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S11.E06: The Liberation of Erika Jayne

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9 hours ago, Jel said:

Re: the Crystal mean girl behavior -- I will take a stab at explaining it.

Sutton feels everyone understands that she is emotionally vulnerable and socially awkward. Some people, and I am guessing Sutton is one of them, are kind of "in their own heads" a lot, and so take things extra personally and sometimes see harm where none was intended. (The kick was a good example -- Crystal thought she was keeping Crystal in on the joke by doing that, Sutton felt excluded by it.)

Crystal, after agreeing to let it go, then went on to go into great detail about the event to anyone "who asked". She emphasized the weirdness of it and made plain how upset she was to the HWs who asked her about it. Because they'd agreed to let it go, Sutton expected Crystal to not talk about it anymore, period. The fact that she did then to go on to talk about it with Sutton's friends is "mean girl".  (Oh but they asked, sooo I had to answer. No, you didn't.) Like it was an effort to get others on side with her, after she said she'd let it go. Then, on the boat, she tells a clearly emotionally vulnerable woman that she's manic and crazy, in a rather cool way. There is a "preying on weakness" vibe to that scene that comes across as mean girl. 

Having said that, I don't discount the fact that Sutton might be used to using tears as a way to shut a conversation down, and that she expects once she busts out the tears, for everyone to just forget what happened because Sutton "is upset". I'm not a fan of that kind of behavior either, as I find it pretty manipulative too.


Co-signing everything in this post!

I wanted to like both Crystal and Sutton, but I'm on neither team at the moment. I think Sutton is basically harmless and generally doesn't set out to cause trouble, but she was totally in the wrong by interjecting herself during the initial conversation about race. Crystal had every right to be irritated  about the initial incident, but I think she showed her true colours afterward by making a bigger deal out of an awkward accident. My spidey senses also pick up on "mean girl" vibes with Crystal. I think she's a bit of a snob, and may feel a bit of a boost by putting others down. It's interesting that both women seem to be terribly insecure (in different ways) and are hiding it behind a outward veneer of material success. 

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On 6/26/2021 at 11:12 PM, princelina said:

Not trying to be argumentative but I must respectfully disagree - that type of dress, tight around the middle with the buttons straining, was the last thing she should have been wearing!

No offense taken.  I will stand by my assessment of the style itself BUT yes, I must agree the sizing/fit should have been better. The buttons did appear like she was attempting to stuff 6 lbs of sh** in a 5 lb bag.  For someone so wealthy, you'd think she had a tailor or the ability to purchase a size larger.

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2 hours ago, Feech said:

Well maybe you would want your Kitty to be comfortably numb when it is being visited by an octogenarian hyped up on Viagra.

Fair point. Every gold digger must really resent Viagra. In the old days, even if you married a much older man, at a certain point your kitty was kind of off the hook. Sometimes things are better off getting dusty . . .

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14 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

No offense taken.  I will stand by my assessment of the style itself BUT yes, I must agree the sizing/fit should have been better. The buttons did appear like she was attempting to stuff 6 lbs of sh** in a 5 lb bag.  For someone so wealthy, you'd think she had a tailor or the ability to purchase a size larger.

Maybe she was styled by Kyle 😄

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On 6/25/2021 at 6:50 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

Maybe she forgot to mention the part about giving him bus money? 😂 I wonder if she packed his lunch, too, in a brown bag with his name on it?

It all sounds so rehearsed and contrived when she's speaking.

I don’t believe she drove him to work at all.  It just sounded better for the story of lies.  So dramatic.  Liar.

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On 6/27/2021 at 12:14 PM, Hangin Out said:

At this point, I wouldn’t believe one thing she says.  It’s like everyone should be afraid of her.  They should throw her off.  I for one do not like her demeanor.  Never did actually.  From always praising Tom, she did a sudden flip.  Now he’s the bad guy all of a sudden.  Of course they don’t believe her story, but they don’t want to rattle her cage.

I remember when Jaggy had her number. Out of the mouths of babes indeed! LOL (sry, long vid is long)



And I totally agree with you. If Erika's yap is open, nothing but evasion and lies spills out.

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7 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Hahaha I know exactly the scene you are referring to. Erika was admiring Jagger's cuteness, and he looks at her and points "bad guy!"

