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The View: Week of 5/17/2021

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20 minutes ago, bannana said:

Yes, this made no sense. As usual. Sara was basically talking about doing physical things, like she has been known to do on various shows. When has MeAgain done anything physical. The most movement she makes is when she jerks her head back and forth like the valley girl she is. 


Exactly, Bannana.  For the life of me, I can't imagine who would be pitching tough things to the Princess. Maybe she's so dense she thought Sara was referring to subject matter and not segments that require actual physical exertion.  MeAgain sits on her ass for a living and doesn't do anything that requires her to exert herself unless you consider her obsession with continually holding on to her cell phone to post mean tweets and selfies as exertion.

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26 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

Every time she talks  I’d like someone to call her on who exactly politicized this entire pandemic….and spoiler alert it isnt who she always blames.  She’s just whiny all the time…is she ever happy?  Make up your mind Princess.  And, as everyone points out, it’s a mind set thing for those of us who have been wearing masks. It feels weird to not wear a mask.  The requirement to wear masks was to protect everyone…the approval to not wear them is a different thing and a comfort level thing…two totally different situations.  I’m sure that’s too difficult to understand for her. Can’t ABC at least find a smart thoughtful conservative…instead of what we have? (Someone like Ana?) 

and today…she was extremely rude to joy and extremely smug about her credentials and the screaming at joy for asking a reasonable question?  The rest aren’t screaming at Princess for saying her daily diatribe against Dems and Biden..but god forbid we question  on anything she says or ask about her tribe.  Because what…she grew up in politics, she knows lots of people in politics, MyFather, etc?  Doesn’t qualify you for anything Princess.  Really can’t take it can she.  And I’ll bet she’s not required to apologize for the screaming outburst…because that was a lot more than a difference of opinion with Joy.  That was rude, snotty, hysterical and an attempt to demean Joy.  It’s time.

Meghan has everything in the world and she's miserable. Tbh, I don't find Ana as smart as everyone else here does, but at least she's funny and likable. 

I'm literally disgusted by how Meghan speaks to Joy. She shouldn't have to take that. I wish someone would give Joy some support. She's the First Lady of The View, a woman of a particular age, and much more smart and talented than Meghan. Princess has some dinosaur balls to disrespect her like she does. Being the spawn of MyFather means ZERO. 

An Ana I'd love to have on the show is Ana Kasparian. She's very intelligent, not impressed by MyFather and wouldn't hold back calling Meghan out. The rest are often intimidated, don't call her out on her lies, or kiss Meghan's ass because of her dad. She'd do none of it. 

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I didn't see the whole episode, but just based on the clip of the Matt Gaetz discussion, unbelievably this is going to be one of those rare times I don't think Meghan was as bad as most people reacting are saying.  Again, there may have been other parts of the show where she ramped the nonsense up.  But she's right she knows what's on the minds of Capitol Hill Republicans better than the others. She's probably right that the staffers don't like it.  And as funny, and ultimately deserved as it was in the long term, Joy definitely was just baiting her with the "what do we call them?" shtick.  

I never feel bad for Meghan, and this is no exception.  But she's been FAR more ridiculous than this on other days. 

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My take-away on the past few days episodes...

1. Monday - On the Bill Gates' story, Meganutz said it didn't surprise her that he was cheating on his wife. As she pointed out more than once ' if you have a  penis and power the man will have an affair. Any kind of power. That goes without saying.'  I actually agree with her. And I'm betting the FIRST Mrs. John McCain, Carol, would agree, as well. So check that smug smile at the door, Meganutz.

Please, Sara, must you feign interest and excitement over the crap that Greta Monaghan is trying to sell the audience ? You really are excited over that contraption for under your bedsheet  which will keep your feet cool at night ? Did you ask how much electricity that will eat up in a year, while you're drinking out of reusable straws,  Miss Eco-friendly Mom?

2. Tuesday - Speaking of Sara, she wants everyone to know that she's 43 and still very active and athletic. She's not sure why when she first started her family, she was offered only jobs which she was told to sit on the couch and be comfortable, and talk about mom stuff. She wants to do more than that !   Well, Sara, maybe you shouldn't have signed that contract with ABC where they stuck you on GMA to talk morning fluff, then bounced you to The View to while you try to keep up with the adults in politics but fit in better with morning fluff, then on to GMA3 to cackle with Strahan and Keke as you talked Mommy fluff, and back on 'The View' to do it all over again. (I'm starting to see a pattern here.)  Maybe you should have let them know you want to be a serious reporter, and have them fly you to the middle East this week to prove you're more than what they think you are.


