it disappeared, I guess from a timeline where it actually existed. 

I really have to give this show credit, I have no clue where this is going as we head into the finale, and I am really excited to be surprised. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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3 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

And it's been what, a couple of days from his perspective since New York?  Who says that meaningful personal growth is a long process? 

What, like it's hard? reese witherspoon GIF

In fairness, our Loki did allow that it could have been anywhere from days to months or longer since he had been at the TVA.  But he is very clever, so he may just be a little Elle-like overachiever.

Edited by Peace 47
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I thought this was a standout episode - the character moments between Mobius, Loki, Sylvie, and Classic Loki especially were super good.  There’s a part of me that would have liked a little more of the Loki Royal Rumble, but I much prefer that to feeling like they belabored the idea.  The only complaint I have is that it felt a little anticlimactic for Mobius to just portal out of the terrible inescapable void - otherwise I am looking forward to the finale next week.

Also - one prediction: somehow it becomes this Loki who returns to the MCU, lives out the remainder of Phase 3, and uses Classic Loki’s plan to survive Infinity War.

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On 7/7/2021 at 6:05 AM, Spartan Girl said:

Boo, no credits scene.

Watching all the MCU movies in chronological order taught me to ALWAYS expect mid-credits scenes. But then the first few episodes of Loki forced me to unlearn this. So last week I missed the mid-credits scene. So this week I careful looked for it. It wasn't there.

On 7/7/2021 at 11:19 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Sophia Di Martino is proving to be another great casting choice.  Really hope this isn't the last we'll see her or Sylvie in the MCU.

The casting for Loki has been stellar, even in the bit parts. It's 75% of my love for this show. 

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38 minutes ago, Chyromaniac said:

Also - one prediction: somehow it becomes this Loki who returns to the MCU, lives out the remainder of Phase 3, and uses Classic Loki’s plan to survive Infinity War.

If this Loki wants to change history, he will leave the Tessaract on Asgard. Therefore, Thanos will be drawn there to fight Surtur ... nobody knows who will win...

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1 hour ago, Chyromaniac said:

Also - one prediction: somehow it becomes this Loki who returns to the MCU, lives out the remainder of Phase 3, and uses Classic Loki’s plan to survive Infinity War.

Yeah, that was my first thought when I heard that story. This gives the writers a way to bring him back in some future Thor or Avengers movie.

Maybe after he faked out Thanos and went into hiding our Loki was part of the 50% of the beings in the Universe that Thanos wiped out, and he comes back with the rest of the Universe when they're restored. 

Edited by NeenerNeener
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This was my favorite episode so far. Richard E Grant was fantastic as classic Loki.  You know an actor is great when they can make you care after 15 minutes of screen time about their fate.  I was upset when classic Loki sacrificed himself. I want more of him, dammit!

I want an Alligator!Loki plush asap!

Loki and Mobius hugging made me sniffle and they have made me buy into the Loki/Sylvie love connection. Don't laugh, but they come across as adorable and kind of wholesome to me.    Don't betray each other!

I really liked kid!Loki. I hope they use that actor/character more in the future of the MCU.

I am sad it's almost over and please stick the landing next week show!

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I really enjoyed this episode. If this were the series finale, I would be happy. While there are many questions left, I thought that the character arcs for Moebius, Sylvie and Loki were great. They found out who they truly are and what their purpose in life is.

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I'm thinking Loki and Sylvie finally found out what their glorious purpose is, to find out who made the TVA. And its the TVA's fault by keeping all the Loki's in one place so the different ones can find each other. 

Loki seeing Classic Loki lived but spent thousands of years alone and just missed Thor and Sylvie who never got to be a Loki because she was always running. 

I loved seeing all the Loki's betray each other and our Loki being like, so this is what's its like for everyone else and being embarrassed for himself.

Loki catching feelings for himself is a Loki thing. Slyvie is very different then the other Loki's, betrayal isn't her thing since she's never had anyone to betray. I do wonder how this will end. Are we going to have kid Loki, Sylvie and our Loki all in the MCU? 


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15 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Richard E. Grant gets all the kudos for somehow making that ridiculous outfit work. 

Plus that exchange with Mobibus about Loki Aligator, "he's green isn't he?" Sounded like there was a checklist 😄


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I’m not familiar with the TVA or Kang in the comics, so honestly the comics analogue I drew from this was DC’s Legion of Super-Heroes. One of the LSH’s greatest enemies is the Time Trapper, who lives at the end of time and decided to conquer the rest of the timeline. The TT has been revealed to be multiple different important people from the LSH’s history: key enemies or even key members, leading to the canon theory that the TT’s origin is in flux and reshapes itself all the time.

anyways, I enjoyed the ep. It was a lot of color and detail and Easter eggs but not a whole lot of movement on the plot, but that’s okay.

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48 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Richard E. Grant gets all the kudos for somehow making that ridiculous outfit work. 

I agree - Richard Grant is one of the few people who could make this work:


He looks like he is wearing a diaper.  And yet he was able to pull it off and gave it his all.

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Gator Loki eating the hand is like a weird Anchorman Easter Egg. LUKE Wilson gets his hand chopped off by Tim Robbins during the giant news team rumble.

Edited by paigow
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13 minutes ago, paigow said:

Gator Loki eating the hand is like a weird Anchorman Easter Egg. LUKE Wilson gets his hand chopped off by Tim Robbins during the giant news team rumble.

It can also be a Disney in-joke to Tom voicing a young Captain Hook in one of their Tinker Bell direct-to-DVD sequels. Since, you know, his hand got eaten by a croc (different than a gator, but still).

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31 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Do we think they are going to pull a Wandavison and have it be a Loki all along? 

That would weirdly make sense to me. 

I'd like a short with AlliLoki, Goose, Old Lace, Whip Lash's parrot, and any other animal looking creatures I'm forgetting. And they just drink boxed wine and discuss their adventures. 

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3 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Yeah, that was my first thought when I heard that story. This gives the writers a way to bring him back in some future Thor or Avengers movie.

Maybe after he faked out Thanos and went into hiding our Loki was part of the 50% of the beings in the Universe that Thanos wiped out, and he comes back with the rest of the Universe when they're restored. 

Nah, "our Loki" is just going to go straight into the normal MCU as is.  Think about it.  Gamora, who was introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy was slain by Thanos in Infinity War, right?  And then a 2014 version of her showed up in the modern MCU.

Even if he wasn't there for it, presumably Thor was told about how Loki escaped with the Tesseract during the 2012 mission.  Our Loki will just say, "Yeah, I'm that guy.  And I seen some shit, lemme tell ya'."

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