Thanks for this! 👍 I tried watching the clip but it is not available in my non-US location, and I was dying to know what smart thing Jagger said this time. I'm dumbfounded that two such amazing children have come from Dorit and hubby. I dare say they must be great parents. I do like how Dorit interacts with her kids 😊

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11 hours ago, Hangin Out said:

I don’t believe she drove him to work at all.  It just sounded better for the story of lies.  So dramatic.  Liar.

Maybe "work" is a senior day care center.  She needed him out of the house so she could move out and didn't want him to wander in to the moving truck.  Sorry - feeling a bit snarky and uncharitable this morning.

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On 6/27/2021 at 10:11 AM, Jel said:

Re: the Crystal mean girl behavior -- I will take a stab at explaining it.

Sutton feels everyone understands that she is emotionally vulnerable and socially awkward. Some people, and I am guessing Sutton is one of them, are kind of "in their own heads" a lot, and so take things extra personally and sometimes see harm where none was intended. (The kick was a good example -- Crystal thought she was keeping Crystal in on the joke by doing that, Sutton felt excluded by it.)

Crystal, after agreeing to let it go, then went on to go into great detail about the event to anyone "who asked". She emphasized the weirdness of it and made plain how upset she was to the HWs who asked her about it. Because they'd agreed to let it go, Sutton expected Crystal to not talk about it anymore, period. The fact that she did then to go on to talk about it with Sutton's friends is "mean girl".  (Oh but they asked, sooo I had to answer. No, you didn't.) Like it was an effort to get others on side with her, after she said she'd let it go. Then, on the boat, she tells a clearly emotionally vulnerable woman that she's manic and crazy, in a rather cool way. There is a "preying on weakness" vibe to that scene that comes across as mean girl. 

Having said that, I don't discount the fact that Sutton might be used to using tears as a way to shut a conversation down, and that she expects once she busts out the tears, for everyone to just forget what happened because Sutton "is upset". I'm not a fan of that kind of behavior either, as I find it pretty manipulative too.


And I had a revelation this morning: Erika reminds me of.....the Sharon Stone character in Casino. Tell me I'm wrong!


Exactly, no she didn't. It wasn't like the woman were trying to drag it out of her. She could have just said oh it's nothing Sutton and I talked it out so we've decided to drop it and move forward. But no, Crystal was practically salivating at the opportunity to recount the scary, creepy and strange ordeal with the others. 

I think Sutton does have expectations when she's emotionally  vulnerable but here's the thing. Wouldn't you EXPECT anyone, who sees that you have crossed over into an emotionally distressed state, to take pause and recognize the sensitivity of the person your conversing with? I mean, if I trip into an upset mindset while discussing something I don't think I should be required to expect callousness or coldness as an acceptable reaction. It's one thing to be aware that not everyone is nice or is sensitive it's another to expect someone to be OKAY with that sort of reaction. No, being unkind isn't something  I plan on giving a pass on. And no, I don't accept the counter argument that a person who is emotional shouldn't get a pass for creating awkwardness or automatically be side eyed as someone who is being manipulative. Those are all excuses for people to be mean because they can't be bothered to take a more responsible approach to uncomfortable interactions. 

I think there's a fine line between someone truly having an emotional reaction to something and someone being deliberately manipulative because in a way emotions are a way to communicate. If I'm upset to the point of crying then I want you to know that I'm emotionally fragile and as we move forward I'm counting on you to understand just how vulnerable I am so I'm hoping you proceed in a way that won't cause more distress. I mean, what's wrong with allowing yourself to be transparent in that way? I think that's Suttons way. She's not going to pent up her discomfort by presenting you with a stiff upper lip and she shouldn't have to. That doesn't make her wrong or crazy or unhinged. It's makes her honest.


Edited by Yours Truly
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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

I think Sutton does have expectations when she's emotionally  vulnerable but here's the thing. Wouldn't you EXPECT anyone, who sees that you have crossed over into an emotionally distressed state, to take pause and recognize the sensitivity of the person your conversing with? I mean, if I trip into an upset mindset while discussing something I don't think I should be required to expect callousness or coldness as an acceptable reaction.

This is a fair point, with the exception of someone whose reaction is always to cross into an emotionally distressed state rather than just apologize for her transgression and stop.  She's not the victim she likes to think she is. 

I can't think of any reason Sutton would be emotionally distressed so often and if she really is that thin skinned she's on the wrong show. 