Meganutz, Anna Nicole Smith wants her 1990s look back.


Whoopi should have closed the show with "So that's our bar-room brawl for the day, 'cause that's what we do. " Please don't refer to this as a 'show' anymore when Joy and Meganutz decide to go at each other - right into a commercial break -steamrolling over Sunny's legal note.

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2 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

My take-away on the past few days episodes...

1. Monday - On the Bill Gates' story, Meganutz said it didn't surprise her that he was cheating on his wife. As she pointed out more than once ' if you have a  penis and power the man will have an affair. Any kind of power. That goes without saying.'  I actually agree with her. And I'm betting the FIRST Mrs. John McCain, Carol, would agree, as well. So check that smug smile at the door, Meganutz.


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11 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

So Meghan says she knows lots of Republicans on Capitol Hill who are embarrassed about Gaetz. Ok. Then why aren't they speaking out?  That was the point Joy was making. Meghan's party continues to look the other way when their members do bad things.  

Because Meghan can't have a rational debate with anyone because the garbage she spews is so easily countered with facts and logic.  Two things she likes to discard if they don't fit her narrative. 

Exactly. You don't get credit for privately being on the right side. Speak out!!!

There are conservatives who are good debaters. Meghan's just not one of them. She turns a political discussion on a daytime talk show into a Real Housewives reunion. 

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13 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Speaking of Sara, she wants everyone to know that she's 43 and still very active and athletic. She's not sure why when she first started her family, she was offered only jobs which she was told to sit on the couch and be comfortable, and talk about mom stuff. She wants to do more than that !   Well, Sara, maybe you shouldn't have signed that contract with ABC where they stuck you on GMA to talk morning fluff, then bounced you to The View to while you try to keep up with the adults in politics but fit in better with morning fluff, then on to GMA3 to cackle with Strahan and Keke as you talked Mommy fluff, and back on 'The View' to do it all over again. (I'm starting to see a pattern here.)  Maybe you should have let them know you want to be a serious reporter, and have them fly you to the middle East this week to prove you're more than what they think you are.

I don't think that was what Sara was saying. I think she was saying once she had kids her bosses started treating her differently. They thought she wasn't able to do what she had done before kids.  And then of course Meghan has to chime in and say she isn't being treated differently even though she has a kid.  I swear she always has to counter everything Sara says.

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2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

I don't think that was what Sara was saying. I think she was saying once she had kids her bosses started treating her differently. They thought she wasn't able to do what she had done before kids.  And then of course Meghan has to chime in and say she isn't being treated differently even though she has a kid.  I swear she always has to counter everything Sara says.

Before Sarah had kids she was doing fluff on GMA, similar to what she's doing now. She was the weekend 'pop news anchor' for GMA, which is why ABC moved her to 'The View' to do the same fluff news (and why she drowns in political discussions). She started her family while on 'The View', as she bounced back and forth from GMA and The View since 2016. Not sure with what she meant they treated her differently when she held the same job duties.

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Just now, Haleth said:

News flash:  Meg announces her father is dead. (I’m with her that this is a very boring topic.)

OMG, when did he die ? Why has she kept it a secret for so long? I always wondered why she speaks so little of her father on the show.

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She’s bored with ‘parenting topics’.  She said this after the “I’m the Captain now” comment wasn’t met with the hilarious laughing response she expected.  Time to pout.  Does this creature have no redeeming qualities?  

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Another topic Meghan doesn’t want to talk about.  Grandparents.  If you’re bored with that topic, Meghan, wait until you see the rest of the show!  This John Stamos interview is painful.

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6 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Not sure with what she meant they treated her differently when she held the same job duties.

I like Sara, and it's inherently funny that MeAgain contradicts her no matter what, but when so many women complain that their companies don't properly or fairly account for having young children, she's gotta form and explain her thought here a liitle better where almost the opposite conclusion could be drawn. If she simply means she thinks she's getting shit assignments, that's something, but the word "treated" is pretty vague. 

8 minutes ago, GladysCravits said:

She’s bored with ‘parenting topics’.  She said this after the “I’m the Captain now” comment wasn’t met with the hilarious laughing response she expected.  Time to pout.  Does this creature have no redeeming qualities?  

People love seeing her humiliated? 

14 minutes ago, Haleth said:

News flash:  Meg announces her father is dead. (I’m with her that this is a very boring topic.)

