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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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On 11/17/2019 at 3:59 PM, Jennifersdc said:

Haven’t watched this show in years. They lost me with Teresa’s BS years ago. You signed a ton of legal documents bitch. You absolutely knew what was going on. And then continued to lie about your assets up till the day of sentencing. Yet it’s all Caroline’s  “the rat” fault. Get the fuck out of here you stupid, unrepentant, narcissistic bitch. 

But definitely should read the Boards more frequently than I do. See a bunch of my friends here. Hi Fairy and Druzy! Good times!

Probably unpopular opinion - but I always enjoyed Juicy. IMO he was the most authentic one on the show (besides Caroline). I actually feel bad he got deported. But at least it got him away from his cunt wife (his words from the vineyard). He should divorce her, so he can claim 1/2 their assets (not a divorce lawyer). And I think he looks terrible losing all that weight. 

But he has no respect for the US law given his fraud conviction and his 8,000 driving violations. Not to mention him getting a new license using his brother’s ID. 

Tell us how you really feel my friend! 

I totally understand where you are coming from. Besides the very illegal activity Joe fits right in with the guys in my own family. We even had pizza shops. And construction companies to name a few, but we are all US citizens that pay taxes;) Tre's Dad? Yup...We have those too. I know Juicy is a dirty dog but I still laugh with him at a distance. I'm used to his kind of humor and meathead personality. Tre pisses me off though. That's where the women in my family are very different. We aint signing SHIT! If my husband told me to sign something...Oh fuck no...I don't know what you're up too, but if you are stupid...You do stupid. Alone. 

Saw a lot of pics of Joe Sr. in Italy. He looked like he had a good time. He went before Tre and the girls. I'm sure he is mad a him but he loves him too. It's complicated. Worries me that he is ill again. I wanna send him a Casatta cake!    

Edited by FairyDusted
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I saw the alert come across my phone (from TMZ - yeah, I know but when it's something major they seems to get the scoop - they had the first reports when Michael Jackson had passed plus others reports).

Anyhow I was like ehhh, slow news day?  Like who didn't see this coming?

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6 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

I saw the alert come across my phone (from TMZ - yeah, I know but when it's something major they seems to get the scoop - they had the first reports when Michael Jackson had passed plus others reports).

Anyhow I was like ehhh, slow news day?  Like who didn't see this coming?

Too bad we all didn’t do a pool - one of us may have won $20 🤣😜

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On 12/17/2019 at 4:05 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

I don't understand why not go ahead an file no-fault and be done with it. what is there to contest? Good luck in getting Juicy to pay child support. Let hope Tre doesn't have to pay for Juicy to "live the life he is accustomed to" (prior to prison)  over in Italy.

 sounds like a separation is another way to drag it out and run up legal fees.

Edited by sATL
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8 minutes ago, sATL said:

I don't understand why not go ahead an file no-fault and be done with it. what is there to contest? Good luck in getting Juicy to pay child support. sounds like a separation is another way to drag it out and run up legal fees.

No one is contesting anything, neither has even filed.

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I don't know that I understand this statement.  They say there are no plans for divorce.  It's not an actual legal separation. They were already separated anyway.  What has changed?  Did they basically just each give each other their blessing to go out and screw other people?  

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On 12/22/2019 at 3:33 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yes, he's good looking, but clearly a mentally ill fame whore.  Because Teresa.


Not much to the story, just "blah blah, just friends, blah blah".  So I didn't post the link.

In that first pic he's probably on  the phone with Radar Online.

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On 12/23/2019 at 11:24 AM, SongbirdHollow said:

Didn't someone mock Teresa early on because she didn't have a pool? They went to the shore instead? Why does she have a pool guy?

He built her a pool last spring/summer.

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I never thought he'd be on social media. He didn't even do THs until Teresa was on her way to college for criminals. Motivational Instagram Juicy I truly never saw coming. There has to be a motive?


Then again I also never expected he'd lose weight and end up looking like a future version of The Situation but here we are.

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Haven’t watched in years but have always managed to keep up with what’s going on with the old timers.  I just can’t deal with the stupidity of Theresa and her family. 
I recently read Theresa say Milania has been so upset about Joe being out of the home she lost 40 pounds. Imagine my surprise when I listened to Heather McDonalds podcast today with special guest, Jenn (she is married to a plastic surgeon and recently had a tummy tuck?). 
Jenn discussed having lost weight before having surgery. She reported going on the same diet Theresa put Milania on. It’s a home delivery diet program.  
I was stunned. Again, Theresa wanting to pull at heartstrings over her four beautiful daughters. What a nasty woman.

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I thought Milania took it the hardest with Joe in prison, having difficulties in school and gaining weight.  She went to a therapist and began a workout/nutrition program to help her feel better about herself.  Now she's doing much better in school and seems much happier.

Edited by SoCal4Us
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Eh, they're getting divorced or at least are separated.  Why is it a problem if he is having fun with other women? Did Teresa and the girls think he'd live like a hermit from now on?