I've seen Sutton be rude to others far more often than anyone was mean to her, starting with her comments to Teddi during a dinner last season. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Before the naked nonsense there were 3 interactions between Crystal and Sutton that I remember - 1.  Sutton interrupted Crystal when she was expressing herself about racial stereotypes being hurtful and turned it into a conversation about southern stereotypes, 2. When they met up the next day to rehash that conversation and it turned into Sutton's dad's suicide and Crystal heard her out, and 3. Sutton on the boat with the face roller.  Did something happen between 2 and 3 that I am missing?  Because if not then where did the face roller on the boat conversation come from?  I was with Crystal then because it seemed like Sutton was just looking for another chance to whine.  Then there was 4. When the ladies were involved in the stupid martini prank and Sutton was feeling left out (I sympathized with her on that) but when Crystal tried to clue her in Sutton ended up publicly shaming her for "kicking her".  I don't love Crystal but if I were in her shoes I'd keep my distance from Sutton.  Apparently she prefers to get revenge for "nakedgate" 😄

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I've seen Sutton be rude to others far more often than anyone was mean to her, starting with her comments to Teddi during a dinner last season. 

Yeah I'm a Sutton apologist, but this is very true, though I think her comments to Teddi are function of the same anxiety/awkwardness. It's so odd too, given that the "book" on her introduction to the show is that she is one the best party throwers in socialite circles? !! But yeah and I remember her being appalled at Teddi's melodramatic reaction even though Teddi had a much better excuse for overacting in ways she couldn't control due to pregnancy hormones. 

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21 hours ago, Glama said:

Thanks for this! 👍 I tried watching the clip but it is not available in my non-US location, and I was dying to know what smart thing Jagger said this time. I'm dumbfounded that two such amazing children have come from Dorit and hubby. I dare say they must be great parents. I do like how Dorit interacts with her kids 😊

No prob! I have my criticisms of them too, but I do enjoy watching the family tbh. Dorit is so beautiful and glamorous; PK has that gorgeous accent, and their kids are the cutest. 

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16 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Exactly, no she didn't. It wasn't like the woman were trying to drag it out of her. She could have just said oh it's nothing Sutton and I talked it out so we've decided to drop it and move forward. But no, Crystal was practically salivating at the opportunity to recount the scary, creepy and strange ordeal with the others. 

I think Sutton does have expectations when she's emotionally  vulnerable but here's the thing. Wouldn't you EXPECT anyone, who sees that you have crossed over into an emotionally distressed state, to take pause and recognize the sensitivity of the person your conversing with? I mean, if I trip into an upset mindset while discussing something I don't think I should be required to expect callousness or coldness as an acceptable reaction. It's one thing to be aware that not everyone is nice or is sensitive it's another to expect someone to be OKAY with that sort of reaction. No, being unkind isn't something  I plan on giving a pass on. And no, I don't accept the counter argument that a person who is emotional shouldn't get a pass for creating awkwardness or automatically be side eyed as someone who is being manipulative. Those are all excuses for people to be mean because they can't be bothered to take a more responsible approach to uncomfortable interactions. 

I think there's a fine line between someone truly having an emotional reaction to something and someone being deliberately manipulative because in a way emotions are a way to communicate. If I'm upset to the point of crying then I want you to know that I'm emotionally fragile and as we move forward I'm counting on you to understand just how vulnerable I am so I'm hoping you proceed in a way that won't cause more distress. I mean, what's wrong with allowing yourself to be transparent in that way? I think that's Suttons way. She's not going to pent up her discomfort by presenting you with a stiff upper lip and she shouldn't have to. That doesn't make her wrong or crazy or unhinged. It's makes her honest.


I don't like mean girl behavior, and I also don't like it when people use tears as a way to manipulate others (see: many HWs and their tearless crying).  

Also, I think it's dependent on how we are brought up. In some cultures, crying in public is just not done, in others, it's okay. But it's a mistake to assume that because someone is not crying that that is proof they have not had their feelings hurt.  

I think Sutton has some social anxiety, and she's quite "in her own head" a lot. And she's also pretty quick to call it out when she sees it directed at her, which is good, but she seems also to be unaware of the effect her reaction be having on others.  If she is upset, she expects people to react kindly. If she has upset someone else, she expects that person to put aside their hurt feelings (because they aren't crying?) and consider how their upset is affecting Sutton.  For me, it's up there with the non-apology apology. "I'm sorry you were upset" = "You being upset about what I did is making me cry".