Meghan had a father? 

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So far my favorite part of today's show was Joy talking about her grandchildren. And, after Whoopi got (bizarrely?) angry over Joy saying most grandparents are more permissive with children than their parents, Joy saying "I guess we all didn't read the story!" for why she and the others didn't know most of the details, lol.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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"Are you ready for a “hot vax summer”?!"

I just bought some more masks. I am preparing for a Dumb Ass Summer over here in this red state that never took the virus seriously. Great recap though!

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52 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

So far my favorite part of today's show was Joy talking about her grandchildren. And, after Whoopi got (bizarrely?) angry over Joy saying most grandparents are more permissive with children than their parents, Joy saying "I guess we all didn't read the story!" for why she and the others didn't know most of the details, lol.

Hmmm i don't recall that exchange at all.  Either i wasn't paying attention (which is 100% possible) or it was cut out here in MST.  Do they edit like that?  I'm more inclined to think that i just missed it

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24 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

I did not understand Nutmeg's weird declaration that she found parenting topics boring. I find it bizarre that a new mother would be so indifferent to a topic about parenting and children. 

Didn't Meghan say YESTERDAY that people should stop treating her as if she doesn't have a child?

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1 minute ago, geekburger said:

The comment about being bored with parenting topics was an indirect swipe at Sarah.

the ladies all get to pitch topics and it’s clear who does what and this one was a Sarah pitch.

Now it makes sense and her hatred of Sara is becoming pathological now.   I hope Sarah does not let it get her down because Nutmeg is very mean.

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

This John Stamos interview is painful.

Maybe but I did get a charge out of when he said he played with the Beach Boys in DC for a million people, not a Trump million! 😏

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1 hour ago, geekburger said:

The comment about being bored with parenting topics was an indirect swipe at Sarah.

the ladies all get to pitch topics and it’s clear who does what and this one was a Sarah pitch.

Oh, I don’t know. I thought the topic of grandparents doing an end run around parents was tedious.  (And I’m a new grandmother.). That’s more a topic for The Talk. 

Edited by Haleth
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1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

Now it makes sense and her hatred of Sara is becoming pathological now.   I hope Sarah does not let it get her down because Nutmeg is very mean.

Being mean to Sara is like being mean to a sweet, little puppy. Says a lot about Meghan. 

John Stamos was gorgeous in the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, and now the 20s. I think he's so hot, but a part of me is also jealous! 

I'm with him on YNB. She's perfect and needs to be a TV host. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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I usually take a bathroom break or go grab another coffee when Sara is talking when watching live. When I DVR the show, I FF right through Sara's responses. I find she brings very little to any conversation that's worth paying attention to these days.

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1 minute ago, babyhouseman said:

Talking about parenthood is boring to Meghan because it doesn't give her the same attention yammering about politics does. 

Good point. I've always thought moms deserve breaks and their own hobbies. I won't lie that it can be a bit annoying if every discussion goes back to parenting/motherhood. But even I think it really is weird how Meghan can't wait to party, have shots, go to Vegas. You have a beautiful little baby girl. The baby stage is so short and precious. Don't you want to soak it in as much as possible? 

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25 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

Talking about parenthood is boring to Meghan because it doesn't give her the same attention yammering about politics does. 

Funny how talking about parenting or even  her own child seems to bore her on the View but whenever People magazine does an interview with her she is always gushing about Liberty and being a new mom.

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I'm catching up with my reading from the Washington Post from yesterday and one of the article's headlines says, "Hot Vax Summer. Can it possibly live up to the hype?"

Isn't that the EXACT same thing Whoopi asked Meghan this morning? Where do I sign up to be a producer on The View?  Because I can plagiarize with the best of them and make the big bucks!

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The bored part didn't suprise me. She seems to only like to talk about politics and realhouswives,  her face lights up like a Christmas tree when rh is a topic. What I found strange was as she yammered about the topic, she said something like "my father is dead ,so this is uncomfortable (awkward?) . Huh? Where did that come from? Liberty has 3 other grandparents.  She really thinks shes the only person to lose a parent, smh.


Edited by Cozytea
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Thanks Joy for moving the conversation along after MM declares she had nothing to add because her dad is dead and parenting topics are boring.....  Joy is a Pro, MM....is not.

Also found it interesting that MM 1.  Has fans.  and 2.  One of her fans was a participant in the insurrection and 3.  Producers are still keeping the policy of not including MM in interviews that directly deal with race and racism.     