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I cannot help but laugh every time Teresa and the girls go on and on about Daddy Joe (gasp) 'being DEPORTED"!!! Family drama and meltdowns - while Daddy's in jail - I understand and fully empathize with. But being deported to one of the most beautiful countries in the world (at half New York's cost of living) is hardly a situation worth wailing about. Joe repeatedly ignored his parents' and wife's requests to become a USA citizen. He went on to break the law, was convicted, and has now paid his dues. So when Teresa and the girls complain how 'unfair America's treatment of Joe is', I wonder if they even see what we are viewing? 

Furthermore, the best place for this misogynistic, vertically-challenged man (carrying a BIG chip on his shoulder) is far away from the family he publicly humiliated and disrespected. Delores et el can explain all they want that these behaviours are "an Italian thing", but a family consisting of impressionable 'women' does NOT need to be taught that 'good' Italian women should be doormats, who keep quiet and remain perpetual victims.

Teresa successfully pulled her family out of the financial gutter, and doesn't even get any respect for her efforts. I don't even recall her complaining an eighth as much as Joe has about being incarcerated.

I think we can all agree that Joe expects Teresa to finance his new European lifestyle, because he considers any $$ in the bank as rightfully his. He refuses to admit that any earnings he may have once earned are long gone, and Teresa's been the breadwinner while he was out cheating and looking for $$ shortcuts that don't actually require him to work. 

She really needs to end this toxic relationship and move on so she can (hopefully) finally find love and with a man who will love her unconditionally and make her finally feel validated.

I will say something good about Joe... Jail did him (and his body) good. He looks slim, trim and younger. Stay away from that booze Joe - it ages you.

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On 1/11/2020 at 6:01 PM, SoCal4Us said:

I thought Milania took it the hardest with Joe in prison

I also felt she took it the hardest, but I also feel it was an important event in her maturing. I found Milania to be a hard character to warm up to because she behaved horrible. She was rude, demanding, spoiled and would flip out if things were done her way, on her time line. When she realized that all the meltdowns, crying jags, etc. in the world were not going to change the court's mind nor sentencing, she learned that there are "real" consequences to our actions - not just fake ones for television. Listening to her phone conversations with her Dad were enlightening because we all got a glimpse of her 'growing up'. She did have a mini set back when she complained that Joe's deportation was "not fair!" but she rebounded nicely. So many teachable moments for the girls on living life with no regrets (eg: Dad should have become a citizen since he was so proud of being American). Watch, now Joe will embrace being a full-on Italian, again. Joe, jail and now Italy was just what the doctor ordered for Milania and the girls.

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On 12/17/2019 at 2:27 PM, BrindaWalsh said:

I'm going to guess they have also already heard from the courts but havent announced it yet.  

I hope she's hidden away some rainy-day savings. You know if it were the other way around, he'd have several oversea accounts set up that Teresa would never know about. (Not that she's ever known much about anything.) 

On 12/17/2019 at 4:00 PM, Stats Queen said:

Nothing says “I learned from my financial scams that put me in prison for 4 years...

EXACTLY! 10,000 thumbs up for your post.

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On 12/22/2019 at 1:33 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Yes, he's good looking, but clearly a mentally ill fame whore.  Because Teresa.


Not much to the story, just "blah blah, just friends, blah blah".  So I didn't post the link.

Is this really "the pool guy"? If so, then he's a perfect guy to date because they went to high school together, and she was flirting with him during the whole appointment. When she asked him why they didn't go to Prom together, he was blushing, and then twice she mentioned how good-looking he was. That's when I wondered if she was doing a gradual "Tony... I want to show you off, I mean I want you to meet ALL MY FANS from my oh-so famous show." Let's see how they react to you...

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On 10/13/2019 at 5:04 PM, DeeplyShallow said:

 I guess that’s the answer. Save it for filming 🙄

Joe and Teresa are like cockroaches and/or bad odours - there's just no getting rid of them.

With regard to different comment re: them vs a murderer... I can hate a murderer, see him convicted and then put away. Sadly, we can never get back the one who was murdered. But there's a small level of satisfaction.

Then there's Joe and Teresa and our vitriol isn't understood? Ha, that's why these forums were built and are far more popular than the snark on a crime show.

Even with serving jail time, there's no getting away from these two dumb-asses. MY disgust with Teresa is her disinterest in being anything but ignorant, it's like she's proud of it. Despite the glimmers I see of Teresa being an amazing mom, she implies to her daughters that Joe's behaviour towards her is "normal" marriage. Yes, she's complaining more since he's in jail, but I still have PTSD from Joe's treatment of Teresa and other family members throughout the years. Appears too late for the girls, since they already blame Teresa for "making Joe so angry he belittles her". WTF?

So my vitriol for Joe is because his bad behaviour NEVER ends and his ignorance only grows. He never seems to learn from his mistakes, and is too busy pointing at EVERYONE else for being a shitty person and having a shitty attitude. We all want to see him get a clue, but he's so busy finding fault, he's too wrapped up in himself to offer a sincere apology to his entire family for his dick behaviour. 