I think Crystal has mean girl tendencies. And I also think that Sutton might (unconsciously) use tears as a way to avoid being called out on her own behavior.  Not in a manipulative way, but rather in a defensive way.

I'm a kind person, and as a kind person, I know it's not kind to shut down someone who is attempting to share her own experiences with a "No. No. We are not doing that."  But Sutton "gets upset", so people don't really ever have the opportunity to tell Sutton how her behavior affects them? If she were a patient on my couch, I'd ask her to consider allowing herself to hear what others are saying, even if she feels upset by it.  I think Sutton is a nice person, but her behavior is not always nice, and she's got herself stuck in this negative reinforcement loop. The way to break out is to allow herself to feel upset by hearing what others have to say, imo.


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18 hours ago, blixie said:

Yeah I'm a Sutton apologist, but this is very true, though I think her comments to Teddi are function of the same anxiety/awkwardness. It's so odd too, given that the "book" on her introduction to the show is that she is one the best party throwers in socialite circles? !! But yeah and I remember her being appalled at Teddi's melodramatic reaction even though Teddi had a much better excuse for overacting in ways she couldn't control due to pregnancy hormones. 


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3 minutes ago, OdinO. said:

What's the point? It's unlikely that she is in perimenopause? I argue it is likely.


That people excuse her actions because of it, so I was inquiring if this is something she has brought up that I missed because it’s not like there is an exact timeline or that everyone reacts the same way. 

Edited by biakbiak
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On 6/25/2021 at 2:45 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I’m still thinking about that THC oil and why she would use a sexual enhancer before Sutton’s party. Oh yeah, so she could use the words vagina and clit. 

I agree with you, I don't understand why she would put that cbd oil on her kitty cat?? It's supposed to be for relieving pain right? I never heard of anyone using it for sexual pleasure.  Unless it's something else and I'm confused.

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On 6/24/2021 at 11:09 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

That was not my impression. I thought she knocked, did not get a response, went in the room to put the coat down and then saw her naked. Embarrassed, she made a joke about it. There is a slight delay after she goes in before we hear conversation, iirc. I am assuming because she did not see Chrystal as soon as she opened the door.

Is Chrystal a friend of Teddi’s? Seems like Teddi would have had the same reaction with making a mountain out of a molehill. 

Some women would walk around naked and think nothing of it, but I would never do it.  Just sayin.  We went to visit my Sister in another State after her husband died.  She asked if I would scrub her back as her husband used to do it.  I said o.k.  She took off all her clothes, thought nothing of it, and I washed her back and said nothing.  She wasn’t uncomfortable, but I was.  Different strokes for different folks.  There’s no right or wrong.  Hell, I won’t even walk around naked in daytime in front of my husband now.  I don’t look like I used to. Lol.  He’d get scared.



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3 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

I agree with you, I don't understand why she would put that cbd oil on her kitty cat?? It's supposed to be for relieving pain right? I never heard of anyone using it for sexual pleasure.  Unless it's something else and I'm confused.

Who has pain down there?  Why?  I don’t get the whole thing.  I’m confused also.  What is this stuff for?  I’m old, and old fashioned to these things.

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On 6/29/2021 at 4:27 PM, Cosmocrush said:

This is a fair point, with the exception of someone whose reaction is always to cross into an emotionally distressed state rather than just apologize for her transgression and stop.  She's not the victim she likes to think she is. 

I can't think of any reason Sutton would be emotionally distressed so often and if she really is that thin skinned she's on the wrong show. 

I've seen Sutton be rude to others far more often than anyone was mean to her, starting with her comments to Teddi during a dinner last season. 

I get that it would be annoying to witness someone frequently fall into that state of mind but it is what it is and I just think that people are too quick to make excuses for unkind behavior. Can't really put a limit on how often some gets emotional. You've got to choose to either deal with it or don't but I don't think the option to react in an unproductive or negative way should be acceptable. I've been annoyed by people but as frustrated as I may get I try to make it a point to NOT give myself permission to lay into them or express my frustration with them in a meanspirited way. For what? For self gratification? I should be able to unleash my aggravation? Why exactly? If it's not going to be productive then it's only being done as a self indulgence. 