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22 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Thanks Joy for moving the conversation along after MM declares she had nothing to add because her dad is dead and parenting topics are boring.....  Joy is a Pro, MM....is not.

Also found it interesting that MM 1.  Has fans.  and 2.  One of her fans was a participant in the insurrection and 3.  Producers are still keeping the policy of not including MM in interviews that directly deal with race and racism.     

I thought the way she said her dad is dead was kind of harsh. I was surprised by her tone. I have no kids and would get bored if an entire show were about parenting. A segment though? Everyone I know has opinions on parenting. Meghan is a parent, has been parented, has a mother who's alive, in-laws/Liberty's other grandparents, has a gazillion friends who are parents (allegedly). She's got nothing at all to say about parenting? 

Honestly, I was expecting lots of jokes about that. When Meghan said it like, even a fan of mine could be crazy, can you guys believe that? I was like why yes Meghan, yes I can. 

I appreciate that they don't include Meghan. She's someone who needs to be educated on maters of race and racism. It's enough we have to deal with her discussing politics. 

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7 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:
35 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Thanks Joy for moving the conversation along after MM declares she had nothing to add because her dad is dead and parenting topics are boring.....  Joy is a Pro, MM....is not.

Also found it interesting that MM 1.  Has fans.  and 2.  One of her fans was a participant in the insurrection and 3.  Producers are still keeping the policy of not including MM in interviews that directly deal with race and racism.     


I thought the way she said her dad is dead was kind of harsh.

It was way harsh, Ty. My jaw kind of dropped and I was momentarily stunned then, I remembered it was Meghan and everyone was focused on talking about something else then I realized spitting out "My father is dead!" is straight out of the Me-Again playbook now listed under Last Resorts.

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John Stamos is adorbs!!  I loved him when he was Blackie on General Hospital.  And I thought it was hilarious that he poked at them about how they’re getting along - “ Joy, Meghan- you guys ok”. 😂😂. Joy wanted to give him the Italian chin salute, and Me -AGAIN tried to act like  “we all love each other”. Too funny.    Joy was in on his joke- she would totally do that to someone else. 

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11 hours ago, ForumLou said:

Hmmm i don't recall that exchange at all.  Either i wasn't paying attention (which is 100% possible) or it was cut out here in MST.  Do they edit like that?  I'm more inclined to think that i just missed it

It was at the very end of the segment. Whoopi said Joy was painting grandparents with a broad brush and then pointed out some details about the story that the others didn't seem aware about. Joy responded about not having read the actual story as they were zooming to commercial. They usually use these kinds of fluff topics as a vague starting point for them to talk in a more general way. I'm surprised Whoopi actually did read the story herself, that's not like her at all!

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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As much as I disliked the topic I’m going to comment anyway. There is no way control freak Sunny would allow her mother to plan a trip for the kids without her permission. She’d be furious. 

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18 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

I usually take a bathroom break or go grab another coffee when Sara is talking when watching live. When I DVR the show, I FF right through Sara's responses. I find she brings very little to any conversation that's worth paying attention to these days.

But if you FF thru Sara's responses, how do you know what she's saying has/doesn't have value?

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

As much as I disliked the topic I’m going to comment anyway. There is no way control freak Sunny would allow her mother to plan a trip for the kids without her permission. She’d be furious. 

I can see it from both angles.  When my son was younger his grandmother (my mother) would often try to overstep the boundaries.  Now that my own son has a child I do my best to not overstep the boundaries.   My granddaughter is 8 and whenever I want to do something with her I ask her parents first. I wish the story would have had more information. It was said the grandmother asked her daughter first and she didn't respond then she asked again including the grandkids on the text.  How long was it between the non response and the next text?  Five minutes? A day? A week?  Here is an idea, pick up the phone and call your daughter.

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Whoopi’s response for unvaccinated people mewling about “discrimination” if there are vaccine passports was perfect: “Then get a damn shot!” Joy is right too, it’s not that complicated.

I share Sunny’s frustration that there actually have to be bribes/incentives for some people to get vaccinated.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Umm, Meghan?  You have a turd snake on your head.  Also, shut up!  Once again, Joy can't finish a sentence because of the Meghan yammering.

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As usual, Joy is not allowed to finish her thought before being interrupted. What a liar McCain is, she knows very well "owning the libs" has a lot to do with this. That mentality is the same reason she's been politicizing the pandemic nonstop.

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