I can't ever get over the things he has said and done to Teresa, and I can only assume she had Stockholm syndrome until he finally went away. So the vitriol will remain until he provides a satisfactory end to his "story."

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On 10/22/2019 at 4:16 PM, hisbunkie said:

 Joe sees himself as a true Good Ole Guido...he sees himself as smarter than the average Joe. 

Thank you! I couldn't find the words to explain how annoying and arrogant Joe G appears, and then I read the above. That's exactly the issue - he thinks he is smarter than any/everyone else. And he still does! Lastly, the fact that ANY of this family was whining about Joe's deportation "not being fair" is incredulous. Even Teresa's Dad kept nagging him to become a citizen, and Joe would just wave it off. These smart guys, y'know...?

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On 10/27/2019 at 4:13 PM, hisbunkie said:

It’s so unfair to think that not paying your bills, bilking banks and tradesmen (and women) is a victimless crime. 

Your comment reminded me of when I was 4 years old and I (with 5 siblings) had to get out of bed so men could take away my bunk bed, and other household furniture - lack of payment. My Dad had opened his own electrical company and his 5th client was a big contract! The guy needed complete wiring of two restaurants and a house to the tune/discounted of $35,000 (big bucks in the '70s). The people involved never paid him, even though the restaurants were open. Dragged it through court a couple of years, with nothing but lawyer's fees, and later they claimed bankruptcy. My father almost lost everything. He did close his business, and for 2 years he lost his dignity at not being able to take care of his family. He worked any job he could and we spent weekends looking for copper wire and bottles. Those type of 'people' hurt more victims than you realize.

Edited by Chalby
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On 11/4/2019 at 10:34 PM, Shellbell59 said:

Now he’s selling roses that won’t die!?! WTF???!!!

LOL - Imagine ordering some only to learn they're plastic. But hey, they won't die....

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I just saw the Super Bowl commercial that featured Teresa and Caroline flipping a table, I relished how insignificant Melissa must feel.  She will never have the star power to be asked to do this. Caroline has been off the show and almost completely out of the media for five years, and the market researchers (rightly) perceived her as more recognizable and remarkable than Teresa’s sister in law.

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I just saw the Super Bowl commercial that featured Teresa and Caroline flipping a table, I relished how insignificant Melissa must feel.  She will never have the star power to be asked to do this. Caroline has been off the show and almost completely out of the media for five years, and the market researchers (rightly) perceived her as more recognizable and remarkable than Teresa’s sister in law.

Maybe.  But when JLo took the stage I'm ashamed to say "huh, she really does look like Melissa Gorga" (then was rightly horrified).

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I just saw the Super Bowl commercial that featured Teresa and Caroline flipping a table, I relished how insignificant Melissa must feel.  She will never have the star power to be asked to do this. Caroline has been off the show and almost completely out of the media for five years, and the market researchers (rightly) perceived her as more recognizable and remarkable than Teresa’s sister in law.

As soon as the commercial started I was ready and waiting to see them.  Totally random they they were chosen to appear.  I thought it was charming.  

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33 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Maybe.  But when JLo took the stage I'm ashamed to say "huh, she really does look like Melissa Gorga" (then was rightly horrified).

I guess Melissa’s tagline is accurate after all then: “mirror, mirror on the wall, I don’t look forty at all.”  Right bitch, people think you look 50! 😆

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23 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Maybe.  But when JLo took the stage I'm ashamed to say "huh, she really does look like Melissa Gorga" (then was rightly horrified).


A few days ago Bravos/WWHL Twitter posted a clip of Melissa with the caption "JLO ready for the Superbowl " and the comments about Melissa's singing career did not disappoint. 


How much Baileys did Jacqueline consume warching the commercial.  There's no way she took that well.

Edited by Gigi43
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Last year I had to explain to my husband why I kept shouting Jovani while we were watching a college football bowl game. As soon as I said “The Real Housewives” he said okay.

We’re old and he got me a Nutribullet for Valentines Day and I got him an Instanpot. Even before we “opened” gifts, I kept talking about ingredientses that we would need to make things. He finally asked me why I was not saying ingredients properly and I started “On the real housewives” - he said okay .. I really still need to find clips of Teresa saying ingredientses and textets (not sure how to write how she says texts).

If he would only join me on my real housewives journey he would be even more entertained.... 

However, on the list of things I would like her to join me on - this is maybe a C priority 🤣🤣🤣

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I'm watching last nights episode of American Greed, a show I absolutely love, and Mike The Situation Sorrentino is the topic. This idiot didn't file taxes at all in 2011 when Jersey Shore was on air. I'm really going to need a Giudice episode now. Situation had tons of unreported cash from appearances. I wouldn't be surprised if the Giudice fraud house is being supported with money under the mattresses. 


What are the odds Gia's reading about today apparently being pardon day (including for Manzo friend Bernie Kerik) and is fuming/wanting to petition. I don't think Teresa actually wants Joe back in the country.


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