 I take pause when I find myself in a place where I may end up "allowing" myself into unkind territory. I don't HAVE TO let myself react and if I find myself tempted to react I, MYSELF have given myself the chore to choose to NOT react unkindly. I recognize the potentially ugly moment and veer in the opposite direction.  Also, if it's that challenging (although as a grown ass adult I don't truly assign such a level of "ugghh it's/she's/he's too impossible to deal with" very often) but if it's that serious then I put it on myself to just remove myself with as little communication as possible. If I believe there is some true fragility going on and I can't take it then I'm not going to engage in frequent interactions with someone that is gonna set me off or take me outside of who I am.  What would be the point? We want so much to direct the way things play out and to be honest I don't like forcing things. If Sutton is a hot mess then she is a hot mess and if that's too much for me to take then I will design some sort of way to around it possible cause obviously I'm in no position to dictate to her how often she can have her emotional episodes and I don't have to outline to HER how I find HER emotional randomness offensive. That's just really fucked up in my opinion.  

Now don't get me wrong this has nothing to do with Suttons potential at being rude or mishandling a situation I'm purely speaking on the topics where Suttons been addressed rudely and negatively cause she has a tendencies to be emotionally fragile at times which causes any given cast member to feel awkward or uncomfortable. I don't think someone should feel guilty because they become emotionally distraught easily and I also don't think it's fair to accuse someone of doing it DELIBERATELY and with an agenda. I truly think Sutton falls into those moments organically and she's genuinely feeling distraught. The fact that it happens easily or frequently doesn't negate the authenticity of her emotionally state in the moment. 

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21 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I get that it would be annoying to witness someone frequently fall into that state of mind but it is what it is and I just think that people are too quick to make excuses for unkind behavior. Can't really put a limit on how often some gets emotional. You've got to choose to either deal with it or don't but I don't think the option to react in an unproductive or negative way should be acceptable. I've been annoyed by people but as frustrated as I may get I try to make it a point to NOT give myself permission to lay into them or express my frustration with them in a meanspirited way. For what? For self gratification? I should be able to unleash my aggravation? Why exactly? If it's not going to be productive then it's only being done as a self indulgence. 

Interesting perspective @yourstruly.   I would like to evolve to this point.  I'm not sure any RH has that in them though.  

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I don't like Crystal at all. I saw the episode where it all started and she came at Sutton weird right from the start trying to look cool or something when she said - please don't tell me you are the person that doesn't see color. She was rude to her from the get go and Sutton was trying to tell her she didn't mean anything negative with that statement at all. She was trying to let her know that she is not racist and that's what she meant by saying that. Crystal's a bitch. How many times did Sutton apologize to her and she sits there all sarcastic saying okay, okay, okay. Shut the fuck up already!! That was so annoying.  Crystal never apologized to Sutton for the way she was treating her every time she tried to make piece. I get her feeling  uncomfortable when Sutton walked in on her naked and I know Sutton is not a "peeping tom" like Crystal is trying to make her out to be. It's ridiculous. She keeps telling everyone it was "creepy" implying that Sutton did it on purpose just to see her naked.  She had no clue that she was! She's also two faced, telling Sutton that they will start over clean and make up but after she goes behind her back talking shit about her and adding shit and saying it was really creepy to anyone that would listen. She's the new one in the group and she picked Sutton out to start shit with hoping to have her diamond next season on the show by acting like a bitch. She seems bitchy and bugged alot and when she's with her kids she acts like she is always irritated and has no patience.  I know she was trying to let Sutton in on the joke and Sutton was paranoid thinking they're all talking about her so she did take it the wrong way. Its like Crystal wants this drama to keep going on so she will have a storyline. Now on to the next topic, I can't stand Vyle and Lisa Rinna. I knew they weren't going to annihilate Erika the way they did with Denise. You would think that stealing money from orphans and widow victims would be more of a reason to come at someone compared to what they thought Denise and Brandi did. I knew every single one would kiss Erica's ass like they always do. I could tell Erika was lying and I know that this is just a sham divorce trying to protect all her assets so nothing gets taken away. Her husband went from being the wonderful and supportive man that she will be with till the day they die to a selfish, cold,  uncaring man that she immediately has to divorce when he gets busted. I don't think she trusts any of the women to tell them the truth if it is all a fake divorce,  hell I wouldn't trust those two faced bitches either. The only ones I llike anymore are Garcelle, Sutton and Dorit. I used to not like Dorit when she first came on the show but I think she's shown herself to be a good friend to the others and she doesn't bug me anymore.  Erika used to be my favorite when she first came on the show but after season 10, seeing how she was acting and the things she was saying about Denise's daughter changed my view of her. As far as Sutton, it seems like she is a good and thoughtful friend to the other women and she is always bringing them gifts and goody bags and it does not bother me how she was upset that Crystal kept trying to act like she's racist and taking her words the wrong way. I would be mad too at Crystal too if she treated me like that . Especially being new to the show and not knowing Sutton at all. 

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I don't like Crystal at all. I saw the episode where it all started and she came at Sutton weird right from the start trying to look cool or something when she said - please don't tell me you are the person that doesn't see color. She was rude to her from the get go and Sutton was trying to tell her she didn't mean anything negative with that statement at all.

Sutton was the one who was initially rude by jumping into a conversation Crystal was having with Kyle, and trying to shut Crystal down by not letting her say anything.


How many times did Sutton apologize to her and she sits there all sarcastic saying okay, okay, okay. Shut the fuck up already!!

So Crystal should have said nothing at all during all those many times Sutton was apologizing? Would "Yes Mistress" have been better than "Ok"?


she picked Sutton out to start shit with

Again, Sutton was the one who started it all, not Crystal.

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16 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

I don't like Crystal at all. I saw the episode where it all started and she came at Sutton weird right from the start trying to look cool or something when she said - please don't tell me you are the person that doesn't see color. She was rude to her from the get go and Sutton was trying to tell her she didn't mean anything negative with that statement at all. She was trying to let her know that she is not racist and that's what she meant by saying that. Crystal's a bitch. How many times did Sutton apologize to her and she sits there all sarcastic saying okay, okay, okay. Shut the fuck up already!! That was so annoying.  Crystal never apologized to Sutton for the way she was treating her every time she tried to make piece. I get her feeling  uncomfortable when Sutton walked in on her naked and I know Sutton is not a "peeping tom" like Crystal is trying to make her out to be. It's ridiculous. She keeps telling everyone it was "creepy" implying that Sutton did it on purpose just to see her naked.  She had no clue that she was! She's also two faced, telling Sutton that they will start over clean and make up but after she goes behind her back talking shit about her and adding shit and saying it was really creepy to anyone that would listen. She's the new one in the group and she picked Sutton out to start shit with hoping to have her diamond next season on the show by acting like a bitch. She seems bitchy and bugged alot and when she's with her kids she acts like she is always irritated and has no patience.  I know she was trying to let Sutton in on the joke and Sutton was paranoid thinking they're all talking about her so she did take it the wrong way. Its like Crystal wants this drama to keep going on so she will have a storyline. Now on to the next topic, I can't stand Vyle and Lisa Rinna. I knew they weren't going to annihilate Erika the way they did with Denise. You would think that stealing money from orphans and widow victims would be more of a reason to come at someone compared to what they thought Denise and Brandi did. I knew every single one would kiss Erica's ass like they always do. I could tell Erika was lying and I know that this is just a sham divorce trying to protect all her assets so nothing gets taken away. Her husband went from being the wonderful and supportive man that she will be with till the day they die to a selfish, cold,  uncaring man that she immediately has to divorce when he gets busted. I don't think she trusts any of the women to tell them the truth if it is all a fake divorce,  hell I wouldn't trust those two faced bitches either. The only ones I llike anymore are Garcelle, Sutton and Dorit. I used to not like Dorit when she first came on the show but I think she's shown herself to be a good friend to the others and she doesn't bug me anymore.  Erika used to be my favorite when she first came on the show but after season 10, seeing how she was acting and the things she was saying about Denise's daughter changed my view of her. As far as Sutton, it seems like she is a good and thoughtful friend to the other women and she is always bringing them gifts and goody bags and it does not bother me how she was upset that Crystal kept trying to act like she's racist and taking her words the wrong way. I would be mad too at Crystal too if she treated me like that . Especially being new to the show and not knowing Sutton at all. 

I agree with everything, especially Crystal.  This young Wippersnapper comes on  and tries to ruin someone’s reputation for a lousy storyline.  The girl is immature and mean.  I would have said my piece and never looked at her again, ever.  Crystal and Erika are mean girls.  Also, I hope Denice is thru with them all.  She was a STAR in movies, magazines, etc. and they had to knock her down.  Disgusting.  Jealously.

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52 minutes ago, ladyscorpio said:

When Crystal kept saying okay okay..... she was saying it sarcastically. She could've said I accept your apology and let's just start over and put this behind us. I do think Crystal is a bitch, that's my opinion of her. 

I’ll never forget one of my business teachers years and years ago telling the class to be nice to everyone whether they are somebody special or a bum on the street.  Crystal married a director or whatever, so she thinks her shit don’t stink.  She’s a snob, and think she has the right to be nasty to people like they are nobody, including Sutton who just has become rich.  She’s a young snot nose who thinks who she is.  I have a snob in my extended family who also thinks she could get away with Murder because her husband was a CEO of a very big company in Manhattan.  I say hello and goodbye.  She may be rolling in dough, but she has no manners.

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On 6/28/2021 at 10:15 AM, mytmo said:

So the whole THC intimate oil thing.  THC relaxes and numbs (thinking comfortly numb).  I would think you you would want those areas to be the opposite?  If only cocaine was safe and legal I would think that would work (wink wink).  Regardless I would be apt to place towels down wherever Erica sat.  

What is the purpose of wearing no panties?  No panty lines, or ready for a quicky?

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On 7/3/2021 at 4:28 PM, ladyscorpio said:

When Crystal kept saying okay okay..... she was saying it sarcastically. She could've said I accept your apology and let's just start over and put this behind us. I do think Crystal is a bitch, that's my opinion of her. 

I just feel like since it was about the 3rd time Sutton wanted to "talk to her", which meant explain Sutton in detail again for Crystal's edification, and Crystal was already over it.  Then add the face roller 😄

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On 6/23/2021 at 6:23 PM, Hangin Out said:

Erika is naturally pretty.  Lately, what’s with the dark eyebrows, heavy makeup and big lips.?  Not a good look as she thinks.  Rinna too.  The makeup, lips, hair and screaming and screeching has to go.  She’s not amusing and never was.  She was actually eating the dumplings.  First time I saw her actually eating.  They looked like perogies you buy in the store frozen and fry up in butter.  These tho were home made.

I remember plenty of times Erika chowed down with gusto on camera -- most recently the Lake Tahoe trip.  If you look at her upper thighs, you know that girl puts away a little food.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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On 6/23/2021 at 10:05 PM, Feech said:

Does Kyle think she is Zorro?

Speaking of Zorro, black leather came into my mind.  I’m remembering Kyle in black leather pants at one of Erika’s shows, when Kyle straddled Mauricio and started kissing him in his seat in front of everyone in the audience.  She was probably drunk and he was embarrassed.  Guess she couldn’t stand him looking at Erika doing her act.  Funny.  I just can’t forget that scene.  Neither can he I’ll bet.



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On 7/3/2021 at 5:02 AM, Hiyo said:

Sutton was the one who was initially rude by jumping into a conversation Crystal was having with Kyle, and trying to shut Crystal down by not letting her say anything.

So Crystal should have said nothing at all during all those many times Sutton was apologizing? Would "Yes Mistress" have been better than "Ok"?

Again, Sutton was the one who started it all, not Crystal.

Except that Crystal wasn't having a private convo with Kyle. She was sitting in a tiny circle with Kyle and Sutton. To expect Sutton to sit quietly and wait to speak until she is spoken to says more about Crystal than Sutton.

I have lots of conversations with 1 friend while out to lunch with 3 of them, and if one other jumps in and joins the talk I welcome it, not shun her for not knowing she isnt allowed to talk yet. Crystal isn't nearly as important or impressive as she thinks she is and should lighten up a bit. Like her or not, the only person who has uttered the words "I'm sorry" or "I apologize" has been Sutton, not Crystal. 

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She was sitting in a tiny circle with Kyle and Sutton. To expect Sutton to sit quietly and wait to speak until she is spoken to says more about Crystal than Sutton.

Except Crystal was addressing Kyle. Sutton jumping in and trying to shut down Crystal while she was talking to Kyle says more about Sutton than it does about Crystal.


and if one other jumps in and joins the talk I welcome it

The is a big difference between jumping into a conversation versus trying to shut it down